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  • File: 1334478625.jpg-(97 KB, 379x331, xin_181203180850127386314.jpg)
    97 KB Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:30:25 No.2118385  
    If you had $1000 deposited into your bank account every Friday, how would your life be different? You don't have to work for this money, no conditions.

    How would you improve your life?
    >> eeyore !!9lZaZkipt0u 04/15/12(Sun)04:32:14 No.2118394
    >Go to school somewhere else
    >Live on my own
    >Save money
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:32:28 No.2118397
    >move in with best friend
    >smoke weed with his dad and him
    >every friend do a 8-ball of coke
    I'd live the life.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:36:12 No.2118418
    Buy video games every weekend.
    Buy seafood for dinner.
    Nothing else would be different
    >> StoneBeard 04/15/12(Sun)04:37:15 No.2118426
    >Save the money
    >go to university (one month and I can have my tuition for the semester paid)
    >do everything else the exact same
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:37:42 No.2118431
    For the first few weeks I'd save up for a car. Then, drop out of school, spend money on my hobbies, practice photography, illustration, and animation all the time. Eventually try to get a job in one of these fields, mainly to have something to do and a routine.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:37:53 No.2118435
    I would save up initially for about 6 months, and then I'd probably be a nomad and just go from city to city. Possibly getting as many bitches pregnant as possible.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:38:20 No.2118439
    Nice condo, fastest dsl or cable connection locally available, whore every night. No more need to try anymore. I'll be fat as fuck because of all the times I will eat out but I will be able to get decent medical care so who cares.

    I have something much less than this. The government gives me $700 each month. But I think I'm better off like this than like that. The challenges that I face are great, but all the hedonism money can buy will eventually get monotonous and boring, it will remove the feeling of anticipation I get before I go to do something I like, because I can always do something I like, so it doesn't mean anything anymore.

    So I will stick to my shitty hacked 3g connection, banging sluts instead of whores, and only being able to eat out once or twice a week.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:38:30 No.2118440
    I would not ever leave the house and would move to a 1-room flat (much) closer to my boyfriend.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:38:38 No.2118441

    I would probably go back to college.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:39:01 No.2118443

    Oh yeah, and I'd eat sushi every day, at least until I get mercury poisoning.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:39:20 No.2118447
    OP here, seriously guys, get with the program.

    I'd travel the world! Non-stop! OR maybe learn Mandarin in China and while on vacations fly to different places. I'd eat seafood everyday, go out, meet people, get a personal trainer and gym membership, new set of clothes.

    Think about the possibilities! You could even work during the week and make even more money if you wanted to.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:40:06 No.2118451
    I already earn about 45,000 a year from investments, which is pretty much what you're suggesting, so I can tell you what it's like.

    You sit on the computer most of the day, with a maddening sense that you've wasted your life, and are living it on some sort of cheat mode.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:41:09 No.2118452
    >52k a year
    >go back to school and study something useless like philosophy or history, maybe both
    >buy apartment
    >do what ever I feel like and be happy
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:42:25 No.2118463
    I would become the truest NEET ever to walk the face of the earth.
    Never again would I have to show my face to the world.
    I could pay to have my groceries delivered and still have $600 to save each week.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:43:02 No.2118466
    Keep my shitty-ass job and use the extra money to pay down my horrifying student loan debt.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:43:11 No.2118468
    Devote myself to making life unendurable for those I hate

    Hire PIs to snoop around on websites and con the fuckers into friendship, spy on them, send them harassing phone calls, email their porn to their bosses, just all of this foul shit

    I will clean this world
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:43:17 No.2118470
    I fantasize about this much more than I should.

    Majority of my problems stem from me not having enough money, and being in debt.

    Honestly, I would travel as much as humanly possible. I want to see the world.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:45:37 No.2118484
    start renting a top floor apartment with a nice view of the city, save what's left from the 1000 and my government payments and put it toward paying off uni, buy more and more clothes
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:45:41 No.2118486
    that is basically a 58k a year salary ( what you get after tax in US).

    Not really all that much money, you couldn't go crazy on it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:46:44 No.2118493
    Conning people into falling in love with you online, works best on males, is great. Just need a few jpgs of some sexy bitch from facebook and they're all yours. Can use google voice to text them to give them the illusion of authenticity, then tell them you can't answer their calls because you're out of minutes.

    Eventually you can convince them to text you nudes, which will go to the gmail linked to the google voice. You can milk shitloads of personal information out of them easily. Even trick them into sending you some money if you're that desperate for it. Tell him you have to pay your phone bill.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:47:24 No.2118501
    You could still live a happy life on it
    I would probably never work again
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:49:03 No.2118516

    >'Murrikans pay 11.5% tax on 52k

    What the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:49:30 No.2118519
    send most of it to my mom who is disabled
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:50:58 No.2118526
    I'd move out and buy a car so I can have my own shit together, and then I'd pay off my student loans and the debt my parents are carrying. I'd save up some money and somehow use it to fix the shit my brother's dealing with.

