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  • File: 1332410788.jpg-(878 KB, 1900x1357, 801885 - Friendship_is_magic My_Little_P(...).jpg)
    878 KB Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:06:28 No.1838951  
    So robots I've been thinking, what would a nation of 4chan be like?

    Consider the following hypothetical scenario:
    >ship full of 2,500 of randomly chosen 4chan users from all boards are banished from earth
    >crew is half male, half female
    >full databases of how-to manuals on modern and future technology, like power plants, farming techniques, car schematics, personal computers etc.
    >stocked with a large amount of raw materials and enough food to last everyone for 5 years
    >also stocked with prefabricated housing so everyone would be able to have their own house
    >lands on a new planet similar to earth
    >because of space magic is fully habitable and native plant life is completely edible

    Would everybody come together and work as a society?

    Would the beta and omega shut ins change their lives and contribute and socialize?

    Would the misogyny still be as extreme as it is on /r9k/? or would it get even worse?

    What would the government be like? will the /fit/izens dominate the s/adv/irgins?

    What would the culture be like? Do the Otaku take over? How about the trekkies? Or even the bronies?

    How would crime be handled, what would the laws be like? How much morality would this society have?

    Most importantly what would you be like? how would you act in a brand new world? Would you be a leader of your people or would you be perfectly content to remain in your house all day?

    Your views /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:10:05 No.1838977
    I can't fathom this.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:20:10 No.1839034
    That's why I've been pondering it. It's such a ridiculous, impossible scenario that it's somewhat interesting to think of how it would work out.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:21:34 No.1839037
    /fit/ sets up a tribal society and claims all the females. or /pol/ sets up a nazi state.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:21:56 No.1839042
    This is what I now imagine hell to be like.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:22:57 No.1839046
    I think /fit/ and /k/ would fuck up shit pretty soon. Also I wouldn't want to be female on that Island.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:23:42 No.1839050
    Females would be locked in cages and used as fuck toys, that's for sure.

    The way it should be, really.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:23:46 No.1839051
    ... There are trekkies on 4chan?? Like, a significant number? I haven't spent much time in /tv/, admittedly, but this still surprises me for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:23:58 No.1839053
    >half male, half female
    The females all turn out to be traps and the experiment dies off instantly.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:26:12 No.1839065
    >nobody wants to do any kind of work
    >food starts running out
    >eventually a few of the more sane 4chan (ners) will pick up the slack and will have to motivate the others so we don't all starve to death

    Boy would it be terrible.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:26:19 No.1839066
    As exciting as it is to postulate about the wild world of 4chan, it would just become a regular society. The amount of normalfags would overwhelm the other users and the only remaining aspects of chan culture would be the occasional allusions to Y U NO or U MAD?

    It might be RaNduMM xD for a few months but then there would be a huge meeting of "let's be serious guys, this is the only home we have and we need to make it a place worth living for our children, it's not just temporary so let's all pull our own weight" spearheaded by the normalfags. It wouldn't be a pedo haven, or full of rape, or gruesome murder.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:27:10 No.1839072
    >thinking /fit/ will do shit
    >impying most /fit/fags aren't robots

    /fit/'s betafaggot tier. All they'll do is squat and circlejerk about how "totally alpha" they are.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:29:23 No.1839085
    >randomly chosen
    >half-male, half-female
    Choose one.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:30:45 No.1839092
    I would wage war (exterminate) the brony filth. It would be a glorious society.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:32:06 No.1839103
    >It wouldn't be ... full of rape, or gruesome murder.
    >implying this is true
    >> feminazi mangina !!YCePg6TwzZ5 03/22/12(Thu)06:34:11 No.1839116
    >because of space magic
    ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahthis perfectly paraphrases any non-hard sci fi ever
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:35:08 No.1839121
    It would probably break down incredibly fast or everybody would starve to death.

    4chan is comprised of either incredibly egotistical shitstains or ultra shy betas who yell on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:35:21 No.1839123

    >crew is half male, half female
    Stopped reading there. You have to keep these things plausible.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:38:43 No.1839138
    I was going to write a tl;dr post but then I decided why not sum it up in just a few words

    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:40:03 No.1839149
         File: 1332412803.jpg-(186 KB, 1225x677, reaver_s_5.jpg)
    186 KB
    >ship full of 2,500 of randomly chosen 4chan users

    We got Reavers, Mal!
    >> let me predict how you will end up as a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)06:40:52 No.1839153
    >any skill sets
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    >board you most identify with

    I will predict how things would end up
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:45:07 No.1839177
    >implying you can't be a /fit/ /r9k/obot /v/irgin
    >> !!2Bprxs412YW 03/22/12(Thu)06:52:13 No.1839205
    >any skill sets
    computer knowledge, building, farming
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    tall and skinny, kind of shy, but can take the lead, intelligent and logical
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    be the very best that no one ever was, help set up a type of government, teach, try to help in whatever i can
    >board you most identify with
    /r9k/ and /g/
    >> let me predict how you will end up as a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)06:57:38 No.1839230
    At first, you volunteer to help sort out the databases and help set up a system for managing the materials and food that was brought along. While you definitely aren't a leader, people are relying on you to keep certain things in control and organized. You make a few friends, mostly through having to work with them. While you can't offer much more, you settle into a position where you help out with maintaining stores and you also help out with the attempts at farming.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)07:01:25 No.1839249
    /pol/, /k/, and /int/ unite to enslave everyone else, then have a massive, several thousand way power struggle
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)07:03:32 No.1839258
    The whites would get their shit kicked in and become sex slaves for everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)07:05:14 No.1839264
    Bachelors in computer engineering, associates in network administration, cooking
    Prefer to reach compromise instead of forced action, quiet, easy going
    That would depend entirely upon the needs of the colony. I don't even fucking know if we get computers for the first 200 or so years, since we'd need to set up fabrication plants and shit first.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)07:05:48 No.1839265
    >any skill sets
    Ah shit. I guess fast learning?
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    Fat, funny, possibly bi-polar, self hating for no reason, etc.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    Get a woman. There's an equal split, I'm sure I can manage one.
    >board you most identify with
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)07:06:37 No.1839270
    OP here

    >any skill sets
    used to be a long term boyscout so basic survival skills, armyfag
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    6'0 270lbs builtfat aspie. have social anxiety, but always looking to improve myself and overcome
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    I would either be part of the military/police/law enforcement or make a small expedition team to try and monopolize on a resource
    >board you most identify with
    /r9k/, /mu/, /sci/, /k/
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)07:06:40 No.1839271

