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    78 KBCapitalism Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)19:53:24 No.2108269  
    Seriously r9k, what are the cons of capitalism? I mean , everyone of us can a computer and internet right, and having a brilliant idea= $$$$
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)19:56:25 No.2108306
    The seeking of profit above pretty much everything else.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)19:56:36 No.2108307
    I think you just accidentally a verb.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)19:57:12 No.2108316
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)19:58:30 No.2108328
    ever see the movie idiocracy?

    i rest my case.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)19:58:33 No.2108330
    Half of the currencies in that graphic don't even exist anymore.
    >> Topper !0W2b.GSA4I 11/12/08(Wed)20:00:07 No.2108343
    Capitalism without control leads to huge income gaps, exploitation of labor, low quality standards, environmental damage, so forth.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:01:28 No.2108352
    Those are all imaginary problems.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:01:40 No.2108355
    it's not really that efficient. competition is not necessarily the most efficient way of doing things, stuff like energy or transportation or education. the problem with a pure capitalism is that it places all resources in the hands of people who have only the accumulation of more property in mind. this doesn't work because they fuck over everyone else, and it just isn't sustainable.
    >> Jim !NAZi1Dbdps 11/12/08(Wed)20:01:50 No.2108357
    The flaw of capitalism is that the man who invented the velcro wallet is a multi-millionaire and the man who invented alternating current electricity died penniless.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:03:32 No.2108371
    capitalism restricts innovation by making a small number of people far too strong to rally against in any meaningful way.

    These people then use their wealth and power to restrict others, hence holding back the future in fear of losing their present power.

    It's also very unhealthy yo push yourself forward over nd over to earn money. Your health starts to fail etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:04:19 No.2108381
    Capitalism greatest tool is the advertisement industry, and greatest flaw its that it facilitates greed and exploitation.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:05:13 No.2108389
    Outsourcing jobs to other countries where companies can pay workers 12 cents an hour so they can make a $2 profit.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:05:47 No.2108398
    Capitalism has no cons. It is the perfect natural system of exchange.

    Either perform or die.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:06:01 No.2108401
    Depends on what you call capitalism. Socialists will call pretty much anything that doesn't enable them to live off of government handouts capitalism, while Randroids refuse to call anything capitalism if it isn't laissez-faire capitalism.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:08:56 No.2108428
    Unfortunately there are no pure meritocracies, so that could be a problem no matter what system we use.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:09:11 No.2108430
    I think its been pretty much proven that laissez-faire capitalism will kill us all.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:13:05 No.2108465
    If that was true then today's Dow Jones index should be almost exclusively filled with companies that were big in 1960. Capitalism is merciless towards all, even blue chip companies.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:13:40 No.2108476
    yes, but that's the principle argument for capitalism: that it rewards merit above all else. it doesn't even accomplish that.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:17:23 No.2108519
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    Because greed, for lack of a better term, is good. Greed is what drives us, what binds us, what pushes us to our greatest hights.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:17:42 No.2108526
    The whole computer and internet?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:18:27 No.2108533
    precisely why feudalism was so successful!
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:19:29 No.2108547
    just because house is cleaned often enough doesn't mean that power isn't consolidated in absurd, unfair, and impractical ways.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:23:52 No.2108587
    Unbridled capitalism = horrific dystopia

    Government is required to intervene in this economic system, usually with adverse effects, but necessarily to maintain stability.

    But the capitalist class constantly struggle to undermine this democratic function of government, as it reduces their profits. Since the 1980s they have been extraordinarily successful, so real wages have declined
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 11/12/08(Wed)20:27:28 No.2108630
    One of the cons would be the fact that our economy is currently imploding.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:31:29 No.2108672
    Real wages decline, more profit for companies. Workers complain= send their jobs overseas, bring in the immigrant force and treat them like shit= more profit! capitalism fuck yeah!
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:34:24 No.2108694
    a) We can own an internet and computer... if our parents are rich
    b) We can earn $$$s if we live in one of the top countries.... but at age 40 we'll have midlife crisis and realise entire life has been a lie
    c) Our society values $$$s above everything else, even though $$s are just arbitrary pieces of paper that buy televisions and crap.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:35:31 No.2108702

    Thanks for the laugh Mr. Bubbles.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:36:13 No.2108712
    The problem with capitalism is that you get a few people in charge of a significant chunk of the economy, and after a while their desire for profit outweighs their fear of taking on too much risk, and then there is a massive clusterfuck involving the whole damn global financial system, so government suddenly has more credibility than any private institution, and then capitalism dies a slow death, bleating in pain, while government screws everything up even more as it tries to shift to a more socialist system on the fly. Milton Friedman would be proud.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:36:15 No.2108714
    Capitalism definitely has it's place in he world. Competition is a wonderful economic engine in that if you give some people the power to make a lot of money, they will work incredibly hard for that, to everyones benefit.

