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    File : 1319880277.jpg-(572 KB, 1610x1080, 2563.jpg)
    572 KB Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:24:37 No.161107  
    >looking for job
    >can't get job because they claim I don't have "experience" in that field
    >can't get experience in that field as I can't get a job in that field due to the fact I don't have "experience" in it
    >even the very low positions do this

    Anyone else having this issue?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:26:05 No.161119
    Enjoy being young.

    It's the best years of your life
    >> HSV !5E9JCwFdVs 10/29/11(Sat)05:26:11 No.161123
    That's why you work for nothing at first.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:29:15 No.161145
    >not volunteering and interning since high school

    You brought this upon yourself.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:33:55 No.161179
    This. Hope all those video games were worth it faggot!
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:34:22 No.161183
    I want to work/volunteer overnight somewhere, anywhere. Any advice on this?

    Maybe an old folks home? How would i get into this. (inb4 hurrr, just fill out an application) because I think you need some kind of training for this first.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:34:24 No.161184
    lack of experience is imo what they say to you when you dont present yourself well enough.

    Before the interview (to get an interview ive found that calling the place up aswell as sending your resume usually helps, heck even lie that you spoke to someone earlier about setting an interview up but you lost the details)

    see what kind of people work there, dress and act accordingly
    be friendly as all hell to people and make alot of relationships fast so even if you dont know how to do your work at the start you can get by on good will until you learn it.

    but you should really also consider working some shittier jobs at first when youre young.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:38:15 No.161209
    You can't get one of those when they read your resume and see that you have no experience.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:44:21 No.161239
    >be 17
    > turned down as soon as they see the age
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:45:18 No.161248

    everyone has SOME kind of experience and if you dont you can be inventive, get your friend/family to spot you some references for the company to call up if needed.

    you want a job so do what you need to get it, lie and cheat until you get what you need.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:46:10 No.161253
    I guess, if you are a fuck up that didn't do internships and volunteer in high school.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:47:10 No.161261
    This. I did a placement year when I was at uni so I'd have experience on my CV.

    Having said that, I didn't get a job in a field I wanted to work in until a year after graduating. IIRC I had about 20 job interviews and lost out on most of them because they had more experienced canditates.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:50:18 No.161281
    Same problem here, OP. I've just given up and started college full-time.

    Wanna know what's fucked up? I'm making more money from just going to college than I would be if I worked double fulltime at any job I actually had a chance at. So yeah, fuck working, get your knowledge on.

    Also, that picture is sexy as fuck. Anymore like them?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:50:29 No.161284

    you can also join a political party and do some stuff for them.

    Also i did not know id be looking for work in the current field i have until very late in highschool.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:56:52 No.161319
    Have been actively trying for about a year to get a job, have even volunteered at places. fuckthisgayearth.jpg
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:01:34 No.161353
    >Looking for a job
    >Apply to be a dishwasher at some place
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:01:35 No.161354
    >work for free
    >have 8+ years work experience
    >still can't compete with other interviewees who have more work experience
    hilarious world, thanks a lot for this life
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:07:17 No.161398
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    >tfw when you're competing for jobs with Boomers who didn't save any money through the most prosperous economic time in history and want a job to top up their social security.

    It should be our time you pieces off shit
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:22:43 No.161499
    too bad you amerricuns didnt adopt all dis delicious socialism we have in northern countries and china
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:25:33 No.161523
    Sounds like the probem isn't "the economy," it's your choice of a career field.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:27:10 No.161536
    >fast food
    >manual labor

    Sure is a narrow range of jobs, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:27:55 No.161545
    Join the military. Get your Experience. Usually don't get turned town.

    Just have to sell your soul for 4-6 years.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:49:27 No.161685

    OP if youre still here then do this:
    look up your local democratic/republican(you choose) office, tell them you wanna "volunteer" or apply for any positions they have available because you need to get some experience in order to join the workforce.