    You mean /new/
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)07:12:08 No.1839294
    At first, you're one face amongst many. You look above you and see other people taking charge, giving directions, telling people what to do. While your skills aren't noticed at first, eventually people ask for help on computer-related things. You are given the task to dismantle or salvage what you can from the space ship that brought you here to give the group a head start on computer related things. While you don't become anything of note, your skills are appreciated by the few who need to rely on those things.
    >> let me predict how you will end up as a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)07:17:48 No.1839328
    At first, there really doesn't seem to be anything you can contribute towards. You band together with a few other people who don't seem to have a lot of direction and live in your quarters aboard the ship that you came here on. Self-deprecating humour becomes your strong point and you integrate yourself with a few people who you can call friends. A few months later, people start to dismantle and salvage the ship for useable materials and components. Sadly, your quarters blocked their way to some particularly vital components. In compensation, you were given a home and a menial labour task. Somehow, you made it so that you would be able to continue living with the people you'd met aboard the ship. While life isn't great, you have something to do when you wake up.
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)07:24:47 No.1839368
    You've already made a few acquaintances, perhaps friends, due to your position as a member of the military community. As a result, you manage to score yourself a position supporting a survey team led and staffed by very ambitious, if not rather enthusiastic military and civilian people. You make the attempt to stick to fellow military bros and adopt a mindset where you need to keep yourself one step ahead of everyone else, not for you own sake but so you can be ready to help others. While that doesn't mean much in the long run, it means the things you do tend to contribute in some way to the entire group of 2500 people, even if it's very little.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)07:52:48 No.1839540
    >any skill sets
    Given time to finish my degree before we are banished, or in transit, I'd have an LLB and a BMthSc. Also speak fluent Japanese.
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    Physically quite tall, rather fit. Personality-wise, rational, competitive, thorough, perfectionist, stubborn, impatient.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    For the colony, I suppose I'd like it to be libertarian but with strong social pressures towards decency and personal worthiness. I'd look for personal involvement in whatever justice system we sort out. Perhaps I can sway social values through judicial activism, but if not I can probably find some like-minded anons who will help me keep undesirable under control. I would otherwise keep to myself or a small group of people similar to me.
    >board you most identify with
    /r9k/ is the only board I use remotely regularly, although /jp/, /vg/, /pol/, /sci/ are occasionally visited
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)07:55:43 No.1839556
    Also forgot that I am somewhat stoic/disaffected. I tend to have low tolerance for people who do not meet my standards, but the extent of this intolerance is often simply thinking less of and disliking them - I can "tolerate" them very well in a practical sense. Not sure it matters.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)07:58:57 No.1839563
    Disaffected seems to be the wrong word. I mean to say that I am lacking in affectation.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)07:59:02 No.1839564
    >any skill sets
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    nothing special
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    get a gf, no idea
    >board you most identify with
    /r9k/ /v/
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:01:37 No.1839576


    >any skill sets
    Master in physics, part time jazz musician (guitar and saxophone)
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    Argue over semantics, most people hate me, if I imply that music is more than just subjective and make analogies to literature or math (music is basically math), get called a self-absorbed. Very egotistical (apparently)
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    Research! Work towards reestablishing all the lovely technology. Find other jazz enthusiasts and play music later (when society is up and running)
    >board you most identify with
    /sci/ /r9k /v/ /mu/
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:02:19 No.1839578
    whoops in relation to the coloney

    >any skill sets
    information technology
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    skinny, unfit, attractive, adapts to hard conditions quickly, logical thinker, kind
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    explore, by pure hard manwalking
    establish and build, with sweat and blood
    striking the earth!
    >board you most identify with
    r9k /v/
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:02:52 No.1839582

    Ok, I can identify the Atlas and the Commando. I could probably even tell you which variant if I really looked...But I cannot for the life of me identify the center battlemech.

    Anyone know what that one is?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:04:01 No.1839586
    Honestly? I'd steal what I needed under the cover of night and get as far away from this hypothetical society as I fucking could.

    Fuck the inevitable shit-strewn bloodbath that'd become.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:04:07 No.1839588

    Y'see...I read the 'half male, half female' as being that all of them would be traps.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:06:14 No.1839596
    >You spend your time cultivating contacts and completing your degrees during the journey to the planet. When you arrive, you try to attach yourself to one of the groups trying to maintain order and set up a colony. Your degrees, while impressive, are not immediately recognized as a useable skillset. However, you manage to land yourself a position in one of the groups trying to keep a semblance of order and direction in the colony. Your attempts to sway social values are noticed, for better or worse. You aren't the only one doing this however and you will be involved in some friction between groups.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:06:18 No.1839597
    >any skill sets
    good physical/athletic ability
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    logical, intelligent, level-headed but lazy
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    set up a system of laws/punishments. give everyone an equal share of the food and resources, let them do whatever job they want and let the free market work things out.
    >board you most identify with
    /fit/, /g/, /k/, /r9k/
    >> Buddha Bot !!VRYJTnKhVF0 03/22/12(Thu)08:09:49 No.1839612
    to answer your question bluntly, there would be massive die offs to begin with. A lot of us are simply not equipped to handle this type of situation. At first there would be a great deal of confusion, probably hostility too; groups would quickly form. Between the groups you may have some form of co-operation between others, but there would be a clear divide. More than likely you would have two massive groups with smaller ones banded together. The two more larger ones would constantly be at odds with one another, and would look to swallow up others for resources and needs.

    As I said though, there would be massive die offs from those who are simply too stupid to be on their own, or be killed during the conglomeration. Eventually it would end up with two of the larger tribes with maybe 1 or 2 of the smaller ones way on the out skirts living by them selves. The two groups will more than likely culminate and clash together, either through violent or diplomatic means.

    From there the Nation of 4chan would grow just as any tribe would, the key difference here is we have some knowledge of politics, and technology. I imagine after the chaos all dies out it would run very similar to Ancient Rome, with the "main" power being ran as a republic, and the secondary power running in a similar style to ancient Greece. The other smaller tribes would act like the Goths and the Britanians.
    >> let me predict how you will end up as a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)08:10:20 No.1839618
    You bumble about, particularly enjoying the journey through space. When you arrive, you don't have much of an idea as to what to do and remain on the space ship. After a few weeks of seeing people go off and do things, you head off with a few people you've grown to be comfortable with and ask for things to do. You're given directions, a small pre-fab house and told to help with the first attempts at growing food. There is a cute female who's also helping.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:11:48 No.1839624
    >any skill sets
    All of them
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    I am 3 meters tall and weigh around 250kg of solid muscle and have a black belt in every martial art. When I walk the very earth shakes and I can bring grown men to their knees in terror just by looking at them.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    Kill all those who did not agree to worship me as a god.
    >board you most identify with
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:12:40 No.1839627
    wow thanks, i did expand my profile thing when i realized it had to be in relation to the "mission"

    this situation would make a sweet vidya gaem
    >> Buddha Bot !!VRYJTnKhVF0 03/22/12(Thu)08:13:05 No.1839628

    One of the main concerns you would have with all of this would be genetic bottle necking, which is a very good possibility with only a sample size of 2,500. Now, if I recall correctly it's believed that the original Native American population was as few as 750? possibly smaller that crossed the baring strait over into what is now modern day Canada, and spread south from there, but there's still the chance of hereditary diseases becoming a lot more frequent.

    Realistically we would divulge very quickly to an Alpha/Beta type situation, where the Alpha males were able to get a majority of the females and spread down their genes, while the beta males would never get the opportunity to mate.
    >> let me predict how you will end up as a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)08:14:17 No.1839633
    While you don't seem to get along with most people, your education in physics is somewhat vital in dismantling, salvaging and putting to use the systems and parts of the ship. Your worth in that matter is recognized but not much else. After a few months, you find one or two fellow musicians that you instantly click with. After year or so and everyone who hasn't died has settled down, you get a semi-regular crowd of people who listen to you and your friends perform.
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)08:17:12 No.1839645
    not much changes, except while you never explore the alien land due to being skinny and unfit (the milfags and fitfags looked at you funny if you mentioned wanting to do so), your enthusiasm and mindset allows you to work over most of the rough patches when attempting to farm food.
    >> Buddha Bot !!VRYJTnKhVF0 03/22/12(Thu)08:21:33 No.1839656

    So it looks like I completely missed the point of this topic. Sorry!
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)08:22:44 No.1839662
    >You see groups of men older than yourself and who hold more power than yourself make decisions that affect you whether you like it or not. Fortunately, perhaps due to luck, they are fairly reasonable if a bit harsh at first. While your ideals ring with some people, hard necessity- and power, mean that most people must do the tasks they are given, lest the fragile sense of order and normality be broken. You are sent along with another group of people to divert water to the ship's inbuilt water purification systems.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:23:12 No.1839666

    I'm drunk and this is bugging the living fuck out of me. Any other Battletech or Mechwarrior fags here that can answer this?
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)08:26:48 No.1839677
    you escaped from the hidden cryo pod in the space ship and broke free of the titanium bonds chaining you down, the shackles simply turning into spaghetti as they realized they could not contain your alphaness. Amidst the wet sound of a one thousand and two hundred and fifty females simultaneously orgasming at your sheer manliness, you burst through the hardened bulkheads of the ship with a concentrated jet of your DU-tipped semen.

