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    File :1226727384.png-(144 KB, 348x244, polly pocket.png)
    144 KB An example of where libertarianism would fail Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:36:24 No.2131821  
    Polly the kitten was rescued from teenagers that were kicking him around. The kitten required surgery to have his shoulder removed and now has 3 legs.


    If libertarians had their way, the government would be powerless to defend animals like Polly from abuse.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:39:09 No.2131842
    nice try troll

    >> feels good man ‮ nam doog sleef ‪‪‪‮‬‬ !FEELStM/Rs 11/15/08(Sat)00:39:12 No.2131843
    >>If libertarians had their way, the government would be powerless to defend animals like Polly from abuse.
    Sounds good to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:40:29 No.2131860
    Either way, the government doesn't have the power to defend anyone against anything. They can only do something after the fact.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:40:46 No.2131863
    Why the FUCK does the government have an obligation to care about kittens? Sure, they're cute, but protecting them from abuse by retarded teenagers seems to me to be a pretty clear example of something that should be left to the citizenry to handle themselves, free of outside interference, like marriage.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:41:11 No.2131867
    Even though this is a poor attempt at trolling, I'll just state that libertarians aren't inherently against animal rights. The government's purpose is to protect rights, including animal rights.

    There are some notable libertarian vegetarians, including Robert Nozick, who pretty much founded modern intellectual libertarianism, and in the same book gives an argument for animal rights.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 11/15/08(Sat)00:41:30 No.2131875
    Also, nobody would have gotten to the Moon, smallpox would still be around and America would never have created an army large enough to beat the Japs.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:42:51 No.2131887
    This is such a deliciously biased argument. Kudos to you OP.

    I would do one for children and conservatives, but I have homework to do. Carry on.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:44:45 No.2131905
    This thread is Fair and Balanced.
    All are allowed to argue their point.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:45:35 No.2131918

    This. Also, AWWWWWW IT'S A KITTY
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:46:08 No.2131922
    Social Libertarianism makes a lot of sense, and I think it's the part that people find most appealing. Basically that you should have the freedom to do whatever the fuck you want, as long as it doesn't harm others or prevent them from exercising the same freedom.

    Fiscal Libertarianism is utter failure actually WORSE than Capitalism, as it would engender corporate tyrannies answerable to no one.
    >> P3epe.tk !!o3dGqMjG/66 11/15/08(Sat)00:47:04 No.2131931
    I have zero compassion for people who brutalize animals. Police should just shoot them in sight.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:48:47 No.2131950
    Citizenry aren't allow to do shit to dumb teenagers. I can't tell you how often I have wanted to smack a kid across the face, and didn't because I didn't want to be sued or go to jail. Its a sad system, especially considering how weak willed most parents are these days.

    I'm saying to beat your kids, but beating animals to death should at least warrant a fucking time out. Fuck I hate parents these days.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 11/15/08(Sat)00:50:25 No.2131966
    this! unless the cat was rabid and trying to attack them they have no reason to beat up a kitten and should be tortured and put on a list for life so they can never get a job
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:51:50 No.2131979
    Of course the government should defend animals rights. Just like it should defend the rights of babies, retards, and other humans who have less than or equal to cognitive abilities of animals.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:54:53 No.2132006
    How come it doesn't say what happened to the teenagers? If the person who saw this probably just rescued the kitten without doing anything about the teens, then that doesn't make sense.
    >> P3epe.tk !!o3dGqMjG/66 11/15/08(Sat)01:01:06 No.2132068
    Would you employ someone who tortures animals? Fuck those retards, they should know that actions have consequences.

    Maybe they fled the crime scene I dunno
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:05:57 No.2132117
    Too bad they didn't arrest them, otherwise we could get /b/ to find out who they are and literally ruin their lives.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:08:04 No.2132135
    fuck you faggots. it's just a goddamn cat.
    and you want to kill someone? srsly, get a life.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:08:31 No.2132140
    By eating meat you increase the number of animals that live their whole lives in tiny cages. Many of them never see the light of day, are injected with chemicals, literally are forced to walk on and eat others of their species in the same cramped cage, and they live from birth to death in absolutely horrible conditions that they are completely unable physically or mentally to deal with. I eat meat all the time and I would not like these people either, but what's the difference between ordering but not eating a large piece of beef and then not eating it and torturing this cat to death? Your actions have similar consequences. If you only ate meat from animals that got to live freely or even if you just licked the bones dry then maybe I could see the difference.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:08:43 No.2132144
    If there's an arrest I'll get them to work on it, don't worry.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:11:23 No.2132175
    Disregarding OP's trolling, what sort of faggot would kick a cute little kitty? They should make hurting cats a crime punishable with public execution.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:12:11 No.2132181
    What. Since when does the government have to do with kitten saving. I could have walked up and saved the kitten myself and covered the expenses myself if I felt like it, just like whoever did in the video.

