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  • File: 1330729795.jpg-(54 KB, 720x480, 1330711953164.jpg)
    54 KB Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:09:55 No.1615580  
    Are you the only person in your peer group who hasn't had a gf or kissed a girl or had sex?

    I can tell you it pretty much sucks.

    Don't actually mind the idea of not being with a girl, just the idea that there is something wrong with me that is not wrong with anyone else I know.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:11:46 No.1615604
    i definitely know that feel, it's pretty horrible.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:12:09 No.1615610
    Yup. I know what it feels like.

    Even worse is the fact that they pity me and try to help me out but in the end nothing ever works out.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:14:15 No.1615636
    I know that feel.
    It's worse when all your bros have girlfriends and will put you aside to be with them despite they seem them every day of the week and you live in another town and have to wait for the weekend to hang out with your friends (if they aren't fucking their gfs).

    For the first time in years, I feel alone robots. I need to fuck and have a gf.
    >> Whoremonger !LDHo/Q6yzo 03/02/12(Fri)18:15:34 No.1615655
    Nope. I haven't known that feel since high school.

    All my friends are crystal meth addicts, drug dealers, or construction workers. I don't know a single female who isn't a prostitute.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:15:53 No.1615661

    oh man, i know exactly what you mean. i wish they'd stop beating around the bush and just be straight forward with it. like look, you're ugly, girls don't like you and there's nothing we can do about it. instead they say things like "you could get a girl if you wanted" or "one day you'll get a really hot girlfriend and we're all gonna be jealous, dont worry". but we both know that that's never gonna happen.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:16:23 No.1615665

    Only one person I know has ever had any girlfriends. Everyone else are like me really.

    None of use really grew up it seems. We're all children.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:17:30 No.1615678
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    You're in a chinese finger trap OP. If you focus on the thing that troubles you it's harder to escape.

    I had my first kiss at 18, first sex at 20, then fucked seven women within 3 years.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:18:25 No.1615685
    No, I can get women. I just can't get them at bars clubs or parties.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:19:58 No.1615704
         File: 1330730398.jpg-(9 KB, 160x160, sad_frog_dies.jpg)
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    I don't even have a peer group, problem solved I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:21:36 No.1615726
    It's the other way around for me, everybody else are virgins and I have had sex.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:22:07 No.1615736
    The worst is when they try to hook you up with one of their GF's friends. Then not only do you feel awkward as fuck but then she tells you friends GF about how much of a fuck you are.

    I dont think I'm that ugly, to be honest. I have friends that aren't the prettiest little flowers but they've still managed to make out with a girl or two and get a handy at the very least.

    I just don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:26:27 No.1615788
    What bother me more is that my peer group are beginning to be successful lawyers, doctors etc., while I, who's known them for twenty years am a loser who took six years to get a bachelors degree

    I cant even say I've had a better time because most of them partied harder than I did.

    I'm 26, also never got laid. I think they'll drop me like a stone sometime soon, and always plan to do it first but fuck it, I can't. I like these people and without who will I have, you guys? Who will I get drunk or high with?

    I haven't made a new friend in seven years.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:29:14 No.1615815
    >cuz i dont want one
    >WHY LOL
    >cuz i just dont, it doesnt interest me
    >eh, i'll get around to it
    >so gay men dont have sex either?
    >have i fucked a guy?
    >IDK LOL
    >i just said i was a virgin you idiot

    Sometimes I fucking hate my "friends". I say "friends" because I don't really have a choice in the matter. We share a floor at uni and everyone likes to ramraid each others rooms to get drunk, and I have to go most of the time otherwise they won't leave me alone. I actually envy some of you loners.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:31:13 No.1615834
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    >know that feel too well OP

    >that awkward feel when your friends start talking about sex and you sit there, silently, trying to think of a way to change the subject
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:34:32 No.1615862
    More than being a kissless virgin, I'm afraid that I'll suck at kissing and fucking.

    I have no point of reference for either of these things. Having to wing them is a terrifying thought.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:34:49 No.1615864
    Dat feel, I know dat feel all to well. What I really hate is when they try to feed you bullshit and tell you "you're lucky you've never had a gf, they aren't worth the trouble". Yet they are never more than a few weeks without a girl around their arms. Sometimes when I meet new people and they find out I've never had a gf they tell me that the will help me out, but they never actually do. Fucking normalfags.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:34:56 No.1615866
    Never had a peer group.

    Single son of a single mom, born in early January, so older than my school-peers. Early reader, so "introverted" and I guess didn't relate perfectly to people in primary school, but only of average intelligence, so had neither the will nor a reason to find a wholly new group to belong to. Good relation with mother, so no need for social contact outside. At ~19 began a series of quitting, entering, and re-quitting schools, which continued (continues) till ~24, so now my peers are much younger than me, so even if I wanted to mix with them, it would be awkward.

