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  • File: 1334497923.jpg-(14 KB, 245x234, 1333980204244.jpg)
    14 KB Money Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:52:03 No.2120253  
    How much does you company pay you (before taxes)?
    How much, after taxes, rent, fuel and other monthly expenses, do you have left over?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:55:09 No.2120280
    ~125-135k after every expense

    note: I am a virgin and detest sluts.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:57:15 No.2120295
    500 EUR a month / 6000 EUR a year before taxes
    maybe 200 EUR after monthly expenses like insurances and shit

    I'm an apprentice.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:02:42 No.2120327
         File: 1334498562.jpg-(179 KB, 800x553, nissan-gt-r-spec-v-1-big.jpg)
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    I started up and own my own business. I do web development. Currently I have 13 clients (only started a couple months ago) who pay $500 a month for my services. It works out to be about $6000 a month after expenses. So about $1500 a week

    Only about 30% of it goes to living. The rest goes in the bank or luxuries. Currently saving enough to put a down deposit on this.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:04:09 No.2120337
    >inb4 everyone browsing /r9k/ are earning crazy monies

    oh wait it's already happened
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:06:50 No.2120356
    Why would you do this?
    Don't spend your money on bullshit things like nice cars.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:09:08 No.2120375
    It has been my dream since Nissan first released the GTR to own one. Just like it was my dream to start my own company and not work for someone else. I try to achieve my dreams, robot.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:09:28 No.2120380
    I make minimum wage, 44 hours a week. About 1320 a month. Rent is $617, transportation is $104 (subwayfag), and I spend around $50 each month on food. So, it averages to about $550 every month of disposable income.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:11:47 No.2120398
    not all of us are NEETs

    some of us stumble into successful careers because of parental connections or because we did well in school cause there weren't women to distract us and got references.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:16:04 No.2120431
    But why? it's just a car. I do not for the life of me understand why people want to wast money on shit they can die horrible deaths in.
    Robot or not I just bought a three million dollar property this weekend.
    And I will never spend more than needed on a car that will get me to point a to point b.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:17:53 No.2120456
    Why does anyone spend more money on anything they have to? I've been an automotive enthusiast my entire life, so of course I'm going to put time, effort and money into something I love.

    Trying to explain it to someone who isn't into that hobby is like trying to explain colour to a blind person.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:24:06 No.2120508
    Made 50.000 Euro last year, but they pay for my Hotels and transport so all I really use money for are escorts, food and violins.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:25:37 No.2120517
         File: 1334499937.png-(51 KB, 659x364, 1311925979277.png)
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    I've been an automotive enthusiast my entire life

    I'm sorry for your loss.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:28:40 No.2120543

    What a poor mentality to have.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:37:26 No.2120618
    You tend to develop this mentality after spending years around people who have such ludicrously expensive hobbies.

    You don't need a fucking third yacht.
    fucking help some people out who need it.
    I just bought my childhood friend a condo to stay in since he was having issues at home while he is in college.
    it was not too much, but it is a living space for some one I care for.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:41:17 No.2120646
    Then you hang around asshats with those hobbies. Do not pair people who work hard and save up for ages so that they can have something with people like that.

    And I fly my friends around Australia all the time, even when I wasn't making as much as I am now. I have a surprise lined up for them for new years, I'm going to be flying us all to Bali, all expenses paid on me. Business is booming.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:45:25 No.2120684
    Also I find it so hard to keep new friends who find out how much I have. how is it for you?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:49:31 No.2120717
    I don't bring it up unless I've known them for a while. I just say I'm in web development and leave it at that. Even though I make more than most people do, I don';t like using that as a way of...valuing myself, for lack of a better word, and then using that to compare people. If you know what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:51:22 No.2120730
    My job this summer is student engineer, I make $15 an hour as a summer student plus mileage.

    Rent/food/gym/ saving for tuition leaves me with $100 a week, but I have no debt and no loans.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:41:06 No.2121102
         File: 1334504466.png-(311 KB, 584x520, 1318665383240.png)
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    Bumping because I want to see what you all earn. OP didn't ask to say but say your jobs as well.

