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  • File: 1330912024.jpg-(26 KB, 450x342, TVScreenCNNBreakingNews.jpg)
    26 KB Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:47:04 No.1641688  
    Where were you when 9/11 happened?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:48:16 No.1641696
    In my classroom, in sixth grade, learning about planets or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:48:30 No.1641701
    grade 4
    they made us watch it on the news in the library
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:48:58 No.1641704
    In school. I learned about the attack when I got home from the news.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:49:26 No.1641708
    at home watching it live and laughing my ass off.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:49:52 No.1641713
    watching digimon on abc family
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:50:16 No.1641717
    Grade 6 I think. Just got back from church (went to a Catholic elementary school) and the teacher had it on the TV as we walked in. The whole school had to stand outside for half an hour or so afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:50:39 No.1641722
    How am I supposed to remember that? I was not even 14 at the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:50:54 No.1641724
    2nd grade, had no idea what was going on, there was an announcement over intercom to order the teachers to carry on as normal and stop listening to the radio/watching tv.

    Then I got home and got pissed off that Pokemon wasn't on and instead it was the boring news. It didn't occur to me to be worried that my parents had flown to Chicago the previous night, nor that we were under attack.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:51:01 No.1641725
    I'd just come home from school: I was in year 5. Mum was in tears when I got home, and I thought something terrible had happened like our cat had died. It took half an hour for me to calm her down enough to realise that it was just a few hundred people in a country I'd never been to dying, so I was very relieved when I heard it didn't affect me personally.

    Then mum told me I was heartless for being relieved, burst into tears again, and ran out the room. I sat there for a while wat-ing.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:51:17 No.1641727
    I was in the sixth grade. The teacher put on the radio but no one knew what the fuck was happening. I went home, really excited because I had just borrowed Pokemon Silver from a friend (fuck yea!) to find my dad was home early from work. I watched it on TV and got pretty freaked out until I decided Pokemon would be a better way to spend my afternoon
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:51:22 No.1641728
    Hijacking a plane
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:52:39 No.1641741
    It's not just the loss of human life that upsets people, it's the fact that innocents were killed by malicious forces. Being attacked makes people feel violated and ruins the perception that our society is safe
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:53:15 No.1641752
    grade 4 in the class then we all got sent home because people thought it was a coordinated attack and sand people will jump out of no where and attack schools and shit.

    My thoughts at the time

    >oh boy here we go
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:55:29 No.1641768
    3rd or 4th grade, it was announced in class and parents were pulling students out left and right (myself included). Like any kids gave a shit. Went home and played Mortal Kombat.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:55:48 No.1641772
    >we were under attack.

    Implying a few sandniggers flying some planes into two ugly ass towers constitutes your entire country being under attack
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:57:51 No.1641789
    10th grade, sitting in Chemistry. I remember hearing that a plane had hit one of the WTC towers before I went to school, but I figured it was just a really unfortunate accident.

    No one really did anything that day, we just sort of left the TVs on and people were allowed to go to the library to all be together if we wanted to. A lot of people just cut classes entirely. No one was really emotional or anything, it was just this weird oppressive quietness.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:59:10 No.1641804
    >largest scale attack on American soil

    Last time there was a attack on US soil they dropped 2 nukes
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:59:33 No.1641807
    It's such a shame given their impress use of a Gothic motif and a partially load-bearing wall.

    Oh and the people dying was bad too.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:01:23 No.1641821
    >implying I was alive when 9/11 happened
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:02:28 No.1641831
    I remember. I remember clearly not giving a shit.

    >UK, school ends
    >picked up by Mum
    >'The world trade center has been bombed.'
    >I'm young, don't know what that is
    >'That's not very nice.'
    >'No, it isn't very nice at all.'
    >drive back home
    >Play Spyro the Dragon

    Just another day.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:02:31 No.1641832
    underage b&

    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:04:12 No.1641851

    I didn't realize that the Oklahoma City Bombings had that big of repercussions.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:04:48 No.1641857
    In school, fifth grade. Doing either math or history, when Mr. Simpson told us to all shut up for one minute in honor of the people dying. Then he turned the tv on, and we watched the news til it was time to go home. Came home to a crying mom and went about with my life.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:05:11 No.1641862
    I was at home in Yangon, Burma, doing homework probably.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:05:32 No.1641867
    I was in my bed. September 11th is a school holiday (Teacher's Day) in my country, so I had no classes. I also had a fever, and was sick the whole week. I remember, the day before I had soccer practice and that's when the headache started. On a Monday.

    On Tuesday I woke up at about 10:30 AM (ET+1). I used to watch CNN in Spanish's news to begin the day when I could, and CNN had the film of the first tower burning. I was still in bed when I turned the TV on and saw that. Then I went to have breakfast, still feeling sick went back to bed. Turned the TV back on and now they had both towers on fire and the tags about it being a terrorist attack for sure. I missed the live footage of the second plane hitting the second tower for having breakfast. Obviously saw the several repeats. Stood watching for a while, maybe zapping with Cartoon Network or an anime channel, that were the only ones not having a news flash about the incident.

    Funny, because before that, I always thought the USA was kind of invincible, in that nobody would be so stupid to invade or attack the largest military in the world, with so many nukes and the economic power to shut down a country. But well, I was 11.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:06:55 No.1641878

    Your mum needs to get a grip.

