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    File: 1333864419.jpg-(32 KB, 620x388, iz4e5P7Ch0lJ.jpg)
    32 KB Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)01:53:39 No.2031437  
    Ever wondered how other countries see you?
    Tell us your nationality and what you think of others. Be honest.

    Me: Australia
    USA: Loud, mostly fat, obsessed with race, sometimes friendly
    Canada: USA jr
    England: ugly girls, muslim central, obsessed with class-based society
    Western Europe: obsessed with hating USA, actually care about art and history, hairy women
    Eastern Europe, South America: almost third world, rely on other countries, nice women
    Asian Countries: Mostly backwards (except Japan/Korea), racist, older generations and tradition take precedent
    Middle East, India: Worst of humanity (of course there are rare exceptions), hot chicks though
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)01:57:04 No.2031470
    Wow dude. Do you really want to stereotype millions of people whom you've never met? Never mind, we're on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)01:58:55 No.2031490
    Cut the crap, we all stereotype and we all know it's wrong, but that's our way of associating with the title they are given (mexican for those who reside in mexico, etc.)
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)01:59:19 No.2031497
    I'm not talking stereotypes, I'm talking first impressions. I want to know the biases of other countries
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:05:56 No.2031566

    Me: USA
    Australia: You're all descendants of convicts. You're loud and you talk funny. You can all wrestle crocodiles.
    Canada: Lots of weed. Very boring most of the time, but nice people. Soft spoken.
    England: Very odd sense of humor. Good music scene right now. Generally favorable. Always drunk. Obsessed with soccer.
    Western Europe: Snobby assholes who think they're cultured.
    Eastern Europe: Where prostitutes are from. Probably still communist. Do they have electricity?
    Asian Countries: Obedient and strong family values. Disciplined as FUCK. Generally nice people and nice women.
    Middle East: Fundamentalists who value god over human life.
    India: Programmers and tech support. Slumdog millionaire.
    Africa: Stuck in the stone age. Hunter gatherers who go to war with neighboring tribes. Evil dictators who rape children.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:08:07 No.2031590

    Me: Canada

    USA: South - Fat rednecks, horrible accent. Midwest - Alberta, Conservatives a generation behind the times. The rest/in general - acultural, ultranationalist, poster-child of "panem et circenses." Lots of blacks who only speak a broken version of English.

    UK: See USA. Chavs, brown people, people who can't speak English. OI M8 FITE ME INNIT?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:08:52 No.2031598
    Me: USA
    Australia: Is that still owned by England?
    Canada: They could've been ours in the American Revolution
    England: Thank God we won against them in the Revolution
    Western Europe: Faggy tea drinkers
    Eastern Europe: Waiting in line for Communist beets
    Asia: They make all our stuff
    India: Hello, Dell customer support, my name is Tom, how may I help you?
    Africa: Starving genocide children
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:10:32 No.2031618
    >> Eastern Europe: Waiting in line for Communist beets

    I cracked up. Exactly. Fellow american. Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:11:14 No.2031627
    great impressions on places you've never been / never will go to

    op is a faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:12:45 No.2031641
    me: who cares
    others: >judging a country based on some handpicked experiences/stereotypes
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:12:48 No.2031642
         File: 1333865568.jpg-(28 KB, 230x285, americanfamily.jpg)
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    This about summarizes the American stereotype.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:14:14 No.2031649


    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:14:52 No.2031656
    That is the whole point of the thread, you retard!
    >> Cham, The Plebfinder General !a9.MfebhPU 04/08/12(Sun)02:15:52 No.2031666
    Me: USA
    Australia: Noongha everywhere. People are fun loving and may try things that seem dangerous, but are good folk at heart.
    Canada: Where I'm fleeing to when shit hits the fan.
    England: U WOT M8. Can't get over the fact that it no longer controls everything directly. People are suffering from immigration.
    Western Europe: Anglophiles. Not all are bad people, but there seem to be a lot of rotten eggs.
    Eastern Europe, South America: Poland, which has the most hilarious drunks ever. South America is disease and diarrhea-food land.
    Middle East, India:Eternal turmoil over childish disagreements. Shit living.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:16:36 No.2031677
    USA reporting

    England: Clever people, but they have this retarded superiority complex. Its like the second fattest kid at fat camp making fun of the biggest guy and telling him to go eat a salad. Their culture is interesting though
    Eastern Europe: Total shithole. Pedophiles, shattered remnants of Communism, corruption, genocide. Everyone lives in apartments that all look the same
    Middle East: bigger shithole. Everyone kills eachother for their own retarded reasons that are retarded. Sure, there are revolutionaries trying to bring down the evil regimes, but the revolutionaries are just a lesser evil that is stil corrupt and fundamentally driven.
    Canada: Pretty bro. Kind of a less influental and less powerful but cleaner USA. Lotsa hipsters
    Latin America: Cocaine, drug gangs, corruption, smelly people
    Western Europe: Pretty diverse. Everyone thinks that they're the top dog and claims to love everyone, well except for the USA because of an inferiority complex. Pretty cultured people though.
    Africa: Another shithole. It will never stand on its own feet unless controlled by the hand of the white man. See South Africa.
    Asia: Bunch of racist fuckers but they're smart too. They value old people and tradition and are extremely xenophobic and nationalistic. Very community oriented.
    Austraila: Pretty cool people, but they censor everything. Spiders and snakes and shit, so they must be pretty brave. Zyzz comes from Australia.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:16:44 No.2031678
    Me: USA

    Australia: Caricature Nation. Everything here seems to be laughably worse than other countries. The backwoods hicks (95% of the pop.) are even worse than the deep south hillbillies here in the states. Aboriginals are even worse than niggers here in the states. Even the metropolitan areas have this fucking hillbilly quality to them. Even that opera house can't cure it. These people always want to be outside. Jesus.

    UK: Shithole, particularly London. Muslims invading, the young people are complete and utter piles of garbage. Particularly laughable since they think they're so much better than the USA. Government is this close to being a complete nanny state, yet it doesn't seem to do a damn bit of good (doesn't really make sense, I know, but you know what I'm getting at). Most of the people over there are in desperate need for a reality check. Scotland/Ireland seem nice though, even if they are all farmers/drunks/former terrorists.

    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:22:20 No.2031723

    France: Cunts. What is their fucking problem, seriously? Bunch of cunts looking for something to cry about.

    Canada: Used to think this place was like a better version of America, but that's probably false. They need to grow a pair and stop answering to the queen.

    Mexico: Drugs. White people who enter will be shot on sight, if they're lucky. Place is a fucking dump.

    South America: Lots of drugs, rainforests, beaches, big titty having babes and trannies, and soccer. Peru has ancient aliens.

    Italy: Overenthusiastic bunch of hairy pricks.

    Russia: Bears on unicycles.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:23:37 No.2031739
    >USA: Loud, mostly fat, obsessed with race, sometimes friendly

    USAfag here, and this is mostly true. It would be completely true if you took "mostly" away from fat and put it behind loud.

    When I think of Australia I think of people wearing cowboy hats walking around in the outback talking with hackney english accents. Basically, I think of crocodile dundee.

    Canada makes me think of hockey, beer and people who end every sentence with ", eh?".
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:25:09 No.2031756

    >They need to grow a pair and stop answering to the queen

    Canada doesn't belong to England anymore.