    You land outside of the ship, your rock-hard muscles glistening in the alien sun but suddenly have a heart attack because iirc people who are that high normally have heart problems.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:33:40 No.1839697
    >your picture

    i bet whoever did that was real mad about something :3
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:34:27 No.1839702
    I'd band with my /sci/duck and fa/tg/uy bros. We'd measure the properties of the planet in the morning and then spend the evening playing Twilight Imperium.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:37:31 No.1839713


    he's one of those angry marine spergalongs, isn't he

    it's fine for you, you can just laugh at them, but fuckers like that ruined 40k for me and now they're starting on mechwarrior. you just know that once he's done turning it into an outlet for autistic hostility he's going to move along to X-Com or something

    sic transit gloria fucking mundi.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:38:49 No.1839724

    Are you new /tg/ or old /tg/. This is a vital question.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:40:33 No.1839731
    >any skill sets
    I'm good with lab work, hiking, being creative
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    Average looking, very shy and quiet, get terrified easily, but I'm an intelligent, logical thinker and I can work well with others and independently.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    Work with the others to make a community
    >board you most identify with
    /r9k/ /pol/ /sci/
    >> OP 03/22/12(Thu)08:41:06 No.1839733
    Nah, you're fine. It might be the sleep deprivation but i haven't really seen a bad opinion here. One of the ones that actually made me laugh was the whole trap idea, found that one funny for some reason.

    Also amusing is this guy over here
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:41:43 No.1839739


    It's Battletech, you silly fucknugget.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:45:26 No.1839753

    it's pretty poorly drawn

    i think being pissed off all the time erodes the centers of your brain you need to do clear linework

    what is it with alienated, bitter internet assholes and giant invulnerable robots? even the guy with the stretch limo hummer would look at that shit and be like "dude, you're overcompensating".
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:45:38 No.1839754
    This sounds pretty good. But what do you mean "friction"? Will I get an awesome scar on my face and look like a movie villain?

    Also, dibs on drafting the constitution. Anybody want to help?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:47:04 No.1839760

    Easy, Freud. I was being more than a little facetious. Calm the hell down, and ease off on the holier-than-thou psychology BS.
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)08:48:07 No.1839765
    While you don't click with that many people on the journey to the planet, you don't cause any waves either and so people generally don't have an opinion of you or are friendly. Like most others, an apparent sense of direction or purpose is not something you immediately have. You keep to the space ship and the immediate surrounding attempts at colonization. It's during one of those visits when you spot a request for an assistant to help catalogue and identify any native plants that may be useful. While it's not a glorious position, it's a position which is safe and will help with the need to establish a regular source of food.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:48:45 No.1839767
    >any skill sets
    Quite a decent mechanic, reasonable at CAD, calculus. Also was a long term cadet so a few survival/leadership skills thrown in for good measure.
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    More beta than anything else, always try to settle things fairly and seek the truth.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    I don't really have any goals, to be honest. No doubt my mech skills would be put to work, but if I could just keep everybody from killing each other that'd be cool. Inventing new tools and contraptions for everyone would be sweet.
    >board you most identify with
    /o/ /r9k/ /diy/ /k/
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:50:31 No.1839774
    There'd be enough lazysmarts to want to establish some form of leadership right out the gate. This'll end up with a shit democracy that doesn't quite pan out.

    Next, dissatisfied members from various boards begin to form an aristocracy where they then manipulate the weaker-willed members of 4chan to their goals. They may not be the absolute smartest in terms of most learned, but will more than likely be the cleverest of the bunch.

    Anons who use sexy pics and faulty logic to gain power will probably be brutally assaulted or murdered. The aristocracy would see their minor power grabs as threats to a greater good and take them out.

    With this strong leadership, tasks are doled out first on skillsets, then by priority. With shelter already handled, food, energy, and infrastructure will be the most important.

    Fatties will slim down pretty quick. Skinny pale fags will get swole like no tomorrow.

    5 years is not that long and if the population grows at any rate, it'll run out even faster. Expect at this point the location of homes to be altered to be more accommodating to the needs of agriculture.

    Also, I'd see the more wild members of maybe /k/ and /r9k/ to settle into an outlaw lifestyle, raping and killing and living on the outskirts.

    Law enforcement I think would end up being handled like Deadwood: eye for an eye justice agreed upon by the town.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:53:02 No.1839789
    /k/ would run everything. doesn't matter how /fit/ you are when you're fighting a bullet
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:54:48 No.1839796
    >any skill sets
    minor mechanic skills, basic plumbing & carpentry (I paid attention to those lessons from dad), cooking, government & planning. Bachelors in PoliSci, minored in pre-law?
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    6'2" fat, rather easygoing but I find myself watching for the angles and using them to my advantage when necessary. I'm likeable I suppose, but I enjoy being alone.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    Establishing a long-lasting farming system and infrastructure to enable us to live this life more than 5 years.
    >board you most identify with
    I frequent /co/, /r9k/ the most, followed by /trv/ and /v/. /r9k/ and /trv/ are the only meaningful boards I visit.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:55:55 No.1839799
    Nowhere is it mentioned guns are being brought. If they plan on making weaponry, GL. They won't be the only ones.
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)08:56:31 No.1839805
    >While certain groups don't immediately pick up on it due to your age, a few of the milfag, leaderfag groups do identify as you as someone with skills that will be needed. Your personality or rather, mindset is rather pleasing to some of the more ambitious groups out there and you are picked up along with several similar people to work on the establishment of basic amenities such as running water and electricity. Your willingness to avoid conflict is one many people share with you and you make a few friends with people who also want to see this work out.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)08:58:09 No.1839808
    I'm new, but I never say no to a good monstergirl dump.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:00:05 No.1839816
    >any skill sets
    Build computers by hand, speak Greek and Mandarin, Great at track
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    5'4, /Fit/, 20/20 Eyesight
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    Teach tech, languages and Make Chinese food better than any take-out
    >board you most identify with
    /r9k/ and /fit/
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:02:47 No.1839832
    >Nowhere is it mentioned guns are being brought

    You really think some /k/ommando wouldn't smuggle a firearm in?
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)09:02:52 No.1839833
    your relative age compared to other 4chan users, your skillset and education are noticed during the journey to the planet. Your goals too are common ones and ones the groups with a lot of power also want to see happen. You are trusted with the partial overseeing of a project to channel water from a nearby ocean to the ship- or to be more precise, the building of houses along the way that contain machinery to move that water. You report to a person who knows little about handiwork skills but is a great leader. You two make a great team and later down the track, two very good friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:05:57 No.1839852
    >any skill sets
    Editing stuff
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    Quiet among strangers, loud among friends.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    VFX Artist, getting good with visual effects
    >board you most identify with
    /r9k/ starting to get to know /fit/
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:09:19 No.1839870
    He also has to sleep. If this person(s) was seen as a legitimate threat to the status quo, they'd take him out, probably through a non-direct means such as poisoning or an 'accident'.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:10:24 No.1839877
    Whoops, wrote age instead of gender, I'm male.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:11:18 No.1839878
    /r9k/ and /adv/ guys and girls mix so they now become happy and therefore more productive

    everyone conforms to one another and everyone would be somewhat similar
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:11:58 No.1839880
    >Has 18 genders

    On a beautifully serious note, the mysterious stranger is doing a fine job of replying to everyone. How sick would it be if the stranger was from the future and this, or a situation like this, is what is actually going to happen?

