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    File: 1332202173.jpg-(430 KB, 1600x1071, depression2.jpg)
    430 KB Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)20:09:33 No.1810355  
    Name things you never did in your teenage years or things normal people did/do and explain if you're going to change it or not.

    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    >didn't go to prom or graduation
    >barely graduated high school
    >never made a facebook or had a cellphone
    >Never had a best friend or a group in high school
    >never made plans on going to college
    >Never dated or ever had a girlfriend
    >Never watch TV or movies

    There's probably more, but I don't feel like thinking about it. I doubt i'll change seeing as I'm nearly 25.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)20:11:51 No.1810378
    I'm thinking about joining a fraternity next semester. Why?

    All of my friends are girls, and almost none are guys. While I don't mind girls, I'd like to have more guy friends and "bros".

    inb4 you have to be a certain way. I was talking to my former Latin teacher about it, and he's one of the nerdiest white kids I've ever met.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)20:27:24 No.1810505
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    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    >didn't go to prom forced to go to graduation
    >never made a facebook or had a cellphone
    >Only ever had acquaintences never any friends
    >Never dated or ever had a girlfriend
    >Hardly ever went to the movies

    >Am I planning on changing
    Nah, I'm good.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)21:02:04 No.1810816

    what are you doing with your life now? I'm the same.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)21:05:52 No.1810865
    I use to be like you guys. Then I went to uni abroad and made friends and tried new things. You don't have to go abroad, just do some new things some time.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)21:07:17 No.1810880
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs and approach and pick up girls

    fixed all of that. Started pretty damn late, but oh well, at least im doing it now.
    >> Anonymous 03/19/12(Mon)23:56:41 No.1813011
    bumpan for more to jump in here.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)00:00:01 No.1813053
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs

    Didn't in high school or college, doing it now at 24.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)00:03:06 No.1813079
    How the fuck do you hook up girls in clubs when you are 15, not attractive, and don't like the music they put on the clubs, let alone the people? (the people of the same sex, i mean, to meet bros you go to bars, to meet girls, clubs, rite?)
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)00:09:05 No.1813157
    >be 25, out of college for several years
    >never dated
    >never had sex

    I've given up on women. I'm not gay, I just don't think women are worth the effort dating and I can easily cure any sexual urges with masturbation. Plus, women my age at least are going to be hung up on settling down.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)00:22:07 No.1813294
    >People would party and rave
    I would just gather with a few friends and hang out, perhaps at a coffee shop.
    >People would go to Prom
    I never went. It's pointless with a friend because as a male, it's money I have to spend that I'd much rather spend on something else that would give me much more enjoyment. If I would have had a girlfriend, I could have written something different.
    >People would look at each other and become a couple
    I don't want that. I'd like to approach a nice female and ask her on a date. Just a nice one on one conversation with someone I care about and would have wanted to know a little more about in an environment which suits both of us. But alas, I would have been thought of as more of a freak than I already was if I tried to explain that.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)00:22:41 No.1813302
    >didn't straighten hair
    >didn't listen to rap or emo
    >never wore cool clothes
    >never got braces
    >too afraid to make a myspace
    >fuck Facebook
    >do all this stuff now lol

    A year after high school I broke down and became a semi-normalfag. The loneliness and no hope for the future saddened me. I found friends but still no girlfriend. However, I know have interests and hobbies that won't alienate people from me anymore. Maybe one day I will be a full-normalfag?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)01:08:05 No.1813724
    and so it'll begin once more.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)01:11:04 No.1813760
    Seriously, what the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)01:16:39 No.1813801
    >Didn't party, drink, or smoke anything in high school
    >Didn't go to any school events other than prom
    >Didn't Join in the dramatic bullshit

    Really, the first three years I was pretty silent and boring, and the last two I got a personality and friends and did some unexpectedly crazy stuff.
    I kind of wish I went to some of the football games or something, though; dunno why. Kind of wish I participated in school events more.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)02:29:57 No.1814318

    stay mad normalfag. b
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)03:13:35 No.1814643
    i've never seen any of the starwars movies.

    this fuck blox
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)03:22:26 No.1814698
    I was pretty withdrawn in high school and dropped out at age 16. I didn't do anything social at all until I was about 22 years old, and even then it was only 2-3 times a year.

    I've never been in love, but I've had a few fuck buddies over the past 4 years. All girls who approached me during one of my limited forays into the public world; right place right time or something.

    I'm turning 26 this year and I still live at home. Enrolled in college but I just don't see myself living much longer, so I don't take it very seriously.

    The worst part is that I'm tall, attractive, and extremely intelligent (in the context of standardized testing, anyway, in which I consistently placed in the top 0.5%)

    I am a complete waste of potential that should have gone to someone more ambitious and motivated.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)03:23:09 No.1814704
    >never invited to parties
    >never had girlfriend or even girl friends
    >never drank
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)04:08:56 No.1814976

    just see the original trilogy.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)07:02:54 No.1816009

    this is me, thank god i'm not the only one.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)10:44:20 No.1817335
    i didn't go to any of those events and i also never had a friend.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)11:00:09 No.1817466
    >implying i could do anything

    i was home schooled.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)11:08:19 No.1817529
    >Never been to a rave, only one concert
    >Skipped prom cause I was suddenly super depressed in my senior year
    >Never bought graduation picture, was ashamed of myself
    >never listened to much music...didnt enjoy much
    >Never touched a girl
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)11:15:49 No.1817579
    >never was healthy

    ... yah
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)11:16:15 No.1817585
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    There is truly no place like purgatory and homeschooling.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)14:38:09 No.1818981
    i know that feel mr op, im a 19 year old.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)14:45:43 No.1819040
    >didn't go to prom
    >didn't have a facebook or any of the sort
    >was handholdless kissless female friendless virgin
    >didn't have any kind of fashion sense, mother bought all clothes
    >wasn't good at any sport or anything at all
    >didn't do any drugs
    guess how many of it changed
    I actually got to date a 6/10 for a year, now she has another bf, feels shit man
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)14:51:13 No.1819088
    >Only ever had acquaintences never any friends
    >Never went to parties, clubs, whatever, never went out
    >Never graduated High school
    >Never went to the movies

    I barely changed. Got a boyfriend thanks to the internet now, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)14:53:38 No.1819110
    Also I never dated or had boyfriends or anything, first date/boyfriend whatever is the one I have now
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)14:54:28 No.1819121
    >Never had a job
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)14:55:54 No.1819132
    I lived in the middle of nowhere, so it was like my internal introversion was reflected in my isolated setting.

