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  • File: 1331034037.jpg-(669 KB, 615x420, Men_D01(3649).jpg)
    669 KB Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)06:40:37 No.1657956  
    The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men

    They don't have jobs. They're dropping out of college. They play video games all day and watch porn all night. Even their sperm counts are low.

    Why won't guys grow up?

    What do you think of this /r9k/ ?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)06:45:19 No.1657973
    I don't think anyone will argue with you that todays world and society is fucking messed up.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)06:46:14 No.1657979
    Because this world is too wild and foreign it's too big and filled with egotistical people with their greed and sensually driven lifestyles.

    Sometimes I think most people aren't even human and most have lifestyles rather than lives.

    Your mother held to you and you held to your mother.. but she made you into the village idiot and the things you learn in schools aren't anything but some old man trying to prove something that probably didn't matter in the ultimate hands of the sheeple.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)06:48:17 No.1657984
    obvious reddit user is obvious
    >> Seriana !!ooPPuqnTfWS 03/06/12(Tue)06:51:37 No.1658000
    We are a generation of men raised by women who wanted men to become women.

    Now that their wish is coming true, everybody is confused and doesn't know what to do.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)06:55:27 No.1658025
    Single mothers are a blight on American culture. The "everyone gets a trophy" attitudes in todays schools couldn't have helped either.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)06:57:53 No.1658039
    The article is fundamentally correct in a lot of ways, to be honest.
    There's also a whole host of separate problems wrong with women, it's worth noting; the two are fundamentally linked.
    Not to mention the problems inherent with the previous generation, who have fucked up the world in more ways than we can even understand.

    But hey, that's just what life is. Fucked up, screwed up. Being judgemental doesn't help anyone; it only makes the problem worse and stigmatizes some elements of the wider issue.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)06:58:25 No.1658042
    lol are you certain that doesn't only apply to you?
    We just don't have jobs because there is no need to, wealth has increased and so has parent on child spending. And if you don't have a job you do things you like. Whether that is playing BF3 or buying clothes and reading the esquire.
    I read one page of that article and i t had /r9whine/ all over it. Also a lot of females are just becoming increasingly boring and arrogant. When you only have interests where other females can relate to don't expect a man to want more than sex. Certainly not when you can only whine about his attitude.
    Women are stupid and i don't respect them.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)06:58:27 No.1658044
    Politely requesting any kind of source on what you just said
    >> Buddha Bot !!VRYJTnKhVF0 03/06/12(Tue)06:58:47 No.1658045
    No matter what times we live in, the older generation will always view the younger generation as being lazy, incompetent, and not striving to work towards a better future. Hell, a majority of us are only in our early 20's, and yet we already look at disdain for those who are a mere 6+ years behind us.

    The entire article is moot; during the 50's you had the beatnik, the 60's had hippies, and the 70's, 80's, 90's all had the same exact thing, just a different style, a different set of ideas. We're not confused, and were not lazy. Studies have shown we are actually one of the most hard working generation since the past, and it's going to continue that way since the baby boomers fucked up every thing. Not to mention we're the most innovative, and forth right in ideas, culture, and technology. We barely have any boundaries, and are willing to go as far as life is willing to take us.

    Yes, we enjoy sitting inside playing video games, but that's the main stream form of entertainment today. In previous generations it might have been cards, or board games, what ever. The only ones who aren't being social with our given medium today only do so because they choose to. Hell, just browsing and posting on 4chan you are being social. It's a different interface, a different form.

    Our older generation just needs to shut the fuck up and die already. They fucked up the country beyond belief, they were the truly lazy ones, the ones that thought they were owed every fucking thing, when they didn't deserve shit and never worked for it. Their parents, our grandparents worked for that shit, not them. They reeped the rewards, and now they have the audacity to look back at us and say we're to blame? That's pathetic, but the baby boomers were always pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:04:48 No.1658064
    There aren't any fucking jobs? And college is a massive debt trap, with still sketchy job prospects at the end?

    It's easy to be "grown up" when you can drop out of high school and get a job that pays good wages in a factory, like in the 50s... And it's easy to stay in college and get a good job out of it when college is cheap, the alternative is to get drafted, and graduating puts you in a small group of professionals with extremely good prospects, which is what the situation was in the mid to late '60s when the baby boomers were in college...

    You think we're somehow magically different because of internet porn and video games? Shit, they had free love and drugs in the '60s, that shit is WAY stronger than some fucking porn and video games. We just got economically fucked, and now people are trying to blame us for being lazy, unmotivated, etc. Fuck them.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:07:43 No.1658081
    >They don't have jobs
    What jobs you baby boomer scum?
    >They're dropping out of college
    The college baby boomer scum forced on us when most of us should've been going to vocational school or getting set up with careers upon exiting high school?
    >They play video games all day and watch porn all night
    As evidenced by generation Y and Z being exponentially more well informed than your generation, baby boomer scumbag?
    >They even have low sperm counts
    Couldn't have anything to do with the pollution and shit food baby boomer shitfucks piled on us while we were developing, could it?

    TL;DR burn in hell baby boomers.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:08:44 No.1658086
    it's pretty simple. Porn, video games and the internet are addictions. Addicts eschew other activities for their addictions. When asked why they aren't getting anywhere, they just make up excuses.

    Women do not become addicted to these things. They are addicted to face book, socializing, and shopping, and food.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:09:08 No.1658088
    That picture is fucking stupid. Soldiers spend most of their time sitting around doing fuck all or crouched as low as physically fucking possible to avoid getting shot.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:11:54 No.1658101
    >What jobs you baby boomer scum?

    I don't really know what baby boomers are but in the UK an investigation has shown that for every 4 immigrants that come to this country 1 English person essentially loses a job.

    Immigration is 3 million plus per year these days (net migration ~200k). That's a lot of jobs.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:12:04 No.1658103
    I read this a couple of times but doesnt the "if you only have interests that the same gender can relate to dont expect the other gender to want anything more than sex" doesnt this go both ways, Female to male and male to Female?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:12:38 No.1658106
    the games rigged.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:14:30 No.1658120
    Emasculation of native men. It's real, it's happening.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:14:48 No.1658124
    After World War 2 when all the men came home they basically fucked like world champions for 10 years straight. Their wives just could not get enough of their war-hardened attractive husbands. They fucked like maniacs.

    Happened to a lesser degree in the rest of Europe though since so many European men died.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:19:49 No.1658145
    Of course it does. And that is why a lot of relationships are mostly about sex. Certainly among people under thirty. I'll give an example of how this works when a man is attracted to a female. Best example probably is the elusive "gamer girl" it is the dream of a lot of men to have one. Why? Simple just shared interests. Shared interests are usually the cause of a relationship, so the more you have, the better the relation. Now whether you boil it down to "a guy just wants a friend he can have sex with" or "When a man and woman can spend time together without getting bored/share interests it's called true love" Is up to you.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:20:53 No.1658150
    don't care, deal with it.

    u mad
    u jelly
    i not
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:26:55 No.1658176
    Certainly I can agree with the article but everything is not as black and white. Surely the women are whining how the men are not growing up but the women have also changed. The whole society has changed. It's a new playground with new rules. Although it does have some old rules due to it being established on the old the playground, it's still different and comparing it to old playground is just stupid.

    World has changed.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:27:07 No.1658177
    >But hey, that's just what life is. Fucked up, screwed up. Being judgemental doesn't help anyone; it only makes the problem worse and stigmatizes some elements of the wider issue.

    Thank you. The world needs more impartial views like this.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:28:03 No.1658182
    Is this some invented problem? Like most of my friends, I went to college, studied hard, got a job, and I'm close to owning my own house. I have nerdy hobbies, but they're offset by "normal" ones like motorcycle riding.

    Sound like this is the male version of editorials claiming that all of today's women are dirty cheating whores.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:28:30 No.1658184
    >Women fuck men over
    >Complain that men are fucked over

    Fucking women oriented society
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:31:25 No.1658199
    Why the fuck would men want to improve themselves to support today's women? They're terrible, and marriage is suicide for men.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:33:56 No.1658209
    >Women oriented society
    EXACTLY. Stop trying to impress the women. Stop trying to get into their panties and soon they'll beg you to come (well, maybe not but still). This society and our media honestly worships women. I'm not saying men have it hard either. It's just that when a woman complains about something everyone listens, when a man complains, well, you's jus' a weak momma's boeh.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:34:32 No.1658212
    >open up the article with a rant where if the genders were reversed the entire world would be crying sexism

    Not fucking reading this
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:38:57 No.1658228
    The article has a lot of good points.

    College is for pussies.
    Video games are for children.

    I'll just continue being awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:41:35 No.1658236
    I've just read the article, and it just reinforces what I said before: there are few good jobs, and for those few women are more likely to get hired.

    Basically, the entire article defined men by their success in the job market, and sexually... which is at least partly determined by success in the job market. So basically, the answer is still a) the economy is fucked.

    If your choice is live at home or be homeless, what the fuck are you going to do? When your parents figure out that you aren't about to magically land the sort of jobs they got fairly easily back in the day, what are they gonna do, kick you out? They're not that stupid.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:41:38 No.1658237
    Why bother acting as manly as my soviet-defying grandfather did, when I'd have to put in all that effort while getting no rewards what so ever?
    Yeah. Men are not lazy, rewards just suck, it's society's fault.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:43:49 No.1658248
    >Younger generations are so lazy
    They've been saying that since the beginning of civilization
    >Play video games all day
    It's a free, available entertainment medium. What's there not to love about it. There is no problem with playing video games all day if you've got nothing else better to do.
    >Watch porn all day
    Face it, you baby-boomers were jerking your meats to magazines and you went to porn theaters, we just have a greater access to porn.
    >Dropping out of college
    Because they're expensive as fuck
    >Grow up
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:44:19 No.1658250
    Why should i have to work? I don't undestand people who works hard. I can have a low paying job with not many hours and have enough money to live comfortably on my own. I don't want to get married and i certanly don't want children, i just want to enjoy life without having to work every hour of every fucking day.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:46:11 No.1658259
    I could move out of my parents house tomorrow.

    I would just then have about 50 pounds a week to live on.

