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  • File: 1331543763.jpg-(10 KB, 200x200, whoregasm-b5.jpg)
    10 KB Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:16:03 No.1725811  
    Watching videos in efukt is quite similar to looking at the remnants of a car accident. No matter how awful it may be, you just can't look away.

    What efukt clips did you find most memorable, r9k?

    For me it's that 'whoregasm' video. When she starts crying and talking about never having any friends I just feel awful and want to give her a hug; even if she is a filthy slut. Poor, little thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:18:57 No.1725825
    >When she starts crying and talking about never having any friends
    Reminds me of something...
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:19:04 No.1725826
    >mfw i've watched the all
    >mfw no face
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:19:12 No.1725828
    >tfw i could relate to the whoregasm lady

    for me. it's the video where they're doing anal and the guy traps a fly up in her anus.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:20:45 No.1725833
    I'm not sure if I saw this on efukt or not but after I saw 3 guys 1 hammer I avoid anything that looks like it could be fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:21:38 No.1725837
    Yeah, that one is brutal.
    For some reason the most memorable for me is that guy who drives around fapping in his car. Also the one guy who jacked off in a hotel room for like years waiting for a maid to walk in and help him out. What the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:21:56 No.1725839
    The man who had an unfortunate run in with a high hell to his penis.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:21:57 No.1725840
    I've fapped to a couple of the videos on their website.
    Trying to cum before they cut away to Michael Jackson or random stock footage is like Time Attack mode for masturbation.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:22:32 No.1725843

    May I pIease have the link to said video?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:23:42 No.1725848
    Probably that one where the guy was getting his first ever blowjob.

    There was techno music and the girl was blowing him with a condom on (for good reason lol). The fucking faces that the guy was making had me cracking up so hard.

    Also, can someone post a link to this whoregasm video? I'd like to see it.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:23:49 No.1725849
    >it's the video where they're doing anal and the guy traps a fly up in her anus
    Oh man, any link ? I have to see that.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:24:37 No.1725852
    The clip of the girl that has an intense orgasm, from a fucking machine, she starts yelling in gibberish and has a downy face on.

    Saw it on xvideos as well
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:26:49 No.1725862
    For fuck's sake, google does still exist you lazy cunt. Anyway, feeling generous ...
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:27:06 No.1725866
    I'm not the guy you quoted but I easily found the link in my history:

    efukt 4 life.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:27:38 No.1725867
    The one where the guy is making fun of girls applying to his agency.

    Makes me lol
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:29:56 No.1725881
    Thanks dude. When I looked on google, I found a "anus fly trap" which is, according to urban dictionary, "when someone,usually a male, clamps there ass cheeks on a persons nose(usually alseep) and then farts. a very horrible experience".
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:31:34 No.1725887
    That guy is so cruel. And how about that Khan Tusion faggot? I would gladly kick the shit out of that scumbag given the chance. "Expression of romance," my fucking ass.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:31:50 No.1725893
    absolutely the funniest thing I've seen in a month
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:32:13 No.1725894

    I feeI terrible for her. Apparently l am capable of empathy.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:35:02 No.1725912
    I felt stirrings of sympathy for her.. but then I realised she's probably just like any other vapid bitch ever. No friends my fucking ass.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:35:30 No.1725913
    Yeah, it's hard watching. Interestingly enough I've watched it like ten times.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:36:56 No.1725925
    Makes sense to me. She's young, reasonably attractive when made up and probably been made to feel popular and beautiful for the first time in her life. This is a rare look into her soul. Damaged, very damaged.

    Another awful one is that bukkake where all those niggers are abusing the chick they're cumming on.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:37:41 No.1725927
    look up 'dangers of cbt' or some shit like that. its fucking brutal.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:38:15 No.1725930
    Ginger goober in multiple bukkake vids.
    Guy who keeps saying goober while being stopped recording a slut doing slut stuff in public.
    Trolling of wannabe porn stars
    Old guy making dying noises every time he orgasms
    Stuttering pete or whatever he is called
    Billingual whore

    There are lots, recently Ive been looking at the old videos again and man, I spent like a whole evening laughing and watching vids on efukt.
    LInk to the whoregasm one would be appreciated, I dont remember it.
    Also, anyone know anything about that taliban "snuff" video? I didnt watch it because I dont care for actual killing, just humiliation and the like.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:38:39 No.1725933

    Gentlemen. We're going to need sauce on this hoe asap
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:42:09 No.1725950
         File: 1331545329.jpg-(75 KB, 601x451, 200358690195..jpg)
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    That's fucking awful. What the hell is wrong with some people?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:43:37 No.1725956
    Whoregasm link has already been posted in thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:47:03 No.1725967

    I don't see why it's such an issue.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:48:05 No.1725972


    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:50:06 No.1725982
    "Ohhhhh God it hurts!"

    All of my wat and why.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:53:38 No.1725995
         File: 1331546018.jpg-(56 KB, 445x445, sashagreyreadstothechildren.jpg)
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    Pornstars and classrooms don't mix well for the general public. In Aus recently some teacher had to quit after a vid of him fucking a former student in a porno got out.
    MF=Sad when I am still yet to see the vid in question.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:56:03 No.1726004
         File: 1331546163.png-(299 KB, 555x395, sexyasfuck.png)
    299 KB!.html

    >Dat stomach tumor
    >Dat siren in the background
    >Dat everything
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:56:12 No.1726006
    the name is Tiffany Six
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:57:33 No.1726010

    I always crack up when he says "DATS IT"
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:58:14 No.1726012
    >She's young, reasonably attractive when made up and probably been made to feel popular and beautiful for the first time in her life

    When you put it that way I can see where you're coming from and I hope that isn't the case. I think most porn girls fall into the self-destructive category though - they're the typical emotional feelings-driven slightly crazy women who keep themselves trapped in shitty circumstances. I feel kind of sorry for them because they're so oblivious and simple minded, but their misery is almost always a result of their own actions. Like getting into porn and wrecking any chance of progressing in life, just for a few thousand dollars. They could go to college instead, live a shitty life for a few years but then come out with a lifetime of viable career choices. Several grand in the here and now isn't shit compared to that, they're just sabotaging themselves because they can't think ahead. I feel bad when they realise their reputation is tarnished forever and they feel like whores, but there's the overriding knowledge that it's entirely their own fault.

