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  • File: 1333699340.jpg-(37 KB, 380x285, outcast.jpg)
    37 KB Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)04:02:20 No.2009687  
    How many of you aren't popular in an online community or have never had a close group of friends?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)04:05:00 No.2009704
    if you are that one retarded spammer my ethereal form will find you and end you
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)04:06:14 No.2009711
    tfw you dont care
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)04:09:06 No.2009724
    >that feel when a complete virgin loser basement dwelling beta in real life
    >that feel when on the internet you are a big baller all the bitches love

    Fuck real life.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)04:09:59 No.2009729
    >That feel when you honestly believe popularity on an online community is a replacement for a close group of friends..
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)04:17:23 No.2009772
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    Are you suggesting this is not the case?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)04:18:43 No.2009782
    I have a large number of copypastas that get re-posted on /sp/, especially in English delusion threads. Does that count?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)04:19:04 No.2009784
    it's something

    I honestly believe if I didn't get my social interaction from 4chan and one online community I'd go insane.

    That's just me though.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)04:46:07 No.2009986
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    My apologies Sir Gruungesmov of the realm Ruu'luk'than!
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)04:55:49 No.2010047
    The last time I had a friend was in 2nd grade.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)04:58:32 No.2010066
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    Same. At least one I could be comfortable with and I knew had my back.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)04:59:49 No.2010075
    i used to have good friends online but after some years no one really talks to each other.
    it was also quite funny cause after some years (while i was busy doing things for school) the ones i know found out that one of our best online friends had been lying to us about everything for the last years.
    never understood why he did this. i don't care.

    used to have one best friend in real life.
    freindship ended some years ago. tried to make new friends and was merely a follow which is the reason i told them to go fuck themselves and now i have been alone for the past months
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)05:00:01 No.2010078
    You're just jelly that we're gonna walk Euro 2012 with 'Arry in charge
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)05:02:41 No.2010096
    >Used to be one of the only tripfags on /r9k/ before the wipe
    >People actually liked me and would come to my aid whenever a newfag thought he could be cool and make fun of me
    >Good feels
    >Wipe happens
    >Die a little inside
    >Board comes back
    >A hundred god damn tripfags flood in
    >Nobody knows who I am anymore
    >Eventually just stop using my trip

    Yes, I know caring about trip popularity is blatantly cancerous, but it felt really good to be at the top of my little warm turd in the internet.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)05:18:29 No.2010187
    imagine bein moot lol jk so many friends online so much popularity :PPP
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)11:22:12 No.2012147

    >implying you wont die alone
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)17:59:56 No.2015531

    Hi mahatma
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)19:22:21 No.2016278

    It's a nickname for a famous Indian Pedophile who claimed civil rights and peace were important.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)19:26:35 No.2016308
    >that feel when friendless neet loser irl

    >that feel when internet toughguy with my own clique and a few choice guys who obey me without question

    I worked hard to gain the internet respect, if only it worked in real life.
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 04/06/12(Fri)20:27:01 No.2016967
    Not me!

    I have a lots of close friends and I am fairly popular on 4chan's /r9k/!!
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)20:29:37 No.2016996
    I was popular in an online community and have a close group of friends.

    One came after the other.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)20:32:27 No.2017025
    What is it with you guys and online "friends".

    I'm so sick of reading "I've never had a friend online or in real life", implying that online friends are worth as much as a real one. They aren't. Online friends are for people with too much time on their hands, fact.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)20:40:51 No.2017100
    I left all of my online friends. Got angry or fell out with every single one of them. I see it as their fault.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)20:43:20 No.2017127
    >Be part of an IRC channel for about half a year
    >About 5 people, including myself, are chatting/online
    >Guy 2: Hey bros I'm gonna start up a Skype call so we can all have a Skype party :D
    >Guys 3-5: Alright thanks for the PM with the Skype info. See you all there.
    >Didn't get a PM
    >Nobody brings it up after half an hour
    >"Alright I'm headed to bed. Night, guys."
    >15 minutes
    >No response