    Is this really any more attractive to women?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:46:14 No.1658260
    >Complaining about video games
    What they fail to realize is that video games have the imagination of literature and the visual aspects of movies.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:48:06 No.1658268
    Yes. Yes it is. No one's saying you'll suddenly be fighting girls off with a stick on that money, but they'll definitely respect you more trust me I am one.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:49:14 No.1658270
    What if I moved away from home and live with my grandmother and pay half of the rent with her?

    My girlfriend loves me and loves talking with my grandma so it's a win/win for me. Also my grandma's 60.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)07:49:18 No.1658271
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:03:52 No.1658299
    Men move out of home to be more successful with women. Men work more to provide for women. Men need careers to support marriage.

    Men don't care now because they aren't interested in modern women. Sex? Find a barslut or a hooker. Companionship? Get a Cat. Marriage? It has become something to desperately avoid, rather than strive to achieve.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:07:25 No.1658307
    the whole article came off ass BAAWWWWW WHY WONT MEN GROW UP AND SUPPORT US WOMMNZ!

    thats what i got out of it. meh i'll stick to my single living...booty games and doing whatever I want. fuck growing up to support golddigging whores that offer nothing but vagina and stale conversation.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:07:45 No.1658311
    Its kinda hard to move out when the only jobs available are part time minimum wage retail. Sure as a guy you could go to "college" and rack up 100k of debt and still have no prospects. Women pretty much just sleep their way through the top or find a rich dude to support her.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:08:23 No.1658315
    Article makes perfect sense. Im certainly going to aim for "manhood" but I know I'll probably be living at home til Im about 24-25, Im 20 now. Good thing my parents are loaded.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:13:15 No.1658333
    This made me lol, thanks OP.

    "real men give me money all the time !!! why u no real men"
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:13:37 No.1658337
    I remember when I didn't hate women.

    Then I started spending a lot of time on the internet and learned that they only reason I didn't hate them was because I had no experience talking to them or learning about them.

    And the internet showed me their true form.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:16:00 No.1658348

    I started hating people in general the more I browsed trough the internet.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:16:46 No.1658350
    Yeah, that was my point.

    Guess I should have worded it better but it's 8am and I haven't slept
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:16:57 No.1658352
    >"The majority of the guys my age that i meet are immature," says Jessica Claremon, a blunt, outspoken 24-year-old who grew up in Fort Washington and now lives in New York City, where she works for Nickelodeon.

    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:17:46 No.1658355
    depart thee back to the sour lakes of reddit

    take your dumb "manhood" shit with you
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:21:18 No.1658364
    Kill yourself, spoilt rich cunt.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:22:15 No.1658368
    Women were given permission and were encouraged to work. Now the status and benefits of having a job as a man is greatly lowered. Hence they don't work.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:27:37 No.1658384
    Yeah, I like videogames. What was this article about again?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:32:07 No.1658398
    Im 25 and i support my wife (unemployed) and child (1 year old). I work 50 hours a week, and go to school (9 credits a semester). I am in my last semester of college. I have worked since I was 16.

    I used to sit around all day and play videogames for hours and hours and hours. It is really all I did with my life for a long time. The only positive thing I did was attending school part time, and working.

    Eventually having a kid kicked me into high gear. I think the added responsibility but me in a sink or swim situation and I swam. Some people flourish under those conditions, others fail.

    If it wasnt for having a child I would most likly be single, smoking weed daily, and unemployed. I would still be struggling to pay my WoW membership while living at home at my parents.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:34:08 No.1658407
    Your new life seems great, glad you made it big
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:34:33 No.1658409
    Don't be jealous mate, I'm just luckier and richer than you.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:36:52 No.1658422
    So now that youve seen both (extreme) sides, is your current situation worth it? I mean youre probably biased now cause of your love for your kid and wife but damn you never have sparetime left?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:37:20 No.1658424
    From the pic, who had more fun in their life, the coal miner or the gamer?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:41:10 No.1658438

    Who will be remembered for longer?

    >the correct answer is 'neither'
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:42:03 No.1658441
    If you're basing your life on how long you'll be "remembered" you're doing it wrong. Because you'll be dead anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:43:49 No.1658450
    Could you send me some money?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:43:56 No.1658452

    Exactly. In the long run they both end up the same, i.e. plantfood.

    Not to say what happens in the middle isn't important.

    Who would we say learned more?
    Who lived for longer?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:49:47 No.1658483
         File: 1331041787.jpg-(7 KB, 200x261, 69..jpg)
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    >lol you male so stupid, why you only play vidya?!?!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:49:53 No.1658484
    No fucking jobs.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:51:48 No.1658489
    Ugly bitch. The opinions of ugly people have no value.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:51:56 No.1658490
    >be 21
    >live with parents
    >have a job where i make 400 yuros per month
    >my dad buyed me a Mercedes for shits and giggles
    >watch porn after work and play videogames
    >always wear nice clothes

    Feels Good Man
    i can buy all the Shit i want and my parents are throwing money in my face
    Stay jelly poorfags
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:53:27 No.1658499
    Kill yourself, human vermin.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:57:20 No.1658519
    Sounds like they're more interested in enjoying the pleasures modern life can give one than becoming successful under the conventional definition.

    Sounds fine to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:02:32 No.1658547
    I hope your family spends a lot of money to give the rest of us better jobs and stimulate growth.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:04:33 No.1658565
    >that feel when i'm posting from my new iphone 4S
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:09:05 No.1658581
    Living with housemates makes me hate people in general more.

    The way people are so petty, so passive (or conversely, over the top confrontative and big mouthed), so selfish - we are moving house next year and the girls, who demanded the best rooms this year, are again demanding the best rooms next year, and one guy who has one of the other best bedrooms wants the master bedroom while us others have the shittest bedrooms and the others are attempting to relocate us to the shittest rooms AGAIN.

    I lose faith in humanity daily.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:09:13 No.1658583
    How or why am I supposed to grow up? I don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:10:56 No.1658591
    Then don't live with housemates.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:12:11 No.1658597
    So many women say this. It's fucking ridiculous.

    >I'm not attracted to most guys. Therefore there must be some kind of great social problem
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:12:45 No.1658599
    No other options for the next 2 years unfortunately. And even after that...I could save a lot of money.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:13:54 No.1658603
    >he works
    How plebeian. I just go to Uni and have no need for jobben like my acquaintances.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:16:36 No.1658614

    You will respect us more, for financially stabbing ourselves in the foot, when we dont have to?

    Real sweet hun. Think ill just go back to ignoring your type of women altogether.
    >> feminazi mangina !!YCePg6TwzZ5 03/06/12(Tue)09:16:40 No.1658615
    Articles like this have appeared 10 years ago, 2000 years ago, and they will probably still appear in 2000 years, assuming we manage to survive till then.

    Civilization is seemingly ALWAYS in crisis.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:18:13 No.1658621
    >this thread

    Who fucking cares?
    I don't live at home, but I still take issue with this.
    If society keeps going and people have food and shelter, who gives a shit about attitudes that hurt no one (but themselves, some might argue).

    I just want health and something to occupy my time. I would have no qualms living with my parents if it were feasible.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:19:15 No.1658627
    Lol, yep. The stakes are higher for men, they get no support, social status is about everything except academic standing, and no one will congratulate your success anyways. Why the fuck is anyone surprised men would rather play video games and drink?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:19:54 No.1658628
    I'm only working 25 hours. I could work more hours for more money, but I can support myself and pay my bills (yes, including rent for my appartment).
    I'm fapping all the time despite having a girlfriend and regular sex. It's easier and feels more or less the same with lube and deathgrip, so why the hell not.
    I'm playing video games all the time because it's fun.
    I'm definitely not going to marry or have kids any time soon.
    I've never even been to college because fuck a 100.000$ debt.
    All of that apparently makes me less of a man. But I don't care, I'm happy with my life.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:20:00 No.1658629
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    This is nothing new. People will continue writing about this for years without actually doing anything.

    You're partially correct.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:20:09 No.1658631


    >it's not me, it's everyone else in the whole of society
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:20:25 No.1658633
    >The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men
    >They don't have jobs. They're dropping out of college.
    The economy is shit, and guys are resentful towards education partially thanks to female teachers shitting on them in their formative years. In addition, they're sidetracked by retarded mores like defining mature/immature as
    >They play video games all day and watch porn all night. Even their sperm counts are low.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:21:19 No.1658636
    Every case is different. I live at a home - but only until I pay off my student loan and build up a modest pile of cash.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:21:56 No.1658639
    I wish everyone could just play vidya all day, there would be less wars.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:22:26 No.1658640


    We have to pigeonhole every member of a given group into a stereotype!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:24:49 No.1658648
    >assholes and fuckheads are the ones who get laid at bars and can pick up chicks
    >complains when men adapt to their standards

    >men play video games for fun
    >females watch Jersey Shore, read cosmo, ect.
    >mature as faurk

    >implying males want to get married
    >implying the end game of life is to have kids
    >implying females won't have to sleep in this bed they, themselves, shit in.

    Fuck this gay earth
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:25:39 No.1658651
    I'm working a job that doesn't pay particularly well, but is fun and pays my bills. I spend most of my spare time drinking with my bros, fapping or playing dem vidya. Like once a week I'll get a hooker. Why would I want a wife and kids? Why would I want a job that pays a lot but crushes my soul?

    Society wants you to get a job you hate and work 80 hours so you can pay alimony to your wife after she divorces you and takes your house and pay a shitload of taxes. Because being a man, all you are good for is working and paying. Unless there's a war of course, in that case you get even more of those male priviledges and can bleed to death in a trench thousands of miles away from your home. Fuck this society, really.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:26:11 No.1658655

    This is exactly my plan as well.

    If the sole reason of living at home. To ensure myself and my future S.O a more stable and secure future is something that repels women, than frankly i really dont want those women. Only problem with this is it seems 90% of women what you out of your parents home "ON YOUR OWN" (I'm not talking about a moving out and living together situation here). Just so she can tick another item off her checklist for her 'ideal man'.

