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  • File: 1330439639.jpg-(30 KB, 450x298, 2012-02-28T133246Z_1_BTRE81R11MO00_RTROP(...).jpg)
    30 KB Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:33:59 No.1576821  
    "Our prayers go out to the five victims and their families," a choked up School Superintendent Joseph Bergant said at news conference. "It's a horrible tragedy."

    Mueller [a fellow student] described Lane as "a quiet kid. Freshman year he got into a 'goth' phase and didn't talk to that many people anymore. He never egged anybody on. He just went about his business."

    Classmates described Lane [the shooter] as a outcast who'd been bullied. In late December he posted a poem on his Facebook page that read: "He longed for only one thing, the world to bow at his feet," and ended ominously: "Die, all of you."

    When will the normals learn, actions have consequences?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:39:25 No.1576837
    >Freshman year he got into a 'goth' phase and didn't talk to that many people anymore.

    There's the problem. Maybe he brought it on himself.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:41:15 No.1576842

    >This is what normals actually believe
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:41:31 No.1576844
    >my girlfriend dumped me for someone else
    >better go shoot him

    Sounds like bullying was justified for someone who was obviously a faggot in the tenth degree
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:41:37 No.1576845
    He's the one that only got one person right? Didn't even come close to the high score.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:41:58 No.1576851
    hurr durr, nevermind the fact the kid was bullied
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:42:36 No.1576855
    No, as of today he got two, one went brain dead
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:43:31 No.1576859
    You know what, I'll put it like this, maybe the kids he shot brought it on themselves.

    I actually like that version of it much better.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:43:53 No.1576860
    Everyone gets teased, it's a fact of life.
    But this is what happened when no children have discipline.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:45:40 No.1576866
    Normalfags defending the bullies and blaming the victim.

    Somehow Im not surprised in the slightest.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:46:13 No.1576868
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:46:36 No.1576872
    I just never understand why these kids always pick random targets. At least take out the people who you really despise/bullied you.

    Also, it seems girls always get spared, when they're mostly the biggest cause of this shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:47:58 No.1576879
    But they'll be the first ones to white knight for some bitch who cried rape. Telling you that "you're blaming the victim"
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:49:30 No.1576886
    Yes, he no doubt suffered. But being bullied, including my own experiences, is no excuse to make other people suffer. Who hasn't suffered or isn't suffering? Who is he to think that he has suffered more than any one else?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:50:00 No.1576891

    >>Also, it seems girls always get spared, when they're mostly the biggest cause of this shit.

    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:52:26 No.1576902
    >Get bullied.
    >Dad tells you to man the fuck up.
    >Man the fuck up.
    >Beat the shit out of the bullies.
    >Problem solved.

    >Get bullied.
    >Told to "turn the other cheek" and ignore it.
    >Ignoring it just makes them bully you harder.
    >Let negative feelings broil under the surface for years.
    >Shoot up the place, then kill yourself like a massive faggot.

    I blame feminism.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:53:23 No.1576907

    You're assuming they didn't all tease him. You know that people tend to get into a mob-mentality about this shit.

    > See a bunch of guys, seniors/juniors, pick on a freshman because he's roughly a foot shorter than average and thin.
    > Won't let him off the ground.
    > I was in a "superhero" phase.
    > Tackle the first guy I see as hard as I can.
    > Everyone pissed, but because I started as big a scene as I can, everybody pussies out to fight with me because "teachers coming."
    > Nobody bothers kid anymore.

    It usually take ONE FUCKING PERSON to stop this shit. But, silence is consent, is it not? HIs targets probably wasn't random at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:53:35 No.1576911
    Yeah that gets me too. I liked (or at least didn't dislike) the vast majority of my class. It was just a select few who made my life hell. It really makes no sense to shoot at people who have done you no harm. (Not that shooting at people period is very rational anyway)
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:53:45 No.1576912
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    >my face when
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:54:11 No.1576914

    How about, because he was getting the shit-end of the stick from everyone else?

    Also, apply your logic to the bullies. Why are they making him suffer, again?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:55:05 No.1576917
    Dude, no one cares about shitty shootings in Canada. We're talking about American shootings here.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:55:43 No.1576922
    Everyone just ignored me.

    Granted I was a 6'6" strong fat, maybe they thought I would snap and hurt them.

    I don't know how to feel about this.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:56:48 No.1576928

    >Granted I was a 6'6" strong fat

    They were probably afraid you would sit on them.

    But seriously, if you're tall nobody is going to fuck with you.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:58:09 No.1576933

    You mean the shootings with consistent low scores?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:00:43 No.1576948
    I blame single mothers and the dumb fuck retarded law system that encourages them.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:00:54 No.1576949
    well if those explosives had gone off in Columbine, it would have been a whole different story
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:01:23 No.1576951

    > I blame single mothers and the dumb fuck retarded law system that encourages them.

    That does sound like feminism, though, doesn't it?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:02:39 No.1576961
    Everybody needs to re-read Lord of the Flies--it's what kids are actually like.

    In real life, you have something to lose by getting in a fight. You could be sent to jail, lose your job, get knifed/shot, etc. As a kid in school, the worst you're looking at is a free day off. I should know--I racked up three weeks worth of suspensions and an expulsion before I graduated.

    Kids are fucking animals because there aren't any goddamn consequences. If bullying was treated like what it is--assault and harassment--then this shit may or may not happen. As it is, the pattern is just going to repeat itself over and over again.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:03:08 No.1576965

    But Lane's [the shooter] family life had been disrupted by divorce and violence, WEWS reported. His parents divorced in 2002, and his father later served time in jail on assault and other charges, according to the station.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:04:15 No.1576972
    >this is what evolutionists actually believe
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:04:16 No.1576973
    >Kids will be kids

    is how 99% of society would respond to your statement. But I agree.

    I am the 1%
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:06:30 No.1576982
    what kind of consequences do you guys propose for bullies?

    You guys do realize that if the bully gets in trouble, they're just going to take it out even more on the victim.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:07:28 No.1576990

    Mandatory death penalty.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:07:34 No.1576991
    congrates you probably stopped a shooting.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:08:09 No.1576993
    I'm quite happy to let the school shootings go on. In fact, there should be even more school shootings.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:08:26 No.1576995

    So, it's okay to be a bully because they're going to bully MORE?

    WTF is wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:09:05 No.1576997
    Any pics of the shooter?

    Maybe even from his goth phase?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:09:21 No.1576999
    No, this is an act of god, we brought this on ourselves.
    >this is what religious fags believe
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:09:26 No.1577001
    Easiest solution, tell the parents.
    If the bully still acts up, expulsion.
    Let the kid be an example to everyone else who bullies.

    Problem with all these stories is that the parents (on either side doesn't matter) never know ANYTHING until someone's dead.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:10:44 No.1577013

    If my kids are bullied, I fully intend to have the kids responsible pulled out of school and arrested on assault and battery charges.

    Failing that, I'll go and burn their houses down one night while they're asleep.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:11:27 No.1577016

    Same consequences for assualt in real life. Start off with fines, move on to jail (juvie) time for repeat offenders. Nothing scares a motherfucker straight like reality.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:11:31 No.1577017
    How about HIM getting ostracized by everyone else? Bullies have the tacit approval of the other kids, since they do nothing to help the victim/take the bully's side.

    Remember that scene on Full Metal Jacket where the sarge catches Gomer Pyle eating a jelly donut and everyone suffers for it?. Yeah, that should be done whenever a bully attacks someone.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:12:04 No.1577019
    >this is an act of god
    >we brought this on ourselves.

    I don't even
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:12:22 No.1577021

    They do know. People don't suddenly "turn goth" without a fucking cause.

    > Also, they should get to know their children/students, you think?

    > Not aimed at you, aimed at bully apologists.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:13:29 No.1577025
    When did I say it was okay? I was merely pointing out a fact of the situation.

    I don't think bullying is okay at all. I legitimately wanted to know what people would have in mind for a solution.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:13:36 No.1577027
    Actually, bullies should just be forced to go to shitty inner city schools where they will be bullied for being white, get shitty educations, not go to college and be forced to live with their parents for the rest of their lives.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:16:01 No.1577042
    Problem with fines is they are underage and the parents will be responsible for the fine, not the bully.

    However, I think taking your idea and putting a twist to it, they should have to do community service at a minimum wage rate until the fine is paid off. Or, if they do have a job, the wages garnished.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:16:20 No.1577043
    what if your kid is an annoying faggot that bugs the shit out of everyone?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:17:25 No.1577048
    >>we brought this on ourselves.
    an act of god as punishment to us, because of our sins, hence we brought this in ourselves. Is the sarcasm explained enough?

    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:17:31 No.1577049

    I have a strong suspicion that's exactly why he turned goth.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:17:51 No.1577051
    And create more criminals and thugs. How about no?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:19:12 No.1577064
    Then do you remember what happened to him, when he kept fucking up?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:19:30 No.1577067

    Theres a difference between socialization of children, a process by which kids learn what is and is not socially acceptable and learn to only do socially acceptable things, and bullying which is targeted assault, harassment, and psychological torture.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:21:40 No.1577079

    No, I think the random beatings for being white in an all black school would really teach some little white fuckup a valuable lesson in what is not acceptable behavior. Maybe just send them there for a semester.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:22:14 No.1577085
    >They do know.
    I don't know the story but if what people saying here is true regarding the dad in prison etc, no one would have cared or noticed whether this kid turned goth or not.

    >People don't suddenly "turn goth" without a fucking cause.
    Agree. Problem is people just think it's a 'phase' kids go through. They never go beyond that.

    > Also, they should get to know their children/students, you think?
    Yes. Parents don't know their children anymore. Parents 'think' they know their children but this is almost impossible when kids these days spend more time outside of the house and online then they do with their parents.

    I could have done drugs in highschool, anything. My parents wouldn't have had the slightest clue because they're rarely ever home. I don't blame them because the bills need to be paid but where do you draw the line between work and raising your children. What's more important?

    > Not aimed at you, aimed at bully apologists.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:23:01 No.1577091

    And for black/mexican bullies...

    The zoo, monkey exhibit.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:24:50 No.1577101
    >blame god
    >"oh wait we're responsible hurr durr"
    have you even read the bible?

    >hence we brought this in ourselves
    >hence we brought this in ourselves
    >hence we brought this in ourselves

    not trolling me fagit
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:28:43 No.1577121
    Look i don't care what happen to the kid. Divorce, bullied, or what ever. There is no excuse to kill somebody else.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:30:03 No.1577131
    Yeah sure, bullying is shitty and ideally wouldn't happen, but all of you who think he was justified in going on a shooting spree are trolling, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:35:46 No.1577157
    I can only speak for myself here, no, I'm not trolling.

    The point is, these people need to wake up and realize the "victims" of the shootings weren't really the victims at all. The shooter was the victim. If people would stop turning blind eyes to the bullying and to the cruel treatment that a lot of girls give to guys like this shooter, this stuff wouldn't happen.

    As you can see from a lot of people in this thread, the typical bullshit knee jerk reaction is to blame the shooter. Of course, obviously, he IS to blame, but so are all the other kids who pushed him to this point.

    As other people have also said, it's sad that a lot of these kids will target random people, but in a lot of ways, everyone is responsible, like it or not. (However, I will argue that in a big enough school a lot of people won't even know who someone else is and wouldn't know/be part of the bullying)
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:36:30 No.1577160

    Nope. The only people who have sympathy for dead bullies are probably bullies themselves.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:37:47 No.1577169
    He wasn't justified, but these things don't happen 'just because'. It's a terrible tragedy.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:42:47 No.1577193
    We blame the shooter because 1. He's the one shooting people 2. In this case he didn't attempt to stop the bullies. He didn't tell his parents or tell any authority type.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:45:02 No.1577202
    Just because the killer was himself a victim of bullying doesn't mean his victims weren't really victims.

