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  • File: 1330976013.jpg-(88 KB, 914x716, edgy.jpg)
    88 KB Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:33:33 No.1649498  
    were you ever an edgy teenager?
    what were you in high school
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:34:10 No.1649502
    No. I was a fairly boring highschooler, but I had a tight nit group of fun friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:34:22 No.1649503
    > implying I've changed any
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:34:54 No.1649505
    Nope. I was just a fat, dorky numbnuts.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:37:11 No.1649522
    I looked the part of a goth kid but I didn't act like one or associate with any. I was just a dude that really liked color black and since there were no goth kids at my school I was "that goth guy".
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:37:23 No.1649524
    I have no qualms with ridiculous styles like that girl has, I ask only that people dress in accordance with how attractive they are.

    If you're fat, dress coservatively. If you've got no tits, don't wear clothes for showing off tits.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:38:38 No.1649537
    I'm not much different, just instead of 2 or so friends I now have none.

    At least I'm not forced to be around other people all day anymore and don't have to spend lunch in the bathroo- Oh wait that's right I have to work now.

    Things didn't get much better after highschool did they.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:38:44 No.1649539
    I was a speed addicted punk.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:40:24 No.1649546
    i was a social reject due to my lack of motivation to play the game we know as "socializing". i dressed normal, didnt appeal to anyone, and just tried not to talk to anyone, what would be the point, 90% of the times they wouldn't understand the things i talk about.

    everybody in highschool was fucking retarded, eccept me. and SOME teachers.

    even though being retarded gives you pussy and happiness nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:41:24 No.1649559
    There were plenty of losers in my school who wore shit exactly like the people in the OP. They looked like complete idiots.

    I just wore crew neck t-shirts with crew neck jumpers which fitted me along with straight jeans, black or blue, with comfy brown leather mids all throughout highschool. It was my intention to look as normal as possible.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:41:58 No.1649565
    "the normal kid"
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:42:58 No.1649574
    >everybody in highschool was fucking retarded, eccept me

    I think you're still that edgy teen, or just a teen.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:43:51 No.1649580
    Why didn't you just say "yes" to OP's first question and save yourself the time you spent typing those extra words?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:43:53 No.1649581
    I was a skater for a bit, always had sociopathic tendancies, but that's what you faggots call "so cool and edgy xD"
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:44:50 No.1649590
    The weird cool guy, apparently.

    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:45:01 No.1649592
    I got obsessed with stupid things over the course of months at at time.
    Goth, Skater, etc
    Went through multiple stupid stages, final year of High School I started playing Basketball, working out, quit smoking weed, started socialising.
    Ended up being fairly popular, went to parties with the hotter girls every weekend and managed to pull most times.

    Wish I could burn the younger years of high school from my and everyone elses memory, my dad still takes the piss sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:45:06 No.1649594
    In high school?
    No not in high school. I couldn't afford to buy the clothes from hottopic. And my parents where the ones that took me shopping. I mean I could pick out anything I wanted sure. But i didn't want to embarrass them. I could buy a coat or jakcet on my own sometimes, or shoplift some of those metal spike belts and wristbands.
    Technically this ment I was a "scrub" or just a outcast.
    I didn't become "edgy" until I moved out and got a job.
    Its the best ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:46:04 No.1649602
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    Yeah, I always wore black, listened really shitty music (Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Cannibal Corpse, Slayer, you get the idea), had a shitload of band shirts, wore leather wristbands, wrote "dark" short stories that had stupid, cheesy "and then realized the monster... was me" kind of formula, oh god, I don't want to go on.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:46:05 No.1649603
    The fat sweaty loser who was kinda smart but so weird no one would even pretend to be my friend.

    Don't lie, guys. You all were too.
    >> Droid 03/05/12(Mon)14:46:28 No.1649608
    Pure INTJ.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:46:57 No.1649610
    I think the closest I came to that description was being a standard emo guy, striped sweater, pierced ear, depressed a lot. But I was never really 'edgy'; I was usually pretty quiet and had better judgement than my friends.
    Still did some dumb stuff. Put a nail through my ear during lunch one day for lulz (my pierced ear, that is), and I was known to have a different air color every month. But that was just because I like having colored hair.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:47:14 No.1649613
    Tenth grade: That weird kid who no one knows. Also, the guy with the dreadlocks.

