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    File :1226689296.png-(153 KB, 531x680, anananna.png)
    153 KB Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)14:01:36 No.2126158  
    This picture describes pretty well how was life of most lu/r9k/ers during the highschool, including me.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)14:06:27 No.2126189
    I was mostly ignored in high school. I see people from my high school now, and they never recognize me or anything. I didn't get picked on, really, but I didn't have any friends either.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)14:08:33 No.2126202
    High school was alright. Met a few friends, had sex, learned quite a bit of useful stuff. College is a little bit better but I'm tired of school now. I wish I had gone to something in between, like a comm. college or trade school. Something more than HS and less than a BS.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)14:14:37 No.2126234
    highschool friendship is overrated, i mean people thre can be the most horrible human beigns ever, nobody will remember you after 1 year you graduate, most of the people the wouldn't even really care about you and teenagers are fucking superficials .

    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 11/14/08(Fri)14:21:03 No.2126282
    This is not even close to my high school experience... i had to deal with a boyfriend who constantly got beat up for being gay and loud and a boy friend who was in the closet and at least (no joke) 50 fan girls! Fuck the fan girls! i remember one talking to me for the first time and saying that we should move in together and be just like will and grace FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
    God that shit was annoying but it wasn't all bad i remember i use to pull pranks on people all the time and tie tampons on peoples backpacks and put pads with fake blood on the ground and i generally had a tampon most of the time i was in high school lol
    i could go on but all the bullshit aside my high school experience was pretty good
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)14:24:04 No.2126312
    i had a pretty nice high school experience. was in a group of 4-5 friends, we joked around all the time and just got along great. didn't have many friends outside of them, though, maybe 5-6 acquaintances in the entire school, plus the people i knew from junior high. our school had about 1500 kids by the way.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)14:30:59 No.2126384
    >Never enter the school bathroom

    Hell no, i went to the bathroom about 5 times a day at school, i have a weak bladder
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/14/08(Fri)14:32:37 No.2126397
    My first year of high school was hell. I was bullied relentlessly by entire school for something I did two years before entering high school. It came to a head where some idiots thought it was funny that they dragged me from the restroom while my underwear was down. I ended up in a hikikomori-like situation for two weeks until I transfered to another high school, and it did not made any difference, they for some reason knew me from the other high school.

    Two suspensions (one for fighting and one for predicting another columbine, both one day suspensions) later, a below 2.0 average GPA, and Prince Georges County Schools (in Maryland) referred me to Kennedy Krieger High School in Baltimore. Best three remaining high school years ever.

    College was the first time I have ever attended any extra-curricular events,clubs ,or activities, because my mom feared for my safety druing my first year in high school.

    Sadly the damage has already done, as much as I enjoy college, I had no social life. (If you call a social life going to bars and house parties, drinking booze, skipping class, dating and getting laid.) Yet I considered going to anime conventions, anime clubs, and occasionally going out to the library and the university arcade (in University of Maryland, my current college) social activities.

    inb4 Assburgers, loner, get laid, etc, etc.
    >> P3epe.tk !!o3dGqMjG/66 11/14/08(Fri)14:36:14 No.2126423
    sage for cliche unoriginal BAWWWWWWWWW
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)14:39:25 No.2126442
    God that cover is making me rage so bad.

    My highschool was pretty good. Quiet, interesting guy. Had long hair, and long hair on guys is fun in the south. Girls love it (more so because its so rare) and red necks hate it.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)14:41:11 No.2126456
    Mine was fucking great, I drank a lot had a lot of sex and got stoned a lot.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)14:42:37 No.2126468
    I went to 3 highschools, 4 if you count going to a new building that was a couple hundred feet from my 10th grade.

    Moved a LOT so I never knew kids a lot especially since they all know kids from middle school. Went normally, people knew me but I was never good friends with many people since they all lived way the fuck out of the apartments my parents rented.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)14:57:30 No.2126554
    oh no, highschool sucked!

    get over it.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/14/08(Fri)15:03:49 No.2126591
    >get over it.

    The problem with that statement is that you're either a troll, or one who really enjoyed high school. Because everytime I hear that, they do not tell us how to deal with it.

    So please, tell us robots how to deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)15:03:53 No.2126592
    I was a cold, glum looking, antisocial guy who skipped 60(or more) days of school per year and if I was in school I would only take off my mp3 player to listen to the teacher or humor some person talking to me. If I got bored I would just walk to my car in the middle of the school day and drive away. However, due to my nonchalant attitude about everything, teachers hated me even though I did my work and never failed a test, a testament to how much a joke high school is to pass. I did get laid a few times, but only because she asked me out while I was at the school gym.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/14/08(Fri)15:04:40 No.2126599
    ...or to "get over it". How do we get over it then?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)15:17:40 No.2126675
    I had a fair amount of friends in high school. 2 years removed, I now talk to 2 people I went to high school with, one of which I was friends with prior to entering high school.

