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  • File: 1330456993.jpg-(13 KB, 251x204, things.jpg)
    13 KB Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:23:13 No.1578902  
    Things normalfags say that just don't make sense.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:25:21 No.1578920
    >Depression is all in your head!
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:26:13 No.1578934
    *In response to you pointing out logical inconsistencies within a film*

    "ITS A MOVIE!"
    >> doubleniggerfaggotwithnotripcode 02/28/12(Tue)14:26:31 No.1578936
    When they say no.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:27:40 No.1578950
    "Can't you just play for fun? Stop complaining!"

    ..okay, I'll go back to my harmony board now.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:27:53 No.1578952
    I've been seeing this image on 4chan forever. Anyone care to tell me where it is from?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:28:18 No.1578955

    you're a faggot for not thinking that's a legitimate defense for a movie
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:28:38 No.1578957
    jsut a guess, but I think it's "whose line is it anyway"
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:28:48 No.1578960
    A show called Whose line is it anyway, with Drew Carry hosting the american version.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:29:08 No.1578962
    some murrican staged comedy game show
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:30:27 No.1578970
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    Didn't you have a TV in the 90s?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:30:50 No.1578974
    i hate it when people do that. it IS a freaking movie for fucks sake.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:31:31 No.1578981
    "So let me get this straight, you stay in your room all day and watch japanese cartoons? That's pretty sad, bro"
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:31:40 No.1578983
    I did, but I'm from the Balkans
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:32:43 No.1578994
    How is it a legitimate defence?
    It goes against the tenants of Aristotelian tragedy and verisimilitude.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:33:01 No.1579000
    check it out on youtube. its pretty funny.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:33:05 No.1579002
    ...but it is sad.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:36:37 No.1579038
    "You've got to find a girlfriend, dude!"

    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:38:16 No.1579059
    >Still thinking jewish made films cater to realism.

    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:39:56 No.1579071
    >Maybe you spend so much time reading books, listening to music, playing video games, etc because you're trying to escape from reality.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:40:50 No.1579075
    So basically if you saw Luke Skywalker drinking Pepsi, or some other illogical thing like that you would have no problem?

    Or if in Man on Fire, Denzel Washington suddenly gets superpowers for no apparent reason and starts flying around and shoots laser beams out of his eyes?

    After all, it IS a movie, therefore one doesnt have to put any effort into making a coherent plot, am i right?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:44:14 No.1579107
    Look, Im not saying there isn't a place for movies to have fantasy enviroments or whatever. But the movies should at least abide by the rules of their internal universe.

    For example, if in a Superman movie, Superman gets shot in the head by a sniper, that wouldn't make any sense. Before bullets bounced off of him, now suddenly they're effective?

    That would be an example of a movie "not making sense". Again, im NOT saying a movie cant have lightsabers, or ninjas that bounce off walls or shit like that, but the movies should at least be faithful to the internal logic of the plots of the movie.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:45:01 No.1579117
    >Why are you so quiet anon?

    Maybe because you spent the last two hours talking about people I don't know or events where I wasn't present?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:45:21 No.1579124

    >Could you dumb that down for me?
    >I'm not an idiot!
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:46:58 No.1579135
    "Just man the fuck up, hit the gym and your confidence will rise!!"
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:48:58 No.1579151
    Product placement is a little different. Any movie that purposely does that is usually just panned as a terrible movie. I think Need for speed and Torque are two good examples of that.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:49:02 No.1579153
    >play video games 2-3 hours a day after work, then I usually socialize, have people over ect
    >anon, why do yo play so many video games, don't you have a life
    >they are on facebook for the entire time they are on their computer, and they have to have a smart phone for facebook

    Im obviously the one with the addiction
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:50:59 No.1579167
    >Be yourself.
    Motherfucker, I AM being myself. THAT'S THE PROBLEM.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:51:03 No.1579168
    >Why are you so damn quiet?

    Gee, let's see: One, I don't have a lot of charisma or naturally high interpersonal skills, and I've been heavily abused over that one. Because of that, I became depressed and self-hating, leading to shyness and low self-esteem, which leads to MORE bullying. Because of that, I try not to get any attention over myself, which ironically does just that.