    I feel so alone ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)21:00:45 No.2017278
    Fuck em. Y'know what why don't I add you on skype right now?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)21:04:50 No.2017311
    C'mon bro not interested?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)22:45:53 No.2018368
    ive done nothing but be on the internet since 2005 and i only have like 2-3 internet friends to show for it... i always want internet friends but i don't know how people do it, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)22:45:54 No.2018369
    I never have. I am not quite sure what's wrong with me...
    I'm a bit weird, but I don't think it's so abnormal...
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)22:45:55 No.2018371
    >goes unnoticed IRL
    >goes unnoticed 4chan
    hell I'm sure no one will even see this post
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)22:49:11 No.2018405
    Not popular online, but I was in a close group like in op's picture back in high school. After that I've never really had a close friend. It's not like I really care though
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)22:54:12 No.2018450
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)22:56:15 No.2018479
    Most online communities, I don't have any friends because my typing looks boring as fuck, and sometimes i misspell words because it amuses me, lililil

    Have several close groups of friends irl, because i'm awesome
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)22:57:37 No.2018497
    hmmmm, I play a lot of video games and in every community just about everyone hates me. They hate me because I troll non-stop, they hate me because I talk shit, they hate me because I enjoy ruining other people's day and laughing about it.

    I actually really enjoy this negative feedback, but I guess technically Im popular.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)23:01:38 No.2018529
    >have 95% avoided rating on xbox live
    >even little kids don't like me

    Everyone rates me down for trash talk and unsportsmanlike conduct.

    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)23:01:58 No.2018533
    thanks bro
    >amilkEu the
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)23:05:05 No.2018553
    Even if people don't always reply to you, they're still most likely reading and making note of your post.

    The nature of most people is simply that they are passive and don't partake. The majority of people browsing probably don't even post at all, and then the majority of people who DO post aren't posting in response to well thought out, constructive and thoughtful insight (who gives a shit about THAT), they're responding to something that pissed them off or to piss someone else off.

    Don't worry about it man. Don't stop trying though. Go do something with your life. Hypocrisy is running riot on me right now as I say this but this place only makes you more depressed and separates you more and more from what "real life" actually is, which is NOT what the fucking losers on this board think it is with their "that feel" and "compare your loser self" threads. All 4chan, especially /r9k/ does, is make you more depressed and more delusional until you lose yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)23:09:32 No.2018585
    >socially invisible IRL, no friends whatsoever
    >online I'm a pillar of several communties, adored by hundreds

    I wish I could switch the two around sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)23:14:15 No.2018626

    Don't worry about it; it's the ratio of people actually taking the time to like you, versus people who dislike you.

    80% of my dislikes come from unsporting, simply because I beat them at the video game. It's just kiddies getting mad at losing their precious games.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)23:14:54 No.2018632
    >make you more depressed and more delusional until you lose yourself.

    And what an amazing feeling that is.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)23:22:02 No.2018701
    >make you more depressed and more delusional until you lose yourself.
    I think some people have become dependent on "that feel", self-pity has become their drug and it's a hard habit to shake especially if most of your worthwhile social interaction happen on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)23:28:53 No.2018754
    I'm like a wraith or a ghost. I move through life as a blur. Never had many friends. People look at me occasionally. Online I am the same. I just watch. Hell I've been on 4chan since 2007 and I've made less than 10 threads and less than 50 posts if I had to count.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)23:31:51 No.2018785
    I'm a lone wolf. I'm strong and independent, I don't need anyone.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)23:39:48 No.2018858
    I've given up on trying to be popular, well liked or being appricheated for my skills.
    Everytime some faggots who did average work, were close friends with admins and moderators, or just convinced everybody of their false image they polished over years got all the praise, no matter if they actually did something or not.
    Meanwhile I helped all the time, worked the most, drew, coded, programmed, sculptured and motivated the fuck out of everybody, always coming with ideas that were implemented and helped the community, reviving threads and forums that were dying off because the posters are lazy fucks and just want to be entertained, but nobody seemed to be arsed to actually starting it. Or keeping it up.
    When I wrote stories for a roleplaying forum, I had the most reading counts, most thanks and most comments, despite me not giving a fuck about that (only about comments to improve my writing ( also sorry for my bad english, not my native tounge ), or something like that ) I kept on submutting shit, illustrating characters and yada yada. I always stepped up and called others out when they spouted bullshit about fellow members, or tried to troll the threads.
    Organizing everything from real life meetings to online activities. Writing adventures for roleplayers, being the ST/DM/GM for them. And for what? For nothing. No thanks. No "You did good". Or "You are pretty skilled" , "Thanks for all the work". They just shoved the attention to each other, complimenting the shit out of everybody who did a meh job, sometimes females got praise just because the community knew they had tits, sometimes some literature student got prais and recognition because he was a "professional" ( despite sucking at his job ). It was jading and frustrating.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)23:43:31 No.2018901
    >working for others and not yourself

    That's why you failed. Never do things for other people only yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)23:52:01 No.2018996

    My point is that despite my efforts I was never popular or well known, except the fuckheads who just took the crown and attracted fuckheads like them.