    Shit's overrated, but it's not hard for even social retards like myself to find a niche in high school. Even though I look back on those years as easily the most uncomfortable of my life, I still managed to find a few friends to experience it with.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 11/14/08(Fri)15:20:18 No.2126691
    During high school I never encountered a single bully, never identified a single clique, never talked to other students, and never learned the names of anyone.
    >> catslikephish 11/14/08(Fri)15:24:35 No.2126721

    you get over it by... getting over it. the same way you get over anything else. you forget it and move on.

    it was fucking high school. HIGH SCHOOL. the biggest joke of your life.
    >> ★‮‫‪‭‬‬ !.64NeWFaGs 11/14/08(Fri)15:25:25 No.2126724
    yeah that's because you went to a school for autistic people...
    >> feels good man ‮ nam doog sleef ‪‪‪‮‬‬ !FEELStM/Rs 11/14/08(Fri)15:26:51 No.2126731
    I went to elementary school and half a year of middle on the west coast in a white state, rest of middle and high school on the east coast, in a southern state.

    There is no greater gap of sheer difference between any other two things you can think of.

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)15:27:40 No.2126737
    Pretty much up until the last two years. ;__;
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)15:36:57 No.2126808
    it was fine for me, i made 2 good friends and we spent all our free evenings playing video games and our days being the semi-popular kids in school who nobody bullied but still couldn't hang out with the top tier kids

    i hated the younger kids in HS, the amount of times i punched some little faggots throwing food or trying to fight me was countless - as were the gang beatings i recieved and consequent huge group fights with the rowdy guys who loved to fight and would help out for that reason only

    god i never realised how great HS was for me
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 11/14/08(Fri)15:37:44 No.2126815
    I went to normal public school, but everyone stayed at least 20 feet from me at all times.
    >> catslikephish 11/14/08(Fri)15:44:31 No.2126870
    my high school experience was good for the most part, i actually kind of miss it. my friends and i were the "alpha male nerds" - you know, the guys who talked about ninjas and goatse and spent most of our time on the internet, but who were also good-looking and not completely socially retarded and hung out with girls. feels good man
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/14/08(Fri)15:45:15 No.2126883

    I was expecting that useless advice.

    How come many of these Anon never forget their experiences by talking about them on this thread? If we really got over these experiences by forgetting about them, this thread would not existed.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)15:51:54 No.2126942
    High School.

    Pretty much a blur nowadays. Met some interesting people, some not so. Got some new perspectives on life. Got bored of it. Left before the urge to kill someone became overpowering.

    I honestly don,t understand how people can get bullied though. Stand the fuck up for yourself because sure as fuck no one else is going too. Some talks shit to you, talk shit but. Some one hits you, make sure as fuck you hit back.

    Always give back in kind what anyone does to you.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)15:55:06 No.2126967
    I fondly remember parts of high school. I do not wish to ever go back.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)15:55:37 No.2126970
    I should have gotten my GED at 16.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)15:58:06 No.2126984
    How to turn your room into a den of self-pity.

    Wow. Spot on.
    >> catslikephish 11/14/08(Fri)16:02:36 No.2127019

    Well what do you expect me to say? Build a time machine and go back and fix things? It isn't like people need therapy to get over high school. They move on with their lives.

    So you were bullied. Okay. If you honestly think that had a real, lasting impact on your psyche, you're just acting like a sheltered little bitch.

    tl;dr Quit being a pussy.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:04:12 No.2127029
    I lol'd hard at that pic, when I was 10 I found a hustler in the woods near my house. As far as highschool goes, it was pretty good. I played 3 sports and had 11 varsity letters. I was never the most popular kid but everyone knew who I was and I always had people to hang out with.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/14/08(Fri)16:08:59 No.2127066

    Did you got bullied at high school? How was your high school experience? And how did you recovered from the hell that was high school?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:10:59 No.2127081
    I was honestly the weird gay art kid. But my friends liked me because I wasn't flamboyant, and I kept quiet.
    And then I started hanging out with the Art School kids from my city, but then after hanging out with them a few times I'd get too drunk.
    And i'd be too embarrassed to hang out with them again because of it.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:11:45 No.2127086
    Most people left me alone in highschool
    I was the quiet creepy guy, you know how it is.
    the two friends i had was some guy who dropped out in his senior year so he could play video games and abuse codeine, he now works at a churches chicken. And another guy who was just as creepy as me but girls would sometimes approached him, at least when i wasn't around, he told me i was like a chick repellent, nothing came out of it since he was as socially awkward as me, and didn't know or wasn't willing to respond in kind.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:12:41 No.2127096
    Apparently really big schools are better. We had 2600 kids in 10-12th grade. (7-9 were separate schools). I don't recall ever being picked on. I ran the mile for the track team for a while - but I was also in math,computer,science,chess clubs and my group of friends played ad&d at lunch every day - so pretty typical geek.
    >> catslikephish 11/14/08(Fri)16:20:56 No.2127154

