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  • File: 1331630071.jpg-(70 KB, 453x313, kkk.jpg)
    70 KB Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:14:31 No.1737566  
    Lack of empathy/love/compassion for others thread

    >be 14 around 9 years ago
    >get into fight at school with poor Aboriginal kid (Im talking really poor, when he brings food to school he's as happy as a nigger with a bucket of kfc) after as told he was talking shit about me behind my back from one of my close friends
    >I have to protect my reputation, so I go up to him when he was sitting alone and I started ripping on Aboriginals and how he's poor and how he's dads in jail and he's moms disabled.
    >he gets teary and trys to walk away but I keep on ripping on him
    >he finally tells me to fuck off so I hit him In the back of the head
    >get bloodied up but win the fight, still angry at him
    >I get his bag and take-out his lunchbox and pencil-case, I stomp on both and utterly destroy all his food and utensils
    >I go through his pockets and find his mothers phone (which he is lent on tuesdays since he has to go to soccer practise, i proceed to stomp on the phone until the screen is cracked and the plastic is warped
    >I then throw his bag into the drain (unreachable), and spit In his face while I walk off to sit down and catch my breath
    >In councillors office after inncident
    >I get told I seriously lack empathy as a human-being and that she is scared and feels sorry for me

    >fight abbo
    >break all his things for the hell of it
    >get told I lack any empathy as a human being
    >still hates coons

    Any other robots got storys like this?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:16:12 No.1737572
    Wow, never thought I could feel sympathy for a native kid.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:18:05 No.1737591
    Im honestly jealous of you, still to this day I have no feelings about the incident
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:23:48 No.1737633

    you're fucked up.

    The only thing I can think of is

    >friend's family member dies of cancer
    >friend comes to me crying
    >tells me that she's had to deal with like 8 of her family members including her father dying of cancer
    >I remain silent for a while and then change the subject bluntly

    She thinks I was uncomfortable with the subject so it was understandable.
    but really I just didn't know how to care. People die. It happens. Booo-hooo.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:27:52 No.1737654
    Another story of my childhood

    >be 15 walking to class with two of my friends
    >see kid that i was good friends with in primary school being bullied and pushed around by larger, more popular students
    >he looks towards me for some sort of support, I look into his eyes and keep on walking past him
    >he shouts out my name 'Anon's my friend, right Anon?'
    >I look back at him and say 'Who the fuck are you, don't talk to me you pathetic loser'.
    >he looks extremely embarrassed and starts to shed some tears
    >I call him fagget and walk away while he continues to be picked on
    >he moved school later that year and became a complete shut-in, could have killed himself, Im not sure.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:29:06 No.1737665
    Is it not faggot, you faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:32:13 No.1737682
    I'm like the most compassionate person ever, I really don't understand sociopaths/people who lack empathy. At all.

    If you wouldn't want shit like that happening to you how can you not feel bad about inflicting it on someone undeserving?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:45:30 No.1737764 seriously deserve to die you fucker. Fuck you. Fuck you fuck you. Son of a bitch. Go buy him a new phone.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:47:01 No.1737776
    I don't consider people like you human at all. Animal.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:48:33 No.1737787
    For self proclaimed compassionate people I am seeing a serious lack of empathy.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:52:26 No.1737804
    >brag about lack of empathy
    >expect people to empathise with your feels
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:52:32 No.1737805
    =/ Really? Cause I'm not seeing any contradictions.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:54:32 No.1737819
    After about age 9 I realized that my lack of emotion for others and lack of empathy was starting to make other people (my parents, counselors, other kids) act differently around me and I quickly realized that I would be marked as 'different'. I didn't really mind this of course but I also noticed that kids marked as different were often bullied and treated like shit. Naturally, I could not let such an sublime person as myself be subjected to such undignified actions. So what I did was practice things like smiling and laughing and looking sad so I would know how to react properly when situations that required emotion and empathy occurred. I even almost managed to cry at my cousin's funeral. Almost.

    Anyway, I've never really felt any strong emotion about anything in my life ever and I'm fairly certain I have no idea what empathy feels like. I also don't think I'm a sociopath or anything like that, I think I'm normal, just a little different.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:55:17 No.1737824
    Abos are scum OP, don't feel bad
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:56:13 No.1737830
    Wishing death on/refusing to understand people who had no conscious choice on whether or not they feel empathy isn't very empathetic.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:56:46 No.1737834
    Ah, the joys of being a psychopath.

