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  • File: 1334501087.png-(3 KB, 300x300, meme.png)
    3 KB Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:44:47 No.2120678  
    Good afternoon, gentlemen.

    A majority of boards, infamous or not, have some representative memes that have originated from It.

    /r9k/, which is a board based on forced original content, have what appears to be none that have originated from here.

    Am I right/wrong? Is this a key quality factor of this board, or does it mean we're behind the others? Since the creation of memes is a large part of imageboard culture, I'd like some input on this matter.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:45:40 No.2120686
    >A majority of boards, infamous or not, have some representative memes that have originated from It.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:46:28 No.2120690
    /r9k/ invented assburgers
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:47:06 No.2120695
    >that rustled my jimmies
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:47:30 No.2120702
    >implying memes aren't cancer
    >> eeyore !!9lZaZkipt0u 04/15/12(Sun)10:49:09 No.2120713
    >No croissants today boss
    >burst into treats
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:51:19 No.2120729
    >Gay milkshake pier date
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:52:03 No.2120734
    >implying r9k invented greentext

    what about wizardry?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:52:10 No.2120735
    The irony here is fucking killing me.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:53:08 No.2120741
    >from /sci/
    >all memes from there are obscure except for 300k starting
    >Engineers are homosexual
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:53:45 No.2120743
    Wizardry is a very old thing and comes from Japan.

    But burst into treats, rustled the jimmies and spaghetti definitely are /r9k/ original and even reddit feminazis (shitredditsays) have started to use the jimmies meme.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:54:40 No.2120750
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:55:34 No.2120762
    /r9k/ is by its nature anti-meme, that's what the filter is for. Go look at /b/ and see a lot of posts are (or were last time I was there) just spouting memes, that's a reasonable sized part of other boards. The robot is designed to get rid of that and have proper conversation/discussion in threads, actual OC. Repeating the same phrase over and over is not OC, therefore few memes on /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:55:36 No.2120763
    >Beta as fuck
    >Finally nut up and ask girl out
    >she says yes
    >fuck yeah.
    >head to house friday to pick her up
    >ring door bell
    >she answers
    >spaghetti falls out of pocket
    >run away
    >took a crane to get me out
    >no croissants today, boss
    >get home
    >explain to dad what happened
    >he says PROMblem?
    >go upstairs and get on /v/
    >post in thread
    >forever alone
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:55:37 No.2120764
    "She's gonna fuck a lot of dudes" was a meme for a little while a long time ago
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:59:51 No.2120793
    You weren't on /r9k/ before it was deleted. There were memes.

    The new /r9k/ sucks and yeah, there aren't any.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:01:53 No.2120811
    this guy is right. People from /v/ think that some of these memes came from /v/, but that's only because /v/ is a mainstream board and a lot of OC from other places spills into there after they're created. A lot of these memes were from stories that were posted on /r9k/, and after a few days or weeks, migrated into /v/ and became well known.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:03:21 No.2120822
    One of the reasons we don't have common "memes" like /v/ (daily dose, battletoads, etc.) or /a/ (boku no pico, waifu, etc.) is because of the forced OC rule.
    You can edit an image and just add a black line to make it "OC" or so, but it's just a bother. Same with text, you can rewrite a small line or turn a lowercase L into a highercase I, etc.
    But nobody really wants to put that much effort into something, which is why memes are what they are, lazy reposts with minor edits.

    Plus, memes are fucking retarded anyway. Like someone else said, they are a cancer. It's much easier to make a small edit of a meme and be hailed for it rather than make something new.

    At least 1/5 of all discussion on /v/ and /a/ (and even higher on /jp/) is compromised entirely of memes and reposts.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:04:53 No.2120834
    Problem with /r9k/ is that the fact that no two posts can be the same does not allow for the repetitiveness that often occurs with memes. Sadly, most people when creating, taking part in or enjoying memes simply rehash the same things done before which can't be done here.

    Also, everyone here just mopes about not getting ladies.

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