    Also, America needs to grow a pair and stop answering to isreal. Seriously, America is Israels bitch
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:25:09 No.2031757
    Me: USA
    Canada, Australia, England, West Europe: Varying accents and customs, but generally similar personalities and temperaments to us.
    Africa, Middle East, East Europe, East/Southeast Asia: Third world.
    India, West Asia: Becoming more similar to us as time progresses.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:25:55 No.2031763
    Me: Southern California (USA is way too big/diverse to just refer to as America)
    Australia: Chill ass surfers and wilderness people
    France: Sexy accents and fancy tastes, very pleasant/nice girls, slightly bitchy guys but I still like em
    Canada: Nice, boring people.
    Japan: Uptight, obsessed with honesty/respect
    Koreans: Dull, relatively emotionless
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:26:14 No.2031766
    Me: USA

    Don't really care how the rest of the world sees our culture. We're going to be hated and have our worst highlighted, purely from being the top dog.

    Just like how betas always hate on the "assholes" that date "their women".
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:26:42 No.2031769
    Me: Australia
    USA: Severely obese, lazy, racist and doesn't admit it, AWFUL educational system
    Canada: Poutine, hockey, hot accent
    England: Adorable accent, broken society, obsessed with the Royal Family
    Western Europe: Awesome food, multilingual
    Eastern Europe, South America: Dirty unwashed men that hits on everything that moves
    Asia: Food, traditional, conservative.. and Japan.
    Middle East, India: SLAVES EVERYWHERE
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:26:52 No.2031771
    The Jews run our banks. I am an American Jew. As such I have authority on this matter.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:29:34 No.2031783

    >purely from being the top dog

    Tha'ts exactly why everyone hates the US, because they think they are the shit
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:34:20 No.2031811
    Yeah, everyone hates reality when it doesn't favor them. When shit hits the fan, America is expected to carry the burden. When things are going well? Well, fuck America thinking they're so awesome. Arrogant bastards. Face it, rest of the world, you're beta to Americas alpha.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:36:28 No.2031828
    Me: USA

    Australia: Completely and utterly irrelevant in every possible way. Don't realize they're just as fat as the Southern US, and have annoying accents. They also utterly butcher the English language.

    Canada: Awesome, but they fail to realize they relate more with America than with other parts of Canada. EX: Vancouver is pretty much Seattle.

    England: A lion that became a house cat.

    Western Europe: France, Germany, and the UK are the only countries that matter.

    Asia: Japan, China, and South Korea are pretty interesting imo. Cool to see a different culture.

    Middle East, India: The cradle of civilization became its toilet.

    We are dumbass, enjoy being irrelevant. The ONLY thing your country has over the US is a better education and healthcare system. That's seriously fucking it, pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:38:05 No.2031842
    Me: USA

    Candada: Drunken faggots
    Australia: Cunts and doilies
    UK: Attention whoring faggots, dumb women, chavs, moslems
    Northern Europe: Self obsessed sociopaths
    Southern Europe: Loud obnoxious idiots
    All of Western Europe: Effeminate social slaves
    Eastern Europe: Peasants and gypsies
    Japan: Computer chip thinkers
    Rest of the world: Only worth mentioning for its natural resources
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:39:17 No.2031852
    I'm from the northeast (USA) but have lived almost everywhere in this country. I'll breakdown the USA for all you foreigners:

    North West: Weed everywhere. They all eat dirt, wear socks in sandles, and talk about crunchy granola. Seattle has too many hipsters but the backcountry of Oregon, Idaho, etc.. balances them out with some of the most bigoted, crazy hicks I've ever seen.

    South West: Cacti, Indians and mexicans. Desert. Everyone's got a bad sunburn. Generally nice people, open minded for the most part, respectful of nature. I like the southwest.

    Deep South: Bigots and racists. Deep fried everything. Fundamentalist christian. Hypocrites. They are incomprehensible sometimes, but they do have really nice shopping malls and huge cars. Black people who live in shacks and don't read. Austin, TX is exempt from the above. See North West.

    Midwest: Nice people, not too crazy. Most of it's pretty 3rd world, poverty and depression are rampant. Rich folk live well. Bad tornadoes. Big cars, big asses. Huge fields of corn and livestock. Somewhere in between hick and suburban.

    Northeast: WASP land. Uptight assholes who think Europe has better culture than the USA. Look down upon rest of USA. Good maple syrup. New York City.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:40:59 No.2031867
    Me: USA

    USA: Loud and uppity, think they know fucking everything. Kinda sleezy at times. Certain sections of nice people.
    Canada: Nice peepz.
    England: emo kids and poser punks, but good T.V.
    Western Europe (ie, Spain, Portugal): The biggest country in Europe no one cares about with it's little child.
    Central Europe: mah niggas. Still have family here, living on the French/Swiss/Italian border.
    Eastern Europe: painfully thick accents, big dudes with "I wrestle bears on mountain" bodies, and attractive blonde women in bikinis.
    Asian Countries: TING PAAAAO YOW YIING. Annoying people. Loud and obnoxious. Oddly identifiable concepts of living, but it doesn't show at all.
    Middle East, India: Religious extremist and some nice people there who just want to live their life. But alas, they're harassed by religious extremist.
    Africa: shithole full of AIDs and uneducated fools.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:41:32 No.2031874

    >implying anyone expect America to carry any kind of burden.

    You niggers are poor as poor can get. LOL nice capitalism when most of your currency is owned by communists. You live in a declining shithole and you still think it's great.

    Enjoy becoming a 3rd world country within the next 40 years. Seriously, recently you guys have provided very little in terms of science, medical advancement, astrophysics, and technology in general.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:41:47 No.2031876
    Me: Canada
    Everywhere Else: They all seem like nice people, more or less. All filled with interesting people, and interesting things. All filled with their own unique experiences.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:42:56 No.2031889
    This is now a judge the rest of the US thread.

    Me: West: Awesome, chill people

    Midwest: Soccer moms, "doncha know, roof = ruff" all fly-over states.

    South: The nicest, most racist people you'll ever meet. If you conform to their "white christian republican" viewpoint they'll practically give their house to you. If not, watch out.

    North East: S'alright. New York's cool I guess.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:46:33 No.2031922
    Me: USA
    Ridiculously hot freckled ginger girls as far as the eye can see, but they're all crazy sluts with massive egos. Everything is poisonous and there are spiders the size of dinner plates yet no one there seems to care, while the idea that I share a planet with something like that gives me the willies. Bullying is a way of life and anyone who has the least bit of talent is shamed through relentless physical and emotional torture by peers and parents. People drive utes, which seem cool and I wish they had them in the rest of the world.
    Polite people, unfortunately giving away their nation to third world immigrants. Will be the Haiti of the north in 20 years.
    Full of disgustingly ugly women. By the time a British woman is 25 she is usually a disgusting hag. If she miraculously isn't, she's installed as a member of the Top Gear studio audience. This is why most British men are either gay or fuck dudes on the side.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:46:42 No.2031925
    Me: USA
    Australia: Like the accent more than the other "not-my-accent" accents. Community channel.
    Canada: meh, pretty boring, but nothing to hate about them
    England: Ugly women, bad teeth, snobby
    Western Europe: *thinks* they are better than everyone else, *thinks* they are cultured, but thinking something doesn't make it true...
    Eastern Europe: poor, depressing, prostitutes
    South America: drugs, but really nice people
    Asian Countries: depends. Japan and South Korea are both advanced, the rest are just meh...
    Middle East: Well this is a bit biased because I'm half iranian and lived around them forever, but I HATE middle easterners. They tend to think they are the high and mighty, but it's a really trashy culture.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:48:08 No.2031935
    United States AZ
    Canada - good hunting and fishing. Its aboot time I go there again. People are plain and/or stoned.

