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  • File: 1334158870.png-(337 KB, 645x621, Untitled3.png)
    337 KB ITT - Advice on relationships blah blah blah Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)11:41:10 No.2073851  
    Right Advguy reporting in for my last thread for the next couple of months.
    I'm sick of having to write this shit but whatever.
    The amount of requests I keep getting is staggering so I'm going to keep making threads until it dies down. This thread is to prevent the flow of "This girl is ____ and I ______ what should i do?" threads. You have a problem? Post it here.

    Here is all sorts of shit (Guide to flirting, whether a girl likes you, how to gain confidence):

    Also, if a fembot has a problem then just post it here

    So I am:
    >19 (20 in less than a month)
    >Pretty average looking, range from about 4-7/10 (inb4 rage about average looking over 5)
    >Was a diagnosed asspie
    >Was a kissless virgin until the age of 17
    >Basically overcome asspie. Not gone, but is getting better
    >Now I have slept with about 18ish girls, and been in 3 decent relationships
    >Also in love

    If you want to check out other threads ->
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:45:43 No.2073887
    My question advguy, is why are you on /r9k/?
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)11:48:29 No.2073909
    Boredom. I'm somewhere that has no phone reception and I'm the only house within 5 square miles, and I'm here for a week.
    Usually it's because I barely sleep, so all I do is go out or browse /r9k/ then sleep about 2 hours a day, sometimes less.

    As for why /r9k/:
    1- To try to help
    2- For green text stories and shit (i.e. Shit threads,Cringeworthy threads)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:48:38 No.2073911
    advguy, in line with all these antifap threads, do you fap?
    Does faping affect how guys interract with girls?
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)11:51:39 No.2073945
    I fap quite a lot. As I said in the last post my sleeping is terrible so I have spare time where girls&friends are in bed, giving me a lot of time.
    I have about 20Gbish of porn
    I've never seen much of a difference. I think there are benefits of both, so:
    More confidence
    More ambition
    More relaxation
    Less desperation

    Personally I think it's good in moderation.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)11:52:41 No.2073955
    >I have spare time where girls&friends are in bed, giving me a lot of time.
    Doesn't make sense, you know what I meant though
    >> GayAnon 04/11/12(Wed)12:05:06 No.2074056
    I have posted this in a few threads over the last few days... Im not really sure if its a question answerable from someone that doesn't know the in's and out's of the situation but, lets give it a shot anyway.

    > Excuse the massively long winded post.

    I have a fuck buddy. I hate the term, but im keeping this as simple as possible. Now this fuck buddy, I dated for two years before we split up and became fuck buddies. We share the same friends and that is how we met, through our friends. The main reason we split up was because me not being out of the closet was a problem for him, that and neither of us were particularly experienced with other guys and wanted to experiment with other guys, therefore the idea of being fuck buddies seemed the most logical solution.

    However, now I out of the closet and everyone knows we are sleeping together. We have both slept with other people and had a chance to enjoy being 'single'. Lately im finding myself having very strong feelings for him. Maybe even finding myself loving him. I think i've realised that the grass isn't greener and I want to try and start again with him. But, im terrified he will just say that he doesn't want a relationship and will just call off the fuck buddy relationship we have now. Another possibility is that he will say that he isn't ready to be in a relationship yet. And further still, if we do get back together, what's to say I won't want to go fool around with other guys again?

    I wonder if im just thinking this because I haven't had the chance to get over him yet, because we share the same friends...

    How do I go about asking him if he wants to try again? And do you think that the above problems are something that can be fixed/sorted?

    If you need any more info, or something isn't clear. Just ask.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:11:59 No.2074113



    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:13:02 No.2074121
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    You posted a couple of resources last time, which I really liked (especially the small talk one). Could I have anything else from you? Cheers.

    Picture unrelated
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:15:05 No.2074142

    I think advguy is long gone...

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:15:51 No.2074149

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:17:42 No.2074160
    Any do's and don't's you know of pertaining to work associates? There's a coworker that I'm very attracted to and I'm pretty certain it's mutual. I'm wondering if I should treat it like anything else and just straight up ask her out to dinner or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:24:41 No.2074213
    Yes im the same, part time in a bar the girl is a waitress.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)12:31:44 No.2074267

    Sorry, just grabbed some food will start now
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:32:14 No.2074275
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:36:27 No.2074321
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    >mfw normalfags think it's a challenge to "seduce" drunk uneducated girls when you live a normalfag life with shitty normalfags hobbies and have average or above facial looks
    Try hard mode and see what happens.
    Fucking casuals.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:38:20 No.2074340
    I once got a woman into bed by talking about video games

    get on my level
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)12:38:56 No.2074348
    I probably know more about girls than guys, but sure
    Do the two of you still hang out?
    Do you know his best friend?

    Do you mean like links or just shit I cam up with. Because I think I have a few more links left and I can always come up with shit

    Maybe try to get lunch together? That can't be classed as a date but it's the same thing. Then you can talk and at the end of that then you could ask if "She wants to continue this this weekend?"

    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)12:40:48 No.2074366
    I go to uni, the last girl I slept with went to Bristol Uni, she was more intelligent than me.
    I am not and never have been a normalfag. A few years ago I couldn't speak to girls and now I am on a shit load of anti-depressants and recovering from a knife wound.
    I don't have any hobbies, hence why I'm on /r9k/
    Maybe I'm missing the point of what you're saying, but you seem like a faggot
    >> GayAnon 04/11/12(Wed)12:41:36 No.2074371

    We do still hang out yeah, like I said we all share the same friends so its hard not to hang out with him.

    And yeah I know his best friend.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)12:43:57 No.2074392
    That seems good.
    You could just try speaking to him more and more. Then at one point ask him if he wants to hang out at your house (if you live alone (or with flatmate)).

    Do you think he would tell his best friend if he likes you. Or do you think he/she would know?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:51:02 No.2074435
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    >>2074121 here, came here for links to be honest but would greatly appreciate any pointers you can give me on starting a convo/keeping the conversation flowing. Kinda a sticking point for me.

    Great job on the other three threads btw
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:51:58 No.2074444
    >Was a diagnosed asspie
    >Basically overcome asspie. Not gone, but is getting better

    Regardless of whether this is true or not in your cases, people who say this annoy the living shit out of me. I know a handful of people with Assburgers who all live significantly better social lives than I do and have relationships and what not. I swear to god it isn't a real condition.

    But I'm not bitter, I've gotten used to being like this. My question to advguy would be would you recommend on giving up with relationships and carrying on with life alone? It's more of a discussion point than for advice, I found that when I realised I'd never get a girl I just gave up on them all together, only speak to them when I am absolutely forced to and have removed the need for sex from my mind (I fap to satiate the urge though). I found that relieving myself of the need to be in a relationship from an early age let be happy with the way I am and content with my life, whereas others might say that it's not worth living. Your views? Would you say this is a healthy outlook on life; I'm not diagnosed but most people at the medical school think I have depression, my sister who is a doctor believes I may have developed Schizophrenia (which quite frankly is balls) and a few people think I have Schizoid Personality Disorder (I can believe that but still can't be arsed to diagnose it).
    >> GayAnon 04/11/12(Wed)12:54:23 No.2074463

    To be honest, the issue isn't really whether he likes me or not. Im pretty sure he does, I just don't think he'll want a relationship. Or at least a relationship in the conventional sense. Im just a bit confused about what im thinking, because one minute, I think 'fuck yeah, lets start a new relationship up and be all monogamous and shit' and the next im thinking 'maybe its just time to call it a day with him'.

    I must be making zero sense here.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)12:55:37 No.2074467
    >can't find a job, no college education
    >socially awkward
    >every girl I get feelings for friendzones me
    >can't even make out with random girls despite how easy this apparently is
    >fucking sick of it

    I've tried getting in shape, dressing much better, using products to clear my acne and reading as much about social skills as I can. For all the progress I've apparently made though, I still can't get a girl. At all.

    Shit's fucking frustrating. Fix that with your precious advice.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)13:02:25 No.2074531
    Alright, let me gather some and I'll post 'em here.
    Thanks btw

    >I swear to god it isn't a real condition.
    I know what you mean. I was told by several doctors I had it, so I just go with it. But it's all just a bit stupid.
    >My question to advguy would be would you recommend on giving up with relationships and carrying on with life alone
    It depends. Everything always depends. I was miserable as fuck. Then I started on anti-depressants and although it took me a while I got out of a similar situation as you are in (but younger). It's good, personally it suits me because everyone knows my personality, there's times where I just want to stay indoors for days, then when I want 3 day parties.
    So I think you should do whatever you can to be happy, and if you are (as you said you are) then continue doing what you're doing. But maybe it's worth trying and seeing if what you''re feeling now is really happiness and not the denials of a depressed man.

    You're making sense, it's more the situation that's confusing.
    You just need to talk to him, it's the only way I can think of. So invite him round (alone) and be completely honest, then see what he says. Because if you're thinking about just forgetting about him then you have absolutely nothing to lose.
    How does that sound?

    Hmm, okay, can you ive an example of your last couple of "fuck ups", so we can see where it all went wrong.
    >> GayAnon 04/11/12(Wed)13:04:02 No.2074546

    Yeah, talking to him about it sounds good. I don't think anything else is going to fix this.

    Thanks anon.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:07:29 No.2074579

    >denials of a depressed man

    God damnit everyone also thinks this. I wouldn't say I'm happy but I am content, I don't want more and know things could be a lot worse. The only thing I want out of life is to be rich and I making that (slowly) happen by becoming a doctor (which I loathe with all of my existance but put up with it for the cash).

    I'm not a huge fan of anti-depressants, don't really want to build up dependence on them (which I most definitely will since I will have to take them forever knowing the way I am). I'm probably not going to bother with them since I am too chicken to kill myself, so they aren't really urgent.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:08:57 No.2074601

    If I knew where I was fucking up, I'd be able to fix it, dude.

    Since I have no job and no college or anything, basically the only way I have to meet girls is through mutual friends. I lack the confidence to actually approach random girls or anything like that, so that's pretty much my only way to meet them. Generally we'll go out drinking and the girls I'm introduced to will laugh and talk to me and whatever, but at the end of the day they end up leaving with someone else or in some way make it clear they have no interest in me. Usually they end up making out/leaving with friends of mine, which can be pretty shitty.

    The worst one though is this girl I've been friends with forever. Suddenly developed feelings for her when we started hanging out again, she started complaining about being single and I took that as my chance to ask her out. It went exactly as I thought it would and I got friendzoned like fuck.

    I'm friendzoned literally any time I bother asking a girl out, even if I barely know them. It's like I walk about with a giant sign round my neck saying "just a friend" or whatever. Fucking sucks.