    The catch is that capitalism is all about short term profits, and technology is shortening the time frame required to recoup an investment from years to months to hours. Stock market traders think in terms of "how much money can I make before 5pm?"

    The problem is the society needs a long term view. If we want educated employees in 15 years, we have to start now or it won't happen. The market won't invest in anything for that long and, rather then plan ahead, will simply adjust for a lack of education later. The market will do fine, the population, not so much.

    I think that the ideal economic system would be split between short term players, who drive the economy, and social engineers, who try to ensure that the population is supported in ways that will make the short term guys happy down the road.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:36:35 No.2108716

    Meaningless. Look at statistical correlation between wealth and parents having wealth. You think that a Rothschild is ever going to struggle? They're set for life, even though they haven't technically done anything to 'deserve it' or contributed to society in any way (until they grow up and have a chance to do so). IMO this is one of the main caveats of capitalism - arbitrary transferrance of wealth onto heirs - basically this is the root of the problem with the class gap how it is.
    >> Casanova Frankenstein !HggsKt0/NM 11/12/08(Wed)20:36:42 No.2108717

    Capitalism is the best and most pure system in history.

    Make money any which way you can.

    It's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:40:06 No.2108741
    Ill give you the best answers possible. There is no better system than capitalism, it just doesn't exist. Everything else is just theories with no place in the real world
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:40:21 No.2108745
    capitalism sucks! go socialism!
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:41:25 No.2108759
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:43:02 No.2108771

    The stock market =! the entire economy. Companies only succeed in the long term because of long term planning. If instant gratification was all that made a profit, private equity firms would but up and liquidate every corporation in the country.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:43:30 No.2108777
    But it doesn't exist anywhere.

    I want to sell hard drugs. I want to peddle tools of enlightenment to make my living.

    I can't do that under our current system anywhere in the world without facing prosecution.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:44:04 No.2108783
    Seen the news lately?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:49:15 No.2108825
    pure capitalism is an entirely mythical entity.

    governments do always and must always intervene in the workings of the economy; nay, not intervene, because they are an intrinsic part of the economy.

    the only IN PRACTICE dichotomy resembling the socialist/capitalist ideological divide is reliance on markets/reliance on other institutions.

    that said, evidence consistently suggests that a mixed economy functions the best.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:49:47 No.2108827
    I agree that ideally capitalism would be fantastic but this is the real world.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:56:59 No.2108879
    >everyone of us can a computer and internet right
    Us who? Nerds? Because a very small minority of among us, humans, can afford something to eat. It's people with a limited vision of things who defend Capitalism.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:06:04 No.2108953
    From a corporate perspective, long term planning means staying profitable, regardless of any social cost. The manufacturing industry stays profitable by relocating factories to where ever there is cheap labor.

    From a social perspective, long term planning might mean having a healthy, educated work force that can attract industry. To do this, you need a stable environment for education, health and welfare so that the people are attractive to industry. Industry has no incentive to home grow a workforce, it's easier to simply adapt.

    The catch is that industry is more productive (and profitable) if they don't have to adapt, and society is better off if everybody is working. Capitalism doesn't solve this problem, and socialism doesn't make individuals rich. The ideal would be to use both systems.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:09:28 No.2108974
    Mixed economies sure are doing great right now.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:19:12 No.2109064
    >I mean , everyone of us can a computer and internet right, and having a brilliant idea= $$$$


    R9k only gets dumber every day
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:49:52 No.2109367

    >that said, evidence consistently suggests that a mixed economy functions the best.



    Because we fucking NEED people in charge who can run the economic system to their advantage.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 11/12/08(Wed)22:03:46 No.2109514
    You imagine that in a so-called "free market" that no one is running things.