    And somehow that doesn't make them entitled?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:27:26 No.1658661
    Here! Here!
    Why should I attempt to live the best life available to me? Mediocrity does a good enough job.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:28:42 No.1658664
    >be single male
    >work out of high school
    >save and invest
    >go to school
    >have own place
    >pay own way out of savings
    >don't leech off parents
    >don't leech of government
    >no job, no wife, no kids
    >play vidya, watch porn
    >society labels me a manchild

    what the fuck sort of superman am I supposed to be to avoid manchild-status?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:28:47 No.1658665
    I live at home and my family couldn't stay afloat without my contribution to the household. I've had to pay off bailiffs for bills that weren't mine (or even collective) more than once.

    Such is the life of a Britpoor from a large, working class family.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:28:53 No.1658666
    Actually, yes. I'm quite happy and that's all that counts for me. I don't need to be a Fortune 500 CEO to be happy you know.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:28:55 No.1658667

    >implying you aren't actually already living the best life available.

    Sure is great working your fingers to the bone and never being able to enjoy any of the money you are making.

    Of course some people like it, and good for them. But ya cant expect everyone else to like it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:30:48 No.1658673

    I agree actually.
    If success doesn't make you happy, why strive for it?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:33:13 No.1658683
    >he goes to uni
    enjoy your shitty degree while i do fucking nothing (20 hours per week is chilled as fuck)
    my familys business is already running on their own and when i get it i will be fucking rich
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:33:21 No.1658684
    Get married and have kids.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:34:23 No.1658692
    All that money and you can't spell.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:36:36 No.1658700
    Yeah, Klinische Pharmazie is just a useless major like art. I bet you're a prolet.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:37:12 No.1658703

    im not jelly... I have tons of money in investments and am very quickly approaching the lvl of income your at.

    feels good man
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:38:22 No.1658708

    Kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:39:19 No.1658710
    Why? Why not?

    It's easy. Today you don't have to do much of anything and you can get away with it. Why would someone subject themselves to stress and forced responsibility when they know they don't *have* to do it? People today are living in luxury, and they'll enjoy it and suck it dry until the day they're forced to give a damn.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:43:17 No.1658722
    >must have wife to not be manchild
    >must not be manchild to have wife

    nah, it's probably that i need to finish school and find a job. not just any job, but one with sufficient pay and status to make me worth mating with.
    i'll be old as fuck by then, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:43:28 No.1658724
    Man applying for a job:
    >how many journals did you edit?
    >you only edited 2
    >we might not be able to find a place for you

    Woman applying for a job:
    >how does 160k plus a path to partnership sound?
    >by the way where did you go to school?

    >Lazy man scum, why don't you have a job?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:45:19 No.1658731
    Western women have crazy standards. I'm getting a foreign bride online (Asian or African, the Russian ones are basically like western women now)
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:47:09 No.1658739
    Every REAL MAN should strive for acquiring massive debt in college, work 70 hours a week to pay it off while making more debt due to acquiring an unnecessarily large home. Also you should marry and have kids before you are 25. You're all fucking pussies, man are only there to work, work and work some more until their dying breath. Joy in life is for women and wealthy people you pigs.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:47:25 No.1658742
    >not getting a hispanic girl who loves family
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:50:34 No.1658750
    >written by a woman

    No surprise there.

    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:51:35 No.1658756
    >that feel when I've completely cut out seeking a relationship or sex with a woman

    I don't give a shit what a girl thinks about me sitting around all day every day dicking around on Logic and Ableton making music or getting drunk/high with my dear dear friends at 20 years old.

    If old people and women my age don't like it then so be it. Liberate yourselves, my brothers, and disregard females.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:51:56 No.1658757
    As a 26 year old, married woman, I really enjoyed this article. I thank my lucky stars every day for my husband, who is a business owner at 28. We both have successful careers, own a home, and are planning to grow our family soon. The "men" I went to school with were pitiful. I think this article has a lot of valid and lucid points.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:53:23 No.1658763
    >not using all your hard earned money for yourself

    If you enjoy porn, booze and vidya you have every right in the world to get as much of them as you want to. Screw women and their perception of what a man is supposed to do or be like. It usally involves working 60+ hours a week in a terrible job for her material benefit anyway. The only thing you should strive for is your personal happiness.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:53:43 No.1658765
    >women are house-wives and can't get jobs
    Poor things, we need to help them!

    >men are loners and can't get jobs
    Lazy assholes, we need to kick them in their asses!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:54:50 No.1658769
    Fuck yeah.


    >What, me? I'm a real woman, I'm supposed to have curves!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:56:11 No.1658772
    Well Latin America is a market for 'mail order brides' (bit of a stupid term since it applies you spend money) too
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:56:22 No.1658775
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    >The majority of the guys my age that I meet are immature
    >I would never call them men.
    Shut the fuck up, bitch. I'msick of this feminist bullshit, It's funny that women can do what they want and choose the life they want, but if a man wants the same he's a man-child. Don't you see the hypocrisy of women defining what it is to be a man while men are told to shut on how women should be women.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:58:23 No.1658787
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    >her face when she discovers the guy she met earns less than 100.000 a year at age 25
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:58:56 No.1658790
    >menchildren complaining about people calling them manchildren

    Calm down, guys. If you don't like the term then don't live the life.

    Ohh butbut those women are so MEAN to me and and they control society and make me FEEL BAD about myself and and it's just so haaaard! *sob*
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:59:00 No.1658791
    You don't even have to go to latin america. Find one who came to the US at 2-3 and she will have perfect english without the destructive US culture.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:01:14 No.1658800

    >womanchildren feeling entitled to their prince charming.

    How bout take that hypocrisy and jam it right up your gaping cunt.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:01:30 No.1658801
    Really? Even despite living there and going to school there for 20 years or whatever? Well, fair enough, that's easier if you find one suitable.

    But there are always marriage tours operated by marriage agencies if that sort of 'organic' searching fails. The bottom line is nobody needs to know how you met except you and your life.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:02:36 No.1658804
    *your wife

    two hours left of the working day, time to start derping all over the place
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:03:02 No.1658805
    >"There's more competition from women." What happens when women outperform men? Men withdraw from the field. Women, Schwartz says, are invested in economic success, but it doesn't define them_ "The stakes are still higher for men. If you lose your job, you're a failure."

    And the entire article enhances that notion.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:03:44 No.1658808
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    I should buy futures in catfood, rocking chair, and knitting supply companies.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:03:53 No.1658809

    Ooo, someone doesn't like to be called out on crying like a bitch. Umad
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:04:18 No.1658812
    When they get home from school the feminist propaganda gets counterbalanced by family values from the hardworking father and mother.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:07:00 No.1658821
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    Masterful, i can have that glorious bachelor lifestyle while making even MORE money.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:08:16 No.1658824
    >Constant access to porn has desensitized them; they can't get it up with live girls.
    >One in five men ages 18 to 25 are now classified as "sub--fertile" because of low sperm count and quality, both of which have been dropping in the developed world for the past 50 years.

    Psychologically conditioned erectile dysfunction CANNOT lead to bad sperm.
    The article seems to try to blame everything on porn and video games.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:09:30 No.1658830

    ahh yes, the feminist propaganda in schools of how boys get more attention because they're rowdier, of how they're gently discouraged from math and science because "That's way too hard for you sweety, why don't you take this nice pottery class instead?", how the extreme emotional bullying between girls is overshadowed by the physical bullying between boys, oh man feminist propaganda all up in that bitch
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:10:09 No.1658831
    >24/7 feminist propaganda since the day they're born
    >estrogen in the drinking water
    >everythink remotely masculine is seen as while

    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:11:08 No.1658835
    Why would I get in debt to educate myself so I can get a high paying job only to be rejected by every single woman on Earth because I don't fall into the "alpha male" mold that's nothing more than a rapist with good looks?

    You tell me my genes suck for making babies, yet I should support you and your crotchspawn after you get fucked by some guy who didn't give a shit and you were too dumb to murder the baby while it was still legal?

    Fuck you. I'll stay at home, pay hookers and cam whores for my sexual pleasure, play video games and do everything I can to forget the 15 years of rejection I've lived so far.

    I did everything society told me that a man should do, only to find out eventually that none of that matters. Your grades don't matter, popularity doesn't matter, money doesn't matter, it doesn't even fucking matter how you look. The only thing that women care about is being disrespected and spat upon.

    If you are unlucky enough to be raised to respect women you will die alone.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:11:31 No.1658838

    >spouting feminist propaganda, while complaining about the apparent lack of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:11:40 No.1658839
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    > 2012
    > this article
    > not citing The Behavioral Sink

    > With more and more peers to defend against, males found it difficult and stressful to defend their territory, so they abandoned the activity. Normal social discourse within the mouse community broke down, and with it the ability of mice to form social bonds. The failures and dropouts congregated in large groups in the middle of the enclosure, their listless withdrawal occasionally interrupted by spasms and waves of pointless violence.

    Essentially, our destiny has been written in the metrosexual narcissism of overcrowded rats.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:13:09 No.1658850
    To be honest, there's disadvantages for both sides.

    What's interesting is a lot of the 'feminisation of schools' as it is usually characterised is the sort of thing beta from /r9k/ should agree with - less emphasis on competitive sports and physical pursuits etc.

    Also the prioritising of other learning styles than 'learning by rote' is often cited as 'feminising' or giving advantage to females despite the fact huge amounts of males would also prefer to learn in this way, and same sex male environments have also progressed in this way.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:13:36 No.1658852
    >you will never live in the physical version of /r9k/ withdrawing listlessly inbetween the waves of violence
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:13:59 No.1658856
    sI used to play games and fap all day while imagining how awesome and relaxed a whole life like that would be. Last couple of years that changed because of my hunger for succes, i really do asipre to be a top performing and make a lot of money. This all boils down to me feeling like a useless faggot, im possibly a product of the kind of people that write rageblogs and created this society. Cant help it, im very sensitive about what people think of me
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:14:37 No.1658861
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    This article is laden with false perceptions of manhood, broad fallacies, half-truths, and glib's perhaps useful for trolling purposes.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:17:41 No.1658874
    What's interesting is a lot of the 'feminisation of schools' as it is usually characterised is the sort of thing beta from /r9k/ should agree with - less emphasis on competitive sports and physical pursuits etc.
    No that's bullshit, what males seek is competition inside the classroom. I don't wanna sit there and listen like a child, I wanna prove that I'm better than everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:19:45 No.1658883
    Betas don't like being beta. They wish they weren't beta, but being raised by woman makes them much more likely to become beta.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:31:34 No.1658919

    How long did it take for you to feel that way? Sometimes I feel like there is something deeply imbedded in my core that prevents me from wanting to do anything productive ever and it would be reassuring if it's just a phase. Either that or I have ADD or something and I don't know it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:39:18 No.1658963
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    First, source needed for such a claim. Weasel words such as "studies" say absolutely without the actual source assuming it is a non-biased, professional study in the first place.

