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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08


    Minor update posted to the news page. Major update coming "soon."

    File :1225803967.jpg-(13 KB, 250x268, PS_child_gun_250.jpg)
    13 KB Guns Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)08:06:07 No.2018231  
    Guns should be outlawed in any home that has a child under the age of 18 in it, a criminal or someone with a history of mental illness.

    See why:
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)08:08:54 No.2018244
    guns should be outlawed in EVERY home except if the owner's job involves hunting, police forces or military.

    why should a normal guy even have a gun? if someone dangerous needs to be shot in your home, he should be shot by the police.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)08:10:20 No.2018248
    Guns should be required in every home, and children should be taught how to use them in school.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)08:11:05 No.2018251
    And one would counter that the police aren't in your home 24/7.

    Not me, though, since I'm apathetic.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)08:12:13 No.2018254

    The American police would be more likely to shoot the homeowner, shoot his dogs, taze his children and then gently escort the criminal away to his luxury jail cell with free cable and all expenses paid.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)08:14:47 No.2018264
    >Guns should be outlawed in any home

    >> S. Iwata 11/04/08(Tue)08:14:53 No.2018265
    Disagree on the first, somewhat agree on the second, mostly agree on the last.

    What about rural areas where it takes forever for a sherrif to get to you?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)08:16:03 No.2018273
    I would really wish people would stop thinking jail and prison are a luxary hand-out.

    I'd rather be homeless than be in prison.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)08:16:33 No.2018275
    lol that's all kinds of funny
    I'd like to say this is an isolated case of a dad being a retard (how does a 3 year old get a fucking loaded unlocked gun?)
    But it really does happen too often

    I agree with >>2018254
    Criminals really have more rights for some odd reason, it's fucking nuts. Life sucks everywhere you live.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)08:19:42 No.2018297

    then the police force in rural area doesn't work and those kind of areas should enforce their police forces. simple! :)
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)08:46:27 No.2018436
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)08:49:00 No.2018457

    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)08:53:51 No.2018493
    >gun in the glovebox
    bullshit. I always keep a gun on either side of the driver's seat, so that I can get it out from either direction. I also keep a knife tapped to the bottom of my car seat.

    I've actually gotten out of a robbery in newark because of it.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)08:56:29 No.2018510
    I like my civilian model M-16.

    Go away statist.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)08:58:19 No.2018520
    The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it.

    -Thomas Jefferson
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)08:59:49 No.2018525

    It's illegal to drive a car in New Jersey with a loaded within arm reach of the driver or passengers. Enjoy your felony conviction.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:00:35 No.2018529
    The original's on youtube. They cut out the first part where the dad fires a shot into the air as they usually do in celebrations. He actually hands the gun to the kid right after.
    Here you see the kid imitating dad.

    I wish I saved the link.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:02:53 No.2018545
    I don't live in newark nj, I live in newark delaware
    (pronounced new-ark not new-erk)

    we've had a rise in crime in the past several years
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:03:45 No.2018553
    All you proved is that dumbass minorities shouldn't have guns.

    "JeJe, look at little Conswalla, she look so cute with papi's pistola"
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:15:43 No.2018633
    There was an article out just a couple weeks ago where a white parent gave his kid and uzi and the kid shot himself in the head
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:16:17 No.2018635
    No, idiots shouldn't be allowed to have guns. The majority of people that own them legally use them responsibly.

    And no one should EVER give a kid that young a loaded gun. Ever.

    I grew up in a rural town and my father is a pretty avid hunter, so maybe I just grew up seeing guns used responsibly - ie locked in gun cabinets with gun locks, the ammo kept in a separate locked cabinet, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:18:00 No.2018652

    This, I am very much for the right to bear arms, but people have to use them responsibly.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:20:19 No.2018667

    Yeah, that kid was 8 years old and the people at the gun show let him fire off a fully automatic uzi at their firing range. The kickback turned the gun right towards his face and he blew his head off.

    And just days ago on Halloween a crazy guy shot and killed a child who was trick or treating. He also wounded the kid's brothers and father.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:21:10 No.2018671


    If people are stupid and shoot themselves that is their problem.

