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  • File: 1331204808.jpg-(100 KB, 460x397, Clipboard01.jpg)
    100 KB Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:06:48 No.1679378  
    NEET thread. what are all you NEETs doing today?

    green text job centre stories would be appreciated
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:07:36 No.1679385
    Apart from going to uni, not much. Feels NEET as fuck man.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:08:10 No.1679388
    Being a useless hunk of flesh.
    As always.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:08:49 No.1679392
    >going to uni
    I don't think so tim.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:09:10 No.1679394
    i actually have to go to the job centre later on today. hurray
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:14:41 No.1679414
    NEET = "not in education, employment, or training"

    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:15:01 No.1679415
    Gonna play through all of ME3, ohyeeeeeeah
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:15:19 No.1679418
         File: 1331205319.jpg-(42 KB, 552x464, 1331091011673.jpg)
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    I get how this is technically a NEET thing to do, maybe Hikikimori is better or worse to describe this. But I'm in the same boat as you man. Don't verbally talk to anyone all day, just draw in my book during lectures. Best feeling in the world getting home
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:15:23 No.1679419
    The same thing I do everyday, read the shit that gets posted here, listen to some music, collect pictures of anime/manga that I'd watch/read later and play some old vidya.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:15:40 No.1679421
    I'll just be on my computer all day, browsing 4chan, watching jewtube videos etc.. Like every other day.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:15:46 No.1679422
    Trying to summon up the enthusiasm to clean the house. It's been a while.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:17:36 No.1679431
    Days fly by then months then years...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:24:21 No.1679455
    New NEET thread.
    >>1646255 is still up however.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:26:13 No.1679463
    Needs more job centre stories.

    You should see how many students on twitter are like "fml going down the job centre" today. I think results are out or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:27:30 No.1679470
    youth unemployment is insanely high now. even graduates are just getting min. wage jobs.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:27:39 No.1679472
    I'm in 2 week break between terms, so I guess I'm technically NEET until the next term begins. Feels great, mang.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:28:32 No.1679479
    I had an interview of Monday and I'm just waiting to hear back from them now.

    This could be it. 5 years of NEET lifestyle are coming to an end. I'm scared ... makes me want to jeopardize it somehow and remain NEET forever and ever AMEN.


    >Don't usually have to go to jobcentre due to income support, fuck yeah
    >Get called in randomly (probably so it looks like they're at least TRYING to make an effort with me)
    >Approaching the entrance
    >Two guys, scruffy as fuck, loitering directly outside the doors
    >As I pass, one of them clearly hands the other some money. The other one takes it, then hands him some pills, and possibly a quart of solid.
    >No discretion
    >10 in the morning
    >Dealing outside the jobcentre

    Fuck, I hate that place. There's always at least 3 scumbag cunt chavs smoking outside the entrance, giving anyone their own age death-glares.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:30:08 No.1679485
    >Check city job site every day
    >Probably 8-12 new jobs a day
    >Everything usually requires 3-5 years experience for some simple task someone could learn in a day and master in a week
    >"Looking for a team player" lol
    >"People skills" lol

    I don't even go to the actual job center but sometimes there will be a "fill out application online at x" or I might be able to google the title and find the place.

    Things were easier back in the day when employers couldn't pull up your life's history in 5 minutes and lying was actually an option.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:32:21 No.1679494
    Go the gym,, if I can find somewhere that sells helium cannisters I'll pick one up, come back home, apply for jobs and continue feeling like shit.

    The longer this goes on the shittier I feel, my mum gets back from holiday in a couple of days and I know I'm going to get more shit about how I'm lazy fucker because I can't find a job.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:32:26 No.1679497
    >tfw I have a cushty job where all I do is browse 4chan for most of the day and no one cares if you roll in 20 minutes late so long as it's not like EVERY day

    I only get shit money, like barely take home a grand a month, but it will increase every year, some people here on home 19-22k

    I was NEET once, you can fall on your feet
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:34:34 No.1679504
    Walmart sells a helium canister I believe. For tubing, you'll need to measure the canister's nozzle circumference and buy it from a hardware store. Use an oven bag and tape your neck (not air tight).
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:34:43 No.1679505
    The job centre asked if I considered work experience (where I may or may not get a job at the end) because I've been out of work so long. I agreed.
    2 days ago, I get a phone call telling me I have an interview the next day.

    I prepared all my shit, got there early, and they saw me right away. The boss was busy, so some really attractive woman walked me into the interview area, offered me a seat, and we casually discussed transport and why I was interested in the job. I didn't even realise the interview had started, its the first time I've been calm in one.
    then the boss guy walks in, looking very similar to Robert De Nero. He shakes my hand and sits down. He explains the job role, asks a couple of questions, but nothing serious like my strengths and weaknesses, what my friends think of me, or any other usual job bullshit. All that preparation in the car on the way over there for nothing.
    He did however comment that I looked very nervous, which alarmed me because I didn't think I was showing it. It'd only came about after he entered the room.
    He asked if I had any questions, and I asked what he'd most like to see in me if I were to actually try to get a job at the end. He answered some generic qualities, but said being a fast learner was important. He offered me a tour of the place, and I took it. Then I was on my way.
    It was a pretty cool interview. It probably doesn't count as a real one.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:35:19 No.1679510

    I've lied like fuck recently about the gap of 5+ years in my CV, and it has landed me interviews. When I asked why I didn't get the job, they said they were pleased with my performance, but I was beaten to the post by people with more experience (such as people applying internally and such). Shit sucks, but you can lie and get away with it, but it has to be plausible.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:36:09 No.1679514
    Those living with well off parents, can you still claim job seekers allowance or does it only work if you're on housing benefit in your own house with no additional income?

    Also, I was thinking of trying to claim some obscure mental illness for either disability living allowance or employment and support allowance. Any tips or success stories?

    As soon as I finish uni this may, I'm jumping STRAIGHT on the JSA train. Fuck this shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:36:50 No.1679520
    I read that the graduate unemployment rate is above 20% now. Even going to uni does not make finding a job any easier these days.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:37:36 No.1679521
    Fucking THIS

    >apply to 7 pound an hour admin. assistant job
    >just above min. wage
    >'requires at least one year of admin experience'
    >i graduated with a 2:1 and cant even get this
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:38:18 No.1679523
    I don't think they ever asked my parents income when I applied for jobseeker's, the last time was about three years ago though
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:38:33 No.1679526
    29 years old, unemployed for 4 and a half years, no qualifications

    Beyond hope. My life is over
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:38:40 No.1679528
    Yes you can get JSA. Just not Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:40:09 No.1679534
    Does anyone here constantly get hassled from their parents? I graduated in the summer (BA History) and I think my mother naively thought I would have a job earning 25k by now. She just thinks I am a lazy douche. I am trying though, I have even been applying to a few minimum wage jobs (though I refuse to apply for fast food/cleaner positions).
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:40:44 No.1679537
    What sort of incomes qualify for housing benefit and council tax benefit? I'm trying to work out if I can afford to move out. 26 and living at home...a lot of disposable income but getting to the point where it'd look better to women if I survived off baked beans but at least had my own place.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:40:46 No.1679538
    I think we're going to need a job title.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:41:26 No.1679545

    That's because anyone can go to Uni these days. The requirements for getting in are so low, and people come out with higher marks from 6th form, because tests are easier. So you get people who do well going to Uni, but you also get all those people who do mediocre to bad getting in, too.