    Second, assuming that were true, our labor market rewards those who are 1) motivated 2) willing to take risks 3) relentless and 4) willing to succeed. The fact that immigrants often leave everything behind for an uncertain future in a foreign land where they'll likely work low wage jobs and be treated like trash, pretty much fills the bill 1 through 4. If this work ethic is simply not present in the native population they can either idle away and decay, or compete against these people (not really--most people aren't fighting over cleaning toilets) properly attuned work ethic.

    In essence, if immigrants are better cut for a market oriented economy while native populations are not, how is it wrong for them to play by the rules simply because there will be sore losers? You seem to believe things should be handed down from heaven while you sit back and do nothing. If you ever want to complain about something in your country, blame yourself for you are clearly part of that lazy, unmotivated, resignated part of society that rather complain and blame everything on everyone else but is unwilling to change or do anything for yourself or anyone else.

    They're not the problem. You're the problem. Quit whining like a baby.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:42:07 No.1658975
    I agree with the article.

    The thing about /r9k/ is, they're half a man.

    They go on hating women and the world, but they're not man enough to do anything about it.

    Like MANNING UP.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:44:12 No.1658988
    Women are oblivious to a lot. This means they can go by their daily lives without thinking about not much except "I need to work hard to be successful". This is why they move out, get jobs and look for a husband, constantly striving for an idealistic life. Where as young men can do that if they want, but also have a great ability to not give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:45:02 No.1658992
    Of course that isn't to say the women are any better.

    In fact they're much worse.

    But you have to fight for your rights, /r9k/.

    Nothing is given to you on a silver platter.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:47:41 No.1659002
    Because there's nothing good about growing up. Too bad we saw through society's scam.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:51:20 No.1659021
    Counter rage. A women with a brain.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:53:20 No.1659031
    I think it developed during my study, its hard to pinpoint. Now that im nearing the end of my study and will start working fulltime by the end of this year, being 23, i keep giving it more thought. The fact that vidya cant keep me occupied as much as in the past cause of shitty games clouded my younger dreams too.

    Anyway theres a lot of people whining wuuuu i dun wunna wark shitty job 60hr/week, well go find something you enjoy. I found my passion and working fulltime wont be considered a punishment at all
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:56:45 No.1659048
    I'm a female and I'm disgusted by a lot of your responses to the article.

    Is it really so hard to just get a job, get married, and have kids? Maybe the reason so many of you can't find a girl is that you still live with mommy and daddy and have no desire to get married.

    I think of you men as less than women, if you won't get married, then what use do you have to me?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:58:15 No.1659055
    >They don't have jobs.
    Work is for suckers.
    >They're dropping out of college.
    I fucking hated every second of college and I wish I'd dropped out sooner (Or just never went). Curse my school for grooming me for higher education.
    >They play video games all day and watch porn all night.
    I barely play videogames and I maybe watch a couple hours of porn a week. I read and write all day and watch a couple films each nigh. Except for weekends when my girlfriend drags me around the city (I am too beta to dump her).
    >Even their sperm counts are low.
    This is great news.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:58:21 No.1659056
    if you can't troll effectively or frankly even in a mediocre fashion, what use are you to me?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:02:02 No.1659073
    That blog has to be authored by someone with a Y-chromosome. There's no other way.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:04:50 No.1659091
    I think its more along the lines of the evolution of society than simply the fault of a gender. Men are still raised to solve real problems. To work with their hands, to go to war, to be active and imaginative. Yet In this plasticine hell that is modern society, there are no wars to win, no difficulty to survival, and nothing to innovate. Meaning men are basically unnecessary.

    While women have always been raised to consider social value the absolute highest concern. If anything, modern society has made their lives harder by increasing the vectors from which they can judge each other.

    But reflecting upon the faults of a society utterly devoted to mediocrity and stagnation (because that's whats profitable!) doesn't guarantee hits to a website.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:07:03 No.1659100
    I know, its hard to believe right?

    >For women, marriage is all benefit and zero risk, and that's why women are whining about men's reluctance to tie the knot. But for men, it's the other way around--no guaranteed benefit, and the kind of risk an adrenaline junkie would eschew.

    >A woman cannot get the benefits of marriage she's after without being married (either legally or common law). She can't get the benefit of his resources in the same way as if she was living with him, or of his assistance in raising her children.

    >A man can get all the benefits of marriage he's after without being married. He can get sex. He can get companionship and intimacy. He can father children. All without marriage, or even commitment.
    >> Gentleman !!bwC6Vw/YRVB 03/06/12(Tue)11:07:38 No.1659105
    Because only men can think logically?

    1/10 Got me to reply.
    >> feminazi mangina !!YCePg6TwzZ5 03/06/12(Tue)11:09:08 No.1659119
    >Yet In this plasticine hell that is modern society, there are no wars to win, no difficulty to survival, and nothing to innovate
    and everything stagnates, as is evidenced by the utter lack of scientific and artistic events in the past decades

    What is wrong with your brain
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:10:13 No.1659126
    >we're currently in a state of stagnation manipulated and maintained by corporate interest
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:10:14 No.1659127
    Good lord, she also made a youtube video.
    Why do I not meet women like this in real life?..
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:11:02 No.1659134
    Because women are afraid to speak out in real life for fear of social stigma.
    >> feminazi mangina !!YCePg6TwzZ5 03/06/12(Tue)11:11:28 No.1659136
    I don't know, what's your guess?

    The current state of stagnation brought us to the moon and the very internet you're using to say stupid things in public.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:12:48 No.1659145
    Solving the problems of war and hunger were the only reasons there was any technological advancement.

    Now the only thing that is developing are tools for social interaction. Which is and always has been exclusively the realm of women.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:14:01 No.1659149
    You remember that thing that ended before you were born? You might've heard about it in history class one day. I think it was called the frozen conflict or something.

    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:14:45 No.1659153
    Yep, all men are socially inept losers, just like all women are vapid whores.
    >> feminazi mangina !!YCePg6TwzZ5 03/06/12(Tue)11:17:12 No.1659169
    So the internet was invented to beat the sovjets? DNA was discovered to disprove Lysenkoism then I guess, and the people who're still trying to develop nuclear fusion are just doing that because they started during the cold war and nobody told them they can stop.

    Ah, I see: everything DOES look like a nail when all you got is a hammer.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:18:47 No.1659177
    ITT: the pinnacle of monolithic ideologies derived from the pathetic cognitive dissonance that keeps you neckbeards alive.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:20:55 No.1659193
    The ARPAnet and TCP/IP were developed in the 70s. If they weren't, we likely wouldn't even have an internet.

    Work on the human genome was also started during the cold war. It actually hit a funding crisis when the wall fell.

    Nuclear sciences only exist because of the atomic bomb.

    Thanks for playing.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:21:01 No.1659194
    Here's your source, sir.

    bla de bla blox
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:25:47 No.1659220
    This is a very interesting article. Thank you anon.

    Very worrisome.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:26:16 No.1659224
    >go to college
    >no sex
    >no sex
    >get a good job
    >no sex

    Meanwhile, my friend:
    >drop out of college
    >work dead end job for bare minimum to survive
    >women, women EVERYWHERE

    as soon as my lease is up im moving somewhere i can afford on minimum wage. you get the men you deserve, ladies, stop fucking deadbeats.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:26:42 No.1659226
    Forgot link, durr
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:28:25 No.1659231
    >have priorities beyond fucking
    >get no sex
    Its funny how that shit works.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:30:49 No.1659244
    >Why do I not meet women like this in real life?..

    Because there are only 6 of them in all of history. 4 are dead and 1 of the others is a lesbian.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:33:40 No.1659255
    1/10. Too obvious. Be more subtle next time.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:37:57 No.1659269
    >parents stress that hard work will get me a good life
    >work hard in high school to get into a good college
    >Work hard in an engineering program at college
    >graduate with a non-shit GPA
    >employer: "lol we don't want to hire your lazy early 20's ass"
    >McDonalds: "lol you are too educated to be a good McDrone"
    >no job = no money
    >forced to live with parents
    >spend free time doing what I enjoy, part of which is video games
    >get called lazy and un-motivated.

    Here is a solution for the women complaining about all the lazy men out there: Quit your job. If every woman quit her job there will then be plenty of jobs for men.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:38:06 No.1659270
    in a sane world that gets you respect and admiration and a good wife

    in the modern world that gets you divorced for not being "exciting" enough.

    It's not just that you get sex for prioritizing sex, they made a world where they actively punish men for being hardworking and responsible and where deadbeat sociopaths get all the rewards. so fuck them. fuck their society. fuck everything.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:38:35 No.1659272
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    > Left on their own in nests subject to invasion, nursing females attacked their own young. Procreation slumped, infant abandonment and mortality soared. Lone females retreated to isolated nesting boxes on penthouse levels.

    > Other males, a group Calhoun termed "the beautiful ones," never sought sex and never fought -- they just ate, slept, and groomed, wrapped in narcissistic introspection. Elsewhere, cannibalism, pansexualism, and violence became endemic.

    > Mouse society had collapsed.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:39:48 No.1659278
    it's funny

    my father, probably a fairly old school guy having served in the old communist china as a captain in the armed forces or something, grew up all during the revolution and cold war, his dad was colonel or something, basically he had a talk to me one day.