    America needs to get a grip. Its been 11 years already, at some point you have to move on
    >> Blaise Bailey !gFiNnEGAn. 03/04/12(Sun)21:07:17 No.1641881
    i was sick and half asleep in my sister bed when it started, took a nap so when i woke up the last plane crashed
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:07:23 No.1641882
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    what a bunch of robots
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:07:55 No.1641887
    At the airport about to take a trip to New York. The boards had a domino effect. Every flight on the departure board got canceled.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:08:31 No.1641894
    2nd grade classroom.
    I remember not knowing wtf the Twin Towers were,
    and caring more about the day off than all the people that died.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:08:45 No.1641897
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    Flying into the building.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:09:01 No.1641899
    Asleep in bed.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:09:29 No.1641904
    Fapping to Penelope Cruz
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:10:47 No.1641918
    5th Grade. Cafeteria. I knew something was up, the intercom was going crazy. The decided to lie to us and say and it was nothing serious and that a plane just crashed.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:11:35 No.1641926
    I was 11. Before school my dad was watching the news and told me to come watch it. I saw the footage of planes flying into the building. I went to school and told everyone that it was the coolest fucking thing I had ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:13:34 No.1641935
    19 got back from the shop that I stayed the night in (It was my friends at the time) and I came home to see the Tv on talking about the twin towers being hit but didn't get it until they said world trade center then I was like holy shit that's bad but I kind of forgot because I watched my yo mtb raps tape and didn't see much of the news after that
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:14:18 No.1641941
    >9/11 happened
    >lots of people crying
    >oh, well I guess that's understandable, its been a very traumatic day

    >1 year later
    >"oh 9/11 was the worst thing ever has it only been a year? Respect to all who lost their lives and the brave soldiers who blah blah blah"
    >well, I guess that's understandable. It was a pretty significant incident

    >10 years later
    >lots of ceremonies and fuss to commemorate the anniversary
    >Well, I guess that's understandable. 10 years is a significant anniversary. Its nice to finally close the chapter on this and move on

    >11 years later

    At what point do we draw the fucking line? 11 years, 11 long fucking years and you people are still fucking wallowing over it. Will we be marking it in 20 years? In 50 years? In 100 years?

    Goodness gracious.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:15:31 No.1641950

    my dog died
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:16:52 No.1641958
    I was stuck in the future on the day MJ died
    >> !pLJDMb5qEA 03/04/12(Sun)21:18:02 No.1641969
         File: 1330913882.png-(3 KB, 490x270, Afghanistan_opium_poppy_cultiv(...).png)
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    damn guys, stop... I feel old as dirt.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:18:58 No.1641972
    >tfw you realised if 9/11 happened today you would probably be on 4chan at the time
    >tfw you consider how much fucking fun it would be

    This place would become one big troll fest. Well, even more than usual. I hope it does happen again.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:20:15 No.1641982
    At school, Year 10 history class. It was pretty bizarre.

    >One of the care staff (it was a boarding school) bursts in
    >"There's been an attack on the World Trade Center, planes have been flown into both towers - One's gone down already"
    >Teacher stands up so quickly he knocks his chair backward
    >"Is it on the news now?"
    >CS: "Yeah, I'm just running round telling everyone"
    >He runs out the room
    >I call after him "What about the history lesson?"
    >He pokes his head back around the door
    >He runs toward the main building
    >We stare at each other for a second in bafflement, then follow
    >Spend the rest of the afternoon drinking tea and watching the news, every other class continues as normal

    Teacher of the year, for all years
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:20:15 No.1641983
         File: 1330914015.jpg-(3 KB, 146x120, 1a94a5bb279148644c4e2a82aa6ded(...).jpg)
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    Celebrating my mothers birthday.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:20:35 No.1641986
    what is this representing
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:21:18 No.1641994
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    I was out holding a sign and yelling 9/11 was an inside job.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:23:01 No.1642006
    the length of bars in charts over the course of 1994-2010
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:23:17 No.1642008
    I was stuck in a 'success room' in middle school because i refused to turn in any of my homework over the course of the year and people thought i was retarded.
    I laughed
    because i am an aspie and I lack empathy
    >> OP !pLJDMb5qEA 03/04/12(Sun)21:23:28 No.1642010
    ffs one person older than me show up... fuck.. I am out of place or something? not even 30 yet and still the oldest one here, the fuck guys?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:24:26 No.1642018
    I hadn't been born yet.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:30:59 No.1642063
    7th grade math room. My teacher wouldn't tell us what happened, just that our parents will be picking us up and there's been "a major accident" in New York.
    Most of my relatives live in NY, so I was worried.
    Also, that weird feel when there are people who weren't alive when 9/11 happened. I don't know, that just makes me feel old. I'm also a bit tipsy, so forgive me.
    Also, captcha is, I shit thee not: " 'Fire!' beyeart" what the shit
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:32:24 No.1642075
    Read the fucking image name. Afghanistan opium poppy production.
    >> OP !pLJDMb5qEA 03/04/12(Sun)21:34:08 No.1642084

    Yea, that.... sorry I'm late... Yes, as you can see the Taliban had pretty much done away with opium growing in Afgan-land. The CIA would have none of that bullshit.... two months later we invade... all because of "terrorists" right?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:36:19 No.1642100
    I was in 4th grade, I think. The principal came in and said something about the Pentagon and the WTC and I was like "Awesome, the Pentagon!"