    They take really shit, pointless degrees, and when they graduate with unimpressive GPA's and can't get jobs, they have no other choice than to go the Way of the Job Seeker.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:41:42 No.1679548
    DLA/ESA isn't that easy to get on. The DLA form was 50-something pages long when I applied and you need a supportive doctor who can provide sick notes.

    They're throwing tons of genuinely mentally ill people off ESA so it's really not that easy.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:41:57 No.1679549
    Baby boomers will never ever get it.

    Also, cleaning as a temporary solution is actually a pretty chilled job. Places are usually closed/closing when you work. If it's a 'keyholder' position even better.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:42:14 No.1679552
    I got AAAB at A-level (Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Psychology).
    I graduated with a 2:1 science degree from a top 5 university. It feels like my degree is doing fuck all for me in getting a job right now.
    I really regret not doing Medicine or Engineering, something that lands you right into a job.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:43:18 No.1679557

    Oh, and also a lot of them just go to Uni for the social aspect. Most of them will not graduate.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:44:05 No.1679564
    What is your degree? What subject?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:45:57 No.1679580
    If you have less than 8000 pounds savings you could go on JSA and get housing benefit etc. What type of income are you getting though? I think you're allowed to work less than 15 hours or something but they can monitor your bank account for anything else.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:47:57 No.1679600
    Like about 14k a year

    I don't want to claim JSA and couldn't since I have a full time job, just housing benefit.

    HB is for 'low incomes' as much as the unemployed, was my understanding.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:47:58 No.1679601
    Graduating is insanely easy, it's just that if you get below a 2:1 it's basically useless.

    Biology, I don't really want to be more specific than that though. I wanted to be a researcher when I was applying, my course killed that dream for me.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:48:35 No.1679606
    >that feel when you have given up and just get stoned all day

    all hope is lost, especially with this terrible economy
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:48:58 No.1679607
         File: 1331207338.png-(196 KB, 699x561, Political_Yes.png)
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    >Collect SSI for autism
    >Never been employed
    >Was told to my face I was unemployable
    >Lolokay, back to the internet.
    >Am competent and intelligent
    >But can't get along with anyone
    >Saving up my welfare pennies to try to make a downpayment on some land so I can become a hermit
    >No one will loan to me, even though I have regular income from SSI.
    >Government forbids me from saving up enough money to buy land outright.
    >Stuck in a welfare trap where I can't improve my situation to the point that I don't need it
    >Lolokay, your money to waste.

    You guys gelatin?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:49:49 No.1679613
    Just store cash under the bed.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:49:52 No.1679614
    You get housing benefit on 14k a year? Really?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:50:35 No.1679619
    I dunno, that's what I'm asking. It's not just for unemployed people though.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:51:29 No.1679624
    Ah, I wouldn't know about that. I've rarely had a job. :-/


    I doubt it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:53:41 No.1679632
    You could try this benefits adviser thingy:
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:55:31 No.1679638

    I mean they will drop out before even getting to the 3rd year. It might be easy to graduate, but I think a lot of mediocre students go to Uni for the wrong reasons, find that they can't handle working independently and lengthy essays, then drop out after they've blown their loans on booze and luxuries all year.

    I see people complaining about it all the time. They're taking these fucking useless degrees like psychology and what not, then complain about EVERY deadline, always with 'fml i hate this course/it's too hard/I want to drop out'.

    I do realise there are people who bust their asses at uni, graduate with respectable averages with a respectable degree and STILL can't find work, but I think they are the minority.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:57:26 No.1679653
    2 time uni and 1 time NHD dropout reporting in!

    (yes my life does suck)
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:58:49 No.1679656

    Man, if you knew just how much shit there is out there that needs a psychologists input, you'd go and study it.

    Helps if you're at the world leading university for psych research like I am, though.

    On a side note, I feel sorry for you NEETs
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:02:10 No.1679666
    Turning 21 this year as well.
    Have no friends to celebrate with.
    It's really really really embarrassing and sad.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:02:49 No.1679671
    I am going a MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience. I will probably be a NEET when I graduate in October. Thoughts? Would you guys describe my course as useless?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:03:41 No.1679674

    Garage Transhumanist Apotheosis.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:03:43 No.1679675
    >hurr durr i can legally drink in the united states

    Who gives a fuck? This is not the United States.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:04:44 No.1679679
    I am doing*

    my bad
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:04:55 No.1679680
    Parents keep asking me to plan a party.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:06:28 No.1679688

    Psychology is known for being one of those 'mickey mouse' subjects, along with media studies and sociology.

    What I mean to say is, though, that people will take it because they think things like 'oh, I'll get to interpret peoples dreams and stuff, hurr hurr' but then don't stop to think that there's TONS of other bullshit to learn besides that. Also 'Now I will be able to assess people accurately on first meeting and know their every flaw xD' is another one. That's what I mean by doing it for the wrong reasons.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:06:34 No.1679689
    Yeah I don't understand why anyone in the UK celebrates 21 as a big, important birthday when it entitles you to NOTHING you didn't already have.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:07:51 No.1679696
    >Eurofags/Ausfags/etc live off the dole no problem, make fat stacks sitting on their fat asses
    >America won't give you any help in anything unless you're a single mother or a spic/nigger
    >Drove half an hour to a job aid center that pays your salary on behalf of an employer for your training period
    >Doesn't apply to me because I'm not one of the above things
    >Guy told me outright "the government just isn't interested in trying to help a young man find his way in the world"
    >Options are either 1. Become a hobo/thief 2. Work a $9-$12 job for the rest of my life just to survive

    This country is cruel as fuck towards the non-wealthy white male 20-somethings
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:07:56 No.1679697
    This thread needs more greentext and less of the 20 year old with no friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:15:13 No.1679726
    Living in a country with a safety net.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:20:33 No.1679750

    >Eurofags/Ausfags/etc live off the dole no problem, make fat stacks sitting on their fat asses

    I find it funny how everyone assumes this is how it always is. There are some benefit claimers who are biding time and are preparing to enter a career. Not all of them sit on their asses claiming free money. Don't let those kinds of people taint the credibility of the ones who aren't selfish.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:32:32 No.1679784
    i know this feel

    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:39:50 No.1679817
    >This country is cruel as fuck towards the non-wealthy white male 20-somethings

    out of curiosity, with no attempt at starting an argument, why do you think the country has been 'cruel'? do you think it owes you something?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:41:57 No.1679830
    Work for 3 years, save up 10 grand, go to school to become a sysadmin or something, start at 55k+
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:51:49 No.1679860

    >mfw winning

    It's absolutely terrible. Nobody should get any money from the government. All aid should be in the form of voluntary charity.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:55:39 No.1679875
    What about those who have legitimate reasons for not working?
    >inb4 eugenics
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:55:45 No.1679876
    Looks like we have randroid on r9k
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:57:45 No.1679886

    What about them? If other people want to support them, they can donate to them directly or to a charity set up to support them.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:58:35 No.1679888
    Nobody will ever donate anything though.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:59:33 No.1679895
    I will fill out a couple of applications online and see how fast they reject me. Then I will watch anime and play vidya at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)08:00:56 No.1679903

    Are you sure? For instance, would you not donate?

