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    File : 1319870665.jpg-(80 KB, 900x516, 1318056189445.jpg)
    80 KB Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)02:44:25 No.159419  
    >Go to school
    >Come home
    >Watch a tv series
    >Go to work
    >Come home
    >Watch a TV series
    >Day off
    >Read a book series
    >Completely lose myself inside the alternate worlds, wish every waking moment I'm not reading or watching them that I lived in them
    My entire life is one of pure escapism. I don't like anything about the world I live in, or what I do, or who I know.

    But as soon as I pick up that book or turn on that show, everything melts away. It's all okay again.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)02:46:06 No.159443
    I do the same thing, but with internet and video games. Except I don't have school. Or work.

    So basically my entire life is escapism. It's working out well.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)02:46:17 No.159447
    Mine too. It's keeping me from getting a job or going to school. I'm just a pathetic worthless escapist peter-pan NEET and I'm unfit for this world.

    There's no positive twist at the end.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)02:47:43 No.159464
    We should form a suicide cult.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)02:48:20 No.159472
    And make an eroge?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)02:50:07 No.159503

    I've always wanted to ask this to some escapists. Where the fuck are your parents, arcanines?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)02:50:08 No.159504

    Might as well
    It could be not suicide, just... like... a real escape

    To better lands

    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)02:50:48 No.159512
    Supporting me and my NEET life. How else could I live like this?
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)02:51:02 No.159516

    Down the hallway right now, sleeping

    They think I'm looking for a job, though I think they know something's up because it's been a couple years
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)02:51:50 No.159530
    Divorced, mom worked as a nurse and was there 60-70 hours of the week, when she got home she was too tired to do anything other than go into her room and sleep.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)02:55:39 No.159586
         File1319871339.jpg-(10 KB, 455x217, Hopper[1].jpg)
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    >not choosing one series and losing your fucking mind in them
    But seriously, I think I'm going crazy,
    I was hiking in the mountains with my dad and I heard a predator bird screetch
    and I was sure a fucking hopper was coming down on us so I dived on him and started yelling
    It was rather hard to explain. . .
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)02:56:44 No.159596
    I see. In case you feel a desire to change your ways, here's a question... do you think your parents are to blame (totally or partially) for your NEETness?

    And they haven't asked you about it or showing signals of said suspicion...?

    Hars situation. How old are you arcanine?

    Sorry if this is bothersome. There was a time in my life where I took some steps toward escapism, too, so I'm curious.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)02:58:27 No.159621
    >How old are you
    19. College + work.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)02:58:43 No.159624
    >do you think your parents are to blame
    Only to the extent that they're not kicking me out because I don't have a job. Everything else, including the decision to drop out of school and quit work, has been mine alone.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)02:59:36 No.159640

    They bring it up all the time, they're just beta parents, they have no energy to be forceful and they wouldn't want the social stigma of kicking me out

    I feel like a piece of shit for it but there's no fucking good option, people would complain if I killed myself too
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)03:05:51 No.159720
    Are you me?

    I want a job but only so I can support myself, in order to support the hobbies that I escape with.

    For some reason I'm stuck in some kind of existential crisis. Everything is pointless in the end, space is nothing but void, man can't even unite in order to form a common purpose.
    I just feel like nothing is worth anything. I want to get away from here.

    I would have suicide long ago if it weren't for the people around me I have lucky enough that still love me.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)03:07:53 No.159748
    I think you are fucking crazy
    Eagles or even hawks don't even sound remotely like Hoppers
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)03:09:17 No.159765
    >>159720 anon, I think I am you. I have gone on about that same perpetual existential crisis before too.

    It's the ultimate demotivator. And there's no good choice. All actions are fucked and ultimately pointless, and inaction is an action in itself that makes everybody hate you for not being whatever they expect you to be.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)03:14:55 No.159840

    I have been reading a lot about existentialism lately and order a few books. I just need something to help me, not sure what can to be honest.

    Apparently it cooks down to 3 options.
    > Such a realization or encounter with the absurd leaves the individual with a choice: suicide, a leap of faith, or recognition.

    > For Camus, suicide is a "confession" that life is not worth living; it is a choice implicitly declaring that life is "too much." Suicide offers the most basic "way out" of absurdity: the immediate termination of the self and its place in the universe.

    Sometimes I feel that is the choice I want to take but I can't because of people around. I'm just plainly stuck.
    I'm too NEET to get a job since I feel what I would be done with just end where I started, get a job in order to support my hobbies that allows me to escape from my job.

    I feel like just throwing my hands up in the air and flip a table sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)03:28:38 No.160007

    Interesting. I briefly looked into it before, also some other things. I started reading some various philosophy thinking maybe it would open me up to some new bulletproof mode of operating in the real world.

    Of course, it never worked. I can't seem to stifle my emotions, or even find a proper balance with which to stop the war between emotion and reasoning.

    I get those impulses too, though a lot of the time I just simply want to completely withdraw into myself, to just lie down somewhere and do absolutely nothing, and keep doing .
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)03:37:42 No.160102
    Ya, basically the same.

    Even if my life were better, I really can't imagine wanting to go to clubs or fuck women more than what video games and television offer.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)03:43:55 No.160171
    I wish I could live in the real world, but I spent too long in the fantasy and I'm not sure I can get out.