    >be playing a video game
    >mom bursts into room having a breakdown
    >tells me my dad was just flown to the hospital after being in an accident on his motorcycle
    >ugh, goddammit, have to turn off video game
    >mom leaves
    >drive self to hospital to see what's going on
    >wonder how my life will be inconvenienced by his possible death
    >get to hospital
    >broken back but he'll be fine

    >realize later my mom wasn't in a panic because something was wrong with her, but rather because she's a normally-functioning human being
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:57:19 No.1737836
    4/10. Pissed me off, and I'm a racist.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:58:54 No.1737846
    empathizing doesn't mean siding, we understand your situation, we understand your lack of feelings, and we find it absolutely hateable.
    your story is probably made up, being the picture named kkk.jpg and all, but if it isn't i have this urge to kick your teeth in.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:59:48 No.1737853
    Being unable to understand sociopaths/people who lack empathy isn't refusing to understand.
    You sure are sensitive for someone who 'lacks empathy/love/compassion'.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:02:41 No.1737863
    This. I understand what sociopaths are just not how it develops or where it comes from. It's one of the most inhuman qualities one could have.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:04:21 No.1737871
    >my friend gets cancer
    Finally, something interesting in my life
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:04:47 No.1737873
    Lacking empathy != lacking all emotion

    Pretty sure all serial killers/career criminals feel emotions like pleasure and anger and things of that nature. They just lack the capability to feel empathy for others. They definitely feel it for themselves since they place a high value on self-preservation.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:07:48 No.1737884
    Personally I disagree. A total sociopath who cares nothing for anybody but himself is just as human as another man who very emotional and empathetic. Who are you to judge what is human or inhuman?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:09:44 No.1737893
    It's ironic that someone who claims to lack empathy would get butthurt over reactions on 4chan. Pretty sure your story is bullshit now.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:11:01 No.1737899
    Genuinely a shitty person. I hope our paths never cross.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:13:23 No.1737910
    And who are you to say he's just as human? Sociopaths are lower-life forms, truly scum of the earth. Are you trying to say it's natural and acceptable? What about pedophiles? Certain types of people are born rejects and stay that way.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:14:04 No.1737914
    Wow, dude. I am not the OP and I am not butthurt. I just found an interesting contradiction in people saying 'I'm a very empathetic person but I think all X should die'. And everything I've looked up about psychopathy/sociopathy confirms what I said before about empathy and emotion. Look at the interviews with Ted Bundy and how he acted in court. The dude got completely riled up and emotional. Do you think he care a bit about his victims? Nope.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:15:50 No.1737928
    I never said anyone should die, I said I didn't understand sociopaths, as in where it stems from/how it starts. Not sure why you're trying to drag serial killers into this now as Ted Bundy's reactions have nothing to do with what I said.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:16:23 No.1737931
    >Are you trying to say it's natural and acceptable?

    Natural, yes. Acceptable, no. At no point did I ever excuse the behavior described in the OP. The actions the OP took are reprehensible and wrong but that doesn't make him less human for doing them. It makes him a terrible human.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:17:15 No.1737936
    your ancestors would be disappointed in you
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:18:58 No.1737949
    I'm using Ted Bundy as an example because it's metric we can point and say 'that is a sociopath' with authority (more or less anyway) instead of using OP's story which may be completely made up for all we know.


    are all likely 3 different posts by 3 different people but I sensed the same sentiment in all of them and I just thought it was interesting.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:20:23 No.1737958
    not the anon, but.
    i am a human, i judge non-human people that are a danger to others, there's nothing wrong about that.
    imagine if you were angry, and broke a lamp or mug or something in your room in your vicinity, you'd feel relief, or regret having to buy another one.
    op's case despite being obviously made up is the same, he doesn't regret it or think much about it becase for him it was just like breaking a lamp.
    from his point of view he did nothing wrong, HOWEVER at 14 you have absolutely all responsability from your action, you KNOW that breaking someone's stuff is over the top, the same way that you KNOW that breaking your big tv is too much. in his story he did it anyways. that is a danger to himself and his community, he should need attention and correction, but as a human, reading about a person hurting others violently and then carefully ruining their lives, especially of people already in trouble, makes me have deep feelings of hatred towards them, i really really want to hurt the character from op's story, I truly do, even if i know that the course of action is to seek psychological help, the feeling is still there.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:22:02 No.1737974
    >dad almost dies in car accident
    >playing video games
    >huh, i see we have one less car now

    Looking in on some of the conversation in this thread, I hate most of you. You're a bunch of self righteous 20 somethings. You're the type who preach tolerance but are intolerant of intolerance. So you condemn what you don't like. Fuck off already.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:22:07 No.1737975
    Many people feel that sociopaths, murderers, pedophiles, rapists etc. actions are inhuman. I guess it's just a difference of opinion. It isn't normal behaviour.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:23:52 No.1737985
    In a world where sociopaths get locked away for being sociopaths, how can you find it contradictory to lack empathy for menaces to society? No one is going to sympathize with a murderer or a rapist. That doesn't make a compassionate person any less compassionate, it's called justice.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:23:57 No.1737988
    You didn't beat that kid up because you lack empathy, you beat him up because you're an asshole.

    Empathy is when you understand and to an extent feel the emotions of others. It's a form of sympathy, though not in the sense of pity or sorrow. More that...when you see or hear about someone dealing with sadness, you feel some of that sadness on their behalf. You echo it. The same with any other emotion.

