Anyone got the 'how to troll' missive on how to troll the boards? Also, screencaps of great trolling.
That's not trolling, that's just being a massive dick. This might be moralfaggotry but I draw the line at causing people grievous physical harm.
OH MY GOD I CAN'T STOP LAUGHINGMan, that is GOLD! Did they actually get someone to do that?
Someone is going to hell for this...
>>1838608I laughed like a jackass at that.
>>1838608AWWWWW SHIT DUDE, THAT'S MASTERFUL TROLLING RIGHT THEREAnyone got the one from /ck/ where they tricked someone into making 'cookies' with three ingredients, that burned his oven out? That had me laughing for weeks.
>>1838608Oh god I remember this thread, I can't believe I was laughing at this shit back then like it was nothing.Looking back it's just terrible, but then again why would you trust anything posted on 4chan back then, you wouldn't even dare posting your real name without a band of people tracking you down sending you dildos and ruining your life in general.Weird to think how /soc/ exists now in light of this.
I'm going to suggest >>1838608 to this fat faggot at school. Shit's going to be funny.
What about the thread where they talked about mixing ammonia and bleach to clean things and some kid did it and got sent to the hopital.
>>1838675Moralfag form earlier in this thread here, I have to admit that's pretty hilarious.
Well these are like the lowpoints of 4chan.
cant pass up the whole "delete system 32 to improve performance/triforce/enlarge penis troll" which tends to dominate /b/.
>>1838685So metal combustion is terrible, but poisonous gas that can actually kill someone is hilarious?
>>1838579That's not even trolling, it's more like "joke that anyone with common sense will get"I find it hard to believe that anyone actually attempts things like>>1838608>>1838736>>1838675because anyone with 1/10th a brain knows better than to listen to 4chan, and even most of those people at least have some common sensebasically if you're the kind of person that does these things, you're probably greviously injuring yourself several times a day anyway and it's not going to make a difference
>>1838653Here you are, good sir. I hope you enjoy your order.
>>1838803The fuck? I've done that before and it works fine, is this some sort of double troll?Seriously, what's the scientific reasoning behind your oven catching fire off this? Unless one anon tried it and had it happen for some other reason (being a retard?) then blamed it on other anon's cookie recipe.
>>1838653>burned his oven out...
this thread is fucking shitalso "trolling" is so fucking '10 it's unbelievableget it together /r9k/
I found the one which tricked people into gassing themselves. Enjoy!
>>1840176>trolling>'10Trolling is literally older than the Internet, bro
>>1840218>'09yeah, that is pretty much as predictedlol i trol u. jesus this board has gone to shit in the past few months. where are all of these newfags coming from?
>>1840233>literallysorry, i literally couldn't hear you over the sound of you being a dumb douche
>>1838867>double reverse trollno sir, you are the one who is trolling.this shit is getting meta as fuck.
>>1840218fuck i lol'd bloxxixhichbug
>>1838867it's missing flour? you know the staple of baking cookies. you're just heating up sugar (which burns easily) and peanut butter (more easily burnable stuff) and the egg part is just so you're not being told to bake sugar and peanut butter.
Somebody post the one from /fit/ where somebody got somebody to take a giant dose of vitamin K
>>1840243you probably literally couldn't hear me because this is text and I am not making any noise. Also you are literally a moron
>>1840281I've used this recipe several times and they were fine. They weren't awesome cookies but my oven was fine idk what ur deal is mister.
>>1840320>idk>urQuality Goon ThreadLeave it to people who stopped being relevant in '04 to latch on to tired 4chan memes.
>>1840243That dude actually used the word correctly."Older than the internet" is often used as a figurative phrase, here he wrote that he instead used it literally.Please, at least feel a teeny sting of shame that you totally fucked up trying to be superior to some random guy on the internet.Refrain from trying to be a grammar nazi if you aren't at least somewhat fluent in the language, or even look that shit up before you make an ass out of yourself.
>>1840352Me here.>>1840291>Also you are literally a moronNow he went and fucked up. Good run, chap.
>>1840356nah it's fine there. unnecessary maybe, but not wrong.
>>1840412Nope, broseph. Since he can't be a figurative moron, we can we are led to the deduction that he must have used the word "literally" as a comparative adverb. Which, contrary to many teenage girls ("omg, i'm like literally pissed off!", trying to convey that they are [very] pissed off,) it can't be used as.The fuckups are piling up.
>at friend's house, we're in year 10>he has adware from browsing porn with IE (this was before porn tube sites) and gets popups constantly>goes to do something for a second, i open a window and go to goatse and minimise it>"hey dude, you're getting more popups">opens it, covers his face and runs to the next room
>>1840426huh? calling someone a moron can be figurative. they call you a moron because of a stupid action you did, but they don't mean you're literally a moron, retard, fag, and the many other words you can are quite literally a moron, however.