    I was bullied myself, but you need to see the bigger picture here and realise that there are worse things than being bullied, and being killed is one of them.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:49:03 No.1577225

    my head got bashed into a locker in school resulting in a concussion and a trip to the hospital. My mother called the police, guess what happened?

    Nothing and I fucking heard about it for the rest of the year.


    Skip step one and just go burn the worthless children.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:52:19 No.1577239

    That kid is such a massive faggot.

    >When will the normals learn, actions have consequences?

    You are as well
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:53:02 No.1577242
    I feel bad that people are unsympathetic to your problem, but the last thing you should do is going around killing people.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:53:26 No.1577244

    >your kid gets bullied
    >kill them

    What fucking world do you live in?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:54:16 No.1577250

    A better tactic would have been to threaten the school with a lawsuit for failing to provide a safe learning environment.

    Administrators will almost always blow cases like this off, UNTIL they risk losing money in court for negligence.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:55:30 No.1577259

    >Failing that, I'll go and burn their houses down one night while they're asleep.

    >Someone bullies your son.
    >Kill them and their entire family.

    Sounds like a completely rational and totally-not batshit insane train of thought, anon!
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:55:55 No.1577261
    Bullying happens in every country, yet 95% of the cases in which the "victims" shoot up a school are from USA. You're one fucked up nation
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:56:18 No.1577263

    The world is overpopulated and many people are simply worthless. To others and to themselves.

    like me
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:58:08 No.1577267
    If I can't get them charged with assault/battery (because they're too young), I'd sue the parents to kingdom come if they don't take measures to stop their little shit.

    Also, I'd sign up my kid in some martial arts course so he can learn how to properly defend himself, do some exercise, and learn to focus.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:58:15 No.1577269
    As a teenager it is the worse thing you can go through.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:59:37 No.1577277
    Once again, I think being killed by a classmate is probably worse.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:00:06 No.1577280

    No, it's fucking not. You're really sheltered if you believe that
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:00:26 No.1577281
    >North America

    How old are you, 12?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:01:03 No.1577286
    > yet 95% of the cases in which the "victims" shoot up a school are from USA

    Make guns as widely available in other countries, watch how school shootings rise.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:01:19 No.1577287
    Who gives a fuck what teenagers think? They're routinely wrong at anything and your post is just another example for this.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:01:24 No.1577289

    >As a teenager it is the worse thing you can go through.

    I can think of plenty of worse things for a teenager to experience than getting bullied at school.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:01:49 No.1577294

    Holy shit, no it's fucking not.

    How about starving to death under a bridge because your alcoholic father beat you and threw you out of the house?

    Or, you know, being shot by some kid in school.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:03:07 No.1577301
    I assume the worse was my random emotions due to puberty.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:06:20 No.1577323
    That's not true at all.
    The worst school shootings in Europe (which were way worse than this, btw) happened in Germany, not in countries with gun laws as lax as the Czech Republic or Switzerland.
    There's always a legal way to get guns, what matters is if there's a little faggot willing to seize this opportunity.
    With enough determination, you wouldn't even need guns, you could also poison the food in the cafeteria or build a bomb or whatever.

    There's very little correlation between gun laws and violent crime anyway.

    Besides that, I don't think isolated freak incidents like this are a reason to deny everybody the best means of self defense available.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:10:04 No.1577352
    Either you're underage or you never grew up. Reported.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:23:14 No.1577437

    Of course it's it's not justified, but it's not too hard to have sympathy for the shooter, and sympathy for the victims is limited because anyone of them could potentially have stopped this from happening
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:27:34 No.1577465
    i find it hard to sympathize with the shooter. Shooting up a school is pretty much cowardly. There are plenty of thing he could of done to stop the bulling, but he didn't.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:31:54 No.1577487
    I'm not feeling much sympathy for the killer here. If he was that goddamn crazy to kill some people, he could have minimized the casualties and just killed himself. If he had gotten bullied and killed himself, I'd sympathize with him. By killing others, he has not only lost my sympathy, but I think he should be tried as an adult and given life in prison. Shit like this is not goddamn okay.

    Also to you people saying it wasn't his fault, one kid getting bullied and not bucking the fuck up and being a normal human does not give him the right to murder five people, not only taking their lives but fucking up their family, their friends, his own family, his own friends (if he had any). This child has fucked up many people's lives and he deserves no sympathy, and to pay for his crime.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:32:41 No.1577490
    Yeah, they could have prevented it by not bullying him, and he could have prevented it by not shooting them. Besides, I'm not even sure if all the victims participated in the bullying. It's a tragedy all around, but some people are very eager to absolve the shooter of blame. I think they lack perspective and are too hung up on their own experiences with bullying.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:36:21 No.1577511
    >no punishment for bullies
    >full punishment for the guy who felt he had no other way out of his own personal hell

    Normalfags, this is why the original /r9k/ hates you. Now get the fuck out and go fuck your girlfriend or play MW2 or whatever it is that you fucks do with your spare time.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:38:43 No.1577523
    Just found out that a kid is now braindead. This could put the death toll up to 2.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:39:08 No.1577526
    >>no punishment for bullies

    Yes because being shot isn't punishment enough. Also lets be fair. No one really knows why he did it. We say he was being bullied because people think is the reason. For all we know he could just be some complete psycho.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:40:11 No.1577531
    It's probably because of leftist values. No initiative in one's self, and so on.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:41:15 No.1577544
    2 (probably unrelated) people die and because of that the people who caused this situation in the first place shouldn't get punished? Normalfags gonna normalfag...
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:42:39 No.1577552
    This is retarded how everyone on 4chan is making this out like it's "proof" that "bullying" (which doesn't even exist) turns people into murderers and that they shouldn't be held accountable for their actions.

    The truth is that the only thing this proves is that the mentally ill shouldn't be allowed to wonder the streets freely. It proves that if this kid hadn't been left alone and if people had taken his literally insane behavior seriously then he'd have been locked up long ago and this shooting never would have happened. This proves that nerds/freaks/weirdos/shut-ins/foreveralones/neckbeards/basement-dwellers are dangerous people and that we SHOULDN'T leave them alone. What we SHOULD do is be cautious and suspicious around them so that we can spot their neurotic, dangerous, violent behaviours in time to stop them before they kill people. This incident proves that freaks should be beat down and cast out of society or locked up or if necessary executed. They are a threat to normal, decent, law abiding people and they need to be exterminated.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:42:43 No.1577553
    You're making this out to be black and white. Of course bullies should be punished. But not by shooting them. No matter how the kid felt, I don't think it can justify shooting people. Also, someone doesn't have to be a normalfag just because he disagrees with you.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:43:14 No.1577554

    I love how normality has become some sort of ill-conceived insult these days. As if not being a complete shut-in with questionable morals and very little understanding of how the world works is preferable to being a functional human being.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:44:19 No.1577559
    >What we SHOULD do is be cautious and suspicious around them so that we can spot their neurotic, dangerous, violent behaviours in time to stop them before they kill people.

    Cause-consequence. This is exactly what happened in USA, causing everyone to view introverts with suspicion and instantly either put them on medication or send them away to re-education camps. Tell me, Amerifats, did that make anything better for you guys, huh?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:44:27 No.1577561
    it's almost like you didn't even read the news.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:44:27 No.1577562
    Thread instantly derailed. Greatest porst in /r9k/ history.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:45:53 No.1577575
    >the people who caused this situation in the first place
    You can't blame the entire thing on the fucking bullies. I don't know much about this kid. How was his home situation? Maybe we should blame his dad. How was his mental health? Maybe we should blame his psychiatrist. What was his favourite video game? Maybe we should blame that.
    Or maybe we should blame the person who pulled the trigger, first and foremost.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:45:56 No.1577576
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    >As if *being

    And it's not as if anyone knows whether this kid was actually being bullied, or even who really "deserved" to get shot in your twisted world view anyway. The kids who DID get shot were likely completely unrelated to the shooter's maladjustment.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:46:02 No.1577578
    >This is exactly what happened in USA
    >send them away to re-education camps

    Uhh... You do realize that the US doesn't have "re-education camps", right?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:47:20 No.1577586
    Yeah, cause bullying is pretty goddamn normal child behavior. Yeah, that's wrong, and if I saw the bullying taking place I'd tell them to stop, but everyone's gonna get bullied. Some people for longer than others. And those are the people who need to change. Bullying is a way of weeding out unacceptable behavior in kids, like peer pressure.

    When I was a kid I was bullied, sure. Quite a bit, actually, cause I was a bit socially awkward and Jewish in a very French Catholic town. But then when I was sick and fucking tired of the bullying, I told them to knock it the fuck off. I stopped going to speech therapy in school and went to one outside of it. I started hanging out with people outside school, and soon I actually had goddamn friends. And yeah, even then I was goddamn bullied. But i never thought, "Wow people are being so mean >_>. I should fucking murder them." Because I'm not a fucking psycho.

    So no, the bullies shouldn't be punished. It's normal kid behavior, and I mean shit, they know that they had a part in this, i think that's punishment enough. They'll be fucked up for life because of this. What isn't normal kid behavior, hell, normal human behavior, is mass murder, and this kid should have manned the fuck up or just lived with it.

    Also I don't play MW2 with my girlfriend, we prefer TF2.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:48:47 No.1577597
    What this proves is that the mentally ill need to be taken off the streets and thrown in mental health institutions where they won't be a threat to themselves or (more importantly) to other people. If people took mental illness more seriously and better understood its warning signs then things like this would stop happening.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:48:51 No.1577598

    >This is exactly what happened in USA, causing everyone to view introverts with suspicion and instantly either put them on medication or send them away to re-education camps.

    Are you retarded, or just grossly misinformed?

    I'm not going to say it's never happened, but it's not nearly as common as you seem to be implying.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:49:54 No.1577611
    And I love how normalfags consider it perfectly fine to make another person's life a living hell, giving them no way to fight back (zero-tolerancy bullying policy, successful litigation being more related to money than justice) and then act surprised when the response actually fits the years of torment suffered.

    What is even more funny how normalfags try to suppress knowledge about bullying - all films related to bullying are if not outright censored, then tried to at least made unviewable for school children through various legal and not-so-legal means. Happened with and the same happened with Bully(2012) [MPAA rating shenanigans] too.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:50:13 No.1577617
    THIS. The only thing this tragedy proves is that we need greater mental health awareness in society.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:51:12 No.1577630
    If people are making your "life" a "living hell" then it's because there's something wrong with YOU.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:51:41 No.1577632
    >Normalfags, this is why the original /r9k/ hates you

    No, you hate us because we remind you that you fully deserve your treatment.
    The appropriate response to being bullied is to man the fuck up and learn to stand your ground, which means being able to counter verbal insults and to kick someone's ass if they want to beat you up, not to shoot them. Not being a fucking creep would help, too.

    Not to mention that shool shooters just kill random people.
    If this was about "escaping your personal hell" (what a joke), they'd seek out their bullies first, but they are too much of a pussy to do that.
    Grow the fuck up, you insecure manchild. Fapping to someone else going through with your impotent rage and violence fantasies doesn't help you, it just shows that people treat you badly because you are an insufferable, emotionally stunted freak who fully deserves what he gets.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:53:45 No.1577641
    >And I love how normalfags consider it perfectly fine to make another person's life a living hell, giving them no way to fight back
    You can tell your,parents,teacher,police,anybody.Also the film your claim is being suppress is actually coming out in movie theathers
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:54:26 No.1577648
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    >getting bullied
    >facebook poems
    >implying not being an introverted fuck makes you normal
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:55:14 No.1577650
    >the response actually fits the years of torment suffered
    You need to put things into perspective. A school shooting isn't an appropriate response to anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:56:39 No.1577656
    If "you" need to make "other" people feel "bad" to make you"r"self feel"bet"ter, there is "something" "wrong" "with" "YOU"
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:56:49 No.1577658

    There were others in Caribbean (employing similar teaching methods for 'troubled teens') too, sadly can't find the link for them right now.
    >> Poztreplay 02/28/12(Tue)11:57:46 No.1577667

    Go fuck yourself. What a fucking retarded mentality you have.

