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    File :1226843543.jpg-(24 KB, 630x293, CirclePeople-filtered.jpg)
    24 KB Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)08:52:23 No.2146200  
    Which would you say is the most racist nation on Earth?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)08:53:13 No.2146204
    China. Glolious histoly leads to supelioul sraves.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)08:54:34 No.2146211
    China or the muslim world.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)08:54:35 No.2146212
    japan is pretty racist compared to say, south africa
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)08:54:37 No.2146213
    japan. they hate everyone that isn't japanese.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)08:54:42 No.2146215
    El Salvadorians. They're not the most racist, but they're the last people who should ever have a shred of a superiority complex. Be proud that people mistake you for Mexicans, you pale piles of fail.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)08:55:38 No.2146224
    The Spanish are still pretty backwards.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)08:55:38 No.2146225
    denmark. no contest.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)08:56:13 No.2146231
    Israel. Definitely those guys. Think about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)08:56:59 No.2146233

    lol y u so smrt.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)08:58:29 No.2146246
    I'd have to say the United States, Canada, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand.

    All these nations were built on the basis of White people murdering all the natives and taking over. At least Europeans own their land, but the others are pig disgusting invaders.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)08:58:52 No.2146247
    Xenophobia != racism. I don't believe Japan ideologically hates foreigners; but rather that its blind pride refuses to completely accept the influence of foreign entities on their own government. They would not wage war to remove the earth of the lesser breeds unless those lesser breeds were infringing on their autonomy.

    South Africa's pretty damn racist, but I'm sure there's a better example.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)08:59:13 No.2146248
    jews will at least take money from everyone. the japanese post signs in front of their businesses, telling non-japanese to get out.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)08:59:29 No.2146251
    Japan, by far, it's a fucking racist nation
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)08:59:47 No.2146253
    actually europeans were invading each other long before they went elsewhere. goes all the way back to mesopatamia if u wanna be exact
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)08:59:54 No.2146255
    But isn't that religious, not racial?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:00:47 No.2146260
    Tojo would like a word with you.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:00:49 No.2146261

    You are a fucking idiot. Take a guess what nations began the colonization of places like America and Canada.


    Europe is more racist than anywhere else on the planet. If you read someone like Bhabha or Aime Cesare, you'll begin to realize just exactly how fucking racist European colonization was.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:01:30 No.2146264
    also japans low interest rates resulted in the carry trade which led to iceland being so over leveraged it had to get a bailout. not that anyone understands that but anyway
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:02:16 No.2146268
    I'm a Finnfag, we didn't colonize anybody... fail
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:02:44 No.2146272
    Did Tojo send people en mass to concentration camps to be tortured and mass murdered? No. His empire was about raising power. A completely different subject
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:03:02 No.2146277
    Death to isreal
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:04:16 No.2146281
    What do you think Japan was going to do after their "co-prosperity sphere" was successful?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:06:20 No.2146290
    Well you're sort of right there, but Australia was basically Britain's big prison, so everyone from there is just descended from convicts.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:06:23 No.2146291
    Haha, are you people 12 or something, African nations are by far the most racist
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:07:27 No.2146295
    This isn't a question of what countries WERE most racist. It's what countries ARE most racist.

    In the western world there is HUGE propoganda against racism.

    Japanese think of themselves as superior, and blatantly portray southeast asians as stinky niggers. Chinese are probably pretty racist too, but I don't read comic books from china.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:10:00 No.2146308
    France, they really hate the sandniggers.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:10:34 No.2146313
    >Did Tojo send people en mass to concentration camps to be tortured and mass murdered?
    Yes he did.

    Learn some fucking history you stupid shitstain. Never heard of the Nanjing Massacre? Unit 731?
    The Japanese were the most sadistic and cruel of all Axis nations.

    >Special Japanese military units conducted experiments on civilians and POWs in China. One of the most infamous was Unit 731. Victims were subjected to vivisection without anesthesia, amputations, and were used to test biological weapons, among other experiments. Anesthesia was not used because it was considered to affect results.

    >To determine the treatment of frostbite, prisoners were taken outside in freezing weather and left with exposed arms, periodically drenched with water until frozen solid. The arm was later amputated; the doctor would repeat the process on the victim's upper arm to the shoulder. After both arms were gone, the doctors moved on to the legs until only a head and torso remained. The victim was then used for plague and pathogens experiments.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:10:53 No.2146316
    Why has nobody suggested North Korea yet?
    >> Jim !NAZi1Dbdps 11/16/08(Sun)09:11:22 No.2146319

    In the West we have had to rid ourselves of racism in the name of national unity. We (especially in America) have a wide variety of races and various cultures, so racism would just tear apart our nation. The same is not true in a country like Japan which is far more homogeneous. In their case, xenophobia and racism is beneficial because it discourages other cultures from invading and taking over.