    They will gladly take you on and you can work out some sort of scheduling/payment if they decided to hire you. Other people who are with the party will likely get you some jobs if youre popular/friendly with everyone and if you apply for a job in the future if youre lucky you can get a leg up on others if youre in the same party as your interviewer.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:54:27 No.161713

    So young Americans need to volunteer for slavery? What a great country.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:54:55 No.161717
    OP, you don't have a bachelors or masters in anything, do you? Well, no shit you can't get a job. Those people telling you that tertiary education is bullshit? They lied to you.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:55:48 No.161720
    don't have experience?
    don't be a pussy
    volunteer somewhere to get experience, or get an apprenticeship or something. people are always looking for cheap labour, and volunteering are a way for you to get experience.
    seriously. volunteer.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:56:14 No.161721

    i wish someone had told me that school was actually worthless
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:56:58 No.161726
    Isn't it? Land of the indentured. It's a wonderful nation.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:57:05 No.161727
    It isn't slavery because it is voluntary. You can choose not to volunteer your time. Just acknowledge that without job experience, you provide the employer absolutely no value when you factor in the time they spend having to train you. Be thankful for any opportunities to get your foot in the door, prolesef.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:58:38 No.161735
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:59:01 No.161739
    >It isn't slavery because it is voluntary
    That's right. Americans value equal suffering over equal freedom. "That's life!" "Suck it up, pussy"
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:59:10 No.161740
    >I'm making more money from just going to college than I would be if I worked double fulltime

    wait, whaaat?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)06:59:46 No.161747

    at least i have the freedom to starve huh
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:00:46 No.161754
    Government grants and scholarships out the ass. It's easy as balls, and it takes a single day a year to get everything ready to be renewed the following year.

    I'm living on my own for about a year now, funded entirely by college. Not even a single cent in debt, either. It's pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:01:03 No.161755
    It is just a brief period of time in your youth. It is just paying your dues for a year or so. I know this is /r9k/ and all, but are you guys really this entitled? Shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:01:55 No.161763
    Your fault for waiting until you were 18 to start volunteering or taking leadership in a club etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:01:56 No.161764
    Those jobs don't require anything more than a 10 minutes training. If they ask for experience, it's simple: lie.
    Make up a couple similar jobs on your resume and there you go.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:02:21 No.161766
    Yeah, because no one learns anything at uni, nothing at all. Being trained for the industry is a lie, you could apply at an engineering position without knowing algebra or anything about the technology, you just need a positive attitude man and non-related experience.

    Ah Americans, that might work over there, but if you wish to get a job internationally, you need to step your shit up and get some education.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:03:34 No.161775
    Yeah... Instead of worrying about people "deserving" to make a living, why doesn't America worry about strengthening the workforce so that you're a global competitor again? I understand that half of your population hates "free rides" like welfare and safety nets, but it seems like even the more bitter Republican would eventually figure out that a stronger workforce would help build a stronger nation.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:03:37 No.161776
    Move north OP
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:04:07 No.161780
    except medics. they basically are just straight up trained for the job. especially with things like orthodontics.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:05:02 No.161784
    School isn't worthless. It is a necessary condition for employment, but not a sufficient one. Volunteering or internships are also necessary but not sufficient conditions for employment.

    It's 2011, you need both bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:05:55 No.161790

    there's that baby boomer word

    hurry up and retire so the rest of us can start our lives
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:06:49 No.161796
    22 bro, I've just worked hard to get my foot in the door.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:07:36 No.161803
    OP I know this feel entirely.

    I'm 17 and I work at my uncles rotomolding factory though and have for about 1/2 a year. Best fucking job on the planet, entire place is basically run by family members, always have fun while working, and have a boss who will give me recommendations
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:07:37 No.161804
    >except medics. they basically are just straight up trained for the job
    I don't know where you live, but over here you have to be trained for around 6 years to be a doctor or anything in a medical field. Even nurses are trained for at least 2 years, unless they're Indian. We have lots of untrained Indian nurses because it's racist to not hire them.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:08:46 No.161811
    Unfortunately, the current generation is picking up the retardation of the boomers. I've seen quite a few white middle-upper class kids bitching that anybody who can't find a job is just a lazy, entitled asshole. Their entitlement is so fucking thorough that they honestly believe that because they had life handed to them, everyone else should be able to get stuff easily, no matter what circumstances they live in.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:09:55 No.161819
    ..yyeaahh... most medical degrees take 6 years...
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:11:03 No.161824

    They sold a big portion of their production to china and south america years ago to make sure no "new money" could pop up somewhere in America and put their jewish overlords businesses in danger. They forgot about the Internet /thus Youtube/google etc. and are now trying to remedy it with Protect IP laws, prop 948 (or something). While like 40% of their defense spending goes straight into israel. (they actually spend more money on Israeli soliders than their own soliders.)