    Felt kinda dick-ish afterwards
    >> !pLJDMb5qEA 03/04/12(Sun)21:37:41 No.1642114

    I am not OP btw.... fucking name wont go away from my thread earlier...

    also, I remember donating my lunch money to some firemen that were already taking donations in my town...
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:39:42 No.1642124
    >not realizing that 9/11 changed the course of world history
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:42:41 No.1642144
    I remember going to school (6th grade), and one of my friends said that planes had flown into the World Trade Center. I really didn't give a shit. I thought that sort of thing happened all the time. Now that I think about it, that's pretty fucked up that I thought thousands were killed in terrorist attacks all the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:42:44 No.1642145
    2nd Grade Music Class. Our teacher actually told us what was going on. The other teachers kept us all in the dark. Some kid's parents came to pick them up early, mine did not. Because of that, the remaining students, including me, concluded that the school was going to be bombed next - it never happened. When I did get home, my parents had me watch the news with them. The one thing that I remember when watching the re-runs of the towers falling is my dad saying, "It looks like something right out of a movie," then a few seconds later a news person said, "It just looks like something right out of a movie." I thought my dad was God or something. I always cry when I see the re-runs of it because I consider that the day when I found out what the real world was like.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:42:45 No.1642146

    So did a lot of other things. We don't hold a candle lit vigil to make the anniversary of the re-election of president Bush every year though.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:43:28 No.1642153

    Why do you put the word 'terrorists' in quotation marks?

    Al Qaeda are known to have been based in Afghanistan, supported and protected by the Taliban. The Taliban themselves don't deny this, they have always been open about this.

    As for the Opium, it's hard to tell whether the stats are accurate, for all we know that Taliban weren't good at collecting or deliberately lowered the stats on Opium production, it dropped to nothing during the bombing, and then when the US came in, more accurate surveys were conducted. Even if this isn't true, and the Opium production has increased by a large amount since 911, there's insufficient evidence to support your CIA conspiracy theory.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:44:53 No.1642166
    Taking a massive dump.I guess God flushed at the same time I have.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:45:11 No.1642168
    well i live in new york i dont give a shit and wont give any for the rest of my life.

    >second grade
    >not paying attention to the teacher
    >soon there are students being pulled out of class
    >i asked why everyones leaving and why i cant go with em
    >they call my name i said "yes" i get to go home
    >moms in panic she said towers where attacked

    funny thing about it was she didn't give a fuck about the tower being Father called from Puerto rico telling her to go pick us think she would have left me for dead..oh well thats life.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:45:52 No.1642170

    I think my buddies and I went and watched TV in the cafeteria, They had set one up. We joked about more planes coming out of no where. good times
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:48:52 No.1642200
    2nd grade, my teacher was the only one in the entire school who didn't ignore the school's e-mail and turned the TV, about 30 seconds before the second plane made impact.

    I didn't really get what was going on, I was just glad there was no homework because of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:49:57 No.1642210
    I forgot.
    You know why?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:51:35 No.1642233
    2000:herpaderpin' we haz the internet. 10 yearz since the capitalist winzzzz communism over fuck ye
    2001:October 7: the US invades Afganistan in response to muslim extremist aggression. AKA "terrorism"
    2001:October 26: The Patriot Act is signed into US law . Effectively beginning the US police state.
    2003: March 23: The US begins invasion of Iraq under the auspices of "The war on Terrorism"
    Fast Forward
    >The United States Military Spending is now over 700 billion dollars from 250 billion pre 9/11
    > The war on terror continues in multiple countries and continents
    >Anti-west sentiment is abound and world tensions have never been higher
    >all the while every faucet of life in the developed world is becoming militarized and controlled.
    >not realizing that 9/11 changed the world
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:51:44 No.1642238

    you're the coolest kid I know faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:51:53 No.1642240
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:52:11 No.1642244
    In 5th grade class. I remember all these parents were pulling their kids out of school like crazy. I was confused as a motherfucker since the teacher refused to say what was going on. I didn't learn what happened until I got home.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:53:50 No.1642255
    I was in 8th grade. We were sorting/stapling worksheets to make packets when the principal came on the PA.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:55:16 No.1642265
    In the living room playing playstation. Then my brother came in and changed the channel. Coming from a small, european country I'd never even heard about the twin towers, so I angrily switched back and kept playing. No fucks given.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:55:34 No.1642268
    Not a single fuck/and nothing of value was lost that day.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:56:31 No.1642275
    2nd grade, parents made me not go to school.
    chilled out upstairs wondering why the fuck cartoons weren't on. what a boring fucking day that was.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:57:53 No.1642285
    deep in your mother's ass op, real deep
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:00:22 No.1642310
         File: 1330916422.jpg-(54 KB, 360x548, 1330838809243.jpg)
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    In 3rd grade
    I found out when I got back home
    Nobody pulled me out of school
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:01:04 No.1642320
    This is another thing I fucking hate.
    I don't think people understand why I'm so mad, I live in a suburb close to Houston with a ton of OLD FUCKTARDED REPUBLIC CHRISTIAN FAGGOTS and their FUCKTARDED REPUBLIC CHRISTIAN FAGGOT SONS and their FUCKTARD-IN-THE-MAKING REPUBLICAN CHRISTIAN FAGGOT SON.
    I hear this shit everyday. "You don't go to church?!" and I have to respond "I believe in god, but I just don't go to church," because if I admitted I was an athiest, I would be lynched on the spot.
    I can't be critical of any republican without being stoned to death, but I can criticize Obama just fine. The only problem is I get pissed off when these fags start saying stuff that was 1. Not true 2. Not that bad or 3. Faux news.
    >> OP !pLJDMb5qEA 03/04/12(Sun)22:08:43 No.1642384

    Actually, there is a metric fuck ton of evidence that links the CIA to drug running, not only in Afghan-Land, but all over the world. Especially in Afghan tho... since we like.. uhm.. totally fucking own that place now and its hugely profitable... they are spitting out more opium now than ever in the history of the world... for the free-dumb they said!

