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  • Dear Londoners: I am in your lovely rainy city for the next few days. If you'd fancy a spot of tea and dessert,
    send an e-mail to with a sentence or two about yourself,
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    Cheers, —mootykins

    File: 1330744911.jpg-(58 KB, 500x302, sais1.jpg)
    58 KB Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)22:21:51 No.1618183  
    What are your views on marriage and having children /r9k/?

    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What would you teach your child?
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    What do you see in your love life?
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)22:25:28 No.1618230
    i want to marry and white man and have light skin children with him and have a last name that ends with n
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)22:28:41 No.1618266
    ill def have kids, they won't be my own, though. I want smart ones that can help society. This way I control who is my wife, and who is the father... so I can create the perfect people, to an extent.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)22:30:17 No.1618283
    I'm not marrying unless I KNOW the bitch isn't going to divorce and take all my money. I might want kids, not really sure about that yet.

    And I hope I find love, I just don't know if I will or not.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)22:31:15 No.1618291
         File: 1330745475.jpg-(499 KB, 1072x2338, 1329002271355.jpg)
    499 KB
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >If I wanted to be (which I don't), yes
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What would you teach your child?
    >You can't teach anyone anything; I would allow him/her to learn and have experiences/make mistakes, in contrast to my overprotecive, prude, where you going and who with parents.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >Yes, and they will probably be seperate instances.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    I plan to live at my parents house for a long time, and use the money I save to travel and have other experiences I couldn't do if I had to pay rent. I don't care about the social stigma.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    I've no idea; having any clear expectations for love life makes you blind to unforseen opportuniuties anyway, its not just girls who don't know what they really want until they find it.
    >How does this make you feel?
    I have no idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)22:37:12 No.1618363
    Personally, I don't care what happens marriage wise. I'm fine being single, but getting married wouldn't be bad either. Kids are pieces of shit and I never want them.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)22:41:02 No.1618400
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I would try to be. I'd at least try to raise my child in a way that avoided the things I would say my parents failed in.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >What would you teach your child?
    I'd teach them about art and literature, I'd try to teach them to respect other people. I'd try to teach them not to be scared of people and that being social is a good thing. I'd also try to teach them necessary household tasks from a youngish age so that they're not left as a useless floundering teen embarrassed about how no one ever told them to use a washing machine.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I've already done both.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >What do you see in your love life?
    I see myself staying with my current partner for a while. We work well together and I've never met another person love more. I'd be quite happy if we ended up marrying, having 2.5 kids, a house and a dog.
    Although we're both cat people so it'd more likely be a cat.
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)01:10:10 No.1620168
    >wanting to over populate the population more
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)01:12:37 No.1620205
    Maybe marry (if i find the right girl) im terrified to have kids because I don't want to create a tard.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)02:42:36 No.1621097
    meh, i think it's doubtful.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)02:47:30 No.1621143
    people should stop having kids, we have a strain on resources. imagine if baby production just STOPPED, everyone who wants a kid gets a starving orphan THAT WOULD SOLVE LIKE HALF THE WORLD PROBLEMS.

    I think marriage is fucked, monogamy doesn't really work with my natural instinct to fuck many women and seek various things in many of them.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)02:50:18 No.1621164
    In general, OP, a girl would literally have to blow my mind for considering marriage, kids, and spending my life with her etc. I've just received too much shit and been hurt too often to believe in these things again, unless I meet someone who is an extremely good reason to.

    I don't know OP. The future will tell me, I'll most likely keep you guys informed in a thread of some sort.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)04:11:32 No.1621663
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Maybe, but if at all it will not be with any American woman ever.

    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I can think of worse, but I'm not so narcissistic as to assume that I am simply because some twisted bible-thumping asshole says that I am or am not.

    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    Even if I marry, I will likely remain alone inside... yes, my ability to trust a woman is that depleted.

    >What would you teach your child?
    If it's a boy, I will teach him how to be cautious of women and how not to be manipulated by them. If it's a girl, I will make sure that she knows what harm she is in a position to cause, and this won't be a matter of guilt but rather a realization that I will not defend her honor or any other chivalrous bullshit.

    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    What do you think?

    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    My parents are the result of right-wing thinking and consumption-based ideology. As far they're concerned, I'm just another thing in the house, not an actual person and certainly not someone that they've given any real thought to about the future of. There are no long term plans apart from me living with them and taking care of them until they're dead, but by then I'll be left by myself with nothing to show for it but a stack of bibles and Ayn Rand novels to remind me of what my parents were.

    >What do you see in your love life?
    What love life?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)04:12:46 No.1621670
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    My parents are the result of right-wing thinking and consumption-based ideology. As far they're concerned, I'm just another thing in the house, not an actual person and certainly not someone that they've given any real thought to about the future of. There are no long term plans apart from me living with them and taking care of them until they're dead, but by then I'll be left by myself with nothing to show for it but a stack of bibles and Ayn Rand novels to remind me of what my parents were.

    >What do you see in your love life?
    What love life?

    >How does this make you feel?
    I understand why some people commit suicide, and why others go on school shootings and other violent rampages. My biggest regret is that I didn't end my life doing either of these years ago. At least that way my life might have meant something, even if only by ending the misery of a few other unfortunate people and/or cutting short the privileged lifestyles of those who profited from making us that way.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)04:19:34 No.1621723
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Married: No, Children: Yes
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I'd be alright
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    I'd like to think not.
    >What would you teach your child?
    'the value of a dollar', not to believe everything someone tells them with out reading into it yourself, how to drive a manual
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Already lost my virginity, love TBF
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Already out of my parents place. I've got a neat little studio apartment with an alright view of the water between some buildings near seattle
    >What do you see in your love life?
    >How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)04:32:27 No.1621794
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    I doubt it. I'm an only child and I feel like I owe my parents grand children but I really wouldn't be able to handle kids.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Pffft, no.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    For as long as I can.
    >What would you teach your child?
    Nothing, I'm dumb as a sack of bricks and as wise as one too.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I found love and lost my virginity in high school, I think once is enough for a life time.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Nothing for now, I'm still on cool down from the my last relationship (lasted 4 years, ended right at the start of 2010) and enjoying some well deserved solitude.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)04:46:37 No.1621874
    What are your views on marriage and having children /r9k/?
    >I think, people should only marry if they plan on having children, or else marriage is just extended dating.
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >I expect to get married old. My wife will resent me, and I would like to have two sons.
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >I'd make a great parent. However, emotional nuturing would not be my strong suit.
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What would you teach your child?
    >Chemistry, analytical thinking, how to not rely on technology
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >I don't think I'll find love. I'll lose my virginity...maybe
    What do you see in your love life?
    >I see the friendzone most of the time. only hook ups are at holidays where everyone is blackout drunk.
    How does this make you feel?
    >it makes me feel as if I'm missing a key element to be a boyfriend to a girl. I have to explore myself a little more to see if i find something
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)04:51:38 No.1621897
    I'd be a good dad, but I ain't never having kids. Just too cruel to bring new people into this world with the way things are going; couldn't forgive myself or face the apology I would owe them once they were old enough to understand.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)05:06:08 No.1621940
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    I don't want to get married, but I want to have a daughter.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I'd be the best dad ever I think.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    If that happens it will be my own decision. I could get women if I wanted them.
    >What would you teach your child?
    I'd teach her about anime and try to get her to be her own person.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I've lost it already.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    I don't live with my parents.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    I'm stuck in a shitty relationship in which I am raped by my girlfriend.
    >How does this make you feel?
    I feel neutral about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)05:20:23 No.1622002

    >owe my parents grand children

    you don't owe your parents anything, please snap out of that mindset before it gets worse.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)07:00:08 No.1622445
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    No, the laws are too unfavorable to males. I would most likely get my money sucked by a family I wouldn't be part of.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    No, but it doesn't mean I'll be married.
    >What would you teach your child?
    Values of honor.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Yes. I don't know about later life.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Vaginas. Lots of it.
    >How does this make you feel?
    I feel nothing.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)08:44:27 No.1623066
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Yes, both.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Pretty sure i would
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    No, but of course just because it doesn't seem like it now doesn't mean it won't happen.
    >What would you teach your child?
    The importance of working hard and having goals. Probably playing with electronics and being in the wilderness too.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Already happened, so yes.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    I have a wonderful girlfriend who i'll hopefully be with for a long time
    >How does this make you feel?
    Makes me think i have a future after all.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)09:11:11 No.1623208
    These days marriage is voluntary slavery if you're a man, and if I ever want kids I'd first become financially ready and then I'd pay a couple who can't have their own kids for whatever reason to bear and raise my genetic offspring for me, offering only my financial support when needed.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)10:16:24 No.1623624
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I don't care.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >What would you teach your child?
    Masturbation from a very young age.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    I already live alone. The place smells like semen way too much.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    I don't see my love life.
    >How does this make you feel?
    Horny. I'm gonna go fap again.
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)18:30:51 No.1627948
    In my opinion Marrige is some bullshit made up retarded way to make what you two have more maningful it's like writing "Oh Jenny you make my heart beat" on your msn or facebook page.
    Kids are a choice, to have them or not, either answer is well acceptable

    Personaly i will not get married i will get a child most likely wont forever alone
    I'd make an awesome parent
    Love is bullshit in my opinion wont have it but yeah i will lose my virginity
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)21:01:50 No.1629747
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)21:20:58 No.1629925
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    If I was single, I would say no
    Unfortunately, the opposite will be the reality. BF wants to sign the papers of marriage (no fancy $100K wedding, which I don't mind) and have at least 3 kids. I want none of that even though he is pretty much my other half
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Doubt it. Have my issues that make me emotionally cold and inattentive to other's needs
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    No but I want to
    >What would you teach your child?
    If I had to birth one of those creatures, I would home school it and teach it parkour/weight training, intensive math and computer shit, and some fucking common sense
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    no and I already did
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Nothing but blandness. Want to be on my own like I was before relationship. Complete solitude to myself
    >How does this make you feel?
    Apathetic. Love never last
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)22:23:00 No.1630523

    why do you think low of yourself? I do to, but what's your story?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)22:28:33 No.1630590
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Not really.