    Sorry about my rant turning into an essay.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:09:31 No.2074608
    fuck fuck fuck advbro why so long till threads i'm fucked

    i'm the guy with the asian chick who left the city

    well if you can remember i was suspecting the imminent friendzone , so it fucking happened, just before she left and well, thinks have been really cold between us since then, even she connected to facebook quite often

    actually i said hi yesterday and she was friendly, she come back tonight, my intentions are trying ask her to meet friday or this weekend, i think face to face things will be like before dunno, she looked really into me when we were together. But i'm kinda afraid of she tries to avoid or she doesn't want to hang up.

    what do
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)13:17:34 No.2074663
    I said denials of a depressed man not because I think it, because others do.
    Just have you tried going out and partying? I mean if you've never tried it then you can't really know if that lifestyle would make you happy.
    As for anti-depressants, I see what you mean, they just seemed to make me happier, or at least less unhappy. Of course it could have been the placebo effect. And I am pretty Dependant on them now. The withdrawal is terrible

    Have you had a look at my link? If not scroll to line 62.
    I think this is the problem. Of course not every girl is going to like you.
    Also on the link then there's a list of signs of attraction. I use these as a guide before acting on a girl.
    How do your friends see you? Would you be up for asking them to wingman? Or atleast just not "steal" the girl

    Hey man
    So how did the "friendzoning" happen? What did she say?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:21:42 No.2074697

    My friends have once or twice in the past tried to set me up with girls, but they always pick utter monsters. I don't have stupidly high standards but I'm not dating a huge girl.

    They would almost definitely do it again, but I'm stupidly proud and would feel pathetic at 22 to ask for help getting my first girlfriend. It's pretty lame. Like I want help but I'm too stubborn to ask for it. I'd really rather accomplish it on my own, to prove I can, I guess.

    I've got your link bookmarked and I'll have a read through it later.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:23:51 No.2074712
    it was weird, because i didn't said in any moment that i wanted to have a serious relationship, and i honestly don't know yet, so i don't know what happened

    she started to act like really distant when we were chatting, and we chatted a lot before, so i asked if there was something wrong with me, she said literally:

    "yeah i understand it wasn't meant to be anything serious but just that i was beginning to feel scared coz i know i won't be able to make you feel that way in a long time or so. am i making sense? but yeah don't say you fucked up either. i've been enjoying the times too"
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:25:24 No.2074728
    >I'm sick of having to write this shit but whatever.
    >The amount of requests I keep getting is staggering so I'm going to keep making threads until it dies down

    Lies, all of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:28:42 No.2074758
    Alright, so here's my question. I'm successful with women depending on location because I have a lot of "rules" for myself that I have to follow, one of which is "don't sh** where you eat" so the places I go the most often I actively send off submissive signals whenever I interact with women at work/school/the stores I go to often. I can go to a bar/club and do all the build-up with women there and then leave them hanging(this was my confidence building because I value fidelity and chastity so I was able to do that with less seriousness than trying to interact with women where I could see serious relationship potential) but now I feel ready to start interacting with women I can take seriously but can't seem to drop my rule. Any advice?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:31:31 No.2074787
    Asked chick to school dance and about two or three weeks later she said she was gonna go with her friends as opposed to me. Should I ask another girl or go and pick up a girl when I'm at the dance?
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)13:33:54 No.2074800
    >I've got your link bookmarked and I'll have a read through it later.
    It might help I'm not sure, I hope so.
    I know what you mean about asking for help.
    I think at the next party you need to try to stand out. So think of a hilarious story that's atleast close to the truth. Get yourself known by everyone there. Try to be the life of the party. If you show yourself as a fun guy then I think girls like that.
    Have you tried internet dating. Like POF or that other one?

    If I'm understanding you right:
    That's not the friendzone. That's the "It's complicated."
    Carry on like it didn't happen, she just seems like she's been through some shit.
    Carry on like you were before it ever happened. Do as you said in the first post!

    I'm not going to screencap my email because people use their real ones. So believe what you want. My last three threads have reached 500+ posts. Is that lies?

    Ask another girl. It'll be tough to get one at the dance, and a little strange. 'Gratz on the courage of asking her out.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:37:26 No.2074831
    Thanks man. I thought it would help asking her in front of a friend to but I guess not. Much appreciated!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:39:08 No.2074844

    Online dating seems even worse than just asking for help. And I'm really not a party guy. I prefer to go out to bars with friends and whatever. Idunno, I guess there's just no hope for me, any girl I eventually end up with is probably going to love parties and nightclubs and all that shit I can't stand. Fuck, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:41:29 No.2074863
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    Just think you guys, if these two disgusting excuses for human beings can get with someone, you fucking can too.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:42:29 No.2074874

    Hm i see, yeah i think it's pretty much this "it's complicated".

    I will try to not talk much on Facebook now and try to talk with her on person.

    She actually said she had some really bad experiences with guys before. Should I ask about that and let's see if she opens herself or is better to avoid that issues?

    What do, just ask her out like if nothing happened. What should I do if she refuses, with something like, not today, maybe other day, etc. Keep trying? Or that means she doesn't want to see me any more?
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)13:43:20 No.2074881
    I was like that, well I would stay friends. I ended up just asking a girl out from college after talking to her in class. Then suddenly I realised that shitting where you eat is fine, aslong as you're cautious.
    So just try throwing yourself in the deepend!

    Cool, good luck man!

    Why are you not a party guy? I mean its a similar formula to bar just funner with more girls and alcohol.
    What's wrong with online dating. Surely it's easier, and nobody needs to know

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:45:23 No.2074898
    OtherAdvGuy from last week here.

    Started dating that cute girl, we've been out on (technically) 3 dates since we started dating last week, got to third base on the most recent. That being said, she's a virgin as well (18 y/o living with her parents, going to same uni as me.)

    Logistically how should I approach going about first-time sex with this girl? Her dad works from home so it's pretty sporadic as to whether or not he'll be there, and I live about a 25 minute drive from campus (she lives right next to it) - I was hoping that our first time together would be a spontaneous thing, but given the circumstances would it be better if I tried talking it over/organizing a good time and place with her?

    As of yet everything we've done with each other has unspoken, just stemming from making out.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:48:34 No.2074914

    >why are you not a party guy?

    I tend to feel awkward, they always end up too loud and I usually end up stuck talking to one or two people all night. Also I'm almost never invited to parties, so there's that as well.

    As for online dating, I'd know. It's just...weird to me. I'd be embarrassed to even try it. Honestly I swear I'm my own worst enemy in this because there's so many little things I refuse to do for the sake of my own pride.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:50:50 No.2074939
    You skipped my question.

    What reason do you have for this?
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)14:10:37 No.2075096
    Yeah you're doing good trying to mainly talk in person!
    Leave it, she should open up on her own!
    If you ask her out and she refuses then tell her your feels. Try to be honest, don't lay it on too strong but tell her your intentions and that you like her.

    Hey, how about your place? Do you live with parents?
    I don't think you should actually say that you're going to have sex. Maybe imply it. DON'T PRESSURE HER. Make sure she's ready in everyway.

    Give me ahint of who you are... There probably isn't a reason just me being mistaken

    Next party ask your friends to invite you. Try to be fun. When I was in a similar situation I ended up turning up to a party drunk and just pretended like I didn't give a shit. Ever try Ecstasy?
    Just make a profile now. Don't think anything of it. Or atleast just go on the websites and have a look around. You need to just try things
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:16:36 No.2075141
    Ah. Alright then. I'm this guy.

    >> OtherAdvguy 04/11/12(Wed)14:18:35 No.2075156
    Yeah I live out a ways from the campus with my parents. They both work during the day but sometimes my dad will show up randomly at home if he has spare blocks (teacher.) I guess it's worth a shot, though, I'll just have to get up early one day to go pick her up. And yeah I agree with the not talking about it part, thanks for clarifying.

    Is a towel necessary in case of hymen breakage btw? No-one seems to agree on that issue.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:22:46 No.2075187
    Advice Guy, I got this one female friend. She's sexy as fuck, chill personality but a little bitchy due to her insecurities.

    I befriended her while dating my ex. We would flirt a lot, wrestle, and I make her laugh probably more than anyone else. She also thinks I'm good looking. The problem is I'm an insecure faggot, so much so that I start to question my sexuality. I think it looks bad to others. I'm afraid to get physical with chicks, or open up, spilling spaghett everywhere. I'm afraid of rejection and I got some social anxiety (though to a lot of people I come off as being eccentric and a extrovert). It's retarded cos I've pushed away girls that have approached me when I was depressed enough.

    How to be less of a pussy? I recently got diagnosed with ADD. I think adderall will help a lot of this and minimize the illogical anxiety.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)14:23:56 No.2075202
    Dude, I replied here:

    It may be worth it. The hymen will probably break, if you get to the situation where you are definitely having sex then it's probably worth talking about that!
    It will probably happen if you both are alone. Good luck brobot!
    >> OtherAdvguy 04/11/12(Wed)14:26:35 No.2075221
    Cheers bro! Thanks for the advice.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:28:29 No.2075238
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    hey advguy this is the guy who asked for links + tips before. Anything yet?
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)14:30:01 No.2075249
    >I start to question my sexuality
    You think you're gay?
    Have you read my bit on confidence in the OP link?
    Yes Adderall will definitely help!
    It seems like she likes you. You just need to balls up ONCE. Maybe just like get drunk and ask her out. You'll have a date and the confidence that goes with it

    Shit, so sorry. I'll write shit up.
    If I become a dick and forget then please email me
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:36:42 No.2075299
    Hey Advice Guy, advise me.

    >close friends ex
    >we're in the same social circle
    >can't tell if flirting or just really sweet
    >admitted to sending me a really embarrassing text that I never received
    >we never really hang out alone
    >coming over to play with A BOX OF PUPPIES
    >I have no idea what's going on
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)14:37:03 No.2075304

    So I'm not sure what I've written up or what you've read. But I've been doing two things:
    1- Listen to what the person is saying, act interested whilst constantly thinking of ways to prolong the conversation, you should be able to flow from one topic to another endlessly if you can think of the right questions. I don't know but I've probably written tips on improvising in another thread

    2- Make notes. Seriously this is going to seem sad but it works. Makes notes of the person you're talking to, what they're into and their conversations. You can plan whole conversations. Write down some things to ask then predict their responses and then plan for those. It should help you understand the person and it makes you keep concentration on the person rather than your spaghetti.

    If this isn't what you meant, just tell me dude.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:37:41 No.2075311
    Oh. My apologies. Follow up question, would it be better to suddenly change or to gradually change?

    My problem has always been that I enjoy making women feel good, and because I enjoy it I do it well, and because I do it well I always would end up with needy women with nothing to offer me but demands.

    The way I've been testing them at the bars is by using my love of silence. I ask a single question and let them spin their wheels til I've heard enough and either walk away mid-sentence or immediately look away until they stop talking and ask my next question. It's amazing the change I've seen since I stopped seeing acting as I feel like acting anyway as "manipulation". Stupid stoicism making me act like an extrovert.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:41:02 No.2075349
    I think I just subconsciously hate myself.

    With women, I'll pretty much self sabotage.

    Take, for example, girl 1. I'm getting on well with girl 1. Asked her to prom (wasn't formal here, lots of people went with friends, etc.) and then coffee later. Got given a note from a mutual friend saying it was from her later after asking for her number. Note had "I love you" written on it and her number. We go to coffee and I pretty much manage to reject her entirely, all because I assumed she didn't write the note. Looking back, it's obvious she wrote it and played it as she didn't as a fallback.

