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03/02/12(Fri)20:31:51 No.1617074>>1616999
>/fa/ I went here once. May actually be the angriest board on 4Chan, now that I think about it.
>/fit/ Surprised
it is so active on 4Chan, but not as retarded or angry as I thought
it'd be. Some good advice, amongst a sea of retarded.
>/hc/ Not as hardcore as promised.
>/hm/ Must be a new board? Just now saw it, sounds pretty homo.
>/int/ Not sure what goes on here. I am guessing it is the general foreign board?
>/jp/ Like a blast from the past.
>/lit/ Another
contender for angriest board, but I am still convinced that is /o/.
I've gotten good suggestions from them in the past, though.
>/mlp/ Yet, it remains on /co/ regardless.
>/mu/ I've gotten some good suggestions from them, even if they are hipsters.
>/n/ Not sure what would go down here.
>/po/ Never been. I like to keep it mysterious.
>/pol/ They sure don't like Jews there, it seems.
>/sci/ Pretty boring.
>/soc/ More attention whores than a highschool locker room.
>/sp/ Seems unnecessary on 4Chan. Never been, heard they were mad over the superbowl, though.
>/tg/ Never been. Not my nerdy pursuit of choice.
>/toy/ Surprisingly few sex toys. Surprisingly more manchildren than I anticipated.
>/trv/ I wish it wasn't so slow. I like it there.
>/tv/ Never been. Seems like a place jimmies could get ruffled.
>/vp/ Went once. Lots of furry porn. Not surprised.
>/x/ So easy to troll. So pig retarded. Worse than it used to be, unfortunately. I miss the good days.
>/r/ Barely a board.
>/rs/ Not a board. |