    Al-Qaeda (pretty much) == CIA

    You right wing nutz sure do have short vision.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:09:33 No.1642392

    Thanks, you make me happy to live in Montrose, dude.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:10:38 No.1642399
    >all the while every faucet of life in the developed world is becoming militarized and controlled.
    >every faucet of life

    So you're one of those water fluoridation conspiracy theorists, then?
    >> OP !pLJDMb5qEA 03/04/12(Sun)22:11:13 No.1642401

    I really don't understand how people can be naive about shit...

    Yea, Stuxnet was just a random computer virus too...

    Yea, all the mysterious explosions that keep happening in Iran are just "accidents"

    c'mon dude, get real and give your CIA some credit, they deserve it... I mean love em or hate em... they are petty fucking bad ass at what they do.... (which is fuck shit up and make money)
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:13:59 No.1642421
    >Playing double jenga
    >Turn on BBC
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:15:53 No.1642444

    Right, an attack on US soil doesn't matter? Idiot.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:17:26 No.1642463
    Sitting at home, wondering why the fuck CHEEZ TV wasn't on.

    I went to school, and all the other kids were also pissed off that we missed CHEEZ TV.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:21:45 No.1642503
    >> Kilroy !!TM/+cth1JJ7 03/04/12(Sun)22:23:03 No.1642521
    Al-queda Training Camp!

    Fuck the American Infidels

    3000 Died for Allah that day!
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:26:12 No.1642551
    in middle school, 7th grade. We were just about to start our day, and I remember thinking "man, I wish I could get out of school early today".

    All of a sudden a teacher walks in, and pulls our teacher aside. They are out of the class room for about 5 minutes, and than came back in. You could tell she was visibily upset, but she wouldn't tell us what was going on. 10 minutes later our principal comes in, turns on the tv and says there will be an announcement soon.

    I remember watching the tv and the news broadcast, not really sure what to make of it. We were in our class for another hour before the principal came on the PA system, saying that we are free to leave for the day.

    I ended up going home and just playing Counter Strike all day, surprisingly the servers weren't very empty.

    I do remember something odd about it though - during that summer I hung out A LOT in msn chat rooms. For those of you who don't know, you were capable of making your own rooms, and name them what ever the hell you wanted. During that summer there were a fuck ton of "WARNING TO AMERICA" chat rooms that would just go on for pages and pages. When ever you would go into one though, there was one person and they never spoke.
    >> it is what it is Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:27:13 No.1642562

    >implying we (Americans) don't indirectly fund organizations like Al Qaedia and Jundallah and all the others... (simply by paying fucking taxes)
    >implying you're not a troll
    >implying this is /b/
    It's simple GTFO, no implications..
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:29:00 No.1642580
    Don't know, when were you when 2-F happened?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:31:15 No.1642607
    I was on my way home from a 12 hour duty shift at Charleston AFB. Cell phone went off, all staff recalled. Holy shit, I stunk like hell for three days as we were on lockdown and I didn't have another uniform available.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:31:34 No.1642609
    I was in 4th grade. I remember a few weeks later they made all of us read these slips of paper talking about how Murica is a free land and a great place to live. Pretty fucking stupid now that I think about it but at least I was on the news.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:32:33 No.1642621
    wondering why the fuck Cheeze TV wasn't on
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:13:24 No.1647534
    8:49 (i think first plane) = 14:49 GMT

    means i was at school, i was 9, i got home and saw it on the news but i thought it was some cool film

    > it being reality doesn't change shit for me
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:24:03 No.1647631
    Somewhere half the world away.

    I think I was in school at that time because I saw the news later on at night. It feels a bit strange that I had been inside the building 1 year before it became a history.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:26:41 No.1647650
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    >Became a history
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:26:51 No.1647651
    If your age was in single figures when it happened you should leave 4chan or at least lurk more.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:28:29 No.1647665

    hey, i'm 20 now, i came here early November 2011 - i'm on here every fucking day 1pm till 9pm.. lol

    we all start somewhere
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:30:27 No.1647681
    As far as I'm concerned, if you weren't at least in HS when 9-11 happened, you should lurk more.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:33:04 No.1647703
    Was on /b/ just as the second plane hit, epic threads man, remember it like it was yesterday

    also lulz were had later that day when my mum STILL wanted to watch all the fucking footage but I was damned if I wasn't watching the new episode of LOST
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:34:20 No.1647712
    If you don't remember LBJ being President you should leave 4chan or at least lurk more.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:34:53 No.1647718

    the disappointment I felt when there was no dragonball z on is still clearly etched in my mind

    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:46:33 No.1647827
    i wasn born yet xD
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:48:41 No.1647847
    und hier komme die scheissblitz...
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:49:49 No.1647852
    Asleep, stayed home sick from school that day. It was disorienting as my parents decided not to tell me about it so I had to figure out what happened on my own as my family acted like nothing had happened. Very bizarre day.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:50:55 No.1647860
    you lie, mister president!
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:52:01 No.1647867
    I was at home watchin' TV. Didn't go to school, was a pretty nice day.