    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I would be too paranoid/controlling.

    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?

    >What would you teach your child?
    To be accepting of and kind to everyone.

    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?

    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Go to college instantly and never turn back.

    >What do you see in your love life?
    Anyone who I ever thought I loved ended up stabbing me in the heart.

    >How does this make you feel?
    Apathetic. I would be okay with living by myself for the rest of my life, or having a mate. If I was by myself and lonely, I could buy a pet or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)02:02:07 No.1632490

    this is me but i know for a fact i wont get married.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)03:10:46 No.1633073
    >getting married

    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)04:52:50 No.1633781
    i prefer to lead the single life.

    this was not original.jpg
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)04:55:04 No.1633798
    Already married with two children, and not to sound like megafag but I'm happier than I've ever been.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:22:39 No.1634363

    why even come on here? Your wife must be boring as hell.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:25:11 No.1634379
    Husband, and no, he's not, but I come here when I have trouble sleeping and there's nothing else to do.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)06:56:01 No.1634607
    I want to have children, more precisely sons, heirs to my legacy and culture and language, etc.

    However I don't want to have responsibilites.

    At the moment I don't like the idea of getting married but I might in the future, and if I ever were to get married, it would be a highly traditional one.

    At the moment though I don't think about such stuff, all I want right now is a kiss, a hug, a girlfriend...
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:00:07 No.1634960
    glitched out on me but no.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:05:29 No.1634982
    You fucking loser. Just kill yourself now.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:07:12 No.1634990
    >marry and have children
    >implying you have to marry to have children

    It's not like you have a padlock on your cock that requires a wedding ring to remove.
    >> Nietzsche Poster Child !TransDztB2 03/04/12(Sun)08:07:56 No.1634993
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    I am sterile, so no children. I have zero desire to procreate, adopt, etc. I do not need the state to authorize my love life, so marriage is out.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    No. I prefer my independence and couldn't stand some little parasite needing me.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    Ideally, no. I'd like to find a guy to have a committed, monogamous relationship with.
    >What would you teach your child?
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Already done both.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    I live on my own.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    >How does this make you feel?
    Slightly horny.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)08:24:57 No.1635091
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    I'm pretty sure that within ten years I'll be married with kids, and I like the idea of that. I won't be too disappointed if it doesn't happen, and I won't let it unless it's with the right person. Sometimes finding that person seems hopeless, and sometimes it feels inevitable, given my history.

    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I would make an awesome parent. I like to think it would be like getting raised by Gandalf.

    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    No, I will not

    >What would you teach your child?
    I will teach them everything I know.

    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Happened when I was 16.

    >What do you see in your love life?
    I feel like I have a lot to offer a girl. I'm handsome, brutally intelligent, awesome in bed, self reliant... I've literally never had a serious crush didn't end up having a crush on me as well... All but the very first, I ended up dating. I'd say that makes me feel pretty alpha, but they always end up leaving me. And not just leaving me, but leaving me for other guys. My cousin, on more than one occasion. Bastard isn't even as good-looking as I am. At first I thought I needed a more stable, level-headed girl, but then I found one and the only difference was that there was less warning before she left me for my cousin. So... At this point I see getting left a lot. I can only hope that changes. It's a bit confusing, really.
    >> beck !16dOb9Jao2 03/04/12(Sun)11:33:09 No.1636189
    Do you think you will ever get married and have
    your own children?
    >yes, yes
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >i think i would
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What would you teach your child?
    >if boy: football/soccer and tennis from early age, they will know math and computing to a relatively higher level than those the same age, they will not have religion forced down their throats but rather have the choice when they get old enough to realise what it is. they would know the value of money and they will have to earn their gifts, privellages etc

    >if girl: tennis at an early age, math and science also, they will not be sheltered from issues such as sex as i dont want her becoming a rebellious slut

    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >already done both, im cosidering whether or not to pop the question as it is
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >i do not plan marriage or kids until i am financially stable enough to warrant doing so
    What do you see in your love life?
    >a girl who loves me for who i am, and i love her for who she is, although her religious views (catholic) piss me off sometimes,
    How does this make you feel?
    >adult, i look forward to the stereotypical family life
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)11:46:36 No.1636287
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >I am unmarried with 1 child (23 yo male, btw)
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >I think I'm doing a good job. My daughter's enormously happy and healthy.
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >used to think so, now i at least have my kid. my gf i'm not sure about, though.
    What would you teach your child?
    i spend a lot of time reading and playing music to her. i make sure she spends a lot of time around adult friends and don't let any of them talk in stupid babby babble to her, cos i think it's bad for language development. we NEVER watch t.v.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >pretty sure i answered that.
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >moved out @ 17
    What do you see in your love life?
    >really don't care about girls any more. i'm reasonably happy with my situation/tend to focus on my kid.
    How does this make you feel?
    >life ain't half bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)11:51:01 No.1636319
    :3 good job, anondad!
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)12:43:19 No.1636655
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Unlikely, allready have.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Doubt that.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    Hope not. But then again, I can always go after a fatty :(
    >What would you teach your child?
    Not a clue
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Done and ... I would like to keep this information private if I am virgin or not :p
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Student house, for the last 8 years despite having a full time job + high pay. But to lazy to move again.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Left hand and a fat bitch or somebody somewhat lovely
    >How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)12:51:29 No.1636692
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Seems unlikely at this point but you never know.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I think I'd make an awesome dad, absolutely.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    I hope not.
    >What would you teach your child?
    Everything I know/can. I already decided that if I ever have kids I'd like to home-school them. I feel I can provide a superior education to sitting in a crumbling box of bricks listening to a middle-aged woman who never achieved her dreams.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    At this point, chances seem bleak, but there's always a bit of hope.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    I'd be fine living on my own - go to work, come home, do whatever I want without regard to anyone's opinion/reaction, go to bed, repeat. I would get lonely pretty fast though, if that's all I did, so do hope that by some miracle I find someone -whether a girl or just a lasting friend.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Right now my love life is nonexistent.
    >How does this make you feel?
    meh, I'm damn busy with school right now so it doesn't really bother me. I would appreciate someone in my life but I doubt that's going to happen soon.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)12:53:45 No.1636701
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >most likely
    What would you teach your child?
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >most likely not
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    What do you see in your love life?
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)12:56:59 No.1636719
    Yes, but not for a while
    Hopefully not
    Moral values and being a hard worker
    I live on my own
    No expectations, going with the flow. I was a shut in, now I have alot of female friends, a few have made advances on me when I was drunk, but I never took advantage of it
    Alright, I still have alot of life to live
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)13:24:24 No.1636936
    This guy knows what's up. I've got the same plan.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)16:05:47 No.1638502
    to the guys who will remain alone and not get married to you even talk to people online or have friends?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)16:11:31 No.1638574
    1. Eventually, I see it as quite possible.
    2. Well, I'd be seen as a nazi by the outside world but I'd raise my child right.
    3. Nope. I'm never alone, my cat will always love me.
    4. Value of hard work, don't live above your means, always ask yourself "Does this make sense?" Don't take bullshit from people who don't know what they're talking about. Generally what my father has taught me.
    5. Yes, and already have. Hooray for drunken whores.
    7. My cat and a hopeful future.
    8. Quite well.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:26:55 No.1642042
    >getting married
    no please no
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)23:14:06 No.1643045
    Never want to get married, never want kids.
    Ruined a few relationships because of it.
    Girls may pretend they don't care about that shit, but finding one that doesnt want to turn into a baby machine is near impossible.
    Considering getting a vasectomy just in case.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)01:12:12 No.1644268
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    Most likely.
    >What would you teach your child?
    Probably a fair share of my nihilistic views and hatred for niggers.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I will probably lose my virginity, However, I'm not so sure about ever finding love in my life.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Hopefully in some sort of solitary environment. Just can't stand being around people for long periods of time.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Maybe a few one night stands here and there.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)05:42:16 No.1646316

    why somewhat?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)05:47:51 No.1646330
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    It appears to be heading in that direction.
    >What would you teach your child?
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Probably not
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Cheaply and minimally
    >What do you see in your love life?
    I don't see a love life because I don't have one and never have.
    >How does this make you feel?
    My apathy towards all this is pretty underwhelming.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:04:13 No.1646389
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    married not for long, children probably.

    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    maybe a better single parent than in a full on nuclear family.

    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    i honestly think i'll just be in and out of relationships for the rest of time, mostly out of them.

    >What would you teach your child?
    never lose faith in humanity, but trust no one but blood. and even then, blood can still turn their back on you.

    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    not applicable. but it wasn't the way i wanted to fall in love nor was it the way i wanted to lose my v-card.

    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    a killer job that takes up most of my time coupled with hobbies that will take up the rest of my time. little time to sit idly in the apartment i'll probably be renting.

    >What do you see in your love life?
    i think i'd rather be wizard mode (focus on school and success in any department but intimate relationships)

    >How does this make you feel?
    i think i was always going to end up like this.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:08:22 No.1646402
    I've known several women that don't want kids. Are you certain you live in a western nation?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:15:17 No.1646426
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    I'm gay so I can pay women to have my children for me, and I want them so yes to that. As for marriage, probably not, but it has to be legal first.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Yes, yes I think I would.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    There's a good chance of it yes.
    >What would you teach your child?
    First of all that I love him or her very much, and that I'll always be there even if he or she throws me away like the rest of my family.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Lost my v-card a long long time ago, wasn't anything special. And as for love see above.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Been out for a long time, and it's the same way it was when I was living there, boring.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    A lot of possibilities, no actual promise
    >How does this make you feel?
    I could give two shits really.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:17:46 No.1646441
    Fuck the other questions.