    Theyre trying to privatize the military and the post office like they did with healthcare and just about every other field in the US.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:12:44 No.161831

    "My dad got me a summer job at his firm and i worked so hard there. I actually had to work from 9 to 15! atleast 4 days a week!!!!"
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:16:08 No.161858
    No bro. Volunteered at my school/church for the first two years of high school. Used that experience and a club membership to volunteer for the local Congressman's reelection campaign. Got an internship in his district office my junior and senior year. When the time came for my first college internship, I'd had 1.5 years office experience on my resume.

    Again, hope the video games were worth it faggots!
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:20:10 No.161885
    Pretty much have to start as a labourer or start throwing in little white lies.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:21:23 No.161894
    >Look up ads in paper
    I'm not kidding, this is an actual ad. It's amazing how just 3 lines can contain so much retardation.

    1) If you need waiters URGENTLY, you shouldn't have your standards set so fucking high.
    2) How fucking hard is it to be a waiter? I can't imagine it'd take more than a week to get good at it, my mother was a waitress for 5 years and she said she had the hang of it by her second week. How is 3 years of experience a minimum requirement? This wasn't an ad for a fancy restaurant, it's for a very casual one (like Hog's Breath or Lone Star or Hard Rock)
    3) How is a job "perfect" for uni students if you require THREE FUCKING YEARS of experience to get it? Most uni students are fresh out of highschool, and most high schoolers won't have any work experience, and the ones that do will have just been at McDonalds or something.

    -I'm too old to work at a fast food joint because they'd rather hire someone in high school they can pay fuck-all to.
    -I'm not qualified enough to work at a 'proper' job (ie sit in a cubicle all day crunching numbers into a computer)
    -I'm not experienced enough for jobs that require a single day's worth of training to perform, since I haven't worked them for 3 years, and when I was in high school, I lived 2 hours away so I couldn't actually get a job even if I wanted to. (I was also busy studying for the HSC)

    And they wonder why so many people in my generation have resorted to drug dealing? It's the only fucking job we can get.
    >> Monoclancer !.EmqUW5J46 10/29/11(Sat)07:23:58 No.161916
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    I'm pretty sure that shit like this is why people are protesting on wall street.

    Also: Welcome to hard labor.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:25:54 No.161934
    Lol at this thread. Just lol.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:26:11 No.161937

    career politician? how ugly
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:27:19 No.161944
    You speak the language of old people who don't understand what the hell is going on.

    My parents earned money for 'paying their dues'. Now, we don't. There's no reason for it; but if we complain, that makes us arrogant and selfish?

    Amazing logic, asshole. Thanks for making the world crappy
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:27:21 No.161945


    thats what im telling the OP to do, go join a political party.

    Also the whole "experience" thing is still stupid. I was working at stables, in factories, on construction sites and at warehouses since i was 13 (stables). It wasent until i was like 18 and finishing highschool until i realized that i wanted to get into science. Now while studying im trying to get jobs at laboratories or even in some kind of offices where i could make relationships with people while making some money on the side.

    Problem is its not the kind of "experience" theyre looking for.

    so even tho my grades were excellent, im studying in biochem in college i dont get jobs because i dont have the experience.

    also until youve worked for 21h straight on a construction site because of a deadline you dont know what hard work is.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:27:22 No.161946
    To be fair, probably not as ugly as a blank resume when you're trying to get an entry level job.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:27:42 No.161950
    herp derp just pull yourself up by your bootstraps guys!

    fuck off, clown.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:29:42 No.161974
    I'm not saying pull yourself up by your bootstraps, I admit you guys are fucked for life. What I am saying is that you should have laid the foundation for a solid resume back in high school, and that I hope dicking around those 4 years was worth it.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:29:56 No.161976
    OP, I have shit I need to do so I'll make this brief: Learn business and finance. Then start your own business and get your financial statement in order. Problem solved.