    >one party, host lent me a sleeping bag which I threw up in; I did clean up after though
    >went to prom and left early; strict no alcohol rules made it highly uneventful
    >graduation was a five minute stroll to get exam results
    >had a semi-dormant facebook but no mobile phone (no phone signal in my house)
    >two real friends, plus their friends as my acquaintances who I never really talked to and kind of resented a little bit, I'm a dick
    >watch too much TV

    I spent most of my free time in the library, first exhausting the English lit section and then just surfing the internet on the study computers, which the librarian kindly pretended not to see.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:22:13 No.1819305
    It depends on the frat you join, bro. Do some research before you join the hurr durr frats that you see in the movies and shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:42:30 No.1819502
    I'm 26 and spent the last 8 years since graduation playing video games, smoking pot, and working a minimum wage job. I've never had a group of friends or a girlfriend before. I am the De facto loser.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:44:59 No.1819518
    Funny, I did most of those things and i'm beyond the point of depression where I'm actually making plans to shoot up people at my uni.

    Guess the "normal" formula doesn't work all the time eh.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)15:50:22 No.1819571
    >think about how most people in my teenage years came off as quite shallow, hollow people, Never really thinking.

    >that feeling when that one girl you had a crush on, the one with some creative talent, and could actually understand what your talking about, falls instead for a douchebag, who uses her and throws her away.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)17:44:05 No.1820524

    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)21:38:03 No.1823153
    mermp for more as i am interseted in my fellow loners.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)21:44:03 No.1823233
    >never broke curfew
    >never drank, smoked weed etc
    >never dated a girl
    >never asked a girl out
    >never went to a school dance
    >never was grounded

    of course I was homeschooled so...
    >> Anonymous 03/20/12(Tue)23:34:17 No.1824642
    >home schooled

    sure yeah were faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)05:01:06 No.1827734
    >never done anything worth while growing up
    >same shit i've been doing over and over again
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)10:20:04 No.1829457
    >never went to a houseparty
    >never got drunk
    >never had a girlfriend
    >never listened to music/had a favorite band (was in the school jazz band though lol)

    thats what happens in small towns though
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)13:33:55 No.1830734
    i've never done any of that and never used a cellphone.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)14:51:08 No.1831275
    I was never normal, so everything.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)15:12:21 No.1831451
    teenage years and childhood were pretty uneventful.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:21:58 No.1832542
    What do normal people do other than party?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:01:45 No.1833599
    all of that shit is useless once you get older anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:05:24 No.1833639
    >my friends all go to bars and clubs every week, I don't like it
    >no prom or graduation because european and in my country there's no shit like that
    >fuck going out, to get drunk, throw up, and listen to fucking shitty house music every week.
    >20 years old, no regrets.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:12:07 No.1834302
    >never got drunk with anyone other than by myself

    and all of what you wrote.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:18:41 No.1834367
    >Never got too attached to anyone
    >Never had friends I hung out with after school
    >Never went to prom
    >Didnt get into music or films
    >Didnt care for clothing or fashion
    >Didnt watch popular shows
    I moved around a lot and focused plenty on my work. I knew my future was there but everyone around me was going to be gone soon. I was a loner, but wasnt a reclusive. Occasionally got stopped by people who saw me everywhere but never actually talked to me.
    Im still that way actually and for some reason everyone thinks Im fucking awesome. I really have never had anything to compare myself with
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:25:49 No.1834429
    Do you guys really regret not going to prom?
    I have the opportunity to go (I'm 18) but I'm not really feeling it, will I care in 5-10 years.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)21:19:41 No.1834922
    you guys give in to social pressures too much and worry about what other people want as opposed to what you want. fuck y'all niggas
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)21:27:28 No.1835030
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    Can't relate, though I wasn't too much of a party guy.
    >didn't go to prom or graduation
    Oh wow.
    >barely graduated high school
    Always got good grades.
    >never made a facebook or had a cellphone
    Check. Facebook wasn't around when I was a teen.
    >Never had a best friend or a group in high school
    I had a few close friends
    >never made plans on going to college
    Can't relate.
    >Never dated or ever had a girlfriend
    That feel.
    >Never watch TV or movies
    Nope, can't relate.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)21:30:49 No.1835054

    Only the most popular kids at school had real drinking parties in my school. I would say 60% had never been to a real party.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)14:33:34 No.1842020
    teenage years were abysmal.

    childhood was god tier.
    >> !goldenWwj. 03/22/12(Thu)14:38:25 No.1842070
    >never had a girlfriend
    That's pretty much the biggest one. Made me hollow

    Just because you go to a party or rave, really doesn't guarantee a good time. I've been raving most weeks lately and it leaves a lot to be desired. Namely getting girls
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:03:15 No.1842920

    i think that's for me as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)19:22:40 No.1845186
    are you me mr op? I think i'll take it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)21:18:18 No.1846380
    same with me only i have one online friend.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)21:21:40 No.1846411
    >Didn't have sex
    >Didn't smoke
    >Didn't seriously consider suicide
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)00:49:27 No.1848639
    >considered suicide

    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)07:08:02 No.1851264
    i've never done anything worth noting.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)09:24:52 No.1851949
    >didn't make friends online
    >didn't watch all the starwars movies
    >have never had a conversation more than 5 minutes
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)11:03:13 No.1852429

    star wars aren't even that great.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)15:23:02 No.1854332
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs

    They just don't appeal to me. So you go to a room filled with a bunch of people, dance, talk, drink, participate in recreational narcotic use, and listen to music with these people. Maybe even get your dick wet. Yes, I understand that I'm "missing out" on a social aspect of life. But I'm not a very social person, and I don't feel subhuman for not being as social as society wants me to be. I simply don't feel the need to socialize as much as others, and prefer my own company most of the time.

    Furthermore, I don't feel the need to participate in acts that, in more intense degrees, can be dangerous to myself and to others, even if I'm having a fun time. Sure, I'll feel good for a period of time. But I like lucidity. And I don't feel the need to wear weed goggles just to enhance an experience, contrary to what my friends believe. Sue me, I like being lucid.

    >didn't go to prom

    I don't go to prom because I'm an awkward dancer, and just generally awkward in large groups of people. Maybe it's social anxiety, maybe not. I just know it makes me ill at ease, and I prefer not to feel that way for long periods of time.

    >Never dated or ever had a girlfriend

    Never tried. Plus, I've never been motivated to break out of my shell.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)16:45:54 No.1855148
    If anyone from /b/ reads this I'm here

    Webcam guy
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)16:55:37 No.1855251
    Target bin decided
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)20:44:48 No.1857484
    >drink, smoke, do drugs, sex
    Don't drink/ do drugs, smoked once for a short filmed and hated it, lost virginity a few months ago with current girl. I'm perfectly okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)14:57:53 No.1864992

    I smoke and drink, but i know what you mean.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)15:17:21 No.1865140
    I'm going to sound like a normalfag asshole here, please believe me that I'm not. I'm a 19 year old kissless virgin weaboo that lives in my dads basement.

    But I don't get how you guys didn't/don't have friends. How does that happen? Where I went to high school even the worst socially awkward autists eventually found a person or two that they shared things in common with and became friends. It's never really seemed hard, it just sort of happens. I'm just baffled that some of you didn't have at least one friend.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)16:36:02 No.1865800

    Some people just don't make the effort.