    Said that he doesn't want me to support him when he gets old or anything, he only wants to see me with a job, degree, a wife and kids. Like that was his ultimate goal in life, just to see me with those things.

    but goddamn

    I dropped out of uni and can't talk to girls for fear of spaghetti flowing everywhere. And fuck being married.

    not sure why I posted this other than to show that there's this pressure on young males like me to do certain things that they can't either do or don't want to do.

    also sorry dad
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:41:17 No.1659289
    >be too ugly and low quality to get a decent man
    >cry about how it's society's fault
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:47:04 No.1659319
    You don't really NEED to do much anymore. Just get a decent job that can allow you to support yourself and that's it. Why work your ass off more than necessary? To please some woman? Equality bitches, you wanted it, you've got it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:47:51 No.1659324
    I'm living 5000 km's away from my parents and family, in a share house with other early 20 year olds, go to university full-time WHILE earning $450 Aus cash a week working part time, drive a nice car, dress well, play a team sport, and have interest in both fitness and film.

    But I haven't had sex in 2 years because I'm too "nice" and girls just want arrogant assholes who treat them like shit, because apparently thats whats alpha. I don't even try anymore, video game females always love me for who I am.

    >Disregard wenches, acquire currency
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:51:27 No.1659336
    A lot of people don't seem to realize these days that with the freedom offered women, there was a complete shift. Simply because it has happened only in the past 80 years, which, really isn't that much time at all for social-economic change. I am NOT blaming women. This is just a natural process of change.

    Men only used to work, every job was only given to men so they exclusively held them, then women started, less jobs for men, less "Manly" men bringing the bread home.

    This results in a increase in men lost, they turn to less ambitious things such as video games or menial jobs to just roll through life.

    More women are encouraged these days to have high ambitions. Means more successful women and less jobs for ambitious men. Especially since a large amount of diversity is encouraged these days. More jobs hire women because they are desired by men, this works especially in sales.

    Not to even factor in the great increase in population in the last 400 years and the effect global communications has had on life.

    There is simply not enough jobs for everyone to be working. More things are becoming automated, less man power is needed.

    Now to bring in the American dream! The perfect house, that awesome car! More debt. More debt. MORE DEBT!

    Thus leading to the collapse of the economy and even LESS jobs being offered due to less profits for companies with more employees.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:53:36 No.1659346
    Don't let women define what 'manhood' is brah.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)12:02:09 No.1659384
    This is why. I know how it feels to be pressured to be perfect and smart, good with women, expectations of higher education and grandiose life styles.

    All this never was a reality. It's possible, but not realistic.

    Think of the others that have come before us.

    How many kings to farmers?
    How many popes to worshipers?
    How many colonels to privates?
    How many bosses to laborers?
    How many Engineers to technicians?
    How many doctors to nurses?

    How many of the great, to the martyrs?

    We are simply as we always have been gentlemen and we are really pissed off about it.

    Not even referencing fight club
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)12:02:15 No.1659385
    Why the hell should I care about what society or women want? Things are different now. The old social contract between men and women is broken. Now men can redefine masculinity for themselves. Men are reacting to the changing climate. There's no going back to the way things used to be. I've seen how fathers are removed from families. I've experienced first hand how education is set up specifically for female success. I'm not going to be anyone's wage slave or servent. I'm going my own way. Nobody is entitled to my labour or the fruits of my labour. I don't owe any woman commitment or money or sperm or anything. The picture above the article says that men have devolved. But the supposed ideal on the far left is not what I want to be. That man works horrible hours and destroys his health to support a woman. I won't do that. a woman or a family is not worth that. A family is now a woman and her children. The father can be removed in an instant. He only exists to have resources extracted from him.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)12:05:41 No.1659400
    I think this is pretty cool, in a "unconscious and halfassed attempt at abolishing the wage system" kind of way. Of course it's not going to work, but it's a start. I hope women follow suit and maybe we can realize that the one life you're given isn't meant to be spent working for shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)12:08:19 No.1659418
    >that feel when i'm 28 and get to be in the tail-end of the generation of men who weren't destroyed by the internet and modern video games
    >that feel when my fiance actually went to university for a non-retarded degree and made something of himself as men don't do anymore
    >that feel when he always buys me dinner and never lets me pay for anything, opens doors for me, beats the shit out of guys who harass me and treats me like gold
    >girls who are even a couple years younger will never get to be with men like this

    it is a positive feel
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)12:25:11 No.1659511
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    >Real men should give women special treatment
    >But we're still equal

    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)12:33:12 No.1659567
    cool story bro

    bet you guys are deeply in love
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)12:35:48 No.1659583
    Hmm. I generally find most of feminist bullshit annoying and my girlfriend is one of those girls who actually can take care of herself too but too often I still find myself trying to buy her stuff. It feels annoying but I can't even fucking control it. We're going out to eat? Oh darling let me pay. No no, I insist.

    Okay to be fair sometimes she pays and says she'll pay back but I never ask for any money.

    Fucking mother programmed me to be this way.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)12:38:13 No.1659596
    Congrats, you've got your own little slave. Better take good care of him or another master might steal it from you!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)12:45:31 No.1659636
    >low sperm count
    Blame it on bisphenol A and other endocrine disruptors broseph.
    >> Prof Hugh !!ZRDjFOVW7i5 03/06/12(Tue)12:46:59 No.1659643

    Well gee, maybe if people WOULD HIRE ME, I would have a job.

    Fuck America, fuck all you beaner-worshipping, God-fearing rednecks.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)12:47:05 No.1659644
    >be that guy
    >get dumped anyway

    at least she gave the ring back...
    >> Prof Hugh !!ZRDjFOVW7i5 03/06/12(Tue)12:49:50 No.1659664

    >on /r9k/

    Leave this board, Grandma, you don't belong here.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)12:53:21 No.1659691

    >u mad
    >clearly a girl

    Go back to posting nudes of /soc/, fatty.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:00:33 No.1659732
    >The way people are so petty, so passive (or conversely, over the top confrontative and big mouthed), so selfish

    Fucking this!

    I don't know if it's just the people that I have around me or a sample of a larger collective, but our peers just don't know how to talk to each other anymore when they have a problem! Either they act all passive-aggressive and cunt-nugget like or become overly aggressive and belligerent over small, petty shit!

    What happened to taking a person that you have beef with in a calm, collected, but assertive manner? Have we, as a species, always been this way and I'm only now becoming aware of it?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:04:40 No.1659772
    Life is a mere distraction in between video games and drugs.

    I'm glad I realised that early in my life so I don't have to dedicate myself to things I don't enjoy as much because society pressures me into it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:08:49 No.1659796
    I got significantly stupider after reading this,Thanks /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:14:55 No.1659842
    To the mysogonists
    >I hope you cry till you kill yourselves when you're 40 and realize the only woman who ever touched you was your mother
    To the dropouts
    >stop blaming the economy, fafsa is super easy to get, and loans are even easier. Specially if your income is lower.
    To the gamers
    >smoke more pot
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:15:12 No.1659848
    was that supposed to make me feel bad
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:15:43 No.1659850
    >student loans
    Let me laugh even louder.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:17:27 No.1659866
    Not particularly, I'd reckon. But you do belong on SA with all of the other middle-aged people. Really, there's nothing 4chan should offer you if you're a well-adjusted human being.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:18:10 No.1659873
    Even the ancient greeks knew better than to give these whores power and rights and that was more than 2000 fucking years ago. You would think we would know better by now.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:22:24 No.1659894
    >implying pointing out that society favors women is misogyny
    >implying going to college fixes anything
    >implying that doesn't just make it worse
    >implying you aren't retarded
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:29:33 No.1659937

    tell me you fucking idiot, what the hell are you required to do other than spread your fucking legs ?!!?

    women have a 100 list check list when it comes to picking a guy, and what choice does the average guy have !? NOTHING thats what. does it ever cross your little brain how freaking unfair and oppressive it is to know the bitch you're with can pick up and find another suiter whenever the hell she feels like it whereas if you're a guy and dumped you're basically looking at years of lonieness

    and you stupid cunts wonder why men hate your friggin guts
    >> Prof Hugh !!ZRDjFOVW7i5 03/06/12(Tue)13:35:25 No.1659960

    1. I get sex from my female friend with NSA.

    2. College does nothing but put you in debt.

    3. Pot requires a job, which requires the economy to be fixed; It also requires connections.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:37:34 No.1659974
    >don't have jobs
    Oh boy, I wonder who took them all?
    >dropping out of college
    What's the point if it costs me so fucking much and the jobs that await me aren't guaranteed.
    >they play video games all day
    It's fun. I don't see why men can't have fun.
    >watch porn all night
    Oh, boo hoo, guys are horny.

    This article rustles my jimmies ten-fold.
    >> Nyghtshroude !!yeKBJn5CVAv 03/06/12(Tue)13:38:12 No.1659980

    Feminism's horse shit, I agree.

    Go Greeks!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:39:54 No.1659992
    >Masculinity is wrong and evil
    >The patriarchy must fall
    >Women must be given more control

    Post Feminism:
    >Why are there no real men anymore?
    >Why are men acting like women?
    >Why are men letting women do all the work?
    >> You Are (Not) Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 03/06/12(Tue)13:41:56 No.1660000
    It's because white men are getting pushed out of ever faucet of life. They kids just don't give a shit anymore. When FDNY is refusing to take whites and more women in taking jobs in the work place. Why the fuck should they even bother anymore?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:42:26 No.1660004
    It's economically viable for me to live at home with my parents. I am 19, have a job, and go to school. If I didn't live at home I would be using ALL of my money for rent/university fees.

    It's not that i'm not growing up, i'm just not fucking retarded and if my parents offer to let me live with them free of charge i'm going to take them up on it. I don't care what society and the people around me think, i'm not here to live by the world's standards.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:43:49 No.1660010
    Aww shit nigga. 5 stars post.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:44:51 No.1660015
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:45:25 No.1660019
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    fuck, when you put it that way..

    it just leads to the time-tested wisdom of r9k when we say women don't actually know what they want
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:45:49 No.1660023
    I like this quote in the article - "young men are coming to expect the porn star experience when it comes to fucking."

    Ohhhh goddd.... I know that feel.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:49:23 No.1660044
    >be me
    >loner in highschool(still beta virgin)
    >kind of a fuck up in school
    >pull it together the last two years
    >go to state college get half the bill paid by the state
    >work 7-10 hours a week for chump change on
    the side
    >surrounded by women at college that have money and cars(i lack one)
    >think this is cool; realize that most women think i'm still a kid
    >realize women and older people in general want to grow up extremely quickly and are interested in empty goals

    I'll just try to get decent grades and go to graduate school.