    It would be too amazing to know that in advance though. Like knowing how your life will turn out.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:12:23 No.1839882
    >any skill sets
    Mildy skilled in drawing, esp. pixel art. Been told I have writing skills. Can operate a computer and do hex +-*/ in my head but not quickly.
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    I don't like conflict and fucking hate seeing people pick on the weak. I think that talking fixes shit, and I think most disputes can be resolved without violence.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    My goals would be to prevent people from being shat on by the system, to prevent injustice. I would probably do it by getting friends together and preventing people from harming others.
    >board you most identify with
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:12:47 No.1839884
    Sadly, people are usually sensible. They would survive, maybe even thrive.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:13:49 No.1839890
    >any skill sets
    Rifle, pistol, shotgun, and machine gun (Mounted or dismounted) shooting, urban and woodland or desert dismounted infantry tactics, physical security, interrogation, investigation, mediation
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    I've been a soldier for seven years, and an investigator for three, deployed three times in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I'm easy to get along with, and able to work all sides of an issue without compromising myself or committing to a given side before I want to. I know how to defend myself, with lethal force if need be, and will not hesitate to do so. I know how to organize patrols and watch groups. I know how to influence people to sympathize with my goals and objectives, and am exceedingly good at doing so. I am good at defusing volatile situations without resorting to force, but am capable of resorting to force if necessary.

    Due to my 'supervisor', 'advisor', and 'enforcer' roles I fulfill in my various social circles, I find myself distanced socially from my peers and comrades, and I frequently find myself lamenting my loneliness, especially in the area of female companionship. I bring this on myself, because when I see people, I don't see friends or partners - I see problems that need fixed, and how I can fix them to help the people involved and further the mission.

    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them

    Ensure order, coupled with reasonable individual liberties and personal responsibility. I would likely strive for the role of the group's sheriff or similar figure, or be a prominent figure in the group's law enforcement or military system.

    >board you most identify with

    /k/ and /fit/
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)09:15:34 No.1839900
    >You arrive at the station with enthusiasm and a slightly wider range of contacts than other people, perhaps because of your ability to talk to and listen to the admittedly small greek and asian communities. Unfortunately, due to the 2500 people being from 4chan, there are quite a few people who are competent with technology and building computers. At first you're assigned to a team stripping the ship of valuable or useful components. At night, you sometimes offer to cook for the team. After a few months, the team disbands and you need something else to do. Luckily, due to your contacts, you get told about a colony not far from the space ship who needs one more person to help with general duties.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:18:28 No.1839913
    also, mysterious stranger, can i pick you as a perk
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:18:33 No.1839914
    >>any skill sets
    >Rifle, pistol, shotgun, and machine gun (Mounted or dismounted) shooting, urban and woodland or desert dismounted infantry tactics, physical security, interrogation, investigation, mediation

    In addition to basic first aid, significantly above-average aptitude for firearms, above-average computer knowledge (Hardware and software) - I've done double-duty as an un-official squad/platoon Commo, Medic, and Armorer because of these skill sets.

    Basic mechanical aptitude with regard to internal combustion engines.

    General resourcefulness - If I need something for my duties and don't have it, I can generally acquire it at little or no cost, even if illicitly.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:18:54 No.1839916
    I know I would be as happy as fuck. I'd read everything I could and learn how to do things and help farm.

    But at the same time we dont want to fuck up the alien soil like we did ours. So hopefully there would be manuals on sustainable farming in there.

    And what would our foreign plants do to their ecosystem? We may have to end up keeping most everything on the ship so it doesn't fuck up the ecosystem of the new planet.

    It'd be nice having my own tiny house. I'd build a porch swing facing the morning sun/suns.

    I'm not interested in being a breeder. Maybe if there was a nice guy but.... I'm not really interested in sex.
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)09:21:37 No.1839924
    while watching the stars flash by is entertaining, you use your time aboard the ship to get /fit/ and by the time the ship arrives, you feel pleased, surprised even at your fitness. You feel ready. You've also made a few friends among like-minded people who've taken to getting fit during the journey. Your skills at vfx are not identified any groups as something immediately useful but a group of fit young males is a resource and people in charge of establishing infrastructure and amenities approach you and your friends to ask you to help. After a few years or so of moving through the colonies doing construction tasks, you settle down somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:23:34 No.1839932
    I'd imagining the ships food supply to be more like a vitamin slurry? Necessary, but not exactly plantable stuff.

    As for sustainable living, we have most of that technology now. crop rotation and education of indigenous plant life has been a massive boon
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:27:28 No.1839958
    Cool. I wouldn't want to live on a planet that has the same.bullshit problems we do now.

    I wish pretty much every day to leave the planet. I'd love to be a part of a space/planet exploration team...

    If it turned out the planet was becoming a huge shithole just like this one I'd pack a bunch of supplies and fuck off into the wilderness.

    I guess I'm a hippie.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:28:21 No.1839962
    I imagine you having problems later down the line with that loneliness. By the sounds of it, you like to keep busy, always looking for that next project. But eventually, 4chan land will reach a point [or you will], where nothing will have to be done.

    At this point of self-evaluation, you'll maybe move to another colony and act in an advisory role, possibly as an elder or teacher, assuming the experiment manages to flourish.
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)09:29:43 No.1839970
    >You become acquainted with a group of people while the ship journeys to the alien planet. They see this as a chance to start again, free from all the social constructs, conventions etc that existed back on Earth. The group is somewhat light-hearted and there is a fair share of drama within it. You make no particular enemies but there are already movements aboard the ship involving the mil, police etc fags. While they don't seem to be going on a power trip, you are wary of them. This wariness, and perhaps sense of purpose, leads to you stepping off the shuttle with a group of friends with like-minded attitudes. While your skills aren't immediately useable in the rush to secure food and water sources, manpower is manpower and your group carve out a small niche for themselves supporting a main colony by helping with the irrigation for a field.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:29:51 No.1839972
    >ship full of 2,500 of randomly chosen 4chan users
    They'd be all dead within 5-6 years. 4channers are utterly useless, especially American/West European ones.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:31:13 No.1839980
    Have you though about just doing this here on Earth? Just picking up everything and moving to the other side of the planet? I did that a year ago and honestly, I have never been happier.
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)09:37:38 No.1840010
    >The milfags don't number much and while you keep your distance, most other milfags, especially btdts, keep a measure of respect for you. You find yourself or put yourself in a position where you essentially are capable of auditing the usage and consumption of stores and resources. While the milfags and groups who are leading most of the other people allow this or at least reluctantly tolerate your position, there are those who resent your eye over things, especially when most milfags will back you if you find a problem. Even so, your self-imposed distance keeps it hard for milfags to always have your back. While to them, you do an essential task, they can't allow anything to alienate the relationship between them and the rest of the 2500 people. You are kept on somewhat of a leash but the leash is long enough for you to do what you need to do.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:38:05 No.1840013
    Anyone got the original of OP's awesome image without shitty Pony shop?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:39:07 No.1840020
    Well I still want to live in at least a second world country. I could move to any spanish speaking countries. I'd like living in Europe but...... so many muslims.....