    I do not understand your troll argument.
    >> what 11/15/08(Sat)01:13:01 No.2132187
    Because the government ALSO doesn't allow you to beat the shit out of retarded teenagers.

    There are just some things people need to get fucked up for.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:13:22 No.2132194
    Cats feel pain as wel. It's not about AWWW POOR WITTLE KITTENS only, but rather the fact that only a sick sadist does that to an innocent creature. That kind of individual shouldn't be allowed to walk in society.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:18:32 No.2132235
         File :1226729912.jpg-(54 KB, 639x479, 1220301618026.jpg)
    54 KB
    Question to everyone: You're walking past a park, and you notice a couple of teenagers kicking a kitten around, you can hear the yelping cries. What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:19:05 No.2132241
    I'm all for an eye for an eye here. Do onto them what they did to the animal.
    I remember a movie where a kid takes his friend's dog and burns him alive just so he stops dating his sister. Sick shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:20:00 No.2132250
    Actually, it leave corporations directly answerable to the people. Exploiting your customers isn't a good long term business plan.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:21:37 No.2132262
    call the police so that the teenagers don't kick my ass

    I'm a girl, 5'1", 95 lbs
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:21:54 No.2132263
    I yell at them, and then threaten them. I'm fairly sure I could kick their asses if they're the kind of guys kick kittens.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:21:56 No.2132264
    I'd tell you in private...
    >> LS1 !!jkKjY2qv+p2 11/15/08(Sat)01:22:53 No.2132272
    This is silly. We don't know what that kitten did to deserve a kicking. Maybe it was kicking a hobo. Lets hold judgment until the kitten can be questioned.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:24:14 No.2132279
    Shit like this makes me fucking hate all teenagers
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:26:22 No.2132292
    I shove pine cones up their asses then make them run a marathon. Homey don't play that.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/15/08(Sat)01:29:50 No.2132328
    Do the right thing, call the police against these abusers.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:32:48 No.2132350
    i fuck their shit up. then i flee the scene of the crime, as i just assaulted some damn little kids.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:34:07 No.2132364
    It's just a cat. If Libertarians had their way grocery stores would use the dewey decimal system.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:37:00 No.2132392
    It sounds like you don't know what the fuck it even is, just that it's not Capitalism, which must mean that it's some form of Communism, which means that it's bad.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:38:23 No.2132410
    I'm afraid you missed the joke, good sir. It's a play on the similarity of the way Librarian and Libertarian sound.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:40:15 No.2132432
    I was terrible with animals as a kid. I kicked dogs, drowned cats, threw them to the dogs and threw stuff at them but I felt so fucking guilty about it. As I grew up I learned to control my impulses and treat animals with the love and respect they deserve. As a way to redeem myself, I bring cats from the street home.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:41:18 No.2132445
    My point is that animal abusers can find redemption, and giving them a criminal record or hurting them won't help.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:42:05 No.2132452
    If libertarians had their way, they'd sell our children's organs to zoos for meat! And they'd break into people's houses at night and wreck up the place!
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:42:23 No.2132455
    Fuck, you're right, I totally missed it. SAGE for myself.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:42:31 No.2132457
    If communists had their way that cat would be public property so anyone could do whatever they want to it.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:44:11 No.2132467
    You should kill yourself instead.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:44:26 No.2132468
    if bureaucrats had their way, the teenagers would have had to fill out lots of paperwork to kick the kitten around, and the kitten would have had to fill out lots of paperwork to get surgery.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:45:25 No.2132476
    Libertarians are some of the dumbest people on Earth.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:46:17 No.2132480
    Why? I made mistakes as a kid, I felt incredibly guilty for them and now I'm trying to do good, to make up for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:46:38 No.2132482
    If conservatives had their way, those teenagers would get a medal and the kitten would be sentenced to death for allowing itself to be beaten.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:46:43 No.2132483


    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 11/15/08(Sat)01:48:02 No.2132488
    >my impulses
    What are you a fucking serial killer in training ...you have the hurting animals down

    what normal people get these impulses?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:50:15 No.2132510

    Most forms of Libertarianism say that the government should only do things that are incapable of being done without the government.

    Ergo ....

    >>nobody would have gotten to the Moon
    1. Wow, going to the Moon sure did accomplish a lot ...
    2. We would get to the moon eventually, as evidenced by the recent increase in corporate space programs.

    >>smallpox would still be around
    The smallpox vaccine wasn't discovered by the government.