    Well, the worst part is that I'm not totally sure I want out.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)03:50:38 No.160238
    So what do you guys escape to?

    I find that I like either vast fantasy universes, or real-world stories that involve depraved, unhealthy, indulgent emotional states (like incest, especially incest laced with deep guilt), or just general failure to cope
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)03:53:10 No.160266
    Pretty much the same, though 4chan and some vidya tends to fill in for books.

    That and drugs when I have them.
    Recently ran out of MXE, which is going to suck until I can get some more.

    I have realized that although I could probably get a job, move out, work out and maybe even get a significant other eventually; I don't really want it.
    Doing nothing is easier.

    Live in their house, I think my mum is starting to get annoying that I am not even trying to get a job.
    Not sure about my dad, I think he may just be alright with the fact that I haven't offed myself yet.

    Him being destroyed by it and my own cowardice are the only things really stopping me.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)03:54:38 No.160282
    Any place or style that is foreign. I like reading works from or set in Eastern Europe and ancient East Asia because they're so different from what I already know.

    I tend to read anything surreal or absurd as well, because books in that style require a lot of my concentration and usually have images that stick with me for weeks afterwards. Very easy to lose yourself in them.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:03:11 No.160351

    That's cool. I guess I lke that foreign feel too. I've been looking for a good immersive fantasy novel lately.
    >> sagy mcsagesage 10/29/11(Sat)04:09:25 No.160414
    >be autistic version of OP
    >lose self in designing RPG combat systems for days at a time

    Please kill me, my life is shit ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:10:18 No.160422
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    I don't really read fantasy that often, but here's the /lit/ fantasy recommendations list if you want to look through it for recs or anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:12:17 No.160438
    Sci-Fi-esque world in which there are many different creatures and factions all of which have different "morality"
    First there is the Imperial Federation which is a race of humanoids from a planet called bulbion because they had, in the early days, created a mighty tower in which they created metropolitan area containing all the world's people. They can only be referred to as being short, pale, all red eyes, and jagged teeth. They are essentially a militaristic Fascist society developed from an old republic that was overthrown by the army. The army used to be civilians, but they perfected warfare through cloning and finding the perfect combination of genes in their race and they had no empathy and killed all whom they were told to by the cloners. This was the W generation (So say you were clone number 200 of the generation, you would be 200.W, pronounced Two Hundred Point Double-you), and over time it grew to take over the entire galaxy. By this time, any remnants of the original race were gone or lost in some foreign worlds. The Federation at this point was almost entirely run by and controlled by the clones except an elite caste which were simply darker grey, indicating they deviated from the "perfect gene", but they were about to enter a stage of corruption. When the Federation entered the X generation, the clones no longer just took orders, they gained personality in a different way. They had all been raised in tubes in which they learned everything they needed to know, but when the X generation began, they began seeing the developments happening: for no explainable reason, the young ones learned from the programs with different speed, level, and form and this is how they entered the X gen. It was in this generation, at the peak of the empire, that they found earth, and while they thought they had just found another planet to conquer with no sentient or even intelligent life, they would meet their greatest enemies and causers of all wars from now on (go on?)
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:15:47 No.160469
    Usually worlds in pseudo-medival world settings, places where technology took hold and things are more simple and community-oriented.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:17:52 No.160484
    > Play Fallout: New Vegas
    > That sense of adventure
    > That connection to people
    > that feeling like you actually have a purpose
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:22:57 No.160522
    Sounds pretty chill. Can't wait until I'm done with getting my degree, so I can sit at home and chill for a few months until I get up my ass and get a job.

    Those months are going to kick so much ass, man. Imma smoke weed and play vidya all day long!
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)04:40:44 No.160695

    No job, buy weed, wat
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:26:06 No.161120


    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:30:55 No.161154
    This. When I first played Deus Ex I didn't want to leave, JC Denton's life was about 1000 times better then mine and a whole lot more interesting.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:33:19 No.161174
    I know that feel. I like playing music about worlds that I've made up or playing vidya so I can escape from this world. I'm alright with it however.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:37:18 No.161201
    I do this a lot, but I don't even have any knowledge of programming, I just imagine what the game would be like in my head. It was great when I used to play DnD as I would make massive campaigns with proper boards as maps for the dungeons and errythang. Then my best friend moved and everyone else in the group kinda gave up.
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:43:15 No.161234
    Guys, it's so easy to escape to another life when the one you're in seems sub-par.

    You want to live in these romantic-as-fuck worlds about exploration or power play and men doing what men do the manliest? Yes, I've been there; yes, it makes you feel like I have some sort of sense in an otherwise meaningless existence.

    But I can tell now *real life* is infinitely better than any of the escapist stories you try and make yourself a part of... Real life is the single fucking greatest story ever told, and each and every single person who embraces it and pushes themselves to experience it will come out with their own story, their own universe to live in and explore, with the added bonus that everything they are doing is *real....*
    >> Anonymous 10/29/11(Sat)05:51:26 No.161286
    I envy the ability to escape so easily from your shitty real life. It's probably better than to be anxiously aware of your own failure all the time without seeing the possibility to change much.

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