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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

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    File :1225872518.jpg-(46 KB, 400x640, phpsR.jpg)
    46 KB Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)03:08:38 No.2029618  
    So, do I need to turn in my guns now? Please don't put me in jail, President Obama... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)03:15:25 No.2029701
    President-elect Obama here,

    You'll have to turn in your guns by Friday, or i'm going to have you executed.

    Lots of love,
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:23:06 No.2032179
    Who the fuck holds an MP5-SD9 that way?

    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:43:30 No.2032306
    more like who writes a 6 like a 9 retard
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:44:46 No.2032320
    Clearly Obama is going to take away all of your guns just like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton did. Rush Limbaugh told me they would and they did. Rush is always right.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:46:57 No.2032337
    Assault Weapons Ban
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:47:21 No.2032342
    don't worry, McCain lied to you, your guns are safe. BUT NOT YOUR RELIGION HAHAHAHAAHAH
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:48:23 No.2032347
    im an atheist but I do like my guns
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:49:42 No.2032353

    that ended up repealing all of those "evil features" for all of what? 16 years? or whatever, I don't care, I knew people who legally owned, bought and transferred kalishnikovs, AR-15s, whatever though out the lifetime of that worthless bill.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:50:15 No.2032356
    Dude, you're taunting Grand Atheist Station with Religion?

    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)09:55:31 No.2032376

    in my defense I lack sleep and food.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)10:07:47 No.2032439
    Sadly not as atheist as one might think, else all the religion war threads would be completely one sided. There are more than a few christfags here. And no, I'm not one of them. I can smell faith. It sickens me.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)10:13:51 No.2032479
    So why aren't you a soliphist?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)10:18:02 No.2032509
    Sure it's not just some "devils advocates"?

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