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    File :1226528450.jpg-(64 KB, 605x587, libertarianbingo.jpg)
    64 KB ITT: lolbertarians Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:20:50 No.2106721  
    why is it that every single libertarian I have ever met is a young, socially inept, white male who works in IT and probably has ASSBURGERS. Everything is black and white and they never see the social side to different issues. These guys are nothing more than a vocal minority on the internet. No wonder why the who Paultard movement was so popular on the internet but amounted to nothing in real life.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:25:59 No.2106747
    Top left hand corner one makes me RAAAAAAGE. Most people who say that are lyinh anyway and actually came from a middle class family, I tend to find.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:26:02 No.2106748
    Well I didn't hit any of those spaces and I'd call myself a liberal so ... yeah ... there's that.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:26:16 No.2106751
    it probably comes from dissatisfaction by our current government (usa) so they look for answers to this extremist, unrealistic, and retarded philosophy that they think will actually work.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:27:31 No.2106762
    Huh? I'm a libertarian who's an aging, suave minority male who works a blue collar union job without any weird mental deficiencies.

    However: everything IS black and white, and the social side of an issue should be none of my business. Why am I paying $5/hr from my meagre $15/hr job to anybody? I would much rather have that money back so I can pay my mortgage.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:30:49 No.2106782
    I consider myself a libertarian, but I hardly make 4 of those squares...and none of them are even touching each other!

    I think that chart is shit
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:30:53 No.2106783
    Libertarian young, socially AWESOME, white female who doesn't work because she's in college fulltime.
    Eat a deck.
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 11/12/08(Wed)17:31:03 No.2106784
    We should make them all little stars on their clothing so we can track them and stop them from causing trouble.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:31:23 No.2106787
    Just because I have ideals doesn't mean I want to make them reality. Even I realize how fucking retarded that would be. But if you want to talk to me about politics, you're going to hear my ideals, that's just how it is.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:33:08 No.2106804
    Foucault? What are you doing up there?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:34:00 No.2106810
    OP here - disregard that, I sucks cocks
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:38:17 No.2106844
    >However: everything IS black and white, and the social side of an issue should be none of my business.

    despite what you think, no everything is not black and white and that shows limitations in your understanding about everyday things. Also, while YOU don't care social about social issues, they will still affect you. Ignoring them won't make them go away.

    >Libertarian young, socially AWESOME, white female who doesn't work because she's in college fulltime.

    socially awesome, 4chan. i dont think so.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:40:18 No.2106858
    You better believe it, sister. /r9k/ is what I do when I'm supposed to be doing work, not socializing.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:41:06 No.2106867
    i love how the internet is the medium of choice for these libertariantards yet don't realize the internet was made by a government agency (ARPA, funded by the DoD) which is why it was called ARPANET at first.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:41:51 No.2106875
    >Ignoring them won't make them go away.

    Actually, not giving money to starving people will make them either buck up, or starve. Problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:44:00 No.2106895
    Libertarianism sickens me.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:44:04 No.2106896
    Way to prove OP's point about being socially retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:44:58 No.2106907
    Where are the rest of your kind? All the women around me are annoying leftists.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:45:22 No.2106910
    Because the younger generation is more enlightend than the next.
    ITT: The op realizes that the schooling system has improved. Dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:45:54 No.2106915
    I do realize this. What of it?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:46:42 No.2106920

    in b4 some lolbertarian tries to refute this and claim the internet was invented by Bell Labs or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:47:48 No.2106930
    >socially AWESOME, white female

    Translation: whore
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:48:48 No.2106947
    I dunno, I don't even know any other libertarians.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:49:12 No.2106951
    Ayn Rand and Margaret "there is no such thing as society" Thatcher were both female, despite apperances.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:52:46 No.2106987
    >schooling system
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:52:47 No.2106988
    By that chart, I would not be a libertarian, yet I undoubtly am.