    Why did I type that out?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:36:12 No.1615882
    Nope. I dont know that feel. In my peer group, theres a large group of kissless kids like me, and some weirdoes: one has had a stable relationship with his gf since 3-4 years. One other is a real player but has seemed to settle down with one girl I hardly know about. But in my peer group, kissless make the majority. We usually discuss philosophy or science and shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:36:13 No.1615883
    At least he's not the guy holding the camera
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:37:17 No.1615893
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    Yeah'p I can relate to most of this thread. 37th wheel reporting in.

    >that feel when even the most omega motherfucker you know isn't a kissless virgin
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:37:32 No.1615895
    >typical response from a guy who can't get laid
    >tries to make it seem like he doesnt care
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:39:45 No.1615916
    sorry to break it to you but youre probably ugly. maybe average. like average that every girl will be like "oh hes average" but some would still think youre ugly. sorry again bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:41:21 No.1615933
    I know dat feel like it were my own flesh and blood, OP. And it does not feel good at all.

    Even the guy that was desperate and seen as hopeless evaded wizardry in the end, never had a gf but plenty of fucks, blow and footjobs and the like.

    The other three all have steady gfs for several years. I'm working on getting a gf right now though and I feel more hopeful than ever before.

    >dat feel when one of them asks you for relationship advice
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:41:34 No.1615939

    they don't even try to hook me up with friends of friends or anything like that because we both know that in comparison to them (or anyone for that matter) i'm pretty unappealing.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:50:12 No.1616034


    it's all about physical attractiveness; inb4 "but confidence and a great personality can make up for physical unattractiveness" - confidence and personality are functions of having lived with sufficiently high levels of physical attractiveness.

    >that feel when you realize that anatomy is destiny.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)18:51:54 No.1616058

    exactly, i don't understand how people who ARE average/attractive keep trying to hammer the idea that confidence and personality is all women look for when it's so obviously not.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:01:06 No.1616156
    I know that feel. Actually I got a friend who actually got another friend(not so much foreveralone as just a short fucker) a girlfriend, and they're married now. He offered to find me a girlfriend too. I thanked and declined, saying that I don't really need it now because I don't. And also, it seems kinda weird to meet like that.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:02:32 No.1616168
    >not in a peer group
    > only have one friend
    >he lives in another city
    >see him maybe once a month
    >no social life besides that
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:02:41 No.1616170
    another guy in my little group of friends was like me, never had a GF, but he got into a relationship 2 weeks ago so I'm the only one now, I'm 22 and he's 21. I don't really care, I'm sure he'll get dumped in at least a month.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:06:49 No.1616203

    i have also pondered this, and i believe i've found the answer: the people who say that tend to have a limited sense of the full spectrum of human attractiveness, perhaps due to living in a relatively homogeneous social environment (and therefore being of sufficient/average attractiveness themselves) by circumstance or through the conscious/unconscious choices of lineage.

    So, when someone says "it's all about your personality/confidence, bro!", they in fact ARE telling the truth from their point of view, only taking into consideration those individuals that they know personally or through their own network of friends/acquaintances. Since the individual in question is giving advice, he is likely of sufficient attractiveness, and since human social groups stratify primarily by physical attributes/attractiveness (prove me wrong.), his peers are likely very similar to him. In such a social milieu, OTHER factors such as personality/confidence WOULD matter, as the competition is between individuals of roughly equal attractiveness.

    Had they included 5'2'', rotund Pablo (who works the fields in an adjacent, low-class town and lives a life they wouldn't dare trade places with) or that gas station manager (whom they buy their cigarettes from) who looks like Danny Devito into their assessment of the "full range of attractiveness", they might have a different opinion. But people tend to just automatically disregard those who are too far from their own daily experiences and social environments.

    When we say "my life is FUCKING insufferable", we mean in relation to OUR first-world standards, we aren't even considering all the little Kunta Kinte's starving on the plains of Africa, god rest their souls.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:13:00 No.1616262
    >When we say "my life is FUCKING insufferable", we mean in relation to OUR first-world standards, we aren't even considering all the little Kunta Kinte's starving on the plains of Africa, god rest their souls.

    this is the queerest fucking sentence i've ever read

    when people want to insult gay, they ask gay if gay is you
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:21:33 No.1616352
         File: 1330734093.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 436 KB, 683x1024, 1327540196788.jpg)
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    >your face when his girl is the one holding the camera

    OP is faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:28:58 No.1616438

    haha, great retort:
    >they ask gay if gay is you

    but still, your usage of superlatives coupled with your witty rebuttal ("buuuuuurn!") indicates to me that you grew up possessing at least average physical attractiveness, as that is how your types are cultured.

    hence, while i enjoyed your input, you have no business telling us how things are from a perspective you cannot possibly imagine, however creative you might be.

    >cognitive dissonance: that uncomfortable feeling people get when their beliefs are challenged by new and valid information, prompting them to try and reconcile the situation by discounting or attacking the source of such information. hence the lashing out at those who, justifiably, claim that physical attractiveness is much more important than many would like to believe.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:32:04 No.1616471
    I don't have a peer group, but if I did, yes I would be that person.

