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  • File: 1334491755.gif-(167 KB, 1225x405, JEFF.gif)
    167 KB Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:09:15 No.2119610  
    to all of those who say that suddenly "normalfags" have come and "ruined" /r9k/, I just want to remind you that some classic /r9k/ happenings have been through normal fags

    "SHE'S GONNA FUCK A LOT OF DUDES" guy had a girlfriend. a pretty hot one too. he must've been a normalfag.
    "who punched jeff" was a story about a normalfag at a party getting a blowjob
    also if you look at the archive, there are no mentions of people being alone in the early days of /r9k/. the one thread i could find related to it was done in such a gentlemanly manner it worked out.

    basically what i'm trying to say is normalfags made r9k what it was, and then you lonely guys came along and messed it up. so stop telling normalfags to go away.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:19:13 No.2119652

    Quality post, OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:24:01 No.2119666
    Buttclobbered normalfag that lost an argument in that thread about the dancing slut. Must be so mad right now.

    But yeah, you have 2 examples. The deviants of this board are the board, you're just a very vocal minority that like to rear their ugly heads in every thread and talk shit about everyone. Always destroying discussions and just shitposting all over the site. You have /soc/ people, or reddit. Maybe they'd care how much you got wasted the night before. It's not that we hate you, it's that you're so unoriginal and fucking boring. And you think people should be interested in what you say.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:26:44 No.2119680
    >"Jeff got punched, take this"
    Fucking lose it every time.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:35:28 No.2119733
    just FYI, i'm not one of the people arguing in that thread, but I did observe it.

    I feel as though you're getting defensive.
    i listed 2 notable examples, and then told you to go look at the early archives of r9k when no one even mentioned the phrase normalfag, where they were just a group of gentlemen. no one called out anybody for anything they said.
    old r9k and reddit/soc are completely different people. i don't understand why you are drawing that comparison.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:38:37 No.2119754
    >Old /r9k/
    >Existed for 1 month and then was turned into its true purpose

    Shut the fuck up normalfag. It was never this paradise you thought it was. Just as retarded as them fucking /b/tards saying /b/ used to be good. Deluded forever.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:40:08 No.2119762
    Honestly, this entire dichotomy of "normalfags" vs "foreveralones" is what has ruined 9rk. We didn't used to draw these lines in the sand and obsess over our differences like this.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:41:44 No.2119769
    Yes we did. It's human nature to make divides between groups. This was here from the very start. In fact it was the massive influx of normalfags that made this problem more apparent.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:43:47 No.2119778
    Hello again!
    you still have not checked the archives. I have not the time to check them thoroughly but I can assure you that quality threads were being made for at least upwards of a year.
    You still also have a defensive and insulting tone which I see not the need for.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:44:58 No.2119783
    None of these stories are in green text, why the fuck would anyone find them memorable or interesting? /r9k/ is even better now.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:46:14 No.2119789
    No, it's not. It's the nature of petty, immature humans to do so. Others will note the difference but refuse to take it as an opportunity to vent their frustrations and jealousy on others.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:47:20 No.2119792
    Why would I care for you cherry picking moments of nostalgia from a board rampant with shitposting as you are doing now with this thread? It has always been like this, maybe one "quality" thread for 100 shit ones.

    Take off those rose tinted glasses champ and take a good wiff of reality.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:48:23 No.2119798
    >Implying it's not the normalfags that butt into every thread spouting shit

    LOL. Man what board are you even on?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:48:30 No.2119799
    This is true. The archive has little to no threads about being foreveralone/beaches and shores/autism/"normalfag" hate.

    This leads to two possible conclusions:
    1. The neckbeard threads were and are regarded as shitposting by /r9k/.

    2. The normal people are not the invaders of this board, but the neckbeard foreveralone permavirgins are.

    In both cases, the collective action taken should be the same: Disregard shitposting (here defined as the "Oh God I'm so alone my life sucks bitches n hoes" threads and their replies), post quality threads of actual substance.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:49:01 No.2119806

    aw nigga you busted
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:50:02 No.2119810
    Dude do you know why archives are even made? They're picked out of a 100 threads. Stop posting objectively wrong "facts".
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:50:10 No.2119811
    My point is that not everyone was complaining about being alone. At least those "shit threads" were original. (ironically, you called out "normalfags" for being unoriginal)

    You have once again made a baseless insult in claiming I have shitposted. Perhaps we could debate in a more mature manner?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:50:24 No.2119812
    It is the normalfags. And it's also the foreveralones. Both groups contain plenty of asshats. Stop scapegoating.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:55:44 No.2119838
    Arguing with a condescending tone isn't considered mature friend. It's the tactic of those who are insecure in their audiences opinion. Try to paint an aggressive enemy through the use of subtlety.

    And as said before, archives are those threads that were chosen due to"quality" or just hive mind opinion. I've seen it happen, people archive pointless threads because they have the urge to jump on the bandwagon. And really, you think we're the bad ones when all your normalfags have for rebuttals are stereotypes and strawmen. It's sad.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:56:42 No.2119842
    to be honest i just want to know what happened that caused us to make the division/differentiate.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:58:39 No.2119856
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    Aging happened.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:59:04 No.2119858
    > Dude do you know why archives are even made?
    Yep, to highlight and record the best moments of a board.

    > They're picked out of a 100 threads. weed out the shitposting. The lack of foreveralone threads suggests that there was either a lack of an audience for them or they were regarded as shit.

    > Stop posting objectively wrong "facts".
    I'm making speculation based on one fact that can be checked by you if you want. Just go through the archives.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:59:07 No.2119859
    The world is not black and white. There is no red line between a normalfag and an /r9k/ autist. Often the two are indistinguishable, often they overlap.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:59:30 No.2119862
    No you are wrong. I am the only deviant in this thread as I have been in the others. I am alone against your horde because all the other deviants are too fucking scared to say anything and do what they do best, be victimized and let your shitty opinions matter to them. I know that normalfags aren't logical, and I know that all that you say does not benefit anyone. It's just hollow words meant for ego boosting. Then you feel threatened and lambast me with the typical bullshit stereotypes. It's beginning to get so cliche that I can just post the same rebukes in every thread, and win every argument with you normalfags because you're all the same.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:00:15 No.2119867
    When /r9k/ first starte dup it worked pretty much like /b/ did in the days where traffic was a lot lower. Some threads were terrible, some interesting. For a couple of months you had a huge range of subjects and some pretty funny stuff happening.