    Maybe New Zealand. Or the moors of scotland...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:39:27 No.1840024

    Quartermaster, huh?

    I suppose that's not so bad a lot. It's an important job, and somebody's got to do it. At least I know I'd do it right, can't say the same for anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:40:13 No.1840029
    > second world country

    I don't think that term means what you think it means.
    >> Get off my lawn Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:43:10 No.1840044
         File: 1332423790.jpg-(60 KB, 443x368, gran-torino.jpg)
    60 KB
    >any skill sets
    military experience, math, science, carpentry, electronics
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    physically strong & healthy, non-appealing (or non-existent) personality, above average intelligence, introverted loner
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    goals: a) acquire acceptable mate, b) ensure physical security of my local community, and c) otherwise be left the fuck alone
    a) lol i dunno
    b) convince a dozen or so lesser betas that I have a clue what i'm talking about with respect to defending an area, and set up a perimeter which we would watch in shifts
    useful, non-aggressive migrants could be allowed into the community
    useless migrants turned away, along with those of questionable intent
    those who are violent, attempt to steal from the community, or even rustle my jimmies in the slightest would be killed, and have their bodies displayed on the perimeter as a warning
    c) "no greater friend, no worse enemy"
    >board you most identify with
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:46:33 No.1840053
    Get a Bachelors and come teach English overseas. You can literally have your pick of anywhere in Asia.

    The gross majority of fellow English teachers I meet are people who've grown despondent with their current (former?) way of life back home and want to try something different. Doing this, you'll soon learn your tolerance for actually roughing it. I have some friends here in SK who spend a while teaching in SE Asia, and couldn't deal with the bathrooms being outhouses with just an umbrella for a roof or the constant homicidal motor bikes.

    Alternatively, spend a summer doing the tree planting in Canada or fruit picking in New Zealand.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:48:48 No.1840065
    > any place that's not africa, eastern europe, russia, the middle east, india, china, non-japan asian countries, and poor south american countries.

    You know, poor, smelly people that would probably break into my home and rape me.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:49:39 No.1840068
    >any skill sets
    physics, advanced maths (not really skills)

    I know a little electrical engineering, and I can absorb new knowledge pretty quickly.
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    Neurotic procrastinator. An asspie Socrates without the courage to ask questions(I'm afraid I'd get punched in the face).
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    I want to work on a hidden-variables theory of quantum mechanics which could have applications to unified field theory. Also, a not tried-to-death method of fusion(magnetic/inertial confinement I'm looking at YOU) would be interesting.

    But since that kind of research probably won't be possible in such a small colony I'd settle for a comfortable existence that involves as little works as possible, or a trip back to Earth. I'd suggest making a living teach sophistry, but I'd have SO much competition given 4chan's userbase(not that I don't think I'm better at it than them, though.)
    >board you most identify with
    /r9k/, /sci/, /s/
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)09:54:09 No.1840091
    Your presence amongst the mainly teenager browsers of 4chan was somewhat startling and your ideals, somewhat more so amongst the more placid users. When the ship arrives, you set off almost immediately with one of the expeditions aiming at setting up a colony near the sea. You meet the expedition leaders and tell them in certain terms of the need for security for the colony. They are outright hesitant when they hear your plans for displaying bodies outside the community but agree that there would be no harm in you teaching people how to defend themselves and how to set up a 24/7 fire/intruder watch. However, they insist that they want to maintain as close a tie as possible to other communities as well as people still onboard the ship. Outside teaching people to defend themselves and conversing with the occasional milfag who stops by, you keep to yourself. Unfortunately, or fortunately, there is a rather young girl sent to the expedition on general duties who has made you her father figure seeing as you are one of the more older people to have travelled on the ship.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:54:57 No.1840095
    2,500 is not a big enough sample. There are more than that many people on /b/ at any one time. It would have to be closer to the 10,000 mark or maybe even higher. Also it would make sense to only select people over the age of 18, because otherwise we could end up with 80% of the crew being fucking 13 years old.

    I think things would go ok. Most boards on 4chan have relatively smart people on them, and boards like /k/, /diy/, /g/, /ck/, /an/ and /o/ would ensure we had sufficent knowlege to survive.

    Fucking loads of us would die though. /r9k/, /v/, the otaku boards /b/ and /fa/ would be fucked. lot's of /k/ommandos killed in small gunfights over trivial shit as well.

    Overall, it's somewhere I would like to live.
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)09:56:47 No.1840109
    okay last few ones, we still don't have many consoles as one would like at this place and everyone wants to go on them.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:57:45 No.1840115
    >Fucking loads of us would die though. /r9k/, /v/, the otaku boards /b/ and /fa/ would be fucked.

    confirmed for pig-ignorant
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)09:59:35 No.1840126
    20 tomorrow.
    >any skill sets
    Shooting, outdoorsmanship, fast thinker, relatively smart and physically capable.
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    I try to stay as relaxed as possible, I like to have fun and laugh/make people laugh. Willing to do what is needed if no one else will do it, although sometimes reluctantly.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    I want to travel the world, I'm starting this in a few months by fucking off my life in the UK and going to canada for a few years
    >board you most identify with
    /k/, /v/, /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)10:04:06 No.1840149
    >any skill sets
    problem solving skills, computer programming, psychology major under way (top of my class), physically fit (more stamina than strength)
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    shy at first, let other people do the talking, take charge of a situation as a leader if necessary, not shy after i get to know a group (takes about 10-15 mins), not very loud but people listen to me, not easy to anger, very in control of my emotions
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    get a Ph.D in psychology, then do a major in english / programming at the same time, THEN go into the workforce. achieve through putting in enough effort to get the grades i need (Not much effort, i naturally like my majors and understand them quickly as i am eager to learn)
    >board you most identify with
    /g/ /r9k/ /v/ /fit/ /the X that isn't retarded/
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)10:06:59 No.1840168
    you're one of the few who take full advantage of the rather extensive stores of knowledge aboard the ship. While you can't do any practical work, you make the most of your time reading and conversing with the very few also interested in these things. When the ship finally arrives, you extend your stay on the ship as long as you can but the time finally arrives when salvaging teams all but turn the ship, and your only real chance of going back to Earth, into an empty shell of what it used to be. Without purpose or direction, you get led to a small pre-fab house and directions to help with the construction of a place to store food and later, general duties and farming. After a few months, you chance upon hearing a request for people knowledgeable in certain fields to sort out the databases filled with knowledge that came from the ship. While you can't fully escape the rigours of hard labour, you assume a part-time job as the custodian of said knowledge, passing it on for the generations to follow as they will have a chance to use it in a practical application.
    >> OP 03/22/12(Thu)10:08:09 No.1840175
    I gave literally 7 lines of background info and you managed to give everybody who asked an entire story, if a bit brief.

    I must say I'm impressed. I applaud you good sir, thank you for keeping this thread alive and interesting.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)10:09:25 No.1840184

    as opposed to figuratively?

    literally? that's the word you want to use?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)10:12:34 No.1840198
    >age gender
    20 male
    >any skill sets
    not really
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    Shy, quiet, antisocial
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    Don't really have any goals, I guess passing my classes
    >board you most identify with
    >> OP 03/22/12(Thu)10:18:23 No.1840230
    As emphasis yes. Also my english skills are quickly dying, its like 8:15 in the morning here in 'murrika
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)10:19:07 No.1840235
    happy birthday!

