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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

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    File :1226622578.jpg-(152 KB, 450x405, ut3demo.jpg)
    152 KB Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:29:38 No.2118182  
    I need some help.

    I got a new laptop before I went back to college after the summer, first thing I did, literally first thing, was to torrent Unreal Tournament 3. It ran AMAZING, max resolution, max detail everything was beautiful.

    Then I didn't play if for about 3 months, and I just tried playing it. the openers were nice, then I get to to the menu and it's so bogged down I can't control the mouse, it takes me 20 minutes to lower the resolution to the lowest and same with details. And now it's running more smooth. I go into an offline game and the first thing I'm greeted by is a big beige pixilated blur in the middle of my screen. I move a little and it bogs down to the point where I would think it were frozen if it didn't jump a frame every other second. I close out and reinstall it. Nothing helps.

    back when it was running great, however, occasionally if my computer was getting too hot it would minimize the game (not crash) and have a pop-up window that said "video drivers have stopped working and successfully recovered"

    WHAT DO I DO? (I suspect you could help me more than /v/ and I already asked /g/)

    P.S just updated my drivers this morning, didn't help at all
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:31:38 No.2118206
    1. go to /b/
    2. download windows optimizer 2008
    4. prophet
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:36:07 No.2118237
    stop playing the game and uninstall it ffs
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:36:41 No.2118244
    trash ut3
    buy ut99
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:38:02 No.2118260
    your mac can't handle the awesome, buy a pc
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:38:52 No.2118270
    bill getz?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:39:12 No.2118274
    well I doubt I'll play it much more (after playing it exclusively for about a month) but I think this may be the result of a greater underlying problem.

    p.s: It's getting awful /b/ in there today
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:39:48 No.2118279
    it is a PC
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:41:46 No.2118291
    i think we could agree that the best course of action would be to delete system32
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:44:24 No.2118317
    replace drivers
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:59:59 No.2118441
    Could be a keylogger. The only reason I found out I had one was my games lagged like fuck because I was moving mouse and pressing keys down so long the keylogger couldn't keep up. Or perhaps another program is doing it.

    Task manager will tell you what processes are taking a lot of CPU/RAM, end them even if you dont know what they are. 99.99% of the time you don't need them, theyre just optional touchpad features and other retarded shit but Windows will operate fine with none of it.

    Run msconfig, press "Dont show microsoft services", uncheck EVERYTHING. Go to startup, UNCHECK EVERYTHING.

    Anything in those two places is 100% optional and only serves to slow your computer, nothing critical to operation EVER goes in those places, just by the design of Windows. Dont be a pussy.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:04:32 No.2118482
         File :1226624672.png-(34 KB, 473x590, untitled.png)
    34 KB
    LEAVE EVERYTHING CIRCLE IN RED ALONE, they are harmless parts of windows and might trigger a 30 second shutdown sequence if you kill them, depending on your settings, but do kill everything else
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)20:07:27 No.2118506
    "beige pixilated blur in the middle of my screen"

    I've had driver updates do this. It comes from the old driver not fully uninstalling before the new driver installs, so you are left with a hybrid of the two.

    I beleive there is an ATI Uninstall program you cna download to make sure its fully uninstalled, if you have ATI. Otherwise, uninstall ur drivers and reboot before installing new ones. And delete the Nvidia/ATI/Intel drivers program folder while youre at it if you can.

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