    It's vicarious.

    A total lack of empathy means you can recognize someone is dealing with an emotion but remain entirely detached from what they experience, even confused as to why they might be feeling that way at all.

    And yes, it means those with empathy can understand why you might feel a certain way, and if they're so inclined feel it themselves. It certainly doesn't mean they have to agree with it.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:24:35 No.1737990
    schizoid behavior is different from violent sociopathic/psychopatic behavior.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:26:21 No.1737999
    i think its completely normal. any natural urge, to me, is normal.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:26:32 No.1738000
    Thinking about it this way makes sense, actually. As usual, I didn't really consider from the viewpoint of the people I was responding. Considering the the discussion topic this is hilarious. To me, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:30:35 No.1738032
    nice quads.
    If anything I think it just highlights who the compassionate people are, the ones who get outraged by stories like this. Their empathy/sympathy for victims overshadows their feelings for the perpetrator. As it should, imo.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:31:32 No.1738036
    I don't know that feel OP
    I wish I did because I spend a lot of time figuring out people and wanting to fix them.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:32:02 No.1738039
    Natural =/= right
    Instict =/= most reliable

    That is absolutely shallow.

    You have a brain that is CAPABLE of defying easily its own dangerous or irresponsible instincts for the sake of a better community and life for everyone (and yourself) not doing so is just lazy and counter productive.
    Really, extreme forms of naturalism are silly.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:32:16 No.1738040
    LOL trips I mean fuck I am so blind.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:34:06 No.1738054
    A total lack of empathy means you can recognize someone is dealing with an emotion but remain entirely detached from what they experience, even confused as to why they might be feeling that way at all.
    And all this time I thought that everybody was like that.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:35:01 No.1738064
    ITT: Look how HARD and EDGY I AM.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:35:45 No.1738071
    no it doesn't, and you're generalising.
    feeling hatred/ being offended =/= wanting revenge or not empathising, we're the ones that are saying to seek help for both parties.
    the brief urge to hurt OP is a urge, it doesn't mean that we would. quite the opposite, no?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:37:33 No.1738084
    I take offense to that.
    You bastard.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:37:54 No.1738086
    You're not making any sense anymore.
    nigga, u just went full retard
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:38:33 No.1738090
    ITT: People who haven't met abos

    The niggest of the nig. When I lived in Alice Springs my home was broken into three times, car had its windows smashed and stereo stolen, got mugged a few times.

    Guess what? It was those animals every one of those times. Good on you OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:39:47 No.1738099
    Oh one last thing, if people reading are worrying about if they are sociopathic/schizoid/psychopatic before jumping to conclusions remember that depression might bring apathy and detatchment, as well as depersonalization in some cases. It's very different.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:39:58 No.1738101
    >Brothers friend gets cancer
    >Ask why i should care
    >get beat up by brother
    >Told of by parents

    >Later get aspy diagnosis after years of me explaining the way i think and feel
    >Suddenly everything i do is OK with parents...

    So if i tell them something about me then im lacking empathy or am too fussy, psychiatrist tells them the exact same thing and its fine :S
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:40:20 No.1738103
    OP sounds like a wicked cunt. 10/10
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:41:20 No.1738110
    >people tell me about shit that has happend to them
    >simply laugh at them, I can't react any way different
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:42:36 No.1738120
    uhm, how? :C feeling something doesn't imply the will to carry it out, no?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:45:33 No.1738136
    This the fucking curse of society OP.

    Males who display empathy and feelings are told to not show them for fear of looking like a wuss or Un-Manly
    Then we wonder why we end up with fucking sociopaths.

    You dont really lack empathy op, you are just a naturally violent person who lets his anger run away with him. I do believe you feel sorry for what you did, because otherwise you wouldn't be making this thread about it, you wouldn't even give a fuck that the teacher told you lacked said empathy.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:46:18 No.1738139
    Yes but I'm not sure what you're arguing at this point. I said that compassionate people are the ones who will be more vocal about their outrage when it comes to sociopaths. That doesn't mean they will take their rage out on them.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:47:34 No.1738148
    Now let's not be dumbasses blaming society as a whole as if it's a single entity, really, there's always THAT ONE GUY that ends up saying society gov't hurr durr and all the other dumbasses that follow him.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:49:15 No.1738155

    i cant help myself, it always gets the most replies
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:49:59 No.1738159
    Yeah, i re-read your post, misread it the first time, i actually went full retard. sorry i'm not english D:
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:54:13 No.1738173
    ITT: Autism.