    And no, you don't need to go to college to do that.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:30:52 No.161991
    >implying you can get a small business loan in a post financial crisis world, especially being some faggot kid with no experience
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:32:33 No.162005

    "yes ive been working with at uncles catering business for years now just to earn a bit on the side. Also when i worked at this hotel as a conference coordinator we also staffed the catered events. Im sure that waitering here is not much different than thats been."
    "when can you start?"

    also if its an add then call them up and ask about it, sound nice, DONT USE SLANG, and ask that "since this was marked urgently i wanted to know if the position had already been filled."
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:32:37 No.162006
    >you should have laid the foundation for a solid resume back in high school
    Nobody fuckin made a resume in high school, ever. We are not responsible for getting fucked in the ass.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:34:18 No.162022
    >he didn't make a resume in high school
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:36:30 No.162049
    >can't finish school because don't have any money
    >can't get a job because didn't finish school
    feels batman
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:36:53 No.162051
    >22, never had a job
    >lived with my mother
    >she dies
    >currently living with my brother
    >he's server in iraq, has a degree and has been working since 16
    >it took him a year to find a job
    >works 16 hour days

    It's like there's no point in trying for me to get a job if it took someone with those credentials a whole year to find a job
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:36:56 No.162053
    if you're so successful why are you here? shouldn't you be at work?

    fuck your slave system
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:37:10 No.162057
    That's not even the problem.

    The world should be past expecting people to hurt their education in order to work just so they're not completely out of the game when absolutely anybody from the two generations above us are looking for work.

    Either give a general living allowance, or find some way to convince the older generations to step aside. It's better for a nation to have a well-trained and happy young population.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:37:22 No.162059
    Fill out your FAFSA dummy.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:39:26 No.162074
    >working on a Saturday
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:39:49 No.162079
    I'm going to try for this year's round, we'll see how it goes.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:40:22 No.162083
    >not working on a saturday
    Enjoy being downsized when they find someone that's been looking for work for three years and will work every day for half the pay.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:40:35 No.162086
    >Your career starts at 14!

    You've gotta be devil's advocating here, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:43:04 No.162106
    I'm actually hoping to get transferred to an emerging market to expand our operations there. Maybe a couple years down the line.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:44:29 No.162120
    Why would they waste the time? Much easier to just move a single manager and hire a bunch of old fucks willing to work for a pittance because they used to only get paid a nickel an hour back in the day, and they liked it that way.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:45:44 No.162131
    >Much easier to just move a single manager
    Yes, that's the position I'm gunning for. Anyways, my position is fairly secure. Thanks for the concern you bitter faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:46:17 No.162134

    Steve Jobs dicked around for almost all his life until he became like 20. And still moved on to be one of the most successful men of his generation.

    The system in place when he was young and the system in place now are 2 different things.

    The system back then empowered smart people who lived their lives but also worked.

    The system now empoweres drones who will work and stfu.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:49:22 No.162151
    >earn 22$ per hour
    >friends with managers
    >30 hour weeks

    Feels good when I only have rent and electricity to pay for.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:50:14 No.162159
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    >What I am saying is that you should have laid the foundation for a solid resume back in high school, and that I hope dicking around those 4 years was worth it.

    1) How the fuck was I meant to know at 13 that I needed to start working on my resume?
    2) Even if I did, there's no way in hell I could have worked, since I was busy with, you know, HIGH SCHOOL. I studied my ass off and worked hard at my projects to make sure I'd get the 'good grades' everyone said I needed to get a job and to get into a good university degree.
    3) Since I have no work experience, I can't support myself at university, because I can't get a job that will actually allow me to still go to uni.
    4) Since I can't support myself, I CAN'T GO TO UNIVERSITY


    >BOJ (that's job spelled backwards) rapains (rape pains)
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:52:18 No.162177
    Don't be such a victim. Move back home. Fill out a FAFSA. Go to community college. Get a part time work study gig on campus while you go to school. It really is that easy.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:52:58 No.162183
    >They don't teach you how to write a resume in English class at 13?
    >Work 4 hours after school, fuck homework unless it affects your grade directly, even so, 4 hours here and there (not every day, just like twice a week) isn't that much of a chunk taken out of it.
    >Going to uni without a job. ISHYDDT.
    >So, apply for a job. Several in fact.
    >You are this mad.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:55:54 No.162212
    >They don't teach you how to write a resume in English class at 13?

    they don't, actually, especially not in public schools
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:57:09 No.162223
    I went to a public school.. dropped out of university to work, sure, but there's not much for me in the media industry (Australia).