    Eleventh grade: The same thing as above.

    Twelfth grade: That smart-ass that you either love or hate.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:47:58 No.1649619
    >triying to be edgy by saying that others are triying to be edgy
    maybe you didnt even go to highschool? or maybe you were some dumbfuck normalfag, yeah i bet its that.

    by the way, im not saying i am some sort of genius, what im saying is that i had the intelligence of a normal mature person while everyone else in high was fucking stupid.

    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:49:10 No.1649625
    I used to try and look like Kurt Cobain.. long blonde hair, thrift store shit, ridiculous sunglasses, cardigans. It was pretty hilarious, although I actually got some vagina for these efforts.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:49:19 No.1649626
    i was the tag along chav, they were my peers, i was friends with emos but then school moved my class :(
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:49:54 No.1649633
    Wore Rick Owens and other /fa/ stuff in my senior year, listened to Burial, had no friends.

    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:49:57 No.1649635
    I went through my bitter, passive-aggressive, atheist, attention whoring stage from around 12-14. I never expressed any of it to other kids, it was mostly done via the internet. I cringe whenever I look back on my old forum posts and remember the mindset I had then.


    I wouldn't go so far as to say kids were 'fucking retarded'. Their mindset is simply different from ours, they were always active, with little or negative preference to thought. To them thought was only beneficial when it was absolutely necessary. Its the other way around with us. We shared the same capacity for thought as adults, even though ours was derived through different means.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:50:20 No.1649637
    I was really shy and socially fucked up. Autistic level fucked up. I had the emo "fringe", but that's about as edgy as I got.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:50:28 No.1649638
    >LOL i call others edgy, i sure am mature
    if you were real robots you would agree, everyone in high was fucking stupid unless you were one of those fucking stupid normalfags. talking student-wise, teachers would often be bros
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:50:43 No.1649641
    Oddly enough, in my highschool, faggots like in OPs picture were the ones with lots of friends. i disliked them, peacocking around with their bullshit, thinking they were 'expressing themselves'
    yeah, expressing themselves in the exact same way as hundreds of other little punks.
    kids like that usually have no talent, other than occasionally producing crappy 'art' that is usually some variation of big-headed animu shit
    anyways, to answer your question, no i was not an edgy teenager. i wore hand-me-downs and plain clothes with jeans and converse because i didnt have any money. if i had money, perhaps i would have bought some nice clothes like some of the girls from my school. blouses, jewelry, nice shoes, etc. but i was plain, and i also had very few friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:51:15 No.1649644
    I am still am in 6th form.

    I think I'm someone who people aren't really that interested in. I don't have many proper friends but lots of pseudo-friends which is to say above acquaintance but not a friend.

    I may appear a bit EDGY to my friends occasionally. Though, I certainly don't try. If anything I try to be edgy by not trying to the the cliche vision of it i.e dressing weirdly,acting like a pompous know it all or getting angry for no reason.

    My actually friends do ,every now and again, joke that I can't express my emotions. Maybe, that would appear edgy like I'm trying to be some deep brooding character.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:52:45 No.1649652
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    >implying that I stopped dying my hair like Rainbow Dash's
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:53:33 No.1649659
    Yep, still a typical teenager.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:59:25 No.1649700
    either 0/10 or >lol IM SUCH A MATURE ADULT
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:59:49 No.1649703
    your autism is showing

    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:59:57 No.1649705
    I just watched a documentary on heavy metal and there was a part that mentioned adults being 'embarrassed' about their teenage years and the bottom line was not to give a fuck and be who ever the hell you want to be. Actually just watch the clip:
    >> Karnon 03/05/12(Mon)15:00:10 No.1649708
    I used to be one of those wanna-be goth fags, then I relaised I was being a douche. After that, I was kinda anti-social, didn't like to talk to many people, I came off as rude and one girl thought I was dark and mysterious. Sadly, I was too naive to take that as a cue to hit on her.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:00:55 No.1649715
    I saw a guy with a skrillex tshirt today

    wasn't sure what to think
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:01:10 No.1649721
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:01:28 No.1649725