    England - I'm confused, do they really believe they should have a king/queen or is it just forced on them. Otherwise strange but basically harmless people. Well the white ones at least, heard its getting bad over there too.

    Western Europe is just as odd to me as Eastern Europe. Both are probably equally as socialist nowadays. French people just generally suck and are very mean to tourists. Which is really dumb from an economic point of view. Tourists generally have money to spend, illegal or legal immigrants usually don't. Its funny they are told to be ultra protective of frenchiness, we are told to accept illegals.

    South America -seriously who cares, although I would want to visit patagonia one day and maybe take that long bike ride.

    Africa - I truly feel bad for them. They really are a shit hole we send lots of people there to try and fix problems and its like trying to fix a radiator with water being your only tool.
    ... continued
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:50:17 No.2031958
    Asia, big area some are very poor and crazy, some are very communist, some are very good with numbers. Japanese you pull your eyes up and Chinese you pull down right?

    Australia - pretty cool, the guy on the discovery channel before it totally sucked was from there. He died from a stingray it was very sad. Crocodile Dundee was a pretty cool movie. That guy knocked out a thief with a can of bean. Also there is a really tall model who is getting kindof older but she was so hot before is from there. She is the host on some tv show now. I don't even know what show it was, so many of the shows on tv now are crappy who is the best dancer/dishwasher/accountant. Anyway I don't know much about Australia.

    Middle East. more trouble than it is worth. Muslims are bad people because they aren't Christians. There I said it.
    But seriously. Its like they are the evil twin brothers of fundamentalist mormons. I guess for that logic you need to cast mormons as good.

    One more thing, about mexico. That place is a third world country, some places are a bit nicer, but even nice mexico is like the shitty parts of phoenix. Some of the resorts are nice I guess, but you are still in mexico.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:50:41 No.2031963
    >I'm going to copy you and do that too.
    Deep south: Redneck hillbillies, Teen Mom, 16 and Pregnant, crazy Christians, ugly accents, and just about everything else to hate.
    The rest: good to go
    California and New York (they get their own category): god tier
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:50:54 No.2031968
    Going off of OP's template because I couldn't name any other countries off the top of my head

    Me: USA
    Canada: slightly different version of USA
    England: class-struggle, over-rebellious youth, but what do you expect when the whole country's some sort of fucking rustic theme park
    Western Europe: their culture is only kept alive by the handful of pretentious americans that still believe contemporary european art is superior
    Eastern Europe, South America: pretty much
    Asian Countries: oppressive shame societies with atrocious cultures
    Middle East: honestly it shocks me that Americans hate the Middle East so much. we have so much in common with them. where else would you find so many violent religious extremists but the U.S. and the Middle East, really? but fuck israel, seriously
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:51:56 No.2031975
    >prancing around the world committing war crimes and evading justice, causing the entire world to hate you for the militaristic, facist scum your government acts like


    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:56:17 No.2032021


    Nat.. hnnnnnng.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:57:12 No.2032028
    That's the best part, they are. You don't have to ADMIT it, the fact that you're ON a US site right now proves it. You can "hate" us all you want, but you damn sure willingly accept all our products, aid, and technology.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)02:57:16 No.2032031
    >war crimes

    Are you familiar with the concept of "total war"? US has gotten soft, I'll give you that. Everyone hates the disciplinarian, though.
    >> HiI'mGoot 04/08/12(Sun)02:59:52 No.2032052
    See England is nothing like that. We have (roughly) the same hot chick to ugly chick ratio as America. No one really cares about class but if your a posh fucker I wouldn't expect a warm welcome from the CHAV community (Council House Adalesent Vermin).
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)03:00:03 No.2032055
    US- Rotting Empire that went from killing nazis to being them.

    Canada- What america would have been without the revolution

    UK- nogunz, open to the prophet's faithful.

    Western Europe- congealing into some sort of backwards republic where they bend over for the people who have been trying to invade them since the dawn of time

    Eastern Europe- Much less PC crap there, they've got their own problems to deal with. Tourists will come back short a few organs.

    Asia- Two categories, perpetually in the industrial revolution and advanced culture chugging full steam into becoming exactly the same as western europe.

    Australia- Believe themselves to be the single most important chunk of land on the planet. Must run something akin to their own national JIDF.

    Africa- Want to see what humanity was like 50,000 years ago?

    Middle East- Must have forgotten how to science at some point, becuase they dropped the fucking ball, and became just more of africa.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)03:00:23 No.2032059
    Me: USA
    Canada (British Columbia): Jovial, cheerful, and the pinnacle of diverse society.
    Canada (beyond BC): Humble, content, pleasant to be around.
    East Asia: Arrogant, holding intelligence and achievement above all else, merciless, unkind.
    Latin America: Filthy, corrupt, simple-minded.
    Europe: Chill, content, progressive.
    England (and France, to some extent): Bogged-down, NEET, diverse society gone wrong, contemptuous, elitist.
    Middle East: Filthy, more cultured than Latin America, simple-minded.
    Iran: The Middle-Eastern version of the United States in the context of government, with its populace just about as cool as Canadians.
    Africa: Nope.jpg. Don't even care.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)03:01:33 No.2032072
    >>Middle East: honestly it shocks me that Americans hate the Middle East so much. we have so much in common with them. where else would you find so many violent religious extremists but the U.S. and the Middle East, really? but fuck israel, seriously

    What the fuck are you smoking, buddy? Americans hate the middle east because they have terrorists and can't get their shit together and stop slaughtering eachother. Americans are terrified of their culture.

    And seriously, when a fundie goes on a rampage in any Western nation (including America) everybody gets really upset and the extremist winds up in prison, or executed. The governments of the Middle East actually SUPPORT these assholes.

    And Israel is a beacon of democracy in this mess. Like it or not, it's a free society. I disagree with the whole "jewish state" thing, and believe that should change.. But they're a helluva lot nicer than any of their neighbors.

    Look at me.. Trying to have an intelligent discussion on 4chan.. What the fuck am I even.....

    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)03:11:44 No.2032151
    Me: USA

    Land of good looking people who drink, party, and go to music festivals all the time. Pretty openly racist and stupidly conservative. Also, fawkin Abbos bruv.
    If the USA was composed of liberal vanilla folk.
    Really mixed bag. Awesome music culture and lots of respected intellectuals. Also, lots of trashy retards. Sort of delusional when comparing their country to the US.
    >Western Europe
    Snobby assholes with a superiority complex. Thinks their shit doesn't stink. Thinks their culture is the only relevant one.
    >Eastern Europe
    >South Korea
    Chip on their shoulders and generally confrontational to Westerners and other Asians. Get butthurt VERY easily.
    Asian country that handled Westernization the best. The people seem generally pretty globally conscious while maintaining their culture.
    Terrifying country fueled by Vodka and men who want to do violence unto you.
    Russia in South America except replace vodka with ass. Also, theirs isn't a cold and stoic violence it's a loud and chaotic one.
    Rivals of the Western world. Rich in culture, philosophy, and intellectuals. Slight superiority complex (especially in the context of other asians). Population seems pretty ignorant of global happenings.