    If you aren't charismatic and/or socially skilled, you'll get shit on all over.

    And you have the FUCKING AUDICITY to ask me to talk more often, when that itself leads me to being in fucking danger?

    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:52:41 No.1579181
    Lifes not fair son. I was once you. Make an effort. I mean a REAL, LONG effort. Even if it takes you years and years. Because it did for me. Eventually, if you have the will, you will find a way.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:54:44 No.1579190
    But would you agree that product placement in a movie that has a plot that takes place in the present day is slightly more acceptable than if it were in a Star Wars movie?

    In the first instance it is a modern product from our world that is being inserted into a movie about our modern world. In the second, it is a product from our world being inserted into a completely different reality.

    Would you agree that that would be an example of a movie "not making sense"?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:55:24 No.1579193

    It's easy for you because you're probably outgoing as fuck, anyway.

    For the rest of us, such is not that simple.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:55:39 No.1579195
    > just go out and meet girls

    I always lol at this one
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:56:03 No.1579198
    Not that guy, but you, you're just as bad as those BE YOURSELF ONLY JUST BE DIFFERENT faggots.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:56:18 No.1579200
    On the subject of my social retardation
    >you'll get rid of it if you just start to talk to people
    >just go and talk to girls and you'll get a gf
    And the very best
    >girls don't really care about looks, mainly personality
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:56:54 No.1579207
    'You're so cute anon, how come you don't have a GF?'
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:57:28 No.1579213
    >"Stop being so damn pessimistic."
    >fast forward
    >"I think you overestimated yourself."

    also, >>1579038 this so fucking much
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:58:55 No.1579223
    get a real hobby
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:59:37 No.1579227
    I'm not even a quiet person and I get this all the time.

    I just never like the girls who hit on me, and am too bashful to think of anything to say to the girls I do like.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:00:04 No.1579230
    Those are all true. Enjoy being stupid.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:00:36 No.1579235
    Okay, I'm not prone to screaming NORMALFAG!!!, but the very notion that somehow, only some hobbies are the "real" ones and the rest are "non-real" (?) smacks of normalfaggotry.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:02:41 No.1579248
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    >mfw people always say this

    THIS. Let me find one when I'm ready.

    Friends have tried to hook me up before (never anything above a 7/10), despite how I never asked them to, and my disinterest. It always makes things awkward when I don't show interest, especially since society expects men to fuck anything that moves. Then they act so surprised when I don't want to hook up...
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:03:23 No.1579254
    >Get a life
    What the fuck does this mean? Just because I like to draw and because I have skill doesn't mean my whole world revolves around it. Fucking normalfags think that if you're not out there talking your ass off everyday you must be some loser.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:07:23 No.1579293
    >outgoing as fuck

    LOLno. But I do make a solid effort. Most people tell me I come across as earnest, sensitive, and slightly goofy. But guess what? I still manage to get laid, get gfs, and have friends.

    Its not impossible guys.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:07:28 No.1579294

    'Real' hobbies are creative, artistic, athletic, or otherwise somehow constructive. They often challenge you physically or mentally and require you to engage yourself in pursuit of a worthwhile end result. Don't get mad because you can't defend the pathetic interests and pass-times you use to make your existence bearable.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:08:37 No.1579306
    What do you draw?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:08:38 No.1579307
    >Meeting older relatives
    >Anon! You're so handsome, I bet the girls are all over you.
    Is this all old people think about, whether or not the younger generation is getting their dick wet. It's fucking everytime I meet older relatives it always boils down to if I have a girlfriend or not.

    >Bro, next time you go out, go hit on 5 girls. Try to get 50 contacts after the month.
    One thing I do not understand about normalfags is that they think getting a girlfriend is the center of your life. My life is a wreck at the moment and I don't wanna drag somebody down with me. Let me put it all back together before I try to hit on girls.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:08:59 No.1579309

    > "Don't blame me!"

    Normalfag detected.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:09:20 No.1579313
    What do you draw?