    So you think you're special because you got bullied? How do you expect to deal with the rest of your life if you can't deal with this? People have experiences far, far worse than getting bullied in high school and yet they move on. It's a part of life.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/14/08(Fri)16:27:24 No.2127200

    Part of life!? If these same brats I experienced in high school did the same thing in a workplace, I can press criminal and civil charges against the perpetrators.

    Most public schools don't do anything about school bullying or are not required to notify police is because they want to preserve their reputation.

    It's a part of high school peer culture, but it's not of real life.

    And you did not answer my three questions as per >>2127066 .
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:33:42 No.2127255
    I seem to remember an incident that happened in my freshmen year, a senior that was in one of my classes kept throwing shit at me and calling me a fagot or something to that matter, this continued for several weeks until one day I snapped and threw a chair at him, well next thing i know he tells me to meet him after school in the parking lot. probably the logical thing to have done was to not show up, but i guess i was too prideful and stupid. So I go there fully expecting that this guy is going to beat me to a bloody pulp.
    The guy shows up with his entourage of friends and starts cussing me out,I just stood there not saying a word with a stoic expression, i was actually scared shitless and couldn't move or say anything. The guy throws a fake punch at me and i didn't even flinch, mostly because I was still frozen in fear, so we stare at each other for a while ,then he eventually tells me to fuck off and i'm not worth the trouble, and then he leaves with his friends.
    He didn't really bother me after that, nor did anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:35:09 No.2127268
    High school was really depressing. Every goddamn day I'd have to do work only to forget it all an hour later.
    There came a point where I stopped passing exams and the teachers were all BUT U R SMRT U SHUDNT FAIL LOLOL. It was actually quite a while before I stopped believing them.

    Didn't get bullied that badly I guess. Although I get the impression most people thought of me like "Bugger here comes Anon again"
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:35:17 No.2127270
    No, it shouldn't be a part of life and it doesn't have to happen. I haven't even ever been bullied but unlike you I can judge things from a general perspective.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:40:06 No.2127307
    >Some one hits you, make sure as fuck you hit back.

    You never went to school did you?
    >> catslikephish 11/14/08(Fri)16:41:34 No.2127319

    No, bullying isn't a part of real life. Read the context. Pain, shitty experiences, that you have to get over to move on with life, are a part of it. I didn't answer your questions because they didn't matter.

    this isn't getting through to you, so we're finished. bottom line is you can either forget about the past and move on with your life, or you can sit here crying about it. it's up to you, we can't help you.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:41:42 No.2127323
    i love tom the dancing bug's super fun pack comix
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:44:26 No.2127352
    so you were just a gigantic faggot ass pussy whipped bitch.....

    That is proper etiquette and advise.

    don't take shit from anyone and standup for yourselves. FAGGOT.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/14/08(Fri)16:46:30 No.2127365
    I must agree with him.

    Have you heard of zero-tolerance rules against fighting in schools? Victims of bulling often get suspended/expelled for defending themselves and the ones doing the bullying get away with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:50:48 No.2127406

    Hazing builds character.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:51:13 No.2127411
    fuck you,
    when someone twice your size pounds you to the ground you don't exactly stand back up and try to hit him back, you suck it up and move on with your life. Theres no point in attacking someone you can't hurt.
    >> Resident PCFag !ieuSByEa4Q 11/14/08(Fri)16:51:50 No.2127415
    Get over it goddamn what the fuck is wrong with you. You got bullied, brotip many many people do.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:54:24 No.2127426
    you must have gone to a shitty school, my school knew who the bullies were, all they needed was an actual fight to break out to give grounds for expulsion

    the other local school must have been so shitty after we shifted all the asshole students to them
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:56:19 No.2127447
    even though I was the only Asian in an pretty much all white high school in upstate New York and a couple of blacks here and there prolly 30 out of a HS of 1000-1100.

    I was pretty well known. Had a BFF black friend that was deemed special by others and liked drawing Japanese animation that was also well know and loved by everyone in general there.
    No one ever really bother or bullied anyone as far as I know. Had some sex nearing the end of the last two years. and it was just a huge confidence booster.
    skipped some days, had some fun, caused some mayhem to ensue, me and my circle of friends always relied on our love of lulz to pull us though the toughest and shittiest situations and usually emerged victorious.