    900/10 rage. Wow i fucking hope you get cancer
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:57:58 No.1577670
    Also you're fucking stupid. The film is coming out with a R-rating - so anyone who actually needs to see the film (school students) isn't seeing it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:00:06 No.1577684
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    >And I love how normalfags consider it perfectly fine to make another person's life a living hell

    B-Back that accusation up. I consider myself pretty normal, but I do not condone mindless cruelty.

    The way I see it, we're looking at a case of two very opposite extremes. On the one end you have the people in this thread treating the very concept of normalcy as some kind of disease that drives people to prey upon the weak for their jollies. On the other end, you have people saying any deviant or weird behavior should be punishable by imprisonment and medication.

    Both assumptions are completely laughable. Most introverts do not harbor constant homicidal thoughts, and most extroverts do not go out of their way to make the lives of others miserable.

    But I will grant you that there are people in power that do very little to fix the problems prevalent in the school system regarding how to handle cases of abuse. I think the real problem here is that we're still using the term "bullying" to describe such cases.

    Think about the word for a second. "Bullying" does not sound like a very serious term. It springs to mind images of wedgies in the hallway or kids calling each other names. It's the realm of "immature children", and as a result many adults, especially older ones, have a difficult time taking it seriously.

    But if you call it exactly what it is (abuse, assault, harassment), that's when people start taking notice. There's more respect for the gravity of the situation when one uses legal terminology instead of an antiquated word that only serves to make light of the problem at hand.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:00:36 No.1577689
    You're right, maybe we need to look at the true victims: the bullies. If only they'd gotten the help they needed, they wouldn't have felt the need to bully this kid, and this tragedy could have been averted.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:01:56 No.1577705
    >what a fucking retarded mentality you have
    I'm not that guy or a normalfag by any standards but seriously, he may have expressed himself poorly but the meat of his argument is solid.
    >dealing with bullies by learning self respect and to defend yourself
    >not shooting up your school
    A lot of kids are bullied, only the fruit loops do shit like this.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:01:57 No.1577706
    The film isn't for students you dick. It's for parents/teacher. So when little jimmy(probably you) get's bullied. The parents and school administration would hopefully do more to stop the bullying.The film doesn't say go head and shoot people.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:03:51 No.1577723
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    >mfw never bullied
    >mfw I went to a small high school of about 600 and there was never really a problem with anyone being bullied
    >unless you were really fucking weird or dun goof'd bad or something
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:04:11 No.1577727
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    those beautiful delicate flowers are now dead, how could this happen, they brought joy and happiness to everyone around
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:04:19 No.1577729
    how about we stop trying to figure out who the true victims are, and just educate everyone on their actions? but, i guess we could just continue being assholes on the internet. that'll probably help.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:08:00 No.1577762
    I noticed this in the Meyers-Briggs threads a lot.
    People think;
    >introvert means you are a deviant loner
    >introvert means you hate all other people
    >extrovert means you are alpaca as fuck
    >extrovert means you automatically have the desire to "bully" the helpless loner introverts

    Stop with all of this.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:09:34 No.1577776
    >You can tell your,parents,teacher,police,anybody.

    What we have here is someone who never got bullied. I'm from Eastern Europe, so YMMV:
    >fighting back - you can fight back 1v1 or even 1v4, but not when your stuff gets destroyed every day when you aren't in class.
    >involving parents did nothing - when I asked to take self-defense classes, they told me they had no money (yet they spent loads on my sisters clothes). Involving my mother always made it even worse for a few days, in the end I didn't even bother telling her anything unless she saw some of my stuff broken.
    >teachers - they aren't paid to deal with that stuff, so they don't deal with it. As other anons in this thread said, your problems are your problems and nobody else can help you with that.
    >police - the few times my stuff got stolen, they took in the application, but couldn't do anything. Sucks to walk home without boots in winter (they were comfy and warm too), but can't be helped. The injury I got (had to go to a surgeon -> instant police case opened) somehow got the charges dropped from prison time to just a warning (erased from record on his 18th birthday). I don't know how that guy's lawyer did it, but kudos to him.
    >anybody - who, the newspapers? They only write about this stuff when either a victim or the bullies get killed.

    So this is my experience with bullying. Tell me about yours, you egotistical fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:10:07 No.1577782
    >kid pisses of the dog
    >dog bites kid
    >it's dog fault, need to be put down
    >> Poztreplay 02/28/12(Tue)12:11:05 No.1577796
    Replying to >>1577705 : there's no fucking solid argument about bullying someone who minds their own shit. Just because I don't want to talk to others but I'm focused on school doesn't mean I need to be mentally and physically abused because LOOOL ITS NORMAL AND YOURE A CREEP YOU SURELY DESERVE IT.

    but citing >>1577632

    >No, you hate us because we remind you that you fully deserve your treatment.
    Seriously , i mean REALLY? Do you realy think an introverted person who minds their own business and DOES NOTHING to others DESERVES such a treatment? How the fuck can you think like this? No wonder there is such violence in the world and parents abuse their kids with a smile on their face . Cause they were taught '' NO , I SAY U BAD , I HURT U''.

    >The appropriate response to being bullied is to man the fuck up and learn to stand your ground, which means being able to counter verbal insults and to kick someone's ass if they want to beat you up, not to shoot them. Not being a fucking creep would help, too

    NO ONE should bully anyone else unless that person was rude , annoying and actually ASKED FOR IT. Being a fucking creep? What fucking chicken's sandwhich shittaki spinach is your fucking problem that you care so much? I've seen plenty of ''creeps'' , i was one myself but HOW ON EARTH do you think bullying is justified for someone who completely minding their business?

    Fucking hell , you're the type of person that needs to get a bullet straight in the fuckin nugget. I've been bullied in my life for basically minding my own business. I hope you get cancer , once again.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:12:24 No.1577807
    they have none, you must understand that there are 3 types of people, bullies, bullied and those who allow it. And that third group need to justify it, so that's why it's always bullied kid fault.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:13:55 No.1577824
    aww boohoo. I didn't live in some shit place. I'm also honest with my parents. If i was being bullied. I would of just told them. I wouldn't of tried to get self defense class.I was a bully in school. I bullied kids because i was really angry at the world.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:15:44 No.1577841
    Not that guy, but here's mine:
    I may not have been bullied as seriously as you (it rarely got physical), but for years I'd have random people in the hallways throwing insults at me when I didn't even know them. Fighting never solved anything, no one I went to was able to help me, not my parents, nor the school, nor my "friends" (I kinda felt abandoned by them after a while), and it was never serious enough to call the police.

    But I didn't shoot anyone, and now, several years later, I am able to put things into perspective and realise that bullying doesn't justify murder. It sucks, but you just have to deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:16:27 No.1577849
    i hope someone will put a bullet through your head so we can have this thread again
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:16:32 No.1577850
    This is so rediculusly true. Ignoring the problem doesn't make it go away, only worse.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:19:20 No.1577881
    Why do you assume he did nothing to stop it?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:21:19 No.1577894
    >here are 3 types of people, bullies, bullied and those who allow it.
    What about people who might sympathise, but are powerless to stop people from being bullied, which is probably the largest group? You can't seriously think the world is made up of bullies, their victims, and people who can put a stop to it but look the other way.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:21:24 No.1577895
    I was never bullied, I was the grey man for 18 years.
    I saw a fair amount of bullying, and I always tried to stick up for the victim. It was strange, because the bullies were nice people in every other situation.
    They could never be out and out aggressive around me or to me, because everyone in the school (pupils, teachers, janitors etc.) all just thought I was a harmlessly nice guy. So whenever I was around, they always had to do that "oh dude dont take it so serious we were only joking" shit (which I hate).
    I never really managed to change anyone's attitude or really stop any of the more systemic, calculated bullshit that kids did, but I did once save a younger kid's gameboy and he cried when I handed it back to him. I was proud of that.
    Never told teachers about what I witnessed, but always suggested that the victims did. I wanted to help, but I wasn't going to snitch, sorry.
    >> Poztreplay 02/28/12(Tue)12:21:27 No.1577896

    Some people are born more sensitive than others. I'm like that , I cry faster when it comes to something . I deal with bad stuff harder than others. People are different and they're born this way , whether you like it or not. Some cannot simply take the torture anymore and resort to this. Being a bully victim myself ( wasn't a creep , was the kind of girl that doesn't follow fashion , doesn't use make up daily , doesn't dress with different expensive clothes everyday , don't have a car , don't have rich parents ) I wholeheartedly encourage the bullied to kill those who bullied them . NOT the ones that never did anything to them. Bullies deserve the death sentence if the case is very bad (just insults for example don't qualify , but being physically abused and mentally for a very long period of time is definetly valid to be punished through death).

    Those who say that bullying ain't no big deal either
    1. were bullied in a minor manner
    2. were born strong

    You cannot change a sensitive person no matter how much . You cannot justify bullying in any way either.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:22:12 No.1577905
    Tell me did you fear going to school for years? Was every hour of your life so stressful you would consider suicide day after day? Were you beaten by groups of people few times a weak? Were your reputation so destroyed that no one would ever consider spending time with you? Did people ridicule you all the time?

    If, not then you know shit about being bullied. Sorry, random insult is not the same as knee to the face every day.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:24:02 No.1577920
    Educate yourselves you morons.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:24:32 No.1577921
    The same things that make you assume he was bullied in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:25:56 No.1577928
    I'm not saying that bullying isn't a big deal, I'm saying murder is an even bigger deal. I'm not saying bullying can be justified, I'm saying murder can't be justified either. Shouldn't bully victims know more than anyone that it's wrong to inflict pain on others? Get over your petty revenge fantasies.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:26:20 No.1577932
    you are piece of shit who deserves all the suffering you'll get in your life.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:26:44 No.1577937
    Sounds like this guy was insane. It's a hard lesson but sometimes the outcast is cast out for a perfectly good reason, even younger people have an innate sense of when someone is dangerous.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:26:45 No.1577938
    They wont. I'm a real nice guy now.Some people even call me a gentleman. That my point. When i was in high school i was just angry for many reason. I did not deserve a bullet in the head for it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:29:16 No.1577957
    you are stupid, being alive with fucked up brain from bullying for 60 years is worse than death
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:29:21 No.1577958
    yeah man I raped that chick cause I was angry. I don't deserve to be put down because I ruined her life mang

    you are disgusting
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:29:53 No.1577963
    >kid shoots randomly into a crow

    I honestly wouldn't give a fuck if he just shot the people who fucked with him.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:29:59 No.1577965
    Yes, yes, no, yes, yes. Also, I guess there was more than random insults. It did get physical from time to time. But it wasn't part of the routine.
    Look, let's not play "who was bullied the most". I'm sure we can find someone who's had it even worse than you, but that doesn't automatically invalidate what you're saying.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:30:09 No.1577967
    I agree with this. Unfortunately the punishment system in the USA is a joke. If someone goes to jail. The jails themselves try to keep them in there for as long as possible. Fucking stupid capitalists.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:30:44 No.1577971
    then go find those people whose life you fucked, ask them fucktard if you deserve it
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:30:57 No.1577974
    yeah man I raped that chick cause I was angry. I don't deserve to be put down because I ruined her life mang. I'm a perfectly good chap and prison would ruin me

    you are disgusting
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:31:48 No.1577978
    Look man, I only shot up my school because I was angry, I don't deserve a prison sentence.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:33:11 No.1577993
    Exactly. He should go to prison for killing people, just as a bully should suffer some consequences for being a piece of shit
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:33:35 No.1577994
    no if you really had to deal with consequences of bullying for all your life then you would understand that bullied person has every right to kill a bully
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:34:08 No.1577996
    yes because rape and bullying are the same thing. I never said didn't deserve some sort of punishment.also if you felt so strongly against bulling. Yet your doing the same thing in your post. I also think you completely missed the point. Most bullies live aren't all they held together. But i guess i'm on /r9k. So i'm going to have at assume to you all bullies are foot ball players and frat boys.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:35:25 No.1578007
    No he doesn't. He has the fight to fight the bully, but kill is a big extreme.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:35:56 No.1578011
    Bullet in the head is a consequence too, and light i would say. Better would be to torture him mentally and physically so he would be scared for life. But can't have that right?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:36:08 No.1578013
    The most incoherent post of the year.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:37:08 No.1578024
    you ever tried to fight like 5 people at once? or someone stronger? every day? how was it?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:38:01 No.1578034
    you just made this thread retarded. "We are against bullying, but let us bully you in an anonymous forum
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:38:14 No.1578035
    Take a trip to Finland. The most lax gun laws on earth and there are exactly no shooting in schools. Ever. I think anyway... I'll check...
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:38:59 No.1578039
    No, no one has the right to kill anyone. Stop acting like I "just don't understand" and I'd agree with you if I only knew. I'm principally against murder, regardless of my stance on and experiences with bullying.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:41:10 No.1578055
    Because you don't understand, you were never in a situation like that. Try to delude yourself more that there is nothing worse than death
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:41:37 No.1578056
    Umm no

    You see people bully others for NO reason, or at least they bully people that have done nothing wrong to anybody.

