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  • Dear Londoners: I am in your lovely rainy city for the next few days. If you'd fancy a spot of tea and dessert,
    send an e-mail to with a sentence or two about yourself,
    why you aren't Jack the Ripper, and include a timestamp.
    Cheers, —mootykins

    File: 1332025537.png-(197 KB, 398x272, 0.png)
    197 KB Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:05:37 No.1785682  
    Shy insecure loser general
    Talk about how much of a loser you are, especially if you are a girl.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:12:29 No.1785759
    >mid 20's female
    >stretchmarks all over my tummy
    >acne scars and ugly face in general
    >no friends, no job, live with parents
    >never held a boy's hand, never kissed or had sex
    >social anxiety/phobia, depression etc.
    >failed suicide attempt and cutting scars
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:14:15 No.1785777
    You sure you don't have adult ADHD? You might have chronic low levels of dopamine.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:15:23 No.1785786
    doing it wrong, females cant be lonely, stop trolling
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:17:01 No.1785806
    >mid 20's male
    >no friends, no job, live with parents
    >have girlfriend, stopped getting joy out of the relationship
    >planning suicide attempt
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:18:11 No.1785813
    Lose weight and watch how guys suddenly want to fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:21:07 No.1785840
    HA HA
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:23:28 No.1785865
    The worst thing about me is that I have a rather attractive face. My features are good and I basically won the genetic lottery.
    However I'm a lazy cunt and don't keep myself in shape. I wear shit clothes, don't use make up and only shower when I leave the house.
    I've never had friends and oh god.
    I've wasted my whole potential of ever becoming a well adjusted member of society.

    The only thing I'm good at is science but fuck that. I'll just work some depressing 9 to 5 job until I die.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:25:16 No.1785883
    Talk to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:25:53 No.1785895
    I just took a look at some of the symptoms of low dopamine so probably yes.
    I wish I was trolling.
    How would I explain cutting scars and the rest? I'm just crazy damaged goods now.
    Yes, I guess I deserve it.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:27:01 No.1785905
    It's funny that OP's picture has the word "lie" on it. Probably reflects what most of these assholes post here.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:27:36 No.1785911
    why? o.O
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:28:10 No.1785919
         File: 1332026890.jpg-(88 KB, 640x480, 010.jpg)
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    >live deep in the woods
    >no one lives within miles of me
    >smoke dope & play vidya all day
    >shoot guns when im bored
    >only human contact is when i go to the grocery
    >there is a cute asian/white girl who works there
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:28:16 No.1785920
    you guys should kill yourselves. She's just a person in the same situation as you, but female. Just because girls have been cruel to you, it does not give you the right to be cruel to girls, especially if they are not the girls that wronged you.
    I don't normally respond to these posts, but something about the all-caps rustled my jimmies
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:28:33 No.1785925
         File: 1332026913.jpg-(2 KB, 85x120, 2f540f1fc085af7d294a3da605f7be(...).jpg)
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    >mfw im such a fucking loser that even though i have no suicidal inclinations my family/acquaintances have repeatedly asked me how often i think about ending it all
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:30:09 No.1785952
    Take a chance for once in your life.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:30:13 No.1785954
    23 F

    >social life
    Don't have one, I only have one real friend and work acquaintances

    >work life
    Doing very well.

    >romantic life/sex life
    Doesn't exist, never existed. I'm almost 24 now and I got to the point where I just can't picture being with someone, I'm too detached from my humanity and broken for that.