    >>America would never have created an army large enough to beat the Japs.
    This is one of the things that a Libertarian government WOULD still have power in, since there's no non-government solution to international war.
    >> Epic M203 Guy !!m1kzSud02ig 11/15/08(Sat)01:50:38 No.2132511
    Fuck animals.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:52:23 No.2132524

    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:52:33 No.2132526
    but without the moon launchings we wouldn't have had a cover for deploying our secret espionage satellites to help us win the cold war against the russians
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:52:37 No.2132527
    If democrats had their way, those kids would've been aborted years ago and never savagely beaten animals like Polly.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:53:48 No.2132537
    Once when I was a kid I took my cat with me on our trampoline, and jumped up and down with it. The cat hated it, and tried to get away, but I didn't give a shit. I just held him there and kept bouncing. A few bounces later he shit all over me and ran away, and I was left standing there covered in shit.

    I learned a valuable lesson that day.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:53:54 No.2132539
    If kittens had their way, they would beat up helpless teenagers.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:54:02 No.2132543
    That is such a guiltrip commercial.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:54:53 No.2132551

    To be honest, I'd probably kill them with my knife. It's not something I'm proud of, but at at least one point in my life I've realized that I could and quite probably would one day kill someone for things nobody else sees as worthy of capital punishment.

    I know this because the first thought in my mind when read this thread was that I'd like to flay them alive, force them to rape eachother at gunpoint, and then drown them in a vat of alcohol. My next thought was that I had an erection while thinking about this.


    If I was put into a room with you and told that my actions had no consequences, I would kill you. That's not internet tough guy bullshit, I mean that.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:55:19 No.2132554
    I don't know how to explain it properly. I just got this weird feeling when I was holding down a cat, it was like a game, but when it stopped breathing I felt so fucking guilty and scared.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:56:45 No.2132565
    I'm telling you I'VE CHANGED. I was a stupid kid, not a serial killer. FUCK.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:57:38 No.2132573
    Yeah, I guess OP is right.

    But people would have the free speech to tell anyone and everyone the identities of the people who did this to a cat.

    Also: I'm pretty sure that kind of shit doesn't happen too often.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:57:55 No.2132575
    The funny thing is, I bet every single one of you BAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWing faggots eats meat.

    You're just as guilty as this guy:
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:58:37 No.2132579
    Protip: They're trolling you.
    Kids do stupid shit, don't dwell on it.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:00:45 No.2132592
    A 10 year old who kills someone is very very rarely charged with murder. My actions as a kid don't define who I am today.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 11/15/08(Sat)02:01:07 No.2132595
    you see there is a subtle difference killing cute things are wrong and killing ugly animals for food is not also cute is subjective hence vegans
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:03:14 No.2132608
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:04:20 No.2132618

    The cat would have died but we would have had more money. How is that an example of libertarianism not working?
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 11/15/08(Sat)02:04:52 No.2132624
    Says the Monster
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:06:52 No.2132643
    Come on people, you can't debunk this:
    Yeah, it's a horrible thing to do to an animal but
    I did it
    And I changed
    It doesn't necessarily mean you'll become a serial killer, and you can grow out of it
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:07:02 No.2132645
    >>2132551 Here.

    If I saw a ten year old doing that I would kill it.
    I'm a vegan. I have thought about eating the flesh of my still living victims, though (I'm not kidding).
    >> >>2132551 11/15/08(Sat)02:09:18 No.2132664
    Fine, I would kill you then "redeem" myself later. That would make it totally ok. You wouldn't object to that at all. Because you'd be dead.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:09:32 No.2132667
    shut up, Manson.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:10:32 No.2132677
    That's not my point. My point is that a kid isn't capable of forming a criminal intent.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:10:55 No.2132678
    I think this guy is going to kill himself.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:13:38 No.2132705
    your personality is more or less set in stone after the age of 5. outside of stuff like near-death experiences, people don't change.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:14:05 No.2132707
    Also, I've made my peace. I accept what I did, and that I can't reverse it. I can only try to help animals from now on.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 11/15/08(Sat)02:14:18 No.2132708

    you have sign 1 down already and i don't know you so i can't tell if you have the other signs but these are just signs meaning you could be a killer and not have them all
    >> >>2132551 11/15/08(Sat)02:14:24 No.2132709
    And my point is that there is no such thing is redemption.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:15:55 No.2132718

    You may think you have changed, but you haven't. If you were capable of doing that as a child, you are more then capable of doing that as an adult. The only thing that has changed, is that you've learned that society will not accept your behavior, thus you repress it.

    tl; dr
    -you're still the same sick fuck that you were as a kid.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:17:26 No.2132728
    That's your opinion. Maybe I won't be able to purge my record clean, but I can spend the rest of my life trying.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:18:49 No.2132741
    It has nothing to do with society. I could do it in private, but I won't. Because it is wrong and I'd feel like shit.
    I lacked empathy, and I developed it as I grew up.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:19:16 No.2132745
    pretty fucked up

    the REAL criminal in this thread
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:22:16 No.2132762
    You're all cunts good night
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:34:54 No.2132835
    I think the pet torturer killed himself guys.

    we were chatting in AIM and he's not responding

    haha jk
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:40:45 No.2132869
    You have three options.

