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    File :1225682318.jpg-(40 KB, 320x320, 1.jpg)
    40 KB I need explanation Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:18:38 No.2002734  
    Ok I really dont get why theres so many of you guys that not only never get laid, but dont want to go out and socialize or even get a fucking job

    please explain

    btw im just this regular not virgin guy of 20 year old, with a part time job, full time school and a normal amount of friends

    pic not related but decently funny
    >> Mr. Bubbles !!DLJ3bQ7yunJ 11/02/08(Sun)22:21:26 No.2002761
    Because I am mentally ill. Also, that gives me an excuse to get out of damn near everything. If I was physically disabled as well I would live like a god.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:23:05 No.2002775
    I didn't like my friends so I stopped initiating activity with them. Eventually, we grew apart. Now that I'm in university and live at home, I don't meet anyone new. I arrive at class like a minute before it begins and leave right when it ends. I don't have a job. I'm a fag and it is so incredibly difficult to meet guys who are not ugly, effeminate, or just plains stupid.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:24:29 No.2002787
    Because they are lazy and love to make excuses. It's their way of justification.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:27:02 No.2002820
    posting in troll thread thats going to, for some inconceivable reason, get bumped multiple times by douche nozzles
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:30:50 No.2002854
    repetition is comfortable
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:32:09 No.2002865
    Because talking to strangers is both difficult and terrifying. And siting around lstenng to your friends talk gets old. Books and video games are often more fn. Though I do regret having no one to share my interests with, I don't know any other way to live.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:36:05 No.2002889
    Your a normalfag and this is a site for not so normal people. Fuck off
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:39:21 No.2002918
    That man's belly is epic tier.

    He is buddha incarnate
    >> Gurlugon !5S99KgXZNo 11/02/08(Sun)22:40:57 No.2002933
    People learn to avoid things that distress them. Undoubtedly most of the problems come from childhood, I know mine do.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:42:12 No.2002947
    I already did my hard yards of trying to "fit in" and it caused me irreperable psychological damage, to the point where I really have no fucking reason to go outside and socialize just so that I can meet more people who won't invite me to hang out.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:42:15 No.2002948
    Hoooly fuck. Look how small his arms are compared to his belly!
    >> Anonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 11/02/08(Sun)22:50:17 No.2003018
    Those of us who don't go out usually aren't good at just striking up any random conversation. Furthermore, many of us aren't into clubs or bars, so where is there for us to go?

    We have video games, DVDs, and the internet, so we can easily have fun at home instead of paying money to feel bad somewhere else.

    Can't speak to the job thing; although I've been negligent in getting one because I don't know what I want to do.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:51:20 No.2003027
    I socialize online. I've already met one internet-friend, face-to-face; and I plan to get a visa to Canada, to see a few more, as well as hit up a few that're in California.

    Alot of jobs suck. I'd rather do something I enjoy doing, and find a way to get paid for it.

    I haven't gotten laid because I've put FAR too much thought into it, whenever the opportunity presented itself... or I got arrested for something unrelated to the "target," and had to part ways with them (to hang-out in jail, and secondary schools).
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:51:34 No.2003029
    I haven't had any friends for over 4 years. I hate everyone in my town so I will make friends if my family moves to another state. However, I don't want to be some twentysomething loser with friends. So I will give up on having friends altogether once I turn 20!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:53:21 No.2003044
    I am 19, have a part time job, and full time school. I just don't like people
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:54:15 No.2003052
    I secretly believe myself to be the incarnation of Jesus Christ. So I don't want to waste my time with your human absurdities. I'm busy trying to save the world from the Anti-Christ!
    >> Anonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 11/02/08(Sun)22:57:29 No.2003084
    It's probably a tapeworm. Or male pregnancy.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:57:40 No.2003085
    I wouldn't mind those things happening, but I have a hard time making friends so I definitely wouldn't be able to get laid ever, and I have been turned down from half a dozen jobs. I'm just dispirited and have simply come to terms with the fact that I'm a loser.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)23:01:16 No.2003118
    I've held down a steady job for the past two and a half years, and I can socialize fairly well (though I hate talking about school and work, which seems to be all anyone ever wants to talk about). As for the getting laid part, well...

    I used to be pretty flirty. I'd joke around with all the girls in high school, but they all treated me like "that one guy who just... just UNDERSTANDS me and whom I can tell ANYTHING to and, because of that, I can never be intimate with him, relationship-wise" so I never got any. After being rebuffed multiple times I just sort of gave up. Now whenever the opportunity for flirting presents itself I just choke up because I can't bring myself to do it. I just think I'm going to somehow mess it up or come across as desperate or weird (which I am guilty of on both counts) so I just shut my mouth and talk about other things.

    So... two out of three?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)23:07:42 No.2003183

    What they all said. If a chick started talking to me and was interested, I could reel her in. But I'm too nervous to start.

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