    >What would you teach your child?
    That independence is strength. To never follow heard mentality. To question all authority figures, including myself. To question their own motivations behind their actions.

    I would most likely fail in this effort, too. Not for lack of trying, but people find it so much easier to follow the heard and never question authority or themselves.

    And also, marriage is a fucking scam if your a man.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)08:24:35 No.1646962

    do you even have friends or social skills?

    or know how to cook/have any skills?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:05:32 No.1649263

    I agree with this, I wouldn't be able to make the effort.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)16:54:41 No.1650950
    >do you even have friends or social skills?
    I have a friend I don't speak to regularly. We go for months without talking because he's the gregarious party type.

    >or know how to cook/have any skills?
    I cook a lot. People also like the essays I write and tell me I have a radio voice.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)18:00:54 No.1651656

    how are you on terms with your parents/family members?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)18:14:00 No.1651819
    I talk to my dad a couple times a week, my brother a little less, and everybody else really never.
    >Where is this leading?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)18:14:30 No.1651828
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Married? Yes. Kids? maybe.
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Until they're teenagers. I love kids, but once they get to be rebellious, I have no idea how to handle that. I smoked and drank when I was a teenager, but my scenario would be different. I grew up with my alcoholic single father. I literally had no rules as a teen. Who am I to tell my teenage kid what he can and cannot do? It just makes me nervous.
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What would you teach your child?
    To live his life, basic skills, how to be social, all the stuff he needs to know to be a good member of society.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Yeah, for sure
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    I'm moving out in three months. It's going to be pretty cool I guess.
    What do you see in your love life?
    I want to find a girl who I truly care about and marry her. I know I'll find her one day, but right now I'm more focused on school.
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)19:23:50 No.1652559
    I will never get married or have kids. This has nothing to do with "women" and everything to do with the laws. The law is not on my side if there is a divorce and the law enforces obligations if there is a divorce, while not enforcing obligations on her part. I could be hit up with child-support even if I am not allowed co-custody.

    I would much rather simply keep the law out of my life as much as I can, therefore I will sacrifice the chance to have a family. If the climate ever becomes conductive towards having a family, I would do so.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)03:52:18 No.1657238
    i hate it honestly, i see no reason.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)06:15:30 No.1657873
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)06:40:36 No.1657955
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    More than likely not. I'm not mature enough to handle the responsibility of being in a healthy relationship nor am I mature enough to carry the burden of raising a child.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    No. Little kids freak me out because they're always crying and I never know why or what they want. Also I'm not a vocal person and would probably never be able to tell them HEY STOP THAT IT'S WRONG
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    Out of choice, yes.
    >What would you teach your child?
    I have no idea, I guess the opposite of everything my parents taught me?
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    No and No. Nobody is going to take the time to deal with my bullshit and I'm not gonna pay an escort for something I rarely do anyways in mastubating
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    I don't live with them. I live in an apartment 5-10 minutes away from where I work.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Absolutely nothing because, and I state again, nobody is going to put up with my bullshit.
    >How does this make you feel?
    It's my own fault, so. I dug my grave, I gotta sleep in it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:17:06 No.1658616
    to those of you who aren't having kids or getting married, what are you willing to do in the future?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:25:45 No.1660329
    i see no reason for me to get married, i like the single life.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:33:42 No.1660393
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Definitely. I'm great with kids, and I get along with the opposite sex pretty well. I'm never single because I'm forced to be; only single if I want to be, which I use as time to reflect on myself.

    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I'd try to foster good beliefs, a healthy, active, and social lifestyle. I'd think so; my nephews love me, and I'm not one to keep them in front of the TV all day.

    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?

    >What would you teach your child?
    How to be healthy. Respect for others. Appreciation for what he/she may have. Basically everything that /r9k/ is.

    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Done and done.

    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    I'm a scrappy motherfucker; I always find jobs and will do what I have to do to get by.

    >What do you see in your love life?
    I do what I gotta do. I never force a chick to do what she doesn't want to.

    >How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:35:20 No.1660403
    ANOTHER survery, REALLY NOW? How fucking dull.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:38:35 No.1660426
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >yes absolutely. I'm on my way to become a well adjusted member of society though you wouldn't know it since I'm on /r9k/ right now. inb4 normalfag, that's not really an insult you know.
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >I can't wait to be a parent, I've got so many things and ideas to hand down to the little bitch/bastard.
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >nope, you kind of already asked that question.
    What would you teach your child?
    >I'll teach my child to value freedom, to think for him/herself, to be compassionate to other human beings and to excel in all the he/she tries. I'll teach them to be part of the world.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >I'm starting to realize how retarded this is, third time you've basically asked the same question.
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >frugal, I'll be going to college in a few months.
    What do you see in your love life?
    >Right now my love life is non-existant, but once I have one I plan on being a loving and generous partner.
    How does this make you feel?
    >How does what make me feel? The last question or the questionnaire in general? They both kind of sucked to be honest but the test reminded me of my motivations in life, so pretty good I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:38:51 No.1660428
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    No, i don't want children nor marriage.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    No, but i won't marry.
    >What would you teach your child?
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I'm not a virgin, i was in a 2 years relationship, then i left her because she was crazy.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    going to work (sysadmin), go back home, fap, play vidya, watch movies.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Nothing right now.
    >How does this make you feel?
    I feel pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:52:54 No.1660545
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Yes, definitely. I have am quite vounerable towards girls, this makes me certain i will be picked off the shelf (implying i'm smart, not bad looking, social).
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I believe so. I have some experience with my cousins and sisters and we get along just fine. Also i wouldn't turn them into monsters.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >What would you teach your child?
    Respect, honesty, some common intelligence for society's sake (mfw seeing and hearing some kids these days), I would also foster a relationship where he/she/they could tell me ANYTHING, I would have hated to grow up in a family where i couldn't be open minded about my troubles and questions.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Been there, done that.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Trust, sex, honesty, sex.
    >How does this make you feel?
    Not bad actually.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:41:38 No.1661598
    why are you alls aying you'd be good parents when you aren't marrying?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)19:50:13 No.1663379
    that i shouldn't have them or else my life will get even worse.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)21:32:45 No.1664490
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Maybe, but if at all it will not be with any American woman ever.

    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I can think of worse, but I'm not so narcissistic as to assume that I am simply because some twisted bible-thumping asshole says that I am or am not.

    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    Even if I marry, I will likely remain alone inside... yes, my ability to trust a woman is that depleted.

    >What would you teach your child?
    If it's a boy, I will teach him how to be cautious of women and how not to be manipulated by them. If it's a girl, I will make sure that she knows what harm she is in a position to cause, and this won't be a matter of guilt but rather a realization that I will not defend her honor or any other chivalrous bullshit.

    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    What do you think?

    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    My parents are the result of right-wing thinking and consumption-based ideology. As far they're concerned, I'm just another thing in the house, not an actual person and certainly not someone that they've given any real thought to about the future of. There are no long term plans apart from me living with them and taking care of them until they're dead, but by then I'll be left by myself with nothing to show for it but a stack of bibles and Ayn Rand novels to remind me of what my parents were.

    >What do you see in your love life?
    What love life? it doesn't exist.
    >> Derrida 03/06/12(Tue)21:34:42 No.1664516




    >> Derrida 03/06/12(Tue)21:37:26 No.1664548
    I want all of you for a moment to close your eyes and imagine:

    >men all across the country refuse to settle down
    >men all across the country refuse to move in with women
    >men all across the country refuse to impregnate women
    >men all across the country refuse to marry
    >men all across the country STAND THE FUCK UP FOR THEMSELVES

    Now tell me that isn't an awesome vision.

    Open your eyes.
    >> Derrida 03/06/12(Tue)21:39:31 No.1664574
    recently heard that my mother wanted to divorce my father for all the usual reasons.

    >she disapproves of his drinking
    >doesn't feel loved enough

    Meanwhile my father commutes 4 hours a day in SoCal traffic to make enough money to put a roof over his family's head, and he just spent the last 18 months fighting the banks for the house (which he wound up losing, but he was also able to walk away from his debt so he came out on top). It's obvious that he feels like shit for losing the house, though. He loved that house.

    I'd say the man has earned a few drinks! If he stopped drinking he'd probably kill himself from the stress of the commute alone, never mind his actual job.

    I'm very disappointed that my mother would even think like that, instead of supporting my father through a difficult time in his life. She's even withholding sex from him, for the last few years. It's just terrible.

    We'll meet again....
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)21:59:49 No.1664783
    If you were to actually get married, your tone would probably change, and if you had a daughter you probably wouldn't start telling her how horrible all women are when she was seven, since that would just encourage her.

    But then, this is /r9k/, and I'm glad none of you will breed.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)22:26:33 No.1665046
    Huh, my parents are in a similar situation, and have been for as long as I can remember.