    I'm not justifying it, I think racism is bad in all of its forms, but there are cultural and historical reasons why Asians have embraced racism and continue to do so. Eventually I think globalization will force them to abandon it, just as it did to us Westerners.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:11:37 No.2146321
    I'm not particularly prepared to defend my position too thoroughly (I have neither the specific knowledge nor the certainty), but it seems rather indirect to take a military expansion to be overly ideological regardless of rhetoric. What little I know about the pre-westernized Japan (and it IS very little) points to Japanese expansion isolation to be a matter of a sort of patriotic (so to speak) pride and not of pseudo-religious beliefs of inferiority.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:12:07 No.2146326
    do north korea even know other races exist?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:13:50 No.2146334
    That does not sound at all like the concentration camps of nazi-Germany. A complete disregard for enemy rights and ethics is not the same as wanton genocide.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:14:09 No.2146336
    South Africa +1
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:18:04 No.2146364
    Try reading the links before you make more inane comments, idiot.

    >R. J. Rummel, a professor of political science at the University of Hawaii, states that between 1937 and 1945, the Japanese military murdered from nearly 3,000,000 to over 10,000,000 people, most probably 6,000,000 Chinese, Indonesians, Koreans, Filipinos, and Indochinese, among others, including Western prisoners of war. This democide was due to a morally bankrupt political and military strategy, military expediency and custom, and national culture."

    >According to Rummel, in China alone, during 1937-45, approximately 3.9 million Chinese were killed, mostly civilians, as a direct result of the Japanese operations and 10.2 millions in the course of the war.

    >The most infamous incident during this period was the Nanking Massacre of 1937-38, when, according to the findings of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, the Japanese Army massacred as many as 200,000 civilians and prisoners of war, although the accepted figure is somewhere in the hundreds of thousands. A similar crime was the Changjiao massacre. In Southeast Asia, the Manila massacre, resulted in the deaths of 100,000 civilians in the Philippines and in the Sook Ching massacre, between 25,000 and 50,000 ethnic Chinese in Singapore were taken to beaches and massacred. There were numerous other massacres of civilians e.g. the Kalagong massacre.

    >Historian Mitsuyoshi Himeta reports that a "Three Alls Policy" (Sanko Sakusen) was implemented in China from 1942 to 1945 and was in itself responsible for the deaths of "more than 2.7 million" Chinese civilians. This scorched earth strategy, sanctioned by Hirohito himself, directed Japanese forces to "Kill All, Burn All, and Loot All."

    >Biological weapons of cholera, anthrax, and plague were estimated to have killed around 200,000 Chinese civilians
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:18:19 No.2146366
    Russia is getting pretty racist. Of course, with their birth rate they need to get that way fast to survive.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:19:03 No.2146372
    I just thought of Asian on black sex.

    Am I racist?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:20:06 No.2146377
    that happened more than a century ago, not today.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:20:35 No.2146378
    If you didn't choose South Africa, you need to watch the news.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:22:44 No.2146391

    And the FIFA World Cup is going to take place there. It will be a beautiful gore festival.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:22:55 No.2146393
    What, you talking about the anti-foreigner riots?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:24:59 No.2146409
    Certain African nations are the most racist, but in the developed nations it would be either China or America I'd say. Not too sure on what Japan is like as a nation.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:25:43 No.2146416
    China isn't developed.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:26:51 No.2146425

    Anti foreigner riots? Is that what they call it now?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:28:22 No.2146434

    > The same is not true in a country like Japan which is far more homogeneous. In their case, xenophobia and racism is beneficial.

    No wonder they're so ronery.

    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:29:59 No.2146441
    Finland. Especially considering there aren't even many non-caucasians here and we already hate them and want to kick them out of the country. ( by "we" I mean the dumb (what seems like) mayority in Finland. )
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:30:13 No.2146443
    A guy I talk to who lived in Japan for 5 years (he is also Japanese) says tons of murders happen everyday and the Japanese media always blames it on foreigners.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:30:46 No.2146449
    I take your Japan, and raise you one Rwanda, one Sudan and one Zimbabwe. Japanese may be racist assholes, but they haven't done any actual ethnic cleansing in decades...
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:31:32 No.2146454
    Russia is pretty fucking racist
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:34:38 No.2146473

    >Europe is more racist
    >European colonization was



    When I was 4 I wet the bed. I can't believe how much of a bedwetter I am.

    Racism has been all but replaced by classism in the Western world. I say this as a wealthy (or at least upper middle class) black guy. I experience only very isolated racism here or in Europe. But, my friends talk shit about and admittedly are sometimes guilty of prejudging kids that look like they are from the ghetto, white or black.

    I didn't really experience racism anywhere when I was in Japan, China, North Africa, or the Muslim Middle East either. People were just very interested in my story. I'd get ignorant questions like do you know Puff Daddy or Kobe Bryant or something but people were always affable.

    The worst racism I've ever experienced? Israel.

    I had four different orthodoxes on four separate occasions look at me, spit on the ground, and keep going. They passed by other American tourists to get to me & passed through even more to leave.

    That is the most backwards country in the entire world bar none. Honestly, I think Zimbabwe and North Korea have more redeeming qualities than that shithole. I mean sure, their governments are worse but at least the people themselves don't have this ridiculous sense of entitlement.

