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    461 KB Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)23:49:10 No.2090123  
    FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUCKKKKK going to class /r9k/. I just can't bring myself to go, all of my professors are boring as shit, and the material even moreso. I haven't done an assignment in three weeks, and now I'm failing two of four classes. I know I should feel bad, but really I feel like doing absolutely nothing (until I ran out of it, weed did wonders towards achieving this). The mere thought of waking up and having class to go to gives me anxiety. Especially when I've missed the last six lectures in classes that are small enough that people definitely notice. It's like a never-ending cycle.

    I also used to skip constantly in high school too, but I had been better about it my first two years at college. I've always been of the opinion that most classes just serve as dull repetitions of mindless effort that numb your creative side. But at the same time I know I need my degree if I want to land any kind of non-shitty job. I wish I was dumb enough to waste my tuition on a liberal arts degree, at least then I think I'd be happier.

    I know at least some of you are chronic truants like me. Post your situations and any good truancy experiences.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)23:55:29 No.2090179
    almost completely failed out of uni because I never went to class. it's still hard for me to do it, but I figure it's better than working retail or construction for the rest of my life or something.

    Of course now I think I'm only getting the degree so I can go to OCS.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)00:02:28 No.2090241
    You've got me beat in the fail and skip departments, but I feel your pain. The facts that I'm stoned right now, browsing /r9k/, and have multiple papers due tomorrow are quite related. I know that creeping anxiety, mixed with the PARALYSIS to act. I've been resenting my classes this semester as well (anthrofag). What's your degree in OP?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)00:06:37 No.2090266
    Also an anxietyfag >>2090155

    Although I'm lucky that this go-round I haven't missed any classes. When I first went to uni three years ago, I skipped all the time, it was just so boring and felt so pointless and then I fell behind...

    Well, three years of working a shitty hourly job and realizing that THIS COULD BE MY WHOLE LIFE cured me of that. I'm really enjoying this second go-round, probably helps that I'm taking major-oriented classes and not gen-eds at the moment (history major).
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)00:08:09 No.2090280

    Marketing in practice for me = INTERESTING + MONEY

    Marketing in the classroom for me = OH MY GOD SOMEONE KILL ME

    I'm at a top-tier school too, so the general core classes that they require everyone regardless of major to take together are competitive as hell. It's not helping when on my last economics midterm I drew a happy sun with sunglasses where a demand/supply curve were supposed to be. Hey, I should go check that grade!
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)00:08:23 No.2090283
    And I'll just be honest, every truancy experience was the best truancy experience.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)00:10:23 No.2090299
    >>2090179 here

    That's pretty much exactly what happened to me. I was working 40 hours for pretty crappy wages and a high stress environment and it just hit me. I thought "This fucking sucks and there's no way in hell I want to do this for the rest of my life."

    And then I planned my escape. Of course, I fucked something up and they would have fired me but I was cool with the bossman and they let me actually quit the job.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)00:11:27 No.2090310
    OP here. That's the thing, when I skip class I'm usually having a fucking BLAST whatever it is I'm doing.

    Damn, my midterm isn't graded yet. Now I'll never know if the consumer surplus did indeed "increase by over 9000" or not, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)00:15:24 No.2090343
    The problem with skipping in college is the fact that you're wasting money, and a lot of it. Man up and go, you can relax later.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)00:19:11 No.2090382
    I used to have a 100% attendance rate in school. But I was late to one class and in the end my attendance dropped to 99%.

    I felt sad for the whole day.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)00:20:47 No.2090394
    >>2090266 and
    >>2090283 here.

    It was always a blast, good god I have so many great memories from when I'd skip that first semester I went.

    Shit was not cash when I left uni. Just man up and go. It might be boring, but bear with it. It helps if you take some (hopefully) interesting classes with professors you like along with generic gen ed bullshit that makes you want to an hero.

    If I could stop being awkward/anxious as fuck with my professors (instead of a generalized anxiety around school/skipping/failing, since I don't do that anymore) than life would be simpler.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)00:23:03 No.2090419
    I used to be like you. I ended up flunking out of college. I would write more, but it's too depressing and humiliating to think about.