    >Both working shift work when my older brother is born
    >Dad won't leave his lower-paying job, won't allow anyone in the house
    >Mom has to quit her career to be a mother
    >Never able to go back to work
    >Father proceeds to drink and emotionally abuse her for 22 years
    >Same with my brother and I
    >Gives her shit for not having a job, when he made that her only option
    >He is now pre-diabetic and on medication for blood pressure and heart problems
    >Doesn't quit drinking
    >Doesn't exercise
    >Diet is still terrible

    I love them both, but his logic is a bit backwards at times.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)22:31:30 No.1665103

    You should kill your mother instead of shitting up the board.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:34:21 No.1666948
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:11:21 No.1667775
    that feel when even your other interests are about to vanish
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:23:29 No.1667864
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >What would you teach your child?
    I'd help them academically; as well as teaching them how to be a respectful person and to respect others. They would have manners, be polite and not fear social interaction with others. I'd also definately teaching them basic housework; such as washing up, using the washing machine, etc.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Alone (probably), or I could find a friend who would want to share a flat.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    The unfertile and futureless dry, barren earth of my romantic prospects.
    >How does this make you feel?
    I have 'that feel' of course. It's sad to think about, but I'm alright for now.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:26:01 No.1667884
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children? No, and most likely not but I may adopt if i ever want a child.
    Do you think you'd make a good parent? Probably not, I get too angry too quickly and I have a tendancy to hit things if things aren't going my way.
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life? Hopefully.
    What would you teach your child? Don't be a dick, be nice, be happy, don't sit at home and do nothing forever etc.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity? No and no.
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house? By myself. If i must, I will move in with flatmates until I have a job that pays enough for a house of my own.
    What do you see in your love life? wowitsfuckingnothing.jpg
    How does this make you feel?
    Very happy! I just want friends, I don't want boyfriends.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:30:59 No.1667907
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >I'll probably get married at least once, I don't want to birth kids, but I might adopt.
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >Pretty good. Although I am a bit biased, if I raise my kids like my parents raised me they'll be alright.
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >No, I'm in a relationship currently (probably won't marry her unless things change). But I know how to get a girl and am pretty good at the whole relationship thing.
    What would you teach your child?
    >How everything is subjective, no one is right or wrong, and how to play stocks. Set for life!
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >Been there, done that.
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >Already out of my parents house. I call them regularly, and we have a good relationship. My dad is one of my best friends.
    What do you see in your love life?
    >Currently in love :3. Will probably fall in and out of love a few more times until I settle and/or kill myself.
    How does this make you feel?
    >Pretty good, besides the whole eventually killing myself thing. It'll happen though. Or at least cancer.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:32:46 No.1667924

    Live. Get a house with lots of land. Finish my degree and get into the field I love. Explore the world, make lots of friends, read lots of books, draw lots of pictures. Breed chickens and go off-roading.
    Spend my money on me, or my family and friends, instead of on whatever a spouse wants or whatever new shit the child wants.

    I'm a very selfish person, so I couldn't stand the idea of constant compromise, which is what I'd have to do if I got married or had children.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:37:50 No.1667960
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >no and no
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What would you teach your child?
    >a love for the outdoors
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >yes and I already lost my virginity
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >very simply
    What do you see in your love life?
    >I don't have one right now so I don't see a lot
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:42:39 No.1667994
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    children maybe, marriage lol no
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    hmmmmmm, probably. I'd be really harsh on the kid tho, if she/he gives me any shit i'd starve it and inflict trauma until they learn to respect me, and they will learn very quickly. After that I'd be a fine parent, at least IMO.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    it's possible, idk
    >What would you teach your child?
    nothing, unless they wanted to learn it. I'm not sure if I'd even send them to school.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >love.... I don't think I'll ever fall in love with a whore even if she was perfect, virginity Im seriously thinking of using a prostitute
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >currently im living off welfare but they want to kick me out of it.. probably ill love to a really poor country and just leach off my parents
    What do you see in your love life?
    >hmmmm, probably nothing
    How does this make you feel?
    >okay I guess
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)06:54:40 No.1668930
    brempan fo mor who aren't marring.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)07:03:33 No.1668988
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Maybe, but it's not a priority.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    It's a possibility, but I doubt it.
    >What would you teach your child?
    Survival skills, languages, other useful stuff.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Most probably.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    By getting a job and being financially secure.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    A beautiful but flawed girl with whom I want to settle down with. Your questions suck by the way.
    >How does this make you feel?
    How does what make me feel? The picture? It's cute I guess. My love life? I don't know I've never really cared to be with any one else.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)12:03:29 No.1670325
    no because i'm a wreck...a wreck.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)12:15:52 No.1670397
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Maybe, have biological children no.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I think I'd make an ok one but not a model one.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    One is never alone in life, as far as romantically goes if something happens it does.
    >What would you teach your child?
    That the world is not black and white but gray, and no one view point is right.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I may or may not I don't particularly care if I do.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    I plan to live however I feel like. Probably staying in an apartment and doing what I want when I want for the most part.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    What love life?
    >How does this make you feel?
    Sometimes a little dissapointed but overall I don't care. There have been few individuals that I have ever had feelings of love for and they are few and far between. And even if we are talking lust or primal desires there are few traits I consider "Attractive." My luck just so happens that any individual I have feelings of love for did not reciprocate my feelings which is fine. I can't force people to love me.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)12:16:31 No.1670401
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What would you teach your child?
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)17:05:47 No.1672675

    this guy has the right idea, waiting for more who agree.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)17:14:42 No.1672766
    I have never viewed marriage in the United States as a favorable option for me as a man. My thoughts have only been reaffirmed time and time again through observation and experience with American women.

    I'd like to fall in love. I'd like to have children some day, but I don't think I'll ever find a woman who I trust enough to make that much of an investment in.

    In the meantime I'll just keep having meaningless casual sexual relationships with unfaithful women and discarding them when they try to pull "relationship" bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)17:43:12 No.1672986
    >in the united states

    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)19:25:16 No.1673966
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I would try to be. I'd at least try to raise my child in a way that avoided the things I would say my parents failed in.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >What would you teach your child?
    I'd teach them about art and literature, I'd try to teach them to respect other people. I'd try to teach them not to be scared of people and that being social is a good thing. I'd also try to teach them necessary household tasks from a youngish age so that they're not left as a useless floundering teen embarrassed about how no one ever told them to use a washing machine.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I've already done both.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >What do you see in your love life?
    I see myself staying with my current partner for a while. We work well together and I've never met another person love more. I'd be quite happy if we ended up marrying, having 2.5 kids, a house and a dog.
    Although we're both cat people so it'd more likely be a cat.
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)21:55:51 No.1675553
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I would try to be. I'd at least try to raise my child in a way that avoided the things I would say my parents failed in.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >What would you teach your child?
    I'd teach them about art and literature, I'd try to teach them to respect other people. I'd try to teach them not to be scared of people and that being social is a good thing. I'd also try to teach them necessary household tasks from a youngish age so that they're not left as a useless floundering teen embarrassed about how no one ever told them to use a washing machine.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I've already done both.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >What do you see in your love life?
    I see myself staying with my current partner for a while. We work well together and I've never met another person love more. I'd be quite happy if we ended up marrying, having 2.5 kids, a house and a dog.
    Although we're both cat people so it'd more likely be a cat.
    How does this make you feel?
    Alright. but it could be better, but it wont.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)22:19:45 No.1675804
    surprised a lot of people are actually getting married in here.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)23:43:28 No.1676677
    my children wouldn't be taught right...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)01:13:19 No.1677461
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)01:17:19 No.1677493
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?

    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I dunno

    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?

    >What would you teach your child?
    to be outgoing and sociable

    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?

    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move
    out of your parents house?

    >What do you see in your love life?

    >How does this make you feel?
    I don't feel anything about it
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)01:26:36 No.1677557
    Never getting married, never having kids. I hate kids, so I don't think I'd make a good parent. I probably will be alone for the rest of my life. I wouldn't teach my kid anything because I wouldn't fucking have one. I will never find love, and I don't know if I'll ever lose my virginity. I can live the same way I do now when I move out of my parents' house, only with less masturbation and video games and more work and trying not to strangle my neighbor.

    I see nothing in my love life, and I really don't mind. Things are what they are, and getting fucked up about it doesn't really make any sense.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)01:27:23 No.1677561
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    > I'm almost certain I'm going to marry the woman I'm with now, or at least, I think about it a lot. Idk, just feels like it's something we should do. As for kids, I don't see it happening. There's a lot we both want to do, and just won't have time to devote to a child.
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >I like to think I'd learn from the mistakes my parents made, so, in some ways, yes, but we all screw up somehow.
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    > Nope. I've never been more sure of anything than what I have now.
    What would you teach your child?
    > If we ever did have any, I'd do my best to teach them how to be themselves. I think the most important thing is being happy in life, so I'd like my children to reflect that ideal.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    > Haven't had my virginity since I was 15, dude, but love was hard to find. At least now I have it.
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    > We have a plan, so that, I guess.
    What do you see in your love life?
    > More than I can ask for.
    How does this make you feel?
    > Feels alright, man.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)01:28:41 No.1677570
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    will never get involved with women ever
    might try to adopt a kid
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    i'd probably be a better dad than most, but perhaps i'd be too overprotective. also, there's the whole bit about not having a mom.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    will never get involved with women ever
    >What would you teach your child?
    i'd teach my kid to actually use his brain inquisitively and skeptically, instead of just soaking up and accepting "facts" as they are, since that's something that sheep do.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    will never get involved with women ever
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    alone is better than a loan
    >What do you see in your love life?
    will never get involved with women ever
    >How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:21:40 No.1678525

    do you even have friends on or offline or are you always alone and keep to yourself?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:27:40 No.1678568
    I will probably never marry or have kids. Most likely just travel around living in shitty places here and there and die in my late 40's.

    I would be a shit parent due to not having a real father or childhood. Marriage goes against human nature and it only exist to keep the population going.

    I probably will never find love because the dream girl doesn't exist and you can't trust women.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:29:44 No.1678582

    I don't think any women would ever love me back, so therefore no marriage and no kids.

    I say travel around because who wants to be stuck in the same place forever?