    Consider this, in a "free market" the individual is pitted against economic institutions who have thousands of full time employees researching how to best allocate capital, they spend hundreds of thousands on research from private sources, and they have billions to invest.

    Who do you think is going to win?

    The free market is an illusion sold to the middle class, the middle class by into the fantasy by imagining that they will one day become rich, instead, they end up having very little and never mattering very much.

    The market is only a subsection of human activity, only a demonstration of certain political wills and in a "free market" certain wills easily trample over others, while maintaining the illusion of freedom.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)22:25:35 No.2109733

    In a free market millions and millions of individual decisions guide the course of natural progression and societal evolution.

    The only way to prevent competition from toppling large institutions is through STATE protection.

    Free markets are more beneficial to small to medium sized businesses than any other economic system. In fact - they are essential for them to *even exist*.

    Economic freedom is not a separate entity from individual freedom. The misconception that the two are separate is a fallacy.

    Freedom does not require wealth nor does it deny it's creation.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)22:27:58 No.2109763
    There can be no free markets because large and rich companies can use their power to leverage markets, affect the actions of government, etc. Anyone who thinks we have free markets is an idiot.
    >> Mike is a Huge !Ep8pui8Vw2 11/12/08(Wed)22:30:24 No.2109794
    Unequal dispersion of resources.
    Huge economic gap between the rich and the poor.

    Fostering of greed.
    Rejection of love and charity.
    Pure capitalism is essentially soul destroying.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)22:32:09 No.2109810

    I work in a niche software market that is a relatively free market still. There is no government intervention yet, we have to compete directly with other competitors. We are expecting the government to intervene eventually but since our market is so small there is not enough money to catch the interests of big businesses and their paid for politicians.

    Free markets can exist and be increased, but it will require the economically ignorant (you) to cease being the fucking prey of the state.

    >> anon 11/12/08(Wed)22:32:38 No.2109817
    If you haven't read this article, you are a stupid nigger. I know I was.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 11/12/08(Wed)22:36:46 No.2109845
    You are so brainwashed and your argument does not even hold weight at all.

    Competition can fail to topple institutions for so many reasons.

    Let's show a few cases: First, Large companies can buyout competitors and just shelve their technology because it would make their technology obsolete. The small company cannot gain the capital necessary to manufacture or produce and is thus drowned.

    Second, Barriers to Entry. Some products require enormous capital expenditures to develop -- joe the inventor will not have access to that capital.

    Third, you are taking all markets out of the state framework and fantasizing. Want to know what happens in weak states? The large and already successful companies just kill the competition. Literally. In Africa, disputes are not taken to a legal framework to be resolved, instead you just kill the competition.

    You make the unwarranted assumption that choices regarding power (politics) and choices regarding money (economics) are not deeply intertwined, and that Markets have rules. They do not have rules unless a state agent puts them there, and the free market has asymmetries of information.

    There is no "invisible hand", there are real people making real decisions, and some of them are cruel, cold-blooded, and against the interests of humanity as a whole.

    Some day, you will actually work and understand it. Until then, you will regurgitate stale 17th century ideals.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)22:38:12 No.2109855

    In all of recorded history only the market forces which create capital to be stored has delivered more goods and services to as many people - societies which create forms of capital have prosperity. Economic divides are created when capital is controlled by few, remove this ability and it redistributes to those who work hardest for it. Greed does not disappear when you create supreme state authority - in fact only the force of arms through the state grants authority to the greedy over the people. Recognizing that greed is a human flaw is why law should be written to protect individual liberties.

    Pure "capitalism" requires sound money, or the ability to create savings. True capitalism is based on saving the fruits of your labor, your lifes work into a store of value. This is not what creates greed - this is what creates prosperity and ultimately the charity you mentioned.

    There is no other force aside from your life being prosperous that will create charity.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 11/12/08(Wed)22:45:15 No.2109905

    Also complete bullshit. Charity is an act of will and is not bread by wealth. While yes, the wealthy can contribute more they do not necessarily contribute at all. Some people do not give, they would not give if they had ten dollars to their name and they would not give if they had a hundred million dollars to their name.