>>1840449Now you're using "figuratively" as a synonym to not being serious.You're not doing yourself any good here, son.
>>1840449Also, the proper way to express that would be by using "moron" in it's adverb form."You're behaving moronically," if you couldn't figure that out.By the way, I hate to slide into this hateful and aggressive tone; I don't have anything against you, it's just hard not to do it on this board for some reason, so I hope you don't take offence and this derails to some sort of shit throwing contest.
>>1838589>>1838565It's how you troll on /ck/. Before you ever get any real advice you'd get 20 different ways to completely fuck up whatever you're cooking.>pour salt in your vinegar to make your coffee boil faster.
>thread with funny potential >retard autist calls out another idiot>all spaghetti breaks loose, the tards begin to show off their assburgers >the thread never recovered
Here's some of /ck/.
>>1840426>Since he can't be a figurative moron, Right, so its unnecessary but not wrong>we can we are led to the deduction that he must have used the word "literally" a comparative adverb. Not necessarily. It's clear from the context of the exchange that he was using it just because the word was the subject of the "argument.">Which, contrary to many teenage girls ("omg, i'm like literally pissed off!", trying to convey that they are [very] pissed off,) it can't be used as.Sure it doesn't mean "very" as intended, it just means they are pissed off, but the sentence isnt incorrect and still has meaning. The usage is redundant but not wrong. It becomes wrong when people use it as "very" on a phrase that can't literally happen. Like "I am literally laughing my head off"
>>1840218Wait, is that seriously how you make mustard gas?
>>1840477>not being seriousfigurative isn't synonym for "not being serious". you're the literal idiot who decided to use that as your poor choice of words to describe what others simply call figure of speech.
>>1838608I was in that thread.I was just laughing my ass off during the whole thing.>feelsgoodman
>>1840511>repost of a repost of a repost of a thread dedicated to posing reposts of screenshots of repostsI prefer grammer 'sperg wars
>>1840538I was in this thread too >>1840218, helped getting the chaos to unravelHell, here i come
>>1840535yes if you mix bleach and ammonia you will literally make mustard gas
>>1840536he was saying that the guy he was arguing with was using it that way, and that it was wrong.fuck you're stupid. don't insert yourself into their discussion, you honestly don't seem intelligent enough.
>>1840558>you literally don't seem intelligent enoughftfy
shut up guys. i could LITERALLY (hurr) care less about your stupid shit
>>1840575It's "couldn't care less".m43mmxoi
>>1840575>yourI am disappoint
>>1840330got a link to the thread where these faggots are planning to invade the board?
>>1840582>Criticizing someone for the proper usage of "your".I am disappoint.
>>1840581it means i don't care, google it sometime
>>1840587>>1840586>>1840582>>1840581>>1840575I... I don't know whose trolling who anymore
>>1840587No. "I couldn't care less" means you care so little you've reached the lowest possible degree of caring. It's like the zero-point energy of a quantum mechanical system. Saying "I could care less" means you haven't reached that lowest point of indifference.The more you know!
>>1840605But that's wrong, idiot. it comes from "careless", as in "I could careless" meaning i don't care. get it, grammar king?
>>1840614so your saying that your literally careless?
>>1840558idiot. i was the guy he was talking with. when someone uses a word outside it's literal meaning or "not being serious" as you dumb fucks would say it's called a figure of speech. which is figurative, fuckhead.can't piece this together? well, no surprise. you're fucking idiots. continue believing whatever stupid shit you do.
>>1840603>whoseWhy it is that the average grammer of the people who go to r9k/ is the grammer of one who is not in only knowing of a proper English?
>>1840614>I could careless>using an adjective as a verbwatThat's like saying "I could red"
>>1840644oh god I am LITERALLY rolling on the floor laughing my fucking ass off at this whole thread
>neat thread about trolling>moralfags pop in and moralfag it up>thread somehow devolves into argument over grammar and proper use of an old phrase that only girls useWhy, guys? Why?
>>1840495Me here now:I'm actually starting to become uncertain, so I'll withdraw from the discussion; someone else more knowledgeable may take my place if they so wish.Also, I've edged for long enough, I'm gonna orgasm and then go to sleep.Didn't see that one coming, did you?
>>1840666>moralfagsit's not being a moralfag if what you're doing is so played and stupid and unfunny as to make me wonder if i wandered into /b/
>>1840645I red all the time FUCKER. I red even so hard as to green onceDo you even blue?
>>1840645did you flunk remedial english in HS?careless isn't an adjective. >>1840633this anon has it
>>1840679I was mostly talkin bout this post >>1838579which is totally being a moralfag. If the point somybody's trying to make is that this shit's old, what they should say is "this shit's old".