    Even if few people did end up donating, the government still doesn't have the right to take from some people and give to other people, without the total mutual agreement of all parties involved. It's just totally unfair. I don't want to have to pay money so some idiot hundreds of kilometres away can extend his life a few more years with medical treatment.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)08:02:42 No.1679909
    Yes i am sure, heck your own post proves it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)08:04:04 No.1679914

    Does it? I'd donate to save the life of a young child that lived nearby me. If everybody did that we'd have a good functioning system for medical care for children.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)08:05:52 No.1679922
    Wait a second, you believe that if everyone would donate things would be better yet if its forced indirectly through taxes is a bad thing?
    Whats the difference?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)08:06:50 No.1679931

    The difference is, currently the government is forcing me to spend money on a lot of things I don't want to spend money on. It's also terribly inefficient.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)08:12:38 No.1679959
    >a lot of things I don't want to spend money on.
    Like what? Benefits for those who are disabled/are unable to fend for themselves? But you already said you would have no problem donating for such a cause (unless you meant children only).
    >It's also terribly inefficient.
    Elaborate. I am guessing you talk about the cases where benefits cause to people who don't deserve them and cheat the system for them. True they are a problem but by completely removing this system even those who really need the money get hurt.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)08:12:46 No.1679960
    Australian 20 year old white male here. Getting the dole is a long and annoying process and because my mother earns 60 a year I was given $26 a fortnight which was pretty lol. But if I had just lied and got my mother to sign some paper work saying we had an abusive relationship and I couldn't live with her then I would have gotten something better. The money didn't bother me because I don't really give a shit but I actually thought they were going to help me with a job but unless you have been out of work for at least 3 months all you can do is use the computers.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)08:18:17 No.1679985

    >But you already said you would have no problem donating for such a cause

    I might donate very occasionally. But the truth is I really couldn't care less if somebody doesn't get the medical care they "need".


    Governments are always less efficient than private enterprise.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)08:30:14 No.1680045
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    >Has nice, but affordable apartment
    >On welfare
    >Has hobby I enjoy
    >Play lots of vidya
    >Have a few close friends over occasionally
    >Fast as shit Internet


    Srsly, being a neet is awesome. I know I have to take up education at some point, but this is the best thing that has happened to me in ages.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)08:32:33 No.1680058
    What's the difference between "neet" and unemployed ? I don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)08:38:03 No.1680082
    A NEET isn't in education or training in addition to not working.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)08:40:22 No.1680092
    So, it is like a hobo ?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)08:41:00 No.1680096
    Kind of. Though most live with their parents.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)08:44:54 No.1680112
    How do I do this?

    >desposit for
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:11:49 No.1680288
    Nothing cool about being NEET guys, work of any form gives you independence and value to society. Unless you enjoy being a nihilistic narcissist? Then go right ahead!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:18:25 No.1680333
    How do you neets support yourselves without any income?

    Just curious.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:24:35 No.1680392
    Was a NEET for a year. It's fun at first but it soon gets tiresome especially when you realize
    >The best years of your life are passing by
    >You can't afford to travel,go to gigs/social events
    >You project no value to women whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:24:58 No.1680395
    they live with their mother's until they are kicked out or their mother dies.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:27:40 No.1680414
    >implying you'll find any pleasure in those things in reality
    your imagination is far greater than reality, that's why you were NEET in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:34:20 No.1680458
    Nice troll.

    It's not my imagination mate - I was sailing off the coast of Vietnam a few months back and chilling with bros in Hong Kong. It's better than going down the Job Centre trust me.

    Girls don't get hot for guys on Job Seekers Allowance who live with their parents - I know, I remember.

    I think its healthy to have some time unemployed though - puts things into focus about what you want to achieve in life.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:43:35 No.1680507
    Some of us find alternative income

    (Not sharing, more competition = less money)
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:45:10 No.1680521
    How did you guys end up like this? I have a friend who wanted to pursue other things and dropped out in second year. I'm pretty sure hes done none of it. Didn't join the military, peace core, or teaching in Asia. Feels bad cause he was really smart, but I think he just smokes cigs and live a semi beatnik lifestyle. This shit wouldn't be tolerated in my house, plus I'd feel kinda discusted with my self so I dunno.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:47:24 No.1680534
    how many of you neets here never even tried to get a job and isn't going to a college or a uni?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:48:34 No.1680539
    Please, no one respond to this tard. I'm slowly counting the days until his faggot ass drinks himself to death.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:48:42 No.1680540
    >woke up at 1:30pm
    >cat came and slept on my tummy so I just laid there for another half an hour
    >took some pictures of myself
    >got a sandwich and some coke
    >came online and here I am

    Great day. Really productive.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:49:51 No.1680545
    Why did you take pictures of yourself?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:50:24 No.1680549
    I'm so glad I live in the UK where you can just easily just get the dole.
    Poor Americans.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:50:28 No.1680551
    >your imagination is far greater than reality,
    That feel, god almighty I know that feel.

    Even if I was rich and famous and beautiful, I still wouldn't be a nigh-omniscient machine god like in my imagination.

    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:51:10 No.1680559
    I like doing that, it's fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:52:30 No.1680568
    Why don't you get into some adsense shit? Run a business on the job.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:53:31 No.1680574
    >Mom's planning to move in with Uncle that hates me because I clashed with him a few years ago when he came to live with us.
    >Threatened to snap my arm on several occasions. Basically fighting because he tried to be alpha male of the house.
    >NOt likely they'll let me a 20 yr old neet come with, in 1 mil+ city... Have to find way to survive before time comes

    I'm so fucked, it gets so cold in the winters.( Canada) Thankfully it's summer soon.

    Humans though... we always find a way to survive. Maybe I will too.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:54:16 No.1680577
    What do you do with them? Just store them on your HDD? It's kind of interesting because most people on /r9k/ hate how they look.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:56:20 No.1680594
    Learn how to trade forex. You can self teach. You could literally be using all this time right now learning how to become rich, instead of posting 'feels' on /r9k/

    I mean, admittedly self-teaching is hard as fuck, that's why I'm paying for courses. But it's possible, plenty have done it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:58:53 No.1680615
    Basically yeah and post on /soc/, but not much any more.

    I hate how I look too, it's just easy to look nice in pictures, anyone can do it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:59:20 No.1680620
    Shit bro where do you live?

    I'm moving there
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:00:24 No.1680627
    Can I see a picture of you?

    hovvshu florentin
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:01:32 No.1680639
    >t's just easy to look nice in pictures, anyone can do it.
    Teach me your ways.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:02:03 No.1680643
    Aw hell naw. Not camwhoring on /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:03:56 No.1680656
    It's all about lighting and angles. Bad quality webcams help too, though mine is pretty decent for a webcam. Still doesn't show every flaw like a digital camera though.
    Unless you have like 2 heads, you can you look at least average in webcam pictures.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:04:49 No.1680663
    You know it doesn't have to be on /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:05:59 No.1680671
    Pretty vague. What kind of angles?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:06:39 No.1680677
    Stop asking for pics you faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:07:08 No.1680679
    Whichever you look best in.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:07:41 No.1680682
    mathematician here, there's no way a NEET is going to start from scratch and make money trading FOREX. Why do I say this? Because you need to work fucking hard that's why and most of these people aren't capable or willing. And don't get me started on the ridiculous amount of luck you will need to even get off the ground. You hear success stories yes, but that's ignoring the vast majority who will fail, miserably.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:09:02 No.1680690
    You fucked up bro. Forex is going to get you nowhere
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:12:19 No.1680714
    >Finished University in July 2011
    >Spent a few months looking for a job in the industry I got my degree in.
    >Super competitive. Even for entry level positions you need 3 years experience and all the junior jobs like Runner go to the producers friends daughter.
    >Decide to take some time and work freelance.
    >Do a few jobs and get a bit of money.
    >Work dries up a bit, decide to get a part time job so I can move out of my parents house and be independent again.
    >No part times jobs in my area, the ones I do apply for I don't get.
    >Not for lack of experience, worked in a shop for 3 years when I was at university.
    >Girl I'm involved with is trying to get me to move in with her.
    >Really, really want to move in with her we're really good together and she's super talented and wants to work with me on projects as well as being together.