    Be smart and safe.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:23:04 No.2018681
    Nobody should be denied access to guns. The more accidental shooting deaths in those idiot families, the better.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:24:09 No.2018689
    Crazy guys obviously shouldn't have guns.

    What state was that in? A lot of states (especially in the South) have a fairly lax screening process for buying guns.

    To get a handgun permit in NY, not only do you have to submit an application stating your intended use for the handgun, you have to have a sit down face to face meeting with a state trooper to talk about why you want the gun, and they're ultimately the one who decides if you get it or not.

    It's easy to fake not being crazy on paper, harder to do it in person.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:24:18 No.2018692
    Kid probably got knocked out by that too. Hopefully neither of them can reproduce anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:25:05 No.2018697

    I assume you gentlemen are aware of this, no?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:26:23 No.2018705

    Yeah, it was a Southern Red State (always is). It happened in South Carolina.

    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:27:32 No.2018711

    Edmonton Sun?

    That paper is written for people with a grade 4 reading ability. Pick up the Journal at least, fellow edmontonfag.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:30:19 No.2018733
    Here's a thought I had the other day: what if, say, filing a tax return the previous two years were a requirement as part of the background check for purchasing a firearm? The idea being, I suppose, to determine that the individual is at least somewhat socially responsible. Would this make any kind of real difference?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:30:23 No.2018734

    It was just the first google result for "trick or treater shot".
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:39:01 No.2018797
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    This is why guns should never be banned.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)09:47:00 No.2018853
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    Causation and correlation, the flaw in every gun nut's argument. If you can prove to me that those figures are causally linked, I'll believe you. But right now you might as well be telling me how the lack of pirates is causing the rise in global warming.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:03:01 No.2018994
    how about this correlation:
    You are a woman with a purse, and have a gun in your pocket. A thug comes out of an ally and tries to mug you. You pull out the gun, and he backs off.

    stop talking out your ass
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:04:11 No.2019005
    Or he shoots the woman while she is fumbling around in her purse
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:05:11 No.2019013

    That's not correlation, that's an anecdote.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:06:41 No.2019023
    I'm an eurofag, and I want a gun.
    I know this isn't /k/, but what do you guys think about automatic weapons/assault rifles?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:07:37 No.2019030
    why would she fumble around in her purse when she has a gun right there in her pocket?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:11:55 No.2019068
    I gave you a correlation in the form of an anecdote
    the point is that I just gave you a very broad and general reason why carrying a gun prevents robbers/rapists/whatever the fuck from messing with you. It makes sense, and if you need some type of statistical field experiment to prove that, then you're a fucking moron with no common sense.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:14:33 No.2019087
    I like Louisiana's system. If you have a permit (super expensive), it's ok. You basically have automatic weapons to protect the weapons you sell. A regular retard like me does not deserve a 240Bravo, even though I have military and police experience.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:15:58 No.2019098
    I don't know. I've never been for protecting people from themselves. If it's the adults who are in danger, well, the children are dependents and it's the adults job to protect themselves from their children. If you can't keep your gun away from your kids, you deserve whatever's coming.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:19:53 No.2019132
    If you believe no citizen deserves to have a gun, you have never been the victim of a crime.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:22:02 No.2019151
    and common sense makes a comeback

    I'm really tired of all the bullshit we have these days.
    If you leave a loaded gun out and your child shoots himself, it must be the gun maker/ gun seller/ the governments fault! It is definately not the parent's fault!

    people need to start claiming responsibility for their problems
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:25:34 No.2019178
    Sounds good. So, would you recommend any specified models?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:28:53 No.2019194

    I've been a victim of a crime and I realize that a gun would only have made a bad situation worse.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:30:15 No.2019208

    I would suggest the .357 magnum
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:41:41 No.2019291
    Worse for the poor, poor criminal, right?

    Long barrel or short barrel?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:44:15 No.2019318
    People who want to ban guns = irrational.

    For example, they will say irrational things like "guns cause crime", "If you have a gun you will only hurt yourself", "I don't need a gun because I can just use martial arts.", or hell even "I don't need a gun because I don't need to defend myself."

    Gun control activists are deluded. They want to restrict the freedoms and liberties of other people [though not criminals] for their own benefit.