    Because SEX IS BAD. Don't worry about the fact that some guy (probably a kids parent) was furiously jacking off to her while stuffing a finger into his anus, she was having S E X on camera. And that's really bad because mumble mumble THINK OF THE CHILDREN mumble mumble MORALS.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:05:26 No.1726032
    >Like getting into porn and wrecking any chance of progressing in life, just for a few thousand dollars. They could go to college instead, live a shitty life for a few years but then come out with a lifetime of viable career choices.

    Half this board whines about having a useless degree and tons of debt. College won't do shit for 75% the girls in porn.

    Interestingly enough I was watching a behind the scenes the other day and the chick was still in college. However she fucked up one semester and had to repeat and her parents told her they weren't going to pay. The only way she could come up with the $7,500 in a few months was to do porn. Not sure why she was still doing it, discovering you can make quick, easy money for getting fucked is probably appealing to young, immature girls.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:06:40 No.1726037
    Gianna and some Italian guy. They were indulging in rough sex and he was a bit too rough with her, so she told him to calm down. He asked her if she would like to hit/strike him back for revenge and, being Gianna, she acted innocent whilst asking, ''Are you sure? Can I?'' The guy said yes(biggest mistake) and she unleashed a ridiculously loud/hard slap. He actually broke character and smacked the shit out of her in response. Again, she slapped the shit out of him and a slapping contest ensued. Finally, they got their shit together and resumed their playful antics, but that shit was intense to see in a porno.

    Gianna's no small chick, either. Getting slapped by her, I'd imagine, is no picnic party. She's 5'11'' and easily slides between 150-180, depending on the shoot/fetish. As such, I imagine her slaps to pack quite a powerful blow.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:08:56 No.1726046
    I saw this. Pretty sure it was Steve Holmes. Got his shit fucked up for a while.
    >> Larceny !d/yWdq5D62 03/12/12(Mon)06:09:35 No.1726049
    sorry for caps can't be fucked to change

    >verbally abusing the girls they're interviewing
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:09:51 No.1726050

    I used to build websites on a contract basis for porn actresses. A guy who worked as a director would steer them toward me since they would otherwise get ripped off. I would just make the thing, show them how to update it, collect my check and leave.

    1. Most of them turned control of it over to their boyfriend/suitcase pimp and lost control of it anyway. Usually the boyfriend was the only one together enough to update it in a meaningful way and interact with fans. Eventually the two of them split but no porn whore is really together enough to sue to get it back.

    2. I still get occasional phone calls or emails from girls who have found Jesus and are crying because their pictures appear in phone sex/strip club ads above the caption I'LL DRAIN YOUR BALLS. For some reason they think I could do something about it.

    3. Most girls don't shoot more than 1 video. Some stick out out for a few months (which is typically the point at which they become "shot out" and the jobs start evaporating and/or the checks get smaller). It becomes "work" then and most don't have the aptitude for it.

    4. The so-called "alt porn" girls are the biggest narcissistic cunts of them all. Every one I dealt with was even more fucked up than Miss Marry Rottencrotch that shows up in LA six days after high school and takes 7 cocks at a time.

    5. The only porn whores who seemingly "have it together" pretty much have a boyfriend controlling everything they do or say on the internet or in interviews that makes them seem so together.

    I don't know, I could go on, but basically everything you think about the porn industry (except for the loads of money they make) is true.
    >> Larceny !d/yWdq5D62 03/12/12(Mon)06:10:25 No.1726053
    I tremendously fucked this post up.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:12:04 No.1726057
    These guys act like they're Lenny Bruce or something sometimes. Making derogatory calls at a vulnerable young girl fucking on camera is like shooting fish in a barrel.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:14:11 No.1726066

    You see that shit, fellas? That is how a true alpha-male conducts himself. The bitch even threatened (through implication) that she was going to tell people came quick if he didn't eat her out, but he still made it clear that he was in charge and he wasn't having any of that bullshit. That is how you assert your masculinity. Keep that bitch in line.

    Keep the links coming, fellas. The only vid I had seen on efukt prior to this thread was the one about trolling pornstars.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:14:14 No.1726068
    Yeah, probably. Don't remember the guy's name, of course, but I know he has(or had) a beard and a seemingly thick accent.

    That shit was absolutely hilarious. I replayed that scene like six times in a row.

    Gianna was my favorite porn star before, but she is actually one porn star I wouldn't mind meeting and having a drink with. Of course, I wouldn't drink out of her glass or have anything to do with her sexually(read: diseases), but she must be a fun/abrasive girl.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:14:23 No.1726070
         File: 1331547263.jpg-(47 KB, 640x1100, 1326628650900.jpg)
    47 KB
    Jesus christ I am crying here.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:15:56 No.1726074

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:17:25 No.1726077
    She's an escort now. Disease free. You could pay her to have a drink with you if you're a big pussy or you could be a man, have a drink and fuck her brains out.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:18:11 No.1726080
    I'm surprised no-one's mentioned the Prune Brothers. I don't even know.