    There, I'm independent and 90% of my family's troubles are gone. That's not so bad. I guess after that I'd probably traveling.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:51:16 No.2118529
    We are giving you realistic answers here OP. For most of us, not a lot would change.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:52:49 No.2118538

    *on 58k I should say.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:55:36 No.2118548
    Oya, if any of you sadistic fucks are planning on actually following my crazy advice here's a good way to get an anonymous number to link to google voice:

    You just need a sip number to forward the incoming calls to. Easy to figure that out, "free sip number" on google, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:55:56 No.2118552
    Stick it in a compounded TD account at my local rural bank. They give me a 10% rate.

    After a year, that's more or less around an additional 14kphp every month which will allow me to keep saving up. Once I hit around 50k php/month in interest, I'll be set for the rest of my life.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:56:18 No.2118555
    I'd be free.

    Growing up under a single mom, I was very very poor. No money for food or activities. No school trips or friends allowed over. No money for a car or driving lessons. No college for you anon.

    I think poverty has caused most my problems, most of us our products of our environment.

    I'm thinking of going to teach English in China though, a friend of mine has no degree and is saving $800 a month on his salary. I can spend my evenings learning Chinese and looking for opportunities. At this point, any change would be good.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:56:25 No.2118556
    Were it guaranteed that this money would keep coming till my death, I would first take out a loan for a house, then live there and concentrate on my personal studies with absolutely no worries about the future.

    Son of a bitch, I really did just now make myself believe that this actually happened.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:57:15 No.2118559
    Where you at in Philippines? Angeles City here.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:58:35 No.2118567

    Metro Manila. :D
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:00:16 No.2118578
    Achieving $1000 a month is easier than you think with online business. But you will have to spend 3-6 months solely dedicated to it.

    I don't know why more brobots don't get into online business, they spend all day sitting at their computers anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:01:40 No.2118584
    Excellent. Maybe I should look into what you're talking about

    That would force me to think about not spending all my money on taking girls out to dinner than directly to sogo though
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:03:26 No.2118596
    >Achieving $1000 a month is easier than you think
    Yes anon, $250 a week is pretty easy to obtain.

    The OP said $1000 a week, you dense motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:03:31 No.2118597
    Because nobody will tell us what the fuck to do.
    Everything that supposedly does tell you is a scam.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:04:07 No.2118604

    The big banks offer decent/acceptable TD terms as well, with lower interest rates *but* imho are much safer places to stick money in. Last I checked, BDO offers something along the lines of 4% gross but maybe higher rates can be negotiated for dollar accounts.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:07:48 No.2118614

    10% term deposit! Holy fucking shit, I need to get in on that action. Here in Australia 5.5% is about the best you can get.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:09:36 No.2118621
    >rent a house
    >buy an SNES, controllers, old TV, a fuckton of Nutella and Shells & Cheddar, Sennheiser headphones, lingerie
    >pay strangers to buy alcohol for me
    >apply for foreign citizenship
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:10:13 No.2118626
    We don't have $25,000 lying around in order to be day traders. That and whatever money we have, we need to pay bills and rent. It'd be nice having thousands of dollars lying around to gamble with.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:10:15 No.2118627

    You have to factor in the inflation rate in the Philippines compared to Australia.
    All may not be as it seems.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:12:01 No.2118636

    True. Interest rates tend to go up and down with inflation. For example in NZ you can only get about 4% interest, but the inflation there is 1.8%, less than in Australia. In general there's no quick way to get rich by shifting money around the world.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:12:11 No.2118637
    I would be pissed off because I would have taken a massive pay cut.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:12:54 No.2118642
    The rate for USD->PHP seems to fluctuate quite a bit. I haven't been paying attention to it as much these days, and I'm probably getting fucked over when it comes to remittance

    >used to be using
    >now just withdrawing at the BPI atm cause I'm lazy
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:14:47 No.2118656
    All you have to do is provide value to people.

    Don't look at your own passions or what you want to do, what do people need?