    Like that one time double teaming that 14 yr old at a party while everyone was too busy playing video games in the other room... haha it was like two worlds colliding. Nerd holes and the bad asses. haha.

    tl:dr high school was fucking awesome and filled with good and shitty memories just take the good with the bad and move the fuck on anon.
    sigh........ if I could go back and relive every moment of it I would. and change nothing too much lulz was had those 4 years of constant hilarity.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/14/08(Fri)16:57:42 No.2127459

    I will take back what I said about those three questions you didn't answered catslikephish, since you already answered them.

    However since you're providing useless advice about how to deal with the aftermath of harassment...
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:58:53 No.2127471

    No I went to school. Suspended twice and as I said left before I self imploded.

    Advice stands, also its not about 'defending' yourself. Its protecting your own personal space no matter what. Be a man and fuck the tolerance. The only one you have to justify your actions to are yourself and it sure feels better to have pride in ones strength than cower in ones failure.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:59:00 No.2127473
    Oh and the teachers loved my because I was lulz Asian but I never really cared much for the academic stuff but still pass everything and had a metric ton of lulz with a bunch of people and such/ shit was awesome cock smacking the stereotypes you 4channers hold so near and dear to your hearts. haha
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/14/08(Fri)16:59:07 No.2127476
         File :1226699947.jpg-(102 KB, 600x398, GET OFF MY STAGE.jpg)
    102 KB

    A message from Steve Wilkos.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)16:59:45 No.2127481
    highschool for me meant lots of lots of regrets,
    made no lasting friendships
    never had a girlfriend or even kissed a girl,
    got shitty grades.
    I completely wasted my time there.
    If i could transfer me consciousness back in time and re-live high school i would.
    >> catslikephish 11/14/08(Fri)17:00:58 No.2127494

    Dude. I said we're done. We're done. IT'S OOOOOOVER
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:02:33 No.2127507
    I don't think I left my house at all during highschool. After I quit the school sports I was in my friendships faded away. I mean, sure I had acquaintances, but that's all they were. Never left my house to hang out with a friend since the beginning of my first year.

    All I'd do is stay home, watch movies and surf the internet and occasionally go out to skateboard. Lots of people tried to talk to me but I'm too goddamn anti-social and socially inept I really don't know what to say
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:02:42 No.2127508

    When someone twice your size beats into you. You grab them balls the balls and crush those fuckers as hard as you can. Or you take the beating wait till the next day walk up behind the fucker and smash a rock into his skull.

    You have a brain. Choose to use it.

    Like she said size doesnt matter.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:03:07 No.2127510
    white text would've made that so much more legible
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:07:23 No.2127546
    I live in nyc and go to John Dewey High School - This school has over 3,000 students!

    I am 19 and a senior. It's a great school...there is no such stereotypes or any of that bullshit

    No bullies, no cool kids, no tough guys, Nothing...Just students going to school and hanging out.

    What the fuck is wrong with all your High school's? Mine is fan fucking tastic.

    I guess it might be a time thing. My freshman year was great. I HAD ABSOLUTELY No friends...But that didn't matter

    I just walked the halls, along with other weird students and then went to class late, We went on campus and just chilled. Listen to mp3 player...Gameboy advanced...

    Some students smoke cigarettes...But no one cared...

    School is cash, but there are a ton of awfully tall black students who are 6'4 and are pretty scary...But they cool.

    once again, No one here fucks with anyone. No matter what size, race, color, style, etc...

    You assholes must've went to some shitty fucking high schools...
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:09:36 No.2127562
    srly this most of you must have went to high school pre columbine when it was still in fashion to pick on others that are different and shitz.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/14/08(Fri)17:10:26 No.2127569

    Sadly the system is unable to let me upload the fixed image. Attempting to do so will result in the system muting for 32 seconds.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/14/08(Fri)17:11:55 No.2127581
    I meant to say that the system will mute me for for 32 seconds. Since this imageboard emphasizes on original content to the point of serious business.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:12:19 No.2127586
    I mean HS should be a breeze by now just fucking enjoy it. and don't add drama to everything you stupid double niggers. I remember back 3-4 years ago in my HS no one bullied anyone in fear of "REPRISALS" I guess and everyone kept there cool like little Fonzies.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:13:56 No.2127600
    must be, 5 years in this school and i've never HEARD or witnessed any shady shit.

    There are occasional fights, but it's mostly between females...For some magical reason. But it's mostly broken up by security

    Cat fights...slapping and hair pulling. And it's between whites...Barely seen black girls fighting...Hmm

    The freshmen now are SMALL - They get smaller every year...I wonder what's going on lol

    We got freshmen students who look like they just came out of the 4th grade
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:17:11 No.2127624

    Wow holy fuck.
    >> Samus Aran !!vp/rdLPeINp 11/14/08(Fri)17:21:04 No.2127654

    Not really. I dominated HS, told cool kids off, and became good acquaintances/friends with the top of the popularity line cool folk. I could walk into a room and make everyone eat out of my hand in laughter.