    >> Larceny !d/yWdq5D62 03/12/12(Mon)06:18:23 No.1726083
    >These guys act like they're Lenny Bruce or something sometimes. Making derogatory calls at a vulnerable young girl fucking on camera is like shooting fish in a barrel.
    Shooting very vulnerable fish in a very awkward barrel.
    >implying this isn't why it's funny
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:19:30 No.1726090
    She probably has a shit load of friends. What a complete load of bullshit. Typical woman melodrama.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:19:36 No.1726091
    That video had me confused as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:19:44 No.1726092
    She's an escort now? Seriously?

    Wowza. Glorified prostitution to the max now, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:22:56 No.1726101
    Escorting is just prostitution. There's really no difference except it's a euphemism. I know some 'escorts' that only take incalls, they're certainly not 'escorting' anyone anywhere. Their job is to get fucked. It's prostitution.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:24:07 No.1726108
    I suppose it depends on where you live and what degree you get, but it doesn't even have to be college. Just some form of education or vocational training that gives a marketable skill which won't erode with time. Getting fucked on camera is a marketable skill and quite profitable, but there's a slow countdown until the day you're no longer wanted because of your appearance. At that point you have literally nothing, not even a reference. Compare that with, say, a teaching degree or a trade. Those things will always be needed and provide a steady income stream no matter how old you are.

    Yep, I knew this was the case. Did it get depressing working with these people day in and day out?

    >He asked her if she would like to hit/strike him back for revenge and, being Gianna, she acted innocent whilst asking, ''Are you sure? Can I?
    >and, being Gianna,

    It always makes me feel slightly repulsed when people act like they personally know actors or porn stars. Don't you realise you're talking about someone you don't know and have never met? The way you're talking about her reminds me of the guys on escort forums who brag about giving prostitutes flowers and gifts and write long, creepy posts praising them.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:26:03 No.1726116
    Oh, I know. S'why I called it glorified. Just a 'nicer way' of saying it, I suppose.

    It's kind of sad, you know? I imagine porn stars like Gianna and others who would probably make decent/fun girlfriends or even wives, but no man in their right mind will want them for anything other than a quick screw every now and again.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:26:20 No.1726118
         File: 1331547980.png-(573 KB, 621x559, 064365.png)
    573 KB
    >Fapping to videos on efukt
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:26:46 No.1726119

    Goodness what a goldmine.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:26:55 No.1726121
    >guys on escort forums who brag about giving prostitutes flowers and gifts and write long, creepy posts praising them.

    I hate those white knight fuckers. Also ''I will be a gentleman and not disclose what what happened because it's between me and her'' in the feedback. She's a fucking whore! Why write anything then you twat?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:29:38 No.1726126
    Trolling wannabe pornstars part 2

    The last line made me fall out of my chair
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:31:42 No.1726135
    >It always makes me feel slightly repulsed when people act like they personally know actors or porn stars. Don't you realise you're talking about someone you don't know and have never met?

    I don't know her, nor am I conveying that message. Have you seen her other pornographic videos? The personality she displays on screen is noticeable in all of her videos. Anyone who has watched a few of her vids comprehends what I mean by, 'being Gianna..'

    She's done shit like this before. There's a video of her spitting cum on another guy for disrespecting/heckling her, a video of her berating men for not being able to manhandle her, her talking shit, etc. She's fairly popular not just for her body/fucking, but because of her antics. All of her Bang Bros videos feature her antics, shit talking, fucking around, etc.

    Also, what fucking forums do you browse to read all of that shit?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:35:06 No.1726147

    Felt really sorry for her. Poor girl shouldn't be in porn. I get off on reluctant women when I'm horny, but watching it without my dick out just makes me sad and makes me hate myself for what I watch when I am wanking. Fuck you 4chan for making me the beast I am.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:36:10 No.1726154
    Wow, I am impressed by Rocco's kindness and professionalism. Hard to believe when you see his usual vids (which must be very "fictionalized").
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:39:42 No.1726169
    I don't think it was on eFukt, but there was this video where some chick was camwhoring, then she sees something off camera or something and starts screaming before her face distorts into a Lovecraftian nightmare.
    I really wanna see that again.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:43:22 No.1726186
         File: 1331549002.png-(149 KB, 400x300, Chevy Chase.png)
    149 KB
    Beavis and Butthead: The Live-action Porno

    Also that video where the two crumpled up chair-bound retards are having sex with the aid of some ridiculous pulley system
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:46:21 No.1726196

    > Yep, I knew this was the case. Did it get depressing working with these people day in and day out?

    It wasn't the only thing I did for a living. Though someone I know recommended I keep a log of how I spent my time and I realized that 80% of the problems did indeed come from 20% of my clients -- the porno people. I floated out of it eventually. The amount of damaged people is not surprising but just how damaged they are is still pretty jarring.

    > The way you're talking about her reminds me of the guys on escort forums who brag about giving prostitutes flowers and gifts and write long, creepy posts praising them.

    There's something worse than that -- porn FAN forums.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:46:21 No.1726197
    This one's just hilarious for the girl being such a casual slut in it. Also the 'best rodeo ever' line
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:47:46 No.1726202

    Of course he still sold the footage, since we're watching it. Nigga gotta eat, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:50:19 No.1726218
    Well I prefer watching that than guys abusing or insulting or treating women like shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:53:12 No.1726227
    His dick is pretty much identical to my ex-boyfriend's who died last month.

    Sigh. Such a waste of a penis.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:53:42 No.1726233
    That was... strange.

    A really fat cock, but the vid was strange.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)06:58:02 No.1726252

    I take it you never actually had sex without massive internal bleeding then?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:01:43 No.1726265
    I think I only bled a couple of times, and not a lot.

