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  • File: 1334093586.jpg-(84 KB, 736x721, sadalone.jpg)
    84 KB Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)17:33:06 No.2064842  
    How many of you have never had a job, don't have a licence or a car, and aren't going to a college or uni who're over the age of 20? where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)17:33:44 No.2064849
    oh hey he reposted it again


    kill yourself you fucking spamming cunt
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)17:41:08 No.2064931
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)17:43:27 No.2064949
    do people honest to god reply to these same goddamn threads over and over again or is it just the OP samefagging as i presume it to be?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)18:52:44 No.2065755
    Im tired of seeing this shit
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)19:11:16 No.2065961
    never had a real job, but uh.. do other things to survive
    have licence but no car
    not currently in any form of education

    yep that's my life.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)19:12:25 No.2065972
    90% of the posts are op samefagging

    usually jibberish. If you see gibberish it's him.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)19:15:55 No.2066014
    Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry. Sagebomb this faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)19:35:59 No.2066260
    Awesome mental state. Great neurosis. Look miserable. Depressed. Anxious. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' miserable, depressed, anxious and suicidal you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)19:37:18 No.2066272
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    I'm all for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)22:14:36 No.2067814
    i'm a friendless guy on campus. Yes, that "guy".
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)22:16:10 No.2067829
    I had one job. I had to quit because everyone hated me because i was so quiet

    the only thing that can make shitty job worse is everyone hating you
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)22:25:00 No.2067915
    27 got no job, had a few ehre and there for very short periodsof time. dropped out of school but was top 10% in the nation, really smart and shit.

    Thinking of learning japanese so I can go over seas and teach the japanese english just for good cash.

    Frankly I just don't care to have a job, why worry, death is not a big thing. Life is mostly terrible anyone can tell you this.

    I believe in gods and a great afterlife so I am good to go if need be.

    However, if you are atheist, well you got no worry, when it ends it ends and you are free.

    So frankly, go big, whats to lose?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)22:36:59 No.2068033
    Oh god this thread has so many feels it's not even funny.

    I'm 25, never had a job, I live with my mom, tried college once but left because of social anxiety, don't have a license because I didn't need one until I moved out of the city. Now I only leave the house to buy food or go see my psychiatrist.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)00:17:50 No.2069274
    i've always been that way, ever since i was a child i never thought about my future.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)01:18:35 No.2069958

    why did everyone end up hating you? Do you have any friends?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)02:52:11 No.2070820

    what do you talk about with your psychiatrist and why are you friendless?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:33:50 No.2071093
    22, never had a job, no license or car, not going to college.

    I see myself maybe having a job and moved out, hopefully dating a guy I really like and maybe finding someone to marry and have children with. If this doesn't happen by 30 (the job and moving out thing), I'm killing myself, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:35:40 No.2071105
    In the mirror.

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:57:46 No.2073161
    19. No car/license/job. Enlisted.
    I will be floating dead somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean by age 22? Hopefully the end will at least be as peaceful as drowning.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)10:08:05 No.2073239
    >Never had a single friend (male or female) ever.
    >Virgin. Never even had a conversation with a woman
    >No hobbies, interests, or skills.
    >No dreams, goals, or ambitions
    >Don't know anything about the latest music or tv shows or watch any sports
    >Can't play video games anymore since everything is multiplay/cop these days and I have nobody to play with
    >I consider myself to be unintelligent
    >I have no funny, outgoing, or original personality
    >Nearly flunked high school, have no post secondary education plans.
    >I sit in my room day and night with no clear direction
    >Work a night shift job at a convenience store clerk in a crack head neighborhood making minimum wage for several years
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:41:29 No.2076480
    >Not terrifying for the last few moments of life
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:54:37 No.2076613
    >implying females can be foreveralone or close to it
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:44:48 No.2078255
    I have a full time job, license & my own car. Still live at home though but I get a shit ton of cash to spend on traveling, clothes and nights out with the bros.

    Most likely I'll move out this summer.