    Girl 2. Get close with. She starts being obvious as fuck that she likes me (touching her leg against mine, playing with her hair when talking to me, tracing her lips, etc). Long story short, she asks me for a hug in a moment of decent tension and I give her a friendly hug, patting her on the fucking back. Then I manage to piss her off over the course of a few weeks to the point where she snapped at me "Don't touch me" in front of a friend.

    Why the fuck do I do this shit and how do I stop?
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)14:41:46 No.2075359
    Wait what?
    She's probably into you. Either
    1- Confess your feels when she's at your house
    2- Ask her to go to _____ with you
    _______ = Movies, Meal, Ice Skating, whatever

    It doesn't matter. Personally I try to go from one extreme to another. I like to throw myself in the deepend
    I know what you mean about the needy girls. That's why my hookups are randommers and I try to date friends.

    Just getting a drink will carry on in sec
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:46:19 No.2075406
    >>it makes you keep concentration on the person rather than your spaghetti.

    haha thanks will be reading up what you sent. Yea pretty much what I was looking for. Thanks again!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:52:47 No.2075467
    Hey advguy,
    So there's this girl i'm friends with, we were talking and she kinda out of the blue asks me "Hey what do you think about us, like are we just friends, or you thinking more?" So I was kinda caught off by this, and I do kinda like her, so I replied with "being friends is good, but if it went further i wouldn't mind" and then asked her what she thought, and she said basically that she agreed with my assessment of the us, and that we'd see where it went.

    So what I'm asking basically is, any advice/what do you think?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:55:11 No.2075485

    not advguy but really, why do you need advice on this? You're in, you've won. She's already made it known to you that you're not stuck in the friendzone, so she's just waiting on you to ask her out now.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:00:13 No.2075539
    not sure, i'm getting mixed signals man.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)15:01:11 No.2075552
    See ->>2075485
    I mean really. JUST FUCKING ASK HER ON A DATE. Sorry, you just need to do this.

    Your welcome dude, glad to be of assistance

    The only way is to learn from it. There's not much I can say. Girl 2 was a bit of a bitch. But next time I think you should tell your friend EVERYTHING. And then get him/her to judge whether or not they like you.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:10:20 No.2075626
    I don't actually think I'm gay. It's just real negative thinking from low confidence. When I start feeling real depressed I start with the confirmation bias, looking back on my life for signs of me being feminine. I'm artistic and empathetic and was raised more by my sisters and mother.

    I'll read those links. What do you mean ask her out, on a date? I think I just want to fuck her. She's a bro type of girl. Has abnormal amount of guy friends. She once told me how terrible it was when one of her guy friends came on to her. A FWB thing would be ideal. I don't think she's the type of a girl I'd date.

    You can probably tell I overthink things.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)15:18:19 No.2075690
    Ahh I see.
    Invite her round to your place, get a movie and some alcohol. It doesn't really matter if you live with your parents, just make sure you're not disturbed.
    Then you can either make a move on fucking, or tell her that you want a FwB situation.
    In my history I have found you get in it by fucking first or being honest
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:21:54 No.2075722
    Alright, that's sound like a solid plan. I wouldn't forgive myself if I never tried.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:22:33 No.2075726
    Forgot to add a thanks. Thanks man.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:31:57 No.2075805
    Your pastebin covers some of this, but this is a very confusing situation to me. I'll make it as brief as possible:

    Basically I had a major crush on this girl for months, total oneitis. I was convinced she was into me too at the start which may have been true but in any event I didn't act definitively or quickly enough to swing her. I slowly realized after a while that I was misreading her friendliness as something more and decided to distance myself a bit. Hung out with other friends, met more cute girls, realized there's more fish etc.

    Recently we've started getting closer again, but our friendship is really blossoming in a really weird way. We hang out a lot alone and do a lot of "couple" shit (going to concerts together, walks, long personal talks). We don't always interact much in groups but we really connect when we are by ourselves. I've been asked if there's something going on, and someone last week said we were "cute" when we were out together.

    Now I'm not going to act like I'm not still into her. I was fine being her friend, and exploring other options. But now I'm confused if I should be going after the potential here, or if she feels similarly. I have plenty of friends who are girls where its purely platonic, nothing sexual between us... but I don't feel like that is the case here, at all. What do advbro?
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)15:49:23 No.2075954
    I feel like there's something there. Obviously I can't say for sure. But I think one night when the time feels right (you're alone, dark, kinda romantic) then tell her you like her.
    You've gotten to a great stage where you've been enjoying life with and without her. You'll be fine whether she feels them back or not.
    Good luck man
    >> Goot! 04/11/12(Wed)15:52:53 No.2075985
         File: 1334173973.jpg-(19 KB, 500x448, 1334142588090.jpg)
    19 KB
    Boyfriend has a fetish for menstrual blood. dafuq. not sure if I'm okay with it..

    He wants to fuck my ass while fingering me and lick the blood. I'm not okay with that.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)15:55:52 No.2076011
    Well, it's fucking disgusting.
    Dump him.
    Or alternatively just tell him "I'm not okay with that"
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)15:57:14 No.2076030
    You ever thought about telling your boyfriend how fucking strange he is?

    Maleanon here so I don't sound like another femanon being bitchy or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:06:39 No.2076116

    Hmm, thanks bro. I'm not sure how I feel about directly telling/asking her about it, but in this case it might the best solution. Maybe after we've both had some drinks in us. I'd daresay she's pretty inexperienced romantically. Still, I think there's more to our connection right now than just friendship. It's weird.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:10:16 No.2076152
    Hey OP if you are still here.
    So, I have a question, retarded maybe, but oh well.

    This girl hasn't called me back or gave me a message for a bit now. So, my question is, should I call or wait for her to call me back?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:11:34 No.2076165
    I can just smell the bullshit all over this thread. As someone who actually does get laid, is attractive, and not in any way autistic, it's easy to see what a fucking fraud you are. You really need this attention, don't you? You are more deluded, and more pathetic, than any of the virgin faggots who inhabit this fucked up little corner of the Internet.
    Your advice is unmitigated shit. But the losers are eating it up.

    > actually listening to this troll faggot
    Stay desperate, r9k.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)16:14:00 No.2076190
    Yeah I would advise alcohol, it'll increase your ball size. Don't worry about it, you'll be fine. If she likes you it doesn't matter about your spaghetti

    I'm in a similar situation. How long is "a bit"
    And it's not a stupid question

    Sorry alpha man, you're wrong.
    Maye it's the age difference. Maybe it's that I go for the decent girls. Maybe it's the different countries. But I'm legit.
    Go fuck yourself. I'll believe that you're attractive when I see it.
    >> Goot! 04/11/12(Wed)16:14:53 No.2076198
    I've tried telling him but he says "I pay for everything and give you gifts and put your pleasure first in love making so I think I'm entitled to a tampon fuck".

    He wants me to take a used tampon and use it as a strap on. DO NOT WANT.

    We were the cliche childhood sweethearts since aged 13 (19 now, he's 20) and it's silly to end it over this.

    Wat do.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)16:17:29 No.2076222
    He sounds like a huge dick. Because he's being nice he thinks he deserves that shit. Honestly, just break up. It's not silly.

    8/10. You made me mad faggot
    >> Goot! 04/11/12(Wed)16:23:58 No.2076285
    Apart from that he's perfect in every way.

    Plus he'll tell everyone shit about our sexual life.

    I guess I have to let go of my childhood and finally get over him.

    Will post what happens tomorrow as I'm seeing him tomorrow morning (only if you post this thread again).
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:26:52 No.2076310
    About 3 days. But, I'm pretty much a nervous fuck when it comes down to a relationship and will overthink things.
    The last time she gave me a message was about after we kissed the first time.
    So am I just being paranoid and pathetic at the moment?
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)16:31:18 No.2076353
    >Apart from that he's perfect in every way.
    Except he's not is he. He buys you stuff to get you to shove a used tampon up his ass
    Oh God, I never thought I'd be saying that
    The thread will probably still be up, /r9k/ is slow like that. So please, report back

    That is the exact same time as me. Distract yourself, try not to think about it. Maybe wait till then end of the week then try texting again (That's what I'm going to do). If she does text then pretend like nothing happened (i.e. don't say about her taking ages to reply or even mention the text)
    Stop thinking you're pathetic or retarded!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:32:34 No.2076373
    we are both artfags but our majors are different, i already told her bout my intentions but she said shes just 'coasting' and not looking, but she apparantly is getting chummy with my roomate, im just more buttmad that they are closer together and i was the idiot that introduced them (and he just sits indoors all the fucking time) and here i am again being the odd loser out. i want to talk to her but i have nothing to really talk to her about :/
    the others are close because they smoke and know everything bout music, me being a robot i know shit about it and im a bad conversationalist. fuck everything
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:36:17 No.2076417
    Thanks very muchly OP.
    Thats the exact same thing what my best friend (girl) sent me. I will let you know what happens.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)16:38:45 No.2076451
    1- Tell your roomate to fuck off. Or politely ask him. Whatever
    2- Read the fucking link in the OP post AS I SAID. Also see ->>2075304
    3- Learn stuff about what she likes, and predict stuff she likes and bond. For example set it up so that she finds you listening to a song she likes and start from there.

    That's good man. My email is in field if there's no thread. Let me know how you get on
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:43:20 No.2076507
    Will do OP. I'm pretty much smitten to her and she is to me too. I hope it'll turn out alright.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:44:04 No.2076514

    >>2075805 here again.

    Isn't it kind of bad form to spill your guts to a girl before she's done so to you? I know each situation differs from the next, and this sort of strategy might work well for a more introverted chick (which she is, very). But is there any sort of graceful way to do this? Besides just UR MY SOULMATE.

    We often talk about personal history, etc, but we've never touched on love or romance... maybe I could bring that up first and see where it goes? She gives me basically all of the signals outlined in your pastebin tips, but she's never taken it further than that, so I'm a bit wary to make a move here.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)16:54:25 No.2076612
    I've found that it's fine. Don't be too OTT. No love or as you say soulmate.
    Just a "I've developed feelings" or "I like you anon".
    >Isn't it kind of bad form to spill your guts to a girl before she's done so to you?
    No, why would you say that.....?

    It's difficult to talk about. If she's had any ex's then you could say something about them and say "Didn't you two date?". But I think you said she's inexperienced so...
    The other night I managed to touch on the romance subject with a girl. The conversation went from:
    Weekend -> Parties -> People having sex at party -> Experiences -> Virginity.
    For some reason she kissed me after that. I mean it was quite a good moment dark and alone and shit, but still.

    She's shy, you have to make the first move
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:11:40 No.2076780
    hey man, i need some help.
    (I'm a 17 year old guy, skinny/tall)
    so theres this girl i sit next to in all my classes. I have a feeling she likes me and i definitely like her too, but she happens to have a boyfriend. I dont actually know if she likes me, because she has a fucking boyfriend... anyways, what do you suggest i do? should i give up on her?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:13:35 No.2076794
    Advguy's back!