    The first thing you should ask when a gun control nutter goes on about banning guns: "Have you ever fired a gun before?" They haven't. Time and time again, they haven't fired a gun. They don't know anything about guns, they don't know the difference between an assault pistol, a barrel shroud, a shoulder thing that goes up, or semi-automatic firearms. They have no clue what singlestacking and doublestacking means, and they don't know the difference between a magazine and a clip.

    At the heart of the matter, gun control activists are arguing from a position of ignorance and intolerance, and they do it with a perverse irrationality that makes religious evangelists envious.

    At this point in time, banning guns in the United States will not work. There are too many guns, a ban will not have any positive effect on gang related crimes and it won't stop everyday crimes. It would also further undermine the Constitution. There is a great deal of legal precedent and framework around ALL the amendments and the Constitution itself, you can't cherry pick what you want removed without making it possible to remove others.

    Gun control will not work in America. Alcohol prohibition did not work in America. The war on drugs is not working in America. A gun ban will not work in America.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:58:24 No.2019447
    I live in Canada. The Liberal parties here are trying to ban guns. So you would figure gun crime in Canada is a severe problem.

    Funny thing - it isn't. In fact, gun related deaths [About 70% of them suicides] have been trending downwards here. Consider this: in 26 years [1970-1996] we had 37,399 firearm related deaths 14% of them were homicides. The United States has around this many deaths per year.


    But gun control activists want to ban guns anyways. It doesn't matter that there's hardly any gun crime, and that most of the gun related deaths are suicides. It doesn't matter that they need to spend disproportionate amounts of money to stop a few deaths here and there. All that matters is their dislike for guns. At heart gun control activists are self-serving and selfish. They feel it is a small price to pay that people can't go target shooting anymore. They don't even own a firearm though, so what do they care for target shooting? What liberties do they lose in a gun ban?

    In reality, they lose the right to defend themselves, [which they don't use] but gain the right to dictate how other honest people behave. Which they will use and abuse as much as they can. Gun control activists are the cancer killing our western countries. They do not want freedom, they want nanny states and police states where they can *feel* safe from harm.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)11:04:12 No.2019490
    In during: second amendment, making yourself a victim, guns don't kill people, guns in hands of criminals,...
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)11:06:58 No.2019507
    inb4: guns cause crime, don't need to defend yourself, useless liberty, criminals dont use banned guns, outdated amendments,...
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)11:19:49 No.2019608
    All weapons besides hunting rifles should be banned for civilians.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)11:26:26 No.2019670
    You sound like a swede to me. Hm, I'm pretty sure that you're a swede or something which is related to swedes. That "argument" pops up all the time when swedes start talking about such things. Well, it wouldn't surprise me if you're a swede, since all swedes on 4chan are fucking retarded. Not even trollin' here.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)11:37:42 No.2019785
    Care to describe what a 'hunting rifle' is?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)12:33:11 No.2020358

    Nearly forty thousand deaths in 26 years? Given the size of Canadas population that sounds a lot to me. Given the uselessness of guns in normal life, why not just ditch them? There are plenty of other pastimes.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)13:03:59 No.2020597
    "Plenty of other past-times." Says you the guy who isn't losing anything by banning guns. Of course you don't care about evil gun owners going to shooting ranges and having fun, because you don't do it. You lose nothing by banning it.

    >Nearly forty thousand deaths in 26 years?
    It works out to an average of 1,385 deaths per year over 26 years. 14% being homicides [and most of those being gang on gang shootings.] 79% being suicides, 2% being cops shooting a criminal/someone and 5% being accidents.

    This comes out to 193 homicides with a firearm every year in Canada, with a population of ~30 million.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)13:09:21 No.2020632
    Trolls trolling trolls up in hur
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)13:20:00 No.2020720
    Way to be a shitty troll. I'm a britfag and I agree with that sentiment. Hanguns are for killing people, pure ad simple, at least with hunting weapons they have another use.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)13:23:09 No.2020760
    Yeah, but you britfags banned pretty much all your weapons, period.

    And not one of you answered my question on what a hunting rifle is. Define it. Surely you can come up with something more technical than "It's a rifle for killing animals."
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)13:32:29 No.2020855
    My dad was shot to death, probably the most major event in my life.