    >No Job. No chance of paying rent, even in Stoke which is cheap as hell.

    They say "follow your dreams" but they really miss the fucking sub-clause of "you need shitloads of money to follow your dreams which you need to get a job for. A job which will sap your time and restrict your movements causing the following of dreams to become a joke anyway."
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:15:55 No.1680734
    But I'm desperate faggot who falls in love with every girl I come across on the internet
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:19:26 No.1680751
    I may not be female, for all you know.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:22:12 No.1680760
    I take it you're in film? Could you get some out of work actors, and students to put togeather a scene from a film you wanna make? Maybe shop it, and get enough money to make the whole thing?

    Maybe you can go to companies and ask to make instructional videos for them on office policy and boring shit?

    Go to a charity and ask if you can make them a short film describing what they do, and showing people they help, then help them put it on their web page or someshit? Just something that shows you're motivated and productive. A lot of charities are connected to big business guys, and that's how you get the ball rolling. I'm a member of my local rotary, and I designed a make shift water purifier for an African village, we wrote detailed instructions on how to build it and they did. Now they make quiet a few of them and its turned into a business for the village to sell to other small communities. One of the higher up guys is a VP at a consultant, and hooked me up with a job this summer (I'm still a student).

    Just look for things that aren't as obvious?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:25:22 No.1680772
    Doesn't matter to me

    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:28:08 No.1680796
    Not doing anything today but waiting to get called back about being put on welfare. WOO.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:36:33 No.1680859
    I'm in 3D Graphics and Animation which is similar. I've done stuff like that but since leaving university getting hold of the equipment is hard.

    I'm currently trying my hand at writing a comic and this girl is going to draw it (although I'm still doing the layouts and design)

    There's not much money in it, but it's a good thing to do to show I've not been sitting on my hands. And it's something I've always been interested in. It's kinda a fantasy thing and I'm going to use my skills in 3D and such to promote it with short animations and stuff. It'd be amazing if I could move in with this girl as we could really work together on something and make it amazing.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:52:52 No.1680960

    Are you mad because I asked you that same question earlier faggot?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:54:21 No.1680970
    You are the one that sounds butt frustrated friend.

    >hurr durr I'll ask the same questions to everyone I come across.

    You are scum. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)10:59:44 No.1680991
    How easy is it to get on disability allowance? I've got a friend who gets 500 GBP/month, he's been in and out of counsellors, psychiatrists and so on for most of his teen years though.

    I've been diagnosed with a lot of shit and I've formally seen a few people, never psychiatrists or psychologists though. Worth trying for?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)11:05:54 No.1681021

    >you're scum

    just like everyone else on this board. If you don't like it, leave.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)11:15:54 No.1681073

    Not too hard. I've been on ESA for a few years now. Just need a doctors note and you have to go for a few interviews. You also have to go to the jobcenter every 4 - 6 months.

    Of course, you need to have some evidence and a diagnosis.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)11:16:17 No.1681075

    Holy shit, there's another person from Stoke on /r9k/? Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)11:27:58 No.1681159
    Not NEET, but seems cool, though might get boring after a while

    At least I have that avoidant personality down

    >class all day
    >study alone, don't talk to anyone, unless I have to
    >go to my car during breaks
    >haven't hung out with anyone in about 3 years
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)11:30:04 No.1681169

    what is it like when you have to talk to people? Just about the assignments?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)11:33:40 No.1681199
    What're you on it for? Everything I've been diagnosed with is mental illness related so I don't really know how seriously that's taken.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)11:37:03 No.1681231
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    I attached some wood to some other wood and it felt good!
    Also I have a mental illness-illness' so I can't enter employment/society or relationships for any meaningful period of time, funnily enough I'm ok with this though.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)11:39:12 No.1681247

    Social Anxiety / Depression.

    At the time I was 17 and effectively agoraphobic, had to get my mum to take me to the interview. Saw two nice ladies there and just told the truth. They seemed sorry for me, so I don't know if I just got lucky with having nice judges.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)11:41:59 No.1681264
    How much do you get and can you apply for housing benefit as well?

    The thing is I really want to go on disability benefits for a while, attend my counselling sessions and find medication that actually works then go back to college or at least do something from home. But my parents say they'll kick me out if I'm put on any benefits other than JSA so it kind of fucks with my plan, I don't blame them though.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)11:42:19 No.1681266
    I'm not socially retarded

    I've recently started to hang out with a girl from my lab

    Pretty much talk through the 3 hour lab, then hang out for 2 more hours after
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)11:53:14 No.1681335

    About 360gbp a month. I am on housing benefit, I don't pay rent. I do have to pay the council for water and community cleaning though.

    >The thing is I really want to go on disability benefits for a while, attend my counselling sessions and find medication that actually works then go back to college or at least do something from home

    This was my plan too. In fact I highlighted that at the interview, which may have helped. Are your parents willing to support you while you're on JSA, or is it a "get a job or we'll kick you out" situation? My parents kicked me out when I was 17, which is the main reason I applied for ESA. I'm not sure if they take into account whether you're living with relatives willing to support you or not though.

    Sorry for the repost, accidentally wrote 460 rather than 360.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)11:54:47 No.1681345
    Pretty much the same as my friend then really. Thanks, I'll see about looking into it.

    My parents are willing to support me while I'm on JSA but we've all agreed that it's just a really short-term plan so I can pay for food, prescriptions and the like. I'm looking for a job and if I could do something away from people I'd definitely take it but most things I can get seem to revolve around retail.

    They want me out ASAP but it's in the nicest way possible. My brother moved out at 18 and they just want to see me get my life started away from them I guess.
    >> Salamander !!OiEv4tS/t6+ 03/08/12(Thu)12:00:06 No.1681383
    Disability Living Allowance all day erry day. My care worker helped me fill in the form, and now I get 400 pounds a month until 2014. No going to bullshit interviews every few weeks, no sending off sick notes every month. Feels good man.

    >not being allowed to post the pound sign

    moot you are the most talentless hack of a web admin I've ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)12:01:16 No.1681394
    What's wrong with you?

    >> Salamander !!OiEv4tS/t6+ 03/08/12(Thu)12:03:46 No.1681420

    Psychosis and depression.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)12:22:56 No.1681600
    > Wake up early in the morning
    > Made tea
    > Played ME3
    > Walked out in the living room for food
    > Mom waves at me, I wave back
    > "Do you want to pick up pizza for us?"
    > Don't want to
    > Change my mind after my second cup of tea.

    Damn green tea makes you hungry.

    After I pick up the food I'll probably go back playing ME3.

    Such is my NEET life.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)17:21:39 No.1684759
    so neets, do you guys even have friends or social skills/goals and aspirations?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)20:26:25 No.1686846
    bermp for neetalian.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)20:29:44 No.1686881
    No friends, diagnosed with severe social anxiety and I claw at myself in public like a fucking monkey or some shit

    short-term goal: lose weight I guess, why not

    long-term goal: move out, find medication that works, continue therapy, either do an apprenticeship or some kind of college course
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)21:10:05 No.1687291

    I see, nice goals, i'm sure you'll accomplish them.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:53:42 No.1690458
    what are all of you friendless neets doing for the weekend/friday?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)03:51:55 No.1691243
    Bumping for job centre stories.