    You do not even know about stores of value, or about inflation and why it is necessary to the credit system, or monetary policy, or anything. You've read a few adam smith excerpts, a bit of rand, and then just snide cynical comments from a few people, and you have synthesized them into a shoddy and incorrect philosophy.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)22:46:33 No.2109921

    Wow. I agree with something someone else posted about what someone else wrote?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)22:46:58 No.2109928
    bad spellers of the world.. UNTlE!!
    >> Mike is a Huge !Ep8pui8Vw2 11/12/08(Wed)22:48:04 No.2109934
    >Recognizing that greed is a human flaw is why law should be written to protect individual liberties.
    In a true capitalist society this would never happen, because of microeconomic reform and specialization removing the idea of individual importance in favor of more money.

    Rest of your points seem fair, though.
    But what of those born into bad situations that because of the system can not get out of their poverty?
    A child born into a poor family can not afford education, and so is not well educated and can never amount to anything through labor alone.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)22:50:09 No.2109956
    Serious question here guys. Does Chomsky ideas about an ideal society hold any weight? can a society prosper and flourish outside profits and greed or have i been so brainwashed by this culture that i see no other way of living? I mean seriously...you guyz
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)22:51:08 No.2109958
    Capitalism is far from perfect. It's also far more perfect than any of the alternatives.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)22:52:15 No.2109966
    Chomsky is wrong
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)22:55:08 No.2109985

    The Free Software Movement has done alright.

    Also, consider reading Orwell's Homage to Catalonia for an account of anarchist Spain which lasted for a little while.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)23:01:47 No.2110037

    I would say it is not that I am "brainwashed" as much as that you are unable to comprehend how natural laws effect the markets. Competition can fail to topple institutions for many many reasons, and this is why we have large successful corporations. There is nothing wrong with strong companies who do good business and satisfy the consumers of their products. There is much wrong with corporatism and the collusion of large corporate bodies, government sanctioned cartels, and massive corruption caused by "mixed" economic systems.

    As for your "cases": yes, large companies can buyout competitors but can only "shelve" technology - but only by using the state to prevent similar technologies from emerging. This does not have anything to do with small companies not being able to manufacture or produce. But even then - small companies and startups manage to rise above the competition all the time. Free enterprise and entreprenuership exist and can only exist in free markets which provide opportunity for new technologies and innovation. These competitive forces innovate and create technologies and services that compete and drive down prices while increasing quality. In the end, the only anti-competitive methodology that is a guarantee is the force of the state. From subsidization to guaranteed marketshare, it is unfortunate that even in times of mass extremity in collusion you still cannot see what truly prevents competition and creates barriers.

    As for removal of the state from the markets, only as far as collusion. Fraud or theft should be punished by the court system as should damage to the life of an individual. It is the understanding that power and money corrupt that creates the need for restraint on power. It is the force of the state that allows the corporation to create unnatural barriers to entry.

    As for work - I have a real job working with real money, but really let's not sully ourselves with infantile behavior and namecalling.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)23:13:37 No.2110141

    A true capitalist society is not a society operating in a specific system of government. The misconception on just what capitalism really is creates more problems for us than anything I can really think of. True capitalism is a side effect of being free. Wherever people have been most free, capitalism has appeared with them. It is only in the state that we have seen corruptive forces gain power over capitalist peoples.

    Capitalism requires capital which is merely is a store of value. It is not a true system merely an effect of one. If you understand capital as being a store of value you must understand what creates this capital as well as what that capital can possibly be. Capital can be anything you choose it to be, or that is accepted in fair exchange by someone who desires what you possess. Ultimately however that - store of value - is a storage unit for the highest form of commodity in existence today: your individual life's time. As your time is your most precious asset, the value of your time (i.e. your labor) is stored within what you create out of nature and convert into capital.

    All of the other trappings, greed or corruptive forces, are not byproducts of capitalism. They are byproducts of human nature, the sins of the heart or the lust for wealth or power. They will not disappear by removing free exchanges from ordinary people, they will only worsen as those who gain power will work to maintain this power. These corruptive forces are why we are supposed to have a constitutional republic protecting us from the state. So that no single source of power can control the people, and that the people may remain free to live their lives as they choose.
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 11/12/08(Wed)23:49:56 No.2110504

    You are such a fraud.

    "Natural laws"? You have not even taken an economics class. You're not able to talk at the intellectual level and cower behind sweeping generalizations, and you Beg the Question at every "response" you provide.