    I am against banning firearms, though. If you ban the guitar people will still make music.
    >> P3epe.tk !!o3dGqMjG/66 11/04/08(Tue)13:41:35 No.2020940
    Guns are not legal where I live unless you get a permit and that's hard to achieve but I think people here should ignore that law and have one to protect their lives and property.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)13:44:57 No.2020975
    The thing is, both liberals and conservatives are right about gun control. Conservatives come from rural areas where guns are primarily used for protection and hunting. Liberals comes from urban areas where guns are used primarily to commit crime.

    Something in the way guns are handled needs to change, but neither side is providing a comprehensive solution. I think gun safety education should be mandatory in schools right along with sex ed. Kids should be put through safety training so they know how to handle a gun safely if they ever encounter one.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)13:45:21 No.2020979
    Quit trying to protect people from themselves...
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)14:17:56 No.2021248

    I'm trying to protect MYSELF from lunatics with deadly guns.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)14:24:41 No.2021291
    Survival of the fittest.
    Also notice the little girls technique.
    You have to admire her respect to the business end
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)14:26:16 No.2021300
    Move to another country. You belong in East Germany, Soviet Russia, or Great Britain, not America.

    Something I want you to keep in mind: Convicted felons in the States cannot own firearms. Criminals are not allowed to have guns. Does that stop them from having guns? Well, it stops them about as well as a gun free zone stops a shooting in a school.

    If you were truly concerned about your own safety, you would move to another country, and never drive a car again. Yeah that's right, did I mention that your idiot neighbor is several times more likely to kill you with his car than with his gun? You live in a state of irrational fear of firearms when there are many other things you interact with every day that are more likely to kill you. Your car or someone elses car being a prime example.

    Stop turning America into a nanny-state and go live somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)14:29:31 No.2021314

    I'm also more likely to be killed by electricity than a nuclear bomb, are you suggesting we should hand out nukes to everyone in America? Don't be an idiot. People as dumb as you aren't capable of handling a firearm safely.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)14:46:22 No.2021466
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    Do you not realize how similar this is to someone trying to protect themselves or others from dangerous words?

    Do you even know HOW to operate a firearm? No? I didn't think so.

    Also, way to fallacious argument, batman. This is why you anti-gun nuts are called out as being irrational. Everything you say is just one fallacy after another, people like you seem almost incapable of thinking logically.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)14:49:53 No.2021507

    ...so did Hitler's gun registration lead to lower crime rates?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)14:56:14 No.2021574
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    No, but it did let the Gestapo do their business essentially unmolested.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)14:56:33 No.2021578
    >if someone dangerous needs to be shot in your home, he should be shot by the police.

    I SO hope that someday the police will find the dead bodies of you and your raped family members, after driving about 5-10 minutes to try to save your defenseless asses.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)14:59:08 No.2021607
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    Here's the perfect gun propaganda poster for this.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)15:07:10 No.2021700
    OP is an obvious troll, parents who get shot by their own kids like that deserve it.

    Gun bans wouldn't change shit anyway, even if all guns magically vanished (which is impossible, look at the war on drugs). People would just be killing each other with knives, rocks, crossbows, hammers, zip guns, molotov cocktails, etc. It makes no difference.

    People who support gun bans just watch too many violent movies and associate guns with death. My parents have half a brain and keep the guns locked up, we use them for target shooting, that's it.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)15:21:57 No.2021877
    Yeah. Fuck the constitution! It's just a god damn piece of paper!
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)16:38:33 No.2022539
    If everyone all the sudden is allowed to carry a gun, this makes things more difficult not only for law enforcement but it's going to make the outcomes of crime much worse across the board.

    I'm not just talking about criminals getting shot. If a criminal has more of a reason to suspect that his victim is going to have a gun, he's going to be more aggressive with the gun. Criminals use guns not to kill people, but for intimidation, in most cases. A lot of the time they never expect to need to actually shoot the gun. Therefore, more people will be shot as the result of crime.

    My thoughts were all over the place there, but hopefully some of you gunfags get the point I'm trying to make.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)16:39:59 No.2022551

    Well, that's what George W. Bush said and a Republican could never be wrong...
    >> gun fag 11/04/08(Tue)16:48:21 No.2022619
    /k/ammando here and i'm trained at winning arguments about gun-control .