    Why is this so hard to understand?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/12(Sun)15:06:05 No.1877290
    > didn't go partying, or clubbing or anything similar (raves are strictly for >18yo)
    > didn't drink
    > didn't fuck
    > didn't have any friends
    > didn't hang around with nobody outside school
    > didn't go play football with friends after school
    > didn't workout
    > didn't learn how too drive
    > only learnt one foreign language

    I would only change working out, learning how to drive and learning another language. Can't work out now, because "HURR DURR SHORT MAN SYNDROME". Can't learn another language because I don't have time nor energy. I learnt how to drive, but haven't got my permit because I don't have time to go get it.

    The rest, no. I was better off this way. I'm better off this way. Like somebody says in this board: "If you were dealt a bad hand, fold".
    >> Anonymous 03/25/12(Sun)16:07:57 No.1878072

    so you think you'll die friendless and alone with no goals or accomplishments?
    >> Anonymous 03/25/12(Sun)17:32:34 No.1879130

    I'd assume you faggots would stop samefagging your threads.

    But, this is /r9k, the home of original content.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/12(Sun)19:05:38 No.1880161

    obviously, i'm not getting any younger.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/12(Sun)20:58:55 No.1881400
    my teenage yeass were pretty shitty as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/25/12(Sun)22:39:05 No.1882657
    >never been to any form of party
    >never enjoyed playing games or watching movies with "friends"
    >never played on a sports team
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)02:12:50 No.1884664

    >thinking it's original at all
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)07:15:27 No.1886650
    >never smoked a cigar or anythin
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)07:17:38 No.1886663
    >read this thread
    >realize all of you are just failed normals and want to be like those normal scum
    i hate you all, fuck the masses and fuck the sub-masses (you)

    fuck tv and fuck facebook
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)07:20:43 No.1886679
    Why do you people want to be normal and just like everyone else so much?
    i despise you all
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)07:22:44 No.1886692
    >calling weed "pot"
    you people are so out of touch
    fucking baby boomers
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)07:24:34 No.1886707
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    >never dated, had girlfriend
    >didn't have close friends, only people I'd talk to in class
    >never socialised outside of class because of this
    >didn't use any kind of social networking site
    >didn't own a cellphone
    >never went to any kind of school function, dances, etc. I don't think they were massively popular though

    I think that's it. I'm the same still except, in college, I don't even talk to people in class.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)14:44:42 No.1889199

    what are you doing with your life? what do you talk about in conversation?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)15:07:50 No.1889407
    don't do it man. take your own life, fine. but don't hurt people who never did anything to you.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)15:10:50 No.1889438
    >didn't go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    >didn't go to prom or graduation
    >barely graduated high school
    >never made a facebook
    >had a cellphone, had nobody to text/phone however
    >Never had a best friend or a group in high school
    >never made plans on going to college
    >Never dated or ever had a girlfriend
    >Never watch TV or movies

    I went to like, two parties, so I removed that.

    Almost the same dude, OP
    >> Omega !!iAzlkhA9EtN 03/26/12(Mon)15:38:17 No.1889641
    >Had no IRL social life. All of my friends were on the internet.
    >Didn't go to any dances, parties, graduation.
    >Kissless, handholdless, girlfriendless virgin(still am)
    >Never had a cell phone.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:58:10 No.1890996

    damn, can't believe we're so similar. What are you doing with your life? How are your social skills?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:01:18 No.1891028
    Do/did all things in the OP. Still awkward as fuck, what am I doing wrong?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:09:04 No.1891094
    >never tried to become a stupid animal
    >never bluescreened out of drunkenness because of not knowing how to handle alcohol
    >never spent a lot of money on brand clothes
    >never smoked weed
    >never had problems with the police

    feels good man
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:54:22 No.1893476

    not him, but you probably fucked up by disconnecting with all of your friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)00:01:11 No.1895063
    I never went on Facebook or Twitter, nor did I make my Internet life public to classmates. I still don't do this because I am a typical fa/g/got who worships RMS. I didn't pick an easy-as-shit major. I didn't go to school functions, except for the occasional football game to get cheap pizza. I never went to house parties or out dancing. I didn't dress up for theme days. I didn't follow sports.

    Looking back, I'm very happy with my life back then. It made me who I am today and ensured college would be AWESOME.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)01:40:51 No.1896158
    I've done all of those except for the second one, I dont even know what the fuck bluescreened is. Anyway, you should try weed, man. Everything's better on weed, man.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:19:24 No.1898480
    >>didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    >didn't go to prom or graduation

    Those. Have plenty of friends and we have lan parties every week
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:48:28 No.1898565

    I dont get weedsmokers. Ive tried weed and it basically has no effect, my friends were like on the floor laughing whilst i just felt my synapses slowing down.

    Im also insalnely resiliant to alcohol, no matter the amount I still dont get blackouts or pass out.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)16:05:07 No.1900344
    underaged faggot here.

    I haven't done any of these things. No girlfriend, never went to a party, don't think I'll be going to prom, and haven't done any drugs. And I'l be graudating in a while...
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)16:28:50 No.1900527
    >had plenty of friends
    >did ok in school
    >drank quite a bit, did drugs here and there
    >plenty of parties and shenanigans in high school
    >did ok in college, but never finished
    >started restaurant, hated it, eventually cashed out
    >very active social life
    >move to NYC on a whim
    >broke, marginally employed, in debt
    >a few regrets, but overall very happy

    sucks to be you
    >> 26th !!pVbyp9iAZhG 03/28/12(Wed)23:21:57 No.1916487
    >Never went to prom
    Impossible to change.

    >Never had that "sneaking around" teenage love
    This is what I regret the most.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)02:37:37 No.1918385
    that feel when you'e never even had an online friend
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)02:44:34 No.1918458
    >I doubt i'll change seeing as I'm nearly 25.
    With that mindset you won't.
    If you want change, you have to work for it, just like anything else. You don't just sit around waiting to feel different.

    You put yourself in situations you want to see yourself in. You get out of your comfort zone. You take every opportunity you can.

    You are what you do, and thusly you can identify yourself with your past. But you'd be a fool to see absolutely no value in the future.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)02:51:18 No.1918507
    >didn't go to school
    a bit too old for that now, planning on going to college this year if possible, however.
    >didn't have any friends at all (online doesn't count).
    it seems to be something beyond my power. never in a situation where i might be able to befriend someone.
    >never experimented with drugs or sex
    would, under the correct circumstances.. ie, i had a boyfriend or girlfriend willing to try things out. same with drugs.
    >never went to parties
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:39:16 No.1923409
    i've got to ask, do all of your online friends KNOW you guys don't have any friends irl?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:44:29 No.1924579
    that feel when you don't even know how to cook properly.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:46:18 No.1924592
    >never fucked a 10 year old
    >never fucked a 11 year old
    >never fucked a 12 year old
    >never fucked a 13 year old
    >never fucked a 14 year old
    >never fucked a 15 year old
    >never fucked a 16 year old
    >never fucked a 17 year old
    >never fucked a 18 year old
    >never fucked a 19 year old

    I don't really care about the first 2 or 3 but I included them for completeness anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:39:02 No.1925258

    oh well, i don't even have an online friend.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)02:32:24 No.1930034

    damn bro, you're a stud.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)02:36:17 No.1930056
    Never had thread? Never had thread. Here we go...