    I should stop coming to /r9k/, this place is just making me depressed. Better go back to /a/, /jp/ seems to share many of my feels too.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:31:18 No.1785960
    >plain, plain, plain femanon
    >boring and average and plain
    >get made fun of for everything I like
    >nothing important or interesting about me
    >really clingy
    >bad at talking to people, making friends
    >unbelievably awkward
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:31:36 No.1785964
    Where do you live? Sounds fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:31:41 No.1785965
    I know that feel. The girl i like told me she worries i might kill myself.
    Nothing like that to make you feel like shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:34:26 No.1785985
    upper peninsula michigan
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:35:28 No.1785992
    AIM: jozeffranczak
    You know you want a friend ladies
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:40:26 No.1786031
    > Male, 20
    > 2 "proper" friends, 3 others who I now resent/have no strong feelings for either way
    > Lost virginity to one of the above friends - a shallow experience
    > Got friendzoned by another of the above friends after a year of on-off intimacy and being led on
    > Never had a girlfriend
    > No job
    > Not particularly close to family
    > Haven't been interested by anyone I've met
    > Have an offensive, dark, dry sense of humour that almost always makes a bad impression on others
    > Yearn for normal relationship with a woman like Richard Harrow
    > Dip constantly between some form of confidence and defeating levels of self-worth
    > Feel that a nuclear holocaust/suicide would be desirable at this point
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:41:38 No.1786040
    Oh God, I've met my twin!
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:41:40 No.1786041
    Shit I know this feel as a 24/m.

    I'm even too afraid to go to a bar. Noone to go with anyway though. But I just can't even take that first step because I feel like such a fucking alien to it all.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:43:40 No.1786061
    >woke up, isp is fucked, too much ping to play vidya
    >sit around reading wikipedia articles about nihilism
    >think about how pointless my life is and all the reasons i should just kill myself.
    >dad breaks my door in, screams for ten minutes and kicks my cat because i used a butter knife he cleaned to make a sandwich.
    >wonder if i should kill my dad
    >oh look its 6 pm and i didnt do anything today
    >cat will not come out from under my bed.

    this, r9k, is how much of a shitty insecure loser i am.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:46:36 No.1786094
    Hey there twinsie, how's the average plain Jane life treating you?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:47:35 No.1786101
    Posted this in another thread

    Can't even green text Play CSS 6 hours a day
    Suck at it
    Have a few friends irl but I actually hate them
    Have one female friend who I'm beginning to hate
    I like it when people hate me
    Kiss less virgin
    Have been told by a few people I'm the ugliest person they've ever seen
    Pretty skinny
    Pretty much crap at everything, though above average intelligence
    Do I even need to mention kiss less virgin
    Get angry all the time
    Not funny at all

    Despite that I have no illnesses or disorders. I can't wait until I die.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:49:48 No.1786131
    I'm a female shut in.
    Or well, I go to school. But I have no friends and so I don't really speak to anyone or so - I just attend my classes.
    And then I go home, do nothing. Most time is pathetically spent on 4chan since some years back.

    And this is my life.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:50:06 No.1786138
    >I should stop coming to /r9k/, this place is just making me depressed
    I know that feel.
    Then I gave up on life and came back.
    But while I was gone I felt so much better, for just a little bit.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:52:48 No.1786173
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    femanon here...

    >kinda beta (i have those alpha years, maybe 2 years)
    >kinda depressed, have a severe pms every fckin month
    >kinda nerd for movie, music, literature. i have obscure interest for those
    >rate my social life from 1 to 10? wud be 5 now. used to be in 8 - 9, also used to be in 2
    >used to be fat, acne-ridden, dull but now im clearing those up & become kinda attractive 7/10 girl. wud be 8/10 if i become 14 pound slimmer
    >fuckin lonely, minimal social contact everyday
    >still in uni in my age now (24 this year), estimating myself wud be graduate in 2 years later
    >awkward, fuckin beta [/whine]
    >have several guys like me but no one really make me like 'em, inb4 still single virginfag till now
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:55:37 No.1786195
    >kinda beta (i have those alpha years, maybe 2 years)
    This reminds me of "It's Not My Fault I'm Not Popular!"
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:00:29 No.1786254
    so thats a manga title. i'm gonna try to sneak read it (i'm into anime/manga/vidya but not too much)
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:01:16 No.1786261
    >that feel when fuck you

    you have dudes who like you... i mean unless they are fat and ugly fucks you might as well fuck them even if you don't like them
    don't complain about being a virgin when you have a route to not being one...
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:02:26 No.1786273
    spring break booya
    >havent left house in 8 days now, havent spoken a word in 5 days (mom called)

    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:03:29 No.1786286

    so thats a manga title. i'm gonna try to sneak read it (i'm into anime/manga/vidya but not too much)

    yeah those alpha years, im especially can reach alpha state when im kinda drunk
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:03:39 No.1786288
    you are a dumb piece of shit and should kill yourself

    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:03:47 No.1786292
    insecre but
    >thinks she is a 7/10
    >has an average social life (5/10)
    >Have several guys interested in me but I am forever alone because none of them is good enough.
    >Woe is me

    And women wonder why they are hated on this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:04:29 No.1786298
    Male, 21 years old.