    In real life I have only a few close friends. back in school people were more concerned about fucking each other up as much as possible. Bullies formed groups and threw spit with their fingers for half a year on everybody. Everybody was so jaded and used to this treatment they didn't do anything, not even the teachers. They just went up to people and sat on them, pulled down the pants and enjoyed the show. I couldn't trust anyone of my "friends", because they made fun of each other behind their backs, spouted out delicious secrets in public or destroyed and stole personal belongings. A very close "friend" in school borrowed some pocket money from me. It took him 5 months to give it back( and still lying about the amount of money he had to give back ) and at least 3 months of nagging from me. And the result? They made fun of me for being obsessed with money, just because i was poor and my parents kicked my ass because we needed it.

    Nowadays I have close friends, females, males, but they don't mind, we trust each other and know about the value of being a good friend. Meanwhile I look at old classmates and wonder what the fuck they are doing. They haven't matured at all. Most of them still seem like little bullies or kids who only live in fear of each other and make fun of other people just to be mean.

    From all this bullshit I have to say one more thing - getting real friends is extremely hard and consumes a lot of energy. Being popular for an even larger group of people is time and soul-crushing, basically you get controlled by the crowd and in the end you will still be alone, because anybody can take your place. Its not worth it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)23:58:06 No.2019062

    It was partly also for myself. I had fun too, but after some long ass time, when people leave and the community dies out because people grow up, get a job or dont want to participate in a certain hobby anymore, the stubborn core of members stays. And 9 out of 10 times the core builds itself out of leechers.

    Leechers who want to be entertained, not wanting to entertain others.

    And yes, then I was doing shit only for them. In the end it was only for me, because I was the only who cared. But of course, it was not always like that. I was not always the one man army or the only good soul in a community.

    Its cool if you can paint all day or going into the woods just to build a small medieval town for shits and giggles. Thats okay.

    But think really really hard how much time and energy you put into other people. Being a "waste of time" can be the worst insult you can throw at somebody.

    Fuck, I need a drink.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)23:58:20 No.2019066
    who were you? I used to namefag here, then I left and came back and there was no more /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)00:01:43 No.2019102
    People are questioning my gender in the online game I play. They also call me a troll, but really, I don't even think "oh i am trolling" at all. And to be frank, I didn't know being more logical was called trolling.

    >(mmo game)drama is interesting
    >no its not, its not. if i wanted drama, id go to irl people, not in ~(~*~*A GAMEEEE*~*~*~I(~ I hate when people say: its just a game, don't get all worked up about it!! When said for mmos. The logic is that, since its a game, the real people that play, aren't actually people, so you shouldn't get mad at other people for whatever reason, becaz GAYMESZz.
    >but the game consists of irl people playing a game, so wouldn't drama be okay in game too?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)10:06:15 No.2023068
    being popular on the internet is for nutless tools
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)15:59:03 No.2025765

    how does that even make sense? Just because people play mmos doesn't mean they go out of the way and make friends.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:03:15 No.2025802
    >that feel when the only online friends you have are on some MUD, and they're rarely around anymore.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:03:22 No.2025803
    I joined SomethingAwful because I thought I could talk to a more intelligent crowd than 4chan, and I didn't realize until later that it is even worse.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:06:44 No.2025833
    One of my favorite pastimes is watching people like you. The more I find out the better.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)16:18:13 No.2025915
    > Tfw you make friends with a bunch of really cool guys on a gaming forum, only to find out they're a bunch of laughably ugly outcasts irl.