>>1840682>Part of speech: adjective>Careless: adjective>Care-less: adjectiveYou must have had some shitty teachers, or a shitty memory, bro. Just stop
>>1840682>careless isn't an adjective>this guy using it as an adjective is rightHOW ARE PEOPLE SO FUCKING STUPID GET THE FUCK OFF OF 4CHAN AND GO BACK TO MIDDLE SCHOOL
>>1840698on second thought, he's probably a troll. At least, I REALLY hope it is.
>>1840698Yeah, why don't you show me a wikipedia article too while you're at it. i have a master's in english syntax you buffet.
>>1840703>getting literally buttenraged in a thread literally about "how to troll"am.. am I the one getting trolled here? oh well, I could careless.
>>1840717>i could carelessthat's literarily the dumbest thing i've ever read.
>>1840716Doesn't disregard >>1840703 where you clearly defend it's use as an adjective after you said it wasn't. Also,>studying English and disregarding Merriam-WebsterThat's like a scientist saying "FUCK THE SI UNIT SYSTEM! WE GOT FEET AND POUNDS AND SHIT" *cough* amerifags *cough*
>>1840717>implying seriously responding to obvious trolls isn't the newest form of meta trolling come on man, get with the times. Trolling is a art, and art evolves constantly
>>1840717Do you really think you are being funny by pretending to be retarded?Do you think you are trolling?Hey America boy, look at yourfaggot picture. You can't call anyone a faggot when your face is the ultimate faggot face. And it looks like your pretty dumb yourself considering you can't even spell autism.
>>1840736>implied that wasn't true only 3 weeks ago and it's not lame again
>>1840734>merriam Webster>not oxfordsI shiggery didgeridoo
>>1840750>2012>still using implyingI shigeru miyamoto
>>1838608Why is the the spoon exploding? someone explain to me please
>>1840764the spoon doesn't fucking explode don't be retarded. if water could make spoons explode how the fuck would we eat soupYHBT
>>1840535It's ammonia and bleach you idiot. I'm no scientist but I know if you inhale that shit and you stop breathing.
>>1840761>implied im not using the March 22nd, 2012 pattened "past tense implication"
>potentially funny thread>one grammar fuckup>SPERGRUSH
>>1840816>implications>not inferencesHAHAHAHA OH WOWyou CAN'T be SERIOUS?
15/21fucking flood detectionbloxblox
>>1840862oh shit wrong thread sorry guysblox
>>1840862>image dump>wrong threadHow the shit do you manage that?
>>1840862Where is the correct thread?
>>1840521how the hell do women agree to that shit?they won't agree to go out on a date with some people on /r9k/, but they're willing to MARRY some fucktard who INJECTS MILK INTO HIS ASSHOLE AND FUNNELS IT INTO THEIR MOUTHS!?!?!?
>>1840755 an adjective, buddeh
>>1840992>buddehRight because YOU'RE trustworthy. I'm siding with the english syntax major guy. At least he had reasoning and didn't just post links because he needs other people to do his thinking for him.
>>1841014>believing an ANONYMOUS POSTER ON 4chan over SEVERAL VERIFIED DOCUMENTED SOURCES.Shit son. This site even says "Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact. The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood."
>>1841026what? Where dies it say that?
>>1841014Also, nice ad hominem
Found this on>>>/trv/ earlier.
>>1841034You must be really new if you don't remember seeing that under the name of most boards. Namely /b/. Even then, it's still full retard/troll to believe an Anonymous poster with no sources other than an anecdotal "im an english major" over 4 documented sources.
>>1841057i bet you trust wikipedia too. dude, you're literally embarrassing yourself
>>1841043Saying shit like that just makes me want to steal your lunch money.
>>1841057>/b/HAHAHAHAHA OH WOW. You go on /b/ and want to be taken seriously?
>Start thread about trolling>this happensOk, I get it. It took me a minute.
>>1841062>trusts an anonymous poster with no questions asked>bags on wikipedia>literally1/10 someone doesn't know about bibliographical indexing or how sourcing works.>>1841066If you're concerned about me having lunch money, you're clearly too young to be on this site, my friend.
>arguing over the grammatical nuances of caring less>not seeing the irony in this>2012
>>1841096 againI'm dropping outta this troll pool. It was fun, but the acid is starting to peak, and my computer monitor is starting to be too bright. Thanks for the entertainment though. time to make some pizza or something
>>1841096Can't tell if Asperger's or just obtuse.
>>1841121see>>1841114think the dude's just outta his gourd
>>1841114lmao>i was only doin this cuz im on druuugz u didnt trol me @ all!!!alright kid. ill recognize you in the next thread lol
>>1841163>>1841163Basically, yeah. What kind of retard thinks a thread about "how to troll" wouldn't devolve into a trolling session? As fun as it is to troll, it's even funner to play along and point out their flaws until there's nothing left to troll with. Acid makes you a tenacious man. Haven't you seen Fear and Loathing? I will admit that I felt you were genuinely stupid until the syntax bro came into play, then it was fairly obvious.