    When the ship arrives, you almost make a beeline towards one of the expedition groups. A few milfags seem hesitant at first but after the first few weeks, they seem happy to treat you as an equal. It's at somewhere along this point where you sort of become the group's dependable source of laughter, something the group needs when establishing the very basics it needs to keep itself alive. While you don't push yourself, some people do it for you and you will find yourself landing in situations where people look to you for a bit of purpose or direction. After a few years, the colony is mostly self-sufficient and has even begun to support the original ship. You take to visiting different colonies as a hobby and every so now and then visit the original ship, although it's grown to be something far more significant than a ship, both literally and figuratively.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)10:23:35 No.1840265


    >any skill sets

    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    Introvert, don't really like leading or being led(dislike power plays)

    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    Right now? A good career and maybe a family.
    In space I'd like to live in a community of people like me.

    >board you most identify with
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)10:25:22 No.1840275
    While I agree /k/ is very dangerous early on, i fear much more about /fit/.

    Imagine after 5 years when supplies are gone and all these roiders don't have access to testosterone hell will break lose. In fear of mantitties they will most likely try to "boil" testosterone out of other people or some crazy shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)10:26:21 No.1840284
    >In fear of mantitties they will most likely try to "boil" testosterone out of other people or some crazy shit.

    Orchiectomies for EVERYONE!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)10:27:11 No.1840289
    >any skill sets
    Adaptability and fast learning, and some medical knowledge.
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    I'm 230 and about 5'9. I have some muscle on me but I have alot of endurance. If anything I would be the neutral party. Figuring whats best for myself and whats best for all.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    Serving as a mediator between two people or two groups who didnt get along. Would also be a medic of sorts if needed.
    >board you most identify with
    /vp/, /k/, /g/, and /b/,
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 03/22/12(Thu)10:29:04 No.1840299
    >any skill sets
    general engineering knowhow, decent physical conditioning, basic medical knowledge
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    natural leader, social, tall, lanky, fast talking and even faster thinking
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    In situ resource utilization, scavenging and storing wasted energy in capacitor banks/battery packs, renewable energy sources
    >board you most identify with
    /r9k/, /mu/, /g/, /adv/, occasionally /fit/
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)10:31:08 No.1840311
         File: 1332426668.jpg-(70 KB, 432x432, what fit actually is.jpg)
    70 KB
    you have comically incorrect preconceptions about /fit/
    /fit/ = /r9k/ + squats
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)10:31:25 No.1840314
    Gonna share this thread with /k/ and see what they have to say.
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)10:31:30 No.1840316
    while being in a space ship doesn't really help someone get a PHD, you manage to give yourself at least a masters-level education with the vast stores of knowledge contained on the ship while it travels to the alien planet. Seeing as you have a lot of free time, you dabble rather deeply with english and programming, although you never get further than a degree-level education on those subjects while on the ship. While on the ship, you've managed to cultivate and enjoy the companionship of a rather pleasant circle of friends, although you don't venture further out when it comes to relationships or friendships. When the ship finally arrives, you are eager to continue your education but it becomes a priority to help with the establishment of food, water sources and basic amenities before the ones on the ship run out. Along with other psychologically and medically inclined people, you are sometimes asked to counsel or at the very least, keep an eye out for people who aren't taking to everything so well. However, you are young and you aren't expected to do much in that respect. Outside of that, you help out with general duties. A few years later down the track, when basic amenities have been taken care of, you are asked to give a few pointers on the design of basic communication systems, mostly jury-rigged from salvaged ship systems by using your knowledge on psychology to determine how people use them etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)10:35:52 No.1840342
    Thank you, that put a smile on my face.
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)10:40:00 No.1840366
    Your story is one the alien planet would see many times. Like many others, you would watch with wide eyes as the ship you were on hurtled towards a star, a system and a planet lightyears away from planet Earth. The few years the journey would take would pass quietly for you, although you took great care to take advantage of the ship's almost boundless store of vidya. When the ship did arrive, you were one of the last to leave it and it would be a few weeks before you were assigned to a pre-fab, given some general duties to perform and left alone in the hope that you didn't screw things up too badly. Not much would occur and while you would talk to a few people who shared similar interests, your life was a placid and quiet one. You did come to enjoy the coming and going of the two suns though.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)10:44:25 No.1840383
    You know, these little

    >any skill sets
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    >board you most identify with

    Imagine replacing resumes with this system. It would be much more effectve.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)10:46:06 No.1840393
    dis thread to hard
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)10:52:05 No.1840416
    >When you arrive, in fact before the space ship was still journeying to the planet, you could feel a sense of tension as you identified various groups or people who wanted to exert their will over the rest of the 2500 people. You kept away from these things, from groups of people who had already identified whose allegiances laid with who or from people who seemed to be giving directions to people they barely knew. When the ship finally arrived, you stepped off only to find that those who had wanted power for whatever reason had already started giving orders. Unlike some, you stepped off the ship immediately and headed for one of the larger groups that planned to create a colony joined to the ship. While there were people giving orders to and fro in the group, you told yourself that helping the group with whatever they needed help with was not an entirely unpleasant thing to do and for the next few months, you would help with whatever was needed. As you weren't exactly a threat to those who were in power and you were helping out, you were generally ignored and managed to find one or two people to talk to when you wanted to. After a few months passed, you would be consulted about general economic topics as the outer colonies became self-sufficient and traded to the larger colonies.
    >> a mysterious stranger 03/22/12(Thu)11:00:28 No.1840466
    and I'm off, if I missed any, I'm terribly sorry.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)11:01:29 No.1840472
    >any skill sets
    Hunting, shooting, leading, cooking, handyman, anything really
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    Light hearted funny guy once I'm friends with you, gets along with everyone, loves joking around but know when to get serious, backstab me and your dead, can be evil and a serious douche despite how nice i can be.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    I'd expect all boards to be broken up into little tribe like things and everyone to pull their weight. I'd be the person that travels from group to group and help out because I'd get alone with most of them. But at the end of the day everyone needs to help out with things.
    >board you most identify with
    /b/ /r9k/ /x/ /o/ /fa/ /k/
    All the ones i frequent.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)11:03:27 No.1840483
    >any skill sets
    good at math, good at writing reports and memos
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    Shy, easy to please, and seeks to please others.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    Settle in a vocation that provides a service to the community and a stable income, then get married and have 2.5 kids.
    >board you most identify with
    /co/ /vg/ /adv/
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)11:25:42 No.1840598
    I would try to pick up the slack, but I'm going to bed. Thank you for doing this - it was very good to read and my "fate" was a pleasing bit of wish-fulfilment.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)11:33:34 No.1840652
    >any skill sets
    Labour, construction, negotiation,
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    Quiet calculating, trustworthy. Believe in justice and don't take to kindly to pretentious pompous people. Enjoy working for the better good, and is always looking at the bigger picture. Usually takes a step back from the lime light but has no problem standing his ground when challenged.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them.
    Set up a community, farms, schools, law enforcers.
    I would seek out other like minded individuals and persuade them to join me. Also kill all those who are a threat to new said society.
    >board you most identify with
    /pol/ /r9k/
    All the ones i frequent.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)11:38:54 No.1840695
    Cant create a civilization with only 2500 people. Massive inbreeding and deformation. Die out in a few generation.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)11:39:49 No.1840700
    so there were a million humans at the start of humanity?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)11:41:14 No.1840712
    You're retarded, I think. While in-breeding might be a problem with a significantly small and non-diverse community, 2500 people is far above that threshold, and what's more, even with in-breeding, there's no reason to believe that there would be significant negative effects, let alone catastrophe.
    >> Mysterious Stranger Redux Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 03/22/12(Thu)11:45:44 No.1840746
    Are you me? Your skillsets sound familiar.