    >Never had a gf
    >Never had a best friend
    >Never went to a concert
    >Never went to pron
    >Never had facebook (graduated 06 right before the facebook shit storm became popular)
    >Never went to college still no idea what to do w/ life
    >Never dated
    >Never really been with a girl
    >Never had dreams worth making come true
    >Never never never never.....

    My life feels empty and unfilled.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)02:38:27 No.1930070

    My life is filled with things I never did and I have a lot of regrets.

    I basically spent it watching a screen be it TV, computer video games etc.

    Lived a life doing pretty much nothing and being a nobody.

    Anybody know this feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)02:39:49 No.1930079
    >never did any of the fun teenager shit because i was a straight-edge goody-two-shoes faggot
    >years later
    >"hey guys want to cause trouble and fuck bitches?"
    >"We're all married with children, anon. Don't you have a job or something?"

    Why do I have to mature so much fucking slower than anyone else?
    Fuck this gay Earth.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)02:43:37 No.1930103

    Weird how people change so fucking fast.

    It's almost like why bother keeping up with trends and being wild? In a few years all those party dudes will have kids and jobs.

    Fuck it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:49:01 No.1933678
    I'll never settle down.
    I'm going to party till I die.
    My "friends" can go fuck themselves.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)18:32:05 No.1936928
    >never partied
    >never got drunk
    >never got high
    >never kissed
    >never fucked
    >didn't go to prom
    >I go to what is pretty much a community college right now

    I've gotten drunk and high since high school, but that's it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)03:48:20 No.1942461
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    I was in band all through high school and the schedule was pretty demanding. Still wouldn't have done it either way probably
    >didn't go to prom or dances
    girl I wanted to ask didn't want to go. Only other close girl friends were going with their boyfriend and the other lives two hours away.
    >never dated
    had a girlfriend in middle school, but we didn't really do anything.
    >never had wisdom teeth removed
    it's coming...
    >never did drugs or drank
    never really had the opportunity or wanted to that much

    I don't really see myself changing out of the norm or anything. I'll probably try to see a show sometime. Or start drinking eventually. And if I'm lucky I'll meet a nice girl.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)14:17:38 No.1945816
    >went to to a concert once(was shit)
    >went in a club once(was shit)
    >never had a gf
    >never made a facebook
    >did not hang out with other people on weekends cause they only gave a fuck about me when tey saw me in school
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)17:07:04 No.1946910
    JC, stop whining around. After lurking around on /r9k/ I was tempted to start regretting having "wasted" my youth as well.
    >never really had a girlfriend
    >never really went to parties
    >never had big circle of friends
    >never really did any "crazy" stuff you could laugh about later

    Until I actually went out to a party again.

    I freaking hate them.

    >So that was the reason I never went to them. I just don't like them.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/12(Sat)17:18:39 No.1946994
    Some people might be sick of them, but I always read these threads with interest. It's useful to try to understand other people's perspectives, for no other reason than to have some point of reference when dealing with similar situations when they come up. For me:

    > awkward dork through around grade 6
    > growth spurt, asshole through grade 10
    > join a band late in high school, have some moderate success (record, small tours as supporting act, local sell-outs and what not)
    > everything ends around age 25
    > realize I was happiest as a dork
    > live alone in a dilapidated condo, work for myself, see people other than my friend & neighbor maybe once a month

    I've been over Mount Normalfag, I didn't like it. I like being alone, reading, working on projects and playing with my dog. I recommend traversing the mountain for the sake of comparison, as you really will never know unless you find out for yourself what's over there, but it isn't for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)19:14:31 No.1958027
    >Never fucked/dated/kissed or even chased any girls
    >Never got into a fist fight (not that most kids do, but I always kind of wanted to)

    Did the rest of the teenage shit, had friends, did some drugs, drank a bit, went to a couple of parties/bars/strip clubs, saw a few concerts (not many though because most of the musicians I like are in their 70s). I had a pretty decent adolecense I guess, especially compared to you fuck-ups.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)20:57:11 No.1959266
    I really feel like a product of my own environment. I only have a couple introverted friends, and as being introverted myself--we almost never do anything in public. Most we've done together is go to a concert and restaurants. No parties, no bars, nothing. It's starting to bug me too. I feel like I should be spending more time meeting different people, but I'm too afraid to do it alone. I'm not an awkward person honestly, I'm just scared of being left to my own devices (in public). I don't know what to do with myself in those situations.

    I secretly wish I had an extroverted friend who could drag me to bars and shit. Once I do something just ONCE I'm considerably less anxious about it. So at least I'd know how to do something on my own after this first event. I've been to a bar only once before but it wasn't bad and I was on vacation so I knew the scene would be casual and noncommittal. I'm a big fat guy so I don't really feel I'd attract anyone at the bar, so I find little reason to even want to go locally. If I wanted booze, I got some at home for a quarter of the price.

    So yeah, 24 year old fat virgin who went to a nerd college and now lives with his parents again working full time at a low paying job.

    Oh, and I smoke about a gram of weed a day to offset how lonely this situation makes me. Feels like I'll never achieve the level of normalfag.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)18:06:51 No.1968515
    >never watched tv
    >never had a gf

    the first one, i don't regret. the second one, i do.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:49:15 No.1978654
    Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about these things we "missed out on"?
    I don't enjoy going to raves and parties so I don't feel like I've missed out on anything.

    You people who cry about missing out are failed normalfags
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:51:29 No.1978687
    well,nothing against trying shit out.

    the missed out thingy is mainly about things you always wanted to do.
    if you hate them you didn't want to do these things anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)16:56:52 No.1978754
    >Never serial dated or dated "for fun"
    No regrets. My hand to God.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)03:30:38 No.1985828
    clubs are shitty, don't go.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)03:45:23 No.1985924
    Don't be such a tryhard tool about it, OP. Who gives a fuck? None of those things matter. Get a hobby.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)08:53:32 No.1987647

    what is a good hobby then?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)09:02:18 No.1987696
    >never dated
    >never challenged myself
    >never planned my future

    I've made progress in the dating area, living with my girlfriend now. But i still don't challenge myself, nor do i have a plan for the future. I'm kinda stuck right now, but im hoping to figure out my shit soon. Gf has started her career and i feel the need to catch up.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)12:35:05 No.1988910
    i've never known how to properly smoke.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)12:45:15 No.1988989
    No friends, never dated, never drank, never went to any school function ever, got beat up almost every fucking day, surgery in senior year made me more upset and unwilling to do things.