    Your typing style, oppositional defiance, and need to place others below yourself strongly indicates that you are underaged, or a very sheltered manchild.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:04:06 No.1649746
    >not listening to classical music or jazz
    what the fuck 8 second ban. I love you, r9k
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:06:15 No.1649764
    I was the guy that was accepted in most social circles my freshmen year. My sophmore year I was at a different school, so I hung with the social outcasts ( in hindsight, they were the most annoying, meme spitting, autistic fucks this side of reddit) my jounior and senior year I played handegg, so I was automatically considered "alright" by the "in" crowd. Now I'm that guy who rides his bike everyday.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:07:08 No.1649770
    i dont need to place anyone lower than myself, anyone who isnt equal or better than me of course.

    at least during my highschool years, everybody was fucking retarded but me, maybe it was a shitty highschool?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:08:33 No.1649780
    >tfw you will never be a metalhead
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:09:27 No.1649787
    want to be introduced to some metal?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:15:13 No.1649845
    Nah, it's fine. I am a fan of metal music but I've never been metal enough to be a true metal head. Whenever I hang out with metal heads they always make fun of me for liking sports and what not.

    It's fine though, I've got my own friends, but I just think it must be cool to be a metalhead, in the same way I think it must be kind of cool to be black. That kind of thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:15:57 No.1649856
    >All my clothing was second hand or gifts from my grandparents, so I always either dressed like I was a 70 year old conservative or a farmer.
    >Had extreme self esteem issues, and was only able to enjoy things that I felt where "objectively good", that means the only books I read where ones you'd get on a college reading list.
    >Because of the fear of being judged, the edgiest music I listened to was free jazz and obscure indie stuff no one knew enough about to judge me on it.
    >Had no friends, the only people I talked to where my grandparents and my little sister
    >Only interests where reading, listening to music and math
    >Cared more about impressing my grandfather then impressing peers, only sports I played where golf, curling, and chess
    >Did I mention I was homeschooled for a good chunk of my childhood?

    Not sure how to feel about missing the "edgy teenager" phase. Anyone care to greentext some of their experiences as a stupid kid?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:18:12 No.1649883
    I was the kid who wore comic book t-shirts and sat alone reading comics. I'm still that guy in college lol
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:18:27 No.1649884
    I was a metalhead, though I never hanged out with the other metalheads because they had pleb-tier taste in music and because I used to bully people back in middle school so almost everyone was afraid of me.

    People would actually freak out if I were to say words such as "cute" or "pretty", or express interest in 'girly' things and such (despite being female, for extra context.)

    Aside from pulling the whole rebellious fuck parents hurr look, I was actually quite a nice kid who spent most of their time making art, reading comics and gardening. Just had major self-esteem issues from early childhood. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:18:37 No.1649887
    I dressed like Axl Rose.

    Come at me bros.

    >tfw never got as much action as I did back then
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:19:31 No.1649891
    >Discussion about edgy teenagers
    >Everyone starts going on about how metalheads are such terrible awful people

    Everytime ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:21:17 No.1649909
    I was kind of the spoiled little teenage girl that no one really liked because she thought she was better than everyone else.

    Hum. That turned out to be not so bad, actually.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:21:48 No.1649915
    >"Hurf Durf Imma tortured genius you normals couldn't understand derp"

    Holy shit you guys sound pathetic. 10 bucks say none of you are 18 yet lol.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:23:14 No.1649930
    I don't think I was very edgy. I wore rainbow patchwork skirts, but that's because I love bright colors and skirts. I didn't really dress well, but that was more because I didn't know /how/ to dress well, not me meaning to be edgy or anything. Most of my clothes were overly large, and I had several housecoats that reached the floor and had too long of arms for me.

    I was the manga supplier (I had a collection of about 2,000 volumes) to the small group of kids who liked that stuff, and I was also the artist that everyone always wanted to draw for them. And I was the librarian aide, who was almost constantly reading.

    I was in all advanced classes, and the only poor student in them. Most of my classmates respected me because I tended to score highest. I was basically the "quiet, weird, smart kid," I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:26:32 No.1649978
    I dressed normal, but I wrote edgy as fuck-essays and the pretentious teachers loved and cherished me for it. Other than that I casually chatted with my class mates but never befriended anyone and I skipped more classes than I attended. I was also verbally assaulted many times by a fat latina and the queen bee of the class stood up for me a few times, nothing has ever made me feel more beta.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:27:29 No.1649988

    Was that one guy that was friends with everyone.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:29:46 No.1650013

    You sound like a cool guy.