    Anyone else know such a feel?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)19:07:00 No.2027563
    >that feel when popular in WoW because you can carry people in arenas
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)19:08:39 No.2027583
    People on 4chan hate or ignore me, much like real life. I can't decide which is worse in either case.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)19:16:10 No.2027643
    >I've been posting in the same community for 10 years
    >One day we decide to make a meet up.
    >Even the site admins are there
    >Half the female posters are married women
    >the other half are 10/10 AND IM NOT SHITTING YOU
    >only 1 ugly woman
    >Some guys are the typical neckbeards
    >Others are really cool guys
    >Everyone start making fun of the mods.
    >Everyone got very drunk
    >I touched tits that night.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)19:20:17 No.2027675

    Ohhhh I forgot to mention a lot of stuff

    >One of the guys there owns a restaurant
    >Ok... LETS GO THERE
    >My handle is MrBojangles

    Basically everyone thought I was an old man because I always post as if I was making a monologue. Everything is always carefully written even the posts that would make De Sade blush.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)20:30:40 No.2028228
    that feel when you can't even make friends over the net and are always alone without social interaction that's not on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)20:42:56 No.2028304
    >tfw when you've been going to a tinychat room and participating for months, and still noone says "hi" to you when you come online
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)21:12:51 No.2028539
         File: 1333847571.png-(107 KB, 491x412, 1333229464464.png)
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    >Fail at real life, no friends, omega, into horse-cocks
    >people don't even like me on the internet
    >moira brown, liara tsoni, etc. like me
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)21:14:39 No.2028561
    I don't post enough in a forum to be popular. And on 4chan I always use Anonymous.

    In terms of friends I generally have one very good friend and then loosely associate with one or two groups.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)21:16:28 No.2028580
    >Was supposed to go to the mall today with some friends
    >Everyone canceled because things came up, decide to reschedule
    >Told by someone that they think they saw everyone at the mall anyways today

    I'm fucking pissed. Incredibly fucking pissed. I don't know if this is legit or not, but if it is I'm going to be furious.

    Does anybody else know this feel? It's the oddest combination of betrayal, sadness, and pure anger.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)21:28:22 No.2028695
    Thoughts about how to murder them are already running through my head.

    What the fuck is wrong with me? I literally cannot stop thinking about this.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)23:23:13 No.2029822

    what is your life like as a friendless neet? do you even have stories to tell or are you devoid of any personality?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)00:47:43 No.2030701
    all of us neets stick together on here.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)00:54:28 No.2030752
    In my last year of High-School all my friends went away on a camp to celebrate the end of hs and while I knew all about it I wasn't invited. As a result I never had a schoolies celebration.

    A few years later they went on the same camp and this time I was invited and I came along and they all talked about the previous one as if I was there.

    Anyway shit hurt a lot and I reckon they still don't know how much it cut me up inside.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)01:14:12 No.2030961
    weird... why is an empty space where this post should be?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)01:19:35 No.2031022
    I've been going to this small forum for a few years now. People have come and gone on it, and there are around 5 or 6 regulars including myself. The board is incredibly slow. At one point I discovered they all mostly talked on IRC. Nobody ever told me.

    Eventually I decided to go on the IRC. As soon as I got in, they all just stopped talking. Eventually they started again and would ignore anything I said. Then on the forums they would act like nothing happened.

    Many of them seem to be knowledgeable in technology, so I occasionally ask them questions and shit about computers. They generally just call me stupid and ignore it. The insult is in a joking manner, but it's still offensive.

    Anything else I post is usually ignored or mocked. Same on 4chan, too.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)01:19:49 No.2031026
    I'm too nice in real life and a complete asshole online. The exact opposite way to make friends.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)01:20:23 No.2031034
    I have a close group of friends. According to what I hear from them, I'm generally considered a very good person. Seeing as I have no life I'm always there to hang out or talk with them. I keep secrets, give honest input while attempting to be unbiased about it. I also avoid talking shit on people. I'm the shoulder that people like to cry on and I've been told a few secrets before that I kept my word on not revealing to anyone that was unpermitted to hear about them.