    Also, I earn 22K AUD a year. I live at home and am at uni so it gets me by.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:43:34 No.2121120
    about 450k in expenses
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:44:01 No.2121129
    like 55k. At the end of every month I usually have a good 800-1200 left. I put that away for savings, and usually only spend like 100$ of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:46:00 No.2121139
    I make 50k salary (51 340) exactly. I have to pay life insurance since my job isn`t exactly the safest (intelligence officer/analyst).
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:48:00 No.2121156

    Whho do you work for intel wise?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:49:25 No.2121169
    secret service
    $60,000 will go towards expenses
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:50:32 No.2121176
    I work for an insurance company.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:51:56 No.2121196
    I'm self employed. My rates after costs do not come out to much($40/2 hours) but still most people think I'm overcharging.

    Keep this in mind brobots, you are not just paying for the service but the cost of providing that service.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:53:21 No.2121202
         File: 1334505201.jpg-(38 KB, 384x400, bamy.jpg)
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    So you have to take a bullet for obamy for 90K a year? Fuck that. You met him/anyone important, btw?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:54:01 No.2121208
    joint for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, and the chief of defence intelligence.

    It`s really not that hard to getting a job. All I needed was a university degree and to apply. They called me back months later and put me into a strict 4 month training program.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:54:11 No.2121209
    I'm a billionaire. stay jelly faggots
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:55:56 No.2121223
    I won $400k from a $10 scratch off lottery ticket, pretty much been living off that for the past 3 years.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:57:47 No.2121236

    Pictured: Obama showing us the average length of a tiny white penis.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:00:03 No.2121255
    100k before taxes, around 65k after taxes.

    Are you asking how much I save? I put around $1,500 a month into savings, not including my 401k contributions (7% of pre-tax income). I also go out to eat pretty often, buy clothes when I need them, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:01:15 No.2121261
    Too goddamn much. I've started to just buy random iPads and shit just because I have so much extra money lying around

    Posted from my iPad
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:01:28 No.2121262

    Tell me you live of the interest, right? Also, how much tax did you have to pay?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:07:55 No.2121312
    Where do you apply? I'm currently doing a Poli Science major and wanted to get involved in GUBMENT
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:16:29 No.2121382
    $5200/mo. I'm in the 30% tax bracket, so I get $3,640 withheld, my company takes 6% ($312) out and matches that in my 401(k) at 75 cents to the dollar, and they take another $50 out for health insurance. Now we're at $3,278.

    All bills below are my costs when split with a roommate.

    Rent is $840/mo. $2,438 left over. Gas (for car) comes to about $60/mo. $2,378.

    Natural gas comes to about $10/mo, electric varies from $60-$100/mo, TV/Internet comes to about $54/mo (my roommate and I take a slight service interruption of 1-2 days a year where we switch the service to the others name to get the promo prices year round). $144 for those bills, $2294.

    At this point my parents are insuring the car, a 2001 nissan maxima (I'm approximating all these prices because my job starts in June). It's looking like I'll get a 2001 Toyota Camry with ~100K miles on it. Despite the car being "boring", I'm thankful for it, because being a male under 25 makes my insurance rates hideous with a "sports sedan". A regular sedan is a fuck of a lot cheaper. My FICO score has been groomed to over 760, so I'll pay 40% less for the same coverage than somebody getting the same coverage, but I'm still expecting to pay at least $300/mo. I'm going to round it up to $400. $1894.

    I'm planning to set aside another $400/mo for health expenses. I take a few prescriptions regularly and see a couple specialists. My insurance will be good, but I take a couple non-generics. $1494.

    I'm setting another $300 aside for miscellaneous expenses. $1194.

    I'm setting another $90 aside per month for extraordinary expenses throughout the year. $1104. $150 for food (probably ludicrous since work pays for lunch 80% of the time and I tend not to eat breakfast). $954.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:18:46 No.2121402
    Cell phone bill responsibility ~$65/mo, $889.

    I spend about $80/mo in booze. I think this will be an area to cut back. $809.

    Credit card rewards not included in this calculation. I get 2% back on anything, 3% on groceries, 5% on rotating categories. I don't like counting cashback since it makes you prone to spend more and count it twice in your head (once when buying as part of the purchase decision, once when redeeming). I have no credit card debt, although having $15K in credit available to me as a student is pretty goddamn scary. I'm vigorous about not falling into that trap.