    And I really don't see myself living a long healthy live with a house in the suburbs.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:54:57 No.1678759

    whatever. at least you have social skills, knowledge on a lot of subjects, friends, and other shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:05:19 No.1678844

    Actually no. I have 0 friends and social skills are limited.

    I wish I could someday meet the girl of my dreams but that will never happen. So I am stuck with being a lonely wander with no goal in life whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:09:57 No.1678876
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Me and my girlfriend both think marriage is useless. I know she might change her mind at some point but I probably won't. I'd still get married though as it is not a biggie for me. I however do want kids and my current girlfriend would be a perfect mother in my opinion. She's 19 and I'm 18 though so we haven't discussed it that much. We both do want kids at some point.

    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I think so yes. Growing up without a proper father figure I'd put a lot of effort to be there for my son or daughter and do the stuff that I wanted to do with my parents.

    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    Right now it seems unlikely but only the Universe knows.

    >What would you teach your child?
    Good question. I don't know really. I'd teach him/her what he/she wants to learn.

    >What do you see in your love life?
    Right now I'd just like to think that we'll stay together and have kids. No other plans.

    >How does this make you feel?
    Warm and fuzzy.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:21:31 No.1678935

    well that shouldn't matter if you plan on getting a girl or friends in the future. do you even have interests? What are you like with your family members/parents? be right back, going to make something to eat.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)05:32:23 No.1679259


    how limited?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:47:46 No.1679598
    nah, i think i'll remain asocial.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)08:50:49 No.1680142
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I would try to be. I'd at least try to raise my child in a way that avoided the things I would say my parents failed in.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >What would you teach your child?
    I'd teach them about art and literature, I'd try to teach them to respect other people. I'd try to teach them not to be scared of people and that being social is a good thing. I'd also try to teach them necessary household tasks from a youngish age so that they're not left as a useless floundering teen embarrassed about how no one ever told them to use a washing machine.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I've already done both.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >What do you see in your love life?
    I see myself staying with my current partner for a while. We work well together and I've never met another person love more. I'd be quite happy if we ended up marrying, having 2.5 kids, a house and a dog.
    Although we're both cat people so it'd more likely be a cat.
    How does this make you feel?
    Alright. all you needed to know
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)08:54:14 No.1680170
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >No, and no, not if I can help it.
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >Who knows. It's likely, but I guess there is the odd chance of me finding "love", whatever that is.
    What would you teach your child?
    >That most people are fucking cunts, and being nice gets you absolutely nowhere.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >No. Well, maybe, but no.
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >1 bed apartment most likely.
    What do you see in your love life?
    How does this make you feel?
    >Fine, I guess. I want a friend more than any kind of love interest.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)09:42:57 No.1680501

    do you think you'll ever get a friend?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)12:21:54 No.1681590
    marriage is shit
    no i don't think i will
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)13:46:57 No.1682436
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I would try to be. I'd at least try to raise my child in a way that avoided the things I would say my parents failed in.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >What would you teach your child?
    I'd teach them about art and literature, I'd try to teach them to respect other people. I'd try to teach them not to be scared of people and that being social is a good thing. I'd also try to teach them necessary household tasks from a youngish age so that they're not left as a useless floundering teen embarrassed about how no one ever told them to use a washing machine.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I've already done both.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >What do you see in your love life?
    I see myself staying with my current partner for a while. We work well together and I've never met another person love more. I'd be quite happy if we ended up marrying, having 2.5 kids, a house and a dog.
    Although we're both cat people so it'd more likely be a cat.
    How does this make you feel?
    Alright. but could be better
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)13:53:43 No.1682490
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    yes and yes
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    probably better than average, hopefully as good as/better than my parents
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    Nope, but I wouldn't mind if I did
    >What would you teach your child?
    To not be a dick
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Been there, done that
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >What do you see in your love life?
    dead ends
    >How does this make you feel?
    that feel
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)14:08:19 No.1682626
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    No. Kids don't represent me. I'd rather dedicate my free time to my bf rather than a screaming brat.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >What would you teach your child?
    Nothing because if he happens he'll meet abortion.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Lost it. Don't really believe in love.I like a guy alot but I'm mostly sure it's lust. I just think it's an excuse for 2 people to have sex for a long period of time.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Vidya , energizers , vet work , play with me future cat, watch porn. Some people are happy with little.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    >How does this make you feel?
    Neutral. Probably will kill myself in the next years. Don't really want to live as I see no point in it. Not depressed , just this world has no point itself , doesn't make me want to live in it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)17:16:28 No.1684679
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)17:28:27 No.1684849

    are you still here?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)20:20:20 No.1686759
    if I wanted to get married it would have to be to a woman that I really cared for, and that's just impossible.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)20:24:11 No.1686819
    I have no desire to get married or have kids. I like children and everything (I'm a pedo) but I just don't see the appeal to doing it. My dreams involve like drugs and cars and anal sex in the reverse cowgirl position for the purpose of pleasure.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)20:45:45 No.1687041
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    I don't want to get married, but I want to have a daughter.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I'd be the best dad ever I think.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    If that happens it will be my own decision. I could get women if I wanted them.
    >What would you teach your child?
    I'd teach her about anime and try to get her to be her own person.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I've lost it already.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    I don't live with my parents.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    I'm stuck in a shitty relationship in which I am raped by my girlfriend.
    >How does this make you feel?
    I feel neutral about it. yup
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)21:46:55 No.1687630
    i wouldn't see myself getting married now or later.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)21:52:24 No.1687695
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Nope, considering more than 60% of men cheat in marriages, i wouldn't even bother. Also, never plan on having a baby ever, fuck everything about giving birth.
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >No, I'm jobless , single, and addicted to drugs
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What would you teach your child?
    > nothing
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >I'm not a virgin, but i will never find a man who truly loves me.
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Allready have, and i'm living in poverty basically
    What do you see in your love life?
    >tumble weeds
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:21:53 No.1688847
    i can;t go left...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)23:57:15 No.1689217

    what do you do with yourself? I'm following in your footsteps it seems.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)01:46:33 No.1690379
    if I ever did have children i'd show them the land before time 1.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)02:36:42 No.1690818

    that's not why I'm doing it, I just want one child but no wife.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)05:46:46 No.1691816
    If I ever wanted to marry it would have to be with a girl I'd share feelings with, nothing more or less.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)08:18:02 No.1692395
    Well, I suppose that's natural selection.
    >Evolution at work.
    >> married oldfag !VqaXcWQC4Q 03/09/12(Fri)08:33:49 No.1692460
    >What are your views on marriage and having children /r9k/?
    The most important things the vast majority of people can do.

    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Married 20 year, have 5 kids

    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I hope I haven't been too bad at it

    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?

    >What would you teach your child?
    This is a big list but; how to learn for themselves, how to think for themselves, and how to lead

    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Done and Done

    >What do you see in your love life?
    a long, happy marriage
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)12:53:38 No.1694013
    if i ever wanted to marry it have to be a girl that's worth
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)13:05:28 No.1694113
    >wont marry because im not religious
    >deffo kids fuck yeah spreedin mah seed
    >how to roll, how to have common sense, respect, and not be a materialistic bitch, how to be a man(fighting, valor,honor etc)
    > how to cook, iron etc, i never could my mum did all my shit for me
    >of course, some of these questions are getting contradictory
    >passion, love, respect, and being her bestfriend
    >good man
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)13:07:06 No.1694130
         File: 1331316426.jpg-(241 KB, 720x540, Brittney 9.jpg)
    241 KB
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What would you teach your child?
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)13:14:27 No.1694194
    Perhaps. I've tried making a few friends since I started uni this year but it just doesn't seem to work for me.

    I guess I must have been off ill on the day when they taught us how to make friends in nursery or something.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)13:15:23 No.1694202
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What would you teach your child?
    English at a young age.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Maybe and did alrdy
    What do you see in your love life?
    Currently not available
    How does this make you feel?
    feels bad man
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)14:18:52 No.1694653

    what do you talk about with your classmates? Where do you think you'll be 5 years from now? have you ever been to a party, concert, rave, or club?
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)14:22:33 No.1694676
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Yes one day
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Yeah probably, most people would make good parents I think.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    Doubt it
    >What would you teach your child?
    maths and physics
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Become rich and travel world
    >What do you see in your love life?
    nothing yet but I don't think there's anything wrong with me so I'm hopeful
    >How does this make you feel?
    I'm 19 and at university. I feel pretty fine about it all.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)14:22:45 No.1694679
    sometimes i really want to be a dad
    i'm almost 23, if it happens it would really throw a wrench in my plans but i kinda wouldn't mind.
    i'm not a kissless virgin, so beta, foreveralone so the rest of your questions don't really apply
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)15:35:30 No.1695318
    Well I don't talk any more, I've sort of given up. But when I first started I would try to start conversations about just about anything. Mostly just trivial stuff, but that's all I know how to talk about and even that I do badly.

    I'll probably be dead in 5 years, unless I win the lottery sometime soon at least.

    I have never been to a party or rave or anything, no.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)18:03:28 No.1697035

    you want to keep in touch over email and tell me al ittle more? I'm the same as you, it's in the field.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)18:27:22 No.1697322

    >implying you aren't like the rest of us
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)18:44:11 No.1697520
    Okay, this is pretty weird now. We've spoken before, via email. You've already asked me if I want to talk via email today (the marriage/children thread IIRC). Are you following me or something?
    >> Derrida 03/09/12(Fri)18:46:40 No.1697549
    Do you really think you'll get married?

    Marriage is projected to be nonexistent in 2040.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)18:52:37 No.1697608
    I think I'd be a great perant, I'd teach them about science and math from a young age and also social skills and sports so they are not autists. I'd never disapoint them.

    To bad I never fucking want kids.
    God I hate them. I hated myself when I was a kid as well.