    Greentext please.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)04:11:31 No.1691361
    Are you visiting the job centre today?

    Also, is anyone annoyed at the stupid unhelpful twitter pages the job centre has? All they do is try and force people into workfare.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)04:13:51 No.1691371

    Gonna eat junk food and watching fighting game tournament streams,archives.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)04:19:58 No.1691404
    Going to work in 3 hours, so tired, can't sleep

    I'm a god damn IT manager and I hate it, sometimes I envy you neet fucks
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)04:26:11 No.1691448
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    You also can't do dollars signs or this accent over e although you can do all these things on /lit/. I emailed him but maybe he's pay more attention if more people emailed him too.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)05:30:15 No.1691726
    Going down the JCP is a real pain.

    If you are going to smoke, drink special brew and deal drugs please, please do it somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)05:33:18 No.1691746
    By staying unemployed, you're helping other people to find jobs more easily. By staying out of school or vocational training, you're helping free up access to grants and scholarships so others can attend. Basically, NEETs are the most selfless people in society.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)05:38:24 No.1691774
    I'm a hiki too.

    Haven't spoken to anyone for about two years.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)05:43:22 No.1691802
    How is it that the UK can afford to pay out all these benefits to the un(der)employed? If there are so many people out of work, isn't the economy in the shitter? Is the country just wracking up debt and hoping future generations will pay it off?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)05:48:08 No.1691824

    not even your family? Doesn't it get lonely for you? What about with people online in messengers or IRC?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:02:54 No.1691876
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    >starting a new job tomorrow
    >first real job in over 5 years
    >feels good
    >kinda nervous cuz beginnings are always hard
    >not giving up on my life and my dreams
    >you shouldn't either
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:05:53 No.1691882
    i moved in with my now wife in another country and i cant work until i get my paperwork settled. am i still allowed in NEET society?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:08:53 No.1691895
    almost every first world country is in deep deep debt.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:10:05 No.1691904
    Uh... to who, then?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:13:09 No.1691919
    china and other third world countries with low human development indexes, that pay their workers next to nothing. they are the only ones making money because they have no expenses
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:14:52 No.1691924
    >third world

    Also, I thought the US was the only one in debt to China.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:18:22 No.1691941
    they are certainly not first world, maybe somewhere in between. look it up
    and heres is the debt situation
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:22:49 No.1691960
    Nope, China is either second or third world. The term first world is reserved for NATO-allied nations.

    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:24:48 No.1691964

    greetings fellow hikki, how are you?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:27:15 No.1691972
    I want a NEET boyfriend. Is that weird?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:29:09 No.1691983
    Got a meeting with an advisor or some shit today.

    With it being my first time, what can I expect?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:38:42 No.1692013
    Are you looking for an attractive neet boyfriend?

    >Would never be me, Fuck
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:40:36 No.1692022
    Robots, what's something productive I can do every day that isn't a job and will get me active.

    I don't think I can volunteer even those places need references and volunteer experience... Plus you have to interview, for VOLUNTEERING!
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:43:29 No.1692031

    Well, there's thousands of identical NEET boyfriends you can choose from. You'll have to do more than that.

    Please detail your physical appearance, personality, interests, location and ambitions. If applicable, detail preferences in your mates.

    If you're fat, continue no further.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:46:49 No.1692047
    >Woke up 10:00
    >Ate Weetabix
    >Playing League of Legends
    >Eat dinner in silence with my parents at 17:00
    >Have a bath
    >Play World of Warcraft
    >Watch an episode of The Wire
    >Repeat ad infinitum
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:49:55 No.1692056
    I argued with my dad today. The guy is a gambling cunt and tried to sit on my computer to check sports scores.

    I may be a NEET, but I can't respect gambling fuckwits who pawn stuff and beg their mother for money. Told him if he wanted to use internet he shouldn't have pawned the family laptop.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:58:48 No.1692082
    >inb4 he pawns you're computer.
    I'd keep my eye on him and throw up some deterrents.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)06:59:06 No.1692085
    expect no help whatsoever. Don't volunteer for any workfare type programs and remember don't sign away your data protection rights. If you don't sign the private companies can't make as much money off you.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)07:03:54 No.1692106
    You are now aware that Greek youth unemployment is 51.5%.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)07:05:52 No.1692115
    NEETs probably have lowered standards, so that shouldn't be difficult.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)07:11:03 No.1692131
    Coming soon to a first world nation near you.
    In our case the UK.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)07:14:47 No.1692149
    Apparently they are going to extend workfare for people who earn under 11,000 pounds a year now as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)07:16:40 No.1692159
    I'm getting $350 in tax refund.

    Maybe, just maybe I might be able to build gaming computer.

    Probably not but damn it I'll try.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)07:21:28 No.1692177
    I doubt that, Greece is in a FAR worse situation.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)07:26:58 No.1692200
    You sure about that?

    I've heard that British national debt, as a % of GDP, is much higher than Greece's.

    And Greece has a smaller economy (i.e. smaller GDP).

    We've mainly just fortuante to have our own currency (and therefore central bank) and the tax income of the City of London (even though they mooch plenty Government monhes).
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)07:36:03 No.1692233
    Oh hey a neet thread. Vent-me-do!

    Far too anxious to get a job (Quit my old job because I literally couldn't do it due to anxiety/nervousness).

    Took a "work experience" thing last week, 3rd shift I went home halfway through because my trousers ripped like a fuck (took me about 10 minutes of hiding and psyching myself up to tell the boss guy). Got home to change, and my washing machine was leaking everywhere, took like an hour to clean up. Don't have the companies telephone number. didn't go back. Next shift had to go to the doctors and didn't tell them, phoned job centre up and told them I wasn't cut out for that job, they told me to phone the company and explain. Too nervous to phone them up, left my coat and bag there the other day when I went home to change. Supposed to be there now working, can't work up the courage to phone them/turn up. Going to lose JSA as a result. Can't afford beer to get drunk and do it. My anti-depressants that I take for anxiety are in my coat at work...


    Can't afford to eat, can't afford to pay rent, lots of people are bound to be angry at me, the problems only getting worse, bills are stacking up and it physically hurts to pick up the phone and try to beg for more time off anyone, or to beg from relatives.

    Surely this is grounds for some kind of disability benefit? I'll never know because I'm too nervous to ask anyone in a position to help me.

    Hows neeting going for anyone else?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)07:44:23 No.1692264
    You can dropout in the first week with no penalty on work experience. Just call up the place you worked and explain yourself.

    (probably shit advice but it comes from a fellow neet)
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)07:47:47 No.1692279
    Do degree in CS, get 1st, do masters in system on a chip design, get 1st, get hired by a top tier fabless company.

    I got lucky.

    I almost did other things. Most of my mates have been fucked over. I'm smart enough to know that it could have been me. The West has exported all it's manufacturing and imported a bunch of niggers.

    My best advice is to start your own company and do something that can't be exported. At the moment I'm not doing that since I earn enough money and invest a lot of it. The fact that most my mates can't even get farm work or warehouse stuff scares the shit out of me. Those who have nothing to lose, HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)07:49:56 No.1692288
    Serious question for you NEET niggers. Why don't you join the military?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)07:52:13 No.1692301

    What are your qualifications? How many of you have degrees? What degree and what grade did you get?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)07:53:01 No.1692305
    not your personal army
    also viral marketing
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)07:53:07 No.1692306

    >Join the military
    >Get yelled at by a fuck until you're nothing more than a drone midlessly obeying commands
    >Shoot at people in a similar situation
    >Get shot
    >Die, or come home to the exact same situation only crippled.