    Ill just leave this thread, and go enjoy the pleasures and comfort of socialism with others and sharing emotions.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:55:27 No.1738182
    No worries, it happens to the best of us. =P
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:55:40 No.1738183
    oh, you.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:57:21 No.1738194
    >Mum just made my dad break up with her.
    >She's crying and sobbing
    >Looks at all us kids (its a big family)
    >"Tell me you love me"
    >"Just come and give me a hug"
    >Everyone just looks at her and watches. I go off and read a book.
    >mfw she barges in half an hour later threatening to kill herself and I lose my godamn spot in the book.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:59:08 No.1738206
    >Mother treats me like crap
    >I ask her why
    >I'm lazy
    >She asks me to turn tv off which is literally one step away from her
    >I break the tv
    >Run away

    I have never been seen since.

    People think I deaded.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:04:23 No.1738220
    >What about pedophiles?

    Why are we always dragged into this? I've never touched a kid and I'm still considered as bad as a murderer. Feels bad man
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:06:14 No.1738223
    Sociopaths are relatable to pedophiles and murderers because generally pedophiles and murderers are sociopaths. You have to have a huge level of disconnection to kill someone or rape a child.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:08:50 No.1738233
    Pedophile doesn't mean "someone who has raped a kid". It's just an attraction and there's nothing sociopathic about it at all.

    Also, are you really trying to say that people who have killed someone are generally sociopaths? I think you're thinking of serial killers.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:10:51 No.1738240
    You have poisonous logic
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:16:09 No.1738249
    >implying that pedophiles don't rape children.
    I'm not saying that all pedophiles rape children but the fact that you'd miss my point just to argue that is retarded. I don't even want to talk to you since you are a pedophile but I'll say this and move on. You have to have a huge disconnect from knowing the difference between right and wrong to be attracted to children or lack empathy. People who lack empathy are more inclined to kill and people who are attracted to children are more inclined to molest or rape them.
    You're already exhibiting zero control if you know that it's wrong but still are attracted to children.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:17:07 No.1738251
    >I don't even want to talk to you since you are a pedophile

    let me ask you a question: what are you doing on this site
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:18:04 No.1738254
    What does it look like I'm doing? Suddenly being on 4chan means that you condone pedophiles?
    Fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:19:20 No.1738257

    Romney '12
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:19:59 No.1738260
    I laughed for some reason. Ended up spitting my juice all over the screen.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:20:13 No.1738261

    4chan is for people who desire to be the small female
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:22:03 No.1738269
    You can choose to not surround yourself with or look at things that you are attracted to if you know that it is wrong. This guy is a self-proclaimed pedophile on 4chan where cp is galore.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:22:11 No.1738270
    >I'm not saying that all pedophiles rape children but the fact that you'd miss my point just to argue that is retarded

    No, there is a very clear divide between someone who is attracted to kids and someone who rapes a kid. It isn't a tiny technicality, it makes all the difference. It would have made more sense if you said "murderers and child rapists tend to be sociopaths" but even that wouldn't really be correct. Most murderers are average people who have anger problems or were raised badly and don't think their actions through, not cold calculating sociopaths.

    >You have to have a huge disconnect from knowing the difference between right and wrong to be attracted to children

    Please explain why being attracted to children is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:26:08 No.1738275
    Kids are everywhere dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:27:02 No.1738279
    Talk about selective reading. You only chose one sentance of my post to argue since that would be easier for you. I *did* say that people who are attracted to children are more likely to rape them just as sociopaths are more inclined to kill people. It is 100% relatable.
    You know why being attracted to children is wrong. I'm not even going to entertain that level of retard.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:27:48 No.1738282
    Not in mental institutions and prisons where pedophiles belong.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:29:20 No.1738287
    >at an early age, hear about a man dying after driving into a tree
    >Picture it and laugh my ass off
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:30:15 No.1738292
    It's wierd reading all of this, because while I feel emotion empathy, etc. It's all fairly subdued, to the point that I don't exhibit emotions normally. I've had to work on being more able to exhibit certain things, but other things I'm the same with a majority of people here. I just don't care.
    Oddly enough, I feel less emotion over people dying than I have with any animals I've ever owned.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:30:54 No.1738293
    Your first argument, and I quote, was

    >generally pedophiles and murderers are sociopaths

    You were trying to say that pedophiles are usually sociopaths. That isn't true at all.

