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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

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    File :1225953721.jpg-(20 KB, 300x294, bc387bc2-30dc-4e6a-be2d-f17fd1601d31_lar(...).jpg)
    20 KB Fuck You Vanzetti 11/06/08(Thu)01:42:01 No.2040685  
    Dear Fuckheads,
    Thank you so much for voting Yes on Prop 8, now the religious assholes can dictate the lives of everyone once more. Since I have heard many of you saying you were voting yes just to piss people off I'd like to tell you that you succeeded. A girl I am very close to is homosexual, and she was crying because of you fucks. Your lulz basically ruined her life; yes I am blaming you because the actual religious zealots seem to have a personality disorder thus they can't help it (not that I don't hate them). Lets hope that we never meet, and if we do and you identify yourself as one of those fucking assholes you will die slowly and painfully. Your Life is less valuable than the tears she shed. I wash my hands of this shit, Marriage is too unclean, if I decide to settle down with a girl I'm getting a civil union.
    Fuck You,
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:43:18 No.2040697
    thanks for the rant

    i don't live in california
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:44:25 No.2040703

    OP fails to lookup the voting demograhpics for Prop 8. It was black people who voted no.
    >> Rory !aMT1OzwfeA 11/06/08(Thu)01:44:46 No.2040711
    Pfft, Im a fag and I could care less if I wanted some Legal Status made possible by some godfag with my boyfriend
    Fuck, we can just legally change names, and get rings
    shit would cost less anyway

    How someones life would be ruined by this is beyond me
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:44:53 No.2040714
    She will not fuck you because you're supporting her faggot. Stupid virgins.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:45:21 No.2040719
    I laughed so hard at this.

    I'm not in california either, but it still made me lol
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:45:25 No.2040721
    Ahahahahahhaah. We win, you lose.

    Good day, sir.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:46:13 No.2040727
    she can go to Massachusetts for a week.

    if they can't afford that, they shouldn't be getting married
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:46:24 No.2040729

    It actually might not have passed.

    You see; there are two ways for public initiatives to change the California constitution; one requires 50%+1, the other requires 66%+1.

    There was some question as to which method Proposal 8 needed to use. The judge hearing the case postponed it until after the election, as it would have been a moot point had the proposal received less than 50%, or more than 66% of the votes.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:47:17 No.2040737
    Getting married is really overrated.

    Cry more fags.
    >> Vanzetti 11/06/08(Thu)01:47:36 No.2040738
    I don't give a fuck, I personally hate everyone right now. (except her) and I just need to let some steam off so I half ass apologize to anyone I insult; I'll mean it in the morning.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:48:14 No.2040746
    >A girl I am very close to is homosexual, and she was crying because of you fucks.Your lulz basically ruined her life

    I voted no, but seriously, if she's that fucking wrapped up in one proposition in a country that is heavily influenced by a conservative religious right then she needs to get a grip on reality or just an hero right now.

    Just a few years ago CA passed the same thing with a 60% margin. It's not THAT surprising. Besides, there are all sorts of things that could interfere with this actually going into effect: constitutionality, a couple legal technicalities, etc.

    I have no sympathy for her.

    On a related note, I learned my hot GSI is actually a lesbian because she said she got married over the summer and doesn't know what will happen now. I know I'll have something new to daydream about in class now.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:49:01 No.2040753
    Shut the fuck you flaming faggots, everyone is sick of the shit coming out of your mouth, go kill yourselves. Oh wait you already have aids.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:49:56 No.2040760
    PRECISELY why I voted Yes.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:50:37 No.2040767

    Seconded. There's too much religious bullshit in this country to be BAWWWing about gay marriage. It'll get overturned in the supreme court anyhow. She sounds like a chanology fag.
    >> Vanzetti 11/06/08(Thu)01:51:36 No.2040775
    Look, you fuck I have BPD and she's the only person keeping me from an-heroing myself. If she goes, I wouldn't last 10 minutes. I owe her my life, twice.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:52:10 No.2040782
    Will this prop nullify the marriages done in San Fransisco? I haven't really been paying attention because I live in Alaska.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:52:28 No.2040785
    North Califag here. I voted Yes on Prop 8. Epic lulz were indeed had.