    Somewhere after high school everything just...fell apart. I would get a job, then lose it. Last real work I had was in Sep 2011. NEET since then. Haven't had a friend since 2007. Never had a girlfriend, still a virgin.

    Came down with a pretty sever depressive episode in 2009, turned completely into myself, haven't really been able to overcome that since. I no longer trust my own thoughts because half of the time I believe I placed them in my head deliberately to justify my shitty situation. Then I call myself out on my own bullshit and the self-loathing grows.

    Struggle to even imagine myself in a work place, or with friends or a girlfriend because I've become so used to being completely alone. Live my life in daydreams and long inner monologues of self-hatred.

    Actually have decent genetics and an attractive face, but so unconcerned with my appearance and to a certain extent my personal hygiene that this doesn't count for shit.

    Hate myself for the awful life I lead, consumed by guilt and anger for causing my parents concern. Thoughts of suicide only fuel my self-disgust.

    >tl;dr utter failure too scared and self-defeating to live up to his own potential.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:06:08 No.1786314
         File: 1332029168.png-(133 KB, 312x322, shinji.png)
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    >ugly female
    >no worth in society whatsoever
    >kissless virgin
    >starve self to remain thin but still can't change face
    >only skill in life is maths but never went to uni because why bother if you're ugly
    >still in love with classmate from college
    >friends have moved on
    >too cowardly to an hero
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:06:33 No.1786318
    >no friends, kissless virgin, ect.
    >shut in for over 2 years.
    >literally don't leave my bedroom or talk to anyone for weeks at a time.
    >eventually have to go to community college part time to appease parents.
    >failing out due to extreme social anxiety.
    >most days i skip class to sit in a parking lot for 3 hours.
    >have panic attacks whenever i'm in public/near people/someone tries to talk to me.
    >probably going to be homeless or dead soon.


    Does anyone want to be my friend?

    ... anyone?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:07:22 No.1786326
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    >mfw i see that coming down the road at me (highschool junior fag here)
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:07:35 No.1786330
    It's really short, but I find it really funny.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:10:14 No.1786356

    yes maybe it seems that simple for ya.. like what normalfags thinks of the /r9k/ here, that people on /r9k/ are simply loser. but isnt that simple for real. im not exaggerating what i've said tough, but what i am here, still a betafag and depressive as shit. complaining, yes sometimes. but somehow i can accept that im not one of those normalfags. girls can be bounded to a situation like this too

    and nope i never friendzoning boys
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:10:15 No.1786357
    >Thoughts of suicide only fuel my self-disgust.
    If you disgust yourself so much, why don't you kill yourself? :)
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:11:01 No.1786365
    >mfw ill be all three of your friends
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:11:34 No.1786369

    It isn't a nice place to be, young anon.

    The world is lonely, the people are indifferent and the inside of your head turns out to be a malicious, untrustworthy place.