    But boy were there some Low-Self Esteem kids in my school. Some wrote essays on how to blow up the subways and the school. Fortunately one staff member who used to serve the military found out about it. He became the laughing stock of the whole school.

    Fuck, /r9k/, you made me miss high school.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:21:09 No.2127657

    Excuse me Young Man, There are 4 years of high school a student must complete, Freshman year, sophomore, junior, and senior.

    You said 5 years in that school. So i guess you repeated a grade or making up credits.

    So your teachers don't like you eh? Or you just fucked around and cut and never did classwork/homework

    Or you have nothing better to do and just attend school for fun...Which i find very believable

    Also 1 important thing for you to know, ONCE YOU TURN 21 - YOU CAN'T ATTEND PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL ANYMORE.

    so might as well finish before you're 21
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:21:44 No.2127663
    yeah sure there were fights between people but I never saw one party picking on another party.
    It's not the fucking 1950s you fucking morons. were jocks and nerds and shit.

    now a days things are in more shades of gray areas. nothing is clear cut as black or white.
    A jock can like anime, rpgs and shits. and even nerds get there fair pick of pussy if they are smart enough to know where to look.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:22:52 No.2127671

    Yea man, with a school of 3,000 students, You need security. Just people with a uniform who stand in the hall ways and just tell people to get to class or break up fights. That's basically it

    And sometimes they just walk the halls looking for students who are cutting and etc
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:23:54 No.2127678
    The fuck have you been? there has been some form of security ever since a post columbine and v tech world we live in all in pretty much in every high school, middle school and even some grade schools now.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:24:41 No.2127684
    its sad cause i have epispadias/micropenis (<3" long) and it's all basically true for me

    life sucks
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:26:11 No.2127695
    NYC students are wild

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:26:54 No.2127700
    I'm in the UK, we just set up CCTV and keypads.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:27:23 No.2127702
    I just think you are trolling enjoy your 9 inch cock anon.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:30:18 No.2127727
    I was a total degenerate in high school. My daily routine generally consisted of trying to sleep through as much of my morning classes as possible, drinking a bottle of shoplifted cough syrup at lunch, drawing sadistic psychedelic porn for the rest of the day, then going home and either beating off to hentai (early high school) or smoking weed with my hippie-dippie art-fag girlfriend (later high school), who was also my only friend. I skipped constantly, wore the same ratty T.Rex "Electric Warrior" shirt like 4 days a week, and accumulated more than $500 in tickets for smoking cigarettes on campus (probably an all-time school record). My guidance counselor and the school shrink pulled a lot of strings for me so I could graduate, but two weeks before graduation I impulsively took a bus to NYC and lived in a punk squat in Brooklyn for awhile until they kicked me out for making homophobic comments. Given my background, I was naturally attracted to the corporate sphere and managed to score an internship at GE via lying my ass off, which is where I now work as an HR drone.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:30:24 No.2127728
    Haha I love being a fucking hard ass new yorker.
    yeah I used to see this shit every day espcially if you lived near the guido shit so cash types in Brooklyn.
    niggas be beefing and shit son.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:31:31 No.2127744
    yeah,but doesn't that apply for everything over there?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:33:15 No.2127761
    this thread is fucking depressing.

    i kind of wish i had spent high school having fun like normal people instead of constantly worrying about grades.

    during my first two years, i went to a private school in a third world country. it was very small and very conformist. the kids there were so fucking judgmental about everything. then i moved to america and my last two years were alright. no one ever bothered me or even made fun of me, but i had few friends because of how shy i was. i didn't have sex because i was fucking naive when it came to girls. i never even got wasted.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:34:21 No.2127772
    Yep. Just a matter of asking for funding.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:37:36 No.2127814

    no, biology trolled me, i wish it were a joke

    imagine what it would be like... but I don't have to deal with humiliation, cause I opted for the other option: loneliness

    there are some joys in my life but not that many, and yes my room is basically a den of self-pity
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:39:37 No.2127837
    Lol now that I look back at it maybe I was lost in the moments or something... but know this.

    Fucking HS DRAMA BS is fucking utterly dumb. 4 years is fucking nothing and it was literally over in a blink of an eye. but maybe that is just looking back and the nostalgia talking/
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:41:42 No.2127860
    Pretty much me. Private rich-kid schools in third-world countries suck.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:42:41 No.2127865
    interesting story (totally not sarcastic)

    what's HR like? what's the drone life like?

    kind of reminds me of myself in H.S., though I mostly wore an XL Champion hoodie and large jeans (basically like being wrapped up in a warm cozy world-barrier comforter/womb)

    I was doing well in freshman year grade-wise, but it was then that I really noticed how broken my personality is, how distanced I am from other people, and how scary the kind of loneliness and isolation I was preparing myself for was going to be. I knew I would end up this way, as I am now, 23 years old, at home in my parents' basement, at this point a complete NEET/hikikomori who can't go outside out of self-consciousness and fear and sadness (seeing other people makes me sad cause I don't know what to do with my life)
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:52:52 No.2127956

    man what's with DC Metro area highschools making fucked up kids?