    >GF breaks up with me a few months ago
    >fell into depression during relationship, took a lot of shit out on her that I shouldn't have, she wasn't great to me either because of it
    >says she no longer wants a relationship with me
    >spend the next few months bettering myself, get some things done that I'd been putting off, make myself a better person, got professional help to sort out some issues I had
    >still miss her
    >talk to her last night, admits she's still physically attracted to me and misses the better times of our relationship
    >can't get over the way we treated each other and doubts things would be different if we tried again but says maybe in time things will change

    So is there any way I can prove to her that I've changed and things would be different? I love her very much and all I want from her is a second chance to show her and to undo some of the wrongs I did the first time.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)17:15:54 No.2076814
    Hi, It's a tough one. You could just start hanging out with her a bit. So just like grabbing some lunch together or something. Finding out about her boyfriend and using my guide from the link at the top. Then deciding
    How does that sound?

    Hey dude.
    So how did you both break up and how did you "treat eachother"? What went wrong?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:18:03 No.2076829
    I'll try it, but it's pissing me off. every cute girl i meet happens to have a boyfriend, every time
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:19:31 No.2076846
    When I chat to people online they usually seem to want me to drive the conversation. It's tiring for me, but one or twice I find someone I can empathise with and I get really chatty. I'm not sure if it's something about how they deal with conversations or something about me.

    I'm a guy and so far this has just happened with guys. How can I get it to happen with girls and how can I get it to happen more?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:19:37 No.2076849

    Basically I'm the kind of guy who deals with things badly when they happen and eventually they catch up with me. I had family problems and shit and eventually they got to me and I got quite depressed during the relationship and her being the closest person to me at the time, I took it out on her. Then she grew tired of it, started treating me equally as bad until eventually she called time on the relationship because she couldn't deal with the stress of it anymore. I tried to fix things towards the end but I guess it was already too late. She says she's happier single, but does miss the good times we had which I'm in agreement with, I don't want the emotional bullshit either, I just want a nice easy relationship with her.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:20:50 No.2076866

    I also played a lot of stupid games, trying to get her attention and feel validated etc. I don't know, I didn't exactly like myself at the time and I was stupid enough to think that was her responsibility, not mine.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:37:41 No.2077058
    >He wants me to take a used tampon and use it as a strap on
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:39:27 No.2077070
    Also I'm pretty clingy and dependant and need attention.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:46:16 No.2077141
    Hey advice guy.

    Do you do advice for friendships. My life is too complicated for girl troubles and I just want to keep my one online friend.

    She hasn't been online in a few days cuz her internet broke, and it made me realize I was using her too much as an crutch for normal human relationships and I have nothing in life. (videogames didn't entertain me very long and I don't have a job and my schooling sucks)

    Somehow this question on how to keep her as a friend turned into something completely different.

    I don't know what my question is anymore. How can I keep this friend but not be so reliant on her. When she gets her internet back we will probably go back to both being online 15 hours a day and mindlessly chatting and bitching about our lives the entire time. (If it matters we bitch about other people, not self pity)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:57:45 No.2077245
    Hey man.

    My girlfriend left me about a month ago. We're remaining friends, but I'm finding it extremely difficult.

    Today we've argued for the first time about any of this; how I don't treat her any different than when we were a couple. We're a very tight-knit group, too.

    My question is, how do I win this girl back? We're restarting completely as just-friends starting today, so I need to go back to the drawing board.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:22:25 No.2077417
    Bump for advguy.
    >> Goot! 04/11/12(Wed)18:23:32 No.2077419
    Tis Goot.
    I broke things off.
    He called me a shallow cow
    Shitstorm of hate
    Gave him back everything he bought me
    Threw a box of tampons at him and yelled "Enjoy your new dildos, jerk!" and slammed the door shut.
    Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:24:22 No.2077426
    Advguy - do you just handle relationship advice? Or can I ask for advice on something going on with a friend (so friendship advice)?
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)18:25:53 No.2077436
    Just got back. Having internet troubles. Bare with me
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)18:26:23 No.2077445
    No go for it broseph
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)18:43:21 No.2077602
    Yeah that's the way it goes. The best girls have guys. One of my bros (who I met through one of these threads) is going through the same shit, except the boyfriend is a neckbeard. It's pretty shit man.

    I think that's pretty normal. I mean if you bond with someone then you open up more. You just need to get more confident - Read my guide in the OP post.
    What are you like with girls?

    Have you tried just saying to her "I've really changed. Can't you just try it? If you don't think I've changed then the door is open."
    I mean I don't think there's just a way to show it to her like that, the only way is to stay friends. Get close in a friend capacity then she'll see you for what you are.

    You need more online friends. ->
    Also have you thought that you like her? Have you two cammed before?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:43:27 No.2077603
    My best friend and I have been friends for 10 years, when he was 15 he got involved with this crazy bitch who faked pregnancies, robbed him, showed and a beat him upside the head with a table leg, and ultimately it ended when she sent a 30something guy after him and there was a chase down a busy street and the cops were called and restraining orders placed.

    Five years later, he starts talking to her again and they start dating. Ultimately she gets "pregnant", and when I try talking to him about - he puts a restraining order on me (I got it dropped almost immediately). They rush into a shotgun wedding, racking up debt. She "miscarries". She tries to talk him into joing Army, he doesn't at first but then she says she's pregnant again. He starves himself to lose the weight to join, she starts disappearing for 3 weeks at a time to play "Monopoly" with friends. He shows up at my door, and we finally talk - he considers leaving her but ultimately decides to stay for the "baby". He leaves for basic, and she has a "stillbirth" the next day - and won't provide a death certificate. He comes back from basic, catches her with another man (she claims she was in the room talking with her brother). They get divorced, she gets remarried a week after the divorce is final.

    Now a year later, she's leaving her new husband and is "pregnant" with his kid - my friend says "she's changed for real this time" and has decided to take her back once he's done with his deployment overseas. Suddenly he believes that she was just "talking with her bedroom with her brother". I've decided to just not say anything to him about it (since last time he threw a restraining on me) but I'm worried that not doing anything maybe the wrong decision...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:47:20 No.2077637

    I have tried talking it out with her but she says it's hard to forgot some of the stuff that's happened and it takes time. And we are staying friends for now, so hopefully she'll see.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:48:35 No.2077650

    I used to hang out with this girl during break at uni, but then I stopped seeing her around b/c she's been hanging out with this other guy. I decided since we have the same class after break, I'd just start sitting next to her. People have become suspicious, figuring that I have some kind of feelings towards her (which is fine.) Anyway, I thought about playing with her head. The next lecture, I would sit on the same row as her, but I wouldn't sit next to her. I wouldn't even speak to her. This is to get her to realize how much she does/doesn't like me and my attention. You know the technique? Is it worth it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:55:06 No.2077716
    OP, if you're not too busy..?

    So, there's this guy I really really like. Like, a lot. And I've told him that I liked him, apologised a lot and told him I'm working on getting over him so shit won't be weird. It's not going so well, and I'm really hoping and wishing something would happen between us.

    I'm not looking for a way to force him into something, or make him feel like he's obliged to. I just want him to know that I'm here for him. I genuinely care about him, and he gets so lonely and down on himself at times. I don't dare talk to him, since he's distanced himself from me a bit, and I don't want to irritate him anymore than I must have already.

    Any advice from your magical head brain? Please and thank you.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)18:55:08 No.2077717
    What did she say to you today? Because this is sounding like a no-hope

    If you're legit then well done. Were we solely responsible?
    How you feeling about being single and ready to mingle?

    Yeah it'll come with time. It's a great sign, just be yourself and try to be nice. She should see. Good luck!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:56:37 No.2077727
    Hello advguy.

    So here's the deal, I'm 6'4", very often get compliments about my looks from girls and women who aren't relatives (friend's kind of cute girlfriend recently told me that I'm a 7), so I guess I'm a 6 (lots of girls, including cute ones, approach me and flirt with me often, so I guess it's true), I have a nice haircut, a head full of hair, dress in nice clothes that fit, have a good hygiene, not shy, can make people laugh easily and am talkative.

    The problem is though, I did very shitty in school, dropped out of high school, don't have any plans for college, get social security, don't have a job, don't play sports, not even into watching them, have some geeky hobbies, live at home with my mom (I'm 25), don't have status and don't have a HUGE social life. So I'm never really a girl's type, even the average looking girls who approach me and flirt with me at first decide that I'm not boyfriend/sex material (but friendzone material?). So in your opinion, what kind of girls do you think would think I'm boyfriend/sex material?
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)19:08:27 No.2077845
    what the fuck. what the fuck. God damn.
    Do you have any dirt on her? Does she do drugs or anything?
    I think you need to get rid of her. Try to make sure she doesn't know though. You could go along with it and become friends with him (pretend to forgive her). Hell if you're that committed set up a spycam and catch her cheating.
    If you're not willing to use dirty tactics then I think this one is lost, and you may aswell tell him what you think (the truth)

    No it's not worth it. I don't think so anyway. She will probably just seek the attention off someone else. Or worse just be pissed at you and ignore you.
    How about you just ask for her number or ask her out on a date.
    If you just want to test, then here's a greentext example of a test I use:
    >Like girl
    >Not sure how she feels
    >Want to test without asking out
    >Told her I had a date for the weekend
    >She pokerfaced like fuck
    After the weekend
    >Told her it went really good
    >She cracked, looked really sad
    >Asked her out, and said I don't think I'm going to see that girl again
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)19:16:20 No.2077921
    >OP, if you're not too busy..?
    Of course not
    He's not irritated, don't worry. I think the only way is to say "I'm here for you".
    But are you sure you want to be? I mean if he's not interested then why imply that you'd be there atfer a breakup or whatever. You're better than a second resort no matter who you are.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:18:50 No.2077940

    Well at least she'll actually talk with me about it now, so that's a good sign. As always, thanks for the advice, Advguy.
    >> Goot! 04/11/12(Wed)19:19:07 No.2077946
    Not solely, I'd been meaning to do it for a while but you gave me an extra boost.
    I feel lonely.
    And kind of happy
    I'm going to go eat chocolate.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:24:03 No.2077990
    I don't particularly like her and no we have not cammed before.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)19:28:33 No.2078036
    Hello friend. You're probably more than a 6. That shit doesn't happen to me. I get looks and giggles but that's just because of how I dress/look.
    I think the key is that you need a job. I'm not the master of jobs (I've only ever had one), but if you just apply for errything you'd get something.
    On the other hand you could go back to school. What do you find interesting? Computing? You could follow some of that up.
    Not only would work and schooling improve your social life, you'd meet new girls and get the money to move out.
    I don't know what it is that makes them think about boyfriend shit, however if you make a good first impression then make up an excuse about having to go and quickly ask for their phone number. If you want to get to know them better, speak to them for a few hours and ask them to continue this chat another time (i.e. going for lunch) then make your move.

    Your welcome man, I hope I helped! Good luck.

    Then I think you need to try to make more online friends. You could ask her to go on webcam. She might be hot?