    (this is not a flood post, eat shit robot)
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:10:08 No.1579319
    Whatever comes to mind. Apparently I'm so good at it that it scares the normals.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:12:21 No.1579337
    Hobbies aren't supposed to be constructive, you twat, they're past-times. Nobody is expected to better humanity when fishing.
    >> mael femnist lol !!YCePg6TwzZ5 02/28/12(Tue)15:13:03 No.1579343
    "You act as if she was the only girl left on the planet. Get over it, man."
    >> 6'6 02/28/12(Tue)15:13:16 No.1579345
    >We're just trying to be nice. Fuck you.
    When they were insulting me the whole time.

    >We're all the same.
    Racial, gender, and other categories.

    >Mental disorders are real!
    Describing a made up DSM disorder which has no science to support its "brain chemical imbalance" hypothesis that is diagnosed at the sole subjective discretion of their psychiatrist. They usually have these for feeling lonely or even a little sad. The lack of psychological preparation to deal with failure properly defines the insulated experiences of normalfags.

    >Hip-hop isn't music. I listen to deadmau5 and Skrillrex.
    The exclusion of the former is the reason for love of the latter.

    >Honesty is the best policy.
    Only true if you want to offend everybody and be ostracized by normalfags. They love being lied to.

    >Reading/videogames/computer is a waste of time. Get a life.
    They think their life is meaningful because they gossip on Facebook, get drunk with others, have almost immediately regrettable sexual encounters, and make character blunders.

    >You have no feelings.
    When I share them with you, you tell me to shut up.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:13:20 No.1579346
    >Hey man, why you never come clubbing? it's so fun!

    I've been asked this when I'm already able to get girls, I have been in relationships yet for some reason everything revolves around alcohol and trying to dance with bitches. It's boring, the music is always pop shit, the drinks are expensive and I have no interest in scoring some slutty STD bag of a whore just so I can slip my cock into her worn out pussy.

    Why can't we just go do something else and spend our money on something a bit more productive.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:13:56 No.1579349
    Didn't mean to post with name sorry.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:15:23 No.1579363
    When your hobbies become constructive, you're then called a Renaissance Man. They're not considered hobbies anymore
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:15:36 No.1579365
    >"I understand how you feel. Confidence is a bitch to try and have, when your picture of the world isn't complete. As long as you still have unanswered questions about reality, you can't base yourself on anything. Some people can base their confidence in belief and not knowledge, but not you. That just proves that you're more set for society than them. But you still need those answers, and if you're not able to understand the whole picture, then you might be asking the wrong questions. I'd like to give you a hand with asking those questions, so you still get the answers yourself. But I'm not going to force that on you, since that'll make me just another asshole. So if you ever want to get something cleared up logically, just come to me. This is an outstretched hand that you're not ethically obliged to take. Use it if you want to."

    Fucking normalfag thinks he knows better than me.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:16:40 No.1579379
    >large boobs are awesome
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:16:53 No.1579381
    Yeah. It really is kinda boring. I can understand it if you're someone who's good at dancing and likes the sort of music they play but I don't see the appeal beyond that.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:17:15 No.1579384
    >Why don't you just get a girlfriend? It's ridiculously easy.
    >Why don't you stop being depressed?
    >Why don't you smile and feel happy about all the inane shit like I do?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:18:18 No.1579396
    So building stuff with Lego and making terrain for wargames counts?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:18:23 No.1579397
    >Just be yourself

    I have no idea what this means. Can anyone help me here?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:19:17 No.1579406
    just... go with the flow.
    do what you want to do. say what you want to say. don't be influenced by something else.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:20:25 No.1579416
    I just have to say that as a person who identify myself as fairly normal (at least compared to depressed shut-in neckbeards), I have got to say the conception of normalfags here on r9k is rather absurd.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:20:42 No.1579419
    You do this and they say "get a life" because whatever you do is "weird" and "not normal". For fuck's sake, leave me alone already.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:21:44 No.1579427
    it's alright man. i know that feel all over.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:23:11 No.1579440
    No, because he will amend his definition to exclude "ew, nerdy" stuff from it.