    Marriage seems like it kills a relationship so I never want to get married either. Takes the romance away. Maybe time does that, not marriage. Love is the bit inbetween meeting someone and hating them.
    >> Anonymous 03/09/12(Fri)21:17:28 No.1699100

    if we spoke before did you just stop sending messages or did you not like emailing? No I'm not, how could I when it's anonymous?
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)03:34:51 No.1702763
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    probably not
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What would you teach your child?
    intellegence > everything
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    lost my virginity i gave up on finding love
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    shit i dont know probably an hero
    What do you see in your love life?
    i dont pay attention to it
    How does this make you feel?
    i've thought about it for so long that i ran out of feel
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)14:15:21 No.1706166

    this, however no to parenting.
    >> Name 03/10/12(Sat)14:19:04 No.1706203
    The world will be in absolute ruin by then.

    Whites will become a minority. Half the world will be Islamic.

    I doubt marriage will be much of an issue. It'll be a blessing if half the people reading this post are even alive by then.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)15:55:22 No.1707042
    marriage and kids = dumbass

    besides the only way a chick would get with me is over my money... otherwise I offer nothing to them. and since I wont settle for a chick thats settling... I will just stay single and rich.

    but as for kids and having them. BHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAA Im gonna get snipped so no harpy can sink her claws into me and get me for my money.. and until I get snipped I wont have sex since I dont need it. sucks to be a golddigger looking for a free ride.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)20:33:06 No.1709226
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)23:22:29 No.1710856

    i agree with this, finally someone with a mind.
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)23:25:26 No.1710892
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >Better than most, but that's not saying much
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >probably not
    What would you teach your child?
    >Tools they need to avoid ending up here
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >find love, nah, I'm too fucked up. Lose my virginity, probably.
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >On my own
    What do you see in your love life?
    >At best a series of mean, gymnastic, sexual encounters
    How does this make you feel?
    >It doesn't
    >> Anonymous 03/10/12(Sat)23:35:10 No.1710978
         File: 1331440510.png-(167 KB, 355x240, 1328886173043.png)
    167 KB
    A part of me imagines myself one day having children with some poor confused female, raising them much like my father raised me, teaching them to NOT RACK DISSIPREN, and so on and so forth.

    But every time I imagine such a thing it is immediately shot to the ground every time I encounter someone elses child under the age of 13. Nothing more than a screaming, swearing, smelly, self-entitled little monster that costs more money than he/she is worth and ruins the dreams of his/her parents. I fucking hate kids.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)07:07:06 No.1714159
    >that feel when never had a girlfriend so nearly impossble to get a wife
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)09:41:28 No.1714923
    not going to be getting married, sorry to disapoint.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)12:47:09 No.1716090
    i probably wont. no i wont.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)12:55:25 No.1716150
    I just don't like all the questions you ask. You say you want to talk, but in reality what you want is to try and pinpoint exactly where my life 'went wrong' and why I am the way I am.

    And I don't really like emailing either. It's so slow and requires too much effort. msn is easier.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)12:59:42 No.1716182

    fine...i'll talk on msn without asking too many about that?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)13:21:03 No.1716352
    Well.. no. I'm not trying to be a prick or anything, I just don't want to talk to you.

    There's lots of other friendless people on 4chan, go and talk to them.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)13:26:58 No.1716404

    fair enough, but you were just talking to me earlier. You didn't seem to mind that unless you just hate talking with people in general, which, i know that feel if so.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)13:40:19 No.1716497
    It was months back when you emailed me. And it was actually you who didn't reply to me, but I didn't mind a whole lot.

    Replying to the guy who seemingly follows me around threads =! talking to you.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)13:46:25 No.1716534

    >follows me around threads

    How am I following you? It's an anonymous imageboard. I'm not looking for a single person. beside, if i really didn't reply to you then it must have gotten lost in my piles of junk mails. Just tell me who you are so i can reply back.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)13:51:30 No.1716579
    Of course you're not actually following me. I was just making a point.

    I don't even know what email account I spoke to you on, but it was probably
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)14:04:25 No.1716672

    listen, I know i ask a lot of questions, but I also talk when I'm sending out messages to other friendless shut ins. It's very rare for me to get back emails to you know. Sometimes it takes a few minutes, a day, a week, or a month. So don't think I'm the bad guy here.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)14:12:04 No.1716746
    Alright, fine. I've had a bad day, I probably acted a bit hot headed. If you're really that curious to talk on msn then add me and I'll try not to bite your head off.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)14:12:51 No.1716752
    people thought i was insane
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)14:44:15 No.1717032

    bite your head off huh? I'm guessing that means you're a social god compared to me, which is probably true. I'll talk to you in a bit.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)15:42:04 No.1717541
    that feel when i wouldn't be able to pass off as marraige.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)15:47:10 No.1717603
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What would you teach your child?
    >I would teach my child to love reading, and to enjoy the company of others, and to see the value in other people (respect their opinions, don't assume yours is superior) and a bunch of other things.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >already have
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    What do you see in your love life?
    >well, I'm in love, but I'm scared of losing that person because we're going to different places for college in the fall.
    How does this make you feel?
    >well, it's good to be in love, but hard to think about losing that love. I could see myself having children with this person in the future.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)15:49:39 No.1717626
    I'm not entirely sure I'm a social god, but I know how to be angry.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)18:59:02 No.1719172

    judging by what you told me, you said you had no friends and never talk to people. Unless you do have social skills but choose not to use them?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)19:56:05 No.1719752
    wont be getting married that's for fucking sure.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)20:49:06 No.1720422
    >i wouldn't know
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)20:53:48 No.1720469
    >implying anyone will give a shit about our responses

    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Eventually, yes.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I guess I'll learn as I go.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    I hope not.
    >What would you teach your child?
    To keep a balance in their life, and to avoid falling in fanatism, so they can have a clear view of the situation.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I hope so. I hope that either this year or the next one will give me that.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Enjoying the money I get.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Don't know.
    >How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)20:59:38 No.1720549
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have >your own children?
    Nope my dick is super shriveled up . I even have trouble peeing and I shit myself all the time.

    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I can't even wipe my ass quick enough.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your >life?
    yup yes please. I plan on trying to join a cult.
    >What would you teach your child?
    We are living in a galaxy . We are not at the center of it. - teach other children.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your >virginity?
    I have had lots of stds

    >If not, how do you plan on living when you >move out of your parents house?
    Almost 30 I'm never leaving...
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Human experiment subject maybe?

    >How does this make you feel?
    with my nerves or whats left of them
    >> Anonymous 03/11/12(Sun)21:43:25 No.1721008
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?

    Of course.

    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Also of course.

    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    I'm getting married. You know how it is when you find "the one." Right? Right.

    >What would you teach your child?

    Everything the light touches is our kingdom.

    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Already done. It's pretty awesome thus far.

    > If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?

    >What do you see in your love life?

    I can't describe it very well. So far its just been...augh. Fuck it. Indescribable bliss.

    >How does this make you feel?

    Pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)02:48:59 No.1724604
    i might, i think of it as cherishing, buti probably wont.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)03:02:32 No.1724752
    No way of telling, but I hope so.
    I better not.
    None of that bullshit Jesus crap that was shoved down my throat.
    -said yes previously. question null-
    I can't honestly tell. Still single and I'm 20.
    I stopped giving a fuck a long time ago.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)04:09:59 No.1725349
    i don't think i'd make a good husband or a good father.
    >> wise man !!s+5OzRVBRS4 03/12/12(Mon)06:00:34 No.1726018
    marriage is god tier if you can do it right.

    > i'm married and wouldn't have it any other way
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)14:51:04 No.1728678
    probably not, i seen o how.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)15:48:58 No.1729163
    I don't plan on having kids.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)16:56:20 No.1729888
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Married: No, Children: Yes
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I'd be alright
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    I'd like to think not.
    >What would you teach your child?
    'the value of a dollar', not to believe everything someone tells them with out reading into it yourself, how to drive a manual
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Already lost my virginity, love TBF
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Already out of my parents place. I've got a neat little studio apartment with an alright view of the water between some buildings near seattle
    >What do you see in your love life?
    >How does this make you feel?
    Human and shit
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)19:46:11 No.1731809
    >yea i might want to get married but only to a girl i'd really like
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)22:33:50 No.1733783
    >had a girlfriend back in 2008
    >always talked about how she wanted to marry at a young age
    >told her i didn't want to marry
    >cheats on me 3 weeks after
    >> Anonymous 03/12/12(Mon)22:42:02 No.1733866
         File: 1331606522.jpg-(160 KB, 691x922, asploded.jpg)
    160 KB
    Fucked up my spoilers blox

    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Pffffhahaha. Actually, I'm emigrating to China next year, divorce laws there aren't so feminist. I might marry a Chinese girl and maybe even have one AND ONLY ONE child with her.
    Do you think you'd make a good parent? I'm not in a position to make that judgment. I don't really think I'd be that great, I can hardly take good care of my pets.
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life? No.
    What would you teach your child? The importance of self-reliance, and >that feel when putting in a good day's hard work.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity? See above. I still haven't though.
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house? I have moved out.
    >go to work
    >go to class
    >go to sleep
    What do you see in your love life?
    >love life
    How does this make you feel?