    Eventually I'll pick it up again and work on advertisement.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:58:07 No.162234
    I was 17 before anyone bothered, and they didn't even explain what anything meant. They asked us questions, then printed out a sheet for us to copy. It was pretty fucked, man.

    I still only know how to make a resume using one of the programs to do it. I'm getting it, but goddamn was that a massive fuck-up for public schooling.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)07:58:57 No.162244
    There are more than enough tutorials online.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:00:49 No.162260
    There's also more than enough math tutorials online. Is that an excuse for schools to not teach math anymore?

    Schools should be preparing kids to live in the wider world. Instead, they're just free daycares with a fancy title attached.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:01:07 No.162261

    Yeah, in bed.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:01:50 No.162269
    Wasn't my point.
    Where the school system has failed you, make up for it by teaching yourself some things.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:02:50 No.162279
    It's really amazing how americans have no fucking clue about the other countries. Not even Canada or Mexico.
    I don't know what's going on with your education system, but as far as first world countries go, it must be one of the worst.
    Also you're probably basing off your experience on Italian-americans. Do you consider yourself british, anon?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:03:02 No.162280
    Ah. Right. So it'd be fine for them to teach 2+2=5 since the kid should just correct their knowledge on their own time. Gotcha.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:03:49 No.162284
    I'm not saying your shitty school is right in being shitty, but it doesn't mean you should remain a fucking retard your whole life.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:04:38 No.162288

    Straight. Public schools rehash the same introductory-level pseudoinformation year in and year out, and half the kids don't even pass that. I love how the focus was always on memorization and test preparation, never about CONCEPTS and rational, creative approaches to problem solving. Say you teach one kid math. Say you teach a second kid math and how to apply it to fucking own CoD or whatever game he likes. Which kid will bother remembering it after the test?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:04:51 No.162290
    Which is why I'm working on learning.

    If you're not trying to excuse their fuck-up, why are you coming up with excuses?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:05:22 No.162298
    >Look for job
    >Get a job "working" for sister
    >Buy loads of houses with interest only mortgages and rent them out
    >lol nepotism
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:06:57 No.162305
    I've always said that the best way to teach kids anything is to teach it through games. People like engaging activities as they're being taught. It's why fuckers remember the rules to sports and vidya so easily. The rules of math aren't any harder. It's just less amusing to learn them. Find some way to make it fun and fuckers will remember anything you teach them for the rest of their lives.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:07:29 No.162309
    I'm not. I was reminding you that what you haven't been taught you can learn yourself.

    That was the point I was making.

    You're this mad and I'm not even sure why.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:10:25 No.162338
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    Which sounds like an excuse from this end. I'm almost positive you understand why.
    >u mad
    Damn, man. that's sad.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:12:09 No.162353
    Why would I defend your shitty school? Maybe I'm defending my own. Hmm.

    Anyway, it's good that you're picking up the slack, that way you learn in a way that suits you instead of chalk and talk.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:12:27 No.162355
    I'm beginning to think the problem is not your lack of experience.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:13:33 No.162365
    I learn best through chalk and talk, though. It's my thing. It's why I'm having such a shitty time learning now. I can teach myself eventually, but just sitting and listening for a minute or two about anything will be an almost immediate way for me to learn.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:14:29 No.162371
    get experience by volunteering and interships and shit like that

    or start doing shit by yourself and produce results, start doing your own things. ( self taught programers do so , later they just show what they did or something )
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:15:05 No.162376

    i don't think you know what's happening at alI
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:16:07 No.162384
    Hmm.. I learn by teaching (backward ass way of doing it, I know), perhaps we could reach some kind of accord here.