    Did I mention not having a life? Yeah I'm on here all the time, or playing vidya.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)20:36:01 No.2041125
    how many of you never talk not even to family?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)20:56:37 No.2041337
    I did this in a forum, for years. I even had to tell a fake story about moving to another country because we transferred over to irc and using a proxy was a hassle.
    I lied about everything, I gave myself a whole new personality and life in that community, new family, different age, school, work etc. I even used a new name.
    Thing is, I didn't stop with 1 fake life, I expanded, new communities and new lives on several other irc channels.
    I find using irc more faster, I can tell lies about myself more quickly.
    I don't know why I do this, nor do I care, but I find it amazing how I can remember, currently 7, diffeent lives and personalities I use daily on the internet.
    I have to add that I've never been caught, and I even enjoy watching the communities grow, or die.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)21:01:58 No.2041389
    I have few real friends in real life, and barely have a non-anon internet presence. I spend most of my days off wondering what the hell I'm going to do today. This is how i roll.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)23:22:20 No.2043156

    >few friends

    well, you talk to them and are interesting/funny?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)18:50:21 No.2053234
    that feel when you never even been on an online community
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)22:28:38 No.2055819
    implying i even bothered to go into an online
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)22:32:12 No.2055853
    >Want to play vidya with friends, be bros with people
    >Never had any bro-op in real life before, it's always been internet based
    >Know that my bro occasionally does bro-op with an N64, etc. but never invites me
    >Have expressed interest, never outright asked because I know he'd say no since he's known them for longer than he's known me

    What should I do? I never had an N64 as a child and I never had many friends so how can I make up for this now? I live too far away to invite him over frequently. Another person I know is also in this situation with the same person in that he won't invite anyone, you have to invite him. I know one of the people he does this with, but only barely though. I have spoken to him (I know he's been on 4chan before) a few times though.

    And no, I do not want to fuck him. Casual sex up to blowjobs, etc. would be fine with me but I don't want to penetrate him or be penetrated.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)22:34:20 No.2055878
    I'm popular in an online community. I adopted leadership of a world of warcraft guild with friends I knew for years. We spend money on eachother, talk on the phone.. And they all love me.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:05:07 No.2056216
    Can anyone help me with this?

    Please respond. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)04:35:12 No.2059281
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)07:41:28 No.2060087
    >That feel when you have online friends but they are literally all normalfags of some kind
    >That feel when they discuss Facebook and their IRL shenanigans
    >That feel when they're coming online less and less these days, and you find it hard to relate to them

    What the fuck do I do. Everyone around me is so fucking normal. They're socially successful, have friends, have lives. Sure they're not really the type to get anywhere with girls, but that's not even my main concern anymore. It's aggravating to be around such people all the time, even if I do like them. It's driving me insane. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)07:55:00 No.2060134
    >1 IRL friend I still talk to, but it's done online because he goes to college
    >handful of internet friends who are better than most I've had IRL
    My only regret is not making more new friends in the past 5 years.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)07:55:42 No.2060143
    Well, first I founded a group of vinyl rippers releasing the latest records to come out each week. This is when I was 15. I was skipping school every day to run this operation. The people in the group liked me but I was a magnet for drama and other groups/related people hated me and thought I was a complete retard (and I did act like one most of the time, but I was still getting shit done)

    After that fizzled out I did other things for a few years. I got into 4chan. I started writing tutorials on phishing myspace accounts and helping people on /b/ learn how to do this themselves. Moved to the invasion boards at 7chan and 420chan, helped countless people learn how to do it, with my stupid poorly written html files...

    Did things in real life after that, then that fizzled, back to having no life, doing nothing. Out of boredom start hunting for exploits on web mp3 shops, discover ways to obtain mp3s before they officially go on sale, become massively popular on a torrent tracker for this, but at odds with the admins on the sites, start a war with them, and get banned. Somewhere in there I graduated from grabbing shit from webshops to phishing the email accounts of my favorite producers and label owners, stealing the music directly from the source.

    Lots of drama from leaking stuff on a public forum, threatened by some artists, hated by lots of faggots who are jealous that I'm not sharing everything I have with them and that they can never be on my level... All that is great at first but it gets boring fast. I stop listening to that kind of music and start focusing on real life stuff again. Now I'm nameless online and unpopular. Don't care.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)17:31:10 No.2064821
    no, i don't think i have been.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)18:48:28 No.2065690


    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)18:52:02 No.2065745
    how the hell do I meet online friends?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)18:58:59 No.2065832
    I play an online text based mafia game and everyone hates me.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)19:02:56 No.2065875
    Don't worry bro, don't talk it personal, he's probably intimidated by talking to an Anon on skype.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)19:41:10 No.2066319
    God damn it if you can somehow fail to be popular even on 4chan then you are the biggest goddamn loser ever.
    It's fucking 4chan. We don't give a shit about anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:34:24 No.2071746
    How many of you aren't popular in an online community or have never had a close group of friends?