    You admitted that you were a horrible piece of shit in high school and you deserve to be called out for it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:42:36 No.1578062
    Wow. So many logical fallacies and assumptions.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:45:14 No.1578079
    So i'm saying that bully's are emotional wrecks. You don't agree with what i'm saying. So your bullying me. Which goes against your anti bullying stance.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:45:15 No.1578080
    you re a fucking moron if you think that telling on them will make it better it always makes it worse

    >i have been through actual bullying not hurr ur such a fag actual physical and metal abuse from the whole school society and i for one am pleased when i see or hear about a school shooting
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:45:44 No.1578082
    I said stop it. Consider that, perhaps, there are people who have lived through the same things you have, but reached a different conclusion. Consider that maybe you're letting your emotions guide you too much. Consider that you may be wrong.

    And no, I'm not going to prove anything, treat it as a hypothetical if you have to.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:48:49 No.1578105
    Right, let's settle this once and for all, no trolls, just truth.

    If you have been bullied, you deserved it. That is the bottom line to this entire argument, and whilst you have every right to revenge, your efforts would be much better spent on analysing where you went wrong and where you fell afoul of society's expectations of you, and using this knowledge to better yourself.

    I was bullied. Every day for around 4 years I was beaten, abused and ostracised. For many years after I resented the bullies, and thought 'what did I ever do to deserve it?', but now I realise what valuable lessons I learnt from the experience.

    You guys can do the same; circlejerking over some other lowlife who didn't know his place won't bring your lost years back.

    If you were too quiet; you deserved it. Speak up and stand up for yourself.
    If you were too smart; you deserved it. Not for being intelligent, but I bet you flaunted it. People do not like to know that you are better than them. You must assert your superiority in subtle ways.
    If you were ugly/wore cheap clothes; you deserved it. Look after yourself and have some self respect, no one is irredeemable in terms of looks.

    See, the problem is that you didn't conform to society's expectations of you. As much as you might like to think that you are individual and that you have a right to be different; you do NOT.

    You deserved to be bullied. Shut up and know your place. Surely it made sense to you to CHANGE whatever aspect of yourself that other people disliked?

    I learnt from my experience, and I learnt well. I learnt how to superficially adhere to others expectations and then manipulate them from within (an incredibly valuable trait).

    All of r9k's problems can be solved with one sentence;

    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:50:06 No.1578113
    I was bullied quite a bit. I also might have done a bit of bullying as well. Kids are animals; vicious, cruel, and unrelenting when there are no consequences for their actions. In high school I didn't get it nearly as bad as a lot of others, but some of the people I knew that got bullied: if they had walked into school and started shooting I wouldn't have batted an eye, it'd have been so obvious it was coming. While all of the adults say they never saw it coming, from the student perspective it would have been incredibly hard NOT to see it coming from a mile away. Shit just sort of stopped right after high school was over. Like someone flipped a switch. That, plus I never saw 99% of them after graduation.

    So yeah, I've been on both sides of the issue. I'll usually side with the one who retaliates against the bullying. I have no love for those who bully others, and I didn't even get it that bad.

    Article related, another case I thought showed justice:
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:51:09 No.1578121
    >The appropriate response to being bullied is to man the fuck up and learn to stand your ground,
    have fun being ganged up and beaten on then being expelled from school and working a slave job forever

    >yeah 3 fights in middle school equals a ban where i live, not to mention if you mess with one guy you mess with 3-10 guys

    not even a fucking fair fight
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:52:50 No.1578133
    being an emotional wreck and letting it out on other people doesn't make you any less of a shit person than anybody else who tortures people for no reason.

    it's like those child molesters that try to justify their molestation by the fact that they were molested as kids too. doesn't make them any less of a disgusting terrible excuse of human for that fact. neither does it excuse you or the kid from OP, although at least the kid from OP hurt the people that were hurting him in the first place so on a piece of shit subhuman scale you are a level above him

    fuck you
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:54:04 No.1578139
    and if you write this shit you deserve a bullet to the face, hope you will get it one day and it would be your fault.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:54:17 No.1578140
    Now were getting somewhere... Trace the long list of problems back to the source... Just to find out that they all originated at the very first hardship mankind had to deal with.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:54:19 No.1578141
    4/10 mildly raged

    No one can be this retarded surely?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:56:35 No.1578157

    Answer me this;
    Could all your problems be solved if you were normal?

    I'll help you with the answer; YES.

    It's a simple solution, the only reason you fight it is on principle.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:57:15 No.1578163
    I like you. You are a gentleman and a scholar.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:58:10 No.1578168
    yeah they say just tell someone but man in the hood you snitch you get your shit fuced
    in the school you snitch you get your shit fucked

    hurr telling someone will fix it all

    >fuck you niggers
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:59:48 No.1578175
    I was never bullied in my life. It's just that your reasoning is so incredibly retarded it doesn't even deserve a response that would explain how many illogical and crazy things you've written.

    Thank god the bullying didn't turn you into a murderer, but just a benign fucked up sociopath that spews bullshit on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:00:22 No.1578176
    what do you mean by normal you fucktard? because i was normal when i entered school and ended fucked up when i ended it. and if you think bullying is ok then you must accept that it's your fault when bullied kid comes to blow your brain out. cause and effect, shithead
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:00:27 No.1578177
    Shooting people also won't fix it, though. It's just another bad idea.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:00:55 No.1578184
    No you dipshit, people harm other people not due to 'being unable to conform', but out of pure spite and malice. It doesn't matter what you do, some shithead will find a reason to harm you and belittle you because it makes him feel good.

    It's much easier to put the blame on the victim because that way you don't have to think much, and it's not a good thing to rock the boat, is it?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:01:53 No.1578190
    dead kid wont bully anyone again, seems like shooting fix things
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:04:48 No.1578206
    lol ive know a few guys that were really fucked up in the head after being bullied

    i fit in with them well being kinda the same but some shit i mean i was like woah man there is no need for that now
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:05:23 No.1578208
    I have yet to find anywhere amongst the bully apologists, the justifications for bullying a kid that goes along school and minds his own business. Doesn't talk to anyone, just wants to be left alone and leave others alone.

    However, I guess that kid deserves to be bullied, huh?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:06:55 No.1578220

    i hope the shooter gets the death penalty. as a minor. i hope he gets fucking roasted in the electric chair. i want to watch him fry.

    what gave him the right to be so much of a pussy that he brings a gun to school and shoot up random people?

    what gives him the right to decide who will live and who will die?

    what gives him that right to other's lives.

    i personally hope this little fucking dumbass rots in prison until he does what he apparently should have done from the outset because he's such a huge fucking pussy: commits suicide.

    what a fucking cunt. what a huge fucking cunt.

    yes i mad. i lost a sister in the VTech shootings. this shit is too close to home for me.

    my condolences to the families in this situation. they're the true victims here. not this self-entitled, pity seeking, attention whoring cunt bastard.

    he's no better than the bullies at the school. no, in fact he's worse. he's a fucking coward-ass murderer.
    >> Poztreplay 02/28/12(Tue)13:08:21 No.1578229

    If you're a guy , please have my babies, i fucking love you.

    As for this guy:

    You'd do a better service to mankind if you killed yourself. No really , i thought in 2012 people would be smarter than this.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:09:31 No.1578235
    bro tell me... what if you can't fucking conform due to having an advantage over everybody else... it's very hard to be just normal. specially if being normal is being stupid, idiotic and to some extent self-destructive. I tried to be normal as much as possible but shit I have to survive too. The way I see it in you're post is people will shun you if you don't live within their expectations. I can't live within others expectations because I have to find ways to survive/live in this world other than BEING NORMAL (SHEEP)... ie being smart, not wasting money on stupid things, saving money, having plans in the future and continuously improving oneself... I'm telling you that MOST NORMAL people don't have those capabilities.
    >> Poztreplay 02/28/12(Tue)13:10:56 No.1578248

    I bet your sister was a little fucking slut . She deserved to get killed . Man , i hope she got roasted nicely. Not die quick , i hope she got shot bad enough to live excruciating pain before she pased out like the little shit she was. <3
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:13:29 No.1578263
    going to school to shoot people seems desperate, really, he just should go there pull the gun on them and tell to bite their dick off
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:14:30 No.1578266

    you're a little ray of sunshine aren't you. i'm not surprised of this response given the fact that this board idolizes a murderer.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:15:28 No.1578273
    >what gave him the right to be so much of a pussy that he brings a gun to school and shoot up random people?

    The American constitution.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:17:21 No.1578286
    I can't say I support her (her attitude seems to be too much over the top even for my taste + she has a cunt), but you are even more retarded for supporting bullies. It's like normalfags can't handle more than 1 level of logic.

    quiet kid -> gets bullied -> fucked up mental health -> gets bullied more -> takes revenge on his bullies = OH NO POOR BULLIES WHAT DID THEY EVER DO TO DESERVE THIS
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:17:49 No.1578288
    Maybe if your sister had sucked his dick like the good little whore she was, she wouldn't have been killed.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:18:27 No.1578291

    you are so fucking wrong it hurts.

    minor owning/carrying a firearm? illegal
    bringing firearm to school? illegal again
    shooting someone? holy FUCKING shit it's illegal yet again.

    your ignorance is astounding.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:19:12 No.1578297


    hypocritical bullies.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:19:14 No.1578298
    I used to be bullied hard mentally, never physically though. Telling anyone didn't do anything. But I'm the kind that grows stronger, I used to be a lovely child, happy all the time with a smile. Now I never smile, I can't feel empathy for anyone, it's like I'm surrounded by an impenetrable shell that's keeping me safe.
    If I hadn't grown this shell I probably would have killed myself in my teenage years or just shoot up the school.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:20:50 No.1578306

    i'm not supporting bullies. i'm just differing from the consensus here which seems to be that the murderer was justified in his actions. he has no right to take a life.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:21:08 No.1578311
    same, i almost an hero'd but i was fucking stopped i regret not doing still. now i hate the world and live in a steaming ball or anger and evil wanting to see shit in turmoil.