    Granted though, it depends what the subject is.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:17:37 No.162395

    You dont seem to get it.

    Bad education is part of the problem.
    the US has to be the only country where you need to go to a "private" school to get "basic" education.

    in the rest of the world, the government run Schools and Universities are just as good if not better than privately owned ones.

    Not only that but the research conducted in public universities is also free. It works off getting grants from the government. If people want they can start up businesses with this research and then pay the govermnet either loyalties or taxes. (not sure how this works, i just know any research ive done is open to use by others.)
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:18:21 No.162403

    I don't even think it's about fun. It's about application in daily life. Most kids just happen to play games, and if they can use math to get ahead in the game, they'll learn math. Out of everything I've ever been taught, I've only remembered (in any detail) that which I use frequently. Sure, I might remember the general concepts behind chemistry and calculus, but if I'm not deriving quadratics or calculating for oxidation-reduction reactions every day, I'll forget exactly how it's done, now won't I?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:19:35 No.162413
    Sounds damn fine. I'd love it if there were more ways for adults to pick up the basics without being made to feel like a retard or having to pay for it. But of course, communism, socialism, and all that bull. Can't have too many people succeeding if they're not born with money.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:22:28 No.162426
    What are you starting with? Just a resume for now?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:24:37 No.162432
    Work in a mine. Make truck loads of cash without any work experience of education required.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:31:53 No.162489

    Bad education is NOT part of the employment problem. We're talking about people not even being able to land entry-level jobs, or positions they're overqualified for. Yes, we have bad education, but that's not pertinent to this issue. Drunk driving is an issue, but it's not relevant to this issue.

    The problem is that:

    1) No one is hiring. Why? Because they are exploiting their current workers to do twice as much for half the pay. Because of the scarcity of jobs, workers accept the abuse and cling to the jobs they have, shitty conditions or not. We voluntarily cast off worker's rights. (There was a nice saying, "Those who sacrifice liberty for safety deserve neither." Only in this case, those who decided to give up their liberty--or rights-- are not the ones suffering the consequences to the greater extent.) If employers can get the job done with X employees, why hire more?

    2) There are fewer jobs to be done. Largely this is the fault of exporting our manufacturing industry, almost completely wiping out an entire sector. My grandfather worked in a glass factory in town. That factory is shut down now.

    3) There are more people who need jobs. This is due to a larger population and that, because wages have not significantly increased, while living expenses have, a household can't survive on one income any more. Thus, both partners must work, and we have more people seeking work.

    4) Because of the mantra of "go to college, get a good job," everyone and their mother went to college and got a degree. Degrees are now worthless. No, I'm not talking about lib arts lackeys. Engineers are unemployed. Chemists are moving back in with their parents. People qualified to teach math are getting laid off and hung out to dry. With more people having diplomas, supply and demand, they're worth less, and employers can set the bar higher.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:37:16 No.162538
    Entry level jobs are now being taken by illegals and shit. All the warehouses in my area employ illegals with below minimum wage and shit conditions. This is the same with construction-type jobs. It just sucks that we're pretty much forced to go a quarter of a million dollars into debt as young as 19 for that "degree".
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:42:51 No.162579
    Reading this it sure feels good to live in a country where I have a legal right to go to University with state support.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:43:02 No.162580
    I know it sucks, I have experience, degree, etc been unemployed for one year, though I've got some election work, and maybe a summer job possibly lined up. This was all done by knowing people. Best advice I've got is do some volunteering or join some club to get to know people who can hook you up.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:44:49 No.162587

    I'm on /r9k/. Do you honestly think I know people?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:48:49 No.162619

    I'm just stating my experience.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)08:49:54 No.162627
    catch 22.

    Best 2 ways to beat it are as follows, there's a 3rd but you have to be just being a really charming motherfucker.

    >Get into it the field through friends or befriending people who are in the field. Volunteer to begin with if you have to
    >Take educational courses related to or in the field at your community college, or university, or adult education, Tafe, whatever you have.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:01:44 No.162710

    Yeah this is a problem, The best thing you can do in your situation is really just put yourself out there, Take courses/education, at any level, take up hobbies and sports, volunteer for whatever you can, Then fill your resume up with all this shit, spinning it to make you look like an altruistic fucker that is trying to better themselves. It all counts for something. As much as i wish it did, staying inside browsing /r9k/ and playing video games, counts for nothing when it comes to careers.