    I'd laugh at the poor troll, but given the recent development in the Libertarian Party, it looks like it may actually be taken over by this kind of people. It's pretty sad.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:53:41 No.2107000

    yeah, the schooling system has improved alright.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:54:12 No.2107007
    I remember the libertarians from my high school days.
    Socially inept (even more than me, a 4chan lurker)
    Horrible BO
    Constant talk of crappy world-conquest type videogames
    Total inability to express themselves

    All of them were coddled children who could never fend for themselves without mommy and daddy to protect them.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:54:14 No.2107009
    And neither of them was anything even resembling a libertarian.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:54:42 No.2107015
    If it's so great then why do they need to be self-educated in order to not be communist sheeple?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:56:39 No.2107043
    Libertarians are hipster conservatives.

    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:56:51 No.2107046
    If I was a whore, I would be getting laid right now, but instead I am on /r9k/.
    Unless you wanna come fuck, in which case, I will be on /r9k/ and getting humped by a neckbeard.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/12/08(Wed)18:01:33 No.2107089
    Most libertarians do not have asperger syndrome.

    Anyway I used to be interested in libertarianism until I realize that their tax policies would mostly benefit the well-off.

    ib4 "fixed"
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:01:58 No.2107091
    Female lolberatarian here, and almost none of those apply to me, except the upper left corner. On paper my family was middle class, but damn if we had any money and weren't living cheque to cheque.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:02:08 No.2107092
    Where do you live? I'd love to nail a fellow libertarian.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:03:34 No.2107105
    better a libertarian than a bearded lefty socialist who pats himself on the back everyday because he holds an idiotic popular philosophy
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:03:43 No.2107107
    That's too bad. My two best friends and I all independently became libertarians. It's pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:05:50 No.2107123
    I dunno, back when I was in hgih school all the librarians did was tell people to stop talking so loudly... now they've gone and fromed they're own political party? wtf?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:05:53 No.2107124
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:06:05 No.2107127

    What year of high school are you currently in?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:06:26 No.2107132
    Virginia atm.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:07:09 No.2107142
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:09:28 No.2107169
    Junior in college. I was a liberal democrat in high school.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:10:53 No.2107188
    Funny considering countries like Sweden and Norway have the highest standards of living right now. But don't let the facts get in the way of your ridiculous ideology.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:11:40 No.2107199
    >an idiotic popular philosophy

    You mean like libertarianism?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:12:43 No.2107211
    I don't match a single thing on the chart and I would identify myself as libertarian. I guess I'm actually something else.

    I certainly don't believe in a free market. Personal Freedom != Corporate Freedom.

    And taxation for health care and roads is all good. I just don't want the government wasting money on stuff like internet censorship (ausfag here).
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:12:50 No.2107213
    Libertarianism is simply what republican part should be.
    It means to be fiscally conservative, and socially open minded. It's basically grassroots conservatism without the bible thumping, which is the main reason why everyone on 4ailchan hates republicans anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:13:35 No.2107227
    hmmm....I live in northwest NC. pics?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:14:11 No.2107231

    i.e. Republicans who smoke weed.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:14:32 No.2107234
    You're not a libertarian. Be thankful.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:14:34 No.2107235

    funny how they're small, homogeneous, countries that tax the shit out of your salary. things that work in absurd european countries where people had their pride beaten out of them for centuries won't work in america. everything is not a commune.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:15:20 No.2107250
    I like to think of myself as a libertarian, but libertarianism simply won't ever take off.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:15:22 No.2107251
    then you are not a libertarian, you are a fiscal conservative.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:15:46 No.2107253
    Is it because you don't get out much, OP?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:16:13 No.2107257
    you also don't have niggers.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:18:19 No.2107282
    Because libertarianfags are social butterflies. Spare us. Anyone who's attended college and met a few knows OP is exactly right - white middle class males with terrible haircuts and retarded social skills. However, at least they've actually read Nozick and know their shit. Most of you internet "libertarians" have only watched Ron Paul videos on YouTube and think you've acquired a wonderful understanding of the ideology. Unsurprisingly, you're mostly from the South and Midwest, the intellectual wastelands of America.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:19:28 No.2107295
    I don't smoke weed, or do any drugs for that matter. However I do believe that people should be free to do anything they want (within reason). I believe that abortion should be legal, and people should be free to own guns if they so choose. Etc etc etc
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:19:37 No.2107301
    I'm not in the mood to have my pics be trolled by 4chan today.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:20:50 No.2107313
    true; niggers bring down everyone
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:21:18 No.2107318