    >hurr bullies did this to me durr
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:21:57 No.1578317
    I feel the same, this change was forced on me at it won't help in life. Now i have to deal with it till i die, but those little fuckers that bullied me will be normal.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:22:06 No.1578318
    Yeah, shutting in helps a lot when you don't even try to interact with anyone anymore. When I got a computer and Internet, at least then I didn't have to cry myself to sleep each night.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:22:36 No.1578324
    How is it hypocritical? It seems the views of those you reference say the victims aren't victims. It seems to me they're just defending the position that the supposed "shooting victims" really aren't "victims" at all.

    However, that's probably over your head, fuck logic here.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:23:34 No.1578330

    You are aware that 'hypocritical bullies' describes a good cross section of 4chan and it's sister sites' userbase right?

    If bullying is so wrong I'm thinking /r9k/ shouldn't have taken that iphone picture of that girl getting eaten out and sent it everywhere. (/r/ing that pic actually) Probably shouldn't have done the whole Jessi Slaughter thing either...maybe Chris Chan wasn't a great idea either. I know those are /b/ but you get the idea, everyone loves poking someone else tog et a reaction, everyone is petty and mean when they can get away with it. The only difference here is that the guys on here were on the receiving end.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:24:55 No.1578342
    >8 years of school, being bullied
    >going to high school
    >dead inside
    >"hey anon, why are you always so silent"
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:26:24 No.1578354
    r9k isn't a one live person you know
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:27:00 No.1578360
    >>"hey anon, why are you always so silent"
    >me: "burn in hell you shitbag scumfuck"

    sotrm off pissed and bitch on the interwebbs
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:27:17 No.1578362
    Fucking peice of shit cowards, if the only way they can stand up to someone is with a gun in their hand.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:28:26 No.1578372

    >hurr durr bullies are bad, now hold on while i bully someone anonymously over the internet.

    how is that not hypocritical? or is that logic over your head? because fuck logic right?

    and how is taking a life justified? i feel bullied by your attempt to belittle me with that "fuck logic bit," and that was the straw that broke this camel's back. i feel like i deserve the right to shoot and kill you because you made me snap from your bullying, it was more than i could handle in my fragile mental state.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:28:55 No.1578377

    I know, but there aren't that many people on here, this is hardly a big board so realistically it's not that many. That's why I said 'good cross section' and not 'everyone'.

    Reading comprehension, how does it work?

    Also don't you think the majority of people here can laugh at shit when it's not happening to them?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:29:50 No.1578383
    you dipshit, why you are so brave in group against one weaker person? I'm sure you only bully professional boxers right?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:33:51 No.1578408

    Hey cunt, we all laughed at the VTech shootings... A new high score. Pity you weren't visiting your relative on the day the shooting happened so we'd be rid of you too.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:34:35 No.1578409
    Normality means you are a drone who pays taxes so that you government can develop better ways to control you (MKULTRA) and to commit mass murder ("Defense" spending). You also will spent most of your life working for someone else, doing things you don't want to do so you can buy things you don't really need, have children who will also just spend their lives likewise, ad infinitum, and you in your normalcy and self-absorption are never aware of this.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:36:11 No.1578429

    How was that bullying in any way? The comments were directed at his sister, not him.

    Once again, pointing out the fact that his sister isn't such a "victim" that others would like you to believe.

    Reading comprehension, what is it.

    I'll just let you keep on rage typing though. Because you're showing your true idiotic power levels.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:37:55 No.1578447
    There are many idiots here, just like in rl. But there are ok people too.
    I think this post >>1578220 seemed too much like a troll so it got troll responses.

    And you are right, people doesn't care about those dead kids because it's not happening to them, but at the same time others laugh at bullied kids. And it's the same, they were never bullied so they can't understand.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:39:32 No.1578460
    Btw what was your sisters name so I can sodomize get rotting corpse, take photos and distrbute them on /b/?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:40:27 No.1578469
    Yeah, because calling someone's dead sister a whore and trivialising her death is in no way bullying. Couldn't be, because it wasn't directed at him personally.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:40:38 No.1578473

    your idiocy is unbounded, as it's your reading comprehension that really needs to be checked. how do you think someone feels when they lose a relative, especially a sibling?

    this place is fucking retarded. you all should seriously off yourselves before you do something worse. like continuing whatever "life" you have. it's fucking pathetic. abso-fucking-lutely pathetic what a waste of 80 years of precious time on this planet.

    the dunning-kruger effect has reduced your moralities to nonexistence.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:41:32 No.1578481
    Or you are, but just don't care since there's nothing you can do to stop it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:41:59 No.1578486

    Holy shit, we need to screen cap this guy's post. I think /r9k/ has sunk to the ultimate low level now.

    >white knighting for a dead bitch

    Holy shit..........

    >I have no face
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:43:40 No.1578507
    Look, it's the person calling people a hypocrite being a delicious.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:44:31 No.1578517
    you surely meant: white knighting a troll post?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:44:45 No.1578519
    Really, that's the lowest point of this thread?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:45:59 No.1578525
    Is that the one that's kind of like the wisdom of crowds, but in reverse?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:46:13 No.1578528

    I don't think that people are evil or stupid for being hypocrites like that and I certainly don't think they're strictly speaking bullies. The only problem comes when people try and pretend they'd never do that and only evil red-and-white-jacket jock normalfags would.

    Fact is that almost anyone will be cruel to someone they don't think of as human, it's why people here can do what they do and why people don't jump in front of a bully's fists to save a victim. That hypocrisy is kind of normal for people, it's why I can look at dead Syrian kids without more than mild distaste but a picture of my grandmother affects me.

    Having said that, since /r9k/ seems to have an average unique poster count of around 300 (I think it's 280 today) I certainly think there are few enough users here to kind of pin group behaviour on them. If this was /b/ and we were ranking ten thousand plus unique posters a day then yeah, people would legitimately not be involved but 280 people across a day means a good chunk are simultaneously saying bullies meed to be shot and 'ruining someone's life' online.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:46:43 No.1578537
    Really now. Entropy is the only constant. Every system breaks down, and so will the current one.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:47:13 No.1578542
    Kid gets bullied
    >How DARE anyone accuse this kid of being anything other than a helpless, blameless victim of a cruel and uncaring environment?
    Kid shoots people
    >They totally deserved it

    Stay classy, /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:47:35 No.1578546

    it was a troll post indeed, but necessary to expose the flaws in the "logic" being used to justify murder.

    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:48:39 No.1578560
    Actually, I was bullied at school, and instead of thinking "I'll make myself into a universally despised piece of shit", I made something of myself.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:50:19 No.1578574
    Oh, but being bullied can ruin someone's life. But so can getting shot. Anyone who is trying to justify either one of these needs to get their priorities straight.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:52:24 No.1578594

    I see no inconsistencies
    at all, what's your point?

    I asked this question previously and still have yet to get a reply:


    Go on, answer it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:52:31 No.1578595
    It's because this board is full of people who have life fucked because of bullies. And you can't understand it if you aren't in this situation.

    Bullies destroy life, and you can't shrug off years of abuse. This makes you full of hate. It's easy to say death is bad if you had ok life. But the more life fucks you over the more you understand death isn't the worse that can happen.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:53:48 No.1578607
    what, some did insult you once? sure you were bullied
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:54:05 No.1578611

    We will, thank you.

    Bullies are subhuman, they are base animals that have foregone the higher level functioning o of most humans and have reverted to an animalistic state, therefore when they become too much to handle, they should be taken out in the woods (or found in the halls) and shot.

    Really I would advocate torture, but we can at least show them compassion and make it quick even though they are incapable of feeling it themselves.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:54:20 No.1578615
    >dresses as a goth
    >expects not to get bullied
    When will the sub-normals learn, actions have consequences?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:54:27 No.1578616
    Why should I? I am not a bullying apologist. So I guess my answer is no, of course he doesn't deserve to be bullied. Bullying is terrible. But people don't deserve to be murdered, either. You are a murder apologist.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:55:24 No.1578624

    but what if i recognize, and have recognized, that death isn't the worst thing to happen to someone, even though i "didn't go through anywhere near the same mental trauma" as others here?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:55:46 No.1578626
    >And you can't understand it if you aren't in this situation.
    Stop doing this. It's so arrogant. People can have different responses to the same situation. Not everyone is you. Plus, even if something is understandable, it doesn't have to be justified.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:55:50 No.1578627
    If I witness any kind of traffic accident whether it involve all vehicles or vehicle(s) and a pedestrian and I don't stop to talk to the police, I can be arrested.

    How is this any different than the kids who witness bullies and do nothing to intervene?

    I think every kid should be held accountable. Silence is only an enabler to the bullying.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:55:53 No.1578629
    i'm not justifying anything, i just think that life as bullied kid is worse than a death, so killing them was lesser evil
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:56:02 No.1578631
    No friends whatsoever at school, had to watch out for fear of getting the crap kicked out of me when I walked home, never had a girlfriend (or a female friend, or any friends at school). Teachers didn't give a shit because I acted like a shit because my life fucking pissed me off so much.

    If anyone ever tells you your school days are the best days of your life, then they never amounted to anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:56:50 No.1578641
    And as
    I can tell you you're totally fucking wrong. Why don't more bullied kids kill themselves, if you're right?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:57:31 No.1578645
    Killing himself would have been the lesser evil, then. Killing others serves no purpose.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:57:59 No.1578648
    I think this is the basic disconnect here. The normal fags still see the bullies as being people, to those who have been chronically bullied, they are animals, having no rights, no feelings, no empathy, no sympathy, and should be dealt with like an errant animal would.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:58:47 No.1578660
    if they were bullies they won't ruin any more lifes
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:59:02 No.1578663
    >murder apologist

    how am I a murder apologist? My point is stop acting like the "victims" of these shootings are "innocent victims" and the shooter is some evil monster.

    You can't have it both ways.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:59:15 No.1578665

    I was bullied too for a while, puberty gave me a rugby player's build though so it didn't last too long. What I mean is that it doesn't take a special breed of monster to be a bully, all it needs is people that don't think of their target as a human being. It's the same mechanism as Anon's various Internet capers it's just that they were on the pointy end of it that time. Fact is most people can be a bully and in the case of the userbase here and on the rest of the sites a lot of them are.

    I guess my perspective changed, I used to be exactly like most people here until eighteen but then it suddenly clicked that it wasn't so much that bullies were idiot assholes, it's more that anyone can be an asshole to someone they don't care about.

    Mostly it's semantics, as with most news stories I don't actually have an opinion on this shooting one way or the other.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:59:16 No.1578666
    You know what? School should be a haven for kids when home is hell, which I assume is what happened with Lane with his dad in jail and all. People should be encouraging the loners and outcasts to join in their activities and fun instead of bullying them, like you know, decent people? Just... damn, if people like Lane had been accepted at school, he could have been like one of us.

    Inb4 "hurr durr, they're kids" I don't think some of you realize that this shit can last in a person for life.

    And FYI, bullying is NOT normal. Bullying is the result of having low self-esteem combined with peer pressure and the need to fit in. All of which could have been prevented if school was a place where everyone could help each other out and accept people for who they are, so they can build confidence in themselves.

    I feel like if there was some legal consequences involved with kids bullying, this shit could be prevented.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:59:26 No.1578668
    I'm sorry if he felt like an "outcast" but the fact is if you're a weird or annoying or creepy, people arent going to want to hang out with you.

    Go ahead and bitch aspies, you're just frustrated that you have to actually make an effort to be social and make friends.