    Yeah, join the army.

    Additional : a lot of the neets are neet because they're not quite right in the head, and they don't let people like that join the military.
    >> Eso 03/09/12(Fri)07:55:21 No.1692314
    >implying letting someone else control every aspect of your life while you take life of others just like you, is being right in the head


    being well adjusted to a profoundly sick society is no measure of mental health
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)07:56:38 No.1692320
    >implying we would pass the physical or other entrance requirements of a first world military.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)07:57:28 No.1692325
    I know it's shit, but for a person with no prospects it doesn't seem so bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:01:58 No.1692340
    What would you fail?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:02:21 No.1692342
    Replying even though it's been hours.

    Don't talk to family, no. Once every couple of weeks I chat with someone on my Steam list of about four peopleI have on there from some message board I used a few years ago, but they're mostly disinterested and it only really lasts a couple of minutes. Lonely? not so much. I'd rather not be bothered by people.

    Not bad. Playing some games. Got some noodles. All's good.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:05:27 No.1692353

    Just how many years of military service do you base this knowledge on, I wonder?

    Oh, wait.


    Because not only are the rates of British servicemembers who see combat ridiculously low, but the rates of WIA or KIA are even retardedly lower than that.

    You've a greater chance of dying in a car wreck or an airplane crash than being crippled in the British Armed Forces.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:08:40 No.1692364
    Can we go back to Neet/job centre stories rather than arguing over who is the tougher man?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:12:56 No.1692381

    Because we're fighting little faggot wars against civilians now. They're still finding bodies from WW2...
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:18:29 No.1692398

    Sorry buddy, the dick-measuring has begun. The thread had a nice, long, on topic run, but now it's time for the keyboard warriors to fight over fucking nothing.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:19:07 No.1692401
    Surely someone here has some helpful money-making advice?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:20:05 No.1692406
    >wanting to get involved in the shit storm that will be the Iranian-Israeli nuclear war

    Really bad idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:21:01 No.1692408
    Nothing worthwhile legal I'm afraid. Deal drugs, steal food to cut down on expense, pirate games to eliminate leisure spending.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:25:14 No.1692421
    There's a few other ways, but why would I share them?

    I'm a cunt.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:26:24 No.1692427
    How is it dick measuring? I asked a serious question.

    If you cant find a job, or don't have enough money to go to uni, or don't want to go to uni, why don't you join the military? It is a perfectly legitimate question.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:29:34 No.1692441
    Most neets are mentally ill or medically unfit

    This is obvious.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:29:38 No.1692442

    It has begun.
    Anon1 "Hey why not do this?"
    Anon2 "Because of this"
    Anon1 "You're talking shit and you're wrong"

    No-one changes their opinions on 4chan. Nobody says "oh hey you're right" or "Perhaps, but consider this instead". No. They say "fuck you f4gg0t lololol u mad brah u mad? fuck you. your a fag you mirin? ye u mad lol"

    And then there goes your thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:37:13 No.1692468
    I walked out of an assessment day for a management training programme at Tempest, and by that i mean the oppurtunity to parade gypsyville at 9pm on friday nights asking the pleasant folks of Hull to donate to charity, then I failed the test on an interview for a trainee litigator at Rapid Solicitors, then I fucked up an application to ebuyer by writing that "I have excellcent written and spoken communication skills" then I was depressed so i cancelled my interview for a receptionist at wren kitchens and then I decided against following through with my plan of travelling a hour to work a 12 hour shift in a cramped call centre, spending half of my earnings each week on fucking travel. I feel like my inability to get a job is my own choice and that my girlfriend is going to leave me because of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:38:54 No.1692474
    from the twitta: "Walked past the Job Centre and someone was being thrown out by security #funny"
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:42:11 No.1692489
    >Graduate from uni
    >Oh shit, still not able to get a job despite having a Masters degree?
    >Go to job centre plus
    >Get forced to work for free at super market
    >It's supposed to give me work experience

    Sometimes I think I should just kill myself. My brother who works in construction has never been unemployed and is now some kind of team leader or whatever this is called on a construction site.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:43:26 No.1692493
    Any Canadian NEETs want to keep in touch?

    Share ideas? Talk about future plans (lol)?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)09:00:52 No.1692565

    That comment in any way refutes my, exactly?

    Oh, that's right. It doesn't. At all.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)09:03:02 No.1692573
    I would imagine most neets on 4chan are the "nerd" type who don't really fit into the whole military thing. That is if they are wanted by the military.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)09:16:16 No.1692629

    Most but not all. Currently a NEET but waiting to enter the British Army, already passed selection. Can't wait to get away from this shithole.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)09:41:34 No.1692757

    A lot of jobs in communications or intelligence are perfect for the most autismal or aspie data collectors.

    Most bush exercises in Aus army is about who fucked up, who fell asleep on picket or who fired rounds when they shouldn't have and will be getting charged.

    Int rarely go out field and do data mining/collection into powerpoint briefing, Sigs get caught beating off on radio retrans stations and spend all their time pointing shit into the sky, running fuckloads of cable everywhere and being responsible for the most computer illiterate people known on earth with some of the oldest hardware around.

    And 90% of sigs are the only people in the Armed forces to walk out with qualifications that matter a fuck in civilian life, most going straight out into telcos that they got from having mates (friends) from being in for so long.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)18:05:23 No.1697066
    what are you friendles, shut in, loner neets doing this weekend and for your friday night?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)18:11:59 No.1697154
    4chan, what do you think?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)18:22:00 No.1697267
    If I could hate you to death I would.

    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)18:28:27 No.1697339
    Ahh fair enough then, that makes sense.

    You're completely correct. Us Honors students in psychology always have a good little giggle to ourselves when we meet first years during orientation weeks and what not and they say "I'm studying psychology because I want to delve into peoples minds!" And things like that.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)20:52:47 No.1698843
    Can Americans join?

    >go to college for chemical engineering because I want a job when I get out
    >economy tanks soon after I go in college
    >companies cut their intern programs
    >graduate with no work experience outside of some research.
    >every job posting wants 3-5 years in the industry
    >end up in the exact place I tried to avoid by going to college for engineering in the first place

    The plan now is to try and get a crappy job to save some money so I could do a bike tour of the US over the summer. After I got back I would look into the US Navy's training program for reactor operators on their carriers and subs. Seeing as I have an engineering degree and I have a good understanding about nuclear reactors I should be able to get in. Uncle Sam does not care if you have previous experience since they give everyone enough training to do their job.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)21:11:00 No.1699036
    They can't do much for people with degrees, they've been pretty honest with me about it and just admitted that they probably won't have any jobs to match my qualification levels.

    I'm really regretting not having done any sort of internship, most of my friends are getting jobs out of those and contacts from other friends. Contacts which I don't have because I grew up in a shithole.