    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:32:03 No.1650037
    I was the lesbian in highschool. Seriously, I was "L-1" and my gf was "L-2" for four years.

    Good times.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:33:37 No.1650055
    No, I was always the way I am now. I don't even recall puberty changing anything in my life beyond growing a beard. I have never interacted with children because they are loud.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:34:15 No.1650067
    I was kind of edgy...I used to spike my hair up where black t shirts, black shorts, and red high top converse.

    That's as edgy as I got.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:36:03 No.1650090
    I wore a lot of metal t-shirts, mostly black colored.
    But I acted normal, I talked to people, and wans't trying to be edy in any way, I just liked (still like) the music and that was it.
    My school had a lot of guys that wore black shirts and metal bands shirts, but those were the "black like my soul" faggots, and I left that behaviour behind by the age of 13.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:36:09 No.1650095
    I was quiet and average but I had guys ten years older than me crawling at my feet, god knows why.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:37:14 No.1650115
    I love dudes who are always lending out parts of their huge book collection to bros. I'm usually on the receiving end, but I have a couple books lent out right now.

    More likely to just burn a bunch of comics to a DVD or fill up a bro's external hard drive with all the HD movies I downloaded lately.
    >> xTeganxSarax 03/05/12(Mon)15:38:45 No.1650131
    I was the lesbian kid the first year, just known for that one reason.
    I then got addicted to skate boarding and started listening to music all the time. I guess I just dressed in whatever other skaters wore.
    I then started to dress more /fa/ near the end and I was fairly popular, that's it.
    I was a total geek in middle school, thank god I got out of there fast
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:39:34 No.1650142
    as much it hurts me to say, being a 'metal head' is about the music and it really doesn't matter what you look like or what else your into

    society and people are bound by shitty stereotypes so you'll probably get shit thrown at you for 'being different' or what ever people call it these days
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:40:15 No.1650151
    >implying I didn't wear my Naruto headband to school every day

    inb4 y'all make fun of me, I didn't actually do that. You should be making fun of me for my Invader Zim T-shirt.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:42:40 No.1650177
    there was a girl in my high school who wore her naruto headband everyday...
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:42:46 No.1650178
    Wow man, that's even worse than the communist Ushanka I wore during winter
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:43:57 No.1650191
    I was the drama kid with a hardon for historical/gothic bullshit, the one that was always really random, weird and loud.

    I had a friend that always made fun of me for getting giant erections and saying random things in drama class. Everyone thought I was gay until my senior year when everyone finally found out I was hetero. Everyone at school thought I acted a bit like Willy Wonka.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:45:36 No.1650215

    That's nothing, I used to wear a puffy brown motorcycle jacket with a giant swastika painted on the back. I had a toy dead baby named "Nigger" that I would bring to school sometimes as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:47:24 No.1650233
    Didn't go to highschool, but I am definitely edgy still.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:55:54 No.1650327
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    I was a pussy beta emo boy, with shitty taste in music
    And yeah, this feels bad
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)18:45:54 No.1652166
    I was a pathological liar and a douchebag. That hasn't changed, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)18:49:41 No.1652211
    >discovered metal at age 13
    >didn't know where to find it
    >ended up listening to shit-tier radio rock and the small bit of good metal I was able to find
    >wore those retarded oversized pants
    >long hair

    Not really edgy, though. Had really bad social anxiety in high school so I wasn't very outgoing, but I would open up pretty easily when someone would talk to me and everyone who did realized that I wasn't some weirdo, I was just quiet.

    Then I learned where to find good metal en masse and became a true metalhead after high school. I saw someone post earlier about how other metalheads talk shit because you like other things... trust me, they're faggots. I can't stand a lot of the metalheads around here because they're so narrow minded. I listen to metal, trance and a bunch of shit I've been called a hipster for listening to. I don't even look like a metalhead anymore. That doesn't mean I'm not entitled to listen to metal or whatever else I feel like.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)20:01:09 No.1652978
    I was the fat smart kid who cracked jokes all the time and generated a personality big enough to not go through or take any shit. I was in an academic team, and I was pretty much always the spokesperson or the man who would talk and try to get the other guys laid or just help them. I didn't have much luck at relationships, but I did go to prom twice with two cute girls. Overall I did a lot better for myself than I had any right to, being a fat introvert like me.

