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    41 KB Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:08:20 No.2143291  
    I went outside today. I talked to hobos, traded phone numbers with some cool people, watched fellows run about doing their daily thing. I posted here about it, all I can remember is that tripfag scotfag wasn't lying about that little pub, I didn't go in, but it looked swell.

    I live in Salt Lake City. In a week, Saturday the 22nd, I am going to be waiting at the North Gate to the Mormon Temple Square. There will be snacks. I want to go hang out with some Robots, just go eat somewhere, walk around, get on the train and get off if we see something interesting. Most of us never leave our house, myself included; this forcing myself to go walk a half hour to the train station, ride it to the city, and walk around was grand.

    I propose, my lu/r9k/ers, that we all do this. Not everyone lives in Salt Lake of course, so I am making a call to all Robots: Get off your couch, and post ITT a Caturday for other Anons to meet at some large wellknown location in your area. I'm not a Momo but their temple is the center of the city, so we can meet there easily.

    North Gate of Momo Temple, Salt Lake City
    4:00 to 4:20, Saturday 22nd
    Be there.

    Robots, ITT post if you are in/near a major city and do nothing irl with your life, and pick a location to meet others. It is amazing just walking about alone, together we can have some fun and not totally sever our fetal ties that most people here hold to the Internet.

    PS: No masks or any of that faggot shit. Seriously. Just fucking come as yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:10:24 No.2143306
    Why the fuck would I want to meet people from r9k?

    I'd rather be alone.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:11:05 No.2143308
    God I would seriously do this if I lived in the area. I saw your thread the other day too. Post pics for proof?

    Also for people who would actually wanna do this, how do we find you?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:11:06 No.2143309

    Fuggin' agreed
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:13:14 No.2143330
    i am in new orleans, near magazine st. at louisiana, if you post a time and place, i will come there. but i may just laugh at you
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:16:25 No.2143361
    Pretty sure I saw this thread on /b/
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:17:13 No.2143371
    Shoot, I want to do this, but I don't want to be the one to set it up.

    I live in Miami, if anyone else does too, post!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:17:22 No.2143376
    I live all the way in connecticut.
    The chances of me coming down?

    I still would if I lived closer.
    >> sage 11/16/08(Sun)02:17:35 No.2143378

    love stonedchef
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:18:39 No.2143386
    Sadly I do not have pics, because my phone was being a dick and I don't have a real cam. Things I saw though:

    A crazy guy with a shopping cart of shit with lights, talking to himself
    A lady with a facial deformity that blew Chinchan out of the water
    Ate some nice fries at this place, gave half of them to hobos.
    Gave some people marshmellows, later gave bag to another hobo.
    Went a bookstore, went to a pizza place, was full so I gave the last piece to some hobos in exchange for info on why there were police and ambulance all over the other side of the road (some skater totally fucked up his leg it seems).
    Got stuck at the train stop because I didn't have cash for a ticket home, thought I could have used a card; met some fellows there who said that one can easily ride the train and not get caught, they rarely check, and told me how to cheat that system.
    Traded numbers with said people and got invited to this "party" one hears of/sees on TV. Should be interesting.

    Overall it was a lot of fun. Also there are lots of homeless people, they have fun stories. Oh yeah some guy on a train played a flute for me. People-watching is just fascinating as well.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:21:40 No.2143410
    fuck you, I'm the only Connecticut fag on /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:23:04 No.2143421
    Nice try, mormon, but I'm not falling for that. we show up for snacks, next thing we know some fagots in white shirts and black ties try to get me to buy their fruity world view.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:25:36 No.2143442
    Looks like we've got a group over there?
    >> !WHunBSqbjU 11/16/08(Sun)02:34:36 No.2143528
    I think I prefer doing this with /r9k/ than I would with /b/. Well, I'm in Las Vegas, NV if anyone's interested. (Salt Lake's a little out of my range)
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:36:08 No.2143547
    perhaps midnight snax?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:40:24 No.2143579
    Ugh I'm one of two /r9k/ers in McHenry County, IL.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:47:54 No.2143634

    Kane County, IL here. I AM ALL ALONE
    No one knows of Elburn. No one ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:50:22 No.2143648
    you are correct sir. i don't understand how such places continue to exist. i'll paypal you $5 if you send me a skunk
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:53:05 No.2143662
    Lol. Didn't you try this at 420? I suggest you stay here.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:53:40 No.2143666
    I am scared of who would turn up if I did that in my city. I worry it would be protest fags from /b/.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:54:01 No.2143669
    If anyone up for this lives in Hamilton, we should do this.
    >> #backwards colonel leslie "fap" fapablap !uQ.aNR5N2w 11/16/08(Sun)02:54:03 No.2143670

    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:54:32 No.2143673
    But I am an underaged ban but if I weren't I was a completely lonely faggot I guess this might interest me.

    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:56:47 No.2143692
    Auckland, New Zealand anyone?

    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)02:58:45 No.2143707
    I'm right near La Fox road. I at least have two train stations boxing me in.

    TWO. I've got that going for me.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)03:01:15 No.2143722
    SLC is the most slammin place I've come across for hanging out with strangers. I'm jealous because I'm in ausfailure now.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)03:04:08 No.2143734

    There's like three people online in New Zealand so I've probably already met you, but what up Auckland. I'm fucking bored.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)03:09:03 No.2143770
    What part of Auckland you in?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)03:15:34 No.2143829
    Where in auckland?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)03:18:41 No.2143857
    This is me [>>2143692]

    CBD is the only part to meet up of course.
    >> ­♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦speedycat♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ !PedoASKtvI 11/16/08(Sun)03:20:25 No.2143873
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)03:20:53 No.2143877
    ipswich/colchester area, UK

    im not a fruity hipster like the OP, it would just be interesting to meet a /r9k/ tard at a coffee shop in town before I do some shopping or some other shit, I don't mind a conversation either

    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)03:21:36 No.2143883
    It's not like we'd want to meet you if you lived anywhere else.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)03:58:25 No.2144199
    Yeah they'd be ok to hang out with from the ones I know.

    As long as you're not a total faggot it doesn't really matter, 17 or whatever; most of us have to use public transit anyways.

    If a bunch of faggots can show up to do some fucking protests, I'm certain we can have a few in all sorts of locations to just walk around and have fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/08(Sun)04:01:19 No.2144216
    If any of you faggots actually do this, make sure you report back and let us all know how boring, unenthusiastic, and socially retarded you thought everyone else was.

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