    Their childhood friends are working in Law firms and IBs and a worrying proportion of the people I knew in school are selling drugs or in prison for stabbings.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)21:12:59 No.1699054
    Internships are so fucking important right now, that or having had some sort of extracurricular leadership shit.
    I wish I knew that before I graduated, noone ever told me that you can't get a job on academic ability alone.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)21:30:04 No.1699229
    >unemployed for the past 4 years
    >work for a family thread once or twice a month to pay rent+food
    >got a job at a foster home babysitting kids (i have no experience, girlfriends mother hooked it up)
    >i start full time on the 19th

    so this is what normalfags feel like.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)00:41:03 No.1701340
    not going to be doing anything tonight, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)01:05:58 No.1701581
    >family thread
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)03:52:13 No.1702871
    What you fellow neets doing this weekend?

    I'm thinking of getting one of those twitter things and spending time here.

    Got my fridge stocked with hot cross buns and other tasty items. No need to leave the house for days.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)12:50:00 No.1705470

    i'm doing nothing

    nothing at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)12:53:10 No.1705492
    Hey man are you from America? Twitter does contests sometimes if you follow the right people. Free swag I just got a game yesteday.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)12:56:12 No.1705514
    >that feel when I'm not a NEET anymore since half a year
    >that feel when I still behave like one because I've living this lifestyle for the past decade.
    >that feel when things slowly get better but yet no motivation to participate in social activies.
    >that feel when I had a decent day, come home and depression kicks in
    >that feel when apathy, melancholy and lethargy melt my brain
    >feel empty
    >get out of bed erryday and repeat work shedule with no real goals and motivation
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)13:09:09 No.1705613
    >Chav telling another about him catching his girlfriend cheating so he bottled the guy. police show up and he hides in a bush nearby and waits for them to leave then goes back and bottles the girl
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)20:23:27 No.1709120
    what did all of you neets/shut ins/friendless giys do for your friday night and what are you all planning on doing for the weekend?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)20:29:13 No.1709180

    I was staring at my table for a few hours, I did that again Saturday night and will probably do it again tonight.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)22:37:56 No.1710382
    I need a job/flat in newcastle but it's impossible to get one without the other and the only jobs going are as trainee debt collectors which gives a good indication of the state of the economy, it feels wierd being in england and being desperate for any kind of work, I guess I've been hand fed by society for a few too many years
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)01:56:46 No.1712213

    that seems great, what will you be doing this upcoming week?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)10:21:06 No.1715132
    so i guess you neets are doing nothing for your weekend?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)13:20:12 No.1716344
    neet reporting in, what are you all up to?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)13:23:13 No.1716371
    that guy is fucking awesome
    i wish i was a chav
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)19:09:22 No.1719269
    today, i think i'll download skulltag for my laptop and game laying in my bed.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)21:18:12 No.1720772
    bumpan for more neets to contributed .
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)21:20:07 No.1720792
    well today i'm gonna finish advanced wars 2 then probably lurk more.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)00:28:44 No.1722932
    Have to go in today. Have not fallen asleep yet. I think I'll phone up and get it changed.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)03:01:41 No.1724744
    went out for a walk an was laughed at on the streets.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)03:27:34 No.1724990
    That sounds really depressing.
    My thoughts go out to you.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)03:31:54 No.1725016
    Former neet hwre. For the first time in over a decade i decided to go to a doc because i feel fukkin ill. Currently im in the waiting room for over thirthy minuets and i eel awful.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)03:56:37 No.1725243
    Morning fellow NEETS.

    share your stories, you might even get some help.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:37:22 No.1725926
    Just saw this posted on twitter.
    "Calling the woman at the job centre a cunt may not have been the best idea but that's what happens when ya treat people like shit! Bitch"
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)05:50:22 No.1725983

    When the economy went tits up in 2008, I was reading a book about Japan's "lost generation" and wondering if the same thing would happen here. Seems like it has. gg, world economy, gg.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)11:58:48 No.1727479
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)12:20:52 No.1727616
    I have two minimum wage jobs, and my roommate makes 13$ an hour, so we're able to live a semi comfortable life an a cheap apartment. I'm going to start working with a tileman now, who offered me 15$ an hour to be his full time assistant. My goal is to get good at tile, and get a license to do it independently one day. Those guys make like 600$ a week. You have to live an a highly urban area where there's always work though.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)15:23:44 No.1728932
    that feel wen watching all the land before time movies
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)15:39:09 No.1729080
    NEET for half a year now. Dropped out of uni twice from anxiety. Getting disability allowance now though "aspergers"(even though I'm just emotionally repressed).

    My parents have been guilting me recently and I feel quite bad. I was wondering if there's anyway I can sell my body to older guys? I'm 19 and slim and a boy. Or maybe I should try dating around on craigslist. There was a boy my own age I thought might like me but I've too nervous whenever I see him now so I just say "hi" politely, I was thinking of giving up on trying to get him to be my first friend/boy friend/best friend. Maybe my parents will lay off and I'll feel better though. I think I'll do some voluntary work or work experience soon.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)16:12:47 No.1729399
    Boyfriend is a neet, waiting for a response from a recent interview.

    >Had a job
    >His dad worked at the same place
    >His dad gets fired, and he doesn't
    >His Parents practically force him to quit before finding another job
    >'Another job will be easy to find' they say
    >A few months later; only a few interviews and no jobs
    >Constantly on his case to 'find a job'
    >Always going on trips, now planning trips to Las Vegas and Hawaii for the two of them
    >'Don't spend money/spend your money wisely!'
    >All of our hate
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)16:25:49 No.1729533
    As well as;

    >Have opening where I work
    >Boss tells me she would like to talk to boyfriend and would like to offer him a job
    >Tell boyfriend about this, both of us are excited
    >We tell his mother about it
    >'No you shouldn't do that. I think you should let Anon do this one.'
    >I hear a bit of a jeer in there, as it's my first job and she doesn't believe that it'll work out
    >'You should really find a job!!'
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)22:01:03 No.1733393
    how do you guys act towards your parents? What do they think of your lifestyle?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)02:04:59 No.1736003
    brmp for neets and their lifestyle bros
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)02:14:54 No.1736089
    they don't know

    i say i'm at university and that i can't work because i'm taking extra subjects and the workload is too great

    this isn't totally going to backfire on me in 6 months

    a lot of neets are unsatisfied with their lifestyle
    i find it fucking awesome
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)02:29:53 No.1736213
    I am chemically fizzing with rage
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)03:53:08 No.1736978
    9am appointment down the job centre.
    Will be resisting any attempt to be added to the workfare rolls.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)04:01:09 No.1737061
    Watch movies with mom. (she's unable to work due to two strokes)
    Play with dogs.
    Comic Books.
    Apply for the same places I applied to months ago in the hopes of them atleast calling me back.
    Feel like shit.

    I think my dad cares less about me doing nothing because I'm the youngest and a girl. But I can tell he's disappointed sometimes. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)04:14:12 No.1737159
    I'm pretty much a shut-in now. Moved house 20 minute drive away from where I used to live and my friends just stopped bothering with me.