    I'm naturally introverted though, and ever since high school I have basically receded and have not many friends, except for one guy who was on the Academic team. But it has been self directed isolation, sort of like Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)05:08:06 No.1657653
    Everyone saw me as the weird shy kid that smiled/laughed all the time.

    I tried to play off my shyness by acting like "the strong and silent type".
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)05:14:04 No.1657677
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    >long hair down to my nipples
    >wore black all the time because 'FUCK FASHION'
    >Listened to shitty Japanese metal bands even though I found their music terrible
    >No-one was as deep as me

    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)05:18:15 No.1657686
    I was mostly absent so people wondered who I was.

    I graduated effortlessly and am now blazing through college while never showing up.

    I'm mr "who the hell is this".
    >> Larceny !d/yWdq5D62 03/06/12(Tue)05:19:39 No.1657694
    I was the weed dealer who only came to school to sell weed. I was hanging out with all the older kids and criminals. I used to hang out at a crackhouse. I was worth $5,000 before I turned 16.
    I was a couple times the only white guy at Blood functions.

    I realized they didn't care about me and after I got arrested for the first time, all the people I was hanging out with went right back doing the same shit at the same place we got arrested at. I knew then I had to stop hanging out. Here's all the people I liked's fate:
    >on the run
    >mid size dealer, putting others on
    >pill-popping drunkard party-goer. 20 and already busted capillaries and yellow eyes.
    At least I'm just a despondent shut-in.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)05:22:44 No.1657703
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    >discover 4chan at the age of 14
    >become a better person overall, despite being more paranoid and more aware of my awkwardness
    >effectively skip any high school phases I would otherwise have had to experience

    Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)05:24:22 No.1657706
    >Age 13-14 I was deep into black metal, listened to it all the time, played it all the time (actually released one of my songs on the internet and had positive reviews, I still remember how to play it), never talked to anyone and wore gorey satanic shirts every day, long hair etc (Never got bullied as I was over 6')
    >15-16, started smoking a lot of weed, got deep into old school rap/hip hop, still wore the same shit (didn't become a wigger), still had long hair etc, started to talk to other stoners
    >17-18, dropped acid and started to get deep into psychedelic music, The Doors changed my life, cut my hair and people said WOW I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW HOT U R, talked to some people but just was focused on leaving high school

    I'm only 19 now but I listen to fucking everything now, and I really do mean everything, I love music. I am working on an album right now, reading lots of philosophy and have recovered from ego death.

    >I'm not some aspie retard I am just bored.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)05:25:30 No.1657708
    I went to a private school. Classes didnt exist and the boys and the girls stayed away from eachother. Our year had 13 kids in it and we were all friends, which was nice. I was the weird kid that was known for shoving things up my ass.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)05:26:28 No.1657712
    I was the creepy, socially retarded, unwashed black metal kid, who everyone thought was going to shoot up the school
    practice better hygiene and slightly less awkward now, but aside from that pretty much the same
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)05:26:33 No.1657713
    >Broke into abandoned buildings for fun
    >Committed arson for fun
    >Broke things for fun
    >Started doing drugs because they were fun

    >I went from a juvenile delinquent to a recreational drug user
    >Illegal activities + more illegal activities
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)05:26:43 No.1657716

    I should probably make it clear that I was not the person who created that picture.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)05:28:15 No.1657726

    I guess I was the weird kid that never talks to anyone.

    >I also had severe bipolar issues, my whole family, mother, father, grandmother etc has bipolar issues but acid + thinking = I woke up one day and realized I was out of my mind and then I was cured.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)05:28:40 No.1657729
    I was a fat fag with three friends and I spent all my time drawing and playing D&D and drinking by myself.