    Ask me anything
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)16:49:39 No.2022627
    My wife won't let me keep a gun in the house. Should I divorce her?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)16:51:09 No.2022639
    I have some news for you:

    >If everyone all the sudden is allowed to carry a gun, this makes things more difficult not only for law enforcement but it's going to make the outcomes of crime much worse across the board.

    There are several towns in the States who have done precisely this. Now, according to you, the crime has got to be staggeringly bad when it happens.

    But it isn't.




    Some key quotes:

    >Prior to enactment of the law, Kennesaw had a population of just 5,242 but a crime rate significantly higher (4,332 per 100,000) than the national average (3,899 per 100,000). The latest statistics available - for the year 2005 - show the rate at 2,027 per 100,000. Meanwhile, the population has skyrocketed to 28,189.

    >By comparison, the population of Morton Grove, the first city in Illinois to adopt a gun ban for anyone other than police officers, has actually dropped slightly and stands at 22,202, according to 2005 statistics. More significantly, perhaps, the city's crime rate increased by 15.7 percent immediately after the gun ban, even though the overall crime rate in Cook County rose only 3 percent. Today, by comparison, the township's crime rate stands at 2,268 per 100,000.

    >This was not what some predicted.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)16:52:31 No.2022654
    Constitution is outdated, dumbass. It was written a long time ago. We live in a completely different world now and the constitution needs to be updated to reflect that. Guns are no longer acceptable in 'civilized' society.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)16:54:10 No.2022670
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    The only way you could enforce that is if you also get rid of the other amendments. Enjoy your police state.
    >> gun fag 11/04/08(Tue)16:54:35 No.2022675
    explain to her all the reasons why it good to have a gun and shoot down every anti-gun propaganda thing she says and promise to buy a gun safe
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)16:54:48 No.2022678
    Why does everyone here believe that this will stop criminals from having guns? It didn't work in Britain.

    The ones who have them in Britain have them, and the ones who don't are by and large physically powerful or in large enough numbers that no law-abiding person can handle them without a gun.

    These are simple facts about the world we live in, yet somehow you people don't understand.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)16:57:10 No.2022699
    Autismfag here.

    The whole "mental illness" clause is too vague.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)16:57:31 No.2022702
    Actually it did work in Britain. Gun crime is extremely low in proportion to the US.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)16:58:44 No.2022714

    Everyone already is able to carry a gun, regardless of the law. Stop with the bullshit that "you're more likely to get shot if you have a gun", if criminals know people are more likely to be armed they're probably going to back off. They're not going to risk their lives to mug someone.

    If the criminal has a gun and you don't then you're fucked, you are at the complete mercy of the criminal. If you have a gun and know how to use it then you at least have a chance of not getting raped / ending up in the bottom of a lake.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)16:59:06 No.2022715
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    That's because gun control advocates don't base their opposition on rationalization and logical thinking. They base it off fear, control of others, and emotion.

    Also, picture related to what >>2022654 said.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)16:59:06 No.2022716
    You completely misunderstood the post. I can't talk to you because you are too stupid.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)17:00:32 No.2022726

    Look at violent crime in general, it's much higher since the gun ban. They even beat the US in that aspect.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)17:05:04 No.2022743
    Large difference in culture and population. Regardless:


    Crime has been rising in the UK for some time now.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)17:05:08 No.2022746
    Jesus, the guys defending guns are really fucking deluded. I guess you're just not civilized like us Brits. This isn't even a troll. There's just no point arguing because you people are completely insane.
    >> gun fag 11/04/08(Tue)17:05:21 No.2022752
    your right but gun crimes still went up and the universal crime rate went up a lot .

    there's less gun violence because they Britain doesn't have the same problems America has (i.e ,gangs ).
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)17:08:36 No.2022772
    Jesus, the guys trying to ban guns are really fucking deluded. I guess you're just not civilized like us Americans. This isn't even a troll. There's just no point arguing because you people are completely insane.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)17:08:42 No.2022774
    Then how do you explain this then, britfag? Why is there still gun crime in your country?