    My goal is to put away $800/month minimum towards an emergency fund in case the worst were to happen. For the utilities I already have (everything before car insurance), I know what I'll be paying. The others are some grey areas and I've gone wide. I've considered going with progressive and using their snapshot discount - apparently it's ridiculously easy to game, since all the device really looks for is when you drive (won't win there), how much you drive, and most importantly, if you do hard braking (the device wants you to slow down <10mph/second).

    How am I looking /r9k/?

    Other considerations:
    -I will be eligible for a 15% bonus next april, I have been told expect 10%. In as little as six months-a year this will change positively (I will get increased bonus eligibility, most likely 30% expect 25%).
    -After YE2012 I will be traveling monday-thursday and will thus pretty much lose food and most other miscellaneous expenses (company covers).
    -Work will assume financial responsibility for a smartphone but you lose the number if you leave the company and they own the device. I don't feel comfortable with that and will likely maintain my separate line.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:23:12 No.2121430
    ~$700 after taxes
    woo minimum wage
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:29:49 No.2121493
    I had no idea /r9k/ was so successful.
    >> Nipples McTeat !61onlyZ6ZQ 04/15/12(Sun)12:30:20 No.2121498
    I'm a musician for tips. I typically make 80-100 dollars in a night, after about two hours dicking around. I only do this for one night a week, and not even every week, because I live with my grandmother, who takes care of my expenses. I just like to have some pocket change to get me through the week at school and with friends.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:32:57 No.2121520
    I think the more successful ones are more likely to have a grip on what they make, what they spend, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:33:20 No.2121524
    Are all the NEETs just not posting on this thread or are we all shitposting to big up our e-peens? I'm genuinely surprised at the amount of people with respectable careers having their shit together, good show robots.

    Anyways, I'm a dentist a year and a bit out of dental school. I moved to the middle of fucking nowhere after graduation, making $235k after taxes, working 5.5 days a week. My rent is minimal (didn't want to buy a house since I only plan to stay here for another year or so tops) and my main expenses are car insurance (Audi TT) and internet (got the fastest connection money could buy since there's sweet fuck-all else to do here).
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:34:45 No.2121535
    $1800 a month after taxes, I'm saving up $1500 each month because I still live with my parents. Its my first job so I dont give a fuck even if its minimum wage since I have no expenses.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:38:05 No.2121567
    oh shit is there really a secret service brobot? I remember your AMA thread a few weeks ago but thought it was a troll
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:38:48 No.2121578
    >>2121382 and >>2121402 here
    Am I missing something important coverage-wise or what? I'm getting quoted at $130/mo (I'll probably opt to get paper statements and am not counting the $50 one time online signup bonus).
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:39:26 No.2121583
    Category: $whats left

    Before taxes: $1600/month
    After taxes: $1300/month
    Add in money taken out for insurance: $1225/month
    401K taken out: $1200/month
    Truck Payment: $200/month - The actual payment is $500/month, but I pay double so I can pay it off early
    Gas: $120/month
    Cellphone: $90/month

    So, in the end, I have $90 left over after each month. I live with my parents, so I don't have to worry about rent or anything like that. They pay for food, and all the bills except for my own cell phone. They also buy food for me to take to work also. Guess it's not bad living with your parents, even at 28? Can't wait till I get my truck paid off. Only $10,000 left to go.

    Oh, and I forgot insurance for truck: -$800 every 6 months. But I got that tucked away in savings, so that isn't that big of a deal.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:39:31 No.2121584
         File: 1334507971.png-(48 KB, 528x842, lolwat.png)
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    Sorry guys I forgot my image.

    I didn't even include the snapshot discount (at least 10%, max 30%) since I'm not sure I'll do it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:43:35 No.2121615
    First job I applied to out of university (my country's equivalent anyway). Didn't get through the first round because I didn't pass the personality profile. Shit sucks.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:43:44 No.2121619
    Militaryfag here (coast guard)

    3000 a month after taxes
    5% into my tsp (retirement)
    480 a month for rent
    300 a month into savings
    200 a month into a mutual fund
    I drive a modest car so it's like 250 a month for my payment and 125 for insurance

    I still have enough to buy whatever I want

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