    I still think my country is one of the biggest shit holes in the world, though. Not because of our politics but because of our complacent, paranoid and anti-intellectual population. Everything is an attack on our 'freedoms' and everyone's a materialistic, consuming fuckwit.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)03:20:34 No.2032207
    Me: Germany
    Loud, mostly fat, obsessed with race, narrow minded
    50% like USA, 50% open minded
    >New Zealand
    Very friendly open minded people, except unemployed maoris
    see NZ and change maoris with abos
    what are human rights?
    >South America
    Drug hole
    Don't talk about that place
    >Middle East
    Scum of the earth, breed like roaches, should be eradicated
    PEOPLE LOVE TO BITCH ABOUT ANYTHING. Basically a shithole with wealth.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)03:25:16 No.2032238

    TEAM USA GO!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)03:25:43 No.2032241
         File: 1333869943.jpg-(45 KB, 470x432, 00197305.jpg)
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    >mfw amerifags even bother posting ITT
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)03:27:20 No.2032252
    >mfw Australians are on an American website at all
    >mfw mf is actually a link
    >mfw foreigners are dumb as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)03:29:00 No.2032265
    All of you ignorant american hater fucks are forgetting:

    USA = Create Internet
    USA = Create 4Chan (ok, remix from Japan, but they're cool people too)

    I will admit that Americans fall victim to hateful and patronizing politics, but most humans are not very bright. It's only natural for this to happen. By and large the USA is fucking awesome. Haters gonna hate.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)03:30:54 No.2032285
    Do you know who was Tesla, son?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)03:46:31 No.2032380
    I am from America

    everyone who is not are less than us. your opinions and commentary are unimportant. our military and policies keep you safe while you hate us and put us down.

    FUCK OFF, we don't care about you. if shit really ever does hit the fan and America must recall all our assets to protect the homeland, you will fall to the first invader

    the country you live in may have once been an empire but now it is no more than a joke. your ancestors would be disgusted by you

    America is going nowhere, we have mastered war and EVERYTHING else that matters. vietnam, afghanistan and iraq are nothing, we would glass continents if necessary and no one could stand in our way. you sit back and allow muslims to take over your countries thinking that your government can protect you, HOW? you are already giving your countries to the enemy and not even a single shot has been fired

    you exist because we allow it.
    >> Thunderpork 04/08/12(Sun)03:58:54 No.2032458
    Me: Australia
    USA: Some cool people, where all of the movies are made, diverse and stupid and self-absorbed as fuck
    Canada: laidback lumberjack motherfuckers, awesome and beautiful
    England: an old-ass country that just looks old and bland and sad. although my best friend is english so shrug. ugly women, cute men.
    Western Europe: arsty and diverse; where the ancient history happened
    Eastern Europe: really cool people (generally). frenchpeople are cunts
    Asian Countries: Mostly backwards (except Japan/Korea), racist, older generations and tradition take precedent. Japan is super modern and Chinese are cunts
    Middle East, India: Worst of humanity (of course there are rare exceptions),
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)06:23:16 No.2033201
    Me: USA
    Australia: Lots of wildlife.
    Canada: White-people central.
    England: Decent music. I kinda like this one. Don't care either way about the accent. Think themselves superior to Americans
    Western Europe: Weird, think themselves superior to Americans. Fascinating cultures though.
    Eastern Europe: What now. Not much I think about them.
    Asian Countries: Obedient. Quiet. Pressured society.
    Middle East: Lacking logic.
    India: 80s/90s tech. Masochistic.
    Africa: Tribes. Muddy. Gross
    USA: Loud, spirited, 70% arrogant.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)06:30:20 No.2033225
    Me: Switzerland

    USA: They're pretty cool. Lots of cool research going on, a lot of amazing companies there.
    Canada: Very friendly people, beautiful landscape.
    England: They make good beer, are orderly and very helpful in general. Met a few extremely nice people there.
    Western Europe: They don't really give a fuck, do they.
    Eastern Europe: They have a very different way of living, but they're very charming (especially the older people) once you get to know them. Amazing painters as well.
    Asian countries: I don't really know much about them.
    Middle East, India: They're a bit weird, aren't they?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)06:36:27 No.2033246
    me England
    Australia: foul mouthed pissheads, but generally friendly
    USA: over patriotic, rude to anyone who isn't from their country, mean and stupid
    Canada: not much to say, don't hear anything from them, so fine i guess
    Western Europe: i always imagine posh restaurants and shit, don't know
    Eastern Europe: hot, fine women, soviet Russia and shit
    Asian countries: all too busy playing computer games and making shit, for shit wages
    Middle East: hate israel, war mongerers, don't know too much about them
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)06:39:07 No.2033257
    Me: Australia
    USA: Think they are the land of the free, but are really just a bunch of arrogant assholes oppressing each other. Not a good place to live.
    Canada: A much nicer place than USA. has maple syrup and snow.
    England: Have really hot actors and actresses to fool us into thinking they're not actually unattractive people. Still have cute accents.
    Rest of Europe: I don't know enough about geography to even know what's in here. chocolate, cheese and clothes?
    China: Trying to make the world its bitch. It might be working.
    Japan: Oppressed society, but nice exports. would not live there, though.
    Korea: K-pop and Kimchi. sorry, that's all I know.
    Rest of Asia: mixture of either rich countries with awesome food, or poverty. or both in one country.
    Africa: droughts and starving children that you see on TV all the time.
    South America: Nice food and skimpy clothing.
    Middle East: everyone's trying to fight over oil or something over there, I dunno

    did I miss anything?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)06:39:09 No.2033259
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    >french people are cunts
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)06:41:19 No.2033271
    As a fellow American, shut up please. You are part of the reason everyone hates us.
    >> ParanoidHyperMusicPolice !ynEUGf3h9I 04/08/12(Sun)06:41:35 No.2033272
    The people are lovely and I bet the cities are great but man, I want to live past 30.
    Two completely separate countries. Some places are vibrant, fascinating and great fun with incredibly friendly people, whilst others are run-down shitholes populated by some of the absolute worst of humanity.
    Aesthetically beautiful, with friendly if somewhat uninteresting people.
    >Western Europe
    Fantastic culture, stunning cities but with quite a lot of xenophobes and nasty people.
    >Eastern Europe
    Still living in the shadow of the Cold War. Technologically backwards, culturally void and really rather grey.
    >South America
    A deathtrap.
    >Asian Countries: Mostly backwards (except Japan/Korea) but in an agricultural sense that can be quite appealing. Tradition-based, very stuck in the past. Japan is the exception, but man, fuck Japan. Noise, racism and a disgusting history.
    >Middle East
    A time bomb waiting to go off. Politically trapped in the 15th century but with weaponry of the 21st. Problems made worse, unfortunately, by the West's machinations. Certain positive aspects outweighed by massive negatives.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)06:44:52 No.2033282
    >only knows england in europe
    fucking murrican geography durrrrr
    >> ParanoidHyperMusicPolice !ynEUGf3h9I 04/08/12(Sun)06:45:17 No.2033283

