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  • File: 1330735423.jpg-(13 KB, 200x280, 200px-Irving_Kristol.jpg)
    13 KB Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:43:43 No.1616575  
    What are your thoughts on the other boards on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:50:40 No.1616639
    They seem knowledgeable and cool.
    No opinion. They just like jerking off to normal things.
    Redneck losers.
    Nerds. Harmless nerds.
    Everyone's dad, just younger.
    The only talented board on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:54:04 No.1616679
    Dirty thieves.
    Amusing nerds.
    Boring nerds.
    Decent anime fans.
    Good taste in wallpapers.
    The second most talented board on 4chan.
    Weird gay guys.
    Weirder gay guys.
    Terrible advice. Sexist. Like /r9k/ but less extreme.
    Really mean high school girls.
    Fat and pretentious.
    Manchildren that are cool to chill with on occasion.
    Anarchist radicals.
    Knowledgeable hipsters.
    Knowledgeable douchbags.
    Gay guys.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:57:25 No.1616715
    Everyone's crazy uncle/Europeans/Mexicans.
    The most pretentious board on 4chan. And that's saying something.
    Furry losers.
    The second most pretentious board on 4chan with respectable taste.
    Hipsters with a really obscure interest/old men.
    Boring, but their board is probably the most civil.
    Racists, anti-Semites, reactionaries or extreme radicals.
    Shockingly intelligent people.
    Hilarious bros that are dumb but still cool to chill with.
    Nerds with a pretty cool board.
    Cultured and respectable folks.
    Conspiracy theorists/children at sleepovers.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:00:10 No.1616743
    do you guys really have to make it a pisa tower of text
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:04:04 No.1616779
    Who, me?
    I just thought it was the easiest way of doing it.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:04:34 No.1616783
    Why do you think /lit/ is the most pretentious board on 4chan? Do you think reading in general is pretentious?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:05:25 No.1616792
    >The only talented board on 4chan.

    well everything else you said fits with snide hipster so i guess good for you for staying in character
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:05:31 No.1616793
    > >/g/
    > They seem knowledgeable and cool.

    > YEAR OF OUR LORD 2012
    > /g/ cool
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:06:32 No.1616801
    the first three posts itt were dumb enough to poison the whole thing.

    i'd delete it and try again, OP
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:07:27 No.1616809
    Nope, /lit/ was my favorite board for a while. They just really are the most pretentious board on the place. If you see anyone from /lit/ on any other board, they're just a total dick.

    How do I seem like a snide hipster at all

    It's not so bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:07:59 No.1616812
    So, are you mad because I called you a weeaboo, or are you mad because I called you a freak?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:08:30 No.1616820
    >people realizing their opinions aren't dominant
    Right on guyz,it's like we're all grownupz n stuff!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:09:08 No.1616826

    i frequent /g/
    it's pretty terribru
    but i agree for most of your other assessments
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:09:27 No.1616830
    ITT: people comment on one person's thoughts about the boards and contribute none of their own
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:09:35 No.1616832
    I can't believe they got this bitter over a list of boards. I mean, really.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:09:38 No.1616835
    I dunno, I'm from /lit/ and I don't think I act like much of a dick on other boards. I rarely see anyone else from /lit/ though. I've always thought we were fairly insular, but not pretentious.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:10:43 No.1616845
    >They seem knowledgeable and cool.
    /g/fag detected
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:11:04 No.1616850
         File: 1330737064.png-(3 KB, 297x127, whatthefuuuucl.png)
    3 KB

    gee i don't know, there's something about you i just can't place
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:11:11 No.1616853
    Well, thanks for bein' on my side.
    I've noticed that my "home boards" are all pretty terrible. /tv/, for example. When you're on them more often, you're probably more apt to notice just how bad they really are.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:12:09 No.1616862
    Very fair.

    Nah, I only go there once in a great while.

    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:12:11 No.1616863
    itt normalfag hipsturd gets called out and samefags to save face on an anonymous board
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:13:35 No.1616877
    I samefagged a few times to refer to people individually because they posted after I did. But beyond that, you are delusional.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:14:21 No.1616886
    social outcasts but great humor
    murrikan rednecks
    actually a very very rare type of person, even so omega that people on /a/ would mock and make fun of them. really the worst board on 4chan
    I like you guys, really.
    pseudo alphas
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:15:19 No.1616892
    Listguy here.
    I am okay with this analysis.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:17:24 No.1616911

    what are you, sigmund fucking freud

    check this nigga thinks hes a psychologist talkin all praxis and shit
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:18:07 No.1616922
    5 star post, brah
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:18:37 No.1616928
    >I mean, really.

