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!SHjzCSZsqE 11/16/08(Sun)03:32:21 No.21439665) "it has nothing to do with you. stay out of other people's privacy."
everyone were to follow this idea, then we would not have any security
in our nation at all. if everyone just "stayed out of people's
privacy," children would be molested, women would be raped in their
homes, and people would kill each other and no one could do anything to
stop it. we would have no security, no police force, nothing. should we
stay out of someone's privacy' when they film child pornography in
their basement? should we stay out of a man's 'privacy' as he beats his
wife in their bedroom? should we stay out of a woman's 'privacy' as she
goes to have her child intentionally torn limb from limb?
6) "if it is illegal, then women will die in illegal abortions."
advocates are flat-out lying when saying thousands of women died each
year from illegal abortions and their own research proves it: in 1986,
the AGI (allen guttmacher institute, the research arm of planned
parenthood) gave proof that shows in the fifteen years before abortion
was legal, the average number of women dying from illegal abortion in
america was 136 per year and falling. remember: pro-lifers don't
perform abortions. if we made abortion illegal right now, and illegal
abortionists came about in the next few days, each one of them would be
pro-choice. think about it: any woman that ever died or was hurt during
an abortion, legal or not, it was because of someone who was pro-choice. basically,
the abortion industry tells us, "if you make abortion illegal, women
will end up dying because of it." but what in reality they're saying,
"if you make it illegal for us to kill babies, then we'll start killing
women." |