    You run to phrases you do not understand and are a fraud and a coward.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)00:00:12 No.2110594

    behind your wall of text you are merely saying:

    "free exchanges are less corrupt than governments"

    be more fucking succinct, nobody want's to trawl through your purple prose jammed full of appeals to emotion and meaningless adjectives.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)00:12:52 No.2110695
    Shut the fuck up and get off my internet.
    Someone takes the time to write a good response, and you bitch that they use too many words? Eat a bag of dicks you fucking retard.

    Please, please, don't let these idiots drown out the sense.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)00:18:09 No.2110745
    this dude was obviously writing prose.

    have you ever read a hunter thompson book?

    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 11/13/08(Thu)00:18:19 No.2110748
    You are wrong. He was writing in length but his words were essentially meaningless. 2110594 called him on it.

    It was a fourth grade "idea" expressed in obscurantist language to make it sound smart when in reality it is not. It is the base and intellectually vapid -- it is a meme, one repeated by idiots who are not thinking but are instead just regurgitating things they have heard which stuck with them.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)00:49:27 No.2111039
    damn newspapers and their filling 80 double tabloid pages with imaginary news, then :(
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)00:52:26 No.2111058
    the word you are looking for is "ambition". Greed cannot be seen under a positive light, because it involves your horading of wealthy at the cost of the lacks of others.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)00:55:03 No.2111081
    Until those workers get fed up too, or start dying from the ever increasing misery of their life styles? What is your beloved capitalism gonna do once it has sucked dry the juice from the rest of the world? Turn out on each other like mad wolves I guess. Enjoy your WW4 fought not between nations but between corporations.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)00:57:38 No.2111102
    >Make money any which way you can, which usually involves fucking everyone else. It's awesome.

    >> Libertas in Presenti, Libertas in Infinitum Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:05:17 No.2111586

    Eh, you know the insults do not really bother me. It's just a sign of an inferior argument from an inferior person.

    I mean ... let's look at this here:


    Did you even say anything? No, each statement devoid of content. You did manage to sit there stewing in your own juices completely outraged at a difference of opinion. But you offered no content, no rebuttal, and nothing of merit.

    Capital is stored value, and labor is owned by the individual not the state. Oh, and for the record: lol you fucking fail.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:07:22 No.2111600
    itt: 4chan demonstrates that not one anon has ever studied anything other than computer science
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:09:59 No.2111619

    >You run to phrases you do not understand and are a fraud and a coward.

    it does not lie in the mouth of a faggot who has, on alternate days, claimed to be a lawyer, investment banker, the scion of a wealthy family, et cetera to allege fraud.

    by the way, how are your classes going? (i minimally credit you with actually being a law student)
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:23:17 No.2111699
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    "When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain."

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:24:26 No.2111708
    Capitalism has a lot of cons. The worst is that capitalist countries need economic growth to avoid disaster.

    Recession =unemployment=high misery including high crime, political instability,

    Depression= hunger, riots,rise of extremism, nationalistic wars, social collapse in the long run.

    So governments will do anything to keep GDP climbing.

    This would be fine in a world of infinite resources but resources are not infinite. Peak oil is close or already upon us. Many important mineral resources will be entirley depleted during the course of this century.

    Then there is global warming, climate change, mass extinctions of plant and animal species, unpredictable environmental changes of all kinds.

    Captalism is a danger to the whole planet and everyone on it.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:28:45 No.2111742

    Some French douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:30:56 No.2111758
    Sup Thomas Malthus.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:31:49 No.2111767
    This thread sounds like a bunch of sociologists got into a pissing match.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:35:58 No.2111799
    ITT: people who hasn't read Marx and should probably read Mises.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:39:28 No.2111820
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:39:47 No.2111822
    the problem is not the system, the problem is us, look at all this bunch of faggots getting butthurt because someone disagrees with their ideas, both sides, capitalism is the actual paradigm but sooner or later it'll be replaced with a more efficient social organization system, we should be discussing that instead of feeding trolls and retards
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:43:39 No.2111849
    no one should read Mises. Economics isn't deductive naval gazing anymore. If economics wants to sit at the big boy table it is going to have to use actual empirical data to make conclusions
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:49:35 No.2111892
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    Marxism isn't the only alternative there is to capitalism, although it's certainly the most popular in a harmless, pre-packaged kind of way. There exist other actually viable systems that capitalists repressed through force of arms and subsequently propaganda.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:52:03 No.2111907

    How long will mineral resourses last at present rates of consumption and at rates of consumption expected in the near future?