    You'll know how I feel when you realise there isn't anyone to blame but yourself, but you still don't change.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:13:03 No.1786385
    Sure I'll be your friend girl, post contact info.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:14:21 No.1786399
    i'm already feeling that, i mean i test into the top 1% on everything and i always hear about how great my future will be, but im so fucking self destructive and my grades aren't shit and i know im heading for a dead end but i cant seem to stop myself from walking of my own free will towards it
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:14:25 No.1786402
         File: 1332029665.gif-(1.66 MB, 389x257, 1323479806216.gif)
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    >everything seemed to become better in my life
    >first time i have sex my fucking dick rips ( yes )
    >now i have to get an operation to fix it
    >the waiting line is 8 months
    >all that..... semen....have never been so horny and every boner hurts like a fucker
    > feels like my appointment is in 8 years
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:14:30 No.1786406
    >The world is lonely, the people are indifferent and the inside of your head turns out to be a malicious, untrustworthy place.
    It's still capable of being a warmer, more welcoming place than the real world, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:14:39 No.1786410
    Sure, I'll be your friend anon. I know social anxiety sucks, but I'm sure you can overcome it somehow.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:15:09 No.1786413
    same here, sis. same here. i don't get it why there are some guys who seem to be interested in me.i am so fuckin' boring that if i were a guy, i couldn't stand being with a girl like me.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:16:51 No.1786435
         File: 1332029811.png-(242 KB, 720x384, To all the nice girls.png)
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    You remind me of Chiharu from Boys on the Run.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:18:41 No.1786450
    >in high school
    >work with schools camera group
    >school is having its band and/or orchestra preform that evening,
    >decide to stay home.
    >have a thought that if i went I might bump into a girl and might be able to get closer to her and/or get a date or something
    >realize that I was fooling myself, I felt i was too disgusing and greesy to get/recieve such things
    >decide to stay home
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:19:41 No.1786458
    >be 18 year old female
    >no IRL friends
    >go to class, come straight home, sit on computer
    >all friends are online
    >usually do nothing but browse 4chan
    >3/10 looks wise, jew nose
    >no passion
    >just got first boyfriend two months ago, constantly afraid that he will break up with me once he realizes how much of a loser shutin I am
    >socialize with people in tinychats and omegle to fill the void
    >scared of talking on the phone or on skype
    >never talk in class, sit quietly or put my head down
    >my only best friend ever turned out to be lying to me about having a terminal illness a year ago, no new friends since then
    >hate myself
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:21:29 No.1786479
    Because they don't care that you're boring. But they do care that you have a vagina that they can put their penis into
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:21:45 No.1786487
    >my only best friend ever turned out to be lying to me about having a terminal illness a year ago,

    Aw shit girl I think we've talked in the past. Unless this is common.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:22:45 No.1786501
    And naive guys just want welcoming company.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:23:56 No.1786516
    Probably. I've been on this board for years.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:23:57 No.1786517
    >mfw ill be your friend
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:25:23 No.1786530
    >had a lot of friends growing up
    >best friend moved and stopped talking to me for some reason
    >mom and step dad going through divorce
    >stop calling my friends to hang out
    >eventually they stop calling me
    >have trouble making new friends

    And here I am. I don't go out with anyone, or hang out with people at school. Some days, I barely talk to anyone.

    I doesn't really matter to me as much, but I sometimes get worried about what others think of me, especially my mom. I don't want to disappoint her, but judging by my less-than-perfect grades and lack of social skills, I probably already have.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:25:34 No.1786535

    I simply can't understand why are you depressed/lonely and shit.

    >rate my social life from 1 to 10? wud be 5 now.
    >7/10 girl.

    >fuckin lonely, minimal social contact everyday
    >awkward, fuckin beta [/whine]

    You see, people who are awkward/fuckin beta can't reach even a 3/10 social life rate, ya know?
    You are not this, you are a whining bitch.

    Why don't you give a chance for one of those guys who like you? Choose the most inteligent and be the normalfag you are,
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:25:41 No.1786539
    I'm as insecure as the next person, but extremely shy. I have trust issues and it takes me awhile to warm up to people, but once we know each other, you're my pal forever. No boyfriend or girlfriend, I'm not rushing for one, if the right one comes along, then sure!
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:27:19 No.1786556

    I sort of doubt you're much good at maths, women never are.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:27:55 No.1786560
    >fantasize about geeky girl I might Like,
    >realized last time I saw her I came off as a horrible person.
    >we don't share any classes, so I would have to go out of my way to talk with her, which is awkward.
    >she probably isn't even that geeky, and lacks common interests
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:28:28 No.1786564
    Geeze, r9k is especially beta tonight... While normalfags are out with their friends or girlfriend, we're at home, alone, on our computers
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:29:22 No.1786574
    normal fags have no place on 4chan im glad there gone tonight
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:29:23 No.1786575
    I'd be your friend. I like math too. And Evangelion
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:30:33 No.1786587
    Why would I ever want to trick a naive guy into hanging out with a boring girl such as myself? I wouldn't want to do that to someone.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:30:59 No.1786590
    >that feel when you're trying to make a single godamn friend on a thread of people who are talking about having no friends and they all ignore your posts
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:32:00 No.1786598
    I'll be your friend, too, if you want.
    Do you like watching stuff on stream?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:32:06 No.1786599