    Unless, of course, said "nerdy stuff" will make him look cool to his hipster friends. Behold, /r9k/, the normalfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:23:23 No.1579444
    Worst advice if you're not a normalfag already.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:24:24 No.1579452
    Ive always agreed with this pretty much. Its just weird somehow when someone says thier hobby is playing vidya or watching tv/movies. Such a pointless time waster which while possibly enjoyable is really only for those who are happy to be sedated and complacent. Worthwhile hobbies should be more than watching polygons move around on a screen, but thats just me i guess.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:24:55 No.1579458
    Of course it is. Arcanines have a twisted conception of normality, simply because they are not normal themselves. Since they've been told they're not normal all their lives, they demonise everything they hate by building this image of the "super-normal person", i.e. of a normalfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:25:12 No.1579463
    I am myself.
    And myself is teling yourself to kindly fuck off.

    Fucking twats like these, man.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:25:31 No.1579468
    "anon get your dick out of the pasta" Fucking normalfags
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:25:37 No.1579471
    >Thread about things normalfags say that don't make any sense
    >Full of things that make sense

    Get over it robots. YOU are the problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:25:39 No.1579472
    >don't be influenced by something else
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:26:50 No.1579485
    Exactly. Not to say I don't play video games and watch movies from time to time, but to call it a genuine hobby, something which is part of your identity, is just sad.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:27:05 No.1579488
    Concluding this thread all I can say is that haters always have, and always will, hate.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:27:14 No.1579489
    >you are a hater
    >you are jealous
    >you have no life
    >you need to get laid
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:28:12 No.1579495

    >A hobby is a regular activity or interest that is undertaken for pleasure, typically done during one's leisure time.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:30:24 No.1579517
    >talking to new co-worker
    >he's 39 and I'm 21

    Him: so do you go out?
    Me: Nah, I'm more of a homebody, I hang out with my friends on weekends but we don't go clubbing or anything
    Him: Really?

    >dubstep starts to play at work
    Him: Man it's been so long since I've gone to a rave.
    >just nod
    Him: what music do you listen to?
    Me: Alternative rock, I likestuff that blues-y, classic rock, 80s stuff

    >He goes quiet the res of the day
    I don't know if he found me boring or if he realized that he's a 39 year old man child.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:31:24 No.1579523
    Wow. I used to come here and to /lit/ because I thought you guys were kidding about all these weird idiosyncrasies (crippling social anxiety, fake social problems, pretend depression, misogyny etc).

    This thread makes me sad that society has left you fellows behind.

    As a "normalfag" I will not return here anymore
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:32:28 No.1579529
    What about the influx of normalfags conflating hobbies and subcultures? That was annoying when it happened.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:32:48 No.1579531
    I love this thread
    >Some introvert weirdo shoots up a school
    >"The quiet ones are always crazy..."
    Seriously? An introvert shooting up a school kills 5 people, and extroverts like Hitler end up killing millions yet we're considered the weirdos
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:32:56 No.1579532
    Playing vidya or watching movies isn't just following poligons on the screen. You must be fucking retarded to genuinely believe this. Vidya is an adventure, films are stories to live through.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:33:05 No.1579533
    >Quoting wikipedia
    look at the article again, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:34:35 No.1579546
    A girl at a club fucks lets say one guy a month. This is a conservative estimate. This means she only fucks one guy about every four weeks. Just think of all those guys hitting on her everyday, and especially every weekend at the club.
    This means she fucks 12 guys a year
    Let's say she does this for three years: She's fucked 36 guys.

    One guy every two months for three years? 18 guys.
    One guy every three months for three years? 12 guys.

    Disgusting. Stay away from those club girls.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:34:54 No.1579547
    >dubstep starts to play at work
    all my what
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:34:54 No.1579548
    >brb once you hit a certain age must stop having fun and enjoying yourself in ways I don't approve of
    People are stupid these days.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:34:57 No.1579550