    >America is going nowhere

    I read this differently to how you meant it.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)06:45:34 No.2033288
    >Asian Countries: Mostly backwards (except Japan/Korea), racist, older generations and tradition take precedent

    Uh, what? Is Korea not racist and not super fucking conservative/traditional? In fact probably the most out of all the Asian countries considering how fucking Christian the place is.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)06:50:31 No.2033315
    Me: USA

    Canada: Kin of draft dodgers, lumberjacks, a lot like people from Minnesota
    England: I like them but they don't like me. I would love to live there. They have an inferiority complex.
    Western Europe: France are pussies that talk shit and don't back it up. I like Germany. Germany should smack their shit.
    Eastern Europe: No comment. The movies Hostel and A Serbian Film have probably distorted my view.
    Asian countries: Smart people. Women who like being in the woman role.
    Middle East: War loving religious zealots.
    Australia: Crocodile haters. Surfers. They remind me of the 80s in America.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)06:51:42 No.2033321
    Canadafag here

    >Giant, fucking sprawling, unorganized and too diverse to pin down directly. Midwest thinks their the shit, and the east and west coasts are just kind of annoyingly leftist. And the south is kind of annoyingly rightist.

    Mexico/Central America
    >Best food in west hemisphere, near third world conditions, plagued by tourism. Great people, terrible government

    South America
    >Cheer when there isn't anything to cheer about, celebrate silly things like sports and spicy food. Overall good people, sometimes cocky

    >Think they're America, but do it in a way that's more arrogant than America does, most likely due to accent. At the same time, great accents. Humorous people. Overall not that bad.

    Other Europe
    >Shitload of varying cultures, trying to still be what they were two hundred years ago. Some have the best stats of world health and happiness, but, meh.

    >Can be fun-loving. Sometimes very, VERY high strung. Can't really have a deep conversation with anyone from Asia, intellectually. Yet I'm friends with every Asian person I know.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)06:53:37 No.2033329
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    I hate this thread.
    Why all ideas on other countries should be bad?
    I see relativism.. but damn guys.. you Americans see shit all around, think "Western Europe" (whatever the fuck it means, different countries, languages, cultures, guess you don't know that) is made of stubborn assholes.. why?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)06:54:40 No.2033337
    What is with this massive misconception that there are a lot of Muslims in the UK? They are like 2% of the population.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)06:58:13 No.2033354
    New Zealander.
    Reading the thread now, so please inore f this one's already been done.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:02:06 No.2033373
    Largely because every european acts like a giant asshole when they find out you're american.

    It's become a self-feeding loop at this point.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:02:18 No.2033374
    Why do people always refer to the uk as england? It's really annoying.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:03:07 No.2033379
    Rather arrogant people who seem to EXPECT that everyone loves them and the way they talk.
    A land of great contrast and extremes. You can find all kinds of people here, for better and for worse. My girlfriend is american and i plan on moving there to work, but people are generally too damn talkative and loud for my liking. A lot of people have said that england makes good beer, but IMO the best breweries are from the US (flying dog, great divide etc).
    A lot like scandinavia as far as i understand it. Both people and nature.
    Horrible food and infrastructure, good humor. Still lives with the idea that they rule the world and refuse to face the fact that their empire is long dead.
    >Western Europe:
    Great architecture on the continent, far older and grander things than you can find up here. Self centered and convinced of their own greatness (both germany and france)
    >Eastern Europe:
    Alcoholics and thieves mostly. Not just but especially the gypsies.
    >South Europe:
    Whiny bastards who won't lift a finger unless they have to.
    >East/Southeast Asian Countries:
    Traditional and very peculiar. Generally reserved, quiet and hard working. Great food.
    >Middle East, North Africa:
    I know many secular iranis who fled here after the revolution, they're generally very nice and sane people. But the religious, traditional ones who we see now are violent, sexist, intolerant scum.

    don't have an opinion about south america and central asia because i know too little about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:05:32 No.2033390
    same reason europeans think all americans are loudmouthed, vain, arrogant pricks

    the media
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:07:49 No.2033404
    Me: New Zealand
    USA: Some of the smartest people in the world, but many more bigoted braindead idiots.
    Canada: Beautiful, liberal country, similar to my own. Nice people.
    England: Obvious class strata, unfortunately. America's bitch.

    Western Europe: Hostel
    Asian Countries: Japan, polite, introverted individuals with a beautiful culture, Chinese less introverted but probably just as homogenized, East asian countries still a little backward.
    Middle East, India: These places are completely different. Middle East.. probably mostly good, normal people ruined by some people who don't properly adhere to their "religion of peace." India has interesting and varied people, unfortunate that classed are taken so seriously there.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:08:56 No.2033409
    can only speak for midwest us
    yes we exist and are numerous
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:11:14 No.2033422
    Me: Australia
    Australia: Bogans, bogans everywhere! Can't shut the fuck up about America, constantly copying Americans but can't stop complaining about them and pretending we're so much better than them. Nationalism is our way of patriotism. We can't just be good, everyone else has to be shit. Can be extremely hypocritical at times.

    USA: Way too apathetic. Half of them don't care that their own government and corporations routinely fuck them over, and the other half blindly defend them. Ridiculous shit happens every day there that would cause riots in other countries, but Americans just don't care about anything any more, as long as they have cheap easy entertainment. Religion has far too much power and control.

    Canada: Never spoken to an uncool Canadian. I know it's probably mostly a stereotype, but they all seem so easy to get along with.

    England: Ugly, violent, sociopathic people. Full of hatred. Still hold up their noses at everyone else while their own country flushes down the shitter.

    Western Europe: Real mixed bag. As others have said; a lot of unwarranted arrogance.

    Eastern Europe, South America: Good for nothing, except harming each other. Really hot women and really ugly women, no in between.

    Asian Countries: Kind of insane and xenophobic at times, but not too bad.

    Middle East, India: Terrorists and call centres. Middle Easterners bring down every country they immigrate to.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:12:06 No.2033427
    Me: Canada
    A grab bag of people. Arrogance, but at different levels. Some cool people, all depends on where in the states.
    Still hanging onto ancient beliefs of grandeur. Faced with current challenges, unsure how to move forward. Most ive met are laid back almost too much, but hold themselves ahead of everyone else; "blue blood"
    >Western Europe:
    See above. Trying to move forward without starting a war. Some pretty nice people, generous to help. Seem to think their brand of intellectualism is the only one.
    >Eastern Europe:
    Rough around the edges, still gripping onto the former tails of communism. A little backwards.
    Strict, stay to themselves for the most part, unwilling to join into other societies. Hard working, and forward thinking. Willing to work extra, but sometimes ulterior motives.
    >Central/South America:
    Dirt poor, great tourism spots, beautiful. Mostly nice people, but cant always be trusted. Seem to be sneaky.
    India: Too many people. Seem to think they deserve everything they lay eyes on as land for their people.
    >Middle East: See above. Unwilling to join others, again arrogance, believe their beliefs and rights are the only, and all else are wrong.
    Lots of heat. Never seen snow. Kind of like us Canadians. Misunderstood, but a little tight assed about it.

