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    File :1226725015.jpg-(11 KB, 210x140, 210px-RaceMugshots.jpg)
    11 KB Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)23:56:55 No.2131518  
    what race do you hate the most? and why?

    see you on the other side of 500 post and 23 images.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:02:08 No.2131560
    seeyah past page 10
    inb4 OP bumps own post with a fake reply
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:05:59 No.2131585
    Blacks, especially black women.
    Every single black woman I've seen (which implies I've heard them too) has had at least 3 of the following:
    1) Bad smell
    2) Stupid hair style
    3) Loud and obnoxious voice (+ screeching laugh)

    Now, the first 2 things I can ignore, but goddamn, why the HELL do they find it necessary to scream when their talking to a friend an armlength away? If I can hear you talk about how so-and-so boy made you scream with pleasure last night when I'm standing on the whole FUCKING OTHER SIDE OF THE DAMN ROOM, you're talking too loud, stupid primate
    >> ­­ 11/15/08(Sat)00:09:16 No.2131615
    obvious op bump is pretty damn obvious
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:09:57 No.2131622
    Ah, to be fair, I hate all the races for different reasons.

    I hate whites, blacks, and dinks/gooks the most.

    Whites because of the sort described in http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/

    Blacks, for obvious reasons.

    Gooks/Dinks because out of all the races I've interacted with, I have never met a dink that I liked, and vise versa. They seem to target me for hatred as soon as they meet me, dispite my efforts to get along with them. Fuck them.

    East Indians and some hispanics I don't have much problem with. Only problem with East Indians is that their houses stink, but they are AKO in my book apart from that.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:10:30 No.2131626
    Honestly, blacks have been nothing but classy to me, most everyone is cool but god I just don't like filipinos.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:12:21 No.2131635

    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:14:46 No.2131648
    fat white nerd alert
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:15:59 No.2131656
    I hate gypsies, They go around with monkey babies asking for money, and they pester you until you pretend to hit them or give them some coins.

    also a lot of the time the baby is just a doll.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:18:16 No.2131673
    As a Filipino, I'm not even offended by this because fuck, even I hate Filipinos. I've got a variety of reasons but I'd like to know what's your reason?

    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:21:51 No.2131706
    Blacks, for multiple reasons. The one that's pissing me off right now is their double standard towards gays - they get mad when someone who isn't black says "nigger" and they overreact when someone makes a comment that could be construed as racism in any way, but they call gays "faggots" and generally act like homophobes. They're also fucking morons who butcher the English language and who have absolutely no personal volume control - they're either shouting or shouting louder. In no way is that true for all blacks - one of my black friends is smarter and more ambitious than I will ever be, and it wouldn't surprise me to find out in 30 years that he's on the US Senate or some shit. But when I hear a black teenage girl talking to her friends, it makes me want to rage like no other.

    tl;dr - Learn how to speak English, black people.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:28:34 No.2131754
    I think you don't actually hate black people. You hate poor urban culture. It's primarily black, but white people in the same circumstances end up the same way, only people call them "wiggers" and try to attribute it to black people, but it's really just the result of living tightly-packed, densly-populated and dirt poor in America. They live like animals, so they act like animals.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:31:10 No.2131775
    >>Whites because of the sort described in http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/

    Every once in a while 4chan will produce gems
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:33:33 No.2131797

    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:35:40 No.2131811
    Koreans, because every single one I've met has been an arrogant prick.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:36:07 No.2131816
    I'm black, and I find other blacks to be very embarrassing to be in the same room. They think that because we're both black that we automatically have a lot in common and that we're best buds even though we don't know each other. They usually greet me with something like "yo sup mah nigga wats happnin?" and I explain to them that I'm not their nigga and that nigga is just a bastardization of nigger and they just get angry and say something like "awww nigga you is one of them oreo as mufuckas, I bet you date a white bitch". Then when they do something stupid or obnoxious while I'm in the room everyone looks at me, and I'm pretty sure they automatically associate me with them. But generally they're just loud and embarrassing. On the other hand, I respect older black people (50+) but anyone younger than that I'll avoid like the plague. That is not to say I'm the best black person I know, but actual articulate non-niggerish black people are a rare breed indeed.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:40:15 No.2131856
    Actually I take that back, it depends on the area. When I lived in California it was mostly like 50/50 niggerish wannabe gangstas and the other half were actual affluent blacks. I live in Minnesota now and it's a completely different story I've met maybe 2 black people that didn't embarrass me.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:41:16 No.2131869
    The Jews. In b4 Jews aren't a race.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)00:44:30 No.2131900
    I'm Latino. I don't really like really urban Latinos or Blacks, hell, really urban people PERIOD that much. They act pretty stupid, butchering the English language, and just being overall dicks most of the time.

    I really find some Chinese/Koreans to be really irritating, only the fobs though, they are EXTREMELY clique-ish(?), kind of rude, and they just smell... one of my roommates is one.

    Other than that, I have no real problems with anyone. I love Filipinos by the way, lol.
    >> Casanova Frankenstein !HggsKt0/NM 11/15/08(Sat)00:56:17 No.2132019
    Do poor people count as a race?

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