    Thank you OP, you made my day with your post.

    Anyways, I'm a white atheist, but I think faggots are pig disgusting. Also, blacks and hispanics overwhelmingly voted against gay marriage. You can thank Obama and his record turn out for that.

    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:52:43 No.2040786

    Let's say you and your gay pal change your name, get rings, etc. Hell, let's say you even have a child, with him being the sperm donor. If he decides to leave you, you have no legal right to the child, whereas a divorced spouse would.

    Not going to have children? That's fine, there's more examples. Let's say you grow old together, but his job was better, and had a superior pension. If he dies, you have no right to it, and it doesn't pay out any more.

    There's tons of things like this.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:53:59 No.2040796

    Actually it won't get overturned buy the Supreme Court.

    The supreme court interprets the constitution. This is a change in the constitution. They have to follow it.

    Now, it may backfire and have side effects. Laws can interact in strange ways. I saw one analysis that shows how this could result in the cancellation of all marriages in CA, and the institution of civil unions for everyone.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:54:29 No.2040801
    Lol OP thanks for the lulz.

    Your rant only makes it more delicious
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:54:47 No.2040803
    Uncool story bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:55:31 No.2040809
    Ohhh, I get it now, you're a troll.
    Pretty good, although I should've spotted it earlier. 8/10
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:56:36 No.2040814

    state supreme court. the national supreme court could overturn it, if it was challenged and made its way there
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:57:38 No.2040828
    Hahahahaha! Suck it faggots!
    >> Vanzetti 11/06/08(Thu)01:58:10 No.2040831
    no, I'm unfortunately not a troll. Its just that she means more to me than my own life does and seeing her upset makes me want to kill lots of people. and she was very upset today.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:59:14 No.2040840

    Which is not very likely - the USSC wants to stay out of this issue until more states set precedent.

    The State Supreme Court is likely as far as it would go anytime soon.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)01:59:44 No.2040844
    You expect me to give a crap just because you play the mental disorder card? You not being stable enough to survive on your own does nothing to justify her getting irrationally wrapped up and invested in a proposition that only had marginal chances of going the way she wanted in the first place.

    State constitutions are still subject to the national constitution. Also, it is still in contention whether the proposition actually needs 66% to change the state constitution, due to some ambiguities and technicalities.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:00:51 No.2040854
    Stop relying on courts and start relying on actual voters. Educate people on the issue and debunk the lies put out there by the Mormons.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:01:12 No.2040859
    I'm gay.
    Me and my boyfriend voted yes.
    Then we lol'd and high fived.

    My life kicks all kinds of ass.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:02:42 No.2040870

    true, though with 4 years of obama/biden and alot of old justices, if it did go there, it's likely it would during a liberal majority on the bench
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:03:52 No.2040878
    Probably fucking a lot of ass too.
    >> Vanzetti 11/06/08(Thu)02:05:44 No.2040894
    I didn't make it as an excuse for the proposition I made it as a reason she is so important to me. I honestly shouldn't have responded to that post in that way because it obviously lead you to draw the wrong conclusions. I knew going into it that it didn't have much chance of passing, I knew that I'd be running clean up on her breaking down, I knew all this from the first time I got called about prop 8. I voted against it, complete with intense arguements with my parents. I love her and i hate seeing her like this, so I need to vent at someone.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:06:21 No.2040900
    Only if they happen to die. I wouldn't count on it, especially with modern medicine. If they wanted out they would have when Bush was still in the driver's seat. They knew that there was a chance they'd be stuck for at least the next 4 years.