    Edgy as fuck XD XD XD
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)05:33:42 No.1657749
    Oh wait you guys meant at school

    >Freshman year: Quiet kid who hung out with kids that got in trouble because they were funny which got me in trouble sometimes
    >Sophomore year: Kid who knew everyone's name and story but no one new me; failed every class because I didn't give a fuck Got held back
    >Second Sophomore year: Still didn't give a fuck, dropped out at 16 to prove how little of a fuck I gave
    >Smoked weed for a year
    >Turned 18
    >Realized I fucked up
    >Am now in my third sophomore year

    >Still the quiet kid that knows everyone's story
    >Teachers like me
    >Staying out of trouble
    >Known to make sarcastic and intelligent comments now and then
    >> Larceny !d/yWdq5D62 03/06/12(Tue)05:34:45 No.1657752
    >>Illegal activities + more illegal activities
    Lul nu-uh man I'm just going to schmoek weed!!!1111
    >see my list above

    >that feel when cops know your name
    >that feel when they search you and don't find it
    >that feel when you wish all the people you used to know forgot your face
    >that feel when you still feel tempted to do illegal shit because it's the only time you feel alive
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)05:37:19 No.1657762
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    Really into hardcore punk and fashion, still a basement dwelling weeaboo too.
    >> Buddha Bot !!VRYJTnKhVF0 03/06/12(Tue)05:38:24 No.1657767

    eh, I was the generic geek I suppose. I wasn't very good though, so I stayed back in a lot of classes, only took AP English and AP History. I hung out mostly with the "gamer" crowd, and other kids that were interested in our geeky habits. As far as social activities go I attended a lot of LAN Parties, and was also in the Robotics Club/Team. Robotics really helped break me out of my anti-social shell that I began developing, and I made a lot of awesome friends.

    What's surprising is that despite being a fat neckbearded geek, I never had any sort of problem with "bullies". I was on very good terms with a majority of my class, and a lot of people knew me not in a negative way, but just knew me.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)05:39:16 No.1657770
    Weed was only my gateway drug. I'm into RC's and hallucinogens.

    Ever gone car hopping? I've only done it once, but holy fuck you wanna feel alive? Go open some random car door. Sounds stupid, but the moment it goes "click" and an alarm goes off; so much fucking adrenaline.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)05:43:19 No.1657784
    >There's always that one kid that's got "beef" with everyone
    >Fucking everyone
    >I don't even know the kid
    >Stares me down in the halls trying to look badass
    >I put my best "not a single fuck" face on
    Rinse and repeat
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)05:53:26 No.1657804
    Was a skinny, elitist A grade student with severe social problems.

    Then I changed schools and did a lot of drugs. Grades suffered but I was socially accepted.

    Currently I am working on getting my grades back up to my high standard while balancing a good social life.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)06:00:48 No.1657825
    Do drugs and keep your grades up. Best of both worlds.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)06:03:41 No.1657835
    The closest i got was wanting an Emo fringe.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)06:30:38 No.1657927
    9th grade
    >hated everyone, wore all black/grey, listened to shit music, moved at the end of that year
    10th grade
    >didn't talk to anyone, dressed normally, listened to shoegaze and indie the whole year, known as the lonely kid that wanted to move back
    11th grade
    >moved back, dressed like a shitfaggot, pretty popular, listened to a decent amount of stuff, had a few gfs that year
    12th grade
    >dressed normally, very depressed, still with last gf from junior year, listened to screamo and sad-sack-o'-shit acoustic indie

    I was pretty much ignored in high school, my "edgiest" year was 9th grade. After that, I realized that nobody really cared about what I had to say, so I just did my own thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)06:39:22 No.1657953
    I was really edgy. I walked around with my arm slashed open with multiple wounds and blood dripping down and didn't even bother to hide it. I was dared to staple my lip so I did that too. I also had a competition to see who could cut themselves up more. I was fucking retarded and now I'm stuck with these shitty embarrassing scars for the rest of my life. Goddamn I was such a retard. This was before "emo" was a thing, so I wasn't even "cool" back then, I was just retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:44:44 No.1660013
    no, I was a huge dumb dork for the first 2 years and after that i transitioned from half-skater shithead to /fa/ by graduation.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:46:56 No.1660506
    Year 7
    > I am an uber gamer excluded from most social events. Girls avoid me and people make fun of me. I have my last birthday party in years. I also have my first crush who I stalk. I wait for her to leave lunch and then I throw my spare change on the floor and watch her pick it up. I am her glorious benefactor.