    Did not care about it that much, I was ~13.

    lol'd, well done, anon.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:52:18 No.1647871
    ITT: underage speedtrap
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:53:21 No.1647882
    School trip. Had too much of a blast to give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:53:49 No.1647886
    at home. I talked with a friend on a phone because back then I had some, and he said you heard? Americans got blown up! Wow!
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:54:03 No.1647888
    I got home from college just as it hit the news. My dad and i ended up watching the coverage for about 6 hours. We thought it was the most awesome thing ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:54:15 No.1647891

    this. grade 9 trip to a church or some shit. I was in a chapel when they told us that NY was being attacked by helicopters.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:58:56 No.1647927
    i was in grade 4. they brought in a tv and let us watch it. then my teacher drew line graphs on the chalkboard for another lesson; they happened to look a little bit like the twin towers so he drew a plane flying towards 1 of them. it was pretty lulzy
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)12:14:40 No.1648471
    Just walked home from school. I thought it was an action movie at first but when I realized it was real I got really excited and popped in a VHS tape to record the coverage in case it was never shown again. I wish something that amazing would happen again.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)12:17:49 No.1648484
    I was in the 7th grade and my hot as fuck indian teacher was talking about something. Oh how i miss Ms.Pothen lady was hot
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)12:19:38 No.1648500
    was on way to class when morning radio douche said a plane hit the wtc. figured it was some idiot in a small prop plane got way off track. During a stretch break in class the prof comes in bawling (former marine crying was fucked up). Says he just saw news report about planes hitting the towers. Asks us why we didn't mention a plane hitting the trade center earlier he would of canceled class. allofmywhys i didn't mention it to have class cancelled that morning so I could go and laugh at the jew conspiracy even earlier.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)12:28:41 No.1648554
    >> In Germany so it was late afternoon
    >> At a friends house
    >> We played Star wars 1 one the ps1
    >> Had a shitload of fun
    >> All of a sudden
    >> OH GOD OH GOD
    >> his uncle or something worked in one of the towers
    >> We go in his room
    >> he has a shitload of lego (nearly everything from the star wars series)
    >> had shitload of fun
    >> Go home

    Was a cool day, sadly he started to ignore me at some point during elementary and he is gay now..wut
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)12:40:29 No.1648603
    On holiday(vacation) in Florida, had to stay for an extra week. Thanks terrorists.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)12:51:17 No.1648645
    >MFW when we will all be dead or dying in another 40 or 50 years

    >MFW when nobody will give a fuck a few decades from now.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)12:52:16 No.1648653
    >Believing in gods

    Comrade Lenin is dissapointed
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)12:54:26 No.1648668
    Had just arrived in Parga, Greece on vacation. Lots of people gathered around a TV in the centre of town, amerifags crying. I was like 9, so I didn't quite get it att.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)12:56:00 No.1648677
    At home. Just got back from school and my mom was watching CNN and told me that planes crashed into the twin towers. I couldn't give a fuck so i decided so make Lego airplanes on my room and i crashed them against my wardrobe.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)12:57:44 No.1648691
    >In Ireland cus I'm Irish
    >Come home, can't wait to watch pokemon
    >brother won't let me, we watch the news for like 3hours
    >bored as fuck, 'the news is for old people'

    >school next day
    >everybody discussing the lack of pokemon

    Since when can't I post accents?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:01:15 No.1648712
    I just got back home from school. My family was watching the news a bit shocked.

    I asked them what happened, they told me someone bombed the WTC. I didn't know what the WTC was so i didn't give a fuck.

    Today i fucking hate "americans" for being so stupid. They can't realize 9/11 it's the effect of being assholes around the world during the second half of the 20th century. Their people don't know what the fuck is happening around the world but they still support their "patriotic" wars and invasions to relatively harmless countrys with oil and resources.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:01:32 No.1648716
    Trying not to laugh my ass off in school after knowing about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:07:44 No.1648764
    I don't know where I was on the 9th of November, why do you ask?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:12:49 No.1648811
    I was in my grade 2 class doing my times table
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:13:19 No.1648813
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    Preparing a speech for AP US History
    Senior in Christian High School.

    Ahhh Religion

    Turn 18 three months later.
    Enlist when I was 22.
    Get kicked out a year later.

    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:18:07 No.1648847
    I was in 4th grade, they put our school into lock down and we didnt get to watch =(
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:18:29 No.1648851
    Oh my.
    I now know why I hate to many robots.
    You all are really really young.
    I thought this was somewhat 30ish board.
    so many kids.
    I hope you never really will know and you can keep those tudes you bust.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:19:33 No.1648862
    At home trying to watch Pokemon, and I couldn't because everyone just wanted to watch the News. Went and played Crash Bandicoot instead.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:20:39 No.1648867
    At home, I was sick.

    >anon come look at this!

