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  • Blotter updated: 11/03/08


    Minor update posted to the news page. Major update coming "soon."

    File :1225730430.jpg-(32 KB, 450x350, muslim111.jpg)
    32 KB Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)11:40:30 No.2007541  
    This is to all the britfags on /r9k/... what is your opinion of Muslims?

    My personal opinion is that, try as I might to tolerate all cultures and races and whatnot, its pretty clear that their culture is not compatible with ours and they should all just get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)11:44:43 No.2007567
    There's like a 1% Muslim population in the UK... It's quite hard to run into the normal ones, let alone the radical ones. I guess you live in London. I'd like to see ALL religious people get the fuck out.
    >> FINE TOO 11/03/08(Mon)11:44:59 No.2007569
    Get along or GTFO
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)11:46:08 No.2007578
    i hate all religion
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)11:47:28 No.2007589
    it's middle-eastern culture, not being Muslim, what makes them act this way. If they were Jewish or Christian, they would be just as violent.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)11:48:10 No.2007593
    wow, this is the most obvious troll thread I've seen today.

    "Americans are dirty pigs! WE HATE AMERICANS! GTFO AMERICA"
    "muslims are violent! I HATE MUSLIMS - GTFO MUSLIMS!!!!"

    see where I'm going with this?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)11:48:51 No.2007599
    Op is either ignorant or just a bigott.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)11:49:13 No.2007600
    No problem with the Muslims personally. However, the radicals need to take the stick out of their collective asses, and stop throwing shitfests whenever somebody does something in the media that offends them (LBP anybody?)
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)11:49:35 No.2007604
    If I were to judge all americans based on the things I see on tv, o'boy I would post shit like this.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)11:49:55 No.2007608
    Dirty pigs and people determined to kill everyone in a certain country are very different things.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)11:50:35 No.2007614
    I'm not trolling... why would you think that?

    Its just when I hear them say shit like "We're gonna decapitate the prime minister and hang a black flag over downing street" I think to myself... Why are they here and not in Saudi Arabia. They already have a place where they can say all this shit and bomb eachother to fuck, why come here?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)11:51:55 No.2007627
    Them, what, all muslims?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)11:53:35 No.2007635
    i love that image. he's so mad
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)11:53:41 No.2007636
    well, all religions are terrible, but they take it to the extreme.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)11:55:01 No.2007644
    I sat next to a Muslim in college for a year. Apart from stinking of BO regularly, she was a nice Yorkshire lass that was no different to anyone else.
    They just need to integrate more, they aren't doing themselves any favours by ostricising themselves.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)11:56:43 No.2007656
    if by "them" you mean all Muslims, then congratulations, you are a racist.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)11:58:22 No.2007671
    this is how most non-black americans feel about black american.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:02:03 No.2007702
    And far beyond extreme. People may belive in whatever shit they belive in, but DON'T fucking even try making me beliving that shit.

    Europe is becoming more and more islamic =(
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:05:58 No.2007725
    I'm white. I go to a university that is quite internationally-oriented. This means, shitloads of exhange students. Mostly blakc and arabic I come from a town that is like 98% white.

    I have to say, almost all these people I have met, are very very cool people. I've bummed cigs off a group of scary black people one night when I was drunk. They were all very friendly, I ended up hanging with them for an hour or so that night.

    Similarly for the middle-eastern dudes. Many of them regularly joke around about being dirty arabs and shit, also cool people to be around with.

    tl;dr I'm not a racist.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:07:37 No.2007734
    You're defending Muslims as being not all bad, but it is pretty obvious that the more a Muslim believes in their faith, the more disagreeable they become, to the point where they are killing 56 innocents on the London Underground (I was using the Underground that same day, less than an hour before it happened)

    No other religion I have encountered inspires that degree of extremism. Maybe thinking this does make me a racist despite my general philosophy that a person's heritage is not a suitable basis for me to judge their character on.