    Dude, I was asking a question. I bet you are the most popular buy in town, aren't you? Inb4: yes, I actually DO have a ton of friends, thank you very much!
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:22:39 No.2107332
    Wow Americans can even turn something as great as Libertarianism into pure shit can't they. Is this what your "libertarians" are like? I never know with you guys because all of your political labels are wrong.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:23:34 No.2107341
    Withering retort. You done? Did I hit too close to home?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:24:56 No.2107354
    American libertarianism is nothing like libertarianism in the rest of the world. Americans are so isolated ideologically they're probably not even aware that their own brand of libertarianism is an aberration mocked far and wide.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:25:56 No.2107365
    Oh man, those liberarians! They get me so riled up by how much they suck.

    I mean, telling me to shush when I'm reading my books out loud? And don't even get me started on Dewey Decimal.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:26:38 No.2107369
    Far left, three squares down. Wrong. No libertarian would be anti-choice. It goes against the very idea of libertarianism. Therefore whoever made that chart is a moron.

    My reason for libertarianism: no government has proven itself either honest or comptent in my lifetime. Why should I obey people who are typically dishonest and incompetent?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:27:36 No.2107379
    We're aware and we don't give a shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:28:06 No.2107384
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    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:28:15 No.2107387

    wow dude, the same to you! That was fantastic!

    Bravo, no seriously, bravo.

    Now answer my q about your social life please.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:29:22 No.2107398
    >However I do believe that people should be free to do anything they want (within reason).

    That's what I believe. Does this make me a libertarian? I'm confused as to what libertarianism actually entails.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:29:35 No.2107401
         File :1226532575.png-(123 KB, 605x587, libertarianfag.png)
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    Here are my results. Almost got bingo.

    I'm not really a true libertarian, though, just libertarian about some social issues. I'm all for high taxes, universal healthcare, etc., I just prefer that things that the government provides remain as optional as possible.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:30:16 No.2107406
         File :1226532616.jpg-(42 KB, 640x480, 2008-11-12-182334.jpg)
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    ok, you can send a pic to my throwaway e-mail account if you want. here's a pic of me for good faith.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:32:18 No.2107423

    Yeah, basically they hijacked the term to sound hip and revolutionary. Really they are classical liberals.

    But the funny part is, if you call them on this, they'll act like you're the one who's out of touch. "Terms change bro, deal with it." Yeah well, it may have changed in the US 50 or so years ago, but the rest of the world still doesn't recognize it as such.

    Giving unrestrained power to private undemocratic tyrannies has nothing to do with liberty.
    >> Casanova Frankenstein !HggsKt0/NM 11/12/08(Wed)18:32:42 No.2107427
    you got me.

    I have a horrible haircut.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:33:47 No.2107434
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:34:13 No.2107436

    Ok, you say within reason. What exactly defines what is "within reason"? The problem I see is that everyone has their own personal beliefs about what "within reason" means. My personal code of ethics may be that murdering another man is perfectly fine, where as someone else's code of ethics might be that taking one hit off a joint is totally immoral. Who is it that gets to see this standard?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:34:48 No.2107448
    Well... I haven't had a haircut for a while. >_>
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:35:19 No.2107450
    libertarianism boils down to "if the government doesn't NEED to be involved, it SHOULDN'T be"
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:36:20 No.2107459
         File :1226532980.jpg-(58 KB, 605x587, lolbert.jpg)
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    Socialistfag here.

    I really should cut my hair, but I don't want to oblige the bourgeois indulgence of a barber. Guess I'll just go pragmatist and snip away with scissors.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:37:08 No.2107463
         File :1226533028.jpg-(166 KB, 605x587, uklib.jpg)
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    UK Libertarian here (lol yes we exist).