    Oh my stars and garters! I mean, really! Dear heavens! nigga talkin up some fuckin urkel shit haha
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:19:06 No.1616937
    I will only comment on some of the ones I visited.
    They know some of their shit, but too hipster for me


    I don't visit /k/ much, but they seem to go on /v/ all the time to argue over terms nobody cares about like "magazine" or "bullet" or whatever.
    Pretty much like /b/ sometimes, lots of hatred. Gets much better at night/dawn.
    Better version of /v/
    Way too much faggotry sometimes, like the >TFWNGF bullshit. I love the story and the "ask me anything" threads, though, they're pretty much what makes me come here. Survey threads too, because I like to read them.
    Everybody knows they are pretentious faggots.
    The one I hate the most. They shittalk so much about things they understand so little. I'm a business student in my 4th semester so I have decent understanding of politics and economics, so I just can't put up with all the ignorance there.
    >/po/, /diy/ and /tg/
    Some of the best boards in terms of gentlemanlyness and ontopicness. I love them.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:19:18 No.1616941
    Weaboo board

    /r9k/ if /r9k/ was some how more retarded. Occasionally a decent porn or gore thread, usually retarded.

    Not sure how feel, another weaboo board

    Used to lurk, back when it was more than dick girls, now I just go to gurochan

    Not sure what it is

    Never been

    Seems to think porn is the only type of .gif

    Pretty boring, honestly

    Went once, didn't see the point

    I am surprised it is so active, but they seem like okay guys

    Better in theory.

    Hands down the angriest board on 4Chan

    Seems hipster.

    For some reason, I always assumed this was shota. Title makes me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:19:24 No.1616942
    What in Christ's name are you gabbing about
    Would you just post your fucking opinions about these boards please
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:20:37 No.1616951
         File: 1330737637.jpg-(28 KB, 225x225, sad_buddha_statue.jpg)
    28 KB

    You ask why normalfags are hated. This is your answer.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:21:39 No.1616965
    brb got a girl to go talk to
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:22:53 No.1616979
    sad,sad place....
    >/c/- /all the rest of the weeaboo boards/
    see /a/
    My mistake That still counts as /a/ territory
    Great fap material if you can actually find sauce other than that no purpose what so ever
    Please respond
    reddit territory now do not enter
    tooken over by little kids and sad attempts at trolling
    Really? Stop acting like you're so alpha 'cause it ain't foolin' anyone

    come here to become depressed by beta as bitches
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:23:13 No.1616981
    I browse exclusively /fit/ /r9k/ and sometimes /b/

    All the other boards do not interest me at all. Pokemon, ponies, guns and shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:23:52 No.1616987

    what really makes me want to puke is this shit
    >Nerds with a pretty cool board.

    this is what has befallen /tg/. this is what we have to contend with. this kind of self-conscious appropriative shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:24:45 No.1616999

    Not bad when I have nothing better to do than look at torrents.

    Women longingly staring at each other. The most child-safe board in 4chan

    Entertaining at times, almost as pissed as /o/, but at least they seem to like some things.

    Did we really need this?

    It always bugged me that anime wallpapers had JUST /w/. Kind of thought they should be /wa/

    Too much flame to ice.

    Another word I don't know.

    A pretty talented place. Funny at times, too.

    Never been here.

    Misclicked once. Wish I had never been here.

    Not sure what this is supposed to be.

    Indistinguishable from /r9k/ most the time.

    My old home. Used to be one of the better known tripfags there, a few years back. Pretty chill board, so easy to troll, though.

    It is just like I'm talking to the girls from Highschool again!

    The main reason I am fat. Not the chefs they think they are, though.

    Used to go here a few years back. Too many ponies and homestuck now.

    I remember the one week it was good, before it became "KID, KID, KID".
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:25:50 No.1617009
    >Misclicked once. Wish I had never been here.

    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:26:16 No.1617012
    I think people on /sp/ are the least degenerate of all the boards
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:26:21 No.1617014
    >Did we really need this?
    Yeah, specially that /vg/ is just so much better than /v/. Generals were what kept /v/ from being full hatred.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:26:47 No.1617017
    >ctrl+f cgl
    >these are all entirely accurate
    good job boys
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:27:11 No.1617022
    woman/gaylord detected
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:28:23 No.1617036
    the samefaggotry itt is overpowering
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:29:04 No.1617042
    Oh, get over it. You have a good board, but you're nerds. It's not an insult.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:30:24 No.1617063
    /k/ here.

    You're all pretty damn accurate. We like to argue over shit that means nothing to people that aren't /k/ommandos, we're pretty decent guys all around and majorly murrikan rednecks. Im pretty okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:30:59 No.1617066

    >you're nerds

    not anymore

    in '09 maybe
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:31:22 No.1617070
    /y/ is a fucking godawful place.
    It's full of fat hambeasts who think they have the perfect concept of homosexuality.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:31:51 No.1617074

    I went here once. May actually be the angriest board on 4Chan, now that I think about it.

    Surprised it is so active on 4Chan, but not as retarded or angry as I thought it'd be. Some good advice, amongst a sea of retarded.

    Not as hardcore as promised.

    Must be a new board? Just now saw it, sounds pretty homo.

    Not sure what goes on here. I am guessing it is the general foreign board?

    Like a blast from the past.

    Another contender for angriest board, but I am still convinced that is /o/. I've gotten good suggestions from them in the past, though.

    Yet, it remains on /co/ regardless.

    I've gotten some good suggestions from them, even if they are hipsters.