    Product of environment I guess. I was raised by a single mother, schitzophrenic and drug addicted. Abused me physically and emotionally every day and starved me to buy weed.

    In college now. No friends, no job, no license. Jus let me fucking die.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)12:48:08 No.1989020
    I'm pretty much like this. The only difference is that I don't want to die. I hate everyone and everything with passion. Because of how life has treated me until now I won't miss an opportunity to ruin someone's life or fuck up some situation. I hate this planet.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)15:20:44 No.1990367
    I was pretty normal. Sucks to see how bad you guys had it through high school. I'm truly sorry robots. You guys are like family.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)15:24:38 No.1990393
    date ;_; yes I regret it
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)23:52:42 No.2007405
    If i knew who you were and was at the same college I'd hang out with you. No one deserves to be alone
    >> Anonymous 04/07/12(Sat)14:03:28 No.2024728
    never done anything to be valued as normal.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)12:06:06 No.2035216
    >Never partied/raved.
    I'm uncomfortable around large crowds, and fuck rave music.
    >Never went to prom.
    More money in my pocket, hahaaaaa.
    >Only dated chubby chicks.
    Thought I had a chubby fetish, turns out I don't. I'm not repulsed by chubby women, and never dated a skinny chick. One of my few regrets.
    >Haven't had a lot of friends for a long time.
    Ever since I moved from Vegas close friends have been hard to come by. Miss Vegas and my huge group of friends.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)20:34:07 No.2041103

    maybe you should stop telling us what to do bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)20:40:46 No.2041165
    I don't regret anything. I hate everyone.
    All I need is a girlfriend as smart and misanthrope as me.
    Too bad they don't exist.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:00:48 No.2042091

    at least you have stories and are funny to talk to.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)00:33:51 No.2044154
    all of that, but i have a facebook for stalking.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)00:41:39 No.2044244
    It's funny that I did all of those things in high school and I'm still here complaining about bitches and whores.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)03:32:37 No.2045828

    maybe you didn't do them and you dreamt it.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)03:40:10 No.2045894
    >didn't go to concerts, raves or music festivals
    >didn't go to prom, would have skipped graduation if not for my parents
    >only 2 numbers in my phone list
    >never dated or had a girlfriend
    >never watch TV
    >never had any home parties with friends
    >never did anything illegal
    >never tried smoking, drinking or drugs
    >never travelled with friends or parents
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)09:12:56 No.2047849

    do you actually talk to those people on your phone?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:18:31 No.2050358

    Nope, the last time I had a conversation was back when I was younger.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:19:36 No.2050371

    Yea I do talk to them.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:23:15 No.2050413
    Damn, and to think I was under the assumption I had an abnormal high school experience, NOPE
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)16:29:29 No.2051727
    > Has yet to visit a party
    > Never drank alcohol, nor do I intend to do so
    > Never went to a concert
    > Never brought a friend home
    > Never visited someone elses home
    > Never got bullied
    > Never really had friends, but people in Sweden aren't douche bags
    > Never had a facebook account
    > Never dated
    > Never had sex
    > Didn't masturbate during my last two years (I guess you're supposed to masturbate a lot in high school)
    > Went to the cinema once with someone who was in my spanish, we met up with four more guys. They got thrown out of the cinema, I was quiet the whole time. Kept watching the movie.

    > Never went to any cafe
    > Had good grades
    > Never got in any sort of trouble, coasted through high school. Really don't understand what all the fuzz is about. I didn't have friends, didn't get bullied, teachers liked me, did my homework, went home, slept.

    Sounds like those HS-years were boring, but I got by listening to classical music almost all of the time. Never had very many social interactions.

    There is a long list, I wont list all of them
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)16:33:44 No.2051768
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    >did not bang all the younger girls while I'd still only have gotten a slap on the wrist instead of jail time

    I was such a fool.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)15:17:39 No.2063338
    get in here god damnit...
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)15:35:25 No.2063504
    Never partied
    Never did drugs
    Never had sex
    Never masturbated
    Never made plans for college

    Still haven't done any of that.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)15:39:36 No.2063532

    >Never kissed someone
    >Never went to a concert
    >Never did weed.

    Going to college soon hopefully I can change all that.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)15:42:19 No.2063553
    >Never got a license
    >Never learned
    >Never got comfortable behind the wheel

    For pragmatic reasons, I really need to learn, but I just can't . It's so pathetic, and it's hindered a lot of progress I could have made.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)15:44:03 No.2063572
    >Never masturbated
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)15:50:56 No.2063612
    >implying I need to learn how to drive

    I'll just wait for hover cars thank you!
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)15:55:53 No.2063661
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    >didn't go to prom or graduation
    >barely graduated high school
    >never made a facebook or had a cellphone
    >Never had a best friend or a group in high school
    >never made plans on going to college
    >Never dated or ever had a girlfriend
    Basically optional
    >Never watch TV or movies

    Stop bitching
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)15:57:24 No.2063677

    >that feel when car markers said hover cars will not come out in our lifetimes if ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)15:57:30 No.2063680
    I actually did that forbidden teenage love shit with a gf a couple years ago when I was in HS. The parents and siblings of both families didnt know we were together and I would always get such a rush/high going to her place and fucking her when we weren't even supposed to be together. One time though the mother came home early right before we started having sex so I had to hide in the closet for 30 minutes with blue balls and a heart attack. Still managed to escape when the mother wasn't looking and I was never caught. We still ended up doing it after that day but we were extremely careful.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)15:58:40 No.2063689
    Thanks for sharing. We don't care...
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)16:04:48 No.2063753
    >Never went to high school
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)16:20:32 No.2063915

    Or get accustomed to travelling without cars. Enjoy your steadily rising oil prices.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)19:44:05 No.2066351
    Party, drink, smoke, sex, kiss, hold hands with the opposite sex, date, go to a concert, casually hang out alone with someone of opposite sex, never stood out after dark (except for prom, which fucking SUCKED)
    The only thing I can cross out now is that I've stayed out after dark...
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)19:46:18 No.2066380
    Still in my teens (19), but
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    I have
    >didn't go to prom or graduation
    I went to grad., didn't go to prom
    >barely graduated high school
    I did a little better than the bare min.
    >never made a facebook or had a cellphone
    Had a cellphone, didn't make a FB
    >Never had a best friend or a group in high school
    I did
    >never made plans on going to college
    I am in college
    >Never dated or ever had a girlfriend
    Went on dates, never had a gf
    >Never watch TV or movies
    I do both