    I think me and my brothers could all share an apartment anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:52:33 No.1660074
    >your face when most women don't even like the idea of anal and won't even compromise on it
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:52:43 No.1660075
    >I think me and my brothers could all share an apartment anyway.
    That's actually an excellent idea especially if you come along nicely. Think about all the bro stories you could have there. Fuck the people who want to grow up so quickly and try to force their views on others. Do what feels right and you will be happy.
    >> You Are (Not) Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 03/06/12(Tue)13:53:20 No.1660080
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    Nah, man, I'm talking about faucets.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:54:32 No.1660086
    >get married
    Nah, how about no
    >have kids
    >have a job
    Ok. I'll take the office drone accountant position so I can live comfortably and travel every few months but I DONT GIVE A FUCK about a 6 figure salary and fancy ass cars and shit.

    Just give me
    1) Vidya
    2) Anime
    3) Food, water, shelter
    4) Occasional traveling

    ...And everything else can eat shit and die.
    >> You Are (Not) Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 03/06/12(Tue)13:56:31 No.1660103
    Wahaha, I don't even need the traveling.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:58:35 No.1660115
    I'm perfectly content to just play video games and browse 4chan.

    I just have this nagging fear that when I'm a decrepit old man, I'll look back on my life with regret rather than happiness.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:58:37 No.1660117
    More power to you, ma nigga.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:59:12 No.1660124
    Baby boomer scumbag generalization, propaganda AND written by a woman. Fucking disgusting her archaic views of what a man should be, just shows what primitive views women have.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:59:28 No.1660126
    Indeed. 3D cannot even compete.
    The "pig disgusting" isn't a joke; you stare at cute animu-girls long enough, real-life women actually start to seem hideous.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:01:21 No.1660138
    That stupid bitch, you got your way with feminism and made men ashamed of their gender, and now you're complaining we're too weak-willed?

    Women: Go fuck yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:03:26 No.1660154
    Why would we get married? Honestly. What possible rational self interested reasoning could there be?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:04:00 No.1660159
    Why couldn't I have been born a century earlier.

    >white man is model (he still is) and recognized as such without being considered racist
    >women at their place (in the kitchen or wiping kid asses) without being called a misogynist
    >niggers call you sir and play ragtime
    >meaningful life : building a country, doing great fundamental discoveries in science, fighting for freedom (social movements, or meaningful wars -1st and 2nd world war-) or arts

    Now it is all "black people", "equality of rights", "war for oil" or "rap music" and shit like that.
    >> You Are (Not) Kevin-kun !!jXa1xyIyNUh 03/06/12(Tue)14:04:41 No.1660169
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    No one can compare to my knight.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:04:42 No.1660170

    Because you have an innate desire to support a woman and her spawn!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:06:32 No.1660184

    For me, why couldn't I have been my age now (24) in the 80s and early 90s? Music was better, more women weren't poisoned by feminism, etc
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:07:30 No.1660195
    This could be the greatest ironic post written today, but then I realize this is 4chan and people have no concept of empathy here.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:08:30 No.1660209
    Why ironic ?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:09:25 No.1660220
    Too bad I don't.

    >that sensation when my mother passive aggressively tries to get me to have get married so she can have grandkids and that whole lot

    >see any cute girls lately?
    >maybe you'll change your mind about having kids someday sweetie. You never know, life just 'happens'


    I DO NOT

    Have a nice life.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:10:56 No.1660237
    I entirely support the boys will be boys mentallity.

    Following that statement what we need is a good, old fashioned WAR OF AGRESSION.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:11:26 No.1660241
    Hardly anyone WANTS to have children. That shit just happens. You get roped into it because you accidentally did some shit you weren't supposed to.

    Then you get married because one or both of you want to "legitimize" the child, whatever that means in the scheme of society.

    This happens to most. Some escape it. Some actually want it and get married and have children on purpose. But most just... fall into it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:12:52 No.1660255
    >that feel when you refuse to even TALK to women without first getting a vasectomy

    Feels fucking god like, man.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:15:05 No.1660271

    True that.

    300 years ago you would fight for the nation, kill your neighbours only to come back home to marry the 15yo of the village. And you were bad ass.

    Felt good man.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:19:23 No.1660293
    Screw expectations. If we live in a cumbling civilization, as everyone insists, then I'll live a life of hedonism just like the Romans did as they collapsed.

    Oh, I'm still going through university because it interests me: If I get a decent job out of it, all the better. But our world has made infinite entertainment at a cost of next to nothing, so I'm not to worried. A lot of things are cheap if you don't place high expectations on them.

    Finally, I'm old-fashioned in that I do hope to find a great woman and marry her. But since women around here have shown me zero interest in half a dozen years (because apparently the only attractive men are those who aren't trying or who already have everything, leaving all the men who are still trying to get to where they want to be in a state of loneliness), I might just head off to a developing country, find a decent woman if I can, and then have a life partnership. Because as far as I can tell, the only people who might be grateful that I've tried are those who still live in societies where work means something.

    If I can't find her, then more hedonism for me. How is this difficult for women to understand?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:20:01 No.1660297
    I have a question for the males, or even females.

    I see a lot of you don't want kids. Have you ever been curious as to why?

    Have you considered the fact that the Earth is in fact over populated?

    Considering this, could you understand that our current social and economic state is because of the process to control the human population, namely decreasing the amount of people on the planet?

    Surely evidence is in our most ancient of societies, mostly in Europe. Japan is slowing down. Less and less of the population wants to have children and get with other people because of lack of interest.

    Could this be a natural phenomena?
    >> Full American Patriot™ !tqeOa5xF3k 03/06/12(Tue)14:20:25 No.1660298
    yeah fuck the boomers its all their fault

    brb WoW
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:21:30 No.1660304
    Don't forget the part where you were free to rape any foreign maiden that crossed your way without fearing punishment. Actually, you and your war buddies will probably make a game of seeking out young girls after battle and taking their virginity and leaving them pregnant without a family or husband to care for them. And instead we have our wimpy omega male society. Tsk.
    >> Prof Hugh !!ZRDjFOVW7i5 03/06/12(Tue)14:22:19 No.1660308

    300 years ago we had a reason to go to war.

    Now we don't.

    Besides, olden times war was more blood-pumping than

    >sit on your ass and aim down a scope


    >drive an armored truck, 10% chance of getting blown to pieces because America can't make recon drones to scout ahead

    I wish I could be born in the times of sword, shield, and bows.

    Back then, the days were good and you died young.

    Fuck dying an old man.

    Back in the days of yore, you had to fight to the death to get past 40, if that. And people respected you.

    Now we have a ton of old losers doing nothing but wasting our tax money.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:24:35 No.1660318
    >Could this be a natural phenomena?

    It couldn't be; it is.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:24:37 No.1660319
    So much over the top rage ITT

    Listen, despite what you might think, most women do NOT have crazy unrealistic expectations.

    Just do not live at home with your parents and do not spend more than a couple of hours or so a week playing vidya, is that really so hard?

    If you're not financially there yet, a relationship is probably the last distraction you need to hinder you on the road to getting there anyway.

    Your average girl knows she can't land a hot investment banker or doctor, only the really entitled hot ones think they deserve that and these are not the sort of girls you want to be with anyway, in the long run, not really. So nothing of value was lost.

    Stop raging at women so hard, it's quite hysterical (in the original sense of the word).

    You'll probably end up with decent enough girls, most of you, and life will be some semblance of 'okay', like it turns out for most people. Jesus.

    If you want more than that, better get working. But it's not for everyone anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:24:48 No.1660322
    >Have you considered the fact that the Earth is in fact over populated?

    Is that you, Wesker?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:24:49 No.1660323



    >300 years ago we had a reason to go to war.

    >Now we don't.

    Attila did not need reasons to rape and pillage. He was rape and pillage in person. It was who he was. Mr Rape and Pillage.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:25:41 No.1660328
    >Could this be a natural phenomena?
    Yes, it is, it is a regulation. There is also the increase in homosexuality (no kids), asexuality (no sex so no kids), suicide.

    In the overpopulated Japan, more and more people don't want children and they estimate (if it continues like that) the population of japan will decrease, in 2100, to half of what it is now
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:25:49 No.1660330
    It's a cultural phenomenon. Social constructions are being questioned and you aren't simply thrust into some pre-modeled role that you had little or no say in choosing. Women have little interest in getting children from a guy who isn't firm in his wealth and identity, and men have no interest in having children that they can't take care of. Families are increasingly less important in our soceity, while business and success are. Add contraceptives, and presto, reducing birth rates.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:26:13 No.1660335
    >Have you considered the fact that the Earth is in fact over populated?

    Cities are over populated. Earth's population density is quite low.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:27:49 No.1660346
    >it is a regulation

    What triggers this regulation? As you portray it, it must be something inherent in human nature, so which other situations are comparable where humans reproduce less? When has this been observed before?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:28:35 No.1660352

    Just look at how many people ITT are angry at the generation that spawned us. Maybe not our parents exactly, but that group in general. Hell, I have strong paternalistic instincts and would love to raise kids, but not if I know I can't raise them without them hating me or having them deal with parents who end up hating each other.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:28:36 No.1660353
    No. Pretty much every single person that doesn't want a child is doing it for selfish reasons. I'm not saying that being selfish in that regard is bad either, far from it.

    But, with the way the world is, people feel as if they can't take care of themselves, let alone a helpless human being. Not to mention, have you looked at the parents of our generation? As a whole, they were NOT very well-rounded parents. They were mostly either one of two things: providers or coddlers. Hardly any of us know that glorious middle ground that could have provided a well-adjusted child and we're aware of it. If we don't know how to both love and provide, how are we meant to rear a child that we don't resent as much as we resent ourselves?

    You can't adjust when no one's adjusted.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:30:53 No.1660370
    Except that, when dealing with overpopulation, we aren't dealing with density for the most part--but how long our limited resources (water for example) will last.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:32:58 No.1660386
    It is density of population.

    >human nature
    Not human nature, maybe just nature.