    Then people started using it as their livejournal. There'd be a relationship thread from time to time or some guy bitching about the friend zone, but there was other content as well. After a while the ratio shifted and it turned into a full blown pity party.

    It's not about normalfags against neckbeards; it's about new content against the same damn whining every time.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:00:49 No.2119872

    it's arguable that it's a representation of the community at the time.
    how many of those types of threads do you see today? in the last month? since /r9k/'s revival?

    how many alone threads have you seen?
    if this truly had been "/r9k/ - forever alone" from the beginning, then the archive would only have lonely threads. the best of the best of lonely threads. representative of the lonely community.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:04:42 No.2119893
    ...are you calling yourself some kind of /r9k/ hero?
    i'm sorry but i really don't understand what you're trying to achieve. why are you so adamant about maintaining this image of loneliness?
    and i really don't understand what you mean by "stereotypes". what stereotypes have you seen in this thread? i honestly have no idea what you are talking about.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:05:29 No.2119900
    >hurr old /r9k/ was best guise
    >bunch of /b/ threads

    Yeah, well there goes all merit you had OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:09:31 No.2119921
    The shitty stereotypes you throw onto every dissenting opinion.


    Inane comments like these just make me want to stop arguing with your ilk. Because as soon as you resort to this I realize i've been arguing with another low brow generic scum with probably no education and no thoughts pertaining to events that happen outside his bubble.

    And no i'm not bragging about loneliness. I'm saying that people should have pride in breaking up your shitty circlejerks that you do EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY. Every "forever alone" thread you talk about is swiftly interjected by some retarded normalfags. Then the thread dies. Please get your fucking facts right.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:13:26 No.2119938

    I'm not normally surprised by poor interpersonal skills on the internet, but wow.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:14:48 No.2119948
    Been here since the start, old r9k lasted for a little over 6 months. What you people need to realize is that "foreveralones" are dumb normalfags. They fucking ruined this board with their relationshit, whining and white knighting.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:15:08 No.2119950
    It's really incredible that you've just proven my point yet again. Are you at all capable of abstract thought?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:16:02 No.2119956
    are you complaining about the deaths of forever alone threads? do you really want them that badly, all the time?

    why can't people who don't want to wallow in self pity circle jerk too?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:17:54 No.2119976
    No, it's not even forever alone threads. We could be having an actual discussions then you obnoxious fucks come bust in and spread your feces all over the place, then feel proud about the act that just transpired. Every fucking thread dude. It's very bad.
    >> sage sage 04/15/12(Sun)09:19:12 No.2119984
    /r9k/ was never about "classic happenings". Take youtr misplaced nostalgia for a nonexistent past and shove it up your ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:19:29 No.2119988
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:19:50 No.2119991
    Not the guy you're arguing with but what the dicks are you talking about? Are you being serious or is this some elaborate troll?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:22:28 No.2120016
    I'm trolling about normalfags being obnoxious fucks that jump into every thread and shit up the place?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:22:50 No.2120023
    I never said it was, but they had more topics of discussion than "that feel" and "forever alone". did it not?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:24:06 No.2120030
    Oh my. You're being serious.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:27:49 No.2120058
    This really is the lowest common denominator arguing friend. Well, when all else fails, call the other a troll.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:29:09 No.2120066
    not that guy, but we're not making progress and you're not trying to accept anyone else's arguments...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:32:55 No.2120090
    >>2119859 is right

    Yeah I always get losers calling me a "normalfag" because I've had a girlfriend, not a virgin, I've had life experiences, etc...

    Guess what, I'm not so fucking normal. I have mild cerebral palsy, the teachers and the principal in my school thought I was autistic and called my dad into a meeting to talk to them about it. I think my dad probably thought they were full of shit. If he did then I'd go as far as to consider it just about the only good thing he's really done for me. I asked but didn't really understand what autistic was or really comprehend the situation for what it was.

    You remember that kid on the playground who always kept to himself? Walking back and forth in the same general area, but moving away when someone else decides to go there? That was me. The school guidance counselor set me up with a group of "friends" who proceeded to pretend I don't exist the moment I left the room, except for one extremely nice girl, and my extremely popular cousin, who I was already cool with anyway.

    But yeah, I'm going on dates. I'm talking to females. I've fucked a few. I give advice from the perspective of someone who knows what it's like to grow up this way, because it's the only perspective I fucking know. If you stubborn manchildren would stop bitching about "normalfags" trying to help you and listen you might learn something.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:34:25 No.2120102

    You're better off than us, get the fuck out.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:35:58 No.2120114
    the one who hit on a 16-year-old cashier and sent her death threats when she rejected him, then acted surprised when he was put on a list of sexual offenders.

    I'm right, aren't I? You LOVE bragging about how superior you are.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:36:45 No.2120119
    Hookup threads, cock threads, camwhoring, and more cock threads?

    No fucking thanks. I'll stay here with my own antisocial kind.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:37:15 No.2120124
    no, he can fucking stay.
    are you trying to be top of the lonely losers or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:37:26 No.2120126
    Dude if you were really autistic you wouldn't have fucked anyone. All that effort into some irrelevant post is now invalid and void. Leave thread and save yourself further embarrassment. Why do people always use the experience with anecdotal evidence fallacy?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:38:49 No.2120138
    No I am not that guy. Good attempt at a strawman though. Shows you're trying.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:39:04 No.2120139
    It isn't funny to make fun of people with mental illness.

    many of the folks here have SAD or severe depression.

    telling them to buck up is about as useful now as it was getting it from some 1950s shitty father.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:39:15 No.2120142
    >If you stubborn manchildren would stop bitching about "normalfags" trying to help you and listen you might learn something.

    But you don't even help. Saying "just go out there and talk to ppl man not hard!!! XD!" isn't help. It's fucking stupid.