    We Canadians really keep to ourselves, but we can be super diverse. We are pretty quiet, dont make a fuss, and just want to relax. We are willing to help anybody, but dont ever push us the wrong way.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:12:38 No.2033431

    kangaroos don't care
    Canada Eh? don't care
    Thought that was in Canada for till about 2nd grade... Don't care
    >western Europe
    Don't care
    >eastern Europe
    Don't care
    >Asian countries
    lol, asians aren't real people!
    >middle east
    don't care
    space of aids
    >south america
    love the porn
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:22:44 No.2033491
    ITT: What I heard on my propaganda news and what my racist neighbor told me about the world.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:23:04 No.2033495

    Japs: crazy people who aren't afraid of fun and also very hard-working. on the other hand they sometimes take things too seriously.
    Czech: cool people, make good beer, pretty much Poles in a healthier country
    Germans: some are very very nice people but they're all dumb
    Americans: very varied, range from awesome people to total dipshits, however all seem confined in schematical patterns in everything and every single one is traumatized with something
    English: intelligent, cultured and as much masterrace as they always were, but also too nationalist and stagnated
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:23:08 No.2033496
    Good at sports, good ense of humour, no culture.
    Fascinated by it. Powerful, plentiful, confident, but still somewhat shallow, and not as divine as the people who live there imagine it is.
    Decent, educated people. Like Americans but more reasonable.
    >Western Europe:
    An inspiring place, all of the best and worst things of the last 500 or so years have come from here.
    >Eastern Europe:
    Slowly emerging, but still a backwater.
    >South Europe:
    Aspires to be like Western Europe.
    >East/Southeast Asian Countries:
    Vast difference between the two. Great potential, but enormous amounts of hatred between all parties currently prevents any chance of meaningful regionalism, like the E.U.
    >Middle East, North Africa:
    Weighed down by atavistic religious/cultural mores. Fucked, once the oil runs dry.
    >Sub-Saharan Africa:
    Currently very poor prospects for anything decent. These guys just can't seem to cut a break
    Complete mess, but still shambolically progressing.
    >South America:
    Apart from Brazil (which is on the way up [again]), I have no idea.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:25:08 No.2033500
    I am always REALLY glad to meet Americans.. at least the open minded ones. I think the conservatives, uberchristians, teaparties are a cancer.. well more of a gangrene. Anyway:
    Me: Italy
    USA: Mostly overweight because of, good but terrible food, fun, talkative people, thanks for the movies, no really, thanks.
    Canada: No idea.. partly speak french.. that is bad because all francophone people disregard english and hate you If you don't know french. :\
    England: Terrible food, great umorism, great common sense, organized
    France: I'm sorry but I only met assholes from there, but I met a lot.. so that's statistically accurate.
    Eastern Europe: Poor people, porn, incredible rural landscapes, interesting culture, unfortunate history
    South America: Dunno lol
    Asian Countries: Organized,
    Middle East: People on infinite war without reason set up by: weapon corporations, religious extremist, CIA. They all have such a great culture, fuck stop fighting over shit.
    India: Too messy, but damn interesting
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:26:24 No.2033504

    USA: A lot of porn. Unprofessional is best especially when they are smileing and clearly enjoying themselves.
    England: I think they don't make porn. Perhaps because of teeth problems.
    Australia: Never seen Australian porn.
    Asian: Oh yes I love Asian porn. They are so submissive. But those stupid pixels in a lot of it piss me off. Women don't smile unfortunately.
    Western Europe: Very average. If not below average porn.
    Eastern Europe: Goddesses oh man I love these porn. My absolute favorite. So much skinny blondes I can't get hard enough to satisfy myself as many times I want.
    Middle East: They never smile in their porn. Why? They don't enjoy it?
    India: Oh no thank you. Too much mustaches and various hair and darkness.
    Africa: I feel like AIDS is transmittable through their videos so I don't watch.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:32:36 No.2033541
    Yes, most people seem to understand my beautiful england perfectly.

    We're the grandfather who keeps repeating the same war stories, saying how great him and his generation was and constantly criticises you and everyone else in the family. No-one listens to him or cares what he has to say. All his advice is completely contradictory and useless to today's world. You feel you *have* to invite him to the family get togethers but he really pisses you off and you just wish he would shut up.
    You won't be sad when he dies.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:35:42 No.2033551
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    I like you and I like your post.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:35:59 No.2033552

    Comedy gold, would laugh again!

    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:42:46 No.2033580
    Me: USA

    Canada: Pretty cool guys. And your girls are hot, even if they all look the same, kind of like asians but white and french.
    UK: Boring. Some good musicians. Skins. Chavs. Tea and classist fucks. No further comments.
    Australia: Every Aussie I have met online is a bro.
    New Zealand: Middle Earth.
    Japan: Anime. All of you look the same.
    Korea: Starcraft. All of you look the same.
    China: Chinese men are boring robots. All of you look the same.
    Eastern Europe: Everyone is sexy, but you are all too poor. Move to America for college and marry someone white. Men--American girls love your accent and skin tone. Women--remember that you have a vagina, so your nationality or race doesn't matter.
    South America: Hot women, retarded men. Why does your culture have such great fashion sense?
    Middle East & India: Some hot women, some gross women. All of your men are pervs, some are retarded, some are total bros.
    Africa: Black people. I dunno. Your life sucks.
    Indonesia, Philippines, Samoa, etc: Sexy, slutty, psychotic women.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:48:08 No.2033598
    Slovakia reporting (yeah, we actually have electricity here)

    USA - fat, stupid, ignorant people controlled by corporations. Racial tensions, blacks used as modern slaves in prisons. TV nation, population controlled by fear ("They are threatening our way of live!"). Fucked up urbanism. Some areas are vibrant and cool places with intelligent people (California, New Your, Portland).

    Canada - not much stereotypes here. Quiet, developed country

    Australia - Coastal regions: cool people surfing and always having barbecue with ozone layer teared up above them. Inland ridden with suicides and deserted farms.

    Africa - sad continent, lot of pain and violence. They suffer so the developed countries can live off them. Nigerian delta, oil.

    South America - drug lords, soccer.

    Japan - cool, developed country

    China - shitstorm of low-quality toys and clothes from here, but emerging very fast. Rural areas are very poor. Censorship, oppression of cultural groups like Tibet.

    Russia - The country where never was a democracy. Very sad place to live in. Lots of vodka and stupid people.

    Izrael - Jews, support from USA

    Rest of middle east - small groups of radical muslims, rest of the population ok. War-torn regions.

    UK - Ugly women, class-obsessed.

    Northern Europe - the most developed culture in every aspect, although a little depressed.

    Western Europe - great culture, interesting people

    Germany - always a bit on the extremistic side
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)07:53:57 No.2033622
    >mfw people in this thread think the British consider themselves "royal" or "blue blooded"

    Guys, stop it's incredibly embarrassing for us both.
    Nobody besides actual royals think like this
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:05:55 No.2033694
    What this thread has taught me is that a lot of people think they know a lot about the UK but actually have no idea. This 'lost empire' thing is especially bemusing. About the only thing you're getting consistently right is the class obsession.