    It did put me out of action sometimes, for a couple of days at the most, because after that I couldn't really walk.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:03:19 No.1726271

    you mean this?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:04:17 No.1726279

    > out of action for a few days after sex

    And he's dead? Nothing of value was lost then.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:11:57 No.1726305
    Some of that shit gets me so pissed off. There's this video where Briana Banks is getting double teamed, they even do double anal and this one guy berates her constantly. When he cums he calls her a "bitch, cunt, fucking pig" a whole bunch of shit. I just fantasize about beating the shit out of him and humiliating him. Fucking misogynistic faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:13:48 No.1726314
    It was only sometimes. He was a good guy.

    Dumb as a fucking bar of soap though.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:15:01 No.1726321
    I laughed. Why does this woman do that ? Is she a prostitute ?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:15:19 No.1726323
    I mean, I can understand feeling like that, but it has no place in sex or porn for that matter.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:17:47 No.1726334
    >stop yelling, fuck
    lol retard
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:24:10 No.1726363

    Fun times for all.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:28:01 No.1726377
    It's funny how times have changed. Just ten years ago or so when I first discovered porn I never saw anything like choking or rough stuff. Seems to be a staple in porn now. Guys went from fantasizing about having sex with beautiful women to dreaming about fucking and degrading them.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:33:48 No.1726397
    >> Salamander !!OiEv4tS/t6+ 03/12/12(Mon)07:36:14 No.1726407,_Small_Packages.html

    Old as fuck, but even today....If you've not seen it before, this video will change you forever. You've been warned.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:36:49 No.1726409
    I have been watching porn for a long time and my favourite is when its 1 guy 1 girl and the girl is wearing a little bit of clothing. I'm pretty vanilla
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:38:02 No.1726414

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:41:26 No.1726422
    "I betchoo wouuuld....I betchoo wouuuld....." Gumby as fuck. Must admit though, my dick bucked a bit when she spread her ass cheeks. Definitely something wrong with me.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:52:01 No.1726444
    How has this not been posted yet? This one is mandatory.
    >> Mittens, the Destroyer !!esGEXXIgnpl 03/12/12(Mon)07:56:54 No.1726459
    >Ginger goober in multiple bukkake vids.
    >Old guy making dying noises every time he orgasms.

    Koren and Orgasm of Death respectively. Mentlegen, these are two of the funniest things you will every see on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:58:50 No.1726466
    >>Ginger goober in multiple bukkake vids.

    Gotta hand it to Gooba. The repugnant little prick is determined.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)07:58:56 No.1726467

    Best ones on the site imo.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:05:19 No.1726482
         File: 1331553919.jpg-(16 KB, 236x238, 1331302292868.jpg)
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    Poor whore.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:14:28 No.1726523
         File: 1331554468.jpg-(1.48 MB, 2560x1920, 1329363097712.jpg)
    1.48 MB

    everything about this video is depressing
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:18:50 No.1726545
    The one where that it's one of those hen do partys with the dancing naked dudes and the few porn stars there getting fucked giving blowjobs.
    Anyways, they get aload of extras and pay them like 50bucks to be there, and this one extra gets wasted and starts blowing a dude and takes his load, only to find out it's been filmed on camera.
    The moment she looks into the camera and realizes what happened, man, it's just glorious.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:25:50 No.1726580
    I wonder if she told her husband or just crosses her fingers hoping he never comes across the video?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:26:26 No.1726583
    yeah, she had a breakdown.

    At least the guys seemed to be nice to her.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:26:31 No.1726584

    i want this video
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:28:47 No.1726600
    Just go to efukt. It's like the third or so video on the front page. Has links to the full video if you really want it.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:35:10 No.1726632
         File: 1331555710.png-(158 KB, 640x360, Screenshot-v65ph2011-10-24_640(...).png)
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    In the full video she fucks two or three of the male pornstars (with condoms) over the course of about an hour and a half, and gives oral sex to at least 3 guys and two girls.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:41:57 No.1726663
    Do you need to be a member or pay or anything to get the full video? Is it a stream or do you need to download it?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:42:06 No.1726664
    >Did not do the research.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:42:06 No.1726665
    What the fuck is wrong with her foot?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:42:51 No.1726670
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:44:51 No.1726673
    Cry me a river aspie.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:46:51 No.1726680
    Try again, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:49:43 No.1726686
    Try, try and try again, faget.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:51:09 No.1726688
    It's on . Follow the link the description, I'm not sure as the exact location I found it just by searching a while back.
    >> fuhf 03/12/12(Mon)08:51:09 No.1726689

    I have no idea how this isn't posted
    I nearly fapped to this a few times
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:53:58 No.1726702
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    god damnit give me a link to the full video please
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)08:56:38 No.1726711
    Partyhardcore Volume 65 Special Edition. Not free though unfortunately.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:05:29 No.1726728
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:11:39 No.1726749
    good luck finding that.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:12:41 No.1726756

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:16:28 No.1726770
    Go to /r/ if you're so desperate.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:20:33 No.1726784
    I already have, but seeing as a fellow already has the video, or at least image of the video, asking him was a good start.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:22:55 No.1726793
    Fair enough. Good luck getting a chance to fap to someone's misery.
    >> fuhf 03/12/12(Mon)09:23:02 No.1726795
    They have a ton of those on xvideos of that, same guys wearing the same thing in the same club with the same girls ie the same video

    The extra thing makes sense, but a lot of times you see the guy get the girl to do it with him, sometimes getting rejected. You see a girl kind of letting one guy start but when he just sucks her tit for too long she gets awkward and leaves, then puts out when another guy is more forceful
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:23:22 No.1726797
    How polite, thankyou.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:25:50 No.1726807
    I doubt that same video exists on xvideos anymore, it's been taken down on most streaming sites.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:26:48 No.1726815
    Who would've thought that was an original comment?

