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  • File: 1330551939.png-(107 KB, 316x216, Dear-Apathy1.png)
    107 KB Why people tend to trivalize serious issues. Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:45:39 No.1591854  
    Every serious issue people have, people tend to trivialize it or don''t take it seriously. Some of these issues include job-hunting, school bullying and harassment, mental illness, and politics. It's as if people don't care about these serious issues and expect YOU not to care about these issues.

    It's possibly on the reasons why we still have problems, we tend to trivialize them or make them into jokes. Possible one reason why is that they have not personally experience these issues, and even then there is a chance of people not caring.

    Why people act like this? Why people act functionally apathetic about serious issues.
    >> Male Feminist !!YCePg6TwzZ5 02/29/12(Wed)16:46:23 No.1591863
    Or spelling. Why do people trivalize spelling?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:31:20 No.1592252
    No one else is interested? This sounds like a self fulfilling prophecy. Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:33:06 No.1592266
    I am apathetic and am content with being so.

    So, fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:34:35 No.1592279
    I'm apathetic about these issues, but I can't be bothered to explain why I feel this way.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:36:06 No.1592291
    Denial because these issues cause unmanageable anxiety when truly thought about.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:40:00 No.1592321

    There is a starving black child in Africa and because of that our problems will never be taken seriously

    which is why we gotta find him and kill him
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:40:48 No.1592330
    you can't expect people to take on the suffering of the world. we make jokes out of these issues because there's really nothing else you can do about it

    what is one to do? become an activist? if you really feel passionately about one of these issues and want to do something about it, that's awesome, that's noble. but most people don't have the mental or emotional energy to stand up for every bullied gay kid or chronically unemployed 60 year old in the world. i know i don't, so what am i gonna do except pay my taxes and joke about it and maybe type something on the internet

    but yeah the whole pseudocynical attitude towards politics is so dumb and childish. LOOK AT ME I'M SMART I CAN SEE THROUGH IT ALL CUZ I READ SOME SHIT ONLINE AND WHO CARES CAUSE EVERYONE'S FULL OF SHIT ANYWAY.
    smug cynics are insufferable, they're not interested in the issue, they just want to avoid being seen as naive/dorky/incorrect
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:41:42 No.1592337
    > Why people act like this? Why people act functionally apathetic about serious issues.

    I think it's a defense mechanism. By trivializing an issue it removes the responsibility of solving it, which is easier then actually doing something.

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