    Don't care about popularity in an online community. I post my thoughts, people choose to respond to them or not. Some are well thought out, others not so much.

    I don't know about close group of freinds. I was the one who always called them. They never called me.
    Stopped caring and haven't talked to any of them in over 8 years. Found new friends so fuck them.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)05:41:45 No.2071796
    Jeez, now you're whinging about not being popular here Deadbanshee?
    You know why? Because you keep spamming the same thing over and over. If you didn't keep pretending to be different posters just to bump your threads, maybe we would like you more.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:22:03 No.2077413
    oh well, i prefer to be on here.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)20:45:50 No.2079023
    >never played an mmo
    >only been on here for years
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)22:37:08 No.2080044
    maybe if i had a reason to play online games again...
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)01:37:33 No.2081788
    does being on here count as an online community?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)01:42:08 No.2081828
    If any of you guys play 1.6 still, or want to; search around for gro/v/e street.

    You'll be popular in no time <3
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)01:46:35 No.2081868
    got any servers? ips?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)01:54:38 No.2081923
    >actually makes meaningful contributions
    >to Lolibooru
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)05:05:39 No.2083230

    based on the fact that you posted it and now you're asking about it, i'd guess it's some gay shit you want us to raid. nypa, fuck off moralfag, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)13:08:33 No.2085978
    Done the online thing. It was so-so at best.
    Doing the real life thing... it seems to be better.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)21:04:38 No.2103150
    doesn't this place count in a way?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)00:22:35 No.2105170

    i guess if you're a tripfag.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)03:45:57 No.2106725
    Runescape, and other mmos, but those days are long gone.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)06:58:26 No.2107680
    This counts for one, but i don't feel apart of this place as I use to.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)13:56:35 No.2110336
    the last online community i went on told me off.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)13:58:42 No.2110366
    Just as bad approaching online as I am offline.

    At least I don't stutter when I type.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)16:34:16 No.2111721

    So you have no friends for both worlds?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)20:39:13 No.2113946
    >implying i've ever had an offline community
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:32:53 No.2116446
    runescape for a community, but i don't count that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:41:50 No.2116565
    I was a fairly big cheese in two Flash animation communities which revolved around Newgrounds. I made what was probably the most successful Flash the group made (got on the front page for over a week), it's all dead now though, but from 2004-2007, those were the glory days, 50 people online at any given time, the AIM/MSN conversations that went on until 7 am, I had no real life friends, but it was a great time.

    If I could go back in time, would I do it all over again? Of course I would.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:44:55 No.2116610
    I've had several group of friends on the internet but it usually goes one of two ways:

    - Become so non-confrontational that they eventually forget about me or I become completely insignificant

    - Be vocal and eventually piss everyone off when really my only intention is to just be friendly

    Or it cycles beginning and ending with either. It sucks.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:54:08 No.2116732
    >"but it's just a game, don't get mad"
    it's all i have, a game to get social interaction
    it's not just a game, it's my life
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:56:30 No.2116762
    >mfw I became part of an online community within the past two months
    >join chatroom for the day
    >"Hey anon"

    feels so good man is this what having friends is like?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)01:08:41 No.2116887

    I know that feel. My friend's 21st birthday was approaching, so I asked if she was doing anything for it, and she said no. I smelled a rat, as she wasn't the sort of person who would do nothing for her 21st. I had her best friend's Facebook details, and there was an exchange of messages between the time I asked, and the time she said no.

    I found out that they didn't want me there as I would be an embarassment to her university friends, and after I pretty much said never mind, they were so relieved. Apart from the fact that she was a friend of almost 6 years, what really stuck in the craw was that every other friend and acquaintance had been invited except for me. After that, I just stopped making an effort and I haven't spoken to any of them for over a year now.