    >Where have your manners been, r9k?
    >> fuhf 03/12/12(Mon)09:31:48 No.1726834
    Well I'm telling you it does
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:34:12 No.1726839
    Fine, I give up.

    Normal porn just wont cut it now though, knowing that I'll never see that video. Shame.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:34:54 No.1726840

    The longest I've found was 30 mins (and it didn't include footage from the mini ones, guessing it was a long night) but more are 6

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:36:10 No.1726846
    that man disgusts me when he hugs her with all that cum all over her
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:38:26 No.1726852
    All the partyhardcore you need:

    All the download links are for oron which refuses to work for me right now. It used to, I'm not sure whether it's due to me switching my dynamic IP or my ISP just outright blocking it.

    Seriously though, it should be obvious that the special woman in question >>1726632
    is a paid model. Bustin' fantasies all day every day.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:40:03 No.1726862
    What the fuck? Those guys have the weirdest relationship. Everyone seems to be really good friends who've all sucked each other's dicks and everyone's fucked that girl.

    >You will never be one of them ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:43:18 No.1726868
         File: 1331559798.jpg-(36 KB, 1024x768, troa mfw.jpg)
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    Couldn't even jo 'cos of that guy in the beginning.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:43:34 No.1726869
    welp, the search begins.
    >> fuhf 03/12/12(Mon)09:44:26 No.1726874
    I hate popular people
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:46:01 No.1726879
    "She just fuckin' moaned like the elephant man."

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:46:08 No.1726881
    There's some really hot videos on that site. Because it's real. There are real orgasms, which is more than you can say for 99% of porn.

    There's this one where a porn star tries to keep from cumming for the shot, but eventually she can't hold it anymore. One of the hottest things I've ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:46:20 No.1726885
    i just wanna see the vid, this is a pretty effective form of torture.
    >> Larceny !d/yWdq5D62 03/12/12(Mon)09:49:33 No.1726896
    I mad at myself.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:50:14 No.1726901
    god euthanasia's never sounded better.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:51:56 No.1726910
    link?? does anyone give him a hand in the end??
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:52:14 No.1726911
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:55:45 No.1726921
    Which volume were you talking about/the woman from efukt was in?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:57:24 No.1726927
    you mad r9k?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:58:00 No.1726931
    volume 65 i think, part 3
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)09:59:35 No.1726936

    I felt contempt for her. I dont know why, I normally have empathy. I wanted to feel bad for her, but I couldn't, her complaints made me angry.

    I hope someone else feels the same.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:01:08 No.1726940
    You're just plain evil, dude.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:01:58 No.1726944
    The full video is not available for free.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:02:27 No.1726946
    I fapped and laughed at that thing.

    I'm not joking.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:02:58 No.1726948

    No im really not, im very compassionate for others.

    Its just her problems seemed so fake. She complains that she doesnt get along with women, but I see it as she doesnt like the competition of being around other women. Her pride is the reasoning for her breakdown, this is not the ache of her soul but the bruising of her ego.

    No compassion for her, just the daily suffering that we all feel.
    >> fuhf 03/12/12(Mon)10:03:05 No.1726949
    I linked it here

    Not the exact video but it must be one of them
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:03:41 No.1726951
    You're just plain masochistic, dude.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:06:20 No.1726957
    I saw it more as being attacked verbally by another girl brought up memories of who she 'used to be'. The plain jane who was picked on by the pretty, popular girls. Already in a fragile state from the first breakdown, whether it really be crying from orgasm I doubt, and when the others were picking on her it just brought her right down.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:08:39 No.1726962

    this one just scares me a bit. she cums so hard that she just goes full retard
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:11:53 No.1726971
    Thanks dude. Will dl in a minute
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:15:15 No.1726977

    "What do you when you're at home in your spare time? Besides being chubby."

    "Take off those fucking biker shorts whatever they are...(she does) Blech! Maybe you should put 'em back on."

    "Has anybody ever told you-you look like fucking Predator?"
    >> Larceny !d/yWdq5D62 03/12/12(Mon)10:17:01 No.1726983
    I don't understand.
    It's as if they over-react to small things to overcompensate for degrading themselves to such a low level.

    Am I correct in my observation?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:17:16 No.1726984
    from the link someone posted earlier, vol 65 part 5 seems to have a lot of her
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:17:51 No.1726989

    "Usually I make fun of girls but actually you're alright. You should be proud of yourself."

    Was he worried this chick would beat the shit out of him?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:19:02 No.1726996
    you have to pay to use oron though right?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:20:23 No.1727004

    Oh my god dude, that is only like the greatest lucky find of all time today!
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:20:39 No.1727005
    That is pretty darn arousing, if you ask me.
    Too bad the link on efukt seems to be broken to the full vid.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:23:52 No.1727015
    I'm 16% downloaded and didn't pay a penny.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:26:50 No.1727028

    Well God damn, that is the funniest thing I have ever seen.
    >> fuhf 03/12/12(Mon)10:27:40 No.1727034
    I'm literally depressed right now because I don't friends like that
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:28:49 No.1727039

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:30:58 No.1727048
    Only in a sick and jewified society the glorification of such decadence is possible.
    We really need a civirl war.
    >> Larceny !d/yWdq5D62 03/12/12(Mon)10:32:00 No.1727055
    Redirecting you all to this.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:35:59 No.1727070

    FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LINK ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhs
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:40:14 No.1727085
    I could savagely beat the shit out of every guy in that room without breaking a sweat and still have energy to fuck that slut but I'll never, ever have a cock that big to do it with. Sadface.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:42:41 No.1727101