    >You know why being attracted to children is wrong

    I don't think it's wrong at all. Why do you think it's wrong?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:33:39 No.1738305
    Pedophiles who molest and rape children most certainly lack empathy. The amount of pedophiles who abuse children outnumber the ones that don't. Therefore, *usually*.
    Of course you wouldn't think being attracted to children is wrong because you are a pedophile. Get help.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:34:00 No.1738307
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:35:26 No.1738310
    You think being in a mental institution is condemning someone? Your stupidity is fucking astounding.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:36:45 No.1738317
    >I don't think it's wrong at all. Why do you think it's wrong?
    I'm kinda mixed on that one. It's certainly a natural occurrence. I think it's more a misfortune to be attracted to them tbh. It's wrong to act on those urges but I don't think it's wrong to have them when you can't help it.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:37:50 No.1738324
    >around age 14 or so
    >me and my younger sister are sitting at a table
    >anyways we're getting up from sitting on the floor
    >as she's getting up she accidentally knees me in the face, surprisingly hard. My face swelled up afterwards.
    >I scream and hold my face
    >she asks if I'm ok
    >I snap out of my pain
    >get up, and start to chase her down
    >She's giggling, probably thinking I'm playing some sort of game.
    >grab her, full on punch her in the face
    >she falls on her back and there's this weird silence before she shrieks out in pain
    >I didn't give a fuck, kept punching her, over and over
    >she's crying really hard, bleeding a bit, screaming really loudly the whole while, as if she's being murdered (which was a likely possibility at the time)
    >she keeps screaming she's sorry and to stop between screams sobs and yelps.
    >some of the most bloodcurdling noises I've heard in my life
    >start strangling her, her eyes are bulging open and she's gagging
    >my mother has woken up and has come downstairs and screams at me to stop
    >I do, I get up off my sister and she curls up
    >My mother asks what the hell's going on
    >I smile at her and say "she made it happen"
    >grounded of course
    >get a talking to about how bad what I did was
    >"I don't care. It's only her"

    Thinking back, I have no idea how I could have been so fucking fucked to do that. Even more weird that my sister never held it against me. I guess maybe she really did accept it was her fault. To this day she still likes me. That said, these days I'm more apathetic than ever. And I'm not the monster this story would make me out to be. Or at least I haven't been for about 4+ years
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:42:19 No.1738339
    >The amount of pedophiles who abuse children outnumber the ones that don't.
    In what possible dimension could you know this? U R DUM
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:42:30 No.1738340
    >The amount of pedophiles who abuse children outnumber the ones that don't

    Please link me to a study which confirms this.

    >Of course you wouldn't think being attracted to children is wrong because you are a pedophile. Get help.

    It seems like you don't actually know why it's wrong. Brotip: that's because it isn't.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:43:56 No.1738348
    0/10 no way no fucking way bro

    locked up in mental institution /= normal life
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:45:12 No.1738353
    >Walking home from school with a group of friends and a few extras.
    >Get about half way home and one of the extras decides to try to catch a bus.
    >The bus pulls in as he is running beside it and the sidemirror hits him, arm goes under wheel.
    >Boy is dragged beneath bus and killed with various cracks, crunches and a red mess in the road.
    >Everyone stops, oh my god, kids are crying, people running over.
    >Me: ''Well there's no point of calling an ambulance, he should have been more careful. My show is on soon and I don't want to be late home, see you guys tomorrow''

    I was the only one who didn't need counciling and the psychologists started to show interest in me. Asking me all sorts of questions.
    I remember skull fragments and a terrible red mess really.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:45:26 No.1738355
    Faggots ITT defending a pedophile.
    Of course this would happen in a sociopath thread.
    I hope you all burn in hell.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:47:14 No.1738367
    >after as told he was talking shit about me behind my back from one of my close friends

    you better have been 100% sure on this you shit
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:47:46 No.1738370
    My mother always mentions to me "what if I were dead?" whenever she wants to push a point across(...). I just ignore it because I believe she's done it enough it's just for attention :/ Idk if it's just lack of empathy or her being a desperate bitch.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:49:46 No.1738384
    Look it up yourself.
    Are you telling me that if the opportunity presented itself, most pedophiles would not abuse a child? Pedophiles are predators, you need to come to terms with the fact that you are deepy mentally ill and need help.
    Being attracted to children is and always will be wrong. Go out in the street and ask people what they think, instead of having your sickness validated by the scum of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:50:22 No.1738386
    Just imagining how the "cold hard assholes" in this thread will react when bad things happen to themselves instead of other people makes me laugh.

    I bet they cry like there's no tomorrow
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:51:49 No.1738393
    What empathy is there to give?

    >kill a kitten willingly
    >feel sorry for the person that willingly killed the kitten

    That's retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:55:24 No.1738408
    >Look it up yourself.

    You made the claim broseph

    >Are you telling me that if the opportunity presented itself, most pedophiles would not abuse a child?

    I don't have the data to say yes or no. Clearly you do (what kind of jackass would make a claim without supporting evidence?), so please provide it.

    >Being attracted to children is and always will be wrong

    He still can't explain why. Lol.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:56:52 No.1738419
    op problem is not lack of empathy

    fuck empathy
    in a world in which x little poor nigletts die every second (and you know it)
    its not a good trait to have

    op's problem is, that he is so unstable that he gets in a pointless fight over something someone reportedly said
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:59:03 No.1738434
    I'm saying that since you ARE attracted to children you ARE more likely to assault them therefore you lead down the road to becoming someone who lacks empathy and shows sociopathic tendancies. You live to be validated by people on 4chan therefore you see nothing wrong with your actions but continuing to ignore the fact that you have a problem 'lulz i'm just attracted i can't help it bro' instead of acknowledging the fact that you can't control your fucked up sexual preference is beyond me. Get help you fucking shitstain of the earth. Everyone hates pedophiles and I hope you kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:59:08 No.1738436
    OH this made me remember something
    >mum was bugging dad, pinching him
    >he hit her
    >she cries, gets hysterical
    >tries to get us(piece of shit and i) to side with her
    >we both do nothing and ignore her
    >has a giant bruise