    Now if Obama can get reelected and another Democrat can follow him up, it's very likely the supreme court will swing back to the more liberal side.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:07:09 No.2040907
    Spoiler: This isn't livejournal. We don't care.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:07:47 No.2040914
         File :1225955267.jpg-(26 KB, 283x424, you are correct sir.jpg)
    26 KB
    You better believe it, my good man.
    >> Vanzetti 11/06/08(Thu)02:08:27 No.2040919
    Good for you. Eat shit and die asshole.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:08:35 No.2040920
    I voted no on 8 and I believe most of 4chan's Californians would have as well, honestly. I think we're a bit different from your typical Christfag American.

    At least we get the high-speed train and animals are allowed to SIT, STAND, TURN AROUND AND LAY DOWN before they are SLAUGHTERED FOR FOOD WHEN ALTERNATIVES HAVE EXISTED FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:08:36 No.2040922
    Why are you people mad at Prop 8? Im mad at Prop 1A FUCKING 40 BILLION DOLLAR TRAIN THAT PROBABLY WONT BE FINISHED! Its to fucking far away for me to use too! Fuck your prop 8, it will come up again later, you cant get the money from Prop 1A back. God damn.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:09:26 No.2040927
    Hi! I'm Civil Unions, and I'd like to introduce myself. You're an idiot! Bye!
    >> The Masses Have Spoken Al-Anon 11/06/08(Thu)02:09:32 No.2040929
    Prop 102 in AZ, Prop 8 in CA

    So Mr. Vanzetti, I'm sorry your friend was hurt by this decision, and I'm sorry you are on the ragged edge as well. But the majority has spoken. This is the whole reason we vote, so that a *minority* such as the gay community cannot dictate what happens. I'm sick and tired of 5-10% of the population trying to run everything.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:10:00 No.2040934
    You are being emotional and illogical by assuming the train would not be finished, and you are being greedy and acting against the greater good by complaining that it is not close enough for you to use. You are a bad citizen and should not be involved in politics.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:10:14 No.2040936

    But think of how quickly we can deport people with a 200+mph train to the border!
    >> Vanzetti 11/06/08(Thu)02:10:53 No.2040942
    I'm pissed about 1a too but I'm not hanging out with someone crying over that tomorrow. That bill was such bullshit that when i first read it I thought it was a joke, correction I thought it was a fucking joke until last night.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:11:04 No.2040944
    Good, fags don't deserve to get married.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:11:10 No.2040946
    you are pathetic, op. You if you don't value your own life, thats your fucking buisiness, go ahead and end it, but to place the burden of your happiness and life on another person is awful. If you cant find the strength to fight past all the bullshit that millions of other people do every day, you need to MAN THE FUCK UP AND PULL THAT TRIGGER. Stop putting the responsibility of you staying alive on someone else. Its not your friends job to keep you from offing yourself, its yours. If you cant do it, then ride out, nigga, see you at da crossroads.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:11:11 No.2040947
    Actually its a 800mph train from LA to SF. Still to far to even deport people with.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:11:45 No.2040952

    Civil unions don't confer the same benefits as a Marriage.

    The term is hard coded by name into a bunch of archaic laws.

    All of the examples in the post you replied to were things that don't apply to civil unions in some states.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:12:00 No.2040953

    well, that just betters the chances. i'd be really surprised if stevens lived 4 more years
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:13:27 No.2040964

    Thanks for replying for me. (I posted >>2040786)
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:13:54 No.2040973
    >animals are still forced to NOT SIT, NOT STAND, NOT TURN AROUND AND NOT LAY DOWN before they are SLAUGHTERED FOR FOOD, just outside of CA borders now.

    Fixed, for ya
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:14:21 No.2040974
    you don't have to be a christian or a moralfag to think your society's coming apart at the seams when you see that this is the huge issue it is.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:16:05 No.2040984
    Why the fuck is a faggot thread on page 0?
    Homos aren't even human.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:16:42 No.2040987

    "When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go free as male slaves do.
    But if her master, who had destined her for himself, dislikes her, he shall let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to a foreigner, since he has broken faith with her.
    If he destines her for his son, he shall treat her like a daughter.
    If he takes another wife, he shall not withhold her food, her clothing, or her conjugal rights.
    If he does not grant her these three things, she shall be given her freedom absolutely, without cost to her.
    >> Vanzetti 11/06/08(Thu)02:16:52 No.2040989
    Look, I pulled the trigger twice and it failed. Unfortunately I'm a weak person that needs others to hold me up. Thats actually what got me so close to the edge in the first place. The last time i tried all i got was this image of her taking the gun from my dead hand and shooting my corpse while crying. so disturbing i gave up.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:19:16 No.2041002
    >I'm sick and tired of 5-10% of the population trying to run everything.