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:43:28 No.1727106
    Ah ah ah, I wonder how often it happens. It must be hard to keep a gangbang peaceful.I can't imagine how hard this is in a bukkake. Any story of 200+ guys fighting over a chink girl covered in semzn ?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:43:30 No.1727107
    Niggers gonna nignog even at a gangbang.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:45:07 No.1727114
    Lulz. Off the top of my head there's two more gangbang fights on efukt. One at a house where everyone ends up getting thrown out cause of it and another during a bukkake where a guy cuts the line. All involve niggers.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:45:15 No.1727116
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:45:39 No.1727118

    Tell me what you think
    >> fuhf 03/12/12(Mon)10:46:12 No.1727122
    I could savagely beat the shit out of you and verbally egg on your hard punches and not break a sweat
    I could be physically out of that girls league

    But I'll never do it. I'll never have well adjusted friends I'm comfortable around. I'll never fuck in a room full of them.
    And it wouldn't be with a dick that big

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:46:53 No.1727125
    Any sauce for those, gentleman ?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:47:38 No.1727128
    I love how that guy with the dreads doesn't give a shit and steps up to start fucking her while everyone's attention is directed elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:47:47 No.1727130
    No way a trip fag is able to beat anything except his small cock.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:49:17 No.1727138
    I like how one of the guy arguing is fapping at the same time.
    >> Larceny !d/yWdq5D62 03/12/12(Mon)10:49:50 No.1727142
    >dick that big
    Bro, it's like 7 maybe 8 inches.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:50:05 No.1727143
    That's the only way to approach and win any argument.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:52:41 No.1727163
    Keep telling yourself that. It's at least 9 and thicker than a beer can. It would scare the shit out of most girls but it would make me so proud to have that in my pants.
    >> fuhf 03/12/12(Mon)10:54:04 No.1727172
         File: 1331564044.png-(329 KB, 640x480, mfw.png)
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    I have to go to courts for beating someone up =/

    Implying 8 inches and thick isn't perfect
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:55:35 No.1727183

    holy shit funniest one i found yet
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:55:58 No.1727185
    I don't get it.

    Let me guess : a grandma ?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:56:20 No.1727190
    I don't believe this for a second.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:58:01 No.1727200
    Oh my god, my fucking sides. That is hilarious. Take that, Holmes.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:58:03 No.1727201
    ryan antonio from california?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)10:59:40 No.1727211
    >violence upon the person of JOHN DOE
    What ?
    >> Larceny !d/yWdq5D62 03/12/12(Mon)11:00:20 No.1727214
         File: 1331564420.jpg-(45 KB, 636x480, 1331462728932.jpg)
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    >thicker than a beercan
    How did you possibly discern this? Because a female couldn't wrap her little hands around it?
    >> fuhf 03/12/12(Mon)11:00:38 No.1727216
    I only wanted to smell her

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)11:03:19 No.1727235

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)11:05:09 No.1727243
    It looks like his anus is breathing (or trying to escape).
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)11:05:14 No.1727245
    In relation to a girl's hands, tiny or not, that thing is massive and I would estimate a beer can or at minimum, still thicker than a red bull can.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)11:11:10 No.1727265
    Whenever i try to view videos on this site it tells me I need to register. Any way around this?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)11:13:22 No.1727277
    I don't even know how you managed this. Every video on there is free.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)11:21:00 No.1727306

    Anyone have full vid ?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)11:25:55 No.1727319
         File: 1331565955.png-(153 KB, 578x336, this.png)
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    idk about anyone else,
    really into accidental creampies/ seeing girls react
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)11:26:41 No.1727322
    castingxxx has some good ones
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)11:30:03 No.1727331
    >tfw aspiring pornstars dress just like me
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)11:30:43 No.1727333


    >guy insults her like 8 times
    >you know what you're in for today?
    >making fun of you
    >beating the shit out of you
    >rough sex
    >little retarded puppy voice "you're gonna make fun of me?"
    I don't even

    How do these women exist. Does someone feed them everyday and literally wipe their ass?

    And to the rest of this thread:


    I'm sure everyone believes the whore is "responsible" for being a whore, but would I consider a house responsible for catching on fire? It's what's natural, and to go even further, _expected_ behavior for most women.

    The obvious option would be to fix them and give them the capacity to be something better and not find whoredom so appealing.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)11:42:42 No.1727385

    I don't see what the big deal is? That guy's dick is big, but it's not THAT big. I've seen bigger on /soc lol.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:01:05 No.1727488
    I watched this five minutes ago and I'm still struggling to regain control of my breathing.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:01:49 No.1727493
    needs less talk about dicks and feeling bad for people and more efukt videos.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:04:16 No.1727504

    Whenever I try to access it on a mobile device it wants me to register
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:06:02 No.1727518
    What's up with him holding one of his balls in his ass
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:07:12 No.1727525
    He massaging his prostate or some shit. I assume that's why he's orgasming so hard he can't see.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:08:50 No.1727535
    >Guy: It's so much fun going down on that thing.
    How the fuck would you even know that???
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:09:47 No.1727539
    >You will never suck your bro's monster cock.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:10:55 No.1727548
    Listen to the conversations. Clearly a group of young people who have experimented a lot with drugs and sex.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:14:37 No.1727569
    Being strong and independent, the basic premise for being responsible for/in control of your own actions and good decision-making without outside support, is not a trait that females, males or society as whole considers attractive or promotes in girls.