    You did good Goot! He was an ass. As always (for everyone) my email is in the field
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:29:59 No.2078056

    I don't think it'd be after a breakup, or anything. He just gets so down on himself, he's never gone out with anyone, or anything. He stresses about not being attractive, or not being likable. I kinda wanna be that person that can make him feel good about himself, I want to show him all the amazing traits I see that he doesn't.

    Funny thing is, he has so many girls liking him. Last time I counted it was about, twelve, or something? And he's so oblivious, he never notices.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:36:25 No.2078157
    She was a meth dealer - but he knew that when he joined the Army. Apparently, prior to them getting back together she tried joing the Army herself and was denied for that reason so she kept bringing in boyfriends to try to make them join. They warned him - but he still believed she had "changed" and joined up. I guess I could try buddying up to her, but I'll only seem them for a few weeks in December (when he comes home from deployment) then they are leaving to live on base on the otherside of the country.

    I guess next time we talk I'll just tell him what I think. It feels bad, but I guess ultimately it's his life and it doesn't make me a bad person for wanting to get away from their drama.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)19:40:31 No.2078197
    Thank you. You too.
    I'm just worried that you're putting yourself in the position to get hurt. It's just he might decide one day to use you. And another thing is that I just don't think that you'll get over him this way.
    If you're convinced that you want to stay like that then I think the best way is to just say it. But maybe try to get over him?

    Yeah it's going to be tough but you're doing the right thing.
    I actually meant about calling the cops on her and getting her took away. You could try an anonymous tip, but try not to implicate you as the guy who sent it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:43:57 No.2078238
    I know you're a guy but is it possible to help a femanon
    I think I have a crush on this guy. I'm not ready to have anything serious, life is just complicated right now. But on the 20th is my golden birthday and I want to hang out with someone.
    I only meet him one hour 3 times a week though, so I know him, but not greatly. Hell, I can't even remember his name but he's a great guy though
    What should I do? I a least I want to know him a bit more
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)19:49:23 No.2078311
    Just want to reiterate. My email is in the field for anyone. i.e. >>2076507, >>2076417, >>2078056
    wow sound like a bit of a faggot

    Why of course
    Well first you should probably learn his name.
    Do you have lunch at the same time or anything? If so ask him if he wants to grab something to eat. If not then ask for his phone number.
    I don't know what you're like to know whether or not you can do that without spaghetti. But do you think he likes you?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:53:39 No.2078357
    Ah, I suppose I should. Like, I know it's no good for either of us for me to be all clingy and "let me heeaaaal youuuu."

    Thank you for the help, you've put things into perspective for me.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)19:58:00 No.2078402
    That's good. Good luck on your travels anon, you deserve someone good.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)20:11:25 No.2078581
    Not sure, I can say we are friends. The thing is I go to two schools. I have logic only at that one school with him then I have to take the bus for my other class at the other. Except fridays
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)20:22:21 No.2078732
    I think you should just get to know him and ask for his number (then give him yours). If you start texting and innocent flirting the. Just try getting to know him a bit more.n he should probably ask you on a date. If not then you ask him
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)20:27:36 No.2078785
    So how should I do this without awkward and being delicate as possible. I mean how should I get to know him?
    What if he's gay, has a girlfriend, or simply not interested. Sitting by him would be awkward as fuck and I don't want to ruin that.
    How do I keep it causal? Again I'm not ready for a relationship but I like to know more about him. I know he's a movie buff
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)20:27:36 No.2078786
    New girl has started in work. Everyone says she is literally the female version of me. Want to make a move but etc ...

    What do?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)20:33:31 No.2078870

    No feels to confess, she's cute though.
    We hung out, picked up some good vibes. It was fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)20:36:53 No.2078911
    So just speak to him for the next few weeks, get to know him through that.
    Then at one point say something like "Do you want to trade cell numbers?" or "I'm having a little trouble with the homework, fancy helping me. Let's swap numbers."
    Totally casual, then you'll find out his relationship status and shit through conversation.

    "Hey Femme, would you like to go get a coffee after work"
    or "Hi Femme, do you fancy going to the movies this weekend?"
    That simple.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)20:38:01 No.2078928
    I know this girl who always flirts with guys (including myself) to get their attention, and as soon as she has it she totally ignores the guy until she loses his attention, at which point she'll do it again.

    Now, I'm not looking to pursue anything here (I have a gf), I just want you to tell me how to totally emotionally annihilate her because she's been pissing me off for years now
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)20:42:37 No.2078987
    I have never done anything like this. But let's see:
    >Get close to her, pretend you're all so interested
    >Before she ignores you learn about her
    >Play on any issues
    I'm stopping here because I have no idea how to handle. Make a thread and link it here. It will get A LOT of responses and some will be good, some will be hilarious. Please do

    This is me btw. Just was posting in another thread and forgot trip
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)20:48:18 No.2079057

    thread made

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)21:27:26 No.2079485
    Sup advguy
    Just thought I should report back and tell you that your advice was perfect and I am now in a relationship.
    Thank you!
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 04/11/12(Wed)21:29:05 No.2079498
    >Also, if a fembot has a problem then just post it here

    What should I do when I am on my period, have diarrhea, and a UTI

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)21:34:48 No.2079538
    Fucking Sledding With Tigers.
    You need a man in your life.
    Or chocolate. Chocolate's good.

    Wow, thanks. Great to hear
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)21:35:35 No.2079548
    Right I'm gunna stop browsing /r9k at the same time. Keep fucking forgetting tripcode
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore has nice tits and I sucked on them !!b9XXYVjedq4 04/11/12(Wed)21:37:25 No.2079564

    Let me get at them cute little nipples of yours and I'll make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)21:38:23 No.2079577
    Fucking paedophile
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 04/11/12(Wed)21:38:36 No.2079579
         File: 1334194716.jpg-(24 KB, 470x305, 384483_10150499098979376_10638(...).jpg)
    24 KB
    What kind of chocolate though

    Am I indeed helpless

    Don't need no man when I got my sledding with tigers
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore has nice tits and I sucked on them !!b9XXYVjedq4 04/11/12(Wed)21:40:04 No.2079590

    Them nipples need lickin' and my tongue is down for some flickin'
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)21:40:44 No.2079596
    hey advguy, could really use your help-

    So there's this girl that I've been talking to for a few weeks, first girl for me in almost two years. We've only hung out a few times, but the times we did hang out went very well. First night I watched a movie at her house with one of her friends and one of my friends, nothing happened more than a hug and holding hands. Few nights later she calls me and wants me to pick her up from a friends house for whatever reason. I was with friends, so we all strolled over and picked her up. During the car ride we kissed and I got a handjob from her while sitting next to my bro, no clue how it happened. Few nights later I pick her up and we do the same thing in my car (while no friends are in it, haha). We had a few more movie nights with friends over the next week, but nothing more than what already happened went down. On the last night, while kissing her, I asked her out. She thought about it and wanted to wait until summer, because her life was too busy for the moment and she felt it was too early to date. Afterwards she went back to kissing me and went into her house. Since then she hasn't really wanted to talk, only sometimes responds to my texts and generally seems done with the relationship. I'm starting to feel like I should give up, but I don't want to at the same time. I KNOW there are "other fishes in the sea", but I just feel like there's potential with this girl or something. This happened very recently. What should my game plan be? (because I'm sure confused as fuck)
    >> Advguy ! 04/11/12(Wed)21:46:47 No.2079646
         File: 1334195207.jpg-(61 KB, 500x313, 2741546952_619c0ac10a.jpg)
    61 KB
    Chocolate skittles
    I think you do need a man. Come here JLH. Come here.
    Also bravo ignoring the other guy. It's pretty funny

    Go for it one last time. Ask her on a date, or atleast just to hang out. Then tell her your feels. There's no other way and you've got absolutely nothing to lose.
    If this doesn't work report back and we'll see what we can do.

    Right I'm off to bed. If you want me email me. Even you JLH,
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)21:50:58 No.2079682
    Now that would be funny, my favourite tripfag hooking up with my worst tripfag.

    Anyway, keep the thread alive and I'll post my predicament when you're back.
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 04/11/12(Wed)21:56:39 No.2079722

    A bag of skittles with a spot of tea

    Good meal if I do say myself

    Thank you for helping me with my life Problems
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore has nice tits and I sucked on them !!b9XXYVjedq4 04/11/12(Wed)21:57:53 No.2079729

    I can be black if you want? Those nipples look delicious.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)21:59:08 No.2079740
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)22:02:19 No.2079766
    I'm 18 and I started talking to this 17yo girl on facebook

    Some things I should point out:
    -She was one grade below me in middleschool, so we saw eachother pretty much every day for three years, but never really talked

    -I sort of knew her sister because she was in my classroom, which is how I found her and added her

    -We live in the same town, probably about 1 minute away, but we haven't met since middleschool, since I left for another highschool

    We started talking last Friday, about a lot of random stuff (she shared my playful racist humor which was fantastic [we're puerto rican so it's not like we have any white guilt]) and we messaged for about four hours, and we've been doing the same since then. Though, yesterday and today, she's been on her phone and takes like 10-20 minutes to reply to each message. I told her I was going to buy a bike soon to ride around town with and she mentioned that she has one too, but the tire needs replacing. She also uses xP and xD a lot. How do I go from here advguy? She's kind of perfect for me
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)22:06:19 No.2079789
    I've got a question that's really been bugging me.

    18 year old virginfag college student reporting in to ask why the fuck I can charm the pants off of girls I have absolutely no interest in but when it comes to girls I like nothing I say ever works.

    I'm starting to think it might actually have something to do with the women even though when my friends say the exact same things as me, act the same etc, etc they end up with the very same girls I failed to get with.

    et cetera
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)03:52:55 No.2082789
    >I think that's pretty normal.
    But some people must be open and conversation-driving from the start, else conversations won't happen.

    >I mean if you bond with someone then you open up more.
    I think this is kind of a fear of opening up, which means I don't get comfortable with someone, which vicious circles and means I don't open up.

    >You just need to get more confident - Read my guide in the OP post.
    Will do, thanks Advguy!

    >What are you like with girls?
    Poor, I find they don't give enough cues during conversations for me to know they're interested and want to chat. That's why I like chatting with guys, who sometimes lead the conversation themselves.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)06:22:49 No.2083620
    I think it's the type of person you're speaking to. I bet you're talking with more intelligent shy types, which is why you have to lead the conversation.
    I think the trick is with girls is to keep asking questions and then find a topic which she's into. If she starts waffling then you're good.
    If you believe in the alpha beta shit then think of it like this. When you take control of the conversation you're the alpha male. That's good. You just have to work on it and keep trying

    This is nothing different. This happens to everyone. I mean everyone. All you can do is persevere and know that practice makes perfect. I think that's the only way, bare with it, do shit like plan conversations in advance.

    You need an activity/reason where you both meet up. The biking would be perfect, if you went to her house with the bike and a spare tire then took it from there.
    Alternatively, just ask for her cell phone number and flirt with her.
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)06:24:34 No.2083628
    this is me btw. Block mute
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)07:40:35 No.2084064
    Hey advguy, I could use some /adv/ice.