    COOL, EXPLOSIONS. I only gave a fuck because it got me out of school for a day.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:22:00 No.1648878
    Sleeping under a bridge.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:23:46 No.1648894
    In bed sleeping and not giving a shit since it was 6AM over in the West Coast.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:25:40 No.1648903
    I was probably stoned like everyday around the millenium
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:28:22 No.1648928

    Yes im sure 100 years from now we will still be marking 9/11. We still mark pearl harbor. We still marked that Chicago theater fire until a few years ago even though it was 100 years ago and only like 400 died.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:29:50 No.1648941
    I was at the beach in Portugal. My uncle calls my mother and says "HOLY SHIT, WORLD WAR 3 IS JUST BEGINNING, SOMEONE IS ATTACKING THE U.S.!" I went to a local coffee shop and stayed there for 3 hours just watching TV.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:31:22 No.1648953
    I had a very similar experience but I was in 9th grade when it happened. After the second plane hit and everyone was glued to the tv's; me and my friends cut school and left to get high.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:31:28 No.1648954

    I lol'd

    >processing ifndoc
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:36:03 No.1648980
    6th grade

    teachers shoved all the 6th graders in one class and had us watch a little tv with the (same) footage all day

    I didn't mind since my friends and me just played pokemon in the back of the room
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:39:10 No.1648999
    I didn't hear about it until the next day. My friend at school asked me if I heard about those planes going into those buildings and I was like wat.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:41:11 No.1649021
    Parachuting out of the plane i was flying in new york in order togive america a reason to be mad with the middle east
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:41:16 No.1649023
    In school. It was on the large screen in the computer lab. The first glance I got of the footage I was like 'Is this some new sci-fi movie or something?'
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:48:37 No.1649084
    Mostly smiling and trying to figure out how much funding the IRA was about to lose.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:55:14 No.1649141
    >4th grade
    >dads watching the first tower burning in the morning
    >he goes to the bathroom
    >lol what's going on
    >plane hits other building
    >wow this is a stupid way to demolish buildings
    >bus comes
    >go to school
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:57:43 No.1649168
    I was on my way to work in tower 1 when I came across a little girl all along & crying. She said she had lost her parents, so I took her to the alley & raped her.

    After I'd finished the plane hit. My love for loli saved my life.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:58:56 No.1649183
    >gmt +1 timezone
    >get back from school
    >switch channels
    >looks like cool movie
    >oh wait, it's CNN
    >don't know english for shit back then
    >get snacks and proceed watching the show
    I chose cnn over episode of Pokemon, that fucking means something!
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:06:32 No.1649273
    >Being a kid
    >Watching cartoons
    >Suddenly the cartoon is replaced by a view of two towers
    >A plane hits them
    >Parents serious'd
    >'Mommy, what's that? What's hapening?'
    >'Nothing, dear, go to your room.'
    >Go to room
    >5 mins later return
    >Parents don't notice me
    >Watch as the tower burns
    >Extreeeeeeme close ups of people falling
    >'Why are they doing that, daddy?'
    >'I...I don't know, son'
    >Some time later
    >Plane hits the other tower
    >The cameraman was probably on a nearby skyskraper but you could hear how the millions of people on the streets are screaming in terror
    >Watch how people die
    >Watch how burnt people are carried out of the towers
    >The cameraman follows the flight of a jumper
    >The jumper lands on a street full of bodies
    >Start crying
    >Realise what deaths is
    Most scarring memory of my life
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:08:30 No.1649292
    i was 7 and i can't remember it at all. all i know is whenever i heard about it i didn't give a fuck and probably played some GTA 3
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:10:39 No.1649315
    you're a pussy and you have shit parents, but hey if that's your most scarring memory congratulations for having a blessed life
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:12:41 No.1649332
    >4th grade
    >everyone getting ready for recess on a beautiful day
    >principle comes on over the intercom...
    >"Students, recess will be indoors today," says the principle in a somber tone.
    >wonder why the fuck we cannot go outside, pissed the fuck off, but also wonder why the fuck the principle sounded so sad
    >play chess with this retarded kid for a couple hours
    >end up getting sent home early, directly after the in-room recess.
    >go home on the bus
    >walk in through my front door.
    >Mom is sitting on the couch watching CNN, with a box of tissues to the side of her
    >She just looks at me with this face, I'll never forget it.
    >Doesn't say I word, so I walk over to the tv.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:12:43 No.1649334
    Yeah, I'm lucky to have this for most scarring memory. Now go and blow your dad off again, you cunt!
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:15:33 No.1649371
    >I don't actually remember.

    Mind you, I was 7 at the time. I do remember the day afterwards, a guy made a joke about it and the teacher went spaco on him. (British)
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:29:31 No.1649473
    In 4th grade, just got to school. Teacher was comforting us and saying our parents could come take us home if we wanted. All the while acting like some 9 year olds should know what happened already. Did she think we all watch the news before elementary school in the morning?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:32:55 No.1649494
    When I learned about it I was at my house watching television. CITV was supposed to be on. I wanted to watch Cardcaptors. I was pissed.

    Fucking terrorists made me miss Cardcaptors.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:33:50 No.1649499
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    I was precisely here when I heard the first plane hit
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:36:07 No.1649516
    not more of this shit.. i don't care where anyone was or how anyone felt about it.

    how about the facts? what about that?

    building seven being demolished for no reason? no, that's not for us to ponder, all that's required of us is that we are affected emotionally and are willing to act on those emotions.

    not reading thread, have probably read 100 of these before
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:37:16 No.1649523
    >building seven being demolished for no reason

    >implying it didn't have 2 110 story buildings fall on it and then burn for like 8 hours

    fuck off loose change faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:38:54 No.1649541
    In my school library. I thought it was hilarious until the news said 'and then everyone died'.
    I guess planes travel too fast for people to see it coming.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:39:42 No.1649544
    holy shit anon, I walk there every day
    If you see a guy walking there at 8:10am it's me.
    don't talk to me though

    let's not meet
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:41:15 No.1649557

    It's cool bro, I moved to London Ontario in 2007.