    (OP here, by the way)
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:23:55 No.2007845
    Not being racist is diferent to realising that your country would be a better place without a particular cultural group
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:25:15 No.2007859
    I'd say Christian fundamentalists blowing up abortion clinics and murdering doctors is quite extreme.
    Jews in Israel are also quite extreme.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:32:06 No.2007900
    And don't forget that crazy monk lighting himself on fire and then just sitting there and burning. He didn't even bring hotdogs for the onlookers to roast while they watched on in abject horror. Enlightened my ass.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:38:30 No.2007941
    At least they have a reason to do these thingss (as abhorrent and retarded as they are), instead of just wanting to kill people.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:39:28 No.2007949
    Ok so, I'm asian. My family is muslim, and I must say...

    I hate muslims. I hate islam. I mean yeah I think religion in general is ridiculous. But how hickbackwards and ridiculously violent the belief is annoys me to no end. I love my family and asian people can be lovely, I've been to my home country and they're great over there.

    But the hicks the come to london to live off of benefit. They really should be shipped off to some concentration camp. People like my parents, who came here to study and get good paying jobs are fine, but goddamn. The village trash, the asian equivelent of southern hicks in america, that pollute parts of east london truly sicken me.

    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:39:44 No.2007952
    Most religions when you take the tenets of their faith literally will look as batshit insane as fundamentalist Islam.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:42:17 No.2007963
    copy pasta
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:45:11 No.2007981
    Islam is no more likely to contain extremist members than any other religion.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:48:24 No.2008005
    so you are saying that christian extremists aren't as bad as muslim extremist, just because they have a different justification for murdering people???
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:50:05 No.2008012
    I know some nice Muslims but tbh I'd still rather they all died in a fire.
    >> Lebanese 11/03/08(Mon)12:51:39 No.2008027
    Cool Nazi Views bro
    no but seriously
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:52:27 No.2008029
    all religious extremism is founded on ignorance and blindness. they refuse to accept facts and carelessly follow whatever their doctrine instructs of them.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:54:29 No.2008042
    of course, but anon was implying that christian extremists are somehow better than muslim extremists... that makes me RAGEEEEEE
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:57:05 No.2008057
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    i think muslims are the shit yo they are really down with allah and holy and shit peace man
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)12:57:23 No.2008058
    not who you're responding to, but the average christian extremist is a lot less likely to blow themselves up and kill hundreds of people on their beliefs. what makes the radical muslim more dangerous is that batshit crazy interpretation that allows for anybody to be a martyr and have some huge reward by blinding killing themselves, along with the "enemy." you just don't see that kind of behavior in christian crazies.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:03:28 No.2008097
    I'm the guy who made the point that was interprated as "christian extremists are better than muslim extremists" and shit, I couldn't have put it better myself
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:07:42 No.2008122
    Some are OK, I work with a few and they're all alright. One in particular actually questioned his faith a fair bit, saying he doesn't wanna die without drinking alcohol etc and it all be for nothing. It's usually the converts who are cunts about it, I find.
    >> Black ✭ Star !x8ngkAZjXE 11/03/08(Mon)13:09:47 No.2008134
    All religions are bad and you should feel bad for defending them.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:10:04 No.2008135
    learn some history
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:10:15 No.2008136
    addendum; christian crazies are just as hateful as the muslim crazies, but, seeing as how most of them are in america, that kind of shit doesn't fly. i think they would be perfectly happy to kill loads of people for a difference in belief, but are restricted by the laws of our society, and the fact that the vast majority of people don't hold their views. these are the people that are restricted to tiny radio shows, crazy websites like stormfront, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:10:47 No.2008144
    The Muslims in the middle east seem dramatically nicer than some of the nutjobs that travel to Europe.