    See, there's this girl I've some interest in. The problem, though, is two-fold.

    The first problem is that I've never been in even a semi-romantic relationship before. Never been on a date and I've never been kissed. I don't know the first thing about women, besides the few bits of advice I'll actually keep from r9k.

    The bigger problem, however, is that she already has a guy. I don't know the guy too well, but I do know he's made her cry a few times over stupid bullshit. Just recently he accused her of cheating (and it'd take a bit to explain, but trust when I say the accusation was ludicrous, especially considering the guy in the accusation) and she cried for a portion of the day.

    But, see, here's the silly part: Every time he pulls some stupid shit like that, she eventually goes back to him. I cannot fathom why, for I don't see the logic in being with someone who is without fail going to upset you to the point of crying ever so often.

    Anyway, on that day I mentioned a moment ago, I did what I usually do when she's upset: I bought her a soda & a candy bar. It's not much, but she appreciates it. That day, after handing her the items, I said "Because you were upset..." She takes them, gives me a hug, and says, most likely in a platonic way, "Thanks. This is why I love you."

    Now, even more so than before, I can't get her off of my mind. I can probably work out the whole "dating" thing, but... Ignoring the questionable morals of waiting for a break up to go after a girl, how can I make her want me? I could probably figure this out for myself, but it helps if I have a starting point to go off of.
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)07:51:18 No.2084118
    Hello, yes girls can be stupid sometimes. She goes back because she's probably lonely and he has some sort of control over her. So:
    >Getting rid of the boyfriend
    Make him seem like crap. So say you know something about him. For example if he doesn't have a job. Then you make a point out of saying that you have a job and have a good future. But you have to do this without her knowing that you know/remember this about him.
    >Making her attracted to you
    Dial up the flirt (see my link from OP post). If sometimes she seems a little uninterested make her feel jealous. So if there's another female co-worker then flirt with her, but make sure your girl sees it.
    When you know that you're going to see her, look your best, dress your best, spend time on your appearance!

    Ignore your morals, the guy is a dick.
    Hope this helped even if just slightly
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)07:55:30 No.2084135
    My question to you advguy, what happend when you were 17? Did you read all that stuff at the end of the pastebin and magically became good with girls?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)08:00:56 No.2084168

    Those don't really work. See, I should've mentioned we're still in High School in a town of 3,500. Lies don't work because of the 15 different people she could go to for the truth and the 300 different people that would then know that I lie to get my way.

    Even so, it's less that I want to get rid of him and more that I'm waiting for her to leave him. It removes probably half of the effort. She did it once before and dated some other guy. So, if it happened once it'll probably happen again, so I'm just waiting to be the next other guy.

    Also: Never flirted before. It'd take some time to get the confidence for that.

    As for my appearance, I have no troubles there. I always try to look, at the very least, presentable.

    Just as a side note, though I don't know that it'll help much, is that her boyfriend and I are both 18 and she's 17.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)08:26:52 No.2084320
    There is this chic I went to go to school with and I used to check her out all the time but I finished school about 2 years ago and forgot about her.
    So anyway I'm at this club in the city on the weekend and I she has only gotten hotter since school. So I tried to go up to her but the music was loud and I couldn't really communicate so I only said a few words to her but she has been on my mind ever since and every other girl seems much less attractive now!
    So I ask my friend who rolls in the same group as her what her name is and he tells me but he is a dick so he won't help me pick her up. I added her on facebook but I don't know how to get the conversation started. She seems pretty popular and hangs with alot of guys so I'm going to need something special to say but nothing seems right.
    Please help me Advguy you are my only hope!
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)08:27:44 No.2084326
    I like this girl who has a boyfriend how do I get in a relationship with her ? and make her like me
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)09:24:28 No.2084662
    urgh 4chan keeps fucking up my posts. So, I wrote that pastebin all by myself (well a bit of help).
    So I basically just went crazy on the internet. I went on a fuck load of sites and read a load of those ebooks. Then I made notes. Notes covering about a whole A3 sheet. Once I got a knowledge bank then I started trying it out. I got a non-awkward friend to tag along and help me out. We than just tried talking to random girls using my techniques. After a lot of spaghetti and time then my confidence and ability to improvise got better and I got a few dates.
    So basically the pastebin is the shit I've learned/done in my time.

    Looking back it sounds very sad that I was making notes, but it worked!
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)09:25:44 No.2084666
    >What did she say to you today? Because this is sounding like a no-hope

    I made a joke about her going to the cinema alone, and she got all bitchy at me. After we traded exactly what we thought the other was doing wrong, we ended up just reconciling.

    Most of the texts were just bickering, but she stopped the arguing with this exact text.

    >"The bottom line here is that you've been making me uncomfortable and it's preventing us from having the friendship you want us to have. I can't treat you the same as the guys (rest of the group) because you're not treating ME the same way YOU would treat the guys. You're still acting like we're a couple and it's making this impossible"

    I apologised, said all sorts of I-realise-this-and-thats and we made up.

    We eventually said to each other that we're restarting from scratch. We've left it open so that if one of us doesn't feel comfortable that the other can leave the group, but the final texts between us were things like "Sounds good. :-)", then her saying one of us can still leave the group.

    >replied with generic sorry-see-you-later text
    >got "Thanks. See you then! :-P"

    I was going to just go through this from this point on as if I hadn't known her before now; pay little attention, don't talk to her much, sort-of playing that "ignore them until they want you" card but not badly.

    What do you think?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)09:30:05 No.2084698
    >kissless virgin until the age of 17
    >I am: 19
    >Now I have slept with about 18ish girls, and been in 3 decent relationships
    >3 decent relationships in less than two years

    Yeah, I don't think you're qualified to give relationship advice. Sorry, kiddo :)
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)09:38:59 No.2084741
    Ahh I see, well check she's not in a relationship first.
    Is there any reason you bumped into her? Was she there because of any reason? Because if she was then you could say that there's something else going on and she could come?
    Another thing you could do is throw a party and invite her! Then try flirting?
    Or you could have a look at her interests and shit then use them to get her interested and just start by saying "Hi, it was fun seeing you the other night, how's things?"

    I wasn't telling you to lie, don't do that.
    You need to be proactive, why the fuck do you want a girl who just dumps her boyfriend at the first site of a new guy.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)10:01:49 No.2084873
    Advguy, I need yo help.

    About a week and a half ago, I grew a pair and told this girl (who I've known for around about a month and a half) that I liked her and basically how I felt. I thought it would go pretty well seeing as though we get along great, she finds me funny and whatever.

    Basically what ended up happening was, I told her how I felt and she neither rejected me or hinted at any similar feelings on her part. I haven't spoken to her since (not because I'm a beta faggot, because I've been away and haven't had a chance to hang out with her).

    I thought it was a bust and that I should move on, but now I'm not so sure. She's just so incredible and amazing, I don't want to give up on it.

    So yeah, any advice on what I should do now would be greatly appreciated.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)10:32:01 No.2085003
    Hey Advguy any help on growing a pair to approach girls directly?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)10:32:31 No.2085005
    >17, 18 in a month
    >kissless virgin
    >sweaty hands
    >Good at math, and I actually tutor my crush
    >Crush knows about it

    So my current crush will get me no where, although this been going for quiet some time. But recently a friend of mine, started talking more to me through facebook, and we had some interesting talks, wich in one gone from "me turning to a frog and she kissing me to become human again". Do I actually stand a chance?
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)10:40:15 No.2085042
    You've barely told me anything. So I'll just repeat this:
    >Getting rid of the boyfriend
    Make him seem like crap. So say you know something about him. For example if he doesn't have a job. Then you make a point out of saying that you have a job and have a good future. But you have to do this without her knowing that you know/remember this about him.
    >Making her attracted to you
    Dial up the flirt (see my link from OP post). If sometimes she seems a little uninterested make her feel jealous. So if there's another female co-worker then flirt with her, but make sure your girl sees it.
    When you know that you're going to see her, look your best, dress your best, spend time on your appearance!

    I think you should just be friends FOR NOW. Be nice, treat her like the really hot girl in your group and do light flirting, but not too much. I think it's just time for now, if you just wait it out and hope it gets a bit better between you both.
    I think this is the only choice because I'm not sure whether she does just want to be friends or just friends for the time being. That's something you have to judge, it may be worth asking her friends if she's still into you.
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)10:49:51 No.2085093
    Do better dude :)

    Don't pressure her about it. It could mean good or bad, it's impossible to tell right now. When you see her next don't ask her about it, she should tell you. It's tough I think the only thing to do is wait. I know that isn't what you wanted to hear, but you did good by getting the balls up!
    If you're wondering what to do it's probably worth texting her and asking if she wants to hang out.

    Get to know her more, talk a bit and shit before asking her out. So I would say maybe wait about a week before asking for a date.

    See confidence guide in pastebin.
    Also, get a friend to basically force yourself into doing it. Tell him/her what you want to do then tell them to not let you pussy out of it.
    >> feminazi mangina !!YCePg6TwzZ5 04/12/12(Thu)10:49:57 No.2085095
    >Getting rid of the boyfriend
    >Make him seem like crap. So say you know something about him. For example if he doesn't have a job. Then you make a point out of saying that you have a job and have a good future. But you have to do this without her knowing that you know/remember this about him.
    Haha you're awful
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)10:53:24 No.2085117
    I know, I feel pretty bad about it, but they're asking me what the most successful way would be, so I'm providing it.
    I don't know whether I would do this again (done it before but felt pretty awful)

    Yes you do. Ask her to hang out/ go on a date to somewhere (movies, ice skating, rock climbing, etc).
    Don't worry about your kissless virginity, pretend it's not there. Thinking about it only makes it worse
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)10:56:30 No.2085142
    Don't do this. You'll just be a massive douchefag then. How would you feel if some faggot was doing that to a girl you loved?
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)10:58:16 No.2085160
    There's no other way. He's trying to break them up, whatever he does is going to be a dick move.

    If you don't want to be a dick then just move on.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)10:59:22 No.2085169
    I've been dating a girl for nearly a month now. However, shes away for a week on a field trip as part of her Geo subjects for uni.

    I'm not normally the worrying/jealous type in my previous relationships. But I've been really freaking out and missing her far more than I would've expected from myself. Am I just a clingy bastard, and what can I do to take my mind of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)11:00:37 No.2085175
    Yeah, best advice for him is to drink a cup of concrete, harden the fuck up and move on.
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)11:02:36 No.2085194
    That's just about everything.
    I would recommend watching Breaking Bad, Dexter or House. They're good distractions

    I agree, however nobody ever listens.If you tell someone to move on they just ignore it. I bet you he'll ignore.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)11:09:27 No.2085235
    >18 in college
    >girl in a relationship for a month

    I need relationship advice. So I told my boyfriend that I lied to him once and now he is trying to get the lie out of me. He wasn't accusing me or anything; the topic came up when I asked about if white lies were ok. I used to be a suicidal cutter, but I told him that everything was normal during high school and shit. I think he's worried that I have an STD or several boyfriends or something but all of my attempts to be evasive just worry him more. Do I tell him to back off, and potentially lose the relationship? I am worried because I've only told family members and they've called me shit like, "attentionwhore" so I don't want that to happen.