    Protip: I was a loner and an outcast most of my life, I only recently attained some friends. It takes work and years of effort to improve yourself.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:00:41 No.1578682
    Too bad its not true. There are assholes everywhere in the world, doesnt mean you shoot them. Grow up kiddie.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:01:23 No.1578687

    you're refusing to recognize that a human life was ended prematurely by murder. take the fucking "victim" doublespeak out of it. one human murdered another human. it's murder.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:02:12 No.1578694
    >You can't have it both ways.
    So wait, it's impossible for me to acknowledge that people don't deserve to be shot without being a bullying aoplogist, but it is possible for you to acknowledge that people don't deserve to be bullied without being a murder apologist? Furthermore, aren't you one of the people actually justifying this murder?
    They are all victims. Neither can be justified.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:02:38 No.1578699
    Of course people are assholes, but you don't se your neighbors everyday ganging on you before you leave to work. Everyone do some bad things to others, but when they start this doing everyday for years, then they deserve to die.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:03:03 No.1578705

    What part of this can't you and your ilk get:
    ueller [a fellow student] described Lane as "a quiet kid. Freshman year he got into a 'goth' phase and didn't talk to that many people anymore. He never egged anybody on. He just went about his business."
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:04:42 No.1578716
    I blame "child-worship"

    Link related
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:04:45 No.1578717

    >deserve to die

    you are pants-on-head, window-licking retarded if you think you have any right to kill another being except in a case where you life is directly being threatened. you are legally and morally in the wrong. hope your revenge killings feel as good as you hope they will.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:05:24 No.1578724
    I think there were a study that bullying isn't result of low self esteem. It's quite opposite. People who think they are better than others think others are shit and deserve to be treated this way. Kids are like animals, they learn that hurting others can bring them to the top of the pack.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:05:26 No.1578725
         File: 1330455926.jpg-(83 KB, 640x480, Are You Frustrated.jpg)
    83 KB
    >mfw all the kill bullies/hurt bullies/completely destroy the lives of bullies
    >mfw the only people saying this are those faggots that were actually bullied in highschool
    >mfw I laugh at how fucking sensitive you faggot are that some dude saying mean things to you actually hurt you
    >mfw the assburgers is strong in you all.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:06:36 No.1578739
    I read that. He felt like an "outcast" because no one would hang out with him because he dressed like a clown, and so he offed a couple kids for it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:07:19 No.1578742

    I don't agree with 'die' because that's way too final, but substitute nearly anything else in there and I'll agree. Self control is something everyone should exercise in situations like that, it's easy to pick on the weak guy but you shouldn't do it.

    Having said that my point still stands, a good proportion of people here have taken part in some form of bullying through this board or another, or have stood by and watched while it was done. All I'm saying is that that predatory instinct to pick off those weaker than you is something everyone has, people may be bullies to a greater or lesser extent but pretty much everyone indulges in spiteful cruelty for fun occasionally.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:07:25 No.1578743

    I am a murder apologist. I feel that in some cases murder is justified, this being one of the cases. If I had a kid being bullied and there were no avenues of recourse left to him or I, I would give him all the information that I had about the consequences of killing someone, both legal, personal and spiritual and let the kid decide if he didn't mind throwing his life away. I could engineer some way to help him get a gun and I would give him my blessing to kill his abuser.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:09:34 No.1578760
    I dont know though. It is a fact that when you're an adoloscent, your brain is not as developed as an adult and therefore you have less capacity to make sound judgements.

    I dont think getting the legal system involved is the answer
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:09:45 No.1578765
    Wouldn't it be easier to transfer him to another school or something? Less effort, less consequences, better chance of starting over... That's what I think of when I think about a last resort against bullying.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:09:59 No.1578766
    >hear about this news yesterday
    >tell bro
    >"1 dead and 4 injured"
    >he responds with "he was a terrible shot"
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:10:13 No.1578768
    what do you think bullying do to people? it's not murder so it can't be that bad right?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:10:38 No.1578775

    and you would be in accessory, so you would be thrown in jail. that is exactly where you should be. sequestered off so your lack of morality will be able to be viewed introspectively.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:11:22 No.1578780

    Honestly, I used to bully people and say really mean things in high school, often to losers/betas. At the time I was deeply insecure (and later bordering on psychotic) and insulting randoms at school was an easy outlet for my anger. Most manipulative, antagonistic, antisocial behavior is the result of inner turmoil, powerlessness, and pain -- that's just a fact.

    It's funny because a lot of people IRL have told me that I'm known as a major asshole who treats others like shit... but I feel like the victim in a lot of situations, and I've certainly endured my fair share of bullying. Just goes to show you that it's all about your perspective and we all go through suffering, best not to judge anyone.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:11:22 No.1578781
    Im calling bullshit. No decent parent would do that. Im guessing you're around 15-18 and you're trying to be "edgy" and "controversial", do I got you right?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:12:21 No.1578789
    Back in Middle School I was sent to a catholic school here in Portugal. I didn't much care for religion, my parents were catholic but we didn't really go to church everyday. The reason why I went to this school was supposedly because it was really good. It had very good installations, very good teachers and would likely be a good place to grow up. What they didn't tell you however is that it's frequented mostly by rich snobs who will bully the shit out of anyone they pick as a target.

    I wasn't exactly rich, but I had a stable income and my grandparents (who actually were wealthy both from their time in africa and from a good retirement plan) so I managed to attend. Now, here's the deal. At the time I was taller than the usual kid, I played video games a lot, I liked fantasy books, I was skinny and I was generally bad at sports. It didn't take long untill I was targeted by most of my class and a couple of dudes who were older than me.
    Because I was young and weak, even if I tried to fight back I'd get my ass handed to me. Most of the time because I did this -I- got in trouble and they didn't. My parents still recall coming to pick me up at school and finding my glasses inside a trash container. My parents actually threatened to sue to school for not doing anything about it, at some point they tried to pull the "He's mentally ill" joke on me and got me to see a psychiatrist.

    (To be continued)
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:12:33 No.1578793
    Are you me? I was actually thinking the same.

    However, I think as someone else already previously pointed out, the best way to handle it, would be to acquire an attorney and hit the school for everything they had for not providing a safe environment for my child.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:12:52 No.1578802
    Note, I was 12 so it's not like I could trick a psychiatrist. I went to her office during half a year and the result of her evaluation was that I was a completely normal kid who was suffering from bullying and couldn't do anything about it. By that time, two years had already gone by since I had joined the school and I was going to leave by the next month, I had already started taking self-defense lessons which would've been useful earlier but not now that the teachers were trying to figure out what was going on (Not that it mattered, I was about to leave the school so it was too late and the damage was done)

    After that I switched schools, I became an introvert and still have problems making friends (18 now). From time to time there are some bullies who try to give me shit, but I just insult them back because I'm not scared of what they can do to me anymore, their insults don't do shit on me either because I just don't give a damn anymore (after 6 years of Aikidu I already have a black belt. Go figure.). Generally I'm seen as slightly hostile because I don't trust people that much besides a close group of friends. People call me anti-social because I'd rather spend time alone and avoid going with the crowd.

    Man up and stand up for yourself? Now I can, pitty it's six years too late. The guys who bullied me are probably still living the good life with their rich parents and will never suffer from what they did to me. Sometimes people just can't fight back, at that point they resort to a weapon.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:13:43 No.1578809
    So you insulted people, so what?

    Or did you and your friends follow that one guy and beat the shit of him every day? Did you take his money, and punish him for everything? And do other shit to him?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:15:03 No.1578827

    I mean I would be all up in the schools face before we got to that point, I would have already had kids arrested for assault and battery. I wouldn't have a problem putting anyone older than kindergarten in 'jail' for abusing my kid. This would have to be a major, ongoing, cannot-solve-by-rational-means issue. But I also plan to privately educate my kid. I wag in private schools till college and never endured any bullying at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:18:18 No.1578855
    IMO we oughta give self defense lessons to every kid starting from when they're very young. Give every one a "fighting chance", so to speak, to stick up for themselves.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:18:39 No.1578857
    >at school
    >being beaten in front of teacher room
    >teachers passing without care or with comment like "i see you kids playing"
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:19:29 No.1578863


    Geneva, Switzerland: U.N. scientists have come across the shocking discovery that life isn't fair, U.N. officials released from their laboratory in Switzerland earlier today. It seems that every human's life and experiences will be different from others, and that not everything will be all right 100% of the time. Sources close to the officials say that this finding has been a long time coming, and that they really should have seen it.

    "I'm speechless," Senior Laboratory Technician Alexei Kolarov said, "all this time that man has been trying to control nature...we've been fighting an uphill battle. It's impossible for us to make sure everything happens equally for every human being in the world, every single time. I just don't understand."
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:20:19 No.1578870
    If I had access to a firearm back when I was in school I would have happily shot up the place.

    but alas being a citizen of the United Kingdom and that 3 years have passes since I left school all I can do is carry an unfixed blade under 3 inches and hope I meet them in the street.

    Because I was alienated and generally treated like shit in school, people kept silent and never helped me. My break times consisted of me spending time on a library computer or walking the school grounds alone.

    Yes it's petty but you are the product of your environment.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:21:08 No.1578879
    Self defense is shit if you have to fight against someone who fight often or group of people. When being robbed or attacked is better to give away your stuff, or run if you can. But when you have to go to school you can't do that.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:21:16 No.1578881

    Incorrect, guess again.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:21:30 No.1578885
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    Only true heros of r9k. Eh kills alphas and feminists and doesnt afraid of anything.

    Hell, these guys in pic didnt kill the people they knew were beta and let them live while they were looking around for people to kill.

    lawd bless these 2 men. OP's killer is shit tier.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:22:12 No.1578891
    so what, everyone knows that. this thread is about if those fucktards deserved to die
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:22:38 No.1578895
    >>Be the average kid in highschool who wasent affiliated with any cliques
    >>Silent but had a strong build which made people intimidated
    >>Went around viciously bullying the bullies, even driving one to suicide

    At the time I wasent intending to protect the weirdos who were targets of bullying even though it ended up happening anyway but looking back Im glad my actions indirectly made life better for the downtrodden.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:23:26 No.1578906
    Yeah life isn't fair, so you shouldn't complain when the people who make some kids life a living hell get what they deserve.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:24:45 No.1578914

    and that's why we have guns to even everything out
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:25:55 No.1578926
    ..You think everyone here doesn't already know that.

    Every year i praise these two and have a drink in their honor. Fucking heroes.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:25:55 No.1578927

    do you know who are the downtrodden? sex slaves, child laborers, victims of war crimes

    awkward highschool weirdoes that have victim complexes

    I was bullied all the time as a kid. I got over it. I never shot up my schools.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:26:50 No.1578941
    I've got a great idea.
    Someone gets called out for being a bully? They get sent to a local bully school where they can be with their kind, no excuse. Trust me they will all get along.
    That way the "victim" can just call them out anonymously and see them get sent away, no questions asked. Because who are you going to believe? the helpless victim or the bully?

    But seriously, bullying is out of PURE spite they do this FOR FUN like playing video gaems.
    It doesn't HELP the victims at all, if they are quiet, IT WILL MAKE THEM QUIETER. If they are ugly IT WILL MAKE THEM UGLIER.

    And the best part is that the victim gets scarred most likely FOREVER while the bully wont even remember their victim.

    It's hilarious how this works. Usually bullies are the ones that are the most well off and over privileged and the victims are just poorfags trying to go to school.
    You can't just tell a kid to "stop being poor lol!!"

    Bullies usually have nothing wrong in their family life except "daddy didn't give me an xbox for my weekly present bawww" and take it out on the little poorfags.

    I don't pity bullies at all, they've been spoonfed everything their whole entire life and will keep being spoonfed for the rest of their life.
    They have everything handed to them and have been taught to take things away from others because there are absolutely no consequences.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:28:48 No.1578959
    Bunch of goddamn morons arguing over what normal I, and what to do when bullying occurs. Simple solution: man the fuck up hold yourself to a higher standard, and help others achieve that goal. Being a victim is for sandy pussies.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:30:24 No.1578968
    He did man the fuck up. He manned the fuck up and dealt with his problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:30:31 No.1578972
    Anyone here have the liveleak video of the columbine shooting with video (supposedly faked) but still fun to watch?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:30:58 No.1578976
    Same. I was bullied every year of my educational life until senior year, and that was when I made two friends who were stoners who only used me to put in to buy weed.