    I graduated from Westfield high school (same year--yes the same graduating year--as Cho Seung Hui) and this place has already produced 2 rampage-spree/suicide cases.

    (Besides Cho there was a guy, Mike Kennedy, who brought an AK to a local police dept. and killed 2 before being taken out)

    as for me, I'm your classic 23 year old b.dwelling hikikomori, but I have a medical excuse
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)17:58:14 No.2127989
    it's pretty easy to just Opt Out of it all.

    I never got bullied or picked on, I was just one of the nameless, faceless members of the mass there only to put in my 4 years, like a prison sentence, and then get the fuck out.

    I walked to and fro with the same quiet self-contained distance as I do in any public place. I never went to any dances or asked girls out (sure shot way to entangle yourself in a web of gossip and reputation etc). At senior year I skipped yearbook photo, didn't buy a yearbook, and didn't attend the graduation ceremony. (It was mailed to me.) Probably the only times you're forced to participate is in the requisite PE classes, and those were excruciating at times, but other than that, any problems you have in high school are of your own making.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)18:12:49 No.2128094
    >requisite PE classes
    When I was 15 I dislocated my knee. Most painful experience I've had but it was WORTH IT as I got out of PE.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)18:16:41 No.2128120
    >you're forced to participate is in the requisite PE classes
    Really? Where I'm from, it doesn't matter if you participate in PE, so long as you show up...
    I got by with a C in those classes simply by showing up; spent my time reading in a corner, didn't even dress out. It turns out that the PE coaches can't fail you for it anymore (due to some law)
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)18:19:37 No.2128152
    i wish i would have read this book in high school:
    The Teenage Liberation Handbook: how to quit school and get a real life and education.pdf

    only after i got out of high school i gradually started gaining social skills. still working on it now :/
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)18:23:45 No.2128186
    I passed with an A, all i did was get a 15 pound dumbbell and curled, you just needed to look like you were doing something in that class
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)18:33:51 No.2128261

    It sucks ass, totally mindnumbing bullshit. I'm basically a glorified file clerk. I'm starting to view people as nothing more than CVs and statistics. And I hate myself for that. I'm not qualified to do anything else though and I no longer have the fuck-it-all, crazy mindset that I had when I was younger, so I'm stuck here for now. At least it enables me to have basic luxuries and comfortably slide on by in my own weird way. My true passion is film, though, and I'm saving up so I can finance an idea I have for a documentary about professional corpse collectors.

    I think what you need is a condescending attitude. That's how I got through the soul-sucking midwestern suburbs and survived after dropping out. Watch a reality show like The Real World or whatever else is on these days -- that's what the average young American is like. Utterly vacuous. There's no reason to be jealous of these people -- you're better than that, you just got a little overwhelmed by their bizarre social rituals and fell by the wayside. Fuck "knowing what to do with your life", just figure out where your balls are, find a way to pay the bills, experience as much shit as you can, and then follow whatever interests you along the way, whether that's creating art, making money, studying some type of bizarre esoteric field of knowledge, getting stoned out of your skull every night and beating your dick raw to lolicon, etc etc. Whatever you do, don't compare yourself to Normal People -- they're boring faggots.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)18:41:23 No.2128296
    you should read some david foster wallace, starting with the short story Mister Squishy

    remember the name Terry Schmidt
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)18:45:18 No.2128329
    I had a few friends Sophomore year, but I lost them in my last two years of HS because I was trying to act cool and didn't want to be seen around them. I'd say Senior year has so far been the worst in my life.

    I went to the public library every lunch so people wouldn't see me alone. I also did this so I could avoid looking at the other girls in the school, who I believed were so much prettier than me I might as well have been a disgusting insect.

    Every night at home I'd spend around two hours looking in the mirror and crying, because I thought I was fat and ugly and had a big nose. Worst BDD ever. I tried to kill myself because of it, but I went the pussy way and slit my wrists/took two bottles of sleeping pills, which didn't do the trick.

    I had crushes on a few guys, and apparently some did on me, but I've been told that they didn't want to approach me because I looked "smart." Lol.