    If you had any other advice to offer other than ignorant, empty bullshit then I'd be happy to listen to it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:42:45 No.2120170

    Just be yourself!

    I can't believe somebody has seriously given this advice, I was being sarcastic and was muted. Just goes to show the range of normalfag "help"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:43:42 No.2120179
    >implying he's not a real dude
    He's in the archives, too, if you look.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:44:03 No.2120181
    did you even read his post? he doesn't have autism.

    we're not complaining about your inability to improve yourselves, or insulting you. it's hard, fine.

    we just don't want you to talk about it here ALL the time. go see a psychologist or talk to your parents or friends or something
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:44:44 No.2120189
    >Being retarded

    What hath god wrought?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:46:09 No.2120199
    Fuck off lol. What authority do you have? Go back to facebook if you want to live in a veil of lies. Shit man here we discuss reality and problems. Don't like it, fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:47:26 No.2120216
    >go see a psychologist or talk to your parents or friends or something
    >or talk to your parents or friends or something
    >or friends or something

    You don't fucking get it do you?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:47:38 No.2120218

    *shuts himself in room with Japanese dolls and drawing comics*

    "IM FREE!"

    *dies alone*
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:49:46 No.2120233
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    hey "Mr. normalfags have empty shallow arguments and unoriginal things to say", get a load o' this guy here
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:50:53 No.2120242

    take your pick.

    You know, I fucking knew someone would call me out on that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:50:58 No.2120243
    I would never give this advice. Just be yourself is horribly incomplete. If I went on a date and ranted about how the Sega Saturn was way better than the Sony Playstation, told her about how I wish Katy Perry, Ke$ha, 3 Oh! 3, Far East Movement, and half of the Interscope Records roster would die in a terrible plane crash I don't think she'd find me very interesting. But I'd be baring my soul, being myself, giving my honest thoughts.

    Instead I will talk about my childhood. My adult life. My experiences dating other girls. The funny stories about these things, not the sad woe is me ones. Many of you do this on /r9k/ every day. Why not talk about these kinds of things with a girl? Skip the really disgusting ones though, until you get to know her better.

    So here's my advice, show up to a date with something else to talk about other than "I LOVE NARUTO XD" or "I HATE THE FUCKING WORLD EVERYONE SUCKS."
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:51:46 No.2120249
    Meh, I don't give a shit. I'm living off hookers and porn. And tell myself that it's impossible for me to enter a normal life due to physical features and economic position. We can't escape fate friends. So sit back and let that chaotic tide of horror and shock guide you to the end.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:53:21 No.2120265
    >Instead I will talk about my childhood. My adult life. My experiences dating other girls. The funny stories about these things, not the sad woe is me ones

    I guess I can talk about my childhood, but there's nothing going on in my adult life so what the fuck do I say?

    This kind of advice only works for normalfags who are already interesting. For genuine forever alones, there is no hope.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:56:30 No.2120290
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    In all honestly its because they're jealous that don't have the social skills/ genetic factors to get women.
    I honestly think 40% of the virgins here just want to get laid. 20% want a relationship. 20% are just to hung over someone. The last 20% just doesn't give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:57:17 No.2120297
    anon's rules on how to get a girl.

    1) be handsome
    2) be attractive
    3) don't be unattractive
    4) tell unattractive it is easy to boost own confidence
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:59:42 No.2120306
    Go fucking do something then. Really anything. Take a vacation. Meet some crazy people off the internet.

    I got lots of great stories about me just rolling through life, being my usual beta socially awkward self, meeting lots of sketchy people living in a hostel in Honolulu, meeting someone I thought was a friend online and traveling to Florida via bus to sleep on their couch but it turned out they had a meth lab there, going to Australia to fuck my internet girlfriend but the condom wouldn't fit me...

    Just do some shit. You don't even have to improve yourself to do it, just wander into some situations and watch what happens.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:59:43 No.2120307
    Normfalfags ruin this board because they always go into threads and say stupid stuff like

    "Why are you such a loser, get a life faggots"

    or something of the like and it completely murders any discussion and the welcoming fell that this board is supposed to be for all the lonely souls. The old sub-title for the board was

    "Together alone - Forever" and despite the meme that surrounded it, I thought it was an accurate depiction of what this board was supposed to be. Even though I'm not exactly on par with some of the people here nor am I completely a normal fag,I don't go into threads shitting it up and I definetly don't judge the losers on here.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:01:34 No.2120319
    And you blame us for being bitter for being forced into misery and not being able to change things outside our control? Do you honestly know what it fucking feels like?

    Like a slave race working just for the sake of it, no rewards, no respect or acknowledgment. Destined to die alone and have no say on it. Man, why the fuck are we not killing everyone? This isn't life, this is fucking hell. This is like living as bacteria, deriving no pleasure, just so that the flesh continues and the fear of death is what keeps us alive. I envy those who are ignorant to their fates.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:01:50 No.2120321
    Anon's rules on how not to get a girl:

    1) Make no attempt to ever actually talk to girls
    2) Blame the fact that you can't get girls on genetics
    3) Flee from all responsibility
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:02:34 No.2120326
    it WAS that subtitle in the last month or so of its run, but this was when moot was making fun of you guys for talking about nothing but loneliness. then he deleted it. do you see what i'm trying to get at here
    >> spacepod !vfDBkWsecU 04/15/12(Sun)10:03:43 No.2120336
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    actually before now i did not know there was such hatred for "normal fags" on this board.

    dont we all have our problems ? what makes my problems unworthy to post compared to the stereotype here ?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:04:56 No.2120341
    Yo normalcunt. Most losers on here tried the first step many times but to no avail. You're wrong and dumb. Leave.

    And lets finish this WHOLE argument and put every normalfag to shame, just with one article that depicts every normies mentality:
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:07:37 No.2120360
    Problem is, the ones who are able to get /fit/ are either too lazy/little pussies. Which is what I don't understand. they want girls, usually attractive ones. But they don't want to fit the pyhsical part to do it.
    >Inb4 /fit/ doesn't get you girls
    >Get some fucking social skills
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:07:43 No.2120363
    lol, I'm not one of the kissless virgin here, I just noticed it is a common theme to just tell people to just magically do shit.