    Year 8
    > The alienation from my peers has turned me a little bit emo. I spend my lunch times walking around school over and over again hoping I'll see someone who can tolerate me. I spend all of my free time playing Guild Wars and I begin to fall in love with a girl online called Vikki, however I am a collussal pervert and constantly make sexual innuendos. Also me and my childhood best friend who lives hundreds of miles away begin visiting Habbo Hotel to acquire bitches and we make them slut up online.

    Year 9
    > People who know me think I'm weird and a perve, people who don't think I'm creepy because I'm so cry. I start hanging around the library and I make a few friends who can tolerate me, but I'm too much of a fucking idiot to succeed with the girls and the guys ditch me for other better people whenever they come along. Online, I get with a bunch of emo gamer girls.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:54:14 No.1660558
    Year 10
    > I am a bad ass intellectual stoner. I play my shyness off as not giving a shit, but whenever I am forced to perform a speech or some shit in class I start violently quaking and my voice shakes and I become so fucking jealous of the guy who just goes red as fuck and whose voice cracks. People begin to talk to me a little bit, but still ditch me all the time (I forced someone to be my friend by sitting next to them for hours on a trip to Germany) so I stop paying attention in class and stay at the same level until I leave with 3 Bs and 4 Cs. I discover the music room, where I then have the real life version of shy emo girls all over my nuts. Turns out mostly fat. I continue to fail with this girl again and again until she then picks the other ginger over me. I impress people by being the only spanish guitarist and playing Spanish Romance. The emo girls think this is cool because MCR did a cover...

    Year 11
    > I am exactly the same but slightly more confident.

    Looking back on it, I probably wasn't that weird. I'm just incredibly sensitive, a little neurotic and have self worth issues brought on by no friends for so long which I've buried beneath arrogance and narcissism. For anyone whose story sounds like mine, but they're not quite done yet, it gets better.

    I started drinking all of the time and depriving myself of sleep. I became addicted to depression. She was so seductive, and tickled my cock in just the right place... and then I fucked a bunch of bitches and now I have a beautiful muslim wife.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:54:57 No.1660564
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    i was a metalhead with long hair and a leather jacket in higshcool. i was unpopular (only friends were other metalheads) and basically unknown around school. the most rebellious i got was ditching school to smoke weed at a friend's house and getting drunk in school.

    i wish i had pictures, but during that time i was going through a phase where i wanted as little record of myself as possible in history and so refused to have pictures taken of me.

    pic related, the only picture i have of myself from 2005-2007, at Medieval Times for a friend's birthday.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:55:32 No.1660567

    you certainly talk like an /fa/

    ugh i hate you
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:56:10 No.1660571
    I was edgy in that I wore black, studs, the whole "goth" look, painted my nails black, and wore eyeliner.
    But I was generally cheery and had quite a few friends. After the initial "weirdness" factor, people warmed up and didn't care how I dressed. So yeah, I was the "goth" dude but still accepted.
    >I had to quit that stuff to get a job though.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:59:49 No.1660605
    9th grade
    >Shitty haircut and glasses. Spent most of the year hating myself for looking like shit
    10th grade
    >Haven't cut hair since 8th grade, too traumatized by how bad my last haircut was and never wanted to allow scissors near my head again. Started wearing contacts and darker clothes.
    11th grade
    >Still growing hair out, clothes become full on black on black on black. Had a brief tripp pants wearing phase that I'm not too proud of.
    12th grade
    >STILL growing hair out, stopped wearing faggy clothes and started to dress a bit more normally, albeit with the same black color scheme.

    Though I hardly talked to anyone through most of high school, I never had that edgy attitude to go with any of the looks.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:59:54 No.1660606
    In high school, people thought I was going to be the next Charles Manson.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:05:04 No.1660649
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    This was me on a "I don't feel like putting on all my makeup" day in high school. I wore 8 chains on my wallet daily, had spikes on mostly everything, and wore an Army Of Darkness jacket that I'd modified with studs.
    And somehow I had a shitton of friends.
    Now I'm a normalfag with no friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:05:06 No.1660650
    Still in highschool, i'm mature and i'm not really an "outcast" I manage to dress well and i'm genuinely liked by the majority of people.

    My friends are idiots at times though, they tend to look down on other people which really annoys me because it isolates us from the other groups (who are actually quite nice).