    >drop out of college twice
    >start an apprenticeship, week later the funding gets pulled
    >play drums, nobody to form a band with and play locally for a little cash on the side
    >can't find a single appealing job
    >give up and just smoke weed every day

    Sometimes I feel like I'm wasting my life just sitting on videogames/internet/tv/whatever. I just can't find anything I'm truly good at (and that I actually like). Now the only time I ever really leave the house is to go the Job Center.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)04:37:09 No.1737319
    >had a dispute at connexions because basically I didn't apply for any of the shitty apprenticeships they wanted me to apply for
    >had this interview with a horrible bitter old woman who hated me for no reason
    >she refused my claim or something which resulted in the job center making me to do training.
    >they said they'd call me but they didn't so I'm kind of scared they'll pull some bullshit move and stop the money

    wouldn't put it past them. oh and either they took my green paper thing you give them each appointment or I've lost it. Am I fucked?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)04:40:24 No.1737346
    well it's like 1:39 AM
    and i woke up at like 7:00 PM
    all i've done so far is surf the internet and have a bubble bath
    i watched jay and silent bob strike back
    up all night now so i can go to my psychiatrist appointment in the morning
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)04:41:36 No.1737355
    depressing after waking up a 10pm, been up all night
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:38:58 No.1737719
    09:37am gotta go for a medical for my ESA at 10:30am

    I always fail every year then have to appeal.

    what a miserable life.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:48:11 No.1737781

    Should probably do something like getting ready
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:52:54 No.1737808
    I'm going to my weekly english class later, but since it's only 3 hours a week. Am I still a neet? I consider myself one since I don't do anything except for that.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:54:50 No.1737822
    I sign on for the first time at 11:20 gmt.

    I feel like a failure.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:55:46 No.1737828
    Same situation, different class.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)05:59:10 No.1737849

    moving moving.. putting clothes on.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:34:12 No.1738057
    I was a neet in canada up until a couple days ago, when I got an acceptance letter to a college program. Hooray. This kind of thing does breed more worries and brings me closer to independence. But mostly it allows me to keep feeling good about myself. I'm going to a job fair tomorrow, and I have an okay resume. The job market isn't super fucked here so it shouldn't be too hard to get a part time job. My motivation, lack of personality and socializing are the big problem
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)06:56:54 No.1738192
    Any new greentext stories from the job centre?

    From one job seeker to another. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:01:54 No.1738213
    got to get me some of that monthly tugboat
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:06:42 No.1738225
    I didn't do much. My friend came over to hang out earlier today. We started talking and debating about things like religion, politics, and sex. I told him that truly enlightened men are able to see sex for what it is, that gender really shouldn't play a part in the system of physical pleasure; a man giving another man a blowjob should be the same as a woman giving another man a blowjob or vice versa if you think about it. He had no rebuttal so he gave me a blowjob.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:09:09 No.1738235
    you sound like an even gayer version of the two guys in Dorian Gray
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:15:34 No.1738247
    >calls someone else gay
    >watches scrubs
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:29:21 No.1738288
    >only had a job for one summer out of my entire life
    >never finished college
    >live at home
    >leave the house once or twice a week
    >spend my days playing video games and browsing 4chan

    I'm pretty sure I'm going to be doing this when I'm 30. I remember when I used to enjoy the things I did, and when I used to have hope that I might have a real future. I miss those days.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:35:27 No.1738311
    yes! that was marvelous
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:35:49 No.1738313
    You are not chris chan. No tugboat for you.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:47:24 No.1738368
    I remember when i signed on once, after 2 weeks they sent me on a course...i attended, i sat down in this room with aload of chavs, this woman appears and told us all to be quite, she then gave us a piece of paper and said ''We will now practice doing a CV''...i stood up and walked the fuck out, they canceled my job seekers allowance (which i expected). A month later though i got myself a jurrrb. its absofuckinlutely ridiculous that you have to do some course and you are treated as if you are back in high school, it was pointless and degrading, i was like 22 at the time.

    Anybody else had an experience like this?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:00:41 No.1738441
         File: 1331640041.jpg-(8 KB, 230x220, 36666..jpg)
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    I'm with these guys

    I would say I'm fairly intelligent, but the reason for that is cause I've spent so many years being a loner i read/watch/learn stuff online. Like I've been into plants for some time and think i know a fair bit. I also waste alot of time learning stuff i doubt will be helpful, like to pass the time I've recently been trying to learn where all the countries in Africa are, got it half nailed at the moment, soon enough I'd be able to go through a blank map and out out every single one of them. Ahh i do hate my life sometimes. If i do speak to people though they tend not to listen to what i say, like if i know a subject they'd pass off my answer in favour of somebodies answer whose been to University, can get annoying that, cause i tend to only answer stuff i know, and alot of the time the persons answer they do believe over mine are wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:01:18 No.1738445
         File: 1331640078.png-(331 KB, 350x447, adsadsdadsadsad.png)
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    back and done for the day.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:05:20 No.1738461



    Did you get the job dude?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:11:42 No.1738493
    I'm in the same boat as everybody hear yet i have to see a Psychiatrist and Psychologist once every few weeks.

    >My parents go on holiday in a week for a few weeks
    >I'm 24 and ill have a free house
    >Wont have any house parties
    >Have no proper friends
    >Aint even mad
    >Free house means i can be more alone then normal
    >I enjoy being alone
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:14:21 No.1738504

    Here typo*, was typing fast/didnt read proof it
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:16:28 No.1738514
    employment & support allowence.

    I had a very boring interview with a muslim doctor asking me why I cant go out & what I do all day.

    which I will fail because I dont score enough points on physical disabilities.

    then I appeal & either win or go to tribuneral & win or fail & have no money to live on and die.

    I do this every 12 months. still better than signing on tho.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:23:24 No.1738547
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    Posting because I went to the Job Centre today for my regular 'sign on'. I am looking at doing some work experience. I rarely actually look for work, literally pulling ITB codes off the directgov website an hour before going to the appointment. Been doing this on and off for the past 4 years.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:24:16 No.1738552

    Yeah, Im >>1738493

    I have a fear of going outside, dunno why/cant really explain it other than...its a fear of going outside

    Started around 3 years ago, and my psychiatrist has to come to my local doctors (GP) to see me, i struggle to get there and i need somebody with me at all times, its around 15 doors down the road from me, i basically stay in all the time.

    My point is, i applied for it...and i failed it lol
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:29:02 No.1738567
    >Lost first real just
    >Go to college
    >Move out
    >End up cramming my last project the night before
    >Sleep in and fail
    >Now living next door to parent with my brother
    >Been NEET for almost a year
    >Almost ready to start my own company
    >Life is good

    As much as there is days I sit and do absolutely nothing and it kills me inside, I can't get a job due to shit grades and I hate the way jobs work. People taking advantage of there position and the fact your new. Maybe just my experiance, but the way I see it is the best way to get a job these days is to make one yourself
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:42:42 No.1738629
    Welp thanks for the new British words I've learned from this thread.
    Today I'll look for some jobs, cook food, watch tv. Repeat.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:51:10 No.1738669

    How long have you been on the dole?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:52:42 No.1738676
    Ive been on all benefits at some point & used to get kicked off for failing when I was a n00b.

    Now i understand the system more.

    you get your review form & a medical, you will not score enough points & will fail.

    you then have to fill in an appeal form, similar to the first. then u will either win that, or it will go to tribuneral, which is scary at first but if u cant go out alone u will win, u have to.

    I generally say I have a social anxiety disorder, this manifests itself in the form of agoraphobia, I cant go out alone & always require family member, no friends no hobbies etc.
    I say I have panic attacks generally become unwell its very stressful etc.

    treatment wise, my gp refers me to shrinks but they usualy say they cant help me cos im an arkward cunt.

    when asked when i had my last panic attack etc I say I avoid putting myself in such situations where I would have to go out.
    this usually shuts them up.

    You will be entitled to some benefits be it ESA, income support, or something similar.

    getting actual disability living allowence I think is harder. I dont.

    but u have to fight the system no matter what.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:58:40 No.1738708

    Current claim has existed for around 3 months. I was employed from August to December and signed on some time in January. Before that I had a job which lasted 3 years until I resigned in 2008.

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