    On you adventures outside, you will come across offers, opportunities and people who even may want to help you, accept all of these, unless you just have a conflict in your schedule(and cant re-prioritize) or cant afford them.

    This is my plan of attack, its the only way i can see that will almost guarantee success overtime. This applies to all the basement dwellers who did reasonably well in school, but either fucked up college, didn't go or got a useless degree.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:05:19 No.162741

    I don't play video games. I did volunter in high school but I haven't been able to get an internship or even so much as a volunteer position since.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:10:46 No.162783
    Think you have it bad. Imagine being a NEET at 25 years old with zero friends, connections, and work history trying to get out there.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:13:03 No.162804

    Well, im 24, same as you(pretty much). You gotta undo the NEET thing first, either through sheer willpower, or seeking professional mental help.
    >> Taylor Swift is my waifu !l7kOEym1Qw 10/29/11(Sat)09:37:23 No.162998
    >14 years old
    >parents say to get a job when I'm 16 I got to get some experience
    >15 years old volunteer at a museum (perfect job for /robots/
    >16 years old
    >apply for job at grocery store with my "work" experience at a museum
    >don't hear back for 2 days so I walk in dressed nicely and ask if I can speak with the manager
    >manager directs me to the hiring manager
    >she pulls my resume up on the computer that's carefully crafted and bullshitted to make it seem like I did important shit
    >manager gives me my uniform there and asks me when I can start
    >started work 4 days later
    >work there throughout high school
    >go to Uni and realize the market won't be good for a while and that I'm wasting my time/money
    >quit school after a semester
    >join the Army
    >get paid, get good work experience, obtain a security clearance (worth big dollars when I'm out), sit at a desk from 9-5, live in a foreign country (Germany), free school when I get out

    Recognize the time you live in robots. The military is a golden ticket for the rest of your life if you pick a GOOD job (I'm an all source intelligence analyst). If you join infantry then that's on you, but at least you'll get free school and veterans preference when applying for jobs.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:40:09 No.163019
    Short answer... Yes.

    I moved across the border and got a fine payed job directly, no questions asked.

    Move to where there is jobs.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:43:02 No.163047

    Is there still visual requirements for primarily noncombatant areas in the military? I have quite poor vision, and have a very heavy prescription on my glasses. This usually knocks me out of any apps for military/police.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)09:45:34 No.163067
    I feel your pain bro.

    That's pretty much my situation right now, the only thing I can do is cross my fingers employers actually call back the day they say they will with good news.
    >> Taylor Swift is my waifu !l7kOEym1Qw 10/29/11(Sat)10:05:37 No.163222

    I have a waiver for vision because mine is bad as well.

    If you wear glasses you can't be an imagery analyst and a small few other jobs. But you could be an analyst like me, or an IT guy.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)10:11:35 No.163275

    cool, so its not a total exclusion.

    How/why did you get the waiver?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)10:20:35 No.163355
    >> Taylor Swift is my waifu !l7kOEym1Qw 10/29/11(Sat)10:29:17 No.163433

    When I went to MEPs the technician that tested my vision said I'd need one to join and they scheduled me an appointment. Went to the optometrist and she said because my vision hadn't degraded in 5 years that she was recommending me for a waiver.

    That's it. I didn't have to do anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)10:34:18 No.163479
    Become a Taoist monk, begging door to door.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)11:28:47 No.163973
    try to study management or politics while doing minimum wage jobs in the retail industry. it's the only way to earn serious paper nowadays
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)11:32:20 No.164000
    This. And the only excuse I ever hear is
    >You're young. You've got plenty of time.

    That might be true, but I've still got bills to pay motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)14:46:26 No.166479
    That's easy as fuck to get around. You just tell your employer that you've been battling cancer for the last couple of years, and you've finally won.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)14:47:37 No.166499
    yeah I have no previous experiences

    but I'm also being very picky with were I would work

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