    I was really angry when I discovered all of this, and I recommend just cutting contact with them if that is how they treat you.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)01:13:08 No.2116941
    I know where you're coming from. I went through something similar, I just completely cut off contact with her. Nowadays shes just a huge slut with a bisexual anorexic boyfriend.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:26:32 No.2119388
    >join a random community
    >become the greatest contributor
    >work with professional rigor
    >other people's efforts look insignificant in comparison
    >my quality requirements are never met as they approach those of peer-reviewed science releases
    >pointless arguments are had
    >the community kicks me out or withers out of existence
    Every time. I haven't been in a community for over a year now.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:41:19 No.2121599

    This. I hate when people say that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:58:15 No.2121743
    I was really popular on an internet forum and had people clamouring to know more about me and meet me irl and all this bullshit but because my self-esteem and self-worth are so low I just stopped posting on that forum.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:52:56 No.2123628
    whatever, i prefer to stay alone.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:32:52 No.2127381

    this, although i thought it was useless.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)01:38:55 No.2130132
    >been in this one clan on an mmo
    >only reason i'm in is because i'm good at zerking
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)06:37:20 No.2132266
    mermp for more loners even on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)12:00:17 No.2133889
    >that feel when the only online friends you have are on some MUD and rs, and they're rarely around anymore.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)12:07:00 No.2133935
    >mfw playing Dota 2, carry hard, 15 kills, 2 deaths
    >my friend gets commended by team mate and I don't
    >almost 350 wins and only 5 commendations
    I know commendations != good player, but still...
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)12:18:34 No.2133991
    I never find anyone bearable to play HoN with, and all my irl friends who play are pretty bad. You have it better.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)01:16:50 No.2141862
    I'm always just another body to a group, online or in real life. The one who's around more out of obligation than desire, and even then only to be talked about when I'm not there.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)05:14:22 No.2143834
    How many of you were even considered "that guy" on the internet?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)05:19:49 No.2143861
    was famous for flash movies for 2 years, then left the internet.
    got real life, have "real" friends.

    mfw what am i doing here
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)05:25:15 No.2143897
    >be active on some fetish board
    >meet guy there
    >talk from time to time, he's kinda awkward
    >add him to IM because he wants to
    >exchange some videos and clips
    >out of the blue he asks if I can lend him some money for a laser pointer via paypal and says that he can give it back to me in a few months
    >totally baffled
    >say I don't lend strangers money
    >insta delete
    >mfw this guy is in his thirties, fat and looks at videos of giant women stepping on cars in his basement
    >mfw this guy is a virgin
    >mfw he was so awkward even through the fucking internet
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)10:42:04 No.2145403
    IRC for eight years. I'm an internet someone.
    Reddit for half of one. I'm internet famous!
    4chan for four. Yeah. Uhhuh you know how it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)10:42:33 No.2145404
    I pretended to be a girl online for around 6 years and gained a large network of friends from it, they never knew and I ended up deleting them all and all of my accounts one day because I couldn't take the stress of becoming closer to them and having to make up more and more back story.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)17:56:19 No.2149307
    had a lot of friends online until i found out that none of them liked me and broke off contact.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)18:00:24 No.2149362
    >no friends in real life
    >no friends online
    It's funny because I was pretty prominent in a community a few years back, and even the people that tried to suck up to me didn't want to be friends. I guess I'm just a horrible person.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)18:12:14 No.2149507
    >Pretend to be female on justintv
    >Get modded in a few of the top channels in entertainment
    >"Holy shit it's so easy to get modded as a female"
    >Test some things, like banning random people, banning people with a different opinion then me, banning long time channel goers.
    >I talk my way out of everything
    >Start to feel bad because I am a major bitch and have actively been trying to get unmodded/banned.

    After I moved I decided not to use that jtv account any more. I was just in one of the movie chans I was modded in on a different account and one of the other modderators was talking about how I just disappeared one day. I say "She was a bitch any way"

    The part that makes me sad though, is I understand now why some women are bitches. Because people around them tread around the words so carefully and never share opinions that differ from them. After years of this I'm sure women become entitled to their beliefs and think any one who thinks differently should be punished.
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)20:11:56 No.2150683

    what do you do with your life? how would you describe yourself?
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)20:28:32 No.2150906
    pls i rlly need the laser pointer for my projects
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)20:33:10 No.2150963
    I have 1 friend in real life. Yay. Too bad I don't even talk to her much any more ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)20:37:16 No.2151019
    > pls i rlly need the laser pointer for my cats
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)05:24:29 No.2155535
    get in here noobies.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)09:50:42 No.2156737
    i was never popular, but i was in an mmo community.
    >> Anonymous 04/18/12(Wed)16:28:19 No.2159647
    >one friend


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