    I'd imagine it sucks.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:35:44 No.1616507
    >be at university
    >visit girl who used to go to our school with a friend of mine who also went to the same school
    >he asks her if she's still going out with her boyfriend
    >she says yes
    >conversation somehow turns to sex
    >somehow it gets to the point where she asks: "has everyone in your group had sex then?"
    >my friend exchanges a look at me and in one swift motion glosses over the fact that I haven't and he knows it
    >I throw her a few white lies and the conversation moves on

    Pretty cool of him not to bring it up and to spare my blushes. I know a lot of people who wouldn't have done the same for me.

    He's a good friend. He also tells me that it's completely worth waiting for the right person, someone you care about (which is what he did).
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:44:35 No.1616581
    Yep, and I've been the awkward dude in that picture many times before. Feeling sucks more than I could put into words. That's why I drink myself stupid early on in the night, so I'm near-passed out by the time that shit starts.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:52:50 No.1616666
    > seventh grade
    > go to a lock-in with my church's youth group
    > pretty much everybody is sneaking off to go fuck in some form or another
    > getting tired, about to fall asleep
    > watch a buddy of mine makeout with the hottest girl at the lock-in
    > pretend to be sleeping
    > have my eyes cracked just enough to see them
    > watch them make out for over an hour before she they go to another room
    > the first time I ever truly felt forever alone

    > years later, like a month before graduation
    > he tells me she blew him that night and starts bragging about all the shit they did together
    > I have yet to even hold a girl's hand, much less get a phone number
    > awkwardly pretend to relate to his stories
    > that feel of being forever alone resurfaces
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:56:50 No.1616704

    > sophomore year of college
    > get invited to a different friend's gf's house for a party
    > his gf and I are on good terms. We talk whenever we're at parties. Not exactly close friends by any means but we're cool
    > get really stoned before going to the party
    > my friend is being is being a douche to his gf
    > In my mind: "Hell yeah, he's fucking this up bad. Now's my chance. Time to go alpha"
    > start flirting with her
    > fail miserably
    > later on in the night
    > they're both a little drunk
    > they make up
    > start making out in front of me
    > "You jealous, anon?"
    > pretend to be cool and not give a shit
    > they go back to her room and fuck all night
    > drink myself to sleep
    > walk home the next morning before everyone wakes up
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:02:19 No.1616762
    Yeah, I always hate when my friends mock eachother for who they've been dating (mentioning bad exes) but when it comes to me, it just becomes an awkward silence because I've never had a girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:06:50 No.1616804
    ouch. don't do that. i lusted after a friend's gf i had a good relationship with once out of desperation as well, but thought it over and decided to let it be
    1. bros before hoes, don't be a douche
    2. just because a girl is nice to you does not mean she wants your cawk. some just are.
    3. get over it, improve yourself, don't be a leech and don't give a shit if you fail
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:10:26 No.1616842
    I am that guy on the right (metaphorically). Seeing pictures like this make me slap and punch myself.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:11:05 No.1616851
    >implying peer group

    always with the implications
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:17:58 No.1616919
    Normals can herp all they want about how sex is overrated and whatnot but they will never understand. It feels like you're not even human.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:18:03 No.1616920

    >have had 6 opportunities in the past year to get laid, one from a cute polish chick who looked a bit like kasia, only slightly fatter and more obnoxious
    >didnt particularly care enough to act on them

    I honestly don't care enough about my virginity to feel the need to lose it as soon as possible. Hell, last time I fapped was a week and a half ago. I simply don't care. Shit, I don't even want to have a girlfriend until I've done everything I want to do and seen everything i want to see first.

    Contrary to popular belief (especially here on robits) not all of us are frustrated virgins who only want to get their dick wet, although it seems like a requirement these days.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:54:55 No.1617321

    This is really the issue at hand.

    The act itself is relatively unimportant, its having someone actually wanting you/trusting you enough, and if its in a relationship, actually liking you enough as a human being.
    Its terrible being alone/without in these aspects for your entire life, its dehumanizing.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)20:58:16 No.1617358
    What really sucks is eventually all your normalfag friends start to abandon you since you can't relate to them at all which decreases your chance of getting a gf even further. Normalfags are so incredibly selfish.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)21:01:34 No.1617392
    I'm the only one who's never had a boyfriend. My female friends tease me about it incessantly, but my male friends never mention it.

    I get called a robot often. I know it's meant as a joke, but it sort of hurts at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)21:04:45 No.1617417
    the painting on the wall in OP's pic is from Ikea
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)21:05:14 No.1617420
    What peer group? i do not go outside.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)21:08:40 No.1617459
    they're more acquaintances than friends and i dont really talk about my life.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)21:13:32 No.1617498
    I'm that guy. its an odd role to have but my friends are nice enough to not bring it up
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)21:20:38 No.1617560
    Your female friends are bitches
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)21:23:01 No.1617578
    I don't think so -- it's all in good fun and I haven't told them that I'm insecure about it, so it's really only my fault if they continue to make fun of me.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)21:24:54 No.1617596
    > asked out by a guy I crushed on
    > go on a single date
    > kinda kiss at the end
    > don't meet again, he breaks up with me a week later
    That was the first time I've felt somehow wanted in years, and I was so close to having some of my dreams come true... feels bad, man.

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