    I guess some other things most teens are expected to have done in their teens that I haven't would be:
    >kiss a girl
    >go to your schools football/basketball game(s)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:00:18 No.2076678

    that feel when a teen has done more than you
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:31:32 No.2078078

    how come you didn't go to high school? blox
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:34:19 No.2078125
    18 f usa
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    This is not something to be ashamed of
    I didn't go either
    Only the stoner kids did that stuff
    Only stoners do those things
    >didn't go to prom or graduation
    I went to graduation
    I watched a movie instead of going to prom
    >barely graduated high school
    haha I had a 4.0
    >never made a facebook or had a cellphone
    Yep I have those two
    >Never had a best friend or a group in high school
    I have a best friend now
    >never made plans on going to college
    In college now
    >Never dated or ever had a girlfriend
    I never dated or had a boyfriend
    >Never watch TV or movies
    I watch movies occasionally at the theater with friends, and I watch skins online sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:35:12 No.2078133
    >Didn't chase girls
    >Didn't date girls
    >Didn't have sex
    I ticked the boxes for most of the other stuff though.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:42:13 No.2078221
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    Plenty of concerts and parties, planning on rolling on e at a rave one day.
    >didn't go to prom or graduation
    Went to both. Who the fuck doesn't go to graduation? Even the most asspie of asspies at my school went.
    >barely graduated high school
    Barely tried, ranked 36 out of ~400.
    >never made a facebook or had a cellphone
    Cellphone since middle school. Facebook since freshman year.
    >Never had a best friend or a group in high school
    Had two main groups of friends, very close with them still.
    >never made plans on going to college
    In college for engineering.
    >Never dated or ever had a girlfriend
    First serious girlfriend junior year, lost virginity to her, two year relationship.
    >Never watch TV or movies
    Movies a few times a month, TV for certain shows only.

    Lel, /r9k/ is so sad. Too bad I made everything up and I go to sleep pretending I could be like this.Nah, just kidding, this is really me. Normalfag rubbing it in your faces.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:43:27 No.2078229
    Didn't drink until just after my 17th Birthday (in the UK that's pretty late), first girlfriend was 17 too. Lost virginity at 20.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:44:42 No.2078252
    >Never gave a single fuck.

    Beat ya'll.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:59:39 No.2078423
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    battlefield and WoW on the weekends niggaaaa

    >didn't go to prom or graduation
    drove away on prom night and slept in my car, told parents i didn't want pictures

    >barely graduated high school
    3.9-4.0 tho, step up nigga

    >never made a facebook or had a cellphone
    made a facebook after 8th grade, had like 400 friends but no one talked to me at all so it was embarrassing and I deleted it because fuck the world

    >Never had a best friend or a group in high school
    school, home, sleep 'ey day

    >never made plans on going to college
    i'd rather cut my wrists in my own place so you know i got on that at least

    >Never dated or ever had a girlfriend
    had my chances, but social anxiety 4 days

    >Never watch TV or movies
    lived vicariously through Entourage
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)02:51:21 No.2082398
    Ha, your a loser.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)02:54:57 No.2082418
    >bumping old-ass threads
    let it die, there's no reason for a generic whiny /r9k/ thread to last for nearly a month
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)10:27:11 No.2096954
    >never seen any of the sw movies
    >never been out on a friday or weekend
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)14:50:41 No.2098874
    not much else to say other than i kind of know what you mean.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)15:38:27 No.2099407
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    I have since I was about 20
    >didn't go to prom or graduation
    >barely graduated high school
    Did pretty well actually
    >never made a facebook or had a cellphone
    I did but only family, and I had a cell cause i love tech
    >Never had a best friend or a group in high school
    Had a best friend when i was small, not in highschool
    >never made plans on going to college
    went to college, hated it, got a job, now im a manager after 3 years
    >Never dated or ever had a girlfriend
    got a g/f at 16, left her after a year, became a serial 1 night stand guy, now ive been in a srs relationship for 5 years
    >Never watch TV or movies
    im a massive movie nut
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)15:44:37 No.2099489
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    >didn't go to prom or graduation
    >barely graduated high school
    >never made a facebook or had a cellphone
    Semi-false. I have a cell phone to keep in contact with my mother but I never used a Facebook
    >Never had a best friend or a group in high school
    >never made plans on going to college
    >Never dated or ever had a girlfriend
    >Never watch TV or movies
    False, it's just about all I do.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)15:46:02 No.2099509
    >being the KING of awkwardness

    it will never change. i am foreverawkward to the point where it is painful to associate with me.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)18:29:33 No.2101248

    age, gender, race, and do you think you'll ever change to get friends?

    you to.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)20:02:40 No.2102426
    never had any kind of girlfriend as a friend or dated
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)21:34:53 No.2103508
    how many of you were born a loser?
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)23:58:47 No.2104922

    most of us here i'd imagine.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)00:11:14 No.2105059
    >No parties or other words you people have for it. The fuck is a "rave?"
    >"Why would I go to a concert? I can just listen to music on my iPod."
    >Only went to the first dance of the year as a freshman, alone. Hated it and left. Never went to any dances, homecomings, or prom afterwards.
    >Never had real feelings for a girl, let alone fuck one.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)02:06:56 No.2106010

    Well you probably have a ton of friends that support you.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)03:40:41 No.2106691

    I've only had one friend in my life from grade school, he had to move to a different country for his career choice.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)06:59:26 No.2107684

    Never really counted a grade school friend a friend. Those were so far and in between.
    >> N/A !19nG7vDjCY 04/14/12(Sat)14:11:57 No.2110495
    >never went to rave
    >never learnt to drive
    >never got a job
    And um, that's it. My HS life was dull and boring but I experienced all the normalfag shit atleast a couple times.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)15:27:00 No.2111153
    Your efforts are sorely wasted on this pathetic board man
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)15:30:29 No.2111177
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    Get pregnant.
    My family regards me as a failure
    >tools. idicit
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)15:38:55 No.2111247
    Question, I missed out on weed during highschool, so how the fuck do you guys get your hands on it?
    My social anxiety would go off the charts if I had to find a dealer, or hang out with a bunch of faggot stoners.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)19:10:23 No.2112987
    this thread is almost a month old who the fuck keeps bumping it
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)19:14:10 No.2113011
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    I'm still normal though, and always have been. Why do you neckbeards think all normal people are the same?
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)12:25:18 No.2134041
    >Never watch TV
    That's probably a good thing, OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)15:12:41 No.2135397
    Used to sell a lot of weed so I had a lot of money for someone 16-19 threw lots of parties fucked a bunch of girls mostly ugly but a few hot ones got arrested at 19 quit selling weed about to be 21 no longer have lots of money and dank weed so I no longer have lots of friends definatly no girls and I'm an alcoholic so the few friends I have left don't like hanging wish I could get a decent job but people where I live look at drug offenders like lepars (sp) so pretty much all I can get is fast food and Fuck that
    >> Anonymous 04/16/12(Mon)21:53:30 No.2139490
    >never had a circle of close friends in college or high school
    >never had any sort of sexual tension with a girl that ended up with something
    >Didn't learn to play any instruments well
    >Never did any crazy, wierd out, things involving other people