    New Scientist magazine made these estimates
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:54:21 No.2111933
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:54:39 No.2111937
    Because the working class shall rise above and stop those that exploit money to make money.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:55:28 No.2111946
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    Graphic failed trying again
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:58:25 No.2111973
    People seem to not know what capitalism means.

    Capitalism == a concentration of capital due to coertion.

    Capitalism has nothing to do with a free market. Free market's main feature is voluntary exchanges of goods. There's nothing voluntary in capitalism.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)02:59:44 No.2111987

    Soon the working classes will no longer exist in the USA and Europe, there will only be financial services, media, and a huge underclass. Asia will build everything.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)03:02:17 No.2112007
    the most important resource is already depleted, new lands
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)03:04:30 No.2112031
    unemployed and angry, sounds good to me
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)03:11:07 No.2112065

    If I'm reading this shit right, indium for LCDs will run out in 4 to 13 years. Zinc will run out in about 40 years, silver will run out in between 9 and 30 years.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)03:17:41 No.2112102

    graphic fails, they forgot to calculate vespene and minerals
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)03:21:40 No.2112130

    >> CAustin !!0/l4G2gi9Cp 11/13/08(Thu)03:31:55 No.2112181
    Spoiler: all economic models in essence rely on the assumption of infinite resources. It doesn't make any difference how we go about things--the fact of the matter is that we're going to run out of stuff eventually. Peak oil would affect a communistic or socialistic society just as much as a capitalistic one. Everyone's fucked when it happens; whether the government is doling out the goods or people are competing for them doesn't change how much of them there are.
    >> CapitalistBastard !!f/pELCnjRD0 11/13/08(Thu)03:33:29 No.2112190

    This chart is complete fucking garbage.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)05:30:43 No.2112822

    Nice arguement, there. Neatly expressed, well supported, refuted the assertion that we are fucked with reassuring gravitas.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)05:32:18 No.2112829
    Capitalists do it ruthelessly. Communists do it lazily.

    If you don't support capitalism you're a pussy. It's that simple.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)05:35:46 No.2112852
    I agree
    I don't know about the facts and figures but there's tons of chartjunk
    the design teamneeds to be beaten for that piece of shit chart
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)05:35:54 No.2112853

    the whole point of economic modelling is to attempt the best solution to the problem of scarcity. you fucking retard :\
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)05:37:40 No.2112862

    The point is that either we adopt a system which involves a lot less pointless consumption or we run into one of a dozen or so environmental walls and our societies disintegrate catastophically.

    Captalism in its present form simply isn't viable. The good thing is that we have the science and most of the technology already to cope with these threats. The bad news is we don't have the political systems to be anything but lemmings heading for the cliff.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)05:44:59 No.2112887
    We face an ecological credit crunch far greater than the global financial crisis, warn leading environmental groups.

    In the latest Living Planet Report, WWF, the Zoological Society of London and the Global Footprint Network say the Earth's natural resources are being depleted so quickly that the equivalent of two planets would be required to sustain current lifestyles by the mid-2030s.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)07:25:28 No.2113255

    Teenagers shouldn't be exposed to this kind of shit, life is depressing enough as it is.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)07:29:06 No.2113280

    Asteroid mining, problem solved.