    Is Ottawa still the bomb? I miss that shit : (
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:42:33 No.1649570
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    because the building that sat between WTC 1 and WTC 7 was demolished too

    oh wait it wasn't
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:44:33 No.1649588

    once they saw the building on fire, they got the worlds fastest demolition team to handle that
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:45:42 No.1649598
    >watching cartoon network
    >dad comes in and switches to the news
    >what the fuck are you doing switch it back
    >something along the lines of "THIS IS A SERIOUS HISTORICAL EVENT"
    >people die all the time dad put my cartoons back on
    i wasn't even trying to be edgy
    i didn't know what edgy was
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:46:26 No.1649606

    Do you think when wtc 1 and 2 fell, they fell in to a small pile? No, debris was shot EVERYWHERE

    fuck off, child
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:47:04 No.1649612
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    have a look at WTC 1 falling on WTC 7

    moar like behind WTC 7
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:48:43 No.1649622

    after being subjected to the image of those buildings falling over and over and over, it's pretty clear to see they fell in their footprint, i didn't see any towers toppling over onto anything
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:54:33 No.1649666
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    You two are either blind or retarded
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:57:33 No.1649684

    you still overlook the fact that it's impossible for a demolition team to rig up a building that fast
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:58:49 No.1649697

    > 666 lol

    but that damage isn't enough for it to collapse, and the fires aren't hot enough to melt steel
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:00:17 No.1649710
    >and the fires aren't hot enough to melt steel

    >he still thinks ANYONE EVER SAID the fires in WTC 1 and 2 melted the steel

    They burned plenty hot enough to SEVERELY WEAKEN the steel

    Also, CORNERS OF THE BUILDING are missing, and it was fucking LEANING TO ONE SIDE before it fell over (im talking about WTC7 here)
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:02:59 No.1649736

    i'm starting to get visions of your magical demolition team that defies time and space

    at the moment i'm giving them elf ears
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:03:04 No.1649737

    > he still thinks

    i already watched the documentaries, i know what happened to tower 1 and 2, but WTC 7

    all that burned was paper
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:04:32 No.1649748

    ok, ok


    fucking blox
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:04:39 No.1649750

    so all of these steel buildings that fall down from fire..

    can't think of any
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:05:17 No.1649754
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    The standing theory (proposed by government-funded researchers) is that the collapse was caused not by melting steel, but by melting and weakening the connections between the steel girders.

    >mfw they think I'm going to believe that
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:07:22 No.1649771
    i was in elementary school in the bathroom putting lipstick on me and my friends eyelids or some stupid shit and back in the classroom a bunch of fucks were talking about how iNtEnZ harry potter is or some shit because back then it was like super advanced to be reading harry potter??? and then they pulled me out and said hey your mom is here to pick you up and i was like hey sweet half day!

    it was a pretty good day
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:10:22 No.1649796
    At school.

    Ripples of a rumor of the country being under attack spread throughout the playground came from one class. Most of the teachers decided to keep us in the dark until they knew what was going on, but one dick decided to let the kids know.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:12:13 No.1649816

    Did they also get hit by 767s going 500+ mph?
    >> How I found out (that life is an endless string of fucking bitches and hoes cumming swagga in dey nose 03/05/12(Mon)15:19:59 No.1649897
    Middle school, leaving lunch and going to shop class.
    The most untrustworthy foreveralone faggot in my school runs up to me and says "OH MAN OH MAN DID YOU HEAR THAT SOMEBODY BLEW UP THE PENTAGON WITH AN AIRPLANE"

    I responded "Oh sure, yeah, like the time you caught Missingno and your game didn't freeze or get buggy? Shut up Jason. And go away nobody likes you."

    To prevent a panic, the administration decided no children at the school should be informed of the event. The ones who knew learned from their parents (middle school kids with cell phones in 2001? all faggots) and were told by administrators not to spread any rumors.

    When I got home 2 hours later my parents were watching the towers fall on the national news. My dad cried and my mom was in shock.

    I had no way to put it in perspective because of my age, so I just felt really confused.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:22:57 No.1649929
    I was getting married.

    Then later that day getting assfucked at the airport.
    Couldnt get a plane to go on our honeymoon.

    Fuck you 'merica.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:24:54 No.1649958
    At pirate birthday party of my best friend.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:27:24 No.1649986
    Doing homework. Heard the news on the radio, laughed and said "What sort of idiot flies a plane into a fucking building. My God, he must be a moron." Then heard of the second crash a bit later. Then heard people saying it was terrorists. Then I thought "Ahh, that makes sense. Still morons though."
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:29:55 No.1650016
    What sort of psycho parent calls school to say "Son, our country is under attack" instead of waiting to tell them in person. I mean, do they have to come home straightaway and hide in the bunker with the canned water?

    > My dad cried
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:30:01 No.1650017
    >be french
    >7th grade
    >learn about it after class during my math private class
    >went back home
    >OH SH-
    >this is actually entraining to watch
    >talk about it for days
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:37:59 No.1650125
    Brushing my teeth in the bathroom, watching the news in the mirror. I saw the second plane hit the building live.

    I was in 6th grade, I had no fucking idea what was going on. When I got to school, most of the students were in the student hall with the teachers where all the tvs were playing the news.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:44:48 No.1650205
    I was in like 4th grade, and our teacher got a call and turned on the tv so we could watch what was happening. People were crying and freaking out, and I just didn't really care. It was weird, since I felt like I should act upset so everyone wouldnt think I was crazy.
    It worked.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:45:52 No.1650216
    I was getting ready to do a shift at stacking shelves at a supermarket... I still work as a replenishment assistant in a supermarket.. If I remember right it either interupted 'neighbours'
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:47:07 No.1650229
    At home playing Max Payne with a friend.
    >> fucking bitches and hoes cumming swagga in dey nose 03/05/12(Mon)15:47:57 No.1650242
    > My dad cried

    Yep, first and last time I have ever seen that happen.
    He worked with a lot of people who worked in the Towers whenever he was on a business trip to NY city.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:49:16 No.1650257
    I was in my class and watched the towers from the window. My mom picked me up and I went home early. I heard about them falling soon after
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:49:17 No.1650258

    Well we recently marked the 70th anniversary of Pearl Harbor.