    Man up and save yourself before it's too late, my academic career is forever ruined.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)00:24:12 No.2090427
    Your career isn't ruined. The system will always want money, therefore someone will take you and someone will loan to you. I guarantee it. You could always get scholarships as well, sometimes ppl get award that shit just because they're the only ones who apply. It can be done.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)00:43:05 No.2090586
    45/100 on another midterm, fffffffffuckkkkkkkkkkkk

    I have about a 3.0 right now, I guess that's going down. At what point is your GPA so low that you're wasting your tuition completely?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)01:27:35 No.2090889
    How do you sacks of shit manage to fail so hard? I went to 12 lecturers in total last semester. 12. What grade did I get? A.

    Maybe you guys are just too fucking stupid?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)01:31:50 No.2090917

    Lectures* -_- Just read through that.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)01:36:48 No.2090951
    >all of my professors are boring as shit, and the material even moreso
    Welcome to college, you moron. You're not going to the fucking monster truck rally every day, you're going to a place of learning to study.

    Just drop your dumb ass out of college and work a shitty job until you feel like going back.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)01:37:35 No.2090957
    100 level and survey classes don't count, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)01:39:31 No.2090966
    I try to make it to class for my own benefit.

    If you are too simple to have the foresight to sign up for classes that will benefit your future that you can live with today then that's your shortcoming and you'll pay for it in the future
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)01:49:53 No.2091033

    I'm not the guy you're replying to but I do mechanical engineering at a very good university and I went to hardly any lectures in the first 2 years and I'm averaging a 2.2 by cramming in the 4 weeks before exams by teaching myself the course.

    Lectures are boring and sometimes pointless but I've realised it's best to go to them just to get that little edge.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)01:57:17 No.2091079

    I'm doing a similar degree to the OP. I'm majoring in Marketing and Economics. OP is a fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)02:16:55 No.2091223
    I'll bet in your classes don't have 40% of the grades participation related (30% homework and 10% attendance) for the two failing classes. Which admittedly is retarded, especially at a top-tier university, and makes everything feel like the drudgery of high-school all over again. The inanity of the whole situation puts me off, and then the anxiety becomes paralyzing as it piles up. I have, much like you I'd assume, lived by the "study a week before and ace the test" method, but I totally put aside even that studying in these last few weeks, which is why I'm so fffffffucked now. The actual subject matter in our majors is a complete fucking joke if you make notes of the arbitrary shit and just connect the dots, no question.

    I have been inspired to shut the fuck up and just complete my assignment due tomorrow, though, thank you /r9k/. Two fucking years left and then I'll never need to go back to school for the rest of my life. I can do this.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)02:22:07 No.2091272
    Class was suspended one day when my professor decided it was more important to give me a blowjob than to teach English 205.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)02:23:02 No.2091279
    I didn't mean to make it seem like I'm making excuses, I'm just stating that I've been a lazy sack of shit lately. I'd be a freshman dropout if I didn't understand this (I'm a junior currently).
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)02:42:28 No.2091450

    50% Coursework, 50% exam. Same position. Although funnily enough before I changed my second major to Economics, I failed one of my courses because there were marks for attendance.

    Attendance marks are honestly the most retarded way to assess a student's ability. OH YOU SHOWED UP, YOU MUST KNOW THIS MATERIAL.

    Complete dumbasses who turned up to class regularly passed while I did not despite knowing much more than any of them. The fuckwit lecturer didn't even tell us about attendance marks until halfway through the course.

    Fuck, that's it. I'm writing in to the student magazine and the university students association with a complaint about this bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)02:48:37 No.2091499
    I'm going through this right now - it's the last year of high school and I've pretty much failed due to poor attendance. I have been sick a LOT of this year, and have also skipped a lot of classes. I therefore am bumping this thread. I guarantee you have not missed more school in one year than I.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)02:49:38 No.2091507
    Professors...Boring as shit...

    What do you expect them to do?

    Bring in a bunch of water guns and spray each other with it?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)04:02:40 No.2092008

    bump the hump

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