    You are a sad and pathetic individual.. Wow
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:35:32 No.1579555
    Trying to start a conversation with a girl
    >what kind of music do you like?
    >everything anon
    What the fuck...?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:35:53 No.1579560
    I can see you, you fucking samefag. I bet you're that person who thinks a hobby is hang gliding and scuba diving. Playing vidya and watching movies is just as much of a hobby as anything else.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:36:35 No.1579567
    You can't compare it to hitler, because hes history. You and me are now. You are the one I'm watching out for when I see you sitting by yourself. Hitler is dead and gone, no need to worry about him.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:36:47 No.1579570
    Oh man, if I had a nickle for every time I've heard that...
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:38:25 No.1579590
    >girl asks me what music/movies/food/color/anything do I like
    >hfw she realises I don't have any taste or personality for that matter
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:39:04 No.1579597
    >Look at me, I can't make any good arguments so I'm just going to flaunt my butthurt and call him a sad nerd.
    >That'll show him.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:39:18 No.1579602
    >You think to much

    I will end you.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:47:07 No.1579664
    >Do you not have any friends
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:51:44 No.1579702
    You say you're bullied but random classmates are genuinely interested in why you're so quiet. It sounds like you're the one with a victim complex and they're just trying to be friendly
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:51:59 No.1579708
    >Lol, why do you do research at your uni when you don't even get paid for it? That's stupid anon.
    I swear, some people...
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:56:20 No.1579760
    Thats pathetic. You shouldn't have to live vicariously trough a tv screen. Try going a week without tv or vidya and see how you feel. You'll have more energy and feel more outgoing because you're not being sedated by a screen for hours every day
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:59:50 No.1579791
    Not a normalfag, but my Mum. IF DAT COUNTS.

    >'Why is it 'sooo hard' to get a job? Why, when I was your age, I could just walk into a shop and get one.'

    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:59:53 No.1579792
    >omg videogames are such a waste of time
    >spends all their time on fb and twitter
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:01:28 No.1579808
    there are real people on fb and twitter
    the game they are playing is called real life
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:02:26 No.1579815
    Thats pathetic. You shouldn't have to live vicariously through other people. Try going a week without trying to be in the company of others and see how you feel. You'll have more energy and feel better because you're not trying to suck the life out of somebody who is trying to suck the life out of you every day
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:02:56 No.1579821
    >someone sends me a message on Facebook
    >can't be bothered to reply at the moment
    >2 hours later
    >'do u hate me?'

    I do now.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:05:23 No.1579842
    That's a load of bullshit I've been without video games for months on end all I did was read books and keep to myself
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:06:17 No.1579855
    Get out, normalfag. No, you're not a normalfag, just a fag.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:06:36 No.1579858
    Just reply with "Are you offering?" and if they say no then just state "Well there's your answer then.".
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:07:17 No.1579864
    >Oh man, if I had a nickle for every time I've heard that...
    >if I had a nickle

    It's supposed to be "if I had a pickle". Stop misquoting the great Walt Whitman
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:09:21 No.1579875
    >Just reply with "Are you offering?" and if they say no then just state "Well there's your answer then.".

    Considering that it's only unavailable women who ask this, no. Just no.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:10:34 No.1579891
    ...because videogames are so much more useless than playing farmville or reading some retard celebrity's tweets?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:12:05 No.1579903
    For those of you pitching a fit over the whole "tv/vidya" argument:

    Edward R. Murrow: "Television may be the opiate of the people. They'll sit there for hours on end and be content with doing nothing."
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:16:32 No.1579941
    T.V results in practically no brain activity, video games and mentally so much better, but still not great. That is how bad T.V is.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:17:25 No.1579955
    This is the quickest way to piss me off. I almost punched one of my best friends in the face because of this. I ended up yelling at everyone that was present (the girl in question was one room over and heard everything).

    Was very uncharacteristic of me since I'm really quiet, even amongst my best friends. Now they know to not pull this stupid shit with me.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:18:42 No.1579969
    This can be said about any hobby. Also it's not doing nothing, it's being excited about what you see. To vidya it's even more retarded because it's interactive and needs concentration.
    Also you're a faggot for quoting someone famous and thinking it will automatically make sense.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:21:17 No.1579994
    >"I am so weird, I wear the merchandise of/watch/am obsessed with/love it more than anything pokemon/harry potter/popular things seen as geeky or alternative when really everyone knows about it and has liked it once. Tumblr, haha I'm so random." -

    >"Anon, what the fuck - you're so weird because you get too into this shit. Let's make fun of anon because anon genuinely likes the things that make us 'geeky' and 'weird'."
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:27:40 No.1580063
    What was that thing specifically?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:30:44 No.1580086

    It varies.