    Not sure what would go down here.

    Never been. I like to keep it mysterious.

    They sure don't like Jews there, it seems.

    Pretty boring.

    More attention whores than a highschool locker room.

    Seems unnecessary on 4Chan. Never been, heard they were mad over the superbowl, though.

    Never been. Not my nerdy pursuit of choice.

    Surprisingly few sex toys. Surprisingly more manchildren than I anticipated.

    I wish it wasn't so slow. I like it there.

    Never been. Seems like a place jimmies could get ruffled.

    Went once. Lots of furry porn. Not surprised.

    So easy to troll. So pig retarded. Worse than it used to be, unfortunately. I miss the good days.

    Barely a board.

    Not a board.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:32:10 No.1617076
    /buttfuck/ here, OP 100% accurade and cured my acancer
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:33:36 No.1617086
    I actually consider myself a tiny bit bisexual, and one of my best friends is gay. But there is gay, and gay, and /y/ appeared to be a highschool-age girl's version of gay.
    >> i hev beene to al baords Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:36:31 No.1617119
         File: 1330738591.jpg-(28 KB, 400x400, downs syndrome duck.jpg)
    28 KB
    lol i trol u
    /b/ terible am icoo l yet
    lol it rool u
    lol i trolle yu
    loli t rollu
    lol itr oll ui
    a guode bord i trol u
    ? i trol u
    ih trollh uh
    i troll u
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:38:22 No.1617138
    >implying you know the gender of the people who go to /y/
    >implying you know what gay is/isn't like
    >implying you are not heterosexual
    >implying you went to high school
    >implying you've met high-school girls
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:44:47 No.1617210
    >Implying I said every single person was female, or that there isn't a single good thread there ever.
    >Implying I ever said I did "know" what gay is/isn't, but can't assume it isn't buff yet feminine men with nine inch dicks having wild animal sex everywhere
    >Implying I haven't had strictly homosexual sexual experiences at this point in my life
    >Implying I didn't graduate top in my podunk country highschool
    >Implying I don't still talk to highschool-age girls like a pedophile
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:47:54 No.1617239
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:48:55 No.1617248
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:49:47 No.1617260
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots
    Shitposting faggots

    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:49:56 No.1617266
    >implying you said anything about /y/
    >implying men don't have sex
    >implying you've ever been laid
    >implying you talk to anyone

    6/10 troll hardr
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:51:07 No.1617278
    I have the hugest crush on >>>/sci/.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:52:24 No.1617298
    >Implying the original response wasn't to /y/
    >Implying I said men didn't have sex
    >Implying I ever said I had true, honest to god sex, and not just blowjobs
    >Implying you aren't the troll
    >Implying we aren't both trolls
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:53:58 No.1617311
    /sp/ is really fun but ever since the reputation of them being a good board got out, shitposters from /v/ think it's a great idea to drown the board with shit during late hours.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:54:01 No.1617312
    There are other boards on 4chan? How to get there?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:56:45 No.1617344

    > implying shut the fuck up
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)21:00:49 No.1617386
    Only on the boards I've been to more than once

    >/b/ - the lobby of 4chan, a much more diverse perspective than the other boards which can make for some interesting discussion. Sometimes.

    >/k/ - Basically just a board for range stories and conservative political discussion

    >/v/ - Used to be /b/ lite with vidya overtones, I much preferred it that way. I had a lot of interesting discussions and reminisced many times over childhood vidya. When the generals took over and moderation got tougher, it was completely sterile and lacking in energy. It seems better since /vg/ but I don't go on much anymore.

    >/vg/ - The generals seem a lot better than they were on /v/.

    >/r9k/ - Good a long time ago and right after the recreation, was basically a more intelligent and mature /b/. It's the same shit now days.

    >/mu/ - Too pretentious and trendy for my taste. Unlike /v/, which is an interest board based solely on enjoyment, not artistic credibility.

    >/tg/ - Haven't gone there many times, it's not my interest. But it was very fresh and the people there seemed intelligible and friendly.

    >/vp/ - Little more than a chatroom for 13-15 year olds now. The subject has been worn to the ground and then some.

    >/x/ - Can't say much about it, other than it was great to pass the time on long nights. Haven't been there in a while.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)21:19:24 No.1617550

    decent combo
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)21:22:02 No.1617570

    >uses "weeaboos" to describe the Japanese-related boards on 4chan
    Your opinion matters jack shit, you illiterate dickhead.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)21:27:20 No.1617609
    I'll just do the boards I've been to in the last week

    I'm 12 and what is this
    Like that dude on Jersey Shore, only with a lot less lifting knowledge
    "So there's this girl and uh..."
    Facial gif thread number 6,455,782,931
    Rate me thread number 3,789,562,309
    I seriously hope this is a joke by moot, if not I don't want to visit this site anymore
    Sauce please
    Come on, anybody?
    Ah fuck it
    Who gives a fuck about what wall paper they have anymore
    You want info about cooking, get a cookbook, don't ever trust anything you see on this site
    Like Hack-a-day, only with much much dumber people

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