    One hand is a defenseless kitten who doesn't know right from wrong and is getting kicked around by punks.

    On another hand is an average person getting kicked around by punks.

    If you can only save one, guess which one you'd save?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:46:00 No.2132901
    good, we don't need worthless scum like him in the world.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:51:15 No.2132949
    this is why the world must end.

    gg guys. thanks for screwing it up for the rest of us.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:54:17 No.2132971
    I want to adopt him ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:55:26 No.2132977
    The kitten of course.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:56:25 No.2132985
    Whoops, forgot to count.

    The Third Option is a girl getting beat up by punks.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)02:58:03 No.2133001
    2132977 here. Same answer.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)03:01:18 No.2133018
    The kitten. The people should be able to defend themselves, and likely are meat eaters and so the same as the kitten beaters.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 11/15/08(Sat)03:01:21 No.2133019
    on my way to save the kitten i would call the police and tell them that there is a gang terrorizing the people and animals in this area while also taking a picture or two of the culprits for later identification
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)03:03:54 No.2133029
    Cats eat meat. Where is your god now?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)03:16:15 No.2133082

    I try to save both, but I guess it would depend on the circumstances. Of course, if they're wailing on a human being and I believe that the person on the receiving end is in mortal danger, I am authorized to use lethal force after exhausting non-lethal methods.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)03:21:50 No.2133117

    hahahaha oh wow I hgope you're a troll because if not you are the most fucking hilariously pathetic/retarded poster I have seen

    anyway, kittens aren't even sentient, you people who are saying ID KILL THE KIDS BECAUSE KITTENS ARE CUTE AND ID TORTURE PEOPLE WHO ABUSED ANIMALS are completely full of shit

    You're reasoning is probably that kittens are innocent and people are mean sadistic liars who don't care about each other, and that's fucking ironic

    Yeah its a shame, and the kids should be severely disciplined, but grow the fuck up
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)03:22:36 No.2133126
    Under a libertarian government, whoever caught the teenagers could have summarily executed them.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)03:23:47 No.2133138
    >kittens aren't even sentient
    lol proof or gtfo nigger
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)03:24:28 No.2133141

    1) Girl is not an average person?
    2) Screw picking one to save. I severely injure the punks.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)03:26:09 No.2133148
    Save the average person, tell him to go save the kitten, and then I'll save the girl.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)03:27:48 No.2133162
    save kitty
    laugh at average person
    rape the girl
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)03:33:41 No.2133206

    Call police, then place them under citizens arrest. Then when they flee, use reasonable physical force to detain at least one of them. THEN when they or the others assault you, draw your weapon in self defense and do some damage. So much nicer to deal with later than jumping a punk with knife drawn. Then again, if THEY'RE armed.. you might fuck yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)03:40:27 No.2133243

    Great...going to the moon. That was a real success. I mean it's just so amazing how we got there, took some rocks and left. Really amazing.

    The main purpose for going to the moon was just to give money to rocket/missle technology. Going to the moon with humans is just a horrible way of exploring.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)03:41:27 No.2133250
    Pfft, you're just pissed you didn't get to go. Low grav feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)03:45:01 No.2133267
    You can experience weightlessness through extended freefall from jumping off of a tall building. I suggest you give it a try.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)04:04:38 No.2133370

    Beat the fuck out of them.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)04:09:11 No.2133395
    >seems to me to be a pretty clear example of something that should be left to the citizenry to handle themselves

    Preferably with baseball bats.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)09:04:30 No.2134512
    LOL. *kicks kitty*
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)11:43:54 No.2135505
    >kittens aren't even sentient
    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)11:49:05 No.2135556
    cats usually have 4 legs
    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)11:56:17 No.2135608
    On the who-to-save thing, I'd probably go for the kitten since the people are generally more capable of self-defense.

    But what I find really scary is how people are readily willing to accept that "kids do stupid shit". That one guy said he developed empathy as he grew up. I believe him, but if you think about it, kids are inhuman sickos and get away with doing sick shit to animals and other kids that would land any adult in prison/mental treatment. I'm not just talking about hurting animals, but also terrorizing, mass-bullying and beating up other kids and shit like that. FFFFFFFF

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