    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)17:15:48 No.2022837
    Can I be the purse?
    >> gun fag 11/04/08(Tue)17:17:18 No.2022844
    gun control hurt law abiding citizens like me and you . A criminal is not going to obey laws .Violence has existed since the beginning of mankind ,taking away guns is not going to change that .
    >> Afterl1fe !O/Aztf.taA 11/04/08(Tue)17:20:14 No.2022861
    Why? what if something happens like WW3 or some shit and you're like oh fuck I don't have a gun, because of the law, that's just stupid.
    >> gun fag 11/04/08(Tue)17:20:36 No.2022865
    im trying to find a "40 reaons why gun control is bad" posted on another website .
    >> Afterl1fe !O/Aztf.taA 11/04/08(Tue)17:21:23 No.2022870
    btw that's what gun safes are for, if someone is idiotic enough to let a child handle a loaded weapon, then it's their own damn fault.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)17:23:55 No.2022891
    I oppose most forms of gun control, but this argument is the stupidest shit I've ever read. Hey, instead of packing guns getting ready for World War III, why not try to help others and prevent it from happening in the first place, fucktard? Seriously, you failures of Americans are the reason why everyone thinks our country is filled with total idiots.
    >> Afterl1fe !O/Aztf.taA 11/04/08(Tue)17:27:39 No.2022924
    2022891 It inevitable. We all have nukes and we all hate each other. Your post is a perfect example. Thanks Anon.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)17:28:10 No.2022927
    I'm sure that your hollow point 9mm is going to help you against tanks, jets, and kevlar'd soldiers.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)17:29:07 No.2022939

    Oh really?

    What about lunatics with knives, hammers, cars, lead pipes, or really strong hands?

    If someone wants to kill you, they will. Maybe you should do something about the lunatic and not what they are using to kill you.
    >> Afterl1fe !O/Aztf.taA 11/04/08(Tue)17:29:37 No.2022941
    I would feel a hell of a lot more safe having my gun with me. would you rather use your fists? britfag?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)17:31:52 No.2022966
    You're a fucking idiot and what's wrong with developing nations. That shit should be common fucking sense, not legislation.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)17:32:31 No.2022979
    If WWIII happens, we'll be looking at a post apocalyptic wasteland. I wouldn't be particularly worried about the government cracking down on me.
    >> Afterl1fe !O/Aztf.taA 11/04/08(Tue)17:32:47 No.2022982
    Gun control will not do shit. It will only hurt law abiding citizens. like the above poster said. do you really think a ban on guns will keep a criminal from getting their hands on one? I mean it really wouldn't be all that hard, unless you want them to violate our privacy even more by doing annual searches in our homes.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)17:33:26 No.2022986
    You'd feel safer, but in reality, you'd be better off strapping the gun to your chest to stop (slow down, to be precise) bullets.
    >> gun fag 11/04/08(Tue)17:34:46 No.2022996
    Police don't have to save (as said by the supreme court ).It is there choice to go to a reported crime ,sometimes taking 10-20 minutes for a police officer to arrive.In the meantime you could have been shot and your wife/daughter raped .
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)17:35:06 No.2022997
    Damn Straight. Only NRAfags are all "FRUM MAI COLD DED HAND HURRR DURRR!!"
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)17:35:26 No.2023002
    So you wouldn't be worried about the government cracking down on you for owning a gun?
    You could just get a gun illegally, as you don't have to worry about the government.
    Could stockpile food or something valuable, and exchange it for weaponry.
    Or take some off the guys who starved to death.
    >> Afterl1fe !O/Aztf.taA 11/04/08(Tue)17:35:59 No.2023007
    the WW3 thing was just an example. I have had to use my gun on several occasions. House break in, and some mexican, tried to mug me at an ATM machine. he took one look at that pistol and took off. Shall we talk about boarder control now? Or are you for free boarders too?
    >> gun fag 11/04/08(Tue)17:37:59 No.2023028
    save you*
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)17:40:39 No.2023055
    Sure, it's a post apocalyptic wasteland. If you're going to survive, you're going to need guns. So getting them by whatever means possible is in your best interests.

    The key difference though, is in one situation you don't start out without anything to hunt or defend yourself with. In the other, you do.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)17:42:05 No.2023063
    That is the most irresponsible thing I have ever heard someone say.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)18:22:20 No.2023398
    It sure is america in here.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)18:28:06 No.2023442
    You're still a ignorant redneck so your point is moot.

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