    -Too vast to generalise accurately, but overall culturally insular and know very little about other countries (especially when they think they do).
    -Nicer version of the USA, colder too, but more similar to Britain. Decent place but image tarnished by recent youth 'riots'.
    -Probably the country most similar to ours. Previously thought them to be reasonable people who are the only ones to truly 'get' British humour, and thought we had a friendly rivalry, but this thread seems to imply a lot of hatred on your end. Sorry chaps.
    >Eastern Europe
    -Wild wild east. Good place to go if you want to impress gorgeous women with your money but careful you don't get murdered.
    >Asian countries
    -Monocultural and all the better for it. Strange traditions and occasional disregard for human life bring it down though.
    >Middle East
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:08:30 No.2033709
    >China - shitstorm of low-quality toys and clothes from here
    >but... everything is made in china, half of which isn't shit quality
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:10:46 No.2033726
    Australian here.

    I dig your music, movies and television, but a lot of the people seem so dull and conforming. So unable to accept things or people that are different. Some crazy views on religion and politics, which you all take way too seriously. Americans can be cool people, but never discuss those two subjects with them.
    Sometimes I get the impression you like being treated like walking wallets by your massive corporations that just want to fuck you out of your money.
    Most of your accents are very plain. Just kind of... neutral. There are some cool sounding ones, and some real awful ones too.

    So bitter. Young English people are the worst. It's like they're all sociopaths just wanting to cause others pain because it's the only way they can achieve an erection. But then every older English person I've ever met has been extremely affable and kind. It's the weirdest thing ever. I wonder at what age this change happens.
    Terrible, disgusting sounding accents that these days are just butchered, bastardised versions of how the English language is supposed to sound. (Not that I can complain as an Australian. Most of our accents are almost as bad, and all of our slang is just fucking retarded.)

    >Scotland and Ireland
    England-lite. Except the people are often more friendly, at least when sober. They also have charming accents.

    >Middle East
    Some of the worst the world has to offer, and unfortunately they're spreading and infecting other countries.

    Aids. starvation, warlords. What else?

    Very insular, closed off. Technologically exciting.

    >South America
    Uh.... beaches, drug cartels.

    Never talked to an unpleasant Canadian. I know they must be out there, where do you hide them?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:15:31 No.2033757
    I meant to mention Canadian accents. At first I couldn't tell the difference between Canadian and American accents, but after a while I started to notice differences. And now Canadian accents just amuse me for some reason.

    Also, I have never understood where this "aboot" stereotype comes from. I've never spoken to a Canadian that pronounces it like that. "Aboat"? Yeah, kind of. But not "aboot".
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:19:22 No.2033779
    Americans: Your food is terrible. And I mean that mostly in a health way. Is there anything that isn't either deep fried or doesn't have high fructose corn syrup in it? You guys really need to learn that just because something looks delicious it doesn't mean you should eat it.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:21:06 No.2033788
    Me: USA

    >Australia: Think they're important for some reason when they have not contributed anything to the world, copy the English, annoying accents.

    >Canada: America jr except much less important.

    >Britain: Tough people, generally cool accents, amazing military.

    >Africa: Very friendly people, but regarded as violent because of the few savages.

    >Germany: Smart, friendly people who should be more proud.

    >Middle East: 50% Friendly, 50% crazy.

    >Poland: Friendly people, like Russians.

    >Eastern Europe: Amazing history and culture, but thought of as crazy communists thanks to ignorance.

    >Sweden: I always just think of Sweden as everyone wearing skinny jeans and being a bit of a pussy, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:22:29 No.2033794
    Me USA

    USA: Racism, Discrimination
    Canada: Eating beans and freezing to death
    Mexico: Mexico #2 Drugs, Lawn Care, Home Depot

    South America: Mexico #3

    Britain: Sexy women, Durka Durka Land #2
    France: Bread and Hats, Classical Music
    Germany: Ahead in technology and women
    Ireland: Drunks
    Spain: Original Mexico
    Holland: Weed Capitol City
    Finland, Norway, Sweden: Metal Music Producers
    Everything Else In Europe: Africa, but with white people

    Africa: Diamonds, Gold, Aids
    South Africa: Black people and white people

    Japan: Ahead in technology
    Rest of Asia: Pig nose women
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:23:55 No.2033803
    east europe dangerous?

    Nigga u srs?

    I've been to Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine, got drunk as fuck in every place and staggered back to where I lived at every possible time of night and day. Not a hair fell of my head, while in america you apparently get shot for skittles or accidentally stepping on someone's yard.

    Well, honestly Ukraine can get a bit scary but the other places were fine and never did I feel threatened
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:25:56 No.2033818
    Me: Russia
    USA: Retarded multiculturist inbreds, obsessed with power, money and spreading their "ideals"
    Canada: Socialist, North America's version of Sweden.
    England: Ugly people, former empire becomes a colony general.
    Western Europe: Snobby, yet have great historical monuments which are unfortunately overshadowed by the non-white tide.
    Central Europe: Not as brainwashed as Western Europe but slowly getting there.
    Eastern Europe: Very nationalistic, land of opportunity but also too many gangs and mafias.
    South America: Overrated slum, with some very nice European settlements.
    Asian Countries: Say goodbye to your rights and hello to overpopulation, tropical disease, cancer villages, disgusting food, same-looking people, materialism and no progress aside from copying other people's work.
    Middle East: Land that has been fought over since the beginning of time, full of strange breeds
    India: Overpopulated, disease ridden, yet has very interesting monuments and culture.
    Sweden: Mongoloid retards who think they are vikings, while niggers fuck their women and cuckold them.
    Moscow: Big city USA circa 1930's/1940's
    Rest of Russia: Aside from a few enclaves, very poor, full of caucasian sub-humans, own government selling us out.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:27:59 No.2033830
    You fucking idiots talk about different countries including the US and European ones, but when it comes to Asians and Africans, you only talk about them as whole continents.

    That is my judgment from this thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:27:59 No.2033831
    High murder rates imply that those places are dangerous. Anecdotal evidence doesn't mean much in the light of statistics.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:33:09 No.2033859
    >He thinks korea and japan aren't backwards countries
    hahaha oh wow.
    I'm both a huge koreaboo and weeaboo, even I accept that those countries are fucked up
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:34:46 No.2033869

    That's why I like talking with americans

    It took me a couple minutes of googling and voila - the homicide rates per 100,000 are on the level of most east european states (counting those in the EU) in only seven states. The other states all have higher rates.