    I don't mind Jews, I live in NY and have many Jewish friends and a Jewish ex girlfriend, but something about that country changes normal people into bigoted backwards thinking morons.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:36:43 No.2146480

    >>2146473 here

    Not really. I have many good friends who emigrated from Russia and the former satellites who love black people. Like, literally love them.

    When they knew we hung out in the same circles they made a point to be friends with me just because I was black.

    If people are racist there, it's just the old and aging.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:39:39 No.2146490
    Neo-nazism is pretty fucking popular in Russia, say about 5% of the population. It's not much, but it's high by modern standards. Which is pretty fucking ironic, considering Nazis saw slavs as an inferior "race" and wanted to murder pretty much all of them.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:41:03 No.2146498
    lol... I just realized I used the word "pretty" three times in that post. There's something wrong with me.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:41:24 No.2146501

    5%? You're having a laugh.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:45:39 No.2146518
    >The number of Russian neo-Nazis is estimated at 50,000 to 70,000, "half of the world's total."[5][4]. The director of the Human Rights Bureau, Alexander Brod, stated that surveys show xenophobia and other racist expressions affect 50 percent of Russians.[6]

    Ok, while not even near 5% it's still more than in any other country
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:45:59 No.2146521

    Ricky Gervais? Fuck.

    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:46:00 No.2146522
    I guess we'll never know because the facist "National-Bolchevik Party" was banned a couple of years ago. That hasn't stopped them from making rallies, though.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:46:15 No.2146523
    Russia. They pretty much hate anybody who's not Russian, especially they hate Ukrainians and Caucasians. And i fucking hate Russians, by the way. The most fucked up ethnicity on the fucking planet.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:46:22 No.2146524
    Oh yes I agree, Muslims are so racist that Europeans and Americans tend to immigrate to the UAE
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:47:34 No.2146531
    That's pretty goddamn racist if you ask me.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:49:05 No.2146536

    >> PENIS 11/16/08(Sun)09:51:47 No.2146547

    they glorified an racist politician when he died.....damn nazis, never learn from history
    >> PENIS 11/16/08(Sun)09:55:16 No.2146564
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:56:14 No.2146570
    Among english speaking whites, australians are probably the most racist who still have their own country. GBR will be the most racist in the future.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:58:11 No.2146577
    It's pretty funny how there's a huge amount of people in english-speaking countries obsessed with Japanese culture, when the fact is that most of the Japanese would hate you.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:59:10 No.2146579
    japs, kikes
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)09:59:44 No.2146583
    I agree, whitey needs to go back to Europe
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)10:01:09 No.2146589
    >I have many good friends who emigrated from Russia who love black people

    >love black people
    >emigrated from Russia

    I think I have found the reason they emigrated
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)10:02:21 No.2146594
    All the few decent Russians have emigrated. The rest of them are all batshit insane.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)10:04:02 No.2146600
    fool, everyone invaded somewhere at some point in history. All the populated land has changed hands at some time in history. No one 'owns' any of it. I'm not saying it was right for 'americans' to invade and take over america, but most of the invaders came from europe.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)10:05:36 No.2146610
    every nation is racist.

    the amount it influences policy and how it affects day-to-day life is what people should be focusing on.

    bitterness and racism has torn South Africa asunder, but i'm just jaded because i've been.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)10:08:21 No.2146630
    I've never thought of it that way

    My mind has been blown! Should've thought about this back in high school history classes
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)10:10:29 No.2146645
    protip: countries that are highly homogenous are not immune from being racist.

    and having a homogenous society is ONLY an advantage when racism exists.

    so, racist homogenous nations are successful.
    racist heterogenous nations are buckets of fail.
    non-racist heterogenous nations are successful.

    ideologically i feel xenophobic yet largely mono-ethnic nations are just temporarily avoiding the truth: that we are all humans and we need to get along, for everybody's sake.

    racism has no purpose. it's only goal is destructive. there is no static 'culture' to be protected, only your own ignorance to be dispelled.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)10:15:53 No.2146675

    i also feel no land is owned.

    but rather than looking into history, which as you rightly claim doesn't really help anyway, i feel it more valuable to actually consider humans themselves.

    we are all people, born RANDOMLY into a world we have had no control over and SHAPED by the world we are born into. there is no innate goodness or badness beyond how you respond to that.

    a nation cannot be 'bad' nor 'good', and hence can be seen as 'owning' or 'not owning' land. it is merely the current structure of things.

    hence, within reason, nationalism and patriotism are idiotic in the extreme for their gross ignorance of the subjective state of mankind justified by some fabricated idea of state 'identity', the notion of 'we' when there is none, and racism is an extension of that.

    wait, what were we talking about?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)10:22:22 No.2146716
    Iraq, Iran, Afgh- NO! EVERY MUSLIM NATION!

    Think about it!

    These rag heads are strapping bombs on their chests - nay their CHILDRENS chests - and blowing themselves to hell just to get away from the words infidels.
    >> Pizza !rWNBkCs4.2 11/16/08(Sun)10:23:07 No.2146721
    Japan or the deep south in america.

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