    >which other situations are comparable where humans reproduce less? When has this been observed before?
    No, it has never been observed, it is just hypothesis. Why ? Because death is supposed to be the "natural" regulator (in term of population). We keep more and more people that would have died alive.
    In animal "world", overpopulation means not enough food which means death for a part of the population. In western/civilized world, there is no more food shortage. In poor country, death is still the natural regulator, hence the increase in birth rate.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:33:09 No.1660390
    >but how long our limited resources (water for example) will last.

    We have a shit-ton of water in the civilised world.
    >> Prof Hugh !!ZRDjFOVW7i5 03/06/12(Tue)14:33:15 No.1660391

    Requesting that pic of a fat girl shooping herself into Edward Cullen pics saying: you are my fetish.

    Ladder theory, women, no matter their own attractiveness, will always chase the top percentage of men.

    Ugly girls will never go for ugly guys, but ugly guys chase ugly girls.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:34:28 No.1660398
    >Not human nature, maybe just nature.

    What part of nature? Gravity? Sun rays? Ghosts?

    Opposed to popular belief and most DnD manuals, nature is not a type of magic
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:35:22 No.1660404
    It is though. It truly is.

    Something will make it collapse. Something will bring it to it's knees. We can not maintain our society without discovering new resources of energy, both for human sustenance and industrial needs. To bad we haven't even made effort to create strides to even try to get us off this rock.

    We have to expand to facilitate human population growth. There is nothing left to explore. We need a new adventure to motivate us to continue the human population.

    None of use will ever see it happen
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:37:06 No.1660417
    >In animal "world", overpopulation means not enough food which means death for a part of the population.

    In this case this is due to active instinctive behavior where mothers kill their young they can't take care of or kill other members of their species in battle over food and territory or leave their old to die to save food.
    It's a very explicit phenomenon with clear causes and effects, not just some "natural thing" that happens because.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:37:23 No.1660419
    >Just do not live at home with your parents and do not spend more than a couple of hours or so a week playing vidya, is that really so hard?

    tried(trying?) that. does not work. even if I shoot for below average.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:39:27 No.1660434
    Well, a form of natural selection, but inversed (not by death, but by "non-birth"). That's why people with "best" genetics (alpha males) will reproduce when we will be condemned to either permavirginity, or homosexuality, or asexuality.

    >not just some "natural thing" that happens because.
    I never said that. It happens because it has a function of regulation.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:39:49 No.1660436
    >Just do not live at home with your parents
    Wow, I didn't know it was that easy! You've done a great service providing this wealth of knowledge, sir.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:41:33 No.1660451
    >because it has a function of regulation.

    What causes this regulation? Again, if you say it is natural, it MUST be due to something in the human genome or an outward source. What is that? What is the regulator?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:42:20 No.1660462
    >Your average girl knows she can't land a hot investment banker or doctor

    No, your averange girl is looking for sparkling vampires nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:42:42 No.1660465

    Then again there is a lot of water for everyone. The problem is that an average household in the civilized world uses around 300 liters a day in average when you could live with only 50.

    There's more than enough water FOR EVERYONE. Consuption patterns are plain retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:43:07 No.1660471
    I heard something like that from a friend once. He called "Romanti-Marxism" (because the middle class has the worst fate).
    >Dating society is made up of 3 classes: upper, middle, lower
    >Upper class dates each other almost exclusively
    Think jock and cheerleader in high school, celebrities dating each other.
    >Lower class acknowledges their status, dates each other almost exclusively
    Think that couple you know that are just so neckbeard/aspie/hambeast/whatever that are perfect for each other.
    >Middle class deludes themselves into thinking themselves great. Looks up for dating opportunities, down for encouragement that they too can find someone (or someone to rage about), but never laterally for anything other than friendship
    Think you. Me. /r9k/.

    What do you think?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:44:32 No.1660484

    As a history buff, I am so fucking excited for this century we're in. Hell, if I can make it to 100 I'll probably have seen the largest mass migration in history.

    Either we make it to space, like really make it a part of civilization...
    Or we end up plunging this planet into another dark age. My only regret is that I'm likely not going to be a billionaire, so my plan of preserving civilization in monastery-type constructs won't be achieved. To be like the monks of old, preserving histories after the fall of Rome that wouldn't be read for a thousand years...
    Fuck yeah. Whether society crumbles of expands, I'll be there ejaculating with glee.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:50:25 No.1660527
    As far as water goes, your argument is completely invalid. For instance, in Scandinavia water is abundant. If they "consume" 50 or 300 or 1k litres per day is irrelevant, the bastards down in the middle east are still fucked unless they build some proper "water infrastructure".
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:50:34 No.1660530
    >What causes this regulation?
    Density of population (if to high). It happens in western/develloped world (I include Japan).

    >Again, if you say it is natural,
    First, these are current researches I read at Uni. I don't say that personally, I am just reporting something I read a few months ago. I am trying to find the reference, but no success for the moment.

    >be due to something in the human genome or an outward source. What is that? What is the regulator?
    Well, it is supposed to be the influence of the environment. They didn't say how it happens. Probably a "new" instinct (I hope you believe in evolution).
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:54:08 No.1660557
    >Density of population (if to high).

    That's not an adequate explanation. Height does not make a ball fall, gravity does. Do you understand? If you say that a condition leads to another, you need to explain why it does.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:56:29 No.1660575
    Oh, sorry. Because western world is more "urban" (I don't know if it is the proper world, but I mean the opposite of rural) : big cities (lot of megalopoles) causing high densities.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:56:41 No.1660579
    Why do you think we are so content with our own destruction?

    We create fantasy, movies, television shows and other fiction. All depicting the decline of civilization, usually through human means.

    We all have a fantasy of our own deaths.
    We all wish we could win the lottery and survive to create our own ideals and societies.

    We all want to either expand to find the new parts of our universe or we all want our own destruction to begin anew, to create a world more unique then our own.

    It's beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:57:04 No.1660584
    >Probably a "new" instinct (I hope you believe in evolution).

    I do, but you do not understand evolution. If this is a world-wide phenomenon, it is probably existant in ALL of humanity, which means that a common ancestor must have had this trait and it must have been successful for several millenia, meaning that it cannot be unprecedented or "new." New genotypes do not spotaneously show up in a massive population that isn't even directly interactive and reproducting with each other.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:58:01 No.1660588
    >If you say that a condition leads to another, you need to explain why it does
    Sorry, I forgot that. I remind you it is not "I". And the regulator is instinct.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:01:38 No.1660620
    >And the regulator is instinct.

    Where does this instinct come from?

    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:01:50 No.1660625
    This "natural process of population regulation" discussion is just... horrible
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:04:43 No.1660645
    More people means bigger scramble for resources, natural or man made.
    Bigger the scramble, the worse it gets, the more reliance on automatic means of gathering.
    The more automatic, the less manual use of human energy.
    The less need for human work, the decrease in population because of economic downfall.
    Less jobs, more people, creates big social and economic unrest.
    Ultimately, we are theorizing that we have become to big to sustain ourselves in such a space with too little resources so we cause the destruction of ourselves.

    I think, if either of us could even be around, we could find it would decrease at a much more exponential rate. Estimates in population have always been wrong. We have yet to find detailed recorded values that are proof of how, or how fast a human population can decrease naturally.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:05:10 No.1660651
    >If this is a world-wide phenomenon
    It is not, it is in first world countries.

    >which means that a common ancestor must have had this trait and it must have been successful for several millenia, meaning that it cannot be unprecedented or "new."
    Well, "first world", wealth as we know now, medecine, etc... happened (high life expectancy). It is like we are put in a situation for the first time (probably) and we study it at the same time.

    >New genotypes do not spontaneously show up in a massive population that isn't even directly interactive and reproducing with each other.
    I don't know, I don't think they talked about that in the paper.

    Well sorry.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:06:13 No.1660659
    >we have become to big to sustain ourselves in such a space with too little resources

    But we haven't. We have a ridiculous abundance of ressources. This cannot be the explanation.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:08:07 No.1660686
    The explanation is the way we live. High density (cities), low death rate at birth, high life expectancy, access to medicine etc...
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:10:03 No.1660709
    >It is not, it is in first world countries.

    If it is present in all first world countries, it probably is present in all countries around the world without being "active."

    >I don't know, I don't think they talked about that in the paper.

    That's not necessary, it's a basic and commonly understood fact about evolution.

    >Well, "first world", wealth as we know now, medecine, etc... happened (high life expectancy). It is like we are put in a situation for the first time (probably) and we study it at the same time.

    That does not adress anything of what has been said in the post. Higher life expectancies does not explain how one random mutation suddenly becomes ridiculously succesful and spreads among millions of individuals without giving any apparent selective advantage.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:14:19 No.1660747
    >it probably is present in all countries around the world without being "active."
    I don't know, probably.

    >That's not necessary, it's a basic and commonly understood fact about evolution.
    I don't know. Does instincts come from genetics ?

    >Higher life expectancies does not explain how one random mutation suddenly becomes ridiculously succesful and spreads among millions of individuals without giving any apparent selective advantage
    I never said it was "random mutation" or a "new form of evolution of man".
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:21:04 No.1660805
    >What a crock
    >Posted by Anonymous | Feb. 28, 2012 at 8:30 AM
    >It's funny that women can do what they want and choose the life they want, but if a man wants the same he's a man-child, a boy. Don't you see the hypocrisy of women defining what it is to be a man while men are told to shut on how women should be women. This article smacks of female entitlement and the selfish view that if men aren't making women happy they're not men: No true Scotsman anyone?

    whoever wrote this gets +1 masculinity
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:21:12 No.1660807
    I couldn't make it through page two, does it ever touch on the fact that women no longer fulfill their gender roles either or is it as shitty as it feels?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:22:50 No.1660818
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    >it's a basic and commonly understood fact about evolution.
    >commonly understood fact about evolution.
    >not knowing about phenotypal plasticity
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:23:14 No.1660821
    >/r9k/ spends all day herping derps about how stupid and useless women are
    >goes apeshit code red nuclear butthurt with jimmies obliterated into another dimension when they get a taste of their own medicine
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:23:58 No.1660832
    You do not seem to understand, so let me explain how evolution works.