    It would have been cool if I could have slipped under the radar, but I look/am extremely different from the average girl so fucking everyone remembers me.

    tl;dr, it sucked.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)18:53:28 No.2128379
    I don't know why but I instinctively find myself filled with a deep hatred of you. Just thought you should know.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)18:58:28 No.2128412

    ITT: typical women
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)18:58:44 No.2128414
    >I look/am extremely different from the average girl
    Hahaha, sure thing princess.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)18:59:34 No.2128424
    well shit op
    these song lyrics pretty much dsecribes all of 4chan

    All the things that I know now are wrong
    Maybe one day will all seem OK
    Will I abandon part of who I am
    And though I never want to go that way
    The temptation is always there
    And to change, the only sign of life
    And when I look inside myself I find
    I'm not comfortable within my mind

    Told that men are simply sperm machines
    If we're mindless can we take the blame?
    I'm not mindless I'm a human being
    And I feel and make mistakes the same
    All the stupid things I can't make up for
    Maybe I do love you after all
    And when I look inside myself I find
    I'm not comfortable within my mind
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)19:01:28 No.2128436
    >song lyrics
    Sage. Your taste is awful and you should feel awful for posting lyrics.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)19:02:36 No.2128451
    Jesus fucking christ, get over yourself. Maybe you should try the pills again.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)19:06:54 No.2128487
    My first two years of high school were awfull, because i had no friends and had nothing to during lunch and recess. However, in year 9 i made some friends and everything was okay afterwards. I was also very lucky that i wasn't bullied properly, just a few snide comments like "NEEERD" and "LONER".
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)19:08:09 No.2128500
    Fuck, I remember being the alpha male nerd like somefag who posted said. when I was in middle school I had something like that going. now a junior, I forgot how to put on that facade. Now im a semi-friendless nerd. I do have keys to most of the school, however.
    >> feels good man ‮ nam doog sleef ‪‪‪‮‬‬ !FEELStM/Rs 11/14/08(Fri)20:54:22 No.2129583
    Is this really as good as I've heard it is?
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)20:57:09 No.2129617

    It's not necessarily a good thing, genius.

    I'm 5'11".
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)21:53:53 No.2130234
    It actually wasn't for me.

    First year was the worst because I only knew 2 people outside of my classes. I had 4 honors classes (the most you could take freshman year), and all my classmates were wallflowers.

    Second year wasn't that bad. On of the other science teachers used to let us play cards in her classroom during lunch and play with the snakes & spiders. She'd even sit with us sometimes & play a few hands.

    Junior year was awesome. Finally found a few guys & started a band, after kicking out my one friend who had the worlds worst electric guitar but though he was a rockstar. he never had money for strings & was always bumming some off of me; that damned guitar was constantly breaking strings. Got to know the girlfriend of the guitarist of the biggest band in our local scene, and she helped us get our first few gigs.

    Also I was a photography & poetry geek. one of my best friends was a model, absolutely gorgeous at 5'11" (I'm 6") with flawless dark chocolate skin. We started talking after the first week of class. One of the first assignments was a 20-40 line poem, both of us knock out the teacher (stupid bitch) with the fact that we could write. She was hated by the popular kids (smarter & prettier) and to shy to even talk to most of the artsy crowd. In the second semester we also had Photography together; she wanted to learn the other side of the lens (for after she stopped modeling) and I wanted to learn how to do some of the cool stuff my parents did (yippee, we already had a b/w darkroom setup in the house)
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)21:55:13 No.2130246

    When the assignment was doing portrait work of another person, we used each other. She shot the band over 3 weeks getting practice, live & promo shots (which we used from thereon), and I got 2 weekends of shooting a model that had worked in New York & Paris (among other things, she was one of the models for a Rolling Stones video/shoot. Her comment was that they were shorter than she'd expected (of course, if you're 6'3" in heels!) and that Mick Jagger was quite drunk but they were quite polite) As for the poetry, both of us got our first publications that year.

    Senior year. Continued working with the band. After recording our demo (8 track cassette based deck) I made a killing doing demo tapes on the cheap for others due to the sound quality of the stuff I produced. No real friends outside of band & local music scene, model friend moved to Paris & other artsy friend were already involved in local music scene.

    15 years later...I've done more exciting things before 18 than most people will do in their lives. My hobbies make me 60% of my income just from working weekends, and if I ever got bored with my daytime job I could support myself on nearly any one of my hobbies.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)22:00:41 No.2130300

    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 11/14/08(Fri)22:02:57 No.2130333
    It shouldn't. This was supposed to be the board for people who were not /b/-tard socially inept faggots, and then all of you guys come pouring in with your baw-relationship bullshit and your generic unoriginal regurgitations of angst tinged with stale "ideas".