    I'll be your friend; do you have MSN?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:32:49 No.1786605
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    >>1786574, you guys are right.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:33:26 No.1786613
    >19 female
    >I have a small voice and i get really nervous talking to people. My boyfriend usually does a lot of it for me when it comes to ordering stuff etc.
    >I usually spend all my time at home, bf is my only social life
    >self esteem is in rock bottom
    >can't start conversations with people besides him
    fortunately, i have good genes so people just view me as she shy cute type than an antisocial loser
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:33:35 No.1786615
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    >yfw you realize that you're just being escapist because you fear social interaction and justify it by thinking you are doing them a favor
    if you're going to hurt people by shunning them at least shoulder the fucking blame
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:33:36 No.1786616

    The tenuous connections that some of /r9k/ share can hardly be called a friendship.

    What do you expect them to say?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:33:55 No.1786619
    i have a great body... sadly i have an awful face with small beady eyes, big donkey teeth and a god forbid roman nose with huge nostrils....

    dat feel when boys see me from behind and think im a total hottie.
    dat feel when i turn around and they realize im donkey from shrek.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:35:48 No.1786644
         File: 1332030948.jpg-(3 KB, 73x106, 98d00a99e7df01d5a36bc21b9baf4a(...).jpg)
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    no msn, do either of you have steam?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:36:09 No.1786646
    >it's funny how we don't do anything to improve our situations, yet we complain anyway.
    >it's kinda neat how we beat ourselves up for what we don't have and ignore what we do have.
    >it's also somewhat comical how we keep the same routines even though they make us miserable.
    >it's also quite humourous how we delve into escapism to forget how shitty of a person we are, and when we are forced to face our circumstances we just long to go back into dream land.
    >what could improve our situations i wonder? maybe there's something that we're not seeing. hmm.

    i've been at the bottom of the barrel for a long time. ive had some fucked up emotional problems and i've been addicted to some awful ways of thinking. im starting to come out of it, and i have to say that a huge, huge part of it was the unwillingness to take responsibility for my life. i just covered my eyes to my problems that i didn't know how to face and tried my best to forget about being myself.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:36:40 No.1786652

    >I've wasted my whole potential of ever becoming a well adjusted member of society.


    >utter failure too scared and self-defeating to live up to his own potential.

    Oh god I know these feels.

    >fuck up once, spend 6 months correcting your error
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:37:15 No.1786657

    >Implying I'm enough of a normalfag to game

    I have a computer that can run games well, I have a PS3 hooked up right next to me and lots of games, but I still waste away my hours on /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:37:36 No.1786663
    it's so easy to just write yourself off and say "i'm that guy, i'm the one that can't do anything. all of these people around me, they're above me. i'm just a terrible person. i'm just terrible at everything. i'm so fucking stupid. i'm incapable of being loved. i don't know what to do, there are so many things wrong with me. oh well." really, you're just avoiding taking responsibility, because changing things takes effort. you're not looking at it objectively, but you don't even care. it's easier this way, to just assume you will fail. you stick with it because it's safe and this is what you know. this is what you've been doing for as long as you can remember. the theory is, that if you kill your hope, you kill your expectations and things won't be so bad because you make yourself believe that the good life isn't for you. but your hope will never die. your hope will never die. people who are like this don't want to admit that they are a person like everybody else, and are capable of moving closer to happiness. the possibility of changing your life is scary. but admitting you could be capable means that you have to do something. there are a whole lot of reasons why doing something and moving forward can be hard. sometimes, apathy is a defense mechanism. if we will ourselves hard enough, you can make yourself believe just about anything.. on the surface. deep down though, you know something is very, very wrong. it takes some thinking, endurance, courage and a little bit of humour, but you can do it. however if all you do is run, you will never improve.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:37:48 No.1786667
    Bah, the subtitle didn't show up, should have said "It's very relaxing for some reason." Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:37:58 No.1786668
    Steam is repriserecord.
    I don't have a lot of games, but I'm always on.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:38:03 No.1786670
    i find something great about butter faces, they don't seem too bad to me, plus sexually speaking you have several options
    >lights off
    >paper bag
    >doggy style
    also, ill be your friend too
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:39:50 No.1786684
    When did I ever say that I wasn't taking the blame?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:40:28 No.1786689
    >No friends
    >No girlfriend
    >No current job
    >No money
    >At least I'm in school part time
    >Guarantee I'm the most beta in here, unfortunately
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:44:45 No.1786727
    it sucks to be short and a guy.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:46:33 No.1786738
    I'm such a loser I cam get giggling-rolling-on-the-floor drunk off of just two mike's hard lemonade's.