    I feel kind of bad about it now, but she seems to be over it. They fought a lot when I was younger so I'd just shut off most of the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:00:47 No.1738442
    >fuck empathy
    >in a world in which x little poor nigletts die every second (and you know it)

    you sound like a 17-year-old with deep convictions
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:01:59 No.1738446
    Perfect I was just going to make a thread like this.
    So I'm pretty apathetic about certain things but more for logical reasons.
    One thing I can't explain is my apathy for my family.
    Yeah I got some verbal abuse as a child into my late teens from my father but I can't understand why that has caused apathy for my whole family.
    I literally never want to be home and when I am I lurk the interwebz and play vidya games.
    The weird thing is that I'm almost sad that I don't care about them the way I should.
    I feel like a roommate not a part of the family.
    Dad tries to hang out, ask me to grab some drinks, play darts etc. All I can do is make excuses and politely refuse. It sounds great, but I can't over the fact that I REALLY don't want to go with him.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:03:54 No.1738451
    >I'm saying that since you ARE attracted to children you ARE more likely to assault them therefore you lead down the road to becoming someone who lacks empathy and shows sociopathic tendancies

    Since you drive a car you ARE more likely to have road rage and assault someone therefore you lead down the road to becoming someone who lacks empathy and shows sociopathic tendancies

    Don't you see that this makes no sense? It seems like you just hate pedos because everyone else hates them
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:04:42 No.1738456
    I'm the same. I just see them as people, don't let blood get in the way of what I think about them. My brother's a piece of shit, my mother is overbearing, though she tries to care, but its just too much, and my dad is outright annoying.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:06:01 No.1738464
    In no way does road rage relate to pedophilia at all. It never will. Instead of trying to justify your illness and attempt humanizing yourself, why don't you get help and ensure that you will never ever harm a child?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:07:33 No.1738471
    No hes right. Because you are attracted to children, you are more likely to assault ~children~. The same way by owning a car you are definitely more prone to road raging in comparison to a person who rides a bike.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:07:41 No.1738474
    This sounds strangely familiar.
    My brother is lazy and isn't trying to do with anything with his life and that pisses me off.
    My mother is also overbearing sometimes.
    When I was seeing a therapist she said that I resented my dad because of the whole verbal abuse. Which makes sense.
    Then there's my sister who, and it's sad to say, I hardly acknowledge.
    It fucking depresses me how much I don't care about my family.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:07:44 No.1738475
    Most people who drive cars are sociopaths. You're sick, stop looking for validation and get help.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:09:40 No.1738481
    Wow. I didn't think the amount of pedophiles on 4chan was this huge. This is disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:11:31 No.1738490
    age of consent in New Hampshire, Minnesota, and Vermont = 16

    age of consent in Florida, Arizona, and Idaho = 18

    stay classy, white trash
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:12:37 No.1738497
    >Everyone hates pedophiles and I hope you kill yourself.

    so brave
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:13:39 No.1738502
    pedophilia is basically being a homosexual.
    you can't "cure" them, they are a different kind of human being, they are hard wired differently. the people giving the "help" don't know what the fuck they are doing, whether they want to admit it or not. "help" is along the lines of those gay camps. you're just denying that they are different people, you want them to be one of you, but they aren't. pedophiles and maybe even homosexuals should have a completely separate society.
    you're a huge faggot by the way. you're the type to usher in a new era of tyranny of the majority. you're so self righteous and dualistic, it's just unbelievable. just fuck off already
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:14:55 No.1738509
    >Certain types of people are born rejects and stay that way
    Like everyone on r9k
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:15:20 No.1738510
         File: 1331640920.jpg-(314 KB, 695x1023, banned.jpg)
    314 KB
    In high school I was more popular and less depressed than I am now. Also far less fat.

    I had sex with alot of girls in the high school and during GCSE years i had a personal mission and fetish for taking innocent type girls virginity.

    As a result i went on a pretty pathetic campaign, spending all my time talking to girls i knew were shy nice and pretty innocent virgins. there was around 5 or 6, all from the three years below me. in one case the youngest was 13

    i told each i loved them, and used my knowledge of poetry and literary stuff to talk sweetly and be pretentious as all shit but impress them in their naivity,and make them think i was special and the one.

    Each told me i was "the one". in those words. None knew about the others

    I took all of their virginities over a month or so. I was always brutal during, and would make an effort to come inside them.