    You can't start talking to girls if you are inexperienced, you will look like a creep and word spreads. Then guys like me will harass the kissless virgin for bothering some girl.

    The way people behave on here is 100% rational based on how they perceive themselves and how they think the world perceives them. Their perception of themselves is the irrational part that needs treatment, but no one gives a fuck to help that its all about boosting our own confidence because what we do (socialize) is so natural to us.

    Basically your advice is as shitty as the rest given on this board.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:08:07 No.2120368
    Well, I don't think I really have social skills, at least mine aren't very good. Genetic? Haha well, I couldn't approach someone if my life depended on it. When I do I freeze up and it's like I forget how to talk. Only time I don't have this problem is if I'm speaking to someone I already know.

    I'm certainly no "alpha." I will never be one. The only reason I have success with girls at all is the internet. I chat them up, I ask lots of questions, I get to know them in text only mode. Then when you kind of know a bit about their personality and how they are going to answer the questions you ask them you're not so scared to ask them.

    I'm moderately good looking, but when I grew up I didn't understand or care for good hygiene, didn't wear decent clothes, the usual... People told me I was ugly, retarded, and just about any terrible thing you could imagine. I believed them.

    If you're actually physically deformed on the other hand I don't know how to help you. If you just think women will never find you attractive because you're a couple inches too short, don't know how to dress, and can't be bothered to take care of yourself you're an insecure faggot and need to get to fixing yourself up...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:10:15 No.2120386
    >Getting /fit/ gets you girls

    heheehehehhahahhhhahahaahahahah. Why do you exist? To torment me with your trolling?

    I went to the gym for 2 years. And became a major depressive after I realized that no matter what I do i can't change fate.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:11:57 No.2120400
    95% of that article was rambling bullshit.
    The part of it that actually quoted studies, that I'm sure were conducted properly and aren't being pulled out of the author's ass (but how the fuck would I know when there are very few proper citations), was actually interesting.
    Unfortunately too much of it was just rambling about how people seem to think that someone who, from the evidence they're presented, is in a disadvantaged situation, due to their own wrongdoing, is at fault.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:13:16 No.2120411
    the only thing people are criticising self-proclaimed loners for in this thread is for not shutting up about it. no one wants to hear it in 10 different threads at any given time.

    why can't you understand that?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:15:34 No.2120428
    Ugly people just need to find ways to make money
    Clothes, >>>/fa/
    Bitches love /fa/
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:15:40 No.2120429
    OP here, this thread went off the deep end. it's no longer relevant to what i intended.
    i tried to do my bit to help out this board a little but it didn't work.

    oh well
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:15:42 No.2120430
    getting fit to get girls is stupid advice normals feed you.

    confidence doesn't help.

    talking doesn't always help because women chatter all day.

    you basically have to change how the entire world looks at you by warping who you are into someone you are not. The people here are social rejects for a reason. Society does not value them at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:16:12 No.2120434
    You know, while I agree with you in the first place, the way you explained that is new to me, and I am very much appreciative of it. Well done, friend.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:17:14 No.2120447
    lol terrible advice ITT

    >bitches love fashion/fitness/money

    so much for finding a girl who likes you and not what you wear.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:17:57 No.2120458
    >confidence doesn't help.

    You're a really special, indescribable kind of stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:18:19 No.2120466
    Yeah I guess money helps. Can't buy you love though.

    Also I must say, don't think that just getting clothes or money or an interesting life is going to get you girls. You still have to put in the effort and talk to them. These are simply things that will make you more appealing to them.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:18:43 No.2120469
    /r9k/ has always been defined by two diametrically opposing castes.

    The two best things that ever happened to /r9k/ was a story about a beta faggot who starts a rock band, and FUCK YEAH CAIN.

    Personally, I felt the two were more in balance pre-board wipe.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:20:58 No.2120483
    confidence alone with no other traits makes you come off as a douche.

    the anons here have little going for them, and are socially fucked so they can only work on one thing at a time. Working on confidence will just make everyone hate them instead of ignore them.

    also it helps if you look like you have a REASON to be confident, which the guys here do not.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:21:15 No.2120487
    >/r9k/ autist
    The autists don't belong to /r9k/, and nor is the inverse true. There's no special link between "/r9k/" and "autist" - the autists that we do have here are the same as autists everywhere else.. I'll put this down to poor wording.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:21:32 No.2120489
    Well you could have just made it a /r9k/ nostalgia thread without criticizing the threads of today. By doing that you've invited the sort of people who populate these threads to come here and discuss it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:22:29 No.2120497
    He made another article:
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:23:09 No.2120500
    Correct. The issue is that "neckbeard foreveralone autists" get defensive about their brand of whining, whereas normalfags just ignore criticism.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:23:40 No.2120505
    He sure did make another article.

    That is an article.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:26:44 No.2120528
    i'm pretty certain someone would've come along and said "all the forever alone threads today suck ass compared to the old threads, fuck these guys" and then bam.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:27:06 No.2120531
    It's obviously a troll. That or he's mentally ill. I was going to respond, but then I read >>2119862.
    With a post like that, it'd have to be a troll, a mental case, or both.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:28:33 No.2120542
    Either you didn't do shit right, or you don't have social skills
    Nope, bs. If you can't keep up a convo with one woman, you guys either have nothing in common or you just suck at talking to women. Also, if people here really want the girls out there, they have no choice but to change themselves. Every see really beautful women without make-up? They easily rank down to 4/10-7/10. Society itself is flawed, but sometimes you gotta agree with the majority.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:29:39 No.2120554
    Are you that pathetic that you can't argue like a fucking adult and resort to childish insults? Really dude? Fucking hell. I know it's hard you normies to have rational talks with people but you just come off as a bigger retard with that shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:31:25 No.2120569
    Well there's no magic fucking bullet when it comes to women (in b4 some fag says money)

    You have to become better, more mentally stable, more hygienic, a better conversationalist, a more aesthetically pleasing person...