    Enjoy your pinnacle of civilization
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:36:43 No.2033888
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    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:37:08 No.2033895
    I'm not American. So to me both America and all the countries you mentioned have high murder rates.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:38:58 No.2033906

    apologies for calling you american then, but you do realize there are very few places safer than the EU on this planet, do you?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:40:10 No.2033914
    Me : Switzerland
    Rest of the world : Plebs
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:41:43 No.2033923

    you're just glorified krauts
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:43:50 No.2033933

    I agree with these sentiments, I am not Swiss myself, but Switzerland is truly a country to look up to.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:44:19 No.2033939
    >religious and fat dummies with shit educational system and healthcare
    >government shitting on their own people
    >tryhard worldpolice
    >good movies tho
    >bunch of inbreds on their little island
    >fat and stupid mostly
    >a few great universities
    >good comedy
    >a country with few people living decently, mainly just a piece of shit wasteland
    >alcoholism( inb4 look who's talking)
    >nobody can drive
    Southern europe
    >euroniggers who cannot into economy
    >pay your debts, cunts
    >everything is poisonous and will kill you
    >beyond repair
    Southern America
    >mainly a shithole with drug-related crimes&violence
    >only japan has decent standards of living
    >overpopulated as fuck
    >nobody can drive (especially india, thailand, vietnam...)
    >lol at north korea
    >like finland, but with happier people and more sunshine
    >a country-sized soviet concrete block
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:46:44 No.2033954
    Me: England
    Going to try to go by countries that I actually have experience of the people.
    USA: Fatties who are so easily butthurt by everything that they can't enjoy our brilliant TV.
    Canada: Why do you people even tell me you're Canadian, I'm still going to consider you to be from the USA
    France: Stuck up, unfriendly and it sounds like you're vomiting when you speak.
    Ireland: Straightforward and hardworking, no sense of political corectness (this is a great thing) And everyone is fair game to have the piss taken out of them. Food is awful though.
    Wales: Patriotic in the most annoying way. Wales is shit, stop being proud of it.
    Korean: Polite and friendly, but lack much personality (probably because their culture is so amazingly homogenous. I imagine it's the same for japan, but they at least have some mainstream rebellion like fashion and music and shit)
    Phillipines: Funny and laidback, not too traditionalist compared to other asian countries. Tasty food.
    Indian: I have lived in england for the majority of my life, in one of the most multicultural parts of london. I have no opinions on indians. They just sort of exist. They provide me with lots of helpful things though. They own cornershops and are doctors, I like them.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:47:10 No.2033956
    USA Here?
    Australia, not so bad of a place, pretty biodiverse. Takes a lot from Western Europe.
    Central Asia, little bit fucked up, but islamic culture clashes are to blame
    Eastern Asia, long history of weirdness, but has some nice entertainment. Even though most of it is horrendous
    Latin America, doesn't seem so bad. If you can get rid of the Brown BR
    Western Europe, a heavily dense place, with multiple cultures to boot. Almost all modern entertainment takes from it. Influences out the as, too vague to stereotype.
    Eastern Europe, still dense, but on the more poverty side. Has had a rough time with extreme governments, but that's all but done now.
    Canada, USA Jr with different ways to slur words
    Mexico, a grand ally to the United States, but not without difficulty.
    India, thousands of years of a broken kingdom, and now has been formed to be a quite a powerhouse. Not without its troubles though.
    Africa, the west side is shit, and so is that far east ends. The north and the south sort of look promising though. Arabia can be a bit "off" but it would be nice to meet people there.

    I think that wraps it up.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:47:43 No.2033960
    Just thought of a tagline.

    "Eastern Europe: At least we're not South America!"
    >> Fuck Capcha 04/08/12(Sun)08:52:01 No.2033989
    Me: USA (Ohio)
    Australia: Everything's posionous. Everyone complains about abbos.

    Canada: In Canada, milk comes in bags.

    England: Colorful accents. (Yes, I am aware that there's many types, think Amerifat from New York City vs Amerifat from Lousiana.) Everyone complains about chavs.

    Western Europe: I think everyone here hates us.

    Eastern Europe: I hear it's a shithole.

    South America: Drugs. Rainforest.

    Asian Countries: More and more of our stuff comes from here.

    Middle East: Things blow up.

    India: Don't drink the water.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:55:15 No.2034008
    >mfw no-one mentions northern europe, only west, south and east
    >mfw i have no face because best europe
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:56:05 No.2034016
    Me: UK

    USA: Complete asshats, still think think they run the world, fundie christians are entertaining however

    Australia: Broest of bros if it wasn't for dem abos

    Western Europe: Great culture if can ignore the tourists, people are nobheads however

    Eastern Europe: Great culture if you can not die, people are nobheads however

    Asian Countries: Indians are bros and hate pakistanis just as much as uk, maybe even more, don't know much beyond this
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:59:40 No.2034038

    Mostly because aside from welfare queens, niggers and sand niggers, no one gives a shit about your retarded countries.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)09:04:48 No.2034063
    Scandinavia? Uppity nanny-state places where negro immigrants are valued more highly than the native population. A place where feminists force you to sit down to pee, but only after pegging you with a barbed wire dildo as punishment for being born male. Am I close?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)09:05:50 No.2034067
    everyone else : we don't give a shit here ... fuck with us and we'll go world war 3 on your ass...we don't exactly care if we lose either as long as you fuckers die in droves
    other than that we're cool with everyone
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)09:09:06 No.2034092

    Well with all those Turk/Muslim hordes fucking you in the ass and making you drink mohammed cum, your threats are laughable at most.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)09:09:25 No.2034095
    Me: USA
    Canada: We have socialized healthcare!
    England: awesome and gross accents all in one country, setting for many of my favorite novels, dr. who. seems like they have meh food and some really douchebaggy teenagers
    Western Europe: beautiful accents, cool history, dark hair and eyes
    Eastern Europe: hate americans, diverse culture, good food
    South America: dat ass, the galapagos, huge income differences in major cities
    Asian Countries: traditional, very intelligence and respect-focused, interesting food and vastly different culture from america
    Middle East, India: Intelligent and underappreciated, a lot of them are going to american colleges, women can be gorgeous
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)09:11:48 No.2034106
    I was going to reply ,but >>2034092 already worded it so eloquently.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)09:14:14 No.2034115

    My main language is french, bitch
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)09:14:33 No.2034116
    Me: India
    Australia: Where a lot of our mid-tier students go. Seems ok except for some racism against Indians there.
    USA: Land of opportunity. Most people in India (except Muslims and Hindu extremists) have a positive opinion. Some rednecks, but a good life for your family.
    Canada: See above.
    England: Former imperialist oppressor. Most older people hate the fucking British (e.g my grandfather - he marched with Gandhi, Amritsar massacre, etc) Most younger people don't care or want to move there.
    Western Europe: Nobody really cares because nobody can speak their languages or moves there.
    Eastern Europe: Ok because they helped us out a bit with military stuff when we were socialist.
    South America: No opinion.
    Asian Countries: For the most part ok, except for China and fucking Pakistan. Don't even get me started about fucking Pakistan.
    Middle East: A lot of people move to the Gulf for jobs. Otherwise seen as an intolerant bigot heaven.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)09:20:36 No.2034137

    >CAIR makes a joke out of the u.s justice system
    >ground zero mosque was planned at the site of a major terrorist attack
    >you will literally get killed if you bother saying anything about islam publicly
    >obama is literally sucking brown dick , sending billions of dollars to countries he KNOWS are using it on terrorism/subjugation of their people because of oil

    we got 1 out of 4 here ... not too shabby considering
    besides ... try living as a turk in berlin where i live ... i fuckin' dare you
    you'll immediately have 0 hope for any meaningful employment , will be a social pariah , and ...well you'd be a muslim 3rd gen which means ... your parents don't speak a word of german , there's honor killings to consider ...oh and everyone looks at you worse than if you weigh 400lbs

    hf with that
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)09:22:52 No.2034148

    Bro you're not even German, go back to Turkey you fucking piece of shit.


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