    Yeah, that's why you live in a country with no president, no senate and no cong..... oh, never mind....
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:20:07 No.2041008
    How the fuck did you put a gun to your head, pull the trigger TWICE but not blow a hole through your fucking head? Are you a little downsy in addition to being an emo faggot...i mean a BPD sufferer?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:20:26 No.2041013
    I'm sorry. I would have voted against it if I could have. Not being from California, I didn't have that chance. If something similar ever comes up in either of the states where I spend time, I'll change residence and vote against it, you (and all of my queer brothers and sisters) have my word.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:20:58 No.2041019
    im gay and i agree with prop 8

    marriage should be between a man and a woman.
    i don't need a ring to tell me who my life partner is.

    for the record, i hate most gays. they want all these rights and acceptance then they parade around in fairy costumes fagging up the town. i can totally understand why straight people are put off by this.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:21:14 No.2041022
    I think you're pig disgusting, I vote we kill you, just for kicks. YAY MAJORITY DEMOCRACY! KICK THEM MINORITY ASSES!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:22:11 No.2041030
    Call me fucked up all you want, but I've always felt there's nothing more hilarious than people failing suicide. If you legitimately don't want to live (none of this I really just want attention bullshit), then suicide really isn't that hard to pull off. The symbolism of these people who've given up on their own life, but they can't even get killing themselves right...it's so sad yet perfectly fitting. They don't even have control of their mortal existence.

    I can't even begin to imagine what it must feel like the instant one's realized they've failed to kill themselves.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:23:18 No.2041035
    Why should homosexuals force their morality on the communities they live in instead of forming their own?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:26:37 No.2041049
    I agree with you, OP, but Anonymous is an uncaring monster. You were quite mistaken if you thought you would find sympathy or closure here. You're only adding to the lulz.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:26:43 No.2041054
    I agree in that I do think that homosexual's eccentricity and incessant "gay pride" crap really hurts their cause. Especially when they have parades and shit, where guys are walking around in banana hammocks and shit. They have to be retarded to not realize pulling that crap is going to get pretty much everyone who's even moderately conservative working against your cause, not to mention it reinforces the ideas of gays being perverts and sexual deviants.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:27:38 No.2041059
    That's cool that you don't need someone to put you in boxes with titles and all that stuff, but why the hell would you be for having less rights than other people? Civil unions do not grant equal rights, end of story.
    This being said I really want to know if someone could tell me what the legal difference between amending the constitution and revising it. All I know is that if it qualifies as amending than they didn't pass the 66 percent they need. So what's the legal text say the definition is?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:28:19 No.2041066
    So you want to get married for the benefits?

    I'm glad I voted yes now.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:30:07 No.2041072


    11:9 These you may eat, whatever is in the water: all that have fins and scales, those in the water, in the seas or in the rivers, you may eat.

    11:10 However, you must consider all swarming creatures living in the seas or the streams that have no fins or scales disgusting.


    21:17 "Tell Aaron: If any of your descendants (now or in future generations) has a physical defect, he must never bring food to offer to God.

    21:18 Indeed, no one who has a physical defect may ever come near [the altar]. That means anyone who is blind or lame, who has a disfigured face, a deformity,

    21:19 or a crippled hand or foot,

    21:20 who is a hunchback or dwarf, who has defective sight, skin diseases, or crushed testicles.