    But what I will have you know is that you can be mediocre in all these traits, as I am, and still get women. Not heaps of women begging for your cock, but you will get some dates, some opportunities. These go a long way towards improving your conversational skills. These are what I think are the most important... Even though I'm just okay in the looks department I can make them think I'm the most interesting guy on the planet and make a good impression.

    But it doesn't always work. I met this one girl that's just... Fuck I don't know how to describe her. She made me feel like all of these skills I had are gone, like kryptonite to superman.

    But she was a vapid bitch who already has a boyfriend. Every /r9k/ misogynist's nightmare. When she arrived she was talking onto the phone and said "he looks alright but not as good as you" and I asked who she's speaking to and she says it's her fiance.

    Worst fucking date ever. But when it was over I wasn't mad or crying or any shit like that. I just laughed, and was happy it's done, and that I don't ever have to talk to her again.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:31:43 No.2120572
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    >Thinking normalfags are mature

    Oh boy!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:33:43 No.2120584
    What do you think of demi-norms?

    i.e. facebook makes me feel like a loser, /r9k/ makes me feel like a winner

    26 and only fucked 4 women two of whom were prostitutes

    spaghetti in at least 50% of conversations
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:38:02 No.2120622
    >welcoming fell that this board is supposed to be for all the lonely souls
    >I definetly don't judge the losers on here.
    >what this board was supposed to be
    Are you fucking serious?

    This is 4chan. There is not, and has never been, a board that is supposed to be a designated cuddle-club for anyone (no, not even autists), and even if there was, it certainly wouldn't be here, because this was SUPPOSED to be an original-content/general board.

    You're an idiot. Maybe I can excuse your failure to recognise the facetious page header as a symptom of your autism.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:38:40 No.2120625
    You're wrong, re-read your post before this one. If you're fit with confedence, you'll get girls. If you have money and confedence, you'll get girls. If you have money, good clothes, fit, and confedence, you'll get girls.
    Why? You have traits to back it up. Girls are usually shallow and go by power and pyshical apperance
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:38:48 No.2120628
    What I really hate is how those fucking betas lump us all together as deviants or losers or whatever.

    Newsflash: I'm probably more pathetic than you, but I'd honestly rather hear normalfag stories than you guys crying and moaning and whining all day. 4chan was never meant to be a place to talk about YOUR FEEEEEEEEELINGS and if you tried to pull that shit back in 05 or 06 in anything other than a facetious, jokey way, you would not find a "Supportive community of betas just like me!" you would just get laughed off the boards.

    And it is in that spirit that I would like to deliver this advice to everybody who ever cried about something on /r9k/: Fucking kill yourself. All of you.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:39:26 No.2120632
    >inb4 some fag says money
    Good looks. Now what.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:39:56 No.2120636
    Go back to wrongplanet, dipshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:43:34 No.2120665
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    >whereas normalfags just ignore criticism.
    >implying normalfags don't troll, name call, get defensive, jimmy-flustered, irrational, act childish
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:43:41 No.2120668
    Good looks are good to have. But you don't need them. You just need passable looks. Like if you gave it a grade D+. Fix yourself up enough to where you look just okay. Just enough.

    Think of it like you're a character in an RPG and these are your stats. Some characters have advantages over others. Some are well rounded. and so on and so forth...

    You need to work on raising your fucking stat points. Taking time to level up.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:45:58 No.2120687
    I thought I'd share a few observations about /r9k/ and about what is "normal" in general compared to 4chan. I have been here since the board began (the first time) and here is how it evolved:

    1) Several months where people posted a variety of topics and had a 'classy gentleman' attitude going on
    2) Gradually increasing # of misogynist foreveralone whiners
    3) Amount of misogyny gets to creepy self-perpetuating "someone is going to kill women IRL" levels
    4) moot shuts board down
    5) moot restarts board
    6) misogynist foreveralones come back immediately
    7) as 4chan itself is more popular, increasing amounts of "normalfags" come too
    8) neverending war between foreveralones and normalfags

    I there are various levels of normalfagdom. In the US, the highest level is conservative social butterfly top 40 business major types. 4channers are generally abnormal, but foreveralones are most abnormal. But they're all obsessed with girls and relationships - only the very occasional person breaks that trend.

    The "normalfags" of /r9k/ and the foreveralones are just opposite sides of a coin. Neither are interesting or unique in terms of what they post here, both are obsessed with girls and social shit, it's just one group has success with that and one doesn't.

    I don't really sympathize with either group, but one thing I will say - you can see normalfag relationship stuff anywhere on the internet, and anywhere in IRL. They are the default, because most people can function in that area. The foreveralones may sound like a broken record on /r9k/, but this is one of the only places you can see people like them, so I can understand their anger at being drowned out.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:47:12 No.2120697
    Money helps as a major factor, females want a guy that can support her. Its instinct.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:48:58 No.2120710
    Well I'm always broke as fuck. Girls will still date me anyway, but I don't have money to take them on dates.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:51:48 No.2120733
    But I just don't understand why they always want to pity themselves about it and go on and on and on
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:54:08 No.2120748
    Because they're too lazy to change it. The only way they'll ever feel better about themselves is to find a villain to blame for all their life's problems (feminists, normalfags, etc)
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:55:29 No.2120761
    They constantly complain, though they take no action.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:56:41 No.2120773
    We can coexist if we start cleaning the shit up on the board,

    I don't mind "that feel" threads, but If you made a feel General then we wouldn't have so much spewing everywhere, same as the feminism thread. Everyone needs to just put all their cancerous shit in one thread so we don't have to see it if we don't want to..

    but instead we have feel threads all over the place self absorbed foreveralones making new thread after new thread about the same shit... I don't believe in the term "normalfag" but I'm pretty sure they're people making threads complaining about it..

    Lets follow the example of the good boards and just have generals for the shit so it won't be all over the place, we don't need 7 "tfw" threads on the first page.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:56:54 No.2120776

    well, I think it's because of what I said, that people with relationships and social lives are everywhere. It's the norm, it's in the media, and almost everyone gets to enjoy it. A foreveralone loser type feels locked out of that, and yet reminded of it constantly. Unless they're a shutin to the extent that they don't even read or surf the internet or go outside, they will be constantly reminded of what they lack.