    You would be like Ving Rhames in the remake of Dawn Of The Dead. Even before the ship had set down, you'd have set yourself as the arbiter of violent disputes, perhaps between the more quick-to-fight denizens of /k/ and /fit/. Once you land, you start learning more about the justice system and become a bit of a shaman, dispensing both arbitration and medical knowhow to the fringe populations living out on the frontier. A few years down the line, you've become successful enough at this kind of enterprise that you can settle down, using a team of runners and underlings as community officers of the peace and medical techs.
    >> OP 03/22/12(Thu)17:22:15 No.1843750
         File: 1332451335.png-(1.18 MB, 1600x1200, 1323852157929.png)
    1.18 MB
    bumping with walls
    >> OP 03/22/12(Thu)18:08:02 No.1844288
         File: 1332454082.jpg-(1.92 MB, 1920x1200, 1329953819613.jpg)
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    some cowboy bebop
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:09:38 No.1844306
    it would be like the matrix (a vast VR simulation)

    but cooler.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:10:37 No.1844320
    All the females would just do the same thing they normally do and go for the alpha males, so I don't really see anything changing.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:21:26 No.1844445
    >any skill sets
    Eagle Scout (I can tie knots and shit + first aid), good with computers.
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    Very shy but a hard worker that does well in groups after getting to know other members.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    Help improve the colony's tech base any way I can and acquire a glorious twink husband
    >board you most identify with
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:27:35 No.1844521
    i think only the biggest whores should be kept in cages,

    an anon should be allowed to keep a singular female, who suits him for himself.
    >> OP 03/22/12(Thu)18:30:57 No.1844564
    >implying that the entire female population would be with the same 100 or so alpha males.

    This is 4chan we're talking about after all. Even some of the alphas are likely to have some sort of personality disorder like sociopathy which would make them a non ideal mate.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:48:30 No.1844778
    >I would sabotage the ship, replace the databases with gore and unleash a horrible virus. Then I would claim epic troll.
    >> OP 03/22/12(Thu)19:23:51 No.1845194
    that made me laugh harder than it should have. i wonder how many people would try the same.
    >> OP 03/22/12(Thu)20:16:50 No.1845711
         File: 1332461810.jpg-(157 KB, 1024x725, crossover58.jpg)
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    40k and starcraft
    >> OP 03/22/12(Thu)21:17:42 No.1846373
    command and conquer with nod
    >> OP 03/22/12(Thu)21:19:15 No.1846390
         File: 1332465555.jpg-(38 KB, 531x383, TheBrotherhoodOfNod1_0.jpg)
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    forgot image
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)21:41:58 No.1846603




    >any skill sets

    decent at slow math (not fast at it but if can take my time am good at reasoning and figuring out things) and strategy (board game enthusiast). have extremely rusty technical related knowledge but with a manual and time to teach myself could probably learn computer programming.

    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits

    highly intelligent, not supergenius or perfect SAT but pretty decent (on the D&D scale I would rate myself a 16 INT (human average is 10-11 and naturally ranges from 3-18)) but extremely lazy, little to no future time orientation, high sex drive but also high selectivity, fat, hate authority, impatient, nearsighted, low empathy

    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them

    create a harem of nubile young girls by any means neccessary, also try to grab as much power as possible so I will get my way as much as possible ther'e nothing I hate worse than not getting MY WAY RIGHT NOW and i don't care WHO HAS TO DIE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN

    >board you most identify with

    /r9k/ /adv/ /co/ /tg/ /tv/
    >> OP 03/23/12(Fri)00:40:16 No.1848554
         File: 1332477616.gif-(71 KB, 1600x1000, bioshock.gif)
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    bioshock bump
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)01:48:14 No.1849284
         File: 1332481694.jpg-(199 KB, 900x720, 1326964770378.jpg)
    199 KB
    fuck. gonna bump a few more times and then let it die if there's no more interest.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)03:27:45 No.1850188
         File: 1332487665.jpg-(936 KB, 1280x1024, 2hf4fcq74txd5givq2tx.jpg)
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    district 9 bump
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)03:40:50 No.1850281
         File: 1332488450.png-(55 KB, 649x372, thinkingaboutsex.png)
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    >great 4chan civilization relishing
    >all boards co-operating
    >/fit/ hunts and provides
    >/ck/ cooks
    >/b/'s mom wouldn't let them go
    >/pol/ and /k/ are basically law and police
    >wait for civilization to prosper
    > the return of /i/

    >mfw I bet half you dont even know what /i/ is
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)03:46:22 No.1850318
    b/ would immediately build a fleet of warships and invade earth just for shits and giggles
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)03:48:31 No.1850344
    >/fit/ in charge of hunting
    >bunch of prissy pant faggots running around the woods hitting bunnies and random birds with large rubber dildos wailing and screaming bloody murder

    I don't think so tim
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)03:49:29 No.1850350
    >any skill sets
    MMA, great knowledge of proper nutrition
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    No goals, but I would love to kill other people. I would do this by killing people when no one was looking.
    >board you most identify with
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)03:58:48 No.1850408
    >any skill sets
    outdoorsy, ran a scoutcraft program for a couple years so outdoor cooking, knots, lashings, compass work, shelter/fire building, very musical, good with hand tools, worked in fields for a while know how to farm, knit, sew,
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    bearded, quiet, not a moron, infp, get on well with others typically.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    grow pot, tobacco, and potatoes, lure a wife with pot and potatoes. sit on my porch and play banjo smoke up and watch my crops grow.
    >board you most identify with
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)04:05:53 No.1850455
    Would be a lot of /b/tars raping all the women
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)04:39:12 No.1850641
    >implying that they would physically be able to hold down a woman and force sex on them from their atrophied bodies.

    i mean true /b/tard neckbears rather that the underage faggots who flock there from reddit and tumblr
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)04:50:43 No.1850707
    >any skill sets
    cross-country running, boxing, music, mysticism?
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    I'm fairly reserved, compassionate, intelligent, no desire for glory
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    Study to become a doctor, study yoga, entertain and keep spirits high
    >board you most identify with
    /r9k/, /x/, /pol/