    Also, stop people reproducing and stop wasting resources on stupid shit like SUVs
    >> T3P 11/13/08(Thu)08:44:48 No.2113587
    Class Struggle, dear Mr., the Prime method for impoverishment is the taking of Surplus value that, of course is what makes the owners of the Means of Production rich.
    Hold on there you fisiocrat, there is still plenty of land to be used, but more importantly, land is not only the only mean of production, of course that we will need land, but that is no longer the more important resource.
    So it is better for them to stay alienated and to continue wasting resources like crazy, brainwashed by the Capitalist media machine; no thanks.
    Wow, this is way more enlightened than i expected, but he fails to mention that 'big business' is a natural consecuence of a free market, regardless of state's intervention, just as natural selection is a consecuence of total liberty on the natural realm, the key to social darwinism lies on the same that natural darwinism, and that is the 'selfish gene' (inb4 Dawkins), the gene only cares about his survival, just as an individual in a capitalist 'society', he does not care about the future of the living being (society), he only 'cares' on passing on the next generation (earning profit & benefits). And just as we are a collection of genes that are not superior, but have only been able to replicate to the next generation (neither Capitalism nor Evolution is survival of the fittest, as Darwin himself said about evolution), the 'high class' is formed of people that have been able to conserve (and generate) capital throught generations. Of course that the easiest way to conserve earnings or capital is by assuring your control of the means of production.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)08:59:53 No.2113662
    Capitalism isn't the best system, it's the worst system; it's lazy, inefficient and counterproductive. By encouraging profits, it discourages innovation, it discourages the welfare of man, and it discourages economic security. People say it's the most efficient way to distribute wealth; bullshit! It's the least efficient way! It's random, it's arbitrary; the entire system is based on people getting lucky with new technology. The inventor can go to shit for all the capitalist cares, as long as some college student invested a few bucks in it and turned out $3 million dollars a few years later. People say those who don't work hard oppose capitalism, but that's simply untrue. Capitalism is a lottery and has nothing but utmost appeal to the useless.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)09:02:55 No.2113676
    Well the basic (in my own stupid little opinion) problem of capitalism is the exact opposite of communism. Communist flaw is that only supplies you the basics of what you need (basics: food, shelter, clothing). It doesn't give you the blue jeans, fast cars, video games, and all the consumer goods we worship and depend on in our western culture.

    Capitalism on the other hand gives what we want but not what we need. We have people living in ghettos or trailer parks and playing x-box 360 (they tend on luxury goods because they don't have long term plans towards saving for a better life) and not have access to basic health care or access to a decent education or kids who have terrible problems do to poor nutrition. The greatest gap between rich and poor is in the United States.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)09:12:24 No.2113717
    People only hate capitalism because it holds individuals completely and utterly at the mercy of their failures.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)09:16:41 No.2113739

    Seriously? Socialism is lazy. Why would anyone work hard when their government can bail them out anyways? Why do anything when your goverment will provide it for you? Why innovate when your goverment has everything taken care of and you need not worry about it?

    But the problem with Socialism is that if people don't work, the government has nothing to tax, and if the government does not make money from taxes, they can't give you shit, and if they can't give you everything, you're fucked because you can't fend for yourself and don't want to work for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)09:23:31 No.2113768

    This anon is highly right. Look at the US and its turn to socialism. Banks fail, the automotive industry fails, American Express fails, and the government is throwing over $1,000,000,000,000 (literally, 1 trillion dollars) and using every trick they can to bail them out. If they fail. people would lose jobs, but the US economy might shift in a direction that would make the country stronger later on, instead of bankrupting the government.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)09:25:57 No.2113785
    Capitalism works with a little bit of socialism. Universal healthcare, bitches.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)09:29:45 No.2113804
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    There are no flaws. It is the perfect economic system. The state is a monopoly over force, so it is ethical for it to aim to preserve justice and solely that. Once justice is achieved to a reasonable degree people naturally seek to find the best economic system that their intelligence and skills allow. Capitalism is merely the fruits of this liberty, all it is is the employment of mathematical and scientific models of reality to take into account supply, demand and negotiating power of individuals therein. It is why America is the greatest country in the world today.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)09:30:56 No.2113810
    Capitalism is built on the worst qualities of man, communism, the best.

    The former works, the latter does not. This says volumes about humanity, and it's a grim tale.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)09:34:03 No.2113826
    The problem with communism is that it's never true communism. It's always corrupted into totalitarianism. It also equalizes people that are clearly of lesser merit than others. i.e. Construction worker who didn't go to school is making the same as a doctor who was in school for 10 years.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)09:34:19 No.2113827
    Greed is neither good or bad. All it does is motivate people. If we felt no pain or pleasure at all we'd probably just sit around meditating like hippies or some crazy shit and nothing interesting would happen.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:03:10 No.2113988
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    Unfortunately the rs appears to be dead, which is sad.