    Feels great man.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)21:03:56 No.2079231
    i use to have a job, my car was stolen.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)21:21:32 No.2079404
         File: 1334193692.jpg-(9 KB, 192x279, kaiserpanic.jpg)
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    Homeschooled guy who just turned 20 two days ago.

    earned driver license two months ago; still no car but will be have one soon.

    I am (willingly) attending a local community college.

    Never had an official salary job (aka nothing I can put on a resume that would qualify as "experience.")

    The lack-of-job part is what will likely screw me over in the long-run, if not my uncommon inexperience with the public world. That, however, can be overcome.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)21:24:46 No.2079445
    >How many of you have never had a job, don't have a licence or a car, and aren't going to a college or uni who're over the age of 20? where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

    Well, I am 18, going to the university. I don't have a car licence or a car - mostly because I prefer saving money for now, and both are expensive as fuck.
    At the age of 20, I will be only 1 year from my degree.
    In the next 5 years I will probably have finished my degree and be working in the field already (3 years remaining, total duration of the course: 5 years).
    Well, not that bad I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)21:30:32 No.2079512
         File: 1334194232.png-(106 KB, 232x239, Kornheiser_Embarrassing.png)
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    >attempting to sage with a picture
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)05:31:17 No.2083354
    21. Never had a job, no car, haven't gone to college.

    I applied for colleges, I'm probably going to start in August. Then I'm going to work my ass off to become a doctor so I can live comfortably alone.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)09:12:43 No.2084599
    21, working as a programmer, have my own car.

    I don't have a social life, and I never had a girlfriend (let alone having sex), but not studying/working over the age of 20 is a failure of the highest order IMO.

    what do you guys do all day? (no trolling, I'm seriously interested)
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)09:20:30 No.2084643
    They all think they're geniuses so they think they can be like House, i.e. they want to be an antisocial loner who never has to change his behaviour for other people because his expertise is needed.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:02:23 No.2088250
    >what do you guys do all day?

    I do study but if I didnt I would watch tv series, play lol/hon/dota2, watch streams and shit
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:08:40 No.2088314
    you can't waste something you never had

    anyways, we all die in the end and become wormfood. if anyone wants to sit in their room moping about life let them. Not my problem.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:00:49 No.2089609
    get a tehnical job.
    where learning skills is easier than learning methods.
    Like - degree in programming will require more direct learning and logic - qualities ANY person can learn.
    opposed to legal studies, where more approach and reasoning of different barely understandable levels (including retard) is used - something that is hard to learn - you can't memorize reason
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)23:11:56 No.2092279
    op yoru a pussy just go and do it. it's not hard im 21 and have my permit, currently learning how to drive and drive about 10 miles everyday, learning how to drive is not THAT hard. also going to school but about to finish this semester and try to find a job, but it's hard because i've never had one and its fucking gay as shit in michigan where i cant find a job at all to have some money and buy a car to go to school cuz my dad is a fag and is pissed he has to drive me to college everyday. so fuck him and fuck you to op. do something. plan atleast because it's all in your hands.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)01:04:15 No.2093439
    I am 19, turning 20 in July, do i still have some hope guys?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)01:06:48 No.2093461
    I dunno, the ability to communicate seems better to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)06:53:42 No.2095784
    >only ever had two jobs
    >fired from my first within three days
    >fired from my second 'cos I was leaving anyway, and was just a dick about it
    >no driving license
    >only just got my provisional a few week ago
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)12:53:45 No.2097868

    why did you get fired so quickly? Did you get along with your co workers?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)13:05:54 No.2097945
    I didn't have time to find out whether or not I got on with them. But saying that, all of the bottom floor of the warehouse was Polish. Randomly scattered about the rest of the floors were non-English speaking Africans, who when told to do something, couldn't grasp any of it, and had to be shown the job done beforehand, and they fucking REEKED of some next level BO, it wasn't Lynx Africa that's for sure. And the rest of the people were basement bitches who still lived at home, and obviously were addicted to WoW, or were just simple as shit.