    Well, as a twotwo year old, I doubt I'll get any of those things, except playing instruements--that all I need is more time and money. But the rest...I can't make people like me or change their biases...
    >> Anonymous 04/17/12(Tue)00:38:26 No.2141416

    what do you do with your life now that you've admit to being friendless? I am too.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/12(Sat)03:58:14 No.2185941
    mermp for college brothas.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/12(Sat)04:03:00 No.2185964
    Well OP, it's kind of admirable you don't watch much TV.
    How do you pass the time, otherwise?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/12(Sat)04:04:10 No.2185968
    I got it off this asian classmate, lol.
    We hustled back and forth in the grass field behind school.
    He always had the shittiest supply of rolling papers though.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/12(Sat)04:07:51 No.2185982
    >Never went out
    >Never considered anyone a "Friend"
    >Never studied
    >Never excelled

    >Always played WoW to escape from terrible life
    >> Anonymous 04/21/12(Sat)04:31:47 No.2186054
    greatest run on sentence of the day
    +2 internets
    >> Anonymous 04/21/12(Sat)06:00:09 No.2186432
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    >didn't go to prom or graduation
    >Never watch TV or movies

    I was a social recluse for all of my teenage years until I got a girlfriend in my late teens.

    Now I'm 20 and on the surface I look like a normalfag. But underneath that I'm pretty fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/12(Sat)10:33:46 No.2187756

    if you don't mind me asking, what makes you think you're fucked up?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/12(Sat)16:17:23 No.2190724
    >teenage years

    Holy shit, reported for underage b&
    >> Anonymous 04/21/12(Sat)21:19:54 No.2193784
    I didn't go to high school.

    Think you can top that, OP?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/12(Sat)22:06:47 No.2194283

    what are you doing with our life? I bet you're living it with friends, a girlfriend, and a well paying job.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)02:21:42 No.2196682
    >never had sex or had a GF
    >never watched or played sports
    >didn't drink

    I still had friends, went to a few parties and smoked weed though
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)02:23:43 No.2196691

    Also didn't go to prom
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)08:53:18 No.2198891
    never been to anything that would qualify me as normal.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)15:59:52 No.2202363
    i don't know what to tell you interms of normality.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)16:03:44 No.2202415
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    never had any desire to , those are all activities i will gain nothing from ... different people different tastes ... so no i won't change it ever
    >didn't go to prom or graduation
    same , it wastes time for a social function i am not interested in
    >barely graduated high school
    dropped out of highschool because retarded life and dumb ass teenager , currently on way to uni so ...fixed
    >never made a facebook or had a cellphone
    if i wouldn't bother with real life social networking why would i bother with virtual social networking ... of course i have a cellphone
    >Never had a best friend or a group in high school
    everyone had that , even if it's the losers
    >never made plans on going to college
    see above
    >Never dated or ever had a girlfriend
    couldn't get one , now i'm old enough to know i don't want one even though i could get one ...just to many "compromises" for no real difference to jerking off (i don't know about YOUR technique ...but i don't sit there going "fuck i'm bored when jacking off)
    >Never watch TV or movies
    stopped 10 years ago because i have internet ... i can watch those when i want in my room on my pc ... more creature comfort , less expensive ...better
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)01:25:03 No.2207963
    Never partied, hated trends, Facebook, prom, never had a girlfriend, etc. I am pretty much sympathetic with OP. On the other hand, I turned it around a couple years ago, and I have a decent circle of friends, and girlfriends from time to time but not very often. I still hate everyone, however.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)01:29:47 No.2208011
    God damnit I know that feel.
    Fuck me.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)01:37:37 No.2208081
         File: 1335159457.jpg-(25 KB, 271x269, 176.jpg)
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    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs
    Introverted, not into large gatherings full of drunk tards.
    >didn't go to prom or graduation
    Hung out with friends and did our own thing.
    >barely graduated high school
    Nope, I tried my best.
    >never made a facebook or had a cellphone
    Made a facebook because friend forced me. Never saw the purpose of a cellphone till I got my drivers license.
    >Never had a best friend or a group in high school
    Have a group of close friends. Having a LAN party with them this weekend.
    >never made plans on going to college
    Heading off to college soon.
    >Never dated or ever had a girlfriend
    Meh, wasn't into the dating scene during highschool.
    >Never watch TV or movies
    Used to watch TV. Still watch movies.

    and also impyling there is anything known as this thing "normal", there is no "normal" person, we're all different and act different.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)11:46:31 No.2223673
    oh well, i feel yeah op.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)14:16:22 No.2224698
    i was never normal either op, much like a lot of us here.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)18:16:42 No.2226832
    >People would party and rave
    I would just gather with a few friends and hang out, perhaps at a coffee shop.
    >People would go to Prom
    I never went. It's pointless with a friend because as a male, it's money I have to spend that I'd much rather spend on something else that would give me much more enjoyment. If I would have had a girlfriend, I could have written something different.

    yeah, you just stop caring eventually.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)01:18:00 No.2231454
    >didn't do drugs 'til I was 19
    >didn't sleep around with loads of girls
    >hid everything from my mum
    >grew up a strong minded teen because I felt it was neccessary to keep my mum happy

    >middle brother was the favourite (in my eyes)
    >he was also a little bastard
    >robbing cars/houses at 14/15
    >causing my mum loads of grief
    >so to balance it, I felt I had to be this perfect behaving child

    If I could go back I fucking would, and have the teen years I held back.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)01:22:22 No.2231507
    I'm only on r9k because the /tv/ feel video intrigued me.

    But besides being normal and not a shit in I never drank or went to parties in high school because my mom was an alcoholic and I never wanted to start down that road. Then in university I started drinking and realised I'm the last person who'd ever become a problem drinker and I wasted my teenage years.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)14:58:11 No.2236966
    >didn't party, go to concerts, raves, or clubs until i was 18 and a half
    >didn't go to prom, but i did attend the graduation
    >graduated high school with decent grades
    >Got a cellphone really late, around one year later than the rest of my class
    >Never dated or ever had a girlfriend
    >Didn't watch alot TV or movies

    Everything started to turn out for the better after i started to go to partys and such at 18 and a half, had random drunken sex with two different girls around one year after that. One year and a half has passed, but still no gf.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)15:50:46 No.2248221
    never did any of that myself either op.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)22:02:31 No.2251747
    By the end of my high school career, I will have taken 13 AP classes. I never really go outside - I think people waste high school for socializing instead of learning

    I'm ok with my "beta" ness because I can have a conversation with a lot of girls and they think I'm pretty funny/cynical. I don't go around looking for sex in relationships because women aren't slot machines you can put coins into and expect sexual favors or relationships

    Come at me, bros
    >>inb4 underage b&
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)22:08:36 No.2251804
    i'm really happy for you. you managed to rationalize your own insignificant nature by masking your undesirability as "modesty"
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)22:24:31 No.2251902
    Most everyone in my circle of friends in high school were chicks. And I fucking hated them. Every time you talk to them its like some retarded flirting game and it was always the ugly ones who would come up trying to talk to me all the time, which was annoying as fuck.

