03/17/12(Sat)20:37:36 No. 1786663 >>1786646 it's
so easy to just write yourself off and say "i'm that guy, i'm the one
that can't do anything. all of these people around me, they're above me.
i'm just a terrible person. i'm just terrible at everything. i'm so
fucking stupid. i'm incapable of being loved. i don't know what to do,
there are so many things wrong with me. oh well." really, you're just
avoiding taking responsibility, because changing things takes effort.
you're not looking at it objectively, but you don't even care. it's
easier this way, to just assume you will fail. you stick with it because
it's safe and this is what you know. this is what you've been doing for
as long as you can remember. the theory is, that if you kill your hope,
you kill your expectations and things won't be so bad because you make
yourself believe that the good life isn't for you. but your hope will
never die. your hope will never die. people who are like this don't want
to admit that they are a person like everybody else, and are capable of
moving closer to happiness. the possibility of changing your life is
scary. but admitting you could be capable means that you have to do
something. there are a whole lot of reasons why doing something and
moving forward can be hard. sometimes, apathy is a defense mechanism. if
we will ourselves hard enough, you can make yourself believe just about
anything.. on the surface. deep down though, you know something is
very, very wrong. it takes some thinking, endurance, courage and a
little bit of humour, but you can do it. however if all you do is run,
you will never improve.