    Once I'd had sex with them, i ignored them, if they approached me in public, i repeatedly shouted them down and explained to their friends what fucking slut they were

    one's brother (a year younger than me and with delusions) wanted to fight me so i appeared late to the fight with three other guys, and we all beat the shit out of him

    Over the years ive done this more and in other places. now im 22. i still do it. i wont give details

    wilst i was travelling around europe during my gap year, i took 7 virginities, including 4 swedish best friends after talking to them for one night (why the fuck are your girls so slutty, swedes?)

    I got two of them pregnant, and deleted their numbers.

    I really dont care. it just turns me on.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:16:02 No.1738511
    Fuck off to Reddit, moralfag. Before you accuse me, I'm not a pedo, you just have this idea that everyone should bend to the will of the majority. Some of us actually think about things, so you're going to have to do better than that if you don't want us to laugh in your face at your stupidity.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:19:58 No.1738533
    You think someone who abuses children is worth defending? God the types of people on 4chan are fucking disgusting. You think you're being intelligent and looking at it 'from a different angle' you're such a 'rebel' for thinking oppositely of the majority. There is a *reason* the majority condemns pedophiles and that is because they are monsters and ill-fit for society. I dare you to bring this up to anyone in real life and watch as they laugh right in your fucking face and probably kick the shit out of you for it.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:20:17 No.1738535
    I found that story really enticing for some reason.
    You are a bastard but...part of me wants to laugh at how bad ass you are.
    Other part of me wishes you were dead for ruining those girls chances of ever having a normal relationship in their life
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:23:03 No.1738545
    You think pedophiles have the right to roam free, downloading child porn and eventually molesting/raping children if they haven't already? You think that means you *think* about every angle and are going against the reign of a 'tyrannous society'.
    Fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:26:02 No.1738555
    I'm not being rebellious, you just aren't thinking at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:27:02 No.1738557
    Maybe all that CP is all that keeps them from going out to fondle children.

    If they can't release sexual urges in one way, they'll likely find another.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:27:35 No.1738560
    I wanted to comment on the fact that sketch was obviously done in c.5 minutes but the person has an exceedingly good knowledge of anatomy and therefore the depth and softness of the woman's body is well observed.

    I didn't read your text, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:28:37 No.1738565
    awesome thats my drawing :3
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:29:04 No.1738568
    So you think pedophiles should be able to roam free? Without any psychological help? What is your fucking solution then if you truly believe that you're the right one here.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:30:21 No.1738574
    you just love lobbing clumsy insults and accusations don't you. you're just putting words in my mouth and lazily painting me with a fairy tale cliche attitude, you fucking child. you don't even care to note the difference between convicted sex offender and pedophile. you don't even care that it's not their fault they are born this way, and will hate them regardless. even if they haven't done anything. gross. you should go into politics. don't get me wrong, you would be a most despicable politician. but i think you'd be good at it. shout slogans like "us vs them" and appeal to everybodys emotions. you could be a regular big brother.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:30:22 No.1738575
    My only suggestion would be to pay a little more attention to the face and lips especially. Otherwise, very well done.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:30:35 No.1738577
    Fuck you're retarded. In order for CP to exist in the first place a pedophile has to go out there and SEXUALLY ABUSE A CHILD. You think one child should suffer so basement pedos can get off? It's wrong in every angle you look at it and the only cure is putting these people away in mental institutions and prisons. They need psychological help.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:31:37 No.1738580
    do you also think all people who are attracted to adult women are bound to become rapists should they never get laid otherwise

    theres such a thing as a prefrontal cortex, you know
    we don't rape the first person we see if we are horny
    we can stop eating, even if we still feel hungry
    if we have irrational fears, we try to deal with them somehow
    and we don't fuck children period

    being attracted to child- or childlike bodies does not make you a monster or less of a human, it just provides one more urge you have to reign in
    not that big of a deal, unless you already are a borderline rapist
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:34:05 No.1738590
    Ignoring all of your childish insults that aren't even related to the argument. God the irony in your insolence is amusing. Do you honestly believe that a pedophile can go their whole life time without harming a child? As if the opportunity will never present itself? Even if they just like at cp, for now, that's still tying in to the demand for it and enabling someone else to go out there and create more. I'm not saying that their interest is a choice but they need deep psychological help and to have the ability to harm children taken away from them.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:34:33 No.1738592
    I used to actually really care and feel bad for people. No bullshit, people said that it was because I'm a Pisces (althuogh I don't really believe in that crap).

    Skip ahead a few years and after all the rejection I've faced (not from males, but from females), I honestly don't care about anyone anymore. Especially females, I actually enjoy seeing them suffer.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:35:05 No.1738593

    I'm like that, I just hate how people expect you to give a fuck and humor them, so I just avoid it all. I just really can't be fucked and hate pretending, it's just mentally draining, I hate it.

    Same with laughing at shitty jokes just so someone doesn't feel like an idiot, or saying hello to people whose existence I am indifferent to. 'Catching up' with people I haven't seen in years and they constantly waffle on about shit I didn't care about all those years ago, either.