    The 3 guy friends I had were such fucking awesome bros though. That man to man connection simply cannot be achieved in a man to woman friendship.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)15:15:43 No.2258973
    graduation? fuck that sshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)15:34:13 No.2259137
    what's the record for the longest lasting thread on /r9k/ post-2008? this one has to be in the running and there's no doubt in my mind that the OP is keeping it alive

    stop bumping your old-ass thread
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)15:43:27 No.2259211
    WTF, I didn't realize this shit was from Monday. I need to spend more time on here.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)15:46:40 No.2259236

    This shit's over a month old bra. Also to all you faggots crying over the past, it doesn't exist anymore it's just in your head. Move the fuck on.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)04:35:27 No.2265732
    >be 25, out of college for several years
    >never dated
    >never had sex

    I've given up on women. I'm not gay, I just don't think women are worth the effort dating and I can easily cure any sexual urges with masturbation. Plus, women my age at least are going to be hung up on settling down for me. bloaxvc
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)04:39:08 No.2265743
    this faggot bookmarks and samefags all his goddamn threads, what a worthless POS
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)04:41:00 No.2265752
    This is an exact copypaste of one of the earlier posts with junk text at the end. Fuck yourself and die, OP
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)08:19:26 No.2266600
    Why would you want to go to parties? It's not like it's more beneficial for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:18:51 No.2268566

    it is when you go for beer.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:17:32 No.2270058

    Really? Just get that at home from your parents.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)21:40:55 No.2272670
    >Didn't party, drink, or smoke anything in high school
    >Didn't go to any school events other than prom
    >Didn't Join in the dramatic bullshit
    >thank god
    >> noko Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)22:52:07 No.2273461
    >No parties, prom, dances in high school
    >Never had a girlfriend, virgin
    >Never smoked, did drugs or drank alcohol
    >No regrets
    Such is the nature of existence. Life will go on, just as it did for thousands of generations before, and thousands of generations after. In the big picture of history, our lives are nothing.
    Only people like Jesus, Moses, Alexander, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Galileo, Erasmus, Dante, Shakespeare, Dostoyevsky, Newton, Gutenburg, Einstein, Caesar, Descartes, Kant, Bonaparte, Michaelangelo, Da Vinci, Beethoven etc will be remembered.
    People die, babies are born, people cheat, people kill; this is the extent of our existence in human history.
    I am perfectly content with my life, as I have nothing to live for.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)05:01:15 No.2276511

    what do you do all day if you really think that?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:36:11 No.2280690
    >implying i even want to do any that was listed
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:45:22 No.2280801
    So true.

    >[...] In all the history of the race there have been only a few thousand real men. And the rest of us - what are we? Teachable animals. Without the help of the real man, we should have found out almost nothing at all. Almost all the ideas with which we are familiar could never have occurred to minds like ours. [...]
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:09:19 No.2284789
    >Never partied, never had to.
    >Didn't go to prom/graduation/homecomings, waste of money.
    >Graduated like a beast with plenty of AP Credit. Started as a Sophomore in college essentially.
    >Facebook and Cellphone were needed. My plans relied on them.
    >Dated sparsely. Mainly fucked. Manipulation was my key. I took 9/10s for rides. Got really good at lying, sex, and talking people down.
    >Well versed in pop culture and shit. Had to be for my plans.

    In college now. Making money off of schemes and riding bitches who never knew they wanted me.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)11:24:55 No.2289413
    all i have to say is that most of that is irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)11:34:13 No.2289460
    mfw I did lots of all these things you guys are saying you never did.

    mfw, I realized that you guys were all the people who I assumed were retarded because you never said anything to anyone in school and always sat alone on purpose.

    mfw I thought I was beta before but now I realize I'm actually pretty alpha.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)18:56:08 No.2293021

    seven year old computer, laptop broke for the 4th time
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)19:48:11 No.2293564
         File: 1335829691.jpg-(183 KB, 640x960, keep-calm-and-carry-on-origina(...).jpg)
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    >Eat, sleep, work, laugh, smile, cry, think, reminisce etc..
    >In other words, live.
    >Don't care about religion, family, work, pussy, materialistic things.
    >Feign interest in the above to make others believe I care or am normal so I'm not an "outcast"
    >If I have the chance to get fancy shit or pussy I wont refuse (I'm not a monk), if I don't, I could care less
    >Not portraying myself as apathetic to look cool on the internet; could care less what people on the internet think about me.
    >In the course of human history, historians believe about 110 billion people have died (give or take billion)
    >6,8XX,XXX current world population
    >What makes any of us think we are significant?
    >You, me and almost everyone else will die forgotten and alone; one among hundreds of billions
    Pic related, story of my life
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)14:42:44 No.2313121
    >got offered free sex from some slutty, HOT girls
    >declined because I had a fear I'd catch a disease

    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)14:46:51 No.2313155
    This thread's been around for a month, wow.

    Never went to a party, dated, no real friends, mininum social interaction.
    I can't really make close friends, so ya. Don't really care about having a gf. I've been to get -togethers and ppl's houses but never really been to an actual party with ppl my age. Parties sometimes really depress me though. I should but I don't see myself changing that much.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)16:17:56 No.2314047

    What do you do on a regular basis? How are your social skills? b
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)04:48:54 No.2320959
    Does everyone in this thread suffer from over-protective mom syndrome or something? How the hell do people get so beta?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)09:30:20 No.2322319
    parties are for beer bros and the chance of getting sum pussay
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)18:01:59 No.2326797
    except not really. parties are just an excuse to cut lose and bullshit with your friends and other people and their friends. yes, there are hookups, but its not the be-all end-all (and you will always be stigmatized in a humorous way as the people who hooked up)

    parties are not just for bros, nor just getting pussy

    they are just for fun goddammit
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)20:45:02 No.2328558
    Never killed anyone. Still haven't but I've been seriously considering it recently. This isn't even a troll.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)17:39:13 No.2337389

    >implying anyone on here has killed anyone either b
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)17:41:32 No.2337406
    >didn't have a girlfriend
    >no sex
    in my defense, my school didn't have many hot girls that would permit either of those
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)17:51:50 No.2337505
    >No girlfriend. But fucked two girls. A different girl 4/10 literally begged to be my girlfriend. Laughed her off because she was nuts.

    Now kinda feel bad for being so harsh.

    >Only joined ski club, nothing else.
    All the jocks in my school were extremely fucking stupid and competitive about every single thing (except academics)

    >No cell phone. Got one when I graduated lol.

    >No prom date.
    Oh well, didn't even care. Hooked up with someone's date at afterprom though.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:34:26 No.2339967
    i do not even awnt to do any of that shit.

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