    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)22:08:38 No.2130402
    What aftermath? God, you're acting like you're in a fucking warzone. It wasn't that bad. Get over it. No one even fucking remembers that shit anyway. You could bump into that guy on the street and he wouldn't even fucking know you. You're a different person now, and nobody cares that you were the school faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)22:12:57 No.2130458
    High school would have been cool if there weren't so many NIGGERS in my school. Oh wallllllllllllllll
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)22:18:18 No.2130529

    Jealous? I'm not one of the pretty people that graze on the plastic dung of mass media. I do what I want and I'm good enough at it to get by in life.

    I've found that most of the "hip" or cool crowd have their heads so far up their ass they can see tonsils.

    Just do your own thing instead of having a 24/7 pity party of one, and don't pretend that sunshine & rainbows come out of your ass.

    My life hasn't been rosy. Two good friend died in a car accident my senior year (hit by a drunk driver, the love of my life had a nervous breakdown and moved away (she vanished overnight & I only found out months later from her sister), and my next girlfriend ( I was 21 at the time) blew her brains out with a 12 gauge less than 20 feet away. My right leg has only 30% of the feeling it should and I'm in near constant physical pain.according to my doctors my medical problems might kill me before my 40th birthday.

    Yet I get up every day and headbutt life into submission. It reminds me of the theory of life I heard in high school from an old black bluesman, expanding blues to the rest of life: either do it with every drop of what you are & feel, or go the fuck home and cry in your beer.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)22:23:40 No.2130599

    It was a joke. It was meant to be ironic.

    I swear, adults' senses of humor are never convoluted enough.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)22:25:07 No.2130617
    congratulations. I am glad for you, and that your life turned out so well.

    All boys catholic high school + morally conservative family backround= socially retarded. one of my friends in college has coined a new term for it, "stupid wall"

    Other than that, i had a GREAT time. i would not trade it for the world or the right to wear jeans every day of the week. Fencing, History, Science, geeky hobbies that no one ever made fun of. I had a great time and learned a lot from it.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)22:34:07 No.2130698

    Yeah, and it's a Friday night and I'm a bit touchy.

    Despite the rest of the BS, I really do feel that most of the hiko-whateverthefuck malingering some weeaboo kids come up with nowadays is partly because their parents either don't care or have already abused them, and partly because the school & staff don't want to try controlling the students. In my high school, you'd get taken out behind the gym and get your ass kicked by the principal if yo caused enough problems.

    I just don't get the pity party stuff some kids have these days. I've known people that suffered though parents breaking their bones, sodomizing them without lube, or deal with the trauma of seeing a loved one die. They lived through it & moved on. Others don't want to live & prefer to stay right where they are; alone & afraid. What a shame.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)22:45:42 No.2130808

    I usually don't like the moral conservatives because one of two things happen to their kids in my experience:

    1: they're completely unequiped to deal with real life because a parochial education taught them nothing. They then attempt to integrate into real life, every so often trying something "daring" that might upset the parents but isn't worth an eyeblink.

    2: They parrot their parent's views and get by on sheer nepotism, yet crow at every turn about being oppressed by anyone not shouting JEE-SUS continually. #1 source of child abuse excluding drug users since they have 0 capacity for love. They will be the first people purged when their JEE-SUS comes back, RSN

    Having known some that went through the Catholic parochial school, I have to say they weren't that bad off. At least where I grew up, the Catholic schools attempted to teach rather than behave like a bunch of zombie fundies.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)22:59:56 No.2130961
    I wasn't quite as bad as the OP pic - all the girls thought I was weird, I guess, but I got on OK with most of the guys because I was quite quick witted and had a cousin who could've beat the shit out of all of them. Had a group of about 5 friends who I stayed with most of the time.

    Everyone's different, some people can overcome shit a lot easier than others. And coming on 4chan and bragging like that makes you look like a dick, IMO.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)23:07:01 No.2131029
    I don't think the is anything I can say about some events in high school that aren't contradicted by some other events. It was a pretty mixed bag. People liked me and invited me to shit but I never related to people much or got close to them.
    >> Anonymous 11/14/08(Fri)23:22:26 No.2131168
    You know what's kinda funny? All the kids I've met who've hinted they have really conservative and controlling parents tend to be the friendliest and funniest kids I know.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/08(Sat)01:37:20 No.2132396
    I knew a girl that's like that. It was my senior year, and a fat whale of a bitch sophomore was a crazy fundie. Told everyone who wasn't Christian that they were going to Hell, and shunned lax Christians that they were taking God's name in vain at the mere utterance of it. To top it off, she acts like a wigger by emulating shitty "gansta" mannerisms when speak.

    She usually latches onto my best bud (who's also a senior), probably because he has an infinite supply of patience and tolerance that's complete alien in this world, and would put up with the bitch.

    Goddamn I'm glad to get out of high school. Sure there were great times, but if you asked if I wanted to do it all over again, I'd have to punch you in the mouth.

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