    Oh right, capitalism. Fucking boring.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:13:30 No.2114056
    The thing is, having a brilliant idea isn't enough anymore. You have to have money to begin with to make that brilliant idea start making money. Enter rich fuckheads. They'll give you the money to bring that brilliant idea to life, in exchange for the lion's share of the profits from it. And a guarantee that if you stop working for them, you won't work for any of their competition for several years. And the rights to anything else you come up with. In the end, your brilliant idea nets you a few bucks, the same as every other middle class American, while the rich fuckhead who funded it gets even richer off your work.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:18:30 No.2114084

    We produce more than enough globally to ensure that everyone can have a decent standard of living already. Why do we need capitalism to strip the planet of the last remaining resources just so the rich can squander them?

    The wealthy genuinely don't care about ordinary people. They pay large amounts of money to avoid even bumping into ordinary people. Yet in a capitalist society the rich have the power to decide the fate of that society.

    Gated communities, country estates, exclusive resorts, million dollar cruisers, private jets- these are the ways the rich squander our resources and defend themselves from everyday reality.

    We are being piloted towards environmental and economic disaster by people who hate us and fear us.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:18:39 No.2114086
    >Construction worker who didn't go to school is making the same as a doctor who was in school for 10 years.

    Umm... Making? Communism, mate. Communism. There's no pay in communism. Everything belongs to everyone.
    >> T3P 11/13/08(Thu)10:27:25 No.2114149
    The thing is you always value your work higher than the work of others, i bet you have not worked in the construction field (for the record, me either), it is damn tiring and it is a physical effort. Why does a man that sweats his ass off 10 hours a day does not deserves a right to live a decent life, i'm not saying he should live in luxury, but he would be able to sustain himself, a parter and 1 or 2 childs if he chose to have any of those... now if he decides to have a shiton of kids or waste his money getting drunk, he is screwed, and he deserves so...

    Socialism is not lazy, socialism is designed to reward hard work, To each according to his contribution.
    According to socialism, anyone that can work up to the standard, will have a standard way of living (read as necesities), if you work your ass off, you will get rich, if you are lazy you will starve. Simple and fair as that.
    Now communism, says that you get all you need, but you give all you can, and altought i would be delighted to live in a world like that, i think that might never exist.

    Yeah, greed is so good on a zero sum enviroment, we do not have enough shit for everyone, so let's just screw some and give others luxuries, even when they did not obtained their wealth through hard work

    Sorry but not, by appealing to greed, it pushes people to work their asses off, that's why even most of the people are fucked with it, would fight to defend it (that, and that they are brainwashed by the U.S. govermnent, the World bank, and almost every rich company, to fight against socialism)

    That's market socialism, and that is what they have in almost all first world countries (guess what country does not)

    That is not only a weak argument, but a complete fallacy... obvious troll is obvious

    you know, if the US economy goes to the crapper, guess where all of those jobs and profits will end up, China...
    >> T3P 11/13/08(Thu)10:40:05 No.2114224
    Exaclty and that's why it is so utopic for it to work :(
    True, but comunism is utopic and capitalism is dystopic

    Also, you deserve to fail, just because you were born in a shithole, your parents were abusive, you were born with a disease, yeah, those babies truly deserve that. And guess what happens when those babies grow up, they become slaves of the wage, fresh meat for the capitalist machinery.
    Who controls the media, the education, who make the products on which we rely; buisness, of course they will defend it, to death, they will fight for the free market to dissapear (a natural tendency of capitalism, enhaced by globalization), that is why the control of the media and the production should be in hands of the people and the prime extension of the people's power SHOULD be the government, a democratically elected government.
    One of the shittiest things of the US's Government is that is ruled by people who hate the government, as it does not turn profit to them. I was impressed when i talked to a statal worker from Japan, he was so proud to work for his nationals, it was amazing, most workers from the state do not realize that they are public workers, at the service of the people.
    >> T3P 11/13/08(Thu)10:43:52 No.2114239
    ITT: people who do not know either capitalism nor socialism, nor comunism
    Read some Marx, and read some Friedman. See Friedman pwned by a real science man
    >> T3P 11/13/08(Thu)17:33:32 No.2117002
    :P, looks liek i accidentally the whole thread,
    i'll have to bamp
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)17:38:04 No.2117039
    capitalism and communism both fail tremendously in the real world.
    Communism and socialism rely on an infallible political system.
    Capitalism relies on an infallible people.

    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:22:00 No.2117483
    anarchy sukkas
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:27:08 No.2117531
    Capitalism is dead. Long live Social Anarchism!
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)18:31:23 No.2117580
    People have a better quality of life in capitalist countries.

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