    >just been told we've finished the entire week's work by Thursday mid-day
    >NOTHING to do work wise
    >spend about 5 hours straightening stacks of shoe boxes on three floors
    >come in Friday, expect us to start on returns or something, but no, we're done
    >8 hours of doing nothing
    >phone had only just started getting video recorders on them and my mate had one
    >we were filming ourselves racing up and down the warehouse on pallet trucks, and the floor manager walked around the corner
    >> A robot in a flock of humans !JnfR9EToRg 04/13/12(Fri)13:08:58 No.2097970
    >be 19
    >only had one paying job. Had an internship once
    >online college
    >no car

    am I a loser?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)14:29:02 No.2098670

    Just got a phone call saying I was successful through the interview stages and they would like to offer me a position. Motorcycle time.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)14:39:28 No.2098760
    I never get this kind of thread. Why of all people that you guys have to whine about your current situation?

    If you don't like it, fucking do something about it, change it, turn the tables around, kill people, etc, anything that flip your switch instead of wallowing in your failure or pitiful life.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)14:07:22 No.2110454
    It's called venting, look it up sometime.

    Also, if you're sick of the whining, why not minimize these types of threads instead of whining too?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:18:00 No.2122597
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    I'm 23 and I've never had a job, nor do I have a driver's licence (I can drive stick, though, and have taken a bunch of lessons). I do study, however. I'm in law school. I live in Germany.

    I want to get a job but I'm lazy. I'll work for the first time in the summer.

    What do I even say at a job interview when the guy is asking me: 'You're 23 and have never had a job...?'

    Oh god.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:19:37 No.2122617
    >Never had a job
    >No driving license but am able to drive
    >Go to uni

    I guess I'm not completely screwed yet... Also I'm 18. As for 5 years time, I can't even see myself in a week, but if I had to guess I'd say working some shit 9-5 job, or, doing a masters/PhD
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:23:51 No.2125999
    >age 20
    >had 2 jobs, one being at the police station
    >in third year uni
    >get an internship
    >$45k/year working 16 months before i go back to school and finish my last year
    >most likely have a job waiting for me when i graduate

    no license or car but i don't plan to drive ever anyway. i think that's pretty good right?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:28:44 No.2126036
    i remember saging this thread a week ago

    wow OP, kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)06:50:39 No.2132340

    >a week ago

    he's been making these threads for months and months
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)15:19:58 No.2135483
    What the fuck is wrong with the people that post in these threads? Seriously, I have no problem with bawwing over how miserable your life is. I understand that it can feel good sometimes. But these threads are fucking beyond pointless, they're like a questionnaire.
    >The OP asks some questions about depressing shit.
    >Then a couple of retards fill in the forms.
    >Then the OP asks something like: Do you think that it will always stay the same way? (Seriously always that fucking question)
    There is no point, just no point at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)15:22:29 No.2135504
    You're doing good, brah.

    Don't go and do something stupid like get married/a girlfriend. Just smash and dash, and you'll be a happy man with a long, happy life.

    Proud of you.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)15:24:25 No.2135520
    seriously OP, fuck off

    >There is no point, just no point at all.

    my thoughts exactly

    why did you bump the thread
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)22:07:19 No.2152053
    never in my life have i done any of what you mentioned other than graduate from college.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)22:10:50 No.2152094
    >where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)00:01:31 No.2153304

    why do you find yourself to be dead?
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)05:41:40 No.2155613
    do not have any of that thankfully.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)11:30:26 No.2157278
    >implying i'll be around for the next couple years
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)11:48:48 No.2157380
    I'm 21 and I'm looking for a job, going to send in an app tomorrow but I'm hopeful because it's a pretty simple job and I live really close. I have a licence but not a car and I'm not going back to school for a long time. Been bumming around for close to two years now, time I get something done. I have no idea where I'll be in 5 years. Maybe working the same job. Maybe I got lucky and got a good one or maybe I've moved out of the country. I've considered starting my own business but getting it off the ground takes huge willpower, dedication and time. I also need a really good idea to avoid failing...meh.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)16:32:32 No.2159677

    You'll probably fail with no other way around it.

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