    Yreeeeeopppp. I have pickles and mikes and its st oattyz and im watching madagascar and itz hot and douchebaqgs are playing music outside.

    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:46:56 No.1786745
    >betafag virgins trying to talk to ham beasts
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:52:52 No.1786805
    short chicks have the advantage
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)20:59:28 No.1786851
    I fucking love hambeasts. I have turned down wonderful girls to court socially awkward shutins.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)21:03:06 No.1786876
    It's not always a bad thing, it depends on your attitude to it.
    The first guy I ever really liked was short and plain and ridiculously thin but he had such an amazing personality that I only really find short men attractive now.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)21:19:50 No.1787025
    Does anybody care? Whatever

    It's okay if you don't know what to do, and it's okay if you're scared to move forward. it's normal if you really don't want to do some of the things. do your best, and maybe you'll just find your way one day. but if you're going to live, then you're going to have to keep going forward. the more you move forward the easier it gets. of course you don't HAVE to, but honestly i would rather be dead than stagnate my whole life. if you are stagnating and disagree, then you're just cowardly clinging to life without wanting to live, because you're too scared to die. what a disappointing waste, either way really. one is just dragged out longer. how you live now just looks better because you're young. there's romance in being young. but what if nothing changes and you get older and older. what if you watch as the days and weeks and years go by, watching everything around you change.. except yourself. you, just hiding from the world in this bubble of safety that you've created. you will feel the shame and pity from everyone around you. you will feel jealous and resent yourself even more for letting yourself think that everything is alright, for allowing yourself to be lulled into this pseudo living for so long. what an awful way to live. the shame of it all.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)21:20:31 No.1787030
    heh, i'll also say that any "friendships" made here won't last. it's funny, not because i'm a jerk, but because i assumed the connections i made like this would last too. they won't die out of awkwardness or massive disagreements, but you'll all just lose interest after awhile. you know it to be true. and if not, you'll find out like i did.
    some of you will be "busy", and will eventually feel like talking to you is a chore. you won't have anything in common besides being what you would call "losers". but that isn't enough. it won't make you friends.
    others will be desperate and lonely, but also will become disinterested (whether they admit it or not). the reason they press on is because they have nothing else and will claw at anything and everything to keep themselves from drowning.
    you need to work on yourselves and become a better person before you get friends. people must look inward before they venture outward. you need to experience a life that's... More than this..
    >> . Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)21:32:22 No.1787116
    >Meet girl on Omegle Video
    >She's absolutely gorgeous, think she's a GIF at first
    >We start talking every day
    >She has the coolest personality ever
    >Really chill girl
    >Artistic, poetic
    >Actually talented, not a pretentious tumblr slut
    >So fucking intelligent
    >Notice that she's online all the time, never talking about friends
    >Find out she lives 3 hours away from the nearest city
    >Lives in a very small town with nobody her age
    >Doesn't drink or do drugs excessively
    >Doesn't have school because she's on the March Break (the Canadian equivalent to spring break, I'm told)
    >Is a shy girl due to lack of interaction growing up
    >This is the kind of shit that only happens in movies

    She's 17 and I'm 26 but holy shit this girl is perfect.

    And I own her.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)21:33:57 No.1787129
    hurr idealization will bite you in the ass, friend.

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