    Evolution consists of two mechanisms: mutation and selection.
    Mutation occurs at the gene level and changes which traits an individual develops. This can affect physical traits, like metabolism, height, hair color, skin color or size of some body parts, or the instincts. Mutation is absolutely random, and any specific mutation is rare and always only affects single individuals, so it does not simultaneously occur at several related or unrelated individuals unless they share the same parent maybe, or if they by pure chance develop the same mutation, which is near impossible.
    Selection, or natural selection, is the weeding out of less apt traits and individuals. This is always due to failure of reproduction: those individuals who reproduce less because they die, for example by being too slow and getting eaten, or by not winning a mate, will slowly decrease until they vanish, and their less apt traits with them.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:24:09 No.1660835
    >implying that some cunt has the right to tell me how I should live my life and what makes me happy
    >implying that playing vidya and watching porn isn't just what I'm gonna do for the rest of my life
    >implying I won't die happy
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:24:32 No.1660837

    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:25:31 No.1660843
    Nah, it says we are all becoming betas and women are alphas.

    >so let me explain how evolution works.
    lol, you obviously don't know shit about evolution.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:26:00 No.1660848
    Selection and mutation together lead to a very slow change of species over many, many generations. If a new trait pops up and it proves to make an individual more succesful by leading to more offspring, it will also be present in all individuals that come after this individual, provided it does not vanish due to mutation.
    If several million people have this "new" instinct, there must have been a point in human history where this same trait was beneficial to their survival and/or reproduction, too, meaning that it didn't just show up out of nowhere. So this can NOT be something entirely new, and if it really has the "purpose" to reduce the population density, then this must have some reproductive benefit on the long run if it really is an instinct, unless it does not serve the same effect right now as it originally did.
    I put "purpose" in quotes because in evolution there isn't really any plan to specific traits at all, but only their chance of enhancing the reproduction of any given individual or group.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:27:30 No.1660867

    > implying it's not that we're complaining about all of society

    A shit society will create less than "ideal" people, both in women and men. I think the majority of this thread is mad because it's stupid to pin the blame on men, who are products of a sick society. If people pin the blame on just women, they're also going full idiot, but that's not the focus here.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:28:37 No.1660876
    >but only their chance of enhancing the reproduction of any given individual or group.
    No, chance of survival (in term of specie), reproduction is just a tool.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:29:54 No.1660888
    Phenotypic plasticity is just another phenotype based on a present genotype and the range of phenotypes available by the plasticity is limited.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:32:27 No.1660906
    Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of an organism to change its phenotype in response to changes in the environment.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:32:33 No.1660910
    First of all, specie is a coin, not a life-form, secondly, you are wrong. Evolution is ALL about reproduction. Survival is a tool for reproduction, not the other way round. A bird that lives on 2 years but has 20 children is more succesful than a bird that lives 20 years but has 5 children.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:33:23 No.1660916
    Yes, but Phenotypic plasticity is just another phenotype based on a present genotype and the range of phenotypes available by the plasticity is limited.
    >> Derrida 03/06/12(Tue)15:37:16 No.1660948
    Good evening gentlemen.

    I see you subscribe to the same RSS feeds as I do now. That article has been making its way through the manosphere.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:41:09 No.1660979
    (not the one you're arguing with)
    Not necessarily. It comes down to how many children the 2nd generation have, and how many children the 3rd has, etc. Really, you can't measure how "successful" something is unless you view it as a static system, which it obviously isn't.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:43:15 No.1661000

    >Something that increases an animal's survival will often also include its reproductive rate; however, sometimes there is a trade-off between survival and current reproduction. Ultimately, what matters is total lifetime reproduction of the animal.

    >Phenotypic plasticity is just another phenotype based on a present genotype and the range of phenotypes available by the plasticity is limited.
    >Phenotypic plasticity is just another phenotype
    Well, no, that's incoherent. It is a phenomenon.

    You are obviously illeterate on the subject, you could at least check on google before posting shit. Have a good evening.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:43:41 No.1661003
    >What part of nature
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:44:41 No.1661006
    >Ultimately, what matters is total lifetime reproduction of the animal.
    >what matters is total lifetime reproduction
    >what matters is reproduction

    I don't have enough herps to derpy herpity doo
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:45:42 No.1661018
    >Well, no

    Tell me what a genotype and a phenotype are and then explain why phenotypic plasticity is not a phenotype.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:48:03 No.1661038
    A phenotype is the expression of a genotype. Phenotypic plasticity is a trait present only in species with the genotype to express this trait. Phenotypic plasticity is the expression of a genotype. Therefore, phenotypic plasticity is a phenotype.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:48:39 No.1661043
    I have not enough palms for my face. You are an idiot, learn to read. Also, educate yourself before discussing a subject. Right now, you look like a fool.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:49:43 No.1661055
    >I have not enough palms for my face

    >obviously be wrong
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:53:53 No.1661089
    >A says evolution is about reproduction
    >B cites a source saying evolution is about life-time reproduction
    >B thinks this is in any way different from what A said
    >B calls A a retard

    Such is life on 4chan.
    >> divendi !rMNX19euYY 03/06/12(Tue)16:13:39 No.1661291
    The article makes some good points. However, I disagree with the point made claiming 3 times as many young women as young men say they're gay because the men are "losers." I think that's unreasonable to conclude, because no matter how many unsuitable men there are for the needs of these women, there will always be the men who are more attractive. And because the attractive men are a minority, that makes them that much more attractive. If these women claim to be go-getters, you'd think that they'd have the drive to pursue these men much in the same way they pursue their careers.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:48:54 No.1661671
    >hold out for their idea of a good relationship
    >this idea was propagated by Hollywood and mom and dad wanting "the best" for their "princess"
    >complain about men being immature, not living up to this standard

    Yeah, WE'RE immature. You sit on your ass when you're not "busy" earning a shitty undergraduate degree that will go nowhere just to make it look like you're trying, and not desperately waiting for "Mr. Right" to marry you so that you can resign the rest of your life to the "American Dream" - paid for by "Mr. Right."

    Show me a woman that's actually worth putting the effort into, THEN I'll put in the effort. I have yet to meet one. Sorry that I'm not willing to kill myself with endless workdays just to be good enough for some boring as fuck plebian.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:34:55 No.1662037
    >implying there are more female leaders than men in our government
    >implying 1/3 of women arent sexually abused in their lifetimes
    >implying that pregnancy and childbirth aren't painful
    >implying that men don't get higher wages on average
    >implying that the media since it origins has not portrayed women in submissive roles in order to perpetuate exploitation

    Ps. I'm of the male sex.
    No one should have to go through this.
    >> Derrida 03/06/12(Tue)17:36:40 No.1662058
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    There are only so many jobs, there is only so much demand for goods and services.

    When women enter the workforce, that increases the labor supply, wages fall.

    But how has women's wages been rising?


    >> Derrida 03/06/12(Tue)17:39:12 No.1662080
    Until women are no longer allowed to pollute the workforce, WE LIVE IN A MISANDRIST SOCIETY. Wake up, men.
    >> feminazi mangina !!YCePg6TwzZ5 03/06/12(Tue)17:40:33 No.1662093
    Women being allowed to work is misandry

    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:42:15 No.1662105
    >If these women claim to be go-getters, you'd think that they'd have the drive to pursue these men much in the same way they pursue their careers.

    Except they do - the only problem is, every other slutty career-woman is doing the exact same thing:
    And what happens when said 'alphas' are faced with all these sluts going to extreme lengths to keep his attention? They don't bother with relationships (or at least, the kind of relationships these career-types are after)
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:47:38 No.1662163
    Also they won't date down. I'm a lawyer and date a nurse making a fraction of my salary. None of the female lawyers will date a man making less money than them and no male lawyer or other professional will date a female lawyer.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:53:20 No.1662217
    Saw this when it came out, read the comments under it. Was sattisfied

    OP's pic is simply explained, the guy on the left is pretty cool, but ended up working for and ruining his health for some broad who's hatred for his 'predictability' grew as time went on. while the guy on the left seeems blissfully unconcerned with the future.

    Good for him.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:04:31 No.1662329
    >can't even troll right
    >> Derrida 03/06/12(Tue)18:06:23 No.1662344

    Whenever someone posts something that sounds like obvious garbage to you, IT'S NOT ME.

    The real Derrida would never make such a statement.

    Look at the grammar. The grammar tells the truth, always.

    Derridean grammar is Jamesian, nuanced, but concise, never pedestrian, its essence is evident but inimitable.
    >> feminazi mangina !!YCePg6TwzZ5 03/06/12(Tue)18:07:13 No.1662353
    >Derridean grammar is Jamesian, nuanced, but concise, never pedestrian, its essence is evident but inimitable.
    Also, a lot of caps lock and SLUTS SLUTS SLUTS
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:09:03 No.1662370
    >guy on the right seems blissfully unconcerned
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:12:35 No.1662411
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    It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care.
    >> Derrida 03/06/12(Tue)18:13:23 No.1662419
    Nope, not me.

    This is the real Derrida.

    >>Given the totality of personal experience, celebrity gossip, popular depictions of romance in the media, the archives of the great literary classics, anecdotes, and all other evidence apart from egalitarian feminist orthodoxy enshrined in academic literature and newspaper OP-EDs and feminists blogs points to the inextricable and indisputable existence of hypergamy, the question is not whether hypergamy is provable or falsifiable but why non-hypergamy is even legitimate as a plausible seeing of things in general when it contradicts all facts and all intuitions and all sense so that for me to try to "explain" this theory to you in scientific terms is to surrender myself to the authority, the shabby, constructed, hollow artifice of the ideological-feminist-social-scientist-complex, just as when the Jew has to debate on pseudo-scientific terms why the Jew is a human being when the standards are Nazi standards; anyone who dares to think of hypergamy and to weigh it against the alternative explanations sees and feels its force and power without the need for "scientific" recourse, and only the strongest ideological blinders can suppress the force and power of its truth.

    The real Derrida is kind, and would never call a woman a slut.

    He would say "fallen woman".
    >> Derrida 03/06/12(Tue)18:31:51 No.1662609
    You never read any "woman up" articles.


    Why is that?

    Is it because we live in a misandrist society?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:42:41 No.1662719
    Woman want to do all the work. I say let them. When shit hits the fan and they fuck everything up, they can thank themselves for destroying humanity. If everything works out, I don't mind having a sugar mama.

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