    19:19 'You are to keep My statutes. You shall not breed together two kinds of your cattle; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor wear a garment upon you of two kinds of material mixed together.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:30:20 No.2041074
    Protip: Men and Women already do this, your point is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:30:23 No.2041075
    Once we get past the whole marriage-is-one-woman-and-one-man thing, we can have (open) polygamy. So I say let the fags get married; it's for the greater good.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:34:03 No.2041102
    >>2041022 -- I second the motion.
    >> Vanzetti 11/06/08(Thu)02:34:53 No.2041106
    I figured out later that the safety was on, my fucking bad, I'll take the emo, though its really only obvious to people i'm close to (and online where i bitch about it for hours).
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:36:07 No.2041118
    You just proved my point.

    Why allow more corruption to flow in?

    So, so glad I voted yes on 8.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:36:10 No.2041120
    Fact is, vast majority of people are straight. Also, the minority of gays all tend to be unlikable faggots, and their reputation for being perverts, molestors, spreading AIDS and dressing like dumbasses in public is well-earned.

    Blacks and Hispanics and everyone else frowns upon gay marriage, and their turn-out to vote for Obama helped kill gay marriage.

    Finally, people of all colors can all agree on something: Faggots should not be allowed to marry.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:36:12 No.2041121
    Well, If you want to know, the whole gay pride thing started as a backlash to anti homosexual gatherance laws (basically, if you're gay, you can't hang out with other men, no shit, actual laws) some gay men decided they were sick of being underground and lying to everyone and leading double lives and shit and fought back, causing the stonewall riots. Nowadays gay pride is basically around to help gay men feel better about themselves and the things they find sexy while society around them attempts to quash the queer out of them. basically, gay pride is like a support group for step one of alcoholics anonymous; admitting that they're gay to the world.

    And anyway, you know what bothers me? shriners. why the fuck am i forced to watch little men in fezzes drive around in go karts and hand out PBT laced candy to children? There ought to be a law against shriners.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:37:23 No.2041130
    So then why didn't you just take the safety off and pull it again? 3rd time's a charm, you know.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:38:15 No.2041132
    Don't subject straight people to gay value systems, don't subject gay people to straight value systems. We shouldn't have "equal rights," we should have our own respective rights that we don't force on one another because we're different. Everyone's happy.

    I'll vote yes on the proposition to give homosexuals their own unadulterated living space. People who're content to keep their proclivities behind closed doors and don't want to infringe on the rest of society with them are as welcome as ever to remain.
    >> Vanzetti 11/06/08(Thu)02:39:20 No.2041143
    Go the fuck ahead and try, bring your friends, you'll need them. Remember that kid everyone thought was going to be a school shooter; I'm him, my stockpile is still fresh and i've been working on my aim. If you want me to die, come here and fucking do it yourself
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:40:54 No.2041148
    ITT: Vanzetti is fucked because he's in love with a girl, but she's a lesbian, and he doesn't know how to move on except by killing himself, which he is sadly too incompetent to do.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:41:46 No.2041154
    I don't have a problem with gay pride in that sense. I just think a lot of the time nowadays gay pride rallies have stuff like I mentioned (people all over in banana hammocks, leather play outfits, etc). It's not necessary to reinforce their sexuality and it certainly doesn't win any votes.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:43:54 No.2041172
    Oh no, Mr. Tough Guy.

    I'll never be afraid of a kid who can't even shoot himself in the head in 2 tries.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:43:55 No.2041173

    Good try, but we're not killing you, we're killing some bigoted asshole who posted in this thread. You'll have to do the job yourself. MAKE SURE YOU DON'T FUCK IT UP AGAIN. </californiavotersguidemode>
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:44:07 No.2041176
    >i hate most gays. they want all these rights and acceptance then they parade around in fairy costumes fagging up the town. i can totally understand why straight people are put off by this.


    I don't hate gays because of their buttsecks. I'm put off with them because they're fucking ridiculous. Gays were funny in middle school. But not in high school and on.

    Be poised and professional and I'll vote for your marriage.