    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:14:05 No.1738245
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Probably not.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    No, not likely.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    Ehh... 50% odds. My mom might bully me into finding someone.
    >What would you teach your child?
    How to be happy? Really, I don't want the responsibility.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Already did. The latter, at least.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Already out, for many years.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Not much.
    >How does this make you feel?
    Don't care.
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)07:38:25 No.1738326
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >probably, statistics are in my favor, i certainly want both
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >i hope not
    What would you teach your child?
    >catholicism, justice, integrity, compassion, wisdom
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >probably. i really hope so
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >pretty simple. traditional. minimalistic. clean/organized
    What do you see in your love life?
    >intamacy, teamwork, commitment
    How does this make you feel?
    >sad that i dont have it yet
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)08:23:03 No.1738546

    do you even have friends or any stories to tell?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)13:22:39 No.1740210
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Doubtful ill get married, gay so ill never have children.
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What would you teach your child?
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >I've lost my virginity but I doubt ill ever find a boyfriend.
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >Moved out a year ago.
    What do you see in your love life?
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)13:26:33 No.1740235
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >I'd like to think so, but who knows?
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >Yes, but that doesn't mean that everyone else will think so
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >Sounds like a possibility
    What would you teach your child?
    >I'd do my best to not push them too hard, but to raise them so that they'll want to push themselves.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >Sell my body
    What do you see in your love life?
    >Not much in the near future
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)15:39:00 No.1741344
    Again, what's with the random question-bump?
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)15:39:07 No.1741345
    >thinks he's a good parent
    >teaches kids about sky wizard

    pick one
    >> Anonymous 03/13/12(Tue)23:18:12 No.1744655
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Married: No, Children: Yes
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I'd be alright
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    I'd like to think not.
    >What would you teach your child?
    'the value of a dollar', not to believe everything someone tells them with out reading into it yourself, how to drive a manual
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Already lost my virginity, love TBF
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Already out of my parents place. I've got a neat little studio apartment with an alright view of the water between some buildings near seattle
    >What do you see in your love life?
    >How does this make you feel?
    pretty dumb
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)10:43:48 No.1749734
    no i probably wont be getting married for my own reasons
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)11:06:23 No.1749819
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >Hope not
    What would you teach your child?
    >Everything I've learned throughout my life.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >Hell, I can move out now if I wanted to, but it would be a shitty life with no money
    What do you see in your love life?
    >Don't have one.
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)12:02:56 No.1750043
    No I never once considered that after I turned 13.
    If I never have to struggle for money in supporting that child, the yeah, I guess.
    Everything that I wish someone had taught me sooner.
    Nope and don't really care about it.
    Like, until I die or get tired of it I guess.
    After my parents die seems like a more realistic approach, even then I'd be left with younger brothers but hopefully I'd have alienated myself long enough for them not to care.
    Makes me feel nothing at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)14:17:22 No.1751024

    >teach my child everything

    you people make me laugh uncontrollably.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)14:24:21 No.1751059
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >I did until recently.
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What would you teach your child?
    >To form his/her own beliefs and opinions, be respectful and have fun.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >I did, until recently.
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >Work for food and rent. Amass great wealth while living well below my means. Die with it probably.
    What do you see in your love life?
    >Being rejected very soon and then never knowing what having a love life is like.
    How does this make you feel?
    >Apathetic. Across all aspects of life.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)14:30:34 No.1751086
    >What are your views on marriage and having children /r9k/?
    I am neither pleased nor displeased when people I don't know get married and have children.
    When people I work with get married or have children, I am annoyed, because that means they get less work done due to time spent elsewhere.
    I am not going to get married or have children myself, as I would rather play video games.
    >> reddit lol !!QFl5k28v7St 03/14/12(Wed)14:31:41 No.1751092
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Probably, I have a tendency to become obsessed with girls and once I get older marriage will just seem like a natural thing to do. Don't know about children, that's a long way off.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Yes. I wouldn't mind dedicating my entire life to the child and being relatively selfless.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >What would you teach your child?
    How to think for themselves, be unbiased, see both sides, etc.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Yes. Maybe not for a while though.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Roomates with my two best buds.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Right now? Loneliness.
    >How does this make you feel?
    I used to feel bad. Now I'm hopeful / indifferent.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)14:33:26 No.1751103
    I plan on marriage and kids whenever it happens. I won't force it, but yeah, I think it'll happen.
    I think I'll be a great parent, but I also think a lot of people do. It's not easy, that much is for certain.
    The two things I would instill in my children are compassion and critical thinking. If you can form your own opinions and empathize with others, you'll go far.
    I'm at university right now, but I plan on moving out shortly after graduating once I can secure a job.
    I don't know about true love, but I do think there's a best possible fit somewhere out there. Hopefully I find her sooner than not, so I gotta just keep getting out there, and that's a good goal to have.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)15:52:25 No.1751676

    >i did recently

    why are you on here? th
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)18:02:16 No.1752830
    marriage is all a bunch of bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)18:07:02 No.1752871
    I had been raised to believe that I'll meet "the one" one day. Being a thinker, a gentleman, and a scholar, and upon reflection, the only "one" there is - is me.

    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    No, I'm not getting down on a knee, giving some bitch a ring, and giving her half of my inheritance and estate. If she changes her mind at any point in decades to come, I just got shorthanded and now I have to pay alimony and child support on top of her living off of my money.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Yes. Kids love me and I know how to talk to them. I also know where my parents succeeded and failed.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    Has nothing to do with marriage. I've been lonely my entire life, but never alone.
    >What would you teach your child?
    That their life is for them. It doesn't matter if people think of you a certain way. Live how you want to live without regret and realize that you aren't going to be alive forever.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I'm not a virgin. As for finding love, I get crushes from time to time. I'm relatively convinced that "love" is just a combination of sexual attraction and time.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    I don't live with my parents and I support myself on my income.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    I don't know honestly.
    >How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/12(Wed)18:11:30 No.1752898
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Maybe, maybe not. No idea really.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    No, I'm not good at all with kids. I can remember being a kid in elementary and not even being good with 1st graders when we read to them. I've got aspergers too so I have a really hard time reading people. So yeah, probably no.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    Likely yes.
    >What would you teach your child?
    To be kind.. I got bullied a lot growing up so I'd take a kid's empathy seriously.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Apartment by myself. Maybe a couple pets or something too.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    >How does this make you feel?

    You repeated a lot of questions but w/e.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)01:10:59 No.1757197
    i think it's nonsense, but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)02:55:11 No.1758092
    >I did UNTIL recently
    meaning I used to have hope that things would come together eventually but I don't think so anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)03:00:11 No.1758129
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What kind of a question is that? I think I will remain 'alone' as far as having a partner goes; yes.
    >What would you teach your child?
    Aside from the basics/mandatory teachings? Anything s/he wishes or asks of. I will try to make a thing of thinking about others and yourself. Knowing who you and others are. Try to build their character judgement and environmental awareness.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    'True love'? I don't think I will find it.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Apartment as a home. A job in a career I at least somewhat enjoy that pays decently to sustain myself.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Honesty, enlightenment and true love.
    >How does this make you feel?
    Depressed, annoyed, melancholy and sorrow.

    May I add; what's the point of these threads? Most people don't reply to any others that reply to the OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)03:10:26 No.1758201
         File: 1331795426.jpg-(15 KB, 640x480, 1320429556932.jpg)
    15 KB
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Probably not, but perhaps 5-10 years from now I might have a different opinion on it.

    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >I'm afraid I will perform sexual acts on my child, so no.

    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >I don't really mind that.

    What would you teach your child?
    >Video games and programming.

    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >Had a girlfriend, didn't lose virginity. Probably will one day.

    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >Get a job and find an apartment.

    What do you see in your love life?
    >Someone who will accept me for who I am, and does not annoy me.

    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)03:13:30 No.1758213
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >I have no idea.
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >That's the plan.
    What would you teach your child?
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >Traveling and working as a bush pilot.
    What do you see in your love life?
    >Bags of sand.
    How does this make you feel?
    >Feels indifferent man.

    I think I can safely say I'm pretty happy with my choices.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)03:14:37 No.1758226
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    It doesn't seem likely
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I think I'd actually be pretty good.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    It's very possible
    >What would you teach your child?
    To always be enquiring and to know the value of communication. Plus some fucking respect for adults.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Eh, probably not.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Alone, in a small house, maybe with some dogs.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Opportunities ruined by fear of rejection.
    >How does this make you feel?
    Not totally horrible, I'm not that interested in love or sex.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)03:21:34 No.1758267
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    No but a great guardian or temporary care taker of kids.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >What would you teach your child?
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    probably not.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Alone if possible.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    >How does this make you feel?
    Okay I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)07:38:25 No.1759317

    are you also friendless with no sense of direction or hobbies?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)07:50:31 No.1759360
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Most definitely.
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >I don't think I'll be a particularly bad one, it seems to me like anything else where you learn as you go along.
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >Hopefully not, but it is likely.
    What would you teach your child?
    >To give everything a go, have an appreciation for music.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >My virginity I do not have anymore, but I don't know if I'll find love that easily.
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >Be able to make a living for myself and become happy with who I am.
    What do you see in your love life?
    >That I could probably have a successful one if I ever got over my low self-esteem.
    How does this make you feel?
    >Pressured to mature as an adult, I feel like I'll still have the emotional intelligence of a rock even when I become a christmas cake.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)07:52:54 No.1759365
    Wow misread from the get go.
    Answer to first question would be
    >probably not
    Not that anyone even cares.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)07:53:45 No.1759368

    No friends, zero direction but trying to do something about that.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)07:56:07 No.1759379
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >probably. but i'm asian, so depends on your point of view of "good parenting".
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >probably not.
    What would you teach your child?
    >everything. >:C straight As damn it.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >already have.
    What do you see in your love life?
    >commitment, friendship, laughter, happiness, sex, longevity
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)07:57:13 No.1759381
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    I hope so. Who knows?
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Fairly confident.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    I hope not. Who knows?
    >What would you teach your child?
    I'm not sure, I'm not there yet.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I hope so. Although, one may happen without the other happening.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    What do you mean by this? Like, with other people/roommates? If that's what you're talking about then I'd most likely be living alone.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Nothing, at the moment.
    >How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)08:22:48 No.1759501

    how old are you? Why would you bother to change it?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)08:56:40 No.1759682
    no because it's all bullshit i tell yea
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)10:51:19 No.1760237
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    I don't want to get married, but I want to have a daughter.
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I'd be the best dad ever I think.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    If that happens it will be my own decision. I could get women if I wanted them.
    >What would you teach your child?
    I'd teach her about anime and try to get her to be her own person.
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I've lost it already.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    I don't live with my parents.
    >What do you see in your love life?
    I'm stuck in a shitty relationship in which I am raped by my girlfriend.
    >How does this make you feel?
    I feel neutral about
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)10:52:25 No.1760244