    The basic problem is that when many people transplanted into such a foreign environment that they decide to take some basic aspects of their culture to an extreme. So what we have are Muslims in Britain that are more radical than those in Iran.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:13:17 No.2008158
    modern christianity has very little to do with the crusaders. however, muslim extremists still do this kind of shit in the digital era where everybody's supposed to have some sort of common sense.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:13:39 No.2008162
    Hey eurofags this is what you get for trying to act all tough when you guys know you fucked it up.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:14:12 No.2008165

    Like, fifty years a go, this was still a Muslim country, but people were walking all over the place with miniskirts and nobody blinked. Now a bunch of Gulf Arabs come around due to this thing where our country sent our smart people to help them out of their tents and all of a sudden these guys got oil and tons of money and tons of influence in my country and let me tell you, there is a significant increase of veiled people and nobody can wear a miniskirt and not get stared at as she walks down the streets.
    It's like, what happened, man. The country didn't get more Muslim, it was pretty damn Muslim already, it just got more Arab.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:15:01 No.2008172
    Jewish Extremism: Run a pawn shop and take your golds
    Christian Extremism: Knock on your door and ask you to go to church and argue vehemently on internet forums for creation.
    Islamic Extremism: Blow you the fuck up for not being Muslim.

    hurp durp all extremism is da same derp
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:16:41 No.2008183

    >Christian Extremism: Blow up an abortion center

    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:18:31 No.2008194


    >Jewish Extremism: Take over a country

    While we're being over-the-top.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:20:55 No.2008216
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    >Christian Extremism

    herp derp trolling herp derp
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:26:17 No.2008253
    If your country is free, then people should be allowed to live there freely, as in allowed to practice their own particular traditions and indulge in their own particular culture. After a while, all cultures merge together; wejust have to wait a while for this perhaps stubborn group to adapt. The political issues don't help much either, since the Middle East is one of the regions more recently victimised by European imperialism (post-WWI; recent wars). So, there's a political tension that creates a negative atmoshphere for cross-cultural relations, leading to a polarisation. But like all conflicts of this kind, they usually fizzle out in the midst of more general social and political change.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:27:28 No.2008269
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    >Jewish Extremism
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:29:11 No.2008277
    Being a free country does not mean that you can curtail the freedom of others in that country.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:37:04 No.2008342
    Yeah, definitely. The muslims are definitely pushing it when they try to encroach on freedom of speech. But this is why I mention the polarisation; for example, both the cartoonist and the people trying to restrict the cartoonist's freedom of speech are problems created by the political environment. This environment has been created by real grievances against Muslims, so it does have substance and has to be addressed,
    but trying to curtail hard-won (and in the case of Britain, already quite limited) freedoms is only going to make the situation worse by enraging not just 'Islamophobes' or racists, but also people who want to preserve civil liberties. So both sides are the problem, really.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:53:01 No.2008499
    Goddam Britain (and I'm a britfag) is so fucking lame, bowing down to whatever demands the extremists make, like allowing Muslim teachers to wear the full face veil and shit... PM needs to fucking man up and grow some balls. Shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)13:58:06 No.2008549
    Being a free country means you can do what you like as long as you aren't hurting anyone. Drawing a cartoon is not hurting anyone.

    I have the right to say that Jews are Satan's pawns and are out to eat our children. Muslims do not have the right the blow up a car near a crowded area.

    I have the right to say that Black people were better off as slaves. Muslims do not have the right to beat a woman for not wearing a burqah or hijab.

    I have the right to say the Chinese want to use dogs in their cooking and have tiny dicks. Muslims do not have the right to cut off someone's head.

    Learn the difference.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)14:00:24 No.2008564
    WW3 will be Muslim nations versus the non-Muslim ones.
    Which should be something like all of Europe and the Mideast versus USA/China/Japan/Russia.

    God only knows what Africa, S.America, and Australia will do during this time.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)14:03:57 No.2008599
    Bravo, good sir, I shed a manly tear
    >> Commissioner Red !5gFoSxriW2 11/03/08(Mon)14:05:06 No.2008608
    >God only knows what Africa, S.America, and Australia will do during this time.

    They'll do the smart thing and stay the fuck out of it, thus keeping their asses alive and unharmed.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)14:06:22 No.2008618
    Being in a free country means you can deny the holocaust


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