    Otherwise, keep wearing fairy costumes.
    >> Vanzetti 11/06/08(Thu)02:46:11 No.2041188
    my sincerest appologies, I was only following the flow of the thread. Thank you for what support you gave
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:46:19 No.2041189
    Yeah, boy did you miss my point.
    I voted no.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:46:34 No.2041192
    If some gays DIDN'T try to bring attention to themselves, do you think people would even be considering gay rights? As it stands, people think fags are all screaming queens because that is all they see, ever, because most gays are normal fucking people who just happen to fuck their own sex and sometimes fall in love with a member of it. I'm so sick of the argument that fags should keep to themselves and leave everything in a locked room in the dark. Granted, gay pride parades do a shit job of drawing positive attention--they pretty much do nothing BUT enforce the idea that all fags are effeminate freaks. Maybe if some more "regular" queers would campaign, or if the activist faggots were less about rainbows and speedos and more about people not getting the shit beat out of them things could work better.

    tl;dr most fags are normal, but you won't see them on the news because "gay man works 9-5 then buys groceries" will not get ratings
    >> Vanzetti 11/06/08(Thu)02:48:03 No.2041207
    there are plenty of those, unfortunately noone looks at them, they are the people who got fucked by prop 8
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:48:43 No.2041216
    Oh shut the hell up.

    I suppose I should start a straight parade where a bunch of straight couples grope each other wearing nothing but leather chaps.

    It's not acceptable for us and it surely isn't for you faggot.

    Quit bawwing.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:49:05 No.2041218
    I'm so sick of all these straight guys being so stereotypically straight. Stop fucking parading your straightness around, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:49:51 No.2041221
    That's the thing. most gays are poised and professional. One gay I know is a performance actor in minor theaters (right now in london, it changes)
    another gay I know is studying to be a bilingual chemist and would yell at me for not doing homework. the people you mention are a fringe, not the average gay. It's like saying all white people wear overalls and chew wheat and say "ah'yup" all the time.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:49:57 No.2041222
    I do feel bad about that.

    I'm sure fags hate me for voting yes but I didn't want to be bullied to vote no.

    I just don't think a group that has perversion as their image should be allowed to married. I don't want my children to grow up in a state like that.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:49:59 No.2041223
    this is a bad troll post or the worst gentleman ever.

    fuck you /r9k/
    also: CA already voted against gay marriage in the past. the courts keep saying otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:50:49 No.2041227

    I don't think you even read what I wrote.

    P.S. Straight people don't need to bring themselves attention, given that almost everyone is assumed to be heterosexual anyways
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:50:59 No.2041228
    What arbitrary law or point are you referencing that it is not ok for a couple to walk around in chaps?

    Your post is rather dumb. I applogise for saying that to you because now you just feel attacked. It is true, however, that you did post a dumb statement.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:51:46 No.2041236
    I don't know man.

    The most normal gay I ever met still had a lisp and was trying to sound like a girl.

    Can I just know why gays do this?

    What is the appeal?

    Do you like men or simply want to be women?

    Just... fucking stop forcing your voice to sound like that.

    It's incredibly annoying.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:51:48 No.2041237
    OP is dumb fuck. /r9k/ doesn't care about your shitty little emo issues.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:51:49 No.2041238
    You don't have to be an obnoxious faggot (no pun intended) to get political attention. African-Americans managed to earn civil rights in this country without prancing around in underwear and coming off as hypersexuals. So did women (although, hell, who knows, could have really helped in that case). There are plenty of ways to get political attention without the faggotry faggots kick up.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:52:10 No.2041241
    Not all gay people are like that. The GAY PRIDE people will likely go the way of the dodo once the people from the main civil rights drives for gays get too old.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:53:10 No.2041252
    They won rights by kicing up a stink. What do you think being an obnoxious faggot does?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:53:16 No.2041253

    God damn, I said in my post that gay pride parades were terrible ways to get attention. I was saying that average faggots need to speak the fuck up so that people stop thinking that pride parades represent even a significant majority. WHY CAN'T YOU PEOPLE READ
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:53:42 No.2041257
    Which they should do. The reasoning behind it is fundamentally flawed.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:54:20 No.2041259
    Oh jesus. I'm not refering to a law nor did I say I was. I'm simply stating that it's not acceptable and would get us no credibility.

