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03/08/12(Thu)06:34:43 No.1679505The
job centre asked if I considered work experience (where I may or may
not get a job at the end) because I've been out of work so long. I
agreed. 2 days ago, I get a phone call telling me I have an interview the next day.
prepared all my shit, got there early, and they saw me right away. The
boss was busy, so some really attractive woman walked me into the
interview area, offered me a seat, and we casually discussed transport
and why I was interested in the job. I didn't even realise the interview
had started, its the first time I've been calm in one. then the boss
guy walks in, looking very similar to Robert De Nero. He shakes my hand
and sits down. He explains the job role, asks a couple of questions,
but nothing serious like my strengths and weaknesses, what my friends
think of me, or any other usual job bullshit. All that preparation in
the car on the way over there for nothing. He did however comment
that I looked very nervous, which alarmed me because I didn't think I
was showing it. It'd only came about after he entered the room. He
asked if I had any questions, and I asked what he'd most like to see in
me if I were to actually try to get a job at the end. He answered some
generic qualities, but said being a fast learner was important. He
offered me a tour of the place, and I took it. Then I was on my way. It was a pretty cool interview. It probably doesn't count as a real one. |