    So yeah you'll be hearing about 9/11 for the rest of your life.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:51:07 No.1650274
    i was in fifth grade crying because the debris was flying through the windows and my dad was the last parent to pick me up and take me home and the teacher didn't know how to console me.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:57:49 No.1650353
    Jesus, I bet that sticks with you...
    Wow, I really don't feel sincerely sorry for other people often.. especially on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:57:54 No.1650355
    8 years old in third grade

    I was in the cafeteria at lunch time, and they had portable TVs airing the newscasts.

    I vaguely remember people walking by and you know, gasping and saying "oh my god".

    I was too young and or immature to understand the severity of the situation.

    My reaction was something along the lines "COOL PLANES ARE GOING BOOM BOOM IN TOWERS".

    I can't remember if my teacher commented on it. I have a shitty memory.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)16:22:28 No.1650604
    At home not giving a flying fuck because my birthday is on the 10th and I was way too busy playing with all my new toys.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)16:26:47 No.1650662

    Because I can think of half a dozen off the top of my head. Maybe you should stop believing bullshit you hear on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)16:30:00 No.1650687
    12 years old at the end of summer vacation. Watching some stupid afternoon quiz show on TV when they interrupted it when the first plane hit. I was just mad they interrupted the show.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)16:31:46 No.1650697
    >implying 9/11 really happened
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)16:32:01 No.1650700
    working with the media to help cover it up and make it look like it was terrorists + airplanes... and not really military precision demolition
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)16:32:32 No.1650703
    >mfw everyone in this thread was a fucking child when this shit happened.

    I was a senior in high school. Signed delayed enlistment papers about a month after. Shipped to basic a week after graduation. Spent most my 20s in the sandbox. Was meh.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)16:34:14 No.1650715
    To add to that, I was in study hall in the mornings...

    Someone mentioned a plane hit one of the twin towers. I said it was a terrorist attack and people thought I was full of shit. Then the second plane hit.

    Also conspiracy tards need to fuck off. Your worse than Obama Birthers.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)16:53:47 No.1650934
    Grade 5.
    Some drug dealer told me about it and my folks always said not to talk to drug dealers so I thought he was making it up. Then the teacher told us about it and one of the girls got freaked out because her dad was supposed to be giving a presentation in one of the towers. Everyone just tried to comfort her for the rest of the day, and about four hours later she got a call, came back inside, and said "It's okay everyone, my dad's hearing voices again and today they told him not to go to work so he didn't".
    All of my wat.

    Got home and my mom didn't really give a shit, neither did anyone else in my family. My dad used it as an excuse to call Muslims "niggers" for the next five years though.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)16:56:05 No.1650966
    I was 13 at the time, we were sitting around the table eating breakfast when the first plane hit. We watched the news every morning, so everyone thought at first that it was an accident, until I was at school and another hit.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)16:57:52 No.1650989
    1st grade not a single fuck was given that day.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)17:03:58 No.1651051
    Her dad has god on speed dial.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)17:07:15 No.1651092
    >6th grade math class
    >teacher says something bad just happened
    >watch news entire period
    >I was 11 and had no idea that place even existed
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)17:08:22 No.1651110

    >"It's okay everyone, my dad's hearing voices again and today they told him not to go to work so he didn't".
    All of my wat.

    So...the voices are right?

    Ok guys brb killing my family lol
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)17:24:19 No.1651270
    6th grade History class. I live about 45 minuets from the city. They didn't tell us. I didn't know till my mom picked me up. I knew something bad happened. Students were being pulled from class and the adults were very calm and acting very strange. Nothing felt right at all. The day my childhood died. The day I learned about how evil the world is. The day I learned about death.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)17:37:33 No.1651398
    And that took you till 6th grade?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)17:39:30 No.1651412
    I was like, 9 or something in school, just hanging out with friends, someone told us, we just thought "Oh, okay. Gee, sure hope we don't get bombed. We're like, the second biggest country next to America, maybe we're done for".

    >Don't get bombed
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)17:41:09 No.1651427
    Some farm in Wisconsin. I was on vacation and watched it on TV as a seven-year-old. It confused me and worried me. I could tell something truly wicked was taking place.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)17:43:56 No.1651450
    >"It's okay everyone, my dad's hearing voices again and today they told him not to go to work so he didn't".
    People in the modern era like to say there are no supernatural forces or anything spiritual at work in the world, but when I hear shit like this I just don't know. That is fucking uncanny right there.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)17:45:09 No.1651468
    At home playing SimCity, almost half of my city burned down after a plane crash
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)17:48:31 No.1651510
    Funny thing is, I had no clue about 9/11 until that last 9/11 anniversary. I've the name '9/11' here and there and just pretended like I knew about it. Maybe it's because I live in Canada. Maybe I'm just cut off from the rest of the world.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)17:51:12 No.1651549
    9/11 is way over-hyped and everyone should just get over it, it's been 10 fucking years, jesus.

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