    The fact that most don't even realise how destructive and limiting this mindset is, living out their lives as basically extremely dependant children highly susceptible to manipulation and general idiocy without any chance of learning from it, is just the butticing on the cake.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:25:05 No.1727642
    The dick cheese one... not sure if it's still on there since they took a few down...
    Dude doesn't shower for a month and makes a deal with his friend... if she sucks his dick, she gets some food for a week or some shit...
    well yeah, she sucks it, and it's covered in some cheesy funk from not showering....

    also the chick with the evil cat tattooed on her when she's supposed to be in for a virgin innocent look.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:29:02 No.1727662
    I don't care if ALL of society wanted me circumcised, I don't. I will advocate for women to be intelligent, even if I'm the only one doing it, even if everyone else IS doing it. Don't let society stop you, HAVE COURAGE WOLF
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:34:41 No.1727698
    sup, Amazing Atheist
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)13:04:23 No.1727893!_Wigger_Has_Crazy_Breakdown!.html

    when the nignog is in her ass rhyming to himself. fucking priceless
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)13:08:23 No.1727918
    >has hemorrhoids
    >tries to do anal
    Really. This is what makes men misogynist. This stupid shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)13:52:19 No.1728206
    i've seen this picture so many times and yet nobody ever says what the fuck disease that is.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)14:18:49 No.1728399
    Gianna slapping Homles
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)14:26:11 No.1728453
    Theres an asian smegma video on efukt as well. That was probably the only video that I almost gagged on.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)14:35:37 No.1728522

    That casual sluttyness is so fucking hot. Is there more to this video?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)14:44:09 No.1728615
    nothing beats this video for me

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)14:50:03 No.1728664
    I was just watching one similar to yours
    dude gets frustrated because small dick doesn't do anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)14:50:22 No.1728668
    how can you guys watch this shit? These videos showcase the absolute depths of humanity. I feel like a scumbag just for having seen that whoregasm one.
    Sometimes I get fooled into thinking that the world isn't such a bad place, and then someone posts an efukt thread. Ignorance really is bliss. I need to spend
    less time on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)14:52:23 No.1728688

    >hurr durr people having shitty, painful, and disgusting sex is the absolute depth of humanity

    It's just funny.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)14:52:35 No.1728692
    Ignoring it isn't going to make it go away. That's a disgusting and dangerous attitude to have.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)15:00:41 No.1728762
    holy shit unreal
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)15:01:42 No.1728771

    Spend less time here, for both you and me.

    Your whining is grating.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)15:02:22 No.1728775
    >thinking that isn't fake
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)15:04:54 No.1728794

    It will make them go away in my brain, giving me peace of mind, which is all that I value on this Earth. What am I supposed to do about it? There's
    nothing illegal in these videos. Depraved pornography will always exist. So I choose to ignore it. You'd be a fool not to.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)15:07:42 No.1728824
    The one with the guy named Korin who can't cum during the bukkake. That guy was hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)15:12:44 No.1728861
    oh yeah your right

    he'd burst while he was sleeping eventually.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)15:22:03 No.1728922

    I used to have that a bit on my toes, it went away by itself after a month. I think I got it wearing shoes every day from 7 am to 8 pm for a month straight while sweating a lot. not sure what is, a bacteria colony or some shit
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)15:28:25 No.1728980
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)15:46:57 No.1729148

    >stupid bitch willing to get pissed on
    >gets hit, flips her shit and says no one deserves to hit her

    Fucking christ.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)15:49:41 No.1729171

    HAHAHAHA That video is so fucking weird
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)15:50:38 No.1729181
    This is the best thread I have read in a while.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)16:11:36 No.1729381
    she was probably drugged or something
    or maybe she IS really that dumb
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)16:19:04 No.1729475
    Wow, whats a matter with you faggots? I love fapping to efukt, and Im a normalfag by your standards. Doesnt mean I have morals though. I like it when its real, I dont care if they are happy or in pain, as long as its genuine. Some of you faggots actually feel bad for the cunts in these videos? Best part is when youre about to cum and suddenly it transitions into some sitcom reaction image. I always laugh my balls off while desperately trying to cum. And that cycle continues for a few videos.

    Oh, and the Art of Male Stripping is by far the best vid on efukt.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)16:31:11 No.1729600

    This video makes me feel like a little bitch.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)16:38:15 No.1729683
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    I love to see them running. I love the moments of their deaths - when I am one with Zardoz."
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)16:44:37 No.1729763
    not efukt but pretty damn funny
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)16:53:26 No.1729858
    She high as fuck homie. Either that or he literally fucked her silly.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)16:58:23 No.1729909
    you will cry
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)17:00:29 No.1729930
    Speaking of high...

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)17:28:57 No.1730256

    so fucking funny
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)17:30:59 No.1730280

    still find myself repeating that line from time to time.

    >nigga yoos cold bludded
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)17:33:11 No.1730302
    >sex is bad when its hollow pleasure.
    >violence is worse.

    the only good things in life are in the mind, emotions and knowledge.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)17:34:11 No.1730320
    The more recent one where a married woman gives a stripper a blowjob (though she was probably paid for it), and then realizes what she just did.

    I want to rape her with a knife. If she was really married.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)17:35:25 No.1730336
    No one mentioned suicide by dildo yet?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)17:38:45 No.1730360

    Jesus fucking Christ.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)17:40:11 No.1730379
    emotions are neither good nor bad as they're range is the entire scope of the human emotional experience
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)17:40:14 No.1730380
    Is it bad if I fap to efukt sometimes?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)18:04:14 No.1730645
    When I first saw this, I was jealous of the guy.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)18:14:46 No.1730750
    How are all of his intestines not ruptured?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)18:33:53 No.1730961
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)18:35:39 No.1730981
    This guy is the voice of /robot/ This is robots personified
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)18:38:11 No.1731007

    For definite, the geeky girl who discovers masturbating with vibrators. Or the girl who fists her own bum on camera. Or the girl who has an emotional breakdown mid-sex. Man Of The Year is awesome too. So much choice!
    >> Salamander !!OiEv4tS/t6+ 03/12/12(Mon)18:42:53 No.1731061

    Goddamn that guy is hilarious. Got a tongue like a razor.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)18:48:48 No.1731137

    Ya hes fucking great a regular poet
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)19:29:46 No.1731618

    Here's a similar one.