    I regret telling him anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)11:13:06 No.2085253
    If you really care about him, and trust him enough, tell him. Hopefully he'll be supportive. If you're still not ready, explain to him that its nothing relationship threatening and that your simply uncomfortable revealing something so deeply personal
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)11:13:29 No.2085258

    How does one asks a girl on a date?, the fear of rejection is frightening, and the last time I tried something like that I took two days of preparation and didn't and I got rejected.
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)11:15:54 No.2085271
    Totally ->>2085253
    If you're in love then he'll understand. Tell him. Everything will be fine!

    Well it depends, just be pretty straight forward "Hey, do you want to go to the movies this weekend".
    Really, if the girl is interested it doesn't hugely matter how you go about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)11:22:16 No.2085307
    Thanks, It's my first relationship and I don't know what the fuck I am doing.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)11:24:49 No.2085322
    Pretty much this. I asked my current girlfriend out by changing the names of my pokemon on my DS to "Would you go out with me?". She said she'd think about it, and I freaked out.

    Got her DS and it was "Sorry, needed time to name Yes", proceeded by apologizing for worrying me, she just needed the time to reply in kind.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)11:37:32 No.2085400
    Thank you so much for the articles you posted on that page! I feel so much more confident in this relationship i'm in.
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)11:40:53 No.2085430
    Yeah, do that and you'll be fine. Good luck!

    Ha, that's kinda cute. How old were you?

    Wow, you're welcome. Glad to be of help. Good luck anon
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)13:04:52 No.2085949
    Great Pastebin Advguy, saved it.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)14:13:52 No.2086531
    I-Is advguy still here?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)14:15:47 No.2086549
    >caring if a 19 year old is still here

    You're all morons.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)14:17:19 No.2086565
    And you're fucking mad
    probably have to blox
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)14:29:09 No.2086667
    Hey, AdvGuy,
    I have a mutual friend that I really like. I want to become 'close' with here if you get my point.
    The problem is that for the last 3 years we had like 4 conversations that lasted no more than half a minute.
    How should I act in the beginning so she would notice me?
    Please respond.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)14:33:33 No.2086702
    Here's my story

    > go out with a cute girl (I'll call her A) for a couple of times
    > I have a crush on her, she seems to have one too
    > we go to a party
    > drunken female friend of mine (not my crush) basically tells A that I am a beta faggot and can't make a move even though I have a crush on her
    > during the rest of the party I do try to make a move, to no avail, as A changes her mood towards me to a much colder one
    > awkward night

    Now the question is, should I wait some time before I ask her out again? I don't think she'd decline, but I guess some time to forget things would do good to our relationship. Note that this party thing happened a couple of days ago.
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)14:46:26 No.2086840
    Yeah here

    Find out what she likes and ask about it, or better for example if she likes a song, have it playing and then she can ask you about it.
    It's always pretty easy to extend conversations. As I've said before. Start with small talk then expand. As she talks then think of shit to ask her. So if she says about a party at the weekend ask about the last party she went to, etc.
    Try to make her laugh, I don't know how naturally that comes with you.

    No just ask her out. That "friend" was a bitch. If she likes you she likes you, some drunken ho won't change that.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)14:46:54 No.2086847
    AdvGuy, met this hot girl on the weekend. Had some good talk going at a bonfire, similar interests. Kept telling me to add her on FB. Smoked some weed together. I deal with crippling depression, but I'm arguably good looking so I get some interest thrown my way.

    The next night I had a small party and she came. Seemed happy to see me, smiling a lot, couldn't help smiling when making eye contact with her. Same thing, we talked, touching her a little when drunk. Smoked. Got pretty drunk and never asked for her number. She was only in my town for the weekend.

    I added her on FB and it says she's married to this fratbro at her school. There's a few pictures of them together, her kissing his cheek. I don't know if they're together or not, I'm just looking for a hook up. Thinking of sending her a mssg along the lines of:

    "(Her nickname), had fun talking with you. If you're ever in (my town) let's chill xxx-xxxx."

    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)14:50:01 No.2086879
    >be friends with one girl
    >she's cool, nice, smart, attractive, etc...
    >laughs at my jokes, even the crappy ones
    >doesn't get mad at me for fucking up two projects
    >get text from girl I've seen around school
    >friend gave her my number
    >start talking to her
    >we have a lot in common
    >both girls are good looking, cool, smart, any good quality you can name

    what do i do in this situation
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)14:54:46 No.2086945
    Sounds perfect. Is the xxx-xxxx your number or just a shit load of kisses?
    Are they "married" ironically (just a couple) or actually married?

    Well, which one do you prefer? Picture yourself in a relationship. Whose the first girl you imagine it with?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)14:55:48 No.2086954
    that's the hard part. both are equally great.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)14:58:42 No.2086991
    I... I can't tell you what to do. I don't know them, you or anything. I mean you've given me three lines of each. Even if you gave more I'd have no idea...

    What you want me to pick one at random? The first one.
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)15:03:37 No.2087048
    Sorry, forgot the trip.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:06:17 No.2087068
    I can help him.

    Smash them both, brah. No one female has more to offer than another. Why waste your time picking only one, when more than likely, its not going to last anyway, and you would have wasted time with one when you could have been with many more?

    Get with them both. Commit to neither. You know its the only way.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:08:03 No.2087090
    >reading the guide
    >""I don't know why but this button amuses me". She knew damn well why."

    I lol'd.

    Ok /adv/ guy.

    I am 19
    >transferring schools
    >no job

    I basically have no way to meet people (female or male). What do?
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)15:08:19 No.2087093
    Do this if you want. It's probably what I'd end up doing. Or fuck one then relationship the other
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:09:05 No.2087105
    Haha my number. Going to go with ironically.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:13:46 No.2087147
    >had female friend
    >was friendzone'd but she was a cool chick to hangout with
    >move out of town for college and had no contact with her for over an year
    >transferred back home, want to talk to her again
    >had two opportunities, ignored her both times because I didn't knew what to say

    Is it worth to try to pursue a friendship with her again? We knew each other since 4th grade, but after a year without contact I don't know if I would look weird if I started calling her again out of nowhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:18:24 No.2087186

    Just call and say you'd like to get a coffee/lunch/something and catch up since you haven't seen her.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)15:20:21 No.2087212
    Yo Advguy, it's been awhile. You gave me the advice about the girl I was infatuated with and told me to date my friend. Here's the update.
    >girl I was infatuated with turned out to have not just a bf, a fiance!
    >stopped seeing friend because I honestly feel complete nothingness for her
    >now I feel nothing towards any girl that gets close to me

    I see attractive girls or girls that do stuff I usually like but there is no interest each time. I've met a girl that was very close to what I define to be my dream girl, and I still wasn't interested in her. What is your take on all of this? Should I just disregard women for awhile and try again later?
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)15:49:23 No.2087488
    Have a look at:
    How's your confidence?
    When are you moving schools? How were you at making friends at last school?

    Good, it would be strange.
    Yeah go for it, i they're not actually married you could probably give her the fuck with that message

    See ->>2087186

    I'd be lying if I told you I remembered, sorry dude.
    Yeah take a break for a bit. Still maybe have sex, in fact it'd probably be easier to get laid.
    It takes a while after getting over a girl. Don't worry, it's just temporary
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:02:26 No.2087591
    It's okay if you don't remember. You get so many stories that I doubt you would.
    >Still maybe have sex, in fact it'd probably be easier to get laid.
    Yeah, I figured I'll just do this. Empty sex would be better than nothing, I guess.
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)16:06:15 No.2087624
    Cool man.
    We could probably think of something else if your not happy with empty sex bro?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:11:08 No.2087681
    I'm a romantic guy and don't really enjoy empty sex. Something about it seems off to me. I've had a few instances and didn't enjoy it much. I would much prefer if there were genuine emotions involved, but now that seems to be gone.
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)18:38:25 No.2089388
    God dammit, just got banned for posting a link on another board
    Testing if I'm alright on /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:47:10 No.2089465
    >Started talking with this cashier at work.
    >Notice a lot of smiles, we joke a lot, a lot of eye contact, touches me during conversations.
    >She's a female that is worth chasing after. I usually don't even bother with most women, but she's different.
    >Has a boyfriend.

    What the fuck should I do? She probably knows I'm interested in her because I'm very direct.

    >This isn't the first time I get my sights on a woman who is taken, happened to me twice with women who we're with boyfriends and twice with married women.
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)18:50:02 No.2089495
    It depends, are you willing to sacrafice your morals? If so:
    >Getting rid of the boyfriend
    Make him seem like crap. So say you know something about him. For example if he doesn't have a job. Then you make a point out of saying that you have a job and have a good future. But you have to do this without her knowing that you know/remember this about him.
    >Making her attracted to you
    Dial up the flirt (see my link from OP post). If sometimes she seems a little uninterested make her feel jealous. So if there's another female co-worker then flirt with her, but make sure your girl sees it.
    When you know that you're going to see her, look your best, dress your best, spend time on your appearance!

    If you're not/don't want to be a dick then just move on.

    Hope I helped anon
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:52:49 No.2089520
    How am I supposed to become social if I have zero social experience?

    >people I'm hanging out with start talking about their sexual experiences
    >I have nothing to contribute
    >same thing happens every time they talk about cool shit they did at parties or raves

    I've never been to any of these things.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:53:04 No.2089525
    Girl I like has boyfriend. How do I break them up, or at least make her dump him?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:59:16 No.2089591
    I don't even know her boyfriend, nor do I even care who he is so if she starts talking about him I shut the conversation down immediately.
    I already flirt with her all the fucking time, the other cashiers noticed this. But I also flirt with all the other females at my work place, just to pass the time. She usually gets jealous if I go to buy my food from another cashier (I think it's more of a joke between us than a serious matter).
    Appearance wise is a bit hard, I'm a warehouse worker so my clothes are usually dirty. But I do try to carry myself with confidence (straight back, eye contact, not looking at the floor while walking, head up).
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:02:03 No.2089624
    Hey Advguy,
    went out with girl i like; agreed to meet up again; the whole week before the planned meetup she was never online; the day we planned to meetup she actually met with some other guy;
    now she's never online and she never answers if i write her; the only thing she actually responds is that she is in fact not ignoring me and she is just never online

    tl;dr girl i like says she doesn't ignore me, but she actually is
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)19:06:18 No.2089679
    See ->>2089495

    In those type of situations you have two options:
    1- Lie. Make up some shit
    2- Be honest. Admit you've not done it and then laugh and joke about it. If you can laugh at yourself then it's fine. Then say something along the lines of "Why don't you show me?"
    I mean you could just keep quiet, but that's a bit weird.

    That really isn't a big matter. Just try not to overthink it.

    Then you're doing everything right. So you can either:
    1- Wait for her to break up with her boyfriend [Not a good plan]
    2- Make her break up with her boyfriend
    It's easy to find out about people, you'd need to just make him look like shit, as I said.