    I could see how that could become an obsession, which sadly just perpetuates their issues as being obsessive is pretty creepy.

    IMO that's why often foreveralones, for all their boring blandness, have a basic idea of what being "normal" is like since it's all around them, whereas normalfags on here often give really obvious and yet totally unhelpful advice like "oh just be more social" that demonstrates they don't really understand how being foreveralone comes about since they're not constantly exposed to it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:57:04 No.2120778
    Learn cause and effect. Actually disregard that, just get an education.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:57:08 No.2120779
    /r9k/'s peak was when the members were both normalfags and bawwfags. 4chan's members were always fucked up in some way, but we knew how to have fun and talk about the most ridiculous and original things. This often involved things like self-deprecating humor, so unlike people from less deviant sites, 4chan users exploited the craziest aspects of life. This also led us to start spilling out our problems. As /r9k/ progressed, people saw all of those advice threads and started thinking that /r9k/ was their personal diary. They didn't realize that all the fun came from sharing personal stories and content that couldn't be told in more mainstream settings. No one gives a fuck about your problems- but they do give a fuck about the interesting stuff that you have to talk about.

    Thus, people got the wrong message. They actually looked towards /r9k/ for advice. They also looked towards /r9k/ as a mingling site. /adv/ and /soc/ were kicked out of /r9k/ for this very reason. But it was too late. /r9k/ became an emotional tampon for many people, and it became a place where 'betas' would post sad frog threads, and other betas would pretend to be alphas and insult the betas to make themselves feel better.
    >> Nipples McTeat !61onlyZ6ZQ 04/15/12(Sun)10:57:25 No.2120780 about them Red Sox?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:58:13 No.2120783
    Another thread with normalfags circlejerking and them thinking they're the minority. This is the state of r9k/ now.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:00:58 No.2120805
    Maybe theres just some people that have to be on the bottom.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:04:52 No.2120833
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    We /r9k/ now.

    Leave neckbears, we're the true nerds.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:05:19 No.2120835
    I'm just waiting for that crazy guy who calls himself hatefag or something to turn up.

    The 24 year old dude who tried to hit on a 16 year old and got a sex offender registry entry for his trouble. God, I love reading his posts.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:07:08 No.2120848
    I like how you ,being some pathetic expendable consumer whore, actually acts smug. Just really revealing. But eh, I guess you're not pathetic because there's some people a little bit more pathetic than you. Ah thank god, it all works out in the end.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:07:48 No.2120853
    Your post contained a load of totally illogical points, and also criticised others for not being "logical". I am not out to argue - I am simply making logical statements. Only mental illness or deliberate misbehaviour (trolling) could explain such a post. Do not be insulted.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:07:55 No.2120855
    Another bawwfag that always has to complain about a thread that isn't just "tfw" or "how can you ever date a girl that had another man's cum on her face?"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:08:20 No.2120859
    You need to accept that and be comfortable with it, or try to change it and start climbing up the ladder. You need to remember that success won't come to you overnight, especially seeing as your competitors have a good 10+ year start on you. You needn't cry like a bitch when you inevitably meet failure along your way as well.

    I'm still failing, still learning from those failures, and trying to be humble and not let the first taste of success get to me too much.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:08:58 No.2120865
    Why do normalfags think that their odd early childhood experiences make them not normal? You've had sex, you've had girlfriends, yet you think you're not a normalfag? Funny. Most of us have never even had a substantive conversation in real life. 20+ years of looking normal, smiling and waving, that's it
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:10:28 No.2120875
    can you give me more info on this guy? are there archived threads or anything? sounds real interesting
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:11:31 No.2120886
    Bet you call people who hail from different cultures or countries mentally ill too. Gotta love them sheltered surbanites eh.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:11:34 No.2120887
    That's hardly "normal" behaviour. No true Scotsman and whatnot aside, you can't call them a "normalfag" if they aren't "normal".
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:12:15 No.2120890



    one person can make a difference if they're determined enough, make this place full of original content and let's have a good time while we're at it.
    >> Nipples McTeat !61onlyZ6ZQ 04/15/12(Sun)11:13:53 No.2120904 about them Yankees?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:13:53 No.2120905
    You really worship this perfect ideal of normal don't you? What is your concept of normal? The reason why I dislike normalfags is because they're always aggressive, confrontational and extremely hostile to different opinions. You must be living in some fantasy world if you think normalfags are people without any faults.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:15:16 No.2120915
    Bottom line, op, Is normalfags have done more damage to this board than helped it. I mean, really, their topics are boring dimwit pop culture garbage and have no intellectual integrity. Regurgitated mush.

    They should all just get the fuck out, they're not wanted here at all. Go to /soc/ for fucks sake.

    What? do you guys get off by feeling edgy coming on 4chan? are you here only because of the recent popularity in internet culutre? You buncha fickle sheep. Go to facebook and share your oosoofanny "insidejokes"(memes) with your other sheepish flock.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:16:45 No.2120922
    Well I still have cerebral fucking palsy. Still got those floppy faggot wrists. Still socially awkward. Still walk funny. Last girl I dated said I walk like I'm drunk. I didn't let it hurt my feelings.

    Just because you're fucked up mentally doesn't mean you can't go down a path of self improvement. I'm talking about growing the fuck up emotionally. I didn't have those normal childhood experiences that "normalfags" did so I don't have them to draw on. I didn't know how I was supposed to act on a date with a girl the first time I went on one. I didn't know what to say, when to say it, etc... It was a massive failure. But I dated some other girl the next day on a whim and we hit it off. I still didn't know how I was supposed to act, but we found lots of things to talk about and it made me feel at ease and gave me the confidence to try it again with other girls.

    Had some nice dates with sweet respectful girls. Had some shitty dates with vapid girls. Also had some in between that I don't know what to say about...

    But I finally feel like I'm growing up, becoming an adult, moving beyond that stupid grade school bullshit. I wish you guys could feel this too, that's why I'm trying to give advice
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:19:12 No.2120942
    My father is a hardcore "normalfag" and he used to beat me and my mum every day before he went to work and he came back. He used to force us to do normal things, and if we didn't comply, there'd be hell to pay.