    It's a hand question to answer, I know. Just ask everyone you know what they need, what problems they have. Also, look through case studies of people making money online, there's hundreds out there. Find someone who is making money online and do what they did, provide the same or a similar product, if people need it, they will pay.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:15:11 No.2118660

    Year Inflation, average consumer prices

    2000, 3.968
    2001, 6.834
    2002, 2.969
    2003, 3.45
    2004, 5.976
    2005, 7.626
    2006, 6.244
    2007, 2.81
    2008, 9.299
    2009, 3.249
    2010, 3.829

    Philippines interest rate by year measured on av. consumer prices.
    Not only is it high, it fluctuates insanely.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:15:29 No.2118661
    I would use most of the money to help pay for school. I would also get an escort at least once a month.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:16:41 No.2118670

    I think BPI screws its customers. My brother had to deposit an international check to his local account for like 35$ usd. His net deposit was somewhere around 18-24$ usd. Price-gouging "interconnectivity" fees and the like.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:19:02 No.2118682
    Yeah but the ATMs all charge the same fees, exact same for international cards etc, I like to use the BPI ones because they are the only ones that dispense 100 peso notes, I always come away with just a little more cash than I would at BDO
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:22:07 No.2118699
    Move across the country, pay off my student loans, and find some guy who loves to fuck that I can call when I need it. I'd keep working though, and save to go on elaborate vacations or buy myself ridiculous pieces of jewelry.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:23:06 No.2118704
    I'd save it up for a bit and then go travel the world. I feel like I could get really far with $1000 a week.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:24:38 No.2118711
    An income of $52,000 per year isn't very much. It wouldn't change my life or anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:26:05 No.2118717
    That's a solid middle class lifestyle if you're by yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:27:09 No.2118722
    google the average income in your country.

    now google the average income in your country, for your age group.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:28:53 No.2118731
    Well, I would only work part-time, and probably only somewhere I actually wanted to work (library, hobby shop, etc). Boyfriend would probably quit his job outright and do odd job tech support on the side.

    I'd probably continue living where I do now, which is only $400 a month all bills paid. I have excellent neighbors, and one is a nice old lady who likes to give me good food. The landlords also seem to love me and my boyfriend (they don't care when we're late with payments, don't get mad when our shit breaks, and are just generally more friendly than they apparently are to other tenants). So I don't think I'd move.

    That other $3,600 a month would probably go: $500 on loan repayments, $500 on groceries and eating out, $1,500 into savings for an eventual house, $200 on gas, and $900 on hobbies and fun shit (guns, books, alcohol, clothing, etc).

    It would improve stress levels considerably, and in doing so improve my relationship. Both of us could visit our parents with less worry about the gas money, we could go out on dates more often, and wouldn't have to make sacrifices constantly. I would have enough free time to learn and read as much as I'd like.

    It would be nice.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:34:44 No.2118768
    Fuck you, that money is mine. I'll stab you with my oatmeal spoon!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:08:26 No.2118962
    Go on a lifelong trip around the world without ever having to worry about money.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:29:19 No.2119102
    ummm, $1000 a week after tax is around $75,000 a year, i earn $50,000 a year but i lose heaps to tax, end up getting about $725 a week.

    regardless, you get it and don't have to quit work so... you can easily get 100k a year plus. however, i wouldn't want this because i would have to declare the income to the government (for tax) and they would assume i was dealing or something. either that or get done for tax fraud.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:13:13 No.2121355
    I would not be worried about finding income every week. I would first pay my credit card debts, find a decent apartment back in DC. Save some of the money for a savings and anime conventions fund. Maybe I would use the money to make produce some sort of political talk show per week at my home.

    I'll be basically set for life.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:15:30 No.2121376
    >1000 a week is 75000 after taxes

    wat. 52 weeks in a year
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:15:52 No.2121379
         File: 1334506552.png-(159 KB, 358x337, 1327613398632.png)
    159 KB
    >Use the money to get private schooled
    >Meet influential people
    >Get financial connections
    >Invest the money in Blue Chip companies
    >Become majority shareholder using cash and connections
    >I am the 1%
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:17:09 No.2121389
    You need to make more than 52000 to have 52000 take home pay. That's what he is saying. If you did make 52000 a year, you would deposit a lot less than 1000 dollars a week in your bank account. He estimates 75k.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:17:21 No.2121390
    >better clothes
    >I would be able to transfer schools and not be on financial aid
    >maybe some extra pocket money leftover
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:17:26 No.2121391
    must be around -50% tax. I wanna live where you live, bro
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:17:29 No.2121392
    Get a less shitty apartment.

    That's about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:18:48 No.2121403
    >majority shareholder

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:24:33 No.2121447
    I'd use it on about a million things I need to take care of. My car, housing, college, you name it, I'll find a use for it. Give most of the extra to my folks, they could certainly use it as well, and I owe them for the first 18 years of my life.

    It'd help. A lot. So much for that pipe dream.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:30:36 No.2121504
    i'd travel
    but atleast i'd travel
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:34:53 No.2121536
    >move to a cool city like san fancisco
    >get a nice apartment
    >order everything online
    >never go outside
    >get a panic attack every time the delivery guy knocks on the door

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