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    File :1226408583.jpg-(12 KB, 299x299, KOlbermann.jpg)
    12 KB Olbermann: Gay marriage is a question of love Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:03:03 No.2093327  
    Keith Olbermann on Prop 8:


    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:11:10 No.2093376
    I said discuss. Do it.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:12:34 No.2093382
    oh god, sorry anon. Okay, I;ll start then, shall I? And I won't be deterred by the fact that I haven't clicked that link or know who this guy is. Soooo.... uhm.... HE'S A RETARD AND HIS MOTHER EATS RATTLESNAKES FOR BREAKFAST!

    Was that good?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:14:07 No.2093392
    What's wrong with eating Rattlesnakes? Bitches taste delicious if you pour beer on them while they're grilling.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:14:59 No.2093395
    >Keith Olbermann
    Watch this: http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/clips/countdown-with-keith-olbermann/805561/
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:15:02 No.2093397
    FUCK YOU. Rattlesnakes are all stringy. Lern2non-toxic snakes you failatlife.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:15:33 No.2093402
    A liberal bill O'Rilley that is actually funny on purpose
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:16:43 No.2093407
    What, like Black Snakes?
    Suck my Rocky Mountain High, Midwestercunt.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:16:55 No.2093408
    I don't think I said there was anything wrong with it, but I will change it, must for you.

    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:17:43 No.2093410
    This was one of Olbermann's best moments.

    At times he can be like the Left's Limbaugh. Only, well, he doesn't flat-out lie.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:18:06 No.2093412
    Fuck yes black snakes. I love it when their skin breaks from the fire and the liquid fat spurts through.
    That's how you know they're done.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:19:25 No.2093418
    Are they better with ketchup or garlic sauce?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:20:55 No.2093424
    ketchup? On black snake?
    Are you from Georgia?
    Honestly, the best way to eat'em is to stuff the cavity (where the guts where) with onions and garlic and then grill them, the salt and pepper when you peel off the skin. No sauce.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:22:04 No.2093429
    You ARE a Midwestercunt!
    Everybody knows that the best way to do it is to grill fillets soaked in beer and black pepper!
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:23:02 No.2093434
    Ah, okay. I'm a bit of a culinary barbarian, so that's why I asked.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:24:53 No.2093437
    You're both wrong. The best way to eat snake is to stun it, stick it into a rabbit's den, and then eat all of the rabbits that run out.
    Also works with ptarmigan and grouse.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:25:49 No.2093440
    I confess, that's pretty brilliant.
    But I prefer snake to rabbit. Just personal preference.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:26:21 No.2093442
    Do you think I want to know what a ptarmigan is? Is it something really disgusting? I'm feeling a bit queasy today...
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:29:14 No.2093448
    aka "Prairie Chicken" It's just fowl, man. Taste's like all other non-aquatic game birds (which is to say: DELICIOUS)
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:30:44 No.2093452
    a prairy chicken. It's a prairy chicken. A chicken of the prairy. I am learning so much more each and every day.
    >> Fine Too 11/11/08(Tue)08:31:28 No.2093457
    I get my Daily News, my Left wing Rhetoric, and my sports commentary from the same white male on television.

    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:32:12 No.2093462
    You like the Daily Show too, huh?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:32:17 No.2093463
    You too? Shit is so cash, bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:33:45 No.2093471
    Prairie, not "prairy". Get it right, faggot.
    >> Fudge packing is Fine Too 11/11/08(Tue)08:39:39 No.2093497
    Marriage is for faggots.
    Oh wait...
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:42:06 No.2093509
    sorry, probably was confused with a fairy chicken.
    >> Fine Too 11/11/08(Tue)08:42:35 No.2093515
    I guess it also applies to Colbert too, lol.

    Was there a Daily Show last night?
    Its not on the website, and I can't bothered to check my DVR.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)08:46:43 No.2093541
    This means that man is a polymath.
    Think about it, the conservatives have pundits with the mind of sports commenters. Liberals have sporots comenters with the brains of pundits
    >> Fine Too 11/11/08(Tue)08:55:03 No.2093592

    Fuck, Olbermann is a Mormon?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)09:26:35 No.2093762
    Olbermann is a genius. We need more people like him and less O'Reillies, Hannities, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)09:27:59 No.2093771
    This thread is awesome and you should feel awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)09:30:53 No.2093781
    Maybe he is a secret Mormon, like Obama is a secret Muslim Socialist
    >> Average Conservative American 11/11/08(Tue)09:42:33 No.2093846
    We live in shameful times my friends. 50 years ago this faggot-lover would have been shut away from the community.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)09:47:30 No.2093883
    And 3000 years ago men would fuck each others in the ass without a care in the world
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)10:05:29 No.2093997

    they have pictures of his young-as-shit girlfriend. he's kind of known as a major creep.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)10:11:31 No.2094043



    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)10:16:14 No.2094077
    What people don't realize is that men have been fucking men since the beginning of time, and in fact in most societies while it was frowned upon no one really complained as long as the fucker had a kid to continue his line.

    Olbermann for the win.

    He's a nutjob, but he honestly seems to actually want to help people, where as conservicunts like Bill and Limbaugh are just big fucking tools that hate minorities and get pissed by their impotence in bed.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)10:16:43 No.2094081
    You know, Rachel Maddow is the only female he can act normal around, because he knows he can never tap that.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)10:17:23 No.2094086

    typical fag sucks olbermann's dick. and yes dipshit in the news world having a semi-secret ridiculously younger fucktoy is semi-scandalous. plus nobody's calling him out, i just said he's known as an ackward creep, that's what ive heard.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)10:23:39 No.2094121
    Typical idiot. OMG HE HAZ A YOUNG GURLFRINED!!!!!

    Go back to watching E! and see what Paris Hilton is up to.

    I don't watch Olbermann (I hate TV news) but your complaint is totally irrelevant, and you are no better than a pre-teen girl gossiping about celebrity affairs.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)10:26:08 No.2094132
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    >i just said he's known as an ackward creep, that's what ive heard.
    >what ive heard
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)10:30:00 No.2094151
    I don't understand why ultra liberals don't like Limbaugh, Hannity, nor O'Reilly. They stand out like the bold colors of the American flag and firmly believe in what they feel is best for America. They voice their opinion and stand by it.

    What I do not understand is why the ultra liberals make exceptions in conflicting similar situations and claim that they see the "pastel colors and greys" of reality?
    >> Average Conservative American 11/11/08(Tue)10:32:12 No.2094162
    But America was once better than that. We used to be a christian nation.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)10:33:15 No.2094168
    So. Incredibly. Irrelevant. Private sexual behavior is so inconsequential.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)10:33:48 No.2094173

    lol, everyone in this thread had olby's cock stuffed in their mouth so i posted a link to olbermannwatch.com which is jokingly critical of olby. quit playing the righteous fag, your knocking down a straw man (prolly needa wiki "straw man"). sorry i don't mean to be condescending, that means talking down to you.
    >> CapitalistBastard !!f/pELCnjRD0 11/11/08(Tue)10:34:05 No.2094175

    I agree with Olbermann.

    Faggots and Dykes getting married doesn't affect me at all.
    >> Fine Too 11/11/08(Tue)10:36:22 No.2094186
    You are now picturing gay people across the street in the privacy of their bedroom packing fudge and eating each other out.

    That is the imagery that provokes prop 8.

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