    For one last play ask for her number. She has no excuse to not answer right?
    I think you should be prepared for it to go balls up, because it doesn't seem like she's that into you.
    So make one last move. If it doesn't work, move on.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:15:21 No.2089787
    Random question, is normal that i always have to start conversation? Why she doesn't say hi or something when we are both connected? It feels like she doesn't want to talk with me and I annoy her.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:18:02 No.2089816
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    >>2089465 and >>2089591 here,
    Shit talking about someone is not exactly my idea of being and acting like a man. I guess I'll have to continue doing what I was doing until now and hope she realizes I'm a better option, and if not, fuck it.

    Thanks a lot for the help though!
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)19:18:05 No.2089817
    Some girls are like that. If she's pretty shy or introverted then she probably just expects you to make the first move. Some girls really piss me off with it, that they will never make the first move.
    Try not to think too much into it, it can mean several things.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:24:41 No.2089890
    Yeah I try, but come on, I always have to say hi to start a conversation.

    If it's because she doesn't want to talk with me or if it is like our first conversations I would understand, but we have over 5k messages on facebook chat. Doesn't they realize this makes us feel bad?
    >> Advguy ! 04/12/12(Thu)19:25:53 No.2089901
    Yeah, it's probably not "being a man". To be honest it's pretty douchebag behaviour. But you have the right attitude for this. Good luck anon.

    Your preaching to the choir. The worst thing is that we can't tell them.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)22:40:56 No.2091997
    I am hopelessly in love with my best friend and she has no idea. We dated for 5 days like last year. I have no idea if she likes me. I usually wouldn't tell her. But I feel like I owe it to her to tell her.
    Wat do
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)23:24:14 No.2092385
    Dear OP:

    Thank you for using part of my brief write-up on female courtship gestures in your threads. The thread I put those in got like 35 replies months ago so I'm surprised anyone saved them.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)06:30:01 No.2095669
    Thanks advguy. That pastebin answered it all.
    >> Advguy ! 04/13/12(Fri)09:16:53 No.2096546
    No worries friend

    I was hoping to find you. I actually made a thread to try to find you and give you credit.
    Yeah I was lurking in that thread and everything you wrote matched what I had written. Just you're better at phrasing it all.
    I hope it's okay that I took some and thanks for posting. If you want credit or anything email me

    Can you ask her on another date before confessing your feels? Or have you tried that?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)09:29:05 No.2096603
    Hey advguy, I've known this girl for the past 2 years and I've started to talk to her more this year. However, my friends told everybody about this and now almost everyone knows that I'm going to flirt this girl I have a crush on. What should I do now since the girl I like already knows that I'm trying to hit on her.
    >> Advguy ! 04/13/12(Fri)09:31:12 No.2096610
    Just ask her out. She knows you're interested, hence you may aswell just act instead of the "warming" up of flirting.
    Just ask her to go on a date.
    Unless you want to just stay friends. Then you have to tell her you don't have a crush.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)09:37:05 No.2096641
    Thanks, the stay friends part is what I'm afraid of.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)13:40:19 No.2098226
    You here advguy?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)14:00:27 No.2098414
    If you see this, I'm not concerned about receiving credit because I am anonymous, after all. I suppose I'm just glad that all that shit didn't go to waste.Except if these anons are anything like me they will spend all their time finding out whether a girl likes them and not do anything about it once they know
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)14:05:22 No.2098446
    I was just hoping you could confirm my hunches.

    > coworker is cute.
    > talk to her for a few months.
    > I can feel her warm up to me.
    > ask her out a few times, but she always has tests, and it's always legitimate.
    > she is still pretty flirty this whole time.
    > asked her out yesterday to fly kites.
    > she says she has to go to a banquet, but says I should go to this concert afterwards.
    > I agree.
    > she proceeds to tell me she might not be going, and is trying to get her friend to come too.
    > jimmies are related.
    > don't text her back. I end up hanging out with other people instead.
    > she texts me later that she isn't going.

    I'm pretty much friendzoned even though her body language shows otherwise?
    >> Advguy ! 04/13/12(Fri)14:12:01 No.2098504
    Yeah, am now

    Oh, cool man. I guess that's why I'm here: to stop it from going to waste.

    Hmm, maybe. I'm not sure. My hunch is that she likes you, but her friend likes you more. And that is why she was getting to get the friend to go. She's trying to be kind to them.
    Do you know the friend? Is it a chick?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)14:25:35 No.2098630


    I have never met this friend.
    >> Advguy ! 04/13/12(Fri)14:31:31 No.2098688
    Hmm, she might not be interested. But to me it sounds like she's trying to set you up with her friend. Try it, ask her out again, then if she tries to set you up wwith friend go for it
    >> Luke 04/13/12(Fri)14:55:45 No.2098932
    Got one for you. I've got a FWB relationship with a girl and haven't had a relationship for years (don't like one night stands but don't like 'I love you' shit either). She's quite fit and one of the coolest girls I've been with but keeps pushing me to make the relationship official. We've been seeing each other for 4 months, shagged her on the second night I spent with her. She's not a slag if it helps. But the question is, how do I get out of the relationship or alternatively, how do I get over my disdain for proper relationships? By the way I'm 20.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)15:00:33 No.2098982
    What, have you been in bad relationships? hy do you have "disdain"?
    To end it, then only decent way would be to be honest, that you don't see anything more than physical attraction.
    It's funny how obvious it is that you're a britfag.
    >> Advguy ! 04/13/12(Fri)15:01:34 No.2098990
    God damn it, I just wanted to be anon in other threads, why do I never remember trip?
    >> Luke 04/13/12(Fri)15:24:28 No.2099224
    Sorry couldn't get back to you, internet troubles. I don't want to get out of the whole relationship, just don't want it getting too serious as that's not what I'm looking for at the moment. It's not just physical, we're friends as well as the benefits. But I have had bad experiences with girls turning out to be crazy as soon as I take the plunge with them. I can't see that happening with this girl but don't see the need to take a risk when things are going so well.

    Yes I'm a proud britfag, what tipped you, the vocab or the vocab?
    >> Luke 04/13/12(Fri)15:28:08 No.2099269
    Oh and if it helps we've been faithful since day one, I make a point not to sleep around when I've got someone on the go!
    >> Advguy ! 04/13/12(Fri)15:35:28 No.2099363
    The latter. Britfag too.
    It's gunna sound like lazy advice but, she's been honest about wanting a relationship; you should be honest with her.
    >> Luke 04/13/12(Fri)15:38:44 No.2099412
    Ah well, I was going to try that but thought you'd have a better idea. I just don't want to hurt her feelings as it's not her I have a problem with, just serious relationships in general. Not sure how to say that thought without the danger of offending her.
    >> Advguy ! 04/13/12(Fri)15:46:47 No.2099523
    Tell her that you've had bad experiences in the past and just want to take it slow before getting serious. Which is true and would benefit you!
    >> Luke 04/13/12(Fri)15:51:03 No.2099583
    fair, cheers then. good luck with the thread!
    >> Advguy ! 04/13/12(Fri)15:52:20 No.2099603
    Thanks friend. Good luck!
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)15:52:28 No.2099610
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    fate is what you make
    >> Advguy ! 04/13/12(Fri)15:54:55 No.2099634
    'Da Fuck? Reported.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)16:01:05 No.2099703
    Probably not an usual case, but I'll go ahead.
    I'm currently 18 and a HS junior. Over a year ago. I got a crush on a girl from my class. She's really shy, but she liked me aswell as her body language was a dead giveaway. I tried to pursue her, but got denied and ignored. Summer then came, I got rid of all the ways of contacting her and started to ignore her. When junior year came, I took IB classes and thus didn't see her. After a semester I left IB though for academic reasons and went back to my old class. Since I've came back, she's been showing signs again, even though I've ignored her since the rejection.
    One day in class I was fiddling with my pen,the cap flew off and landed right next to her. She immediately picked it up and returned it to me while smiling.
    So yeah, I don't know if she's into me, I don't know if I'm still into her, but I suppose it's time to stop ignoring her.
    What would be the best way to fix this?
    >> Advguy ! 04/13/12(Fri)16:04:35 No.2099742
    >I've ignored her since the rejection
    Why would you do that?
    Yes it's time to stop ignoring her. You're pretty stupid for doing that in the first place.
    Start flirting with her, and after a little bi of time ask her on a date.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)16:10:30 No.2099799
    Hey OP, im back.
    Today, it looks like I have been collegezoned (another type of friendzone but instead of friendzone-wise, college work and education would be getting in teh way and grades will go down teh crapped blah-di-blah-di-blah)
    Any help on telling her that i would be able to juggle both things at once, if ya know what I mean?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)16:11:15 No.2099807

    I wanted to get her out of my system. Guess I didn't know how to handle it since I haven't been in a situation like this before.

    Live and learn I guess.
    >> Advguy ! 04/13/12(Fri)16:16:20 No.2099870
    Yeah, I just imagined that you followed it off /r9k/. Not a good idea. Try what I said and hopefully you'll be fine.

    I know what you mean and I don't really think there is a way. It's summer soon. Presumably after about a month you'll be fine? Maybe?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)16:19:20 No.2099905
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    >There's this girl who I've been interested in since middle school
    >We're barely even acquaintances but I learned that she has the same interests as me
    >We aren't in any of the same class periods this year
    >This year I've been trying to get myself into a situation to talk to her, I even sent Valentines as a secret admirer
    >I keep trying to talk to her at lunch but she either disappears or is surrounded by her friends, several of whom hate me or are just generally intolerable people
    >Next Monday I plan on going to talk to her
    >My main problem is most people I know agree that I can't just walk up to her and talk to her, she probably doesn't remember me from any of the classes we had last year, so it'd be really creepy for me to do that. In addition, even if I talk to her once casually, that doesn't really justify me to just walk up to her the next day and act like we're automatically friends
    >At the suggestion of my friends, the current plan is to say something to the effect of, "Hey there, I think we had the same class in 4th period last year, yadayada, I know we barely know each other, but you seem like someone worth talking to, yadayada, do you want to just talk or hang out some time?" and go from there
    >To me, doing this pretty much makes my intentions obvious, and in a way, that makes it almost the same thing as asking someone out
    >I made the mistake of asking this other girl out last year without really getting to know her, so I'm reluctant to do something like this with this current girl.
    >I think I have a damn good chance with her, if I have the chance of just getting us to talk frequently
    >Time is running out, according to one of my other friends, I've got "competition"
    what do
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)16:19:49 No.2099917
    Well I hope so. I'll talk to her on monday when we meet up in the campus. wish me luck. BRB in 3 days I guess.
    >> Advguy ! 04/13/12(Fri)16:26:58 No.2099998
    Yeah good luck bro. Sorry I couldn't be of more help

    There's your first problem. Stop believing in that shit.
    Are there any parties coming up where she'd be at?
    Do you have a facebook? You her friend?
    Do you have the same exams?
    Ever see her alone in the library or anything?
    How old are you?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)16:33:03 No.2100069
    Hey advguy, hope I don't sound like a fag.
    How do I start a conversation with a girl I know, but usually don't talk with so much. In order to not sound weird and shit

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