    Basically anything that is considered "geeky".

    I'm just over "I'm so weird and different" I suppose.

    Just like shit that you like, why are you waving it in my face?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:34:53 No.1580124
    it's doing nothing in the sense that you are neer more than you were before you sat down to watch tv

    defensiveness comes from insecure people
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:37:08 No.1580141
    >Did you hear anon went berserk when someone said he needs to find a girlfriend
    >Thats weird hes usually so quiet
    >He's probably gonna shoot up the place
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:45:12 No.1580216
    >not ugly/fat
    >keep quiet most of the time because I find most things people talk about boring
    >people still assume I'm just a quiet normalfag, that I've had sex and pull etc

    What the fuck is wrong with people?! I'm clearly a weirdo with no interest in the same things as normal people. Fuck I really need to go to the uni DnD club or video game society.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:52:09 No.1580298
         File: 1330465929.gif-(147 KB, 639x426, stupid school ritual.gif)
    147 KB

    Nobody really likes these things, yet there are these overly enthusiastic neanderthals scream at the top of their lungs and they're ACTUALLY excited.

    I don't fucking get it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:58:23 No.1580359
    Anything related to computers.
    Not that anon, but normalfags like to bandwagon on obscure geeky stuff yet when they find someone who genuinely likes it they think it's weird that the guy is so happy he's finally found SOMEONE who shares his interests.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:00:07 No.1580371
    I hate normalfags because 99% of them lack empathy.
    I seriously believe they don't even think rape and murder is wrong, they just pretend to because everyone else pretends to.

    Some guy who gets treated like shit his whole life and acts accordingly is treated with EVEN MORE scorn instead of them realize "Hey, this guy was treated like shit. I should help him feel better"
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:00:24 No.1580374
    This. What an ungrateful moody cunt.

    I should know because I occasionally pull shit like this but at least I know its a problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:02:06 No.1580390

    I can actually relate to this. It really breaks my immersion when I notice dumb inconsistencies like that.

    That's why I loved Star Trek, while it obviously had many inconsistencies it masked the fuck out of them with techno babble thus making them tolerable.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:06:24 No.1580436

    Lol me too, I'm not as bad as some people on here (slept with 3 entire women) but people think I'm some kind of casanova, I've been single for 4 years.

    >Dude texting girl, asks my opinion because I'm an expert LOL
    >Boss at work - people with active sex lives are slim because it keeps them healthy, like person, person and ANON
    >HAHAHAHAHA oh my god
    >I think you should help person get a girlfriend
    >It's like (insert situation here) with girlfriend and...well you know what I'm talking about anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:06:57 No.1580439
    Precisely my point. Most people who pull the "Its a MOVIE" card generally are those who either dont notice inconsistencies or seem to think they dont matter or are justified just because a movie is fictional.

    My whole point is they should be especially careful to not be inconsistent when it comes to fiction because its really hard to get pulled in when the movie just seems to be arbitrarily making shit up as it goes along.

    It happens alot in games as well.

    Clip related, not that funny but explains what Im trying to say.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:07:18 No.1580444
    But it is true and you are retarded if you don't understand that.

    >Manning up
    You become less of a pussy and become numb to rejection and fear.
    >Working out
    You get a better body so of course you confidence will rise.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:10:17 No.1580471
    >>1580086 I agree with this. I don't mind those people and its a great ice breaker but it seems like over kill. its you playing the character that is stereo typed. I guess after awhile; yes, it becomes you, but that's not really you? idk it confuses me. its like a paradox? am I alone on this "I'm going to be a Hipster/pokefan(those extremes you see?)" can anyone help me out?
    I've thought about trying it because it is a type of peacocking. or am I wrong?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:10:30 No.1580476
    >Its the 'Quiet ones' you gotta watch out for
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:15:30 No.1580524
    >Calm down, bro
    >Calm down, broski
    >Calm down, dood
    >Why are you so angry?
    >Don't get mad, bro-heem

    I am as tranquil as a buddha. Stop telling me to calm down.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:21:30 No.1580578

    Maybe you being quiet is for the better.

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