    I've crossed out that which does not apply to me. I'll now explain the ones I left on here:

    1: You should get what you worked for. (Not what someone else has worked for unless they allow you to)

    2: This is mainly to do with the healthcare in my country and how utterly shit it is.

    3: People here do scam the welfare system. There was some woman living in a 1 million pound (2 mil dollar) house because of the simple fact that she had 7 children. The local council gave her enough money to buy plasma screen high-def TVs in multiple rooms and every next-gen games console.

    4: If not Libertarianism, well they came pretty close. There's nothing like it today and it's more like (my version) of libertarianism than anything else.

    Sorry you have total assholes in your country though.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:37:47 No.2107472
    If you did something about that horrible facial hair/haircut, you'd actually be pretty attractive. Nice teeth.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:38:07 No.2107478
    As a progressive i find myself drawn to many of the libertarian ideas. most of them suck however.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:38:58 No.2107489
    >idiotic popular philosophy
    >popular = bad
    Jesus fucking Christ you're embarrassing yourself
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:40:39 No.2107504
    Individual freedom != free to be a wage slave or a corpse because you were born into a world of coercive forces
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:41:01 No.2107508

    What, exactly, makes it so that we NEED the government to do anything? I mean, sure, without publicly funded firemen lots of people would lose their homes and property, but who cares because they should've thought of that before right?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:42:32 No.2107526

    Well, by NEED, he of course means anything that benefits him.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:42:59 No.2107534

    Taking a hit off a joint never harms someone else.

    Murdering always harms someone else.

    The real debate is over things like abortion, which straddle the middle ground.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:43:17 No.2107540
    I like to think of myself as a socialist libertarian.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:43:45 No.2107543
    I am a classical liberal.

    By which I mean I'm a well-rounded "libertarian" who is clean shaven and has a sexy haircut. Or so they say.

    I also have a girlfriend who is liberal, as are a good percentage of my close friends. Not everyone who espouses the benefits of individual liberty and constitutional republicanism is a social outcast, but there are Paultards as well.

    Come to think of it, a lot of lolbertarians are just as blind to reality as hardcore liberals are-there are just more hardcore liberals out there, so they don't feel so lonely and actually leave their basements to protest. Same applies to evangelical republicans.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:44:33 No.2107549
    and that's the view of anarcho-capitalists. they bellieve if we paid firefighters ourselves, we'd quickly get to the most efficient system.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:44:58 No.2107555

    >may be that murdering another man is perfectly fine

    No, no it may not. Murder is, by definition, immoral killing. But there are plenty of situations where killing is accepted.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:45:00 No.2107556

    Because of specialization

    If everyone has to learn how to protect against fires, and build their own house, and fix the plumbing, etc., etc., no one would have time to learn advanced sciences and further our progression.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:46:56 No.2107581
    Yes, I bet if we remove the government people will just let their homes burn down.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:49:28 No.2107604

    Ok then instead of using the word murder, let's instead say "kill someone for no reason". Now that we are past semantic issues, will you answer the question please?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:50:01 No.2107612

    The government doesn't farm, yet everyone manages to get enough food to eat. Your argument is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:50:03 No.2107614

    yeah yeah go back to your fucking man train of ass fucking socialists, giving each other limp wristed high fives when you have a hand free from jerking some dirty hippy dick. you fucking socialists are either slav washed morons or holding on to retarded ideals made popular by morons in the 60's and 70's who wormed their way into universities and pop culture thanks to the fact that socialism appeals to the idiocies of the young
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:51:14 No.2107626
    Wait, you're saying there would be no specialization without a government? How are those two even related?

    The point is, without government, most communities of people would create their own fire-protecting institutions. Some of them wouldn't, but, well, it's their risk.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:51:53 No.2107633

    Yes, because everyone would be able to either: fight the fire themselves, or be able to afford to have other people do it.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:51:53 No.2107634

    Farm subsidies.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:53:43 No.2107652
    If the firemen get paid per fire they put out...
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)18:53:51 No.2107655
    Awesome, good to know.
    Thanks, but Is there something like fiscal conservatism that focuses more on the personal freedom. Like pro-drug, anti-censorship type issues?

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