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    File :1226458082.jpg-(16 KB, 400x400, 572.jpg)
    16 KB The Discrimination that Still Prevades Our Communities Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)21:48:02 No.2098938  
    Hello Gentlemen,

    As we have progressed to desegregated schools, and are progressing to marriage for all, there is still one area where discrimination still stands.

    Segregated bathrooms by gender.

    The "separate but equal" doctrine has been struck down for races, college funding for women, gays, but we still must be segregated from our fellow brothers and sisters.
    Men's bathrooms are consistently abominations, strewn with paper, feces, and unidentifiable substances. Women's bathrooms are often passably clean, if not pristine. By desegregating our bathroom facilities, men will be pressured by women to properly clean up after themselves.

    Now, some of you are going to say "No. Women should stay with women, and men with men." That's a lot like racists who said that the races should just stick with their "own kind", because it will be "better for all of us."

    People, please, let's progress and unify our bathroom facilities. For equality.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)21:51:20 No.2098970
    Separate but equal my ass.

    I want tampon dispensers in the men's bathroom, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)21:52:32 No.2098980
    Women's restrooms are actually pretty bad from makeup, tampons, etc.
    >> Rogue Economist 11/11/08(Tue)21:53:11 No.2098985
    Women don't want to be dropping deuces in the hearing range of men. Men want to keep their urinals.

    Everyone is happier without your artificial equality.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)21:53:35 No.2098988
    >Men's bathrooms are consistently abominations, strewn with paper, feces, and unidentifiable substances. Women's bathrooms are often passably clean, if not pristine. By desegregating our bathroom facilities, blacks will be pressured by whites to properly clean up after themselves.

    >Blacks' bathrooms are consistently abominations, strewn with paper, feces, and unidentifiable substances. Whites' bathrooms are often passably clean, if not pristine. By desegregating our bathroom facilities, mblacks will be pressured by whites to properly clean up after themselves.
    >> SleepyFox !!oNMFgDkawE1 11/11/08(Tue)21:54:04 No.2098990
    Women don't want to share bathrooms with men because they're perfect princesses and need a spotless restroom uninhabited by filthy pigs and sexists

    I don't want a woman rambling on her cell phone while taking a shit and changing her pads while I'm trying to pee either
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)21:54:36 No.2098995
    Whites don't want to hear the rap music of niggers.
    Niggers don't want to hear whites talk about which Ivy League they went to.

    Enjoy promoting racism.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)21:54:49 No.2098997
    At my university every building needs to have at least one unisex bathroom, which is funny because they aren't all wheelchair accesible.
    >> Rogue Economist 11/11/08(Tue)21:55:58 No.2099007

    You're pretty silly if you think segregation has ended.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)21:57:21 No.2099011
    Fuck that, when I worked at a movie theater, the men's bathroom was always cleaner than the women's
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)21:57:38 No.2099014
    Good idea, so-so execution.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)21:59:05 No.2099026
    Whenever the woman's bathroom is filled for ten minutes by some cunt doing her makeup I'll easily use the men's, providing it's a single bathroom.

    No one's ever in there. You guys are fucking camels.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)21:59:05 No.2099027
    Why must we be so ashamed of our bodily functions?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)21:59:37 No.2099030
    Women's bathrooms are actually dirtier than men's. Believe it or not.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)21:59:55 No.2099036
    are you making fun of feminists or gay marriage activists?
    >> AM !!/CJ7Dj5CNz0 11/11/08(Tue)22:00:24 No.2099042
    I feel the the argument should be more strongly worded and the strawman at the end is too obvious.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)22:02:46 No.2099054
    Then women will be cleanlier to impress the men.
    They are one in the same.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)22:03:17 No.2099061

    I don't think that we should stop at just bathrooms, sir! There is a serious divide in our country, and I know all of you think about it just as much as I do. That divide is the classist and appearancist inequalities that separate the "have-nots" from having sexual intercourse with the "haves". Are you ugly? Are you broke? Then sorry, but you will not have sex with someone who is not ugly or broke themselves.

    It's time for this horrible inequality to end! It's time that the disenfranchised failures of the world to unite, determined to overthrow the chains that hold our raging erections down! To demonstrate my determination to the rest of you, I will PERSONALLY bone as many girls as it takes until equality is restored!
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)22:04:15 No.2099067
    Thanks OP, I needed that laugh.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)22:05:22 No.2099075
    With the idea of gays included. Having separate bathrooms main reasons become null.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)22:11:37 No.2099122
    I think your idea is good. It also allows for greater efficiency. Currently, if a men's bathroom is damaged, held up, etc., while the women's is not, then the men are fucked for no reason, and vice versa.

    If everyone could just use either of the two bathrooms, efficiency would be increased.

    I was in a multisex bathroom in a bar in France once. It had urinals. No one gave a damn. It was great.

    In addition, it had a button on the ground that you stepped on to flush the toilet. This was also great.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)22:11:54 No.2099128
    I always hated the seperate bathrooms. When my mom went to college they had a unisex bathroom and her roommate would never go to the bathroom alone because a guy could be there.

    Upon query many women I talked to had similer concerns.

    Just because I am male doesn't mean I will rape you in the bathroom or try to peep on you. That is what stalls are for.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)22:19:15 No.2099179
    Yeah, it's the same argument for racially segregated bathrooms. I WON'T GO INTO A UNIRACE BATHROOM ALONE CUZ A NIGGER MIGHT MUG ME!
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)22:24:57 No.2099223
    Women bathrooms are nicer. I mean, they have a couch in there. Why is it in there? Talk about excess.
    >> Apple 11/11/08(Tue)22:27:31 No.2099236
    In my college dorm, we have co-ed bathrooms because the buildings are so small and old (built in 1971). Is this progress?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)22:28:26 No.2099240
    In case there's an emergency pregnancy...?
    Honestly, I'd like to know as well.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)22:32:37 No.2099279
    i don't know about you all, but OP idea is bad. why? i tell you, i would have a hard time taking a loud and forceful dump if i knew that there were women in earshot. with a bathroom full of guys, if i let rip pretty hard, they might laugh, if i take an obviously huge dump, they might be in awe of my toilet prowess. women would just think i was disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)22:35:05 No.2099300
    see, thats where you stumbled. men DO tend to be messier. i should know, im a male. mens bathrooms are consistently the vilest places you can imagine. unless its a really upscale bathroom.
    >> ­­ 11/11/08(Tue)22:35:22 No.2099301
    Are people actually taking this seriously?

    You are all horrible trolls.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)22:38:25 No.2099331
    no, just more efficient.

    take a look at this educational material.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)22:38:38 No.2099332

    Because women go in groups. If one girl has to use the bathroom, they all go.

    The other girls need somewhere to sit.

    And those are only classy bathrooms anyway.

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