    Fast forward, now I have about four solid friends who like me for who I am, feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:31:43 No.1578984
    Oh lol, some people are telling to man up against bullies. Some bullies around here beat the shit out of the teachers or adults. They know older guys that have criminal record. You can easily be killed, but they mostly break your arms or legs if you go against them. They will never fail class, because school is afraid of them and want to get rid of them.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:32:46 No.1578997
    There already are "bully schools", they just call them schools for "troubled kids". I know kids who got sent to them, and they were all bullies or stoners.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:33:59 No.1579007
    Where the fuck are you? Compton?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:34:57 No.1579018
    I take it you can fight off the entire school with your scrawny child body and not just get beat up even more?

    Understand that 100% of the time this isn't a 1 on 1 fair battle otherwise 99% of those people would quite like those odds.

    People like you are the ones that haven't experienced horrible, except maybe your pet died out of neglect or something.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:35:35 No.1579025
    or poor people that live around and can't move and will get bullied there
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:36:37 No.1579039
    I hate when people say the term "life isn't fair" because that implies we can't do anything as a society to make it fair. We can at least try to change things instead of being lazy.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:37:41 No.1579050
    Well they should make a fuckton more of them and have the kids sent right away.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:38:01 No.1579053
    >>All the posts praising bullies

    Im genuinely confused, are most normal fags incapable of feeling empathy or something?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:38:18 No.1579060
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    Sound it confirmed fake but video is real but still good.

    I warm you its quite disturbing tho.
    as someone itt said. heros of r9k

    I have the vid saved. problem normalfags?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:41:21 No.1579078

    shit thats scary
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:42:04 No.1579087
    Poland lol. I still remember one situation from school when some older girls didn't like girls from my class. So they got their older boyfriends to go to school regularly and beat the shit ouf those girls. And no one did anything, School didn't care, those guys weren't from our school or probably any other. Parent's couldn't do anything. It ended after some time, but only because i think those guys didn't want to bother.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:43:27 No.1579099
    >When will the normals learn, actions have consequences?

    Seriously op? seriously? this kid FUCKING DIED. Who the fuck doesn't understand consequences? Pretty sure it's the idiot who shot himself.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:43:55 No.1579102
    >normal fags incapable of feeling empathy
    So i'm not the only one who has thought of this too?
    I'm pretty sure normal fags stretches out to upper middle class white families who have both parents.

    So no, they don't feel empathy because they don't experience bad things. They can pretend but it's not the same thing.
    Usually people can empathize with others if they experience it, though normal fags are the ones that usually dish that shit out because they are simply bored.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:44:03 No.1579103
    Not >>1578984, I'm >>1577776 - we had a few guys around like that too, some of them were teachers' kids. Luckily I had very little interaction with them, they all went to juvenile prison for beating up homeless guys around town.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:44:11 No.1579105
    >mfw you have no idea how things work
    >mfw when you're an entitled asshole who believes his life experience is the only valid, real one.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)14:46:41 No.1579133
    Shit man, why couldnt I stop smiling while watching that.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:00:40 No.1579236
    Have no idea what shooter you're talking about buddy, the guy in the OP, turned himself in to a passerby after the shootings.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:03:04 No.1579252
    you don't know what you are talking about, for everyone's sake, stop posting

    feelings of empathy are reserved for meaningful things, like losing a child in a school shooting, not someone being made fun of for their hairstyle or manner of dress. The things that you are getting "bullied" for are things that really are inconsequential. Unless you were bullied for things that you can't change, like your skin color (though only white people *complain* about shit like this) or your family's religion, you are just a beta with a victim complex. WE ALL WENT THROUGH THAT SHIT, EVEN THE SO CALLED 'NORMALFAGS'. Why is it that you guys are the only ones that are still holding a grudge? I forgave my bullies years ago, and I never looked back or held on to the seething resentment that, judging by the posts in this thread, gives you your reason to live.

    Here are some facts that you don't know:
    -the 'normals' as you call them, are just regular people. Regular people that don't let childhood experiences haunt them as adults. Get the fuck over it.
    -adopting the identity of a subculture makes you an idiot. This is something that you bully other people for now, so why is 'different' when it happens to people that like what you like? (tip: it's because you're a hypocrite)

    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:04:21 No.1579268

    -you are a sensitive fuck. Everyone gets called names in school. You don't know shit about 'normal' life, so let me tell you it's the exact same as yours, the only difference is that we are taught to not hold on to grudges. And if you can still remember the faces and names of those that bullied you, then you are living a sad and shitty life. LET GO.

    -the things you are complaining about are trivial. The reason we go to school as children isn't just to learn facts, it's to learn how to socialize. You want to spend time on your own, fine, but you still have to know how to navigate through society. Whether or not you think this is stupid, it's true. Being socially awkward is something that you can fix, but it's hard now that you're much older, and judging by the posts so far, no one wants to genuinely improve themselves.

    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:05:05 No.1579276
    >mfw I was bullied everyday for 6+ years
    >mfw I ignored it all, ignored everyone because that is the "right" thing to do
    >they even threw garbage at me
    >shit gets physical and escalates
    >I have no face when I don't even stand up for myself and still ignore it.
    >eventually people start taking my side in the end of the years and pity me.
    >shit cycle happens again in highschool
    >be an empty shell of a human throughout

    >out of school, now I am always thinking the worst out of people but getting better at being a normal fag.
    >My life is the best it's ever been
    >bullies have probably failed classes and go into community college while I'm following my dreams.

    >that feel when I will be successful and laugh in their faces while their only good times where in grade school.
    Sounds cheesy but bully victims, do something awesome with your life.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:06:04 No.1579280
    >"saying mean things"=/=wedgies in school, head in toilet in highschool, set on fire in college without any reason or consequences for the bullies.

    No, John. You are the cancer.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:06:23 No.1579284
    I got my ass kicked plenty in my life. The point is I got tired of taking that shit so I changed myself for the better. And I help out my friends that have trouble dealing with assholes, confidence issues. Basically all I said was quit trying to be normal, respect and make yourself stronger. Sory, but I likex to get riled up and talk shit sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:07:40 No.1579296

    So, when I was in physical education class, it was you that I watched get stripped to your underwear, hung up on a wall hook by said underwear, and left there for three hours because a fucking teacher couldn't be bothered to worry about you?


    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:08:18 No.1579300

    'saing mean things' IS what most losers in this thread are talking about
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:09:41 No.1579316
    >reading comprehension
    I bet you were one of these too cool for school people? It shows.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:19:34 No.1579410
    ooh, I bet the internet is the only place where you can type out something like that and not cringe and think about it for hours and then make a greentext thread about it

    here, i'll type it out for you again:
    most of the things that happened to r9k beta losers are not things that are 'real' in the sense that they weren't as bad as they made them out to be
    ever had the shit kicked out of you for "being the wrong color" or having lunch leftovers pelted at you on the bus for the same reason? No? try enduring it for 7 years.

    again, shut the fuck up. the reason that I don't let this shit consume my life is because my best years were NOT in school. And if anything, it made me tougher and I feel great about who I am now. I'm sorry I didn't help people like you in middle school, but I was busy dealing with the exact same thing.

    So fuck you for being weak and letting it define who you are.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:20:33 No.1579418
    The best part about this shit was he didn't even go to that school; no, he wasn't getting revenge on any bullies. No, he wasn't selectively killing the people that wronged him. He just went to a random highschool and decided "HEY, TIME TO START KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE BECAUSE WAHHHHH." Demented little fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:21:54 No.1579430

    Neckbeard logic.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:25:10 No.1579461
    justice comes one way or another if the law cant help you then you have to do it yourself
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:26:30 No.1579480
    >i'll take that's the sum of your post.

    You seem upset. I can't even read your posts properly so stopped bout 1/4th of the way.

    Normal faggery to me refers to people who haven't seen much of the bad side of life. And that's a good thing for the most part.
    It's just that they lack a certain amount of empathy for others because they are not used to being treated badly or hearing about bad things.

    I was a normal fag once but then I learned that life is not always fair and all the morals you've learned don't really apply in real life.
    So calm down dude, don't flip out on people because they're "baww so mean lolzz".
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:28:24 No.1579497

    what the fuck do you know about justice? you think that anything that has ever happened to you warrants killing people that had absolutely nothing to do with what 'happened' to you?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:28:45 No.1579500
    >Hurr justice always needs to be served

    How's that cognitive bias working for you?

    Even if justice has to be served, you're a lunatic if you condone school shootings.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:31:22 No.1579522
    Why do these kids just kill random kids at their school.

    If I was in that position where I had a gun I would spend the day acting normally and then when the kids who bully me come around take out the gun and blow them all away. Killing yourself is one way to get out of it or you could try to pin it on another kid, then again if you are desperate to kill then killing yourself shouldnt be a problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:32:41 No.1579530

    No, I was the guy trying to stand up for him, and a shit load of good it did me.

    The principal was more interested in twisting the events to make it out like I did something wrong, just to keep it hush. It finally got so bad for the kid I had to full out bum rush someone to the ground and hurt him. (I was pretty scrappy for my age, then).

    They stopped bothering the kid for a while, physcially. The mental stuff kept up, when I wasn't around.

    As a matter of fact, the only way to get rid of bullies is to talk their language, terror. There was a gang of boys that used to walk around my hometown, and try to fuck with me. One day I simply had to grind my heels in and deal with them.

    I ended up being paired off with the oldest bully to fight, which was a foot taller than me and three years my senior. Our fight lasted for two fucking hours while people watched this older kid beat the shit out of me.

    And boy, was I fucking hurting the next day for school. I had to limp and my eye was swollen shut. Fortunately, I was able to hurt him worse, and he couldn't even get out of bed for two days.

    That's what it takes, though. There is no communicating with bullies. You have to scare the fucking shit out of them or hurt them so fucking bad they don't want another round with you. And usually, they're too fucking stupid to understand when they should be scared.

    All you normalfags who want to say, "Oh, but it's part of growing up," the killings are going to continue. There are many, MANY kids who can't stand up for themsevles because they are far too weak, and they're just going to be sport for the bullies. YOU'RE A FUCKING ENABLER OF A SYSTEM THAT WILL PRODUCE MURDERERS.

    Sleep well.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:33:15 No.1579535

    The system created him.

    You're defending a system that creates murders.

    Consider it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:34:57 No.1579549
    What the hell is 'the system', and how am I defending it? You sound like a teenage try-hard.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:36:14 No.1579565
    if it gets the job done then its okay by me maybe if it happens enough it will get trough those thick normalfag skulls of theirs and they'll leave people alone
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:36:28 No.1579566

    I sound like a grown up and has actually graduated high-school, youngster.

    You, on the other hand, think it's okay for them to continue to churn out killer after killer, and still blame the killer.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:37:45 No.1579578
    PRO TIP:

    There was a guy on 4chan who was from that school, even provided pics and shit for source.

    He said that one of those kids was a dealer and sold the shooter some fucked up weed.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:38:06 No.1579583

    > shut the fuck up.

    Gee, you sound just like a bully!

    You sure learned how to be tougher, eh?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:38:31 No.1579591
    says the guy with the victim complex
    >The principal was more interested in twisting the events
    when you say shit like this, people have a tendency to think that you are full of shit. let people decide for themselves if there was any wrongdoing.
    >the only way to get rid of bullies is to talk their language, terror

    you know that YOU are the bully now, right?
    Why do you let this shit haunt you? are you going to start killing innocents because you have been wronged in an unforgivable way??
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:39:47 No.1579610

    What do you mean they sold the shooter some fucked up weed?