    Credibility! Please read more carefully next time.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:55:31 No.2041266
    I hope it does go away.

    I'll vote for it in the future when that shit calms down.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:55:53 No.2041268
    Gays better get their rights while the getting's good. Hispanics and especially blacks voted overwhelmingly for Prop 8. And the proportion of the population that consists of ethnic minorities is only going to rise over time.

    Will they stop giving a fuck about anything like white people? Better hope so.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:56:11 No.2041271
    Gays need a Barack Obama. You know, a gay person who shows that gays are reasonable people and not flaming psychos who will rape you in your sleep.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:57:17 No.2041273
    There are infinitely better ways to get attention.

    Read a book and found out how blacks did it in the past.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:57:29 No.2041275
    All people who are anti-gay because of pride movements are bad, and they should feel bad.

    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:57:41 No.2041276
    We throw them at you one after another. People just ignore them and stare at the parades. Parades are fun to watch.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:58:25 No.2041282
    ...You mean large standing protests, often in streets?
    This sounds AWFULLY familiar.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:58:26 No.2041283
    (bullshit this is original robit)

    >If some gays DIDN'T try to bring attention to themselves, do you think people would even be considering gay rights?
    Your very first sentence suggests you're supporting, or at least condoning, the gay pride parade crap that goes on.

    Yeah, but there are constructive ways and destructive ways of doing it. Black people refusing to vacate the front of the bus to defend their rights proves a point and makes a statement relevant to their cause. Dancing around in a thong to techno with a bunch of other queers makes no such statement and casts people's views of the group as a whole in a negative light.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:58:35 No.2041286
    I don't feel bad.

    Look how the blacks did it. They got a strong leader to speak and they held demonstrations. That's the way to go.

    If they wore assless chaps holding dildos you better believe I would vote against these people getting any sort of power.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:58:40 No.2041289
    A lot of people over on Freep (batshit right-wing site) surprisingly like Ellen DeGeneres. But that doesn't mean they support gay marriage.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:58:45 No.2041290
    >assholes you will die slowly and painfully.

    This is where I picked up on it, way too easy. 2/10.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)02:59:35 No.2041294
    Blacks got attention by holding huge fried chicken banquets and large gang rapes of white women in the middle of the street. The only way to get attention in America is to act like a total stereotype.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:00:11 No.2041298
    Every black person at the million man march held a novelty dildo.

    Didn't you guys read that?

    Apparently this idiot did.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:00:25 No.2041301
    So... you're voting against people because of the clothes they wear?

    Nice job, high school girl.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:01:46 No.2041311

    See >>2041253

    Obnoxious faggots being obnoxious faggots has done more than being meek and keeping our heads low and not making a fuss could ever do. Faggots are not a visible minority; they need to make themselves visible. Of COURSE there are infinitely better ways--but for some reason normal gays are not willing to go out and demand their rights the way hairy bears in chaps and nothing else are. Hell, I've never even BEEN to a pride parade because it's not my scene, but I'd rather have something than nothing.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:02:17 No.2041316
    Good luck at your next job interview in a thong.

    Oh wait.. that's right. You wouldn't wear a thong would you?

    For ... what's that? Credibility? Yeah I thought so faggot.

    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:04:03 No.2041325
    >they need to make themselves visible.

    There are better ways.

    Also, I'm prepared to end this thread with this point.

    If normal fags don't want to come out and demonstrate then


    Think about that while I go fuck my girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:04:15 No.2041328
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    not every gay person wears assless chaps and dances to technos with dicks everywhere.

    The only sad part about democrazy is that people who have skewed perceptions of reality vote on things that affect everyone.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:05:11 No.2041333
    Because normal fags are scared to shit of people who hate them. the crazy ones just plain don't give a shit.