    Fuck, it's not my fault, people are just too fucking touchy about not being humored. If people could just fucking accept other people don't give a fuck and STOP FUCKING EXPECTING THEM TO FOR NO REASON then we'd all be happier.

    Eh, I'm just tired of it all. It's not that I don't have the ability to care, it's that I won't force myself to give a shit about things I don't fucking give a shit about just because someone expects me to., but this makes me a horrible person, apparently. Fuck everyone and their fucking annoying sense of self-entitlement to my own personal cache of fucks. I don't want to give you any.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:36:26 No.1738599

    >Do you honestly believe that a pedophile can go their whole life time without harming a child? As if the opportunity will never present itself?

    Not that dude, but are you implying that a pedophile is guaranteed to hurt a child when the opportunity is present? I find that hard to believe, simply because you cannot deal in absolutes.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:36:48 No.1738600
    i lol'd.
    good for you [kind of]
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:38:16 No.1738608
    >So you think pedophiles should be able to roam free? Without any psychological help?

    Yes. Would you really imprison someone for thought-crime?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:39:39 No.1738612
    >Do you honestly believe that a pedophile can go their whole life time without harming a child?

    yes, in fact i think the overwhelming majority don't
    you probably spoke with a few, and thought they were nice normal people
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:40:06 No.1738616
    Last I checked child porn will put you in prison.
    Do you really think that most pedophiles live out their fantasies purely in their heads, without seeking pornography or victims?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:40:29 No.1738619
    I don't like things, but I don't hate things either. I quite simply don't care about anything. Does that make me a sociopath?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:41:47 No.1738623
    Being a pedo doesn't mean you automatically collect CP. Do you really think someone should be imprisoned for thinking a 'wrong' thought?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:41:57 No.1738624
    Oooooh a Paedophilia debate, how delicious.
    >> Tacica !Xisy2Q2dW2 03/13/12(Tue)08:42:21 No.1738627
    I lack empathy but I don't understand why you need to assault people.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:43:09 No.1738631
    >Friend gets blazed drunk
    >Lays his head in my lap and cries
    >Says he got raped or some shit
    >Stand up, kick him and walk out of the room

    Not a single fuck, r9k. Not a single one.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:44:22 No.1738638
    I didn't say that it did. But do you honestly believe the majority of pedophiles live out their fantasies entirely in their heads without the aid of pornography or victims?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:44:51 No.1738639
    So damn hardcore and edgy why can't I be more like you?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:48:24 No.1738651
    A lot of pedos hate themselves and bury it deep down, so yes I do. Even if they didn't you would still be imprisoning people for thinking certain thoughts, people who may not have done anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:49:07 No.1738657
    have you considered the possibility that the simply don't live out their fantasies
    or that some of them don't even have fleshed out fantasies
    that they are vaguely aware that they are attracted to children but stop there
    or maybe prefer small tits or drawn/animated lolis for their porn, but thats it
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:50:24 No.1738666
    I'm not saying every pedophile should be imprisoned, just the one's who have harmed children, the one's who haven't obviously need psychological help.
    I doubt that someone can have a sexual urge their entire lives and not act upon it, therefore I don't believe pedophiles should have the opportunity to abuse children. Ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:53:07 No.1738679
    hahah. oh my god, wow. you go out of your way to characterize me into something that you want me to be so you can belittle and attack me, and when i call you out on it you say "lets stop the insults that aren't related to this argument". man, you actually believe that you're arguing fairly. this is rich, it really is. laughable if it wasn't so god damned typical of people. i called you a child because thats how children argue, you fucking child.
    >God the irony in your insolence is amusing.
    this part made me laugh out loud. you're a mediocre kid trying to sound like an adult. you will never concede, you will never change your mind, because your views aren't even properly grounded and there's that pride of yours. you're wearing coloured lenses.
    pedophiles can't get help. they will never be like everybody else. so we should just imprison them then? its ironic how this a thread about EMPATHY. you don't want to admit that pedophiles are humans just like you and me, because of, again, that pride of yours.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:56:40 No.1738697
    >I doubt that someone can have a sexual urge their entire lives and not act upon it

    and you think pedophiles need help
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:58:21 No.1738706
    >hahah. oh my god, wow. you go out of your way to characterize me into something that you want me to be so you can belittle and attack me
    >you're a mediocre kid trying to sound like an adult

    I am lol'ing at the amount of times you contradict yourself. Please, keep writing walls of text.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:58:55 No.1738710

    oooh OP you're so 'unique' , you're so worthy of attention, you're so exceptional

    You have just been a nuisance, and everyone around you is forced to buffer your destructive behaviour, just because you have self-esteem problems.
    Live, learn, and be ashamed of yourself later.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:59:59 No.1738714
    don't wanna talk anymore? right right, this is the internet i don't have to listen lalalalala
    bye kiddo
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)09:00:30 No.1738717
    Clearly you do, since you think they're worth defending/enabling.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)09:01:01 No.1738719
    Glad you admit defeat so easily.

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