    How was it fucked up?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:40:48 No.1579615

    > why haunt you, etc..

    It doesn't. I stood up for myself.

    I do see a lot of "you're a victim, har har!" and "you're the bully, har har!" crap in your post, though.

    I only fought those that tried to pick a fight with me.
    I stood up for those that were bullied.

    What exactly did you do, again? Oh, that's right. Just said: "Oh well, it's a fact of life. No biggie if he's so angry he feels he needs to kill someone."

    > slowclap
    Good job.

    PS: You're post reeks of BS. Go clean it off.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:40:57 No.1579617
    who is the one responsible for killing innocent people?
    >the killer
    yes, I will blame the killer, they lone ade that decision. Society fucks with everyone, only they decide to do something as fucked up as a school shooting.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:41:53 No.1579626
    >if it gets the job done
    You seem to think that an excess amount extreme consequences like school shootings are the only way to stop bullies.
    You sound like you're making out school systems as being both the root of the problem, and as a 'system that creates killers'. You're an idiot if you think there is a certain 'system' in the public schools that can turn normal, well adjusted kids into murderers. Not to say the shooter was well adjusted, we still know little about him.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:42:57 No.1579637
    >I stood up for myself.
    did you though? because you're reliving here like it's fucking vietnam. seek professional help, please.

    The difference between me and you is that I got over it. You're still in high school, reliving that fight for some disturbing reason.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:45:11 No.1579651

    Someone gets into a fight where they sustain heavy injuries.


    Im sure your also the kind of guy that tells rape victims to get over it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:46:42 No.1579660
    >You seem to think that an excess amount extreme consequences like school shootings are the only way to stop bullies.

    it is normalfags don't learn from anything else or they wouldn't be bullying in first place
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:47:08 No.1579665
    ITT: we draw the line on who is truly beta and belongs here and who is a normalfag and should leave for /soc/ or some other shitty board and mourn the loss of those killed
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:48:57 No.1579678
    I live like an hour from Chardon.
    I can't do shit without hearing about this bull shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:49:31 No.1579683

    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:49:48 No.1579687
    >sustain heavy injuries.
    is this a fucking game on xbox? do you talk like this in real life?

    I'm saying he's fucked in the head. I'm saying when he dies he's going to haunt the school. I'm saying that he might have won that fight, but IS CURRENTLY LOSING AT LIFE BECAUSE HE IS CHOOSING TO DWELL ON WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM LIKE GOD HIMSELF WILL DELIVER JUSTICE.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:50:23 No.1579693
    The term 'normalfag' is overused here like the word 'hipster' is in real life to the point where it means something different to everybody. What does it mean to you, and why do you think that everyone who fits the qualifications of a 'normalfag' is a bully.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:50:24 No.1579694
    we draw this line in every thread but normalfags are too stupid to get it.

    Bullying isn't new thing. System has failed to stop it and killing bullies is a good idea. If more died they would learn finally.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:50:36 No.1579696
    do we even know if he killed his bully or not
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:51:45 No.1579703
    >ever had the shit kicked out of you for "being the wrong color" or having lunch leftovers pelted at you on the bus for the same reason? No? try enduring it for 7 years
    I thought this wasn't a contest.

    > all years through grade school
    >be chinese, not even chinese enough for the chinese students
    >racism and Wh1te pryde!1 everyday for the rest of my schooling
    >shitty life at home and school
    >beat the shit out of by parents
    >beat up by kids at school in different fucking groups, it's not even a joke.
    >The whole school is literally on the watch to beat my ass and make racist remarks
    >I'm not even human to these people they even tell me that asians aren't humans.
    >I'm also a female so really I can't fight against like 6 people
    >People I didn't even know tripped me, bash me into lockers, sabotage my stuff and homework.
    >Get garbage thrown at me even during fucking class and the teachers don't do shit.
    >At gym class they SPIT on me and served volleyballs fucking hard right at my face.
    >they even try to burn my fucking hair with a lighter if they sit behind me in class.
    >No one wanted to be acquainted with me because they didn't want to be bullied as well.

    All at a catholic school god dammit. I just ignored the hell out of it all. I didn't want them to get a reaction from me.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:52:32 No.1579718
    bullies, nah, those were some delicate flowers and he was crazy stoner psycho wow addict emo goth faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:52:44 No.1579721
    Not sure if Amerifats are online yet, so I'll just presume you are a chav - no, we don't talk like this in real life, because English isn't our first language. Happy now, degenerate scum?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:54:03 No.1579734
    you know this is an english imageboard, right? why are you fucking shit up with your dirty slav bullshit?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:54:20 No.1579740
    Third is dead as of now.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:54:52 No.1579744
    They're showing his hearing on cnn right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:55:17 No.1579747
    >reading your story
    >have yellow fever
    >imagining real-life mixed race Spaghetti-chan
    >feel for her

    *virtual-hug* (if you even want anything like this from an asspie fuckup like me)
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:56:23 No.1579761
    >not knowing there are other people in the world besides slavs, Brits and Amerifats
    >confirmed for chav (possibly pikey) scum
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:59:09 No.1579784
    >Bullying isn't new thing.
    No, it's not. I never tried to argue that it was
    >System has failed to stop it
    School don't churn out killers left and right, bullying is only a small part of what makes troubled youth go apeshit and shoot up a school, and even then, schools don't have full control over what happens to a student, nor should they.
    >killing bullies is a good idea
    Once again, you sound like an angsty teen. No matter how much you swear you had it bad cause 'hurr durr kids at school call me names', death is not an appropriate punishment for even physical bullying.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:59:11 No.1579785
    I was bullied by people who pretended to be my friends, I hung around with them because if I was alone I was a bigger target to the larger crowd. It was physical and mental, they hid my stuff, beat me and alienated me. It left me pretty hollow and callous, I fought back when it got physical but the alienation that followed made me feel like shit. The school did nothing, I was always the one to get in trouble with the authority when I fought back and the people who bullied me were never dealt.

    I dealt with it and it twisted my view of the world, I see the worst in people and feel little to no empathy and cannot trust people. I wasn't like this before school, we are products of our environment and as >>1579535 says I would have happily killed my tormentors if I had the guts at the time.

    If I see them now I would happily kill them.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)15:59:33 No.1579789
    but you ARE a slav
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:02:22 No.1579813
    Except that I am not and your grasp of the English language is horrible even for a person speaking it as his mother tongue. And what the fuck is up with your functional reading skills - don't they teach anything besides gender studies at your universities anymore?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:02:45 No.1579817
    I've just tuned into CNN. What have i missed? I'm not American btw.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:02:47 No.1579818
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:03:50 No.1579827
    This is a pretty simple hearing. They are going to transfer him from juvenile to adult court.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:04:35 No.1579837
    Prosocuter Joce is a cunt.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:06:08 No.1579853
    Why? Is he supposed to not prosecute him because he's a beta faggot?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:09:04 No.1579873
    He killed bullies. That a morally correct thing to do.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:10:04 No.1579884
    The prosecutors job is to make sure the law is upheld in his area.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:10:11 No.1579885

    School administration is abso-fucking-lutely useless.

    >Bus is noctorious for LOTS of problems
    >kids on bus spit at people walking down the street, throw shit, scream and bully everyone
    >Bus is actually stopped and a dude jumps out of his car and fucking curses out the bus driver
    >Administration constantly goes on about how they'll solve the problem
    >Nothing happens, nothing's dealt with
    >Problem continues
    >Everyone's complaining
    >Nobody still does anything

    Apply this to every other situation, it's the same shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:13:13 No.1579918
    What I love is how wrong you are and how envious you are of things that happen in English-speaking countries.

    I am glad you are able to communicate in the world's greatest language, but you don't know shit about what we value. Also, why don't you just post on your people's sad shitty language? I'm sure you'd fit in there
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:14:06 No.1579923
    Is /b/ going to raid the facebook accounts of the family members that died? That would be fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:14:50 No.1579929
    >morally correct
    excuse me, your 13-year-old is showing

    arguably,the only people that deserve death are those that directly cause it ie. killers.

    you are just an angry child. Please leave the real world for the adults please.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:15:41 No.1579935
    I had plans to lock the gym doors at school during a class assembly and then lay fire onto everyone while trowing pipe bombs everywhere.

    I live in Canada though so getting an automatic machine gun is impossible
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:15:59 No.1579938
    >Total victims to a heart breaking three
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:17:15 No.1579954
    Brelik killed 100 people and he lived in gun free europe. Step it up son.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:17:53 No.1579961

    >that feel when school administration eats up a huge amount of money but does nothing
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:18:07 No.1579963
    LOL faggot. Your autistic christianity is showing.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:18:29 No.1579967
    some people are evil and should be killed, only someone with normal/happy life wouldn't understand that
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:19:00 No.1579972
    In University now, if I still decided to shoot up the school I'd just make sure to kill all the women studies majors, maybe one day
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:20:52 No.1579992
    >envious you are of things that happen in English-speaking countries

    I don't think that word means what you think it means, but I'll bite for laughs and presume you meant USA+Canada+UK+AU+NZ:
    >rampant feminism and it's consequences - political correctness, affirmative action
    >retarded gun laws (USA being the exception, so far)
    >unlimited immigration
    >most media catering to the plebs

    Do tell, what's there to envy? There are very few countries that aren't majorly FUBAR at this point (Switzerland, Germany, Finland, South Korea) and that's just because they have a few of these problems, not all of them.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:23:02 No.1580010
    Does anyone have the names of the victims? I want to shitpost and mock the family members on facebook.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:25:02 No.1580037
    there's a reason why you're speaking english and not your shitty mother tongue:

    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:26:11 No.1580048
    what does christianity have to do with that viewpoint

    you got bullied, boo hoo. that doesn't mean that whoever wronged you should die. Stop being a sensitive bitch.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:27:01 No.1580057

    god speed
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:33:56 No.1580112
    Whats the name of the school this happend at?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:35:43 No.1580127
    >hate america
    >visit 4chan that is a generally a place filled by people with American Culture

    How retarded are you euros?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:36:11 No.1580132
    Chardon High School in ohio. It's the front story in google news.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:37:08 No.1580143
         File: 1330465028.jpg-(29 KB, 620x433, three_ohio_shooting_victims_12(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:37:23 No.1580147
         File: 1330465043.png-(277 KB, 713x910, 6665456454.png)
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    It's a nigger. Good. This will be even more fun.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:38:58 No.1580159
    I like how this whole thread started out how bullying is wrong and not it's fully of internet bullies
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:39:18 No.1580164
    I hope you have a sock puppet to avoid drowning in buttrage.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:39:29 No.1580165
    It's filled with Japanese and pan-Western culture.

    There aren't enough differences between western nations (especially Anglosphere ones) these days for hate, and nationalism is profoundly retarded anyway.

    Take that 'yuros' shit back to /sp/ LADBANTER
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:40:16 No.1580175
    what you are saying is mean and bullying

    i'm going to find you and kill you.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:43:05 No.1580194
         File: 1330465385.jpg-(26 KB, 400x400, 1304645085236.jpg)
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    this thread reminds me of a greentext story i havent written

    >be in high school
    >people whose daughter died from the columbine shooting are talking in the cafeteria
    >some bullshit about how she saw her death coming
    >think, well what about the other victims?
    >the presentation is all about her
    >ask about the names of the others
    > "lol that doesn't matter they didnt predict there death
    >bassically wouldn't give me a strait answer
    >say im not gonna honor one dead above any others
    >get up and leave
    >tfw no one stopped me

    mfw these people cant even mention the names of the other kids who died in the presentation, show some damn respect
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:43:38 No.1580199
    why do you hate your own people so much? you should be taking an interest in curing the sadness of the shithole in which you live rather than try so hard to be a part of something you are not.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:45:18 No.1580217
    I remember that