>Biology>Athetist>OK KIDS TODAY WERE LEARNING ABOUT EVOLUTION>Get 2 papers after we watch a video>Easy as shit>Finish both papers in 10 minutes>Everyone else is flipping through this big ass book>It takes everyone else an hour>I was in advanced classes>Smartest people in that class where taking forever to answer a question>Take a test the next day, make a 90>Usually fail with a 60>Everyone else flunked itFor an entire month I was smart
>Hurr im atheist that means im also a scientist and evolutionary biologist
>>1845585>usually fail with a 60>that feel when can't read.
>>1845534What does being an atheist have to do with anything? Douche.
>that feel when you argue so much against creationists online that Biology tests are easy as shit
It doesn't work like that, you can't take "rage comic" material and make it into a greentext thread. Threads are supposed to be something easily contributed to not your fucking blog posts. If its only worth making into a ragecomic then its not worthy at all
>>1845706I agree with your sentiments about the blog style of this, but I am also sick to fucking death of the amount of unfunny rage comics I see. If it's not funny on it's own it doesn't deserve to be a rage comic, because it's retarded to tell a boring story (like OP's) and put it into a rage comic "hurr durr funny cos memes".
>in high school>be atheist>friends don't know>casually mention it when we talk about beliefs and shit>every one of my friends shun me>try to save me>say they can't respect a man who doesn't believe in anymore>say I'm moral less and I'm going to hell>that feel when your friends aren't really your friends
>that feel when the world hates atheists
>>1845627>>1845585/thread, faggot
>>1845534>implying the baby level biology you take is relevantmy sides
>be in high school>be christian (but meh whatever people believe is what people believe)>dumb bitch in lunch room literally YELLING at some dude.>"what's going on?">"HE SAYS THE BIBLE IS BULLSHIT AND GOD ISN'T REAL AND BLAH BLAH BLAH">"Well?">"WELL WHAT? BLAH BLAH.">"Well, prove it isn't. That's the next step in a debate. Prove that the bible is factual information.">...>...>...>"Are we done here?">"Yes.">Feel like a badass for rest of day.