    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:05:19 No.2041334

    I'm saying it is better than nothing, because it is. Or rather, it was--to be honest, I don't think it can do anything anymore because people have become almost completely inured to it. What most people need is to have a personal experience with a normal, average fag, but shit like that doesn't come up in everyday conversation. And it's not like normal gays are going to wear shirts that say "I SUCK DICK/EAT PUSSY" because they don't WANT being gay to define them (and quite rightly).
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:05:26 No.2041336

    cause you would want them to vote for your rights.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:05:44 No.2041337
    The faggy gays are the only ones that attend those parades.

    I'm supposed to vote for gay rights because you say there are normal fags out there? Fuck that.

    Let them come and speak. Otherwise marriage will not change.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:06:45 No.2041344
    Nice try. Hispanics get little to no love in this country.

    And it's because the smart ones among us don't speak out. I know this.

    Gays should know this too.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:07:43 No.2041350

    Because blacks weren't afraid of getting their asses kicked to kingdom come?

    So much fail it's blinding.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:08:16 No.2041360
    I'm not denying that that's how the world works, I'm just saying that you're a cunt. Liking someone's outfit or not is not a reason to deny them marriage rights to people they love.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:08:20 No.2041361
    Why won't you faggogts just admit that you don't have proper representation?

    Just fess up to it and change it. Were trying to help you here.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:09:03 No.2041364
    They can love without a title right? Yeah, I was pretty sure they could. I'm wondering if you know that.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:09:05 No.2041365
    Why are these hypothetical potential employers checking underwear?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:09:38 No.2041370
    Protip: He meant in nothing BUT a thong
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:09:49 No.2041374
    I was crying last night, too. The thought that kept going through my mind was "Why am I not considered a person?" I'm only not crying now because I stopped thinking about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:10:20 No.2041377
    It's been said numerous times before, apparently while you were doing something else: CIVIL UNIONS DON'T HAVE THE SAME BENEFITS AS MARRIAGE DOES.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:10:32 No.2041378
    No they weren't. there a re a LOT more black people than there are gays.

    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:11:01 No.2041380

    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:11:39 No.2041385
    lol@people who think being quiet and staying indoors has ever gotten anyone anything except obesity :|
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:11:45 No.2041387
    You're an idiot. I'm not even going to reply to how false your statement is.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:13:42 No.2041399
    And what other reason is there to get married except absolving religious guilt? It's too much of a hassle to do unless you get stuff out of it, and if no one did, no one would ever get married except highly religious people.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:13:54 No.2041400
    Really? you mean you could prove that there are more gay people than blacks but wont? or are you conceding defeat?


    Butthurt anon:0
    >> Lesbians are FINE TOO 11/06/08(Thu)03:14:15 No.2041403
    >A girl I am very close to is homosexual, and she was crying because of you fucks
    Have sex with her and convince her that bisexuality is fine too.

    Is there a place where I can see the demographics for those who would vote Yes on prop 8?
    I hear a lot of black people did.
    I'm not really suprised by the results, there are Yes on Prop 8 signs all over the place.
    But I'm glad to see it so close.
    I was hoping it was like a local proposition that required 55% to pass, instead of a simple majority.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:16:48 No.2041421
    I wanted to get married with my girlfriend before I actually knew what the benefits were. But nice try.

    I want to get married with her because I love her and am not a faggot who expresses myself by waving my dick at traffic.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:17:46 No.2041426
    Giving yourself a score is just pathetic.

    In closing it seems /r9k/ is smart enough to realize that gays are moronic when it comes to politics.

    Fix it fags.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:18:34 No.2041435

    Are you saying it's not normal for an interviewer to ask a candidate to strip for them?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:18:35 No.2041436
    lrn2/Mosaic Law
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:18:46 No.2041439
    Oddly enough, if you were straight and did the same thing, you could still marry her.

    I suppose gay people are more pragmatic about marriage than straight people, since they can't automatically have it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:20:32 No.2041455
    More pathetic than quitting an argument by saying "i'm not even going to reply to that" as a reply?

    me: 2
    anon: 0
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)03:21:29 No.2041464

    Mosaic law is a direct indication of what God thinks a country's laws should be like. Those of us who believe in God should push for laws He would approve of.

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