    I think it's hot
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)19:39:02 No.1731722
    Holy shit. I'm still laughing. My god damned body hurts.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)20:28:19 No.1732282
    tame but good
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)20:45:53 No.1732479
    it's called swampfoot or something, common in people who wear boots (read: poor air circulation) for long periods of time.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)20:47:41 No.1732504
         File: 1331599661.jpg-(37 KB, 300x300, 1227517060560.jpg)
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    >mfw this video has mother 3 music in it

    i feel dirty
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)20:49:46 No.1732533
    forgot my link
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)21:05:42 No.1732714
    wtf man
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)22:41:09 No.1733858
    anyone got any other favs?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)23:34:34 No.1734419
    The teacher one is delicious she is gorgeous I will fap to it.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:25:02 No.1734955
    Yeah, you need a quick wit to be able to insult desperate, fragile young women who are about to get naked in front of you leaving themselves totally vulnerable.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)00:34:21 No.1735051
    Simple stunning.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)02:59:49 No.1736494
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)03:04:33 No.1736534

    lol fuckin assholes
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)03:19:38 No.1736677
    i wish i could find the sauce they got it from ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:50:32 No.1737796
    Can't watch it at the moment - is this the one with the mother and son or father and daughter or whatever?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:00:31 No.1737854
    no this asian girl is tied down and they release these little piggies on her
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:09:16 No.1737891
    Is, is she smoking weed with her anus?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:14:39 No.1737919
    All the clips in the background made me lol so hard.
    Also she is hot as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:21:24 No.1738266
    Poor girl. She needs a hug. Would r9k date a girl like this?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:28:24 No.1738284
    I'd date almost anything but have no interest in moderately attractive, psychologically scarred, friendless, crybaby sluts who fuck people on camera for money.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:33:18 No.1738302
    Can someone explain to me why everyone feels bad for the girl in that video? Not ragging on anyone or anything like that, just genuinely curious.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:37:40 No.1738322
    Girl was clearly an unpopular loser who was picked on in high school. High chance she was also a fatty or at the very least unattractive. Most Robots can relate to such pain and hers is broadcast to the whole internet after being caught in a horribly vulnerable moment. This looks like a very low point in her life caught on camera.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:38:34 No.1738327
    I didn't feel bad either, but that's because I have aspergers

    Surprise surprise
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:48:52 No.1738374
    Stuck in bed.
    Stroking my phallus.
    Watching the depths of human guilt and remorse
    Revelling in pools of my detritus, sweat, skin and dust.
    My bed is my throne.
    My room my kingdom.
    Each stroke of myself one more stain to the cloak of humanity.
    Slave to the bone,
    each to his own,
    the planets roll overhead.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:51:15 No.1738389
    >Can't into friends
    >Can't into human bean
    >Definitely can't into poetry
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:52:36 No.1738398

    I didn't feel bad for her because she's a female. Knowing that she probably friendzoned tons of guys while only going after the most alpha male(s) of the school and now claiming that no one liked her and she had no friends. Yeah, right.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:55:15 No.1738407

    Holy shit. This is one of the funniest things ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:57:22 No.1738422
    Far out dude. She didn't like you because you're a boring pussy. Get over it. Not every girl is the same.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:07:34 No.1738472
    this thread, everyone posts every vid link of efuckt.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:27:16 No.1738559

    If saying that helps you sleep at night, then all the more power to you. I win in the end though, since she's the one getting spit on/gangbanged/slapped/degraded on camera. It's almost like karma decided to come back at that bitch full force. I wonder if all those alpha dicks were worth it now?

    At least she's getting paid though, that's got to count for something.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:29:40 No.1738572

    >I wonder if all those alpha dicks were worth it now?

    >implying she's not getting a ton of alpha dicks in that video
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:30:33 No.1738576

    Is this what white knights actually believe? Shit man, I know that sucking up to girls is bad, but you've taken it to a whole new level.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:31:34 No.1738579
    Sometimes, I wish I had friends who would watch efukt videos with me ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:40:26 No.1738618

    Ah what the hell. A few more wouldn't hurt, right? And she's makin' sum of dat cash $$$$$$ :DDDDDDDD so it was all worth it.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:43:01 No.1738630
    How the fuck am I sucking up to girls? How many girls do you think come on r9k to check out efukt threads? You two are clearly just boring, wounded douchebags who blame the women who rejected you for your flaws rather then improving yourself and discovering a great partner. The only thing a misogynistic attitude is going to get your losers is even less opportunity for pussy and intimacy.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:48:50 No.1738654
    I nearly died from laughing. "OH SCHEISSE!!!" lol
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:50:21 No.1738665
    Did the guy do it on purpose? He doesn't even seem like he's aiming anywhere near the chick.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:52:39 No.1738675

    Like I said homie, if saying that allows you to sleep at night, then all the more power to you.

    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:54:06 No.1738683

    >this guys

    tell me how the "doormat of love" routine works out for you, I better see some compelling results.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:55:01 No.1738686
    I think what happened was he was caught up in the moment and either closed his eyes or thought the man was the woman's face or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:55:39 No.1738690
    I'll sleep at night either way. Best of luck to you.
    There's a vast difference between being respectful and being a doormat. Grow the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:57:27 No.1738702

    Young padawans, First lesson: you do not do battle with the WKotRT. It does not end well.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)09:00:05 No.1738715

    I do battle when I want to.




    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)09:00:52 No.1738718


    the fuck is that? i actually like the doormats, they make this place more enjoyable.

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