    I've had friends who were typical normalfags, some of them have set me up to get robbed by gangs, some chucked shit all over my face infront of the class. And all the other normalfags were too scared to do anything.

    But I guess I deserve all this because I wasn't normal. Damn hitler would be proud of the lot of you. Really shining example to humanities compassion and altruism.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:19:18 No.2120944



    The pathetic little fuck has the most childish world vs me mentality I have ever seen in a person. Then again, knowing people like him exist is enough to make me want to beat him to death if I ever saw him on the street.

    He is an angry, angry little man
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:21:13 No.2120959
    Well how are we supposed to "grow up"? I've spent my entire life trying to appear as physically normal and healthy as possible, while saying very little, trying to go unnoticed. There's nothing I can do to fix my mental and social problems because I don't know HOW to fix them.
    >> Nipples McTeat !61onlyZ6ZQ 04/15/12(Sun)11:21:43 No.2120962 about them Rays?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:22:53 No.2120968
    You're missing the point, friend. Shall I illustrate?

    >I wish those damn niggers would stop stereotyping.
    >Those damn niggers, after all, with their stealing, killing, hollering and hooting, those damn niggers are bad, and have no right to stereotype.

    >comment indicating something
    >further comments contradicting that indication

    >normalfags are illogical
    >i hate normalfags they suck and are evil and all should die and burn in hell
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:25:36 No.2120984
    Oh right I see it's a case of you exaggerating. I just said that you fucks should leave this site if it annoys you so much that we exist. Seriously, you have millions of other sites. I guess it's the appeal of curiosity and the lowest form of trolling that brings you here.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:25:57 No.2120988
    Well, earlier in the thread I mentioned what I do. I meet girls on the internet. I get to know them a little before I meet them. It really takes a lot of the nervousness out of the situation. Also it kind of forces me to follow through. If I set a date with a girl I have to honor it. I'm going to have to walk up to her once I see her.

    It's scary as fuck the first time, the second time, the third time, all of the times. Maybe it's because I have issues dealing with feelings of anticipation, maybe I associate them with fear. I know there's something not quite right with me there... But I've kind of learned to love the adrenaline rush it gives me.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:26:23 No.2120991
    You guys are a bunch of teenagers that won't ever change....

    I've blocked so many threads about complaints and if you scroll down the front page you'll probably see 6 sadfrogs as the thread picture...

    and you guys simply ignore the fact... You guys have changed, or maybe the next generation fills this place....

    enjoy complaining about life, im out...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:26:35 No.2120994
    your dad wasn't a "normalfag", he was an abusive dad.

    those other people weren't "normalfags", they were bullies.

    not everyone is a bully or abusive father
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:26:43 No.2120997
    This is the most stupid thing I have ever heard. You're trying to argue with /r9k/? Are you fucking retarded? And then you say that "normalfags" are shit posting?
    Go and look at the homepage, ">tfw when no gf", ">friendzone alpha beta hurr durr"
    I don't think you understand what this board was meant for - OC. You want to know who provides that the most - NORMALFAGS.
    Go to another site and stop invading our board.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:28:27 No.2121011
    We're just going to let the people who want to stay at the bottom be at the bottom, they just want to bitch and cry and do nothing to change it. Those seek to improve are the ones that are the hope of this board.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:28:53 No.2121014
    Get you head out of your ass you deluded libtard. The majority of people are like this. Those good families you see are just on fucking adverts and movies. At best they make up 2% of families in the world. And as for them friends, why was it that almost everyone partook in it aswell, if the majority does it, it thus constitutes to normal behavior. Learn to logic.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:30:22 No.2121023
    No, deary. Trolling is something for internet people =! "normalfags", and getting seriously wound up over online arguments is... Well, it's perhaps "normalfag" behaviour, but it's far more likely to be autismal, and certainly the "normalfags" we get here seem to be better-adjusted than that - hence all the hate they get from foreveralones.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:30:29 No.2121025
    Good, the normalfags are leaving. Hopefully they all fuck off back to reddit.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:32:07 No.2121037
    but they were here from the beginning, thats the whole point of OP...
    posting in a troll thread
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:32:18 No.2121040
    Go and die faggot.

    Because you everyday I will constantly makes thread like "normalfag feels"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:32:48 No.2121043
    >The reason why I dislike normalfags is because they're always aggressive, confrontational and extremely hostile to different opinions.

    So you hate them for being good at debating? Well that's great. I hate you for being shitty at coming up with comebacks.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:33:06 No.2121048
    Like you I suppose, spending his afternoon lambasting and arguing with "losers". Get off your high horse you're just as worthless as the rest of us. Just because you stuck it in a vag once doesn't give you any more merit son. And if you use that as a backing it makes you have less worth as a modern human being.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:34:35 No.2121057
    You're changing the subject, darling. I've not exaggerated - I've given one different example, I've shown the general case, and I've summarised what you actually did. Stop being silly, please.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:35:32 No.2121061
    Keep 'spergin boy, we all know your true mental age

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:35:33 No.2121062
    Don't ask for advice. You can only learn from personal experience, and people can only learn based off their memories, not from their assumptions. You're an adult, not a kid. When you're in a society with dominant and submissive groups, the submissive groups are enslaved and kept down by being treated like kids. You have to WAKE UP and realize that this isn't about you trying to fit in with other people and pleasing them, it's about establishing your own place in the world.

    If you ask for advice from normalfags, we're just going to treat you like a kid, because from our perspective, that's what you are. YOU'RE the one giving us the position of power. If you really want to escape from this shithole, then don't give us room to step over you. Show that you know you're doing, and think for yourself.

    If you say that, by being dominant, you're pretending to be someone that you're really not, then you actually are pretending, and you've established who you are. We give you a question, and you've already answered it yourself. You're not even thinking for yourself, you're thinking for us.

    What's the answer? I don't know it- only you do.

    Once you stop whining, you'll realize that the world isn't cleanly divided into normalfags and abnormals. Congrats, you've stepped into the real world. You'll learn that everyone has weaknesses and strengths, and so you get to actually know people instead of stereotyping them. Hell, I'd say you'd be more aware than people who just play along with their life and become what they're told to be.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:35:58 No.2121065

    Oh I didn't know we were 12.