    >> futurebro 03/23/12(Fri)05:14:42 No.1850810
    You live a very unremarkable life for a few months while everyone is sorting themselves out, reading various medical and assorted skill books. One day as you are walking down the street past the farms, you see someone who was fixing a crop combine and one of the blades spun and left a huge gash in his arm. Rushing to his aid, you calmly apply a tourniquet and treat him for shock. As you finish, you notice some bystanders taking watch and start clapping. Word gets around slowly but people start coming to you with random injuries and illnesses and come to respect you as a doctor, even if inexperienced. the man who you helped earlier wound up losing his arm, but is very grateful for you saving his life and it turned out he has a lot of pull with the other farming communes and gives you part of the surplus crop free of charge and manages to set you up with an entire clinic to run and train others in the field of medicine. The fame is a bit overwhelming, but you remain humble and restrict yourself to treating only those who are truly in need.
    >> futurebro 03/23/12(Fri)05:35:43 No.1850904
    On the ship you make friends with several other guys and become fairly close. When the ship lands, you and your new friends split off from the main group, grab as many supplies as you can manage and set off into the wilderness. several days and many miles later, you reach the edge of the forest and find a wide meadow in the valley of some mountains and set up camp next to a decent sized river. from here you are able to start a farm with your own electricity from a water wheel on the river and plant your first crop from various seeds you took from the ship. your farm is completely self sustained and quite isolated and the land is quite fertile. You and your friends live a content, peaceful, isolated life for several years. Eventually some of the other settlers exploring the land happen upon your camp, and while you are wary of them, welcome them to join your commune. One of the explorers, a woman, takes a liking for you during her stay and when its time for the visitors to return back, she remains with you and becomes your wife.
    >> futurebro 03/23/12(Fri)05:49:39 No.1850940
    You take a job as a lumberjack, helping cut down the surrounding forests to expand the colony. You manage to keep your psychopathic tendencies hidden from the rest of society and everyone views you as a fairly decent guy. One day its just you and another man named Jim out to survey the forest when an urge comes over you and you grab your hatchet and bury it into his neck and start hacking until you manage to decapitate him. You then take out your knife and start cutting his flesh and then you cut your own. After rolling around in some dirt and tearing your clothes you run back to camp and claim that a wild animal attacked you and Jim as you were walking and killed him. Many times similar stories are repeated as your number of victims grows. After a decade of this you are discovered as you kill another man. A witness was watching the entire time and runs back to get help. A mob of angry workers chase you down and corner you. You do everything you can to convince the mob that the witness has a personal vendetta against you but they refuse to listen as you are executed with a shot to the head.
    >> futurebro 03/23/12(Fri)06:07:16 No.1850996
    During the transit on board the ship you amuse yourself reading various bits of information and become fascinated with cults and their leaders like David Koresh. On planetfall you establish your own church as an alternative to christianity, islam, and other mainstream religions. While you are not actually a believer yourself, you develop a small but dedicated following who eat up every word you say. As your congregation grows, you begin to encourage sexual freedom with a lift on taboos, from BDSM to pedophilia, and develop a harem of all sorts of girls. The rest of your life you are constantly protested and greatly despised by those not part of your church and loved by those who are until at the ripe age of 63 you are assassinated by a radical protestor who has infiltrated the group and poisons your food. With their prophet dead, the cult dissolves and all that remains of you are scores of illegitimate children.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)06:11:44 No.1851014
    >any skill sets
    rock climbing, long distance running, know a lot about plants, very good memorization ability
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    small blonde with glasses and always in skirts; very organized and precise, obsessively fond of knowledge, motivated and active
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    probably would also enjoy being a teacher, possibly some kind of scholar, if the life would allow it - if the plant life is edible yet different than Earth's, i'd want to study and catalog that. and probably catalog everything else about the new planet. it'd be neat to be some kind of information specialist similar to a new world librarian.
    >board you most identify with
    definitely /lit/
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)06:14:02 No.1851018
    niiiiice. almost gave up on getting a response
    >> futurebro 03/23/12(Fri)06:24:45 No.1851055
    Yeah sorry about that. I'm not the guy who was originally doing all the stories originally, but i thought it would be kind of cool to step up and do some myself.
    >> futurebro 03/23/12(Fri)06:52:38 No.1851160
    After planetfall, you decide to start your own expeditionary survey team to set out into the wilderness. Your team specializes in a mix of geography and cataloging various species you encounter. You develop a close bond with your team and have many wonderful adventures.

    However on one of your journeys, one of your team smuggles alcohol along with him and gets drunk and stumbles into your tent and tries to take advantage of you. A couple of the other males hear your screams and tackle and detain your assaulter before he can do anything, but your trust in your team is shaken. You return to camp and put the team on hiatus and train to be better able to defend yourself and pick up skills in firearms and bladed weaponry. While your mistrust of other people, especially males, remains. You continue your expeditions once again, with a completely new crew.

    No other incidents happen in your research until you happen upon a pack of wolf like creatures who attack your team. Using your new skills, you easily head shot half of them while the rest run home in fear. After this, one of the male members begins to fancy you, and while you are distant to him at first, you eventually warm up to him and begin dating.

    A decade later you are the co-owner of one of the biggest scientific organizations, with a wonderful and caring husband at your side. While you settle into your new role well, you still join some of your old teams on occasion to work in the field
    >> 03/23/12(Fri)07:01:58 No.1851225
    >any skill sets
    IT, General Tech, Linguistic, Leadership, Logics
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    the man behind the scenes, charismatic, intelligent, born a leader indeed.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    Kill bronies, have a harem of 10 femanons at least, communistic state, share everything with everyone, impregnate ALL the women, have significant influence and a castle.
    >board you most identify with
    /b/, /mu/, /adv/
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)07:05:09 No.1851245

    Hey futurebro would you do me?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)07:13:29 No.1851299
    >any skill sets
    Many, joined the Australian Army when I was 17 and haven't stopped learning new things since.
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    That guy you turn to when the shit hits the fan. Charasmatic, convincing, solid.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    Create a military dictatorship and exterminate the furries and the bronies.
    >board you most identify with
    /fit/, /r9k/, /adv/. In that order.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)07:19:45 No.1851338
    sure but mysterious stranger already did that one too
    While timid, you are able to fill a niche role in deciphering blueprints from the ship and creating your own. You become somewhat of a hermit, isolated by your peers but respected and valued enough and trusted to be your own boss. You come up with several innovations during the course of your lifetime and the colony's form of copyrite and patenting is named after you. In your downtime, you occasionally attend debate and philosophy clubs as a hobby.
    >> noko Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)07:20:27 No.1851343
    >any skill sets
    aviation major, PPlA, licensed skydiver. In electronic warfare in the army.
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    5'9, 135lbs. Cynic, quickwitted, frigid, i lead and take orders well. Can move in groups but prefer to be a lone wolf.
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    unless people are capable of being organized id get a group of people who will be settling with me
    >board you most identify with
    /k/ and /fit/
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)07:28:23 No.1851386
    >any skill sets
    Leatherworking, steel armor crafting
    >brief summary of yourself, personality traits
    I'm an intelligen/tg/entleman, long haired blond, reasonably fit, scandibro
    >brief summary of your goals, how would you achieve them
    Survive, set up a functioning civilization. Love and tolerance are nice ideas, but they will have to be postponed until a stable society comes about
    >board you most identify with
    >> futurebro 03/23/12(Fri)07:29:18 No.1851390
    starting to get tired, these will be my last ones until tomorrow.
    >> futurebro 03/23/12(Fri)07:43:39 No.1851465
    Right off the bat you attempt to establish dominance and try to rally people against the groups you judge to be inferior. While no deaths occur, there is much hostility towards the bronies and furries.

    After planetfall, they are treated much like the jews in nazi germany, being forced and bullied into doing a majority of the hard and dangerous labor. Some repent to avoid this, and are accepted by the dominant society as long as they rally against their former brothers.

    You are part of the military police who do checks for contraband and haul people away for pro-pony/furry sentiments and merchandise. The low point of your career is when you burn down a house for my little pony merchandise and later discover that it did not belong to a brony, but a 4 year old girl who was lost in the fire.
    >> futurebro 03/23/12(Fri)08:02:38 No.1851564
    You Join the military/police force and become a decorated sergeant of a special task force to ensure that nobody develops a dangerous weapon that could eradicate the colony or that any of the outlying communes never raises an army to try and conquer other people's territory.

    A notable highlight is when you are sent in to eradicate an extremely radical group of survivalist bandits. You lose two members of your squad as well as your left arm in the process of taking a bullet meant to take a third member. You succeed in your mission but the lives lost haunt you for the rest of your life, with you blaming yourself for their sacrifice.
    >> futurebro 03/23/12(Fri)08:06:25 No.1851585
    and with that im going to crash. Ill keep doing stories tomorrow if people are interested.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)08:24:23 No.1851654
    You made this a good thread future bro.

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