    It's been...uneventful, but I can say that i'll miss it. The thought of going to uni next year scares the life out of me.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:06:25 No.1660663
    In grades 9 and 10 I was just your typical driven young girl. I've always been a bit weird and socially awkward as fux and my friends were the other odd IB kids. I guess I had a bit of a wild streak, or "crazy" as it were. I would do silly things to amuse my friends and although I was very hard on myself I didn't really give a shit about what other kids thought about me. I didn't make much of an impression I don't think. Kids liked to tease me and say nasty things about me behind my back but whatever. I also played Tibia with a group of scene kids in the grade above me (I went to elementary school with the one girl). In grade 11 I had a nervous breakdown and became a hikikomori for the next year and a half of my life essentially. I also had dropped out of IB at this point because I would not be able to take art if I stayed in the program (only one elective allowed for 11/12). Struggled with mental illness and lost most and nearly all friends I had made up until this point. Tried going back to school towards the end of my first semester of grade 12. Useless. Parents even tried renting a place in the city (I had a 1.5 hr commute each way to school) to motivate me to go. I was just so fed up with my peers and the "system" and I started smoking a lot of pot and basically I became "that crazy bitch" at that point. My teachers caught on to the fact that I was stoned as fuck all the time (when I actually went to class anyway) but they tolerated me because I was good for class participation (not disruptive, actually participating) and they seemed to like what I had to say. Became a bit of a social butterfly at this point. Mostly kept to myself but had made friends with a few people at my school in different groups. People knew who I was for whatever reason and people also liked to talk about me. Probably because they didn't know me at all and I did some inexplicable things. cont.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:06:58 No.1660671

    I didn't graduate and I didn't go to my prom but apparently I won an award for Most Likely to Become a Model and they said, "And this one goes to the ever absent Anon." Idk. High school didn't really happen for me even though even after I'd left people continued to speculate about me. I've got my grade 10, that's all that matters
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:07:03 No.1660673
    Dare I ask what you looked like on "Put on all my make up" days?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:07:28 No.1660681
    I had super-low self esteem. I compensated it by being interested in wars and weapons, and wanting to become a mercenary.
    No trench-coat though.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:09:21 No.1660701
    >were you ever an edgy teenager?

    Strictly speaking, people were eXtreme back in the 90s.
    But yeah, the whole nine yards, unnatural hair colors and chains everywhere, militant atheism, half-baked political ideas, petty crime, tons of crappy hash out of homemade bongs, needlessly yelling at my mom and generally being an angry, uncaring prick who only wants to fuck shit up.
    Was fun, but damn, it's kinda embarassing to look back on some of this stuff.

    >what were you in high school

    Skatepunk and part-time nerd. I'm just glad I was born too late to be a goth and too early to be an emo.
    >> Larceny !d/yWdq5D62 03/06/12(Tue)18:22:51 No.1662520
    Used to get phones, iPods, cash, sunglasses, all kinds of shit. The people I went with were always loud as fuck and could never look out properly.
    Stealing (out of) cars wasn't my thing, I was into burglary and selling where the money is.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:30:46 No.1662600
    >were you ever an edgy teenager?
    God, no.

    >what were you in high school
    I was the awkward, yet lovable nerd. I was a bit of a dork, but just about everyone saw a certain charm to it. Had tons of friends in high school. I was a loner in middle school for the most part, but I opened up socially that freshman year, and my acquaintances turned into friends, and I started meeting new people. Overall, I had a pretty good high school experience.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:32:59 No.1662622
    Chubby metalhead who kind of grew up real thin who got much more interested in crazy jazz and stuff. Kept the hair throughout school.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:38:25 No.1662662
    Highly succesful 8/10 looking Dj who lived by "i dont give a fuck" Highschool was a breeze, if it was there I had it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:39:40 No.1662681
    I was unintentionally that kid in highschool. I was really in to gore and laughed at murders, rapes, animal abuse, etc. The worst part? I did it because I was a social fucktard, not because I wanted attention. Oh god... the CRINGE... I must have looked like such a pretentious faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:42:33 No.1662717
    I was so edgy I got ridiculous.

    My friends were the typical dark/hardcore guys who used a lot of leather. The funny thing is that I used a Hawaiian shirt just to piss them off.

    I was the most edgy of them all.

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