    >Encouraging the behavior of violent scum

    There's that rationality I guess.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:38:21 No.2121078
    Don't let the mutha fuckin internet door hit ya on the way out.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:38:33 No.2121079
    Changing the argument from what? That you can't form coherent arguments and thus resort to calling the other person a troll? And then making ridiculous analogies to demean the opposition. You're cute, keep up the work champ maybe soon you can argue with adults.
    >> narutogurl69 !0bpbod.KzI 04/15/12(Sun)11:38:41 No.2121080
    >violent scum
    I said debaters not politicians, jeez, reading comprehension much? XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD
    >> narutogurl69 !0bpbod.KzI 04/15/12(Sun)11:41:28 No.2121104
    He's just mad he got trollfaced to the max
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:44:55 No.2121134
    I'm a kissless virgin with no female friends who wants a "pure innocent virgin wife" and the only reason I have any friends at all seems like a weird twist of fate, considering my utter lack of social skills. I spent a year as an exchange student, and where other exchange students manage to make loads of friends, I made none and became more of a recluse than I had ever been. I have been going to university for two years now and don't know anybody in my courses. I hate group work, I can't talk to strangers, can't talk to any woman who I find attractive, etc. I spend hours upon hours in front of a screen, usually just wasting my life away on this fucking website, or otherwise playing video games (when I can actually get the motivation to start them). Most people think my interests and attitudes are "strange" at best.

    So, hello there, I'm a "normalfag".
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:47:44 No.2121154
    I hate this board because everybody thinks they're special.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:50:55 No.2121179
    Its like you people overthink every aspect of yourself if you stopped obsessing over yourself you might have proper friends.
    >> narutogurl69 !0bpbod.KzI 04/15/12(Sun)11:51:27 No.2121189
    Haha he's already left the thread. He's had his ass so thoroughly raped that he could never possibly recover from the anal trauma. Our normalfag group attack has left him speechless, I bet he went to call his "mum" for help.

    Just face it, us normalfags will own this board. We're organized and we're coming. Your threads are the first that will be occupied. There's no resisting us, don't try to stop us.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:56:32 No.2121229
    >implying there are normalfags in 4chan
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:59:35 No.2121247
    You're sperging out way too hard to be "normal"
    and lol wtf kind of weeaboo fag name is "naurtogurl" 0/10
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:00:02 No.2121254
    Nah bro i'm staying here to the bitter end and as you've seen i've rebuked every single normalfag in this thread. And i'm not even praised for my accomplishment. Also, it's not like i've got anything else to do. So i'm sticking to my guns and will be holding my ground.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:05:27 No.2121290
    The problem is that trolling like this is neither entertaining nor helpful for the board.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:07:10 No.2121302
    it's satire. there's no such thing as a normalfag who likes naruto or has that kind of retarded username. it's just some foreveralone who's trying to parody both normalfags and weeaboos... somehow.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:10:09 No.2121330
    >Still with the "trolling"

    Get some fucking perspective please.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:12:06 No.2121340
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    >crying and trolling about being bullied on 4chan instead of going rogue silverback and fucking the world
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:15:27 No.2121374
    does anyone else think bullying is hilarious?
    i was a total outcast in school, but if you're such a fuckup that people beat you up and shove your head in toilets and shit you probably deserved it and plus it's fucking funny
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:18:00 No.2121396
    does anyone else think genocide is hilarious?
    my race was a total outcast in this country, but if your race is such a fuckup that people shoot you up and shove your head on pikes and shit your race probably deserved it and plus it's fucking funny
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:24:59 No.2121452
    i hope to god that you're trolling me
    i really do
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:27:51 No.2121478
    Why would I troll about genocide? That's wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:31:44 No.2121510
    /r9k/ is for OC.
    Moot needs to do what he did for the attention-fags and the pony fags, make a seperate board to contain the foreveralone/baaww shit in one place.
    >> I'm awesome Mustard 04/15/12(Sun)12:34:32 No.2121532
    normalfags are retarded fucks who should go die
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:34:33 No.2121533
    Nah, it's easier for you to go to reddit or /soc/ because they actually exist.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:36:07 No.2121548
    he did, it's called /adv/

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:36:23 No.2121551
    How about you go. We were here first...
    foreveralone virgin logic
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:37:11 No.2121559
    i really hope you're not a retard who can't understand what analogies are supposed to do

    oh wait, you are. it sucks for humanity that such a stupid animal like you is also called a 'human being'
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:38:11 No.2121569
    >basically what i'm trying to say is normalfags made r9k what it was, and then you lonely guys came along and messed it up. so stop telling normalfags to go away.
    Nope, wrong.

    OP confirmed to be a stupid newfag pretending to know the history of /r9k/ better than the brobots.

    Go back to >>>/soc/ where you belong.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:40:15 No.2121589
    I don't quite think you know what /soc/ is.
    Also I've fucking been on this board since the start all those years ago.I know how it started. Wow, you're retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:40:24 No.2121593
    No you weren't here fist ya dumb shit. 4chan originally harbored all the pedos and sick fucks of the internet. None of you spaswagons were even using the internet then. Maybe myspace or some shit but that's where you stopped. So please keep your incorrect facts to yourself. Also don't give me evidence of some archived thread. Archived threads are cherrypicked from hundred of threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:41:20 No.2121600
    you don't know me, brah
    irl i'd be one of the few people that was friendly to people like you
    get your shit together and stop crying
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:41:31 No.2121602
    No you haven't. Go away mad normalfag.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:44:16 No.2121623
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    >Shitty sentence structure

    Could it get any worse?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:44:19 No.2121624
    I'm afraid you are the mad one good sir.
    What's wrong? You've never kissed a girl? B'awwwwwww why don't you go and make another tfw thread?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:45:29 No.2121637
    Must have conjured up all that wit to post that original retort. Surprised it didn't get blocked.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:47:21 No.2121649
    >tfw the normalfags are the good part of this board
    but all the mods are foreveralone aspies that refuse to believe it
    I'm serious, the only reason this board is so fucking autistic
    is because of the autist mods

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