    Because I can, is that not reason enough?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)11:04:32 No.1760335
    >everything i know
    >i'm not a virgin but no, i'll probably never find love.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)11:49:14 No.1760594

    >everything i know

    which is probably useless and wont get you far.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)11:51:20 No.1760609
    /r9k/ is in for a surprise when they realize that cohabiting with a non-marriage partner for a couple years can result in alimony upon separation.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)12:00:10 No.1760648
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Married, yes. Children, no.
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >Small children likes me, but I can't fucking stand them. So no, I would have gone insane after a while.
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >Do not know. Most likely not.
    What would you teach your child?
    >To not be a faggot.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >Small apartment, working night shifts at a small hotel. Be home playing video games/watching TV when not working.
    What do you see in your love life?
    >Lots of Television series, my favourite thing to do on my spare time is watching series, and I'm hoping to find a girl that will enjoy doing that too.
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)18:32:08 No.1764072
    i think the only reason i go out now is to find a girl.
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)18:45:25 No.1764197
    >i hope so
    >implying children
    >Love isn't real. Deal with it. And yes.
    >I'm out of my parents house. Feelsgoodman
    >A shitload of lies

    Makes me feel like I need to get the fuck out of this relationship
    >> Anonymous 03/15/12(Thu)22:41:01 No.1766393
    dermpann owrn...
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)00:51:01 No.1767515
    anyone else here not even care about kids?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)03:55:38 No.1769122
    i don't want to get married for a varity of reasons.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)04:10:48 No.1769215
    I'll participate:

    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Initially I was against both marriage and children. I can see myself warming to the idea of children, but marriage is pretty hollow and I will do it for formality reasons.. Plus I know my girlfrineds take a lot more serious that me, so I'd do it to make her happy.

    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?

    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?

    >What would you teach your child?
    The right and wrongs of life and guide him/her through confusing times but ultimately to make his/her decisions. I am a fucking huge believer of common sense & a personality will get you a LONG way,

    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Been there, done that.

    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Moved out

    >What do you see in your love life?
    Compatability - DERP!

    >How does this make you feel?
    Lucky to have found someone who can stick with me. I pity some of the pathetic neckbeards on this board. I sympathise with some of the lonely guys as I was once there too.

    What's that? I'm a normalfag?!

    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)04:15:12 No.1769242
    Unless I turn gay, then I hope so.
    Dogs are more intelligent and are better companions than women.
    I am not a virgin. I don't dress nice so women think I don't earn enough money for them to believe that I am 'love' or 'soulmate' quality.
    I don't live with my parents. I live in a shitty apartment with wet carpet and mold.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)04:25:45 No.1769332
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >highly unlikely
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >probably not. i would still try, sure, but i likely wouldn't be too good at it in any meaningful way
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >alone wife-wise? yes, if all goes well. alone otherwise? nah, im still sociable enough to not be an awkward shut-in asspie
    What would you teach your child?
    >the world is full of fucked up people with a ton of fucked up rules that make absolutely no sense no matter what context you apply to them. find your own way, stick to what you feel is right, and if it happens to be illegal, dont get caught. above all else, observe golden rule mentality and do nothing to others that you wouldnt want them to do to you.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >not likely. i was raised in a 'hopeless romantic' mentality, so unless i find a woman who is so different from normal women that she qualifies as alien, i doubt i'll find love.
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >i already live on my own.
    What do you see in your love life?
    >an endless expansive wasteland of lies propagated by humanity that runs opposite of the reality of what 'love' is in this day and age
    How does this make you feel?
    >disappointed in general
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)04:31:21 No.1769393
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What would you teach your child?
    Lots of academic things, hopefully get him/her to a grade 5 level before 1st grade.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    No, but I think this is more an issue of being in the right place at the right time (I wouldn't be in that place any time soon...)
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Are you implying that I'm still living with my parents?
    alone. foreveralone
    What do you see in your love life?
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)08:52:33 No.1770547

    guess you're a social god with interests.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)09:02:14 No.1770597
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Nope.jpg I never want to get married or have troublesome offspring
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Nope, im a horrible person
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    No, I have had many girlfriends, of course im a sociopath so I dont let them last long, just long enough to get attached to me.
    >What would you teach your child?
    I'd throw them up for adoption
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Love is a lie and Its been a long time since I was a virgin
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    I own a house of my own.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)14:53:07 No.1772542

    why do you find yourself to be a horrible person?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)19:52:16 No.1774930
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >I'd like to meet the love of my life and have kids. I personally don't think i'll be able to find anyone who I
    would feel comfortable being intimate with like that.

    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >I think I would. I'm a kind and understanding person. I'd make a great father.

    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >Probably. Apart from a few acquaintances at work and such.

    What would you teach your child?
    > To be good to the people around them and treat everyone as they would wish to be treated.

    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your
    >I might find love. I'll probably lose my virginity to a hooker. If I don't lose it by 35 i'll use a hooker.

    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Currently 20. Going uni next year and I will be moving out. After the course I may have to move back in. I will move out after I can become financially secure.

    What do you see in your love life?
    >A few crushes but little else. Lack the balls to take any feelings further.

    How does this make you feel?
    >Pretty bad but it's my fault.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)21:21:58 No.1775713
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >maybe children, marriage is bullshit dictated by lying religions and societies trying to gain monopoly over humanity
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >maybe later. right now I'm too crazy to even be a good lover.
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >fuck no, I'm not alone right now. My pseudo-girlfiend is in the other room.
    What would you teach your child?
    >What my momma taught me. She was one tough, positive woman. So I'd teach my children to be tough and positive and not take any shit, and read lots.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >Been there, done that. Found it (love) lost it (both), got over it (love). Will find it again. Or not.
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >I lived in my moms house for a while after I lost my virginity. She was getting old and crazy and needed someone to take care of her. Thought I'd return a favor. Lived on my own a lot too. It's easy. Just do what you have to. Sell drugs, work lots, commit fraud, become an electronic engineer for a shit ass company that makes garbage. Have people film you fucking midgets. Whatever works.
    What do you see in your love life?
    >Skanks and maybe the occasional serious relationship that may or may not last
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)08:25:37 No.1780721
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    Married: No, Children: Yes
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I'd be alright
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    I'd like to think not.
    >What would you teach your child?
    'the value of a dollar', not to believe everything someone tells them with out reading into it yourself, how to drive a manual
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    Already lost my virginity, love TBF
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    Already out of my parents place. I've got a neat little studio apartment with an alright view of the water between some buildings near seattle
    >What do you see in your love life?
    >How does this make you feel?
    Human yup
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)12:03:51 No.1781849
    if i ever had a little bastard running around, i wouldn't know what to do with it.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)12:09:18 No.1781884
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >i honestly can't say
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >probably not
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >probably not
    What would you teach your child?
    >gender equality, etc etc
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >virginity, already lost it. love, already lost that too.
    What do you see in your love life?
    How does this make you feel?
    >makes me want more cats
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)12:33:37 No.1782055
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    >Sure, I guess I'll have kids with a girl or adopt with a guy.
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    >Oh I hope so. I think I'd be fairly good.
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    >I might.
    What would you teach your child?
    >Honesty and justice.
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >Who honestly can't?
    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    >Maybe with a roommate for a few years through college/uni, then settle with a nice person in an apartment in the city. Or a big house out in the suburbs.
    What do you see in your love life?
    >I have a lot to give but no idea where to look.
    How does this make you feel?
    >Hopeful, slightly wistful.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)15:58:28 No.1783722
    >Do you think you will ever get married and have your own children?
    I'm almost certainly going to be married at some point (might even happen in the near future), but I could never see myself being able to deal with children
    >Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    I would make an excellent parent, but I would be secretly miserable.
    >Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    I'm not alone now, nor have I ever been. I think I may be working myself into asexuality though, which I'm approaching with delightful anticipation.
    >What would you teach your child?
    To think logically above all else
    >Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    I've had many loves and even more sexual partners. It's really overrated.
    >If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    I moved out 3 years ago
    >What do you see in your love life?
    Hopefully, a whole lot of nothing. I want to be alone for a while.
    >How does this make you feel?
    It feels like ascending to a new state of consciousness, really. I was a slave to vag for so long that this is like a well-deserved vacation. The older I get, the more I learn, the less I desire to have any contact with people at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)19:09:31 No.1785725
    mermp for no marriages and shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)21:22:41 No.1787042
    no thanks i think i'll just die.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)21:31:17 No.1787109
    Do you think you will ever get married and have your
    own children?
    >I hope to, don't expect to
    Do you think you'd make a good parent?
    Will you remain alone for the remainder of your life?
    What would you teach your child?
    >To be calm and logical. And to hate modern music
    Do you think you'll ever find love and lose your virginity?
    >Love, no. Virginity, done.

    If not, how do you plan on living when you move out of your parents house?
    What do you see in your love life?
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)21:34:04 No.1787130
    I don't think it's my right to bring a child into such a dark place as this world, and with my genes no less. Besides, I'd probably spoil the kid to death and be a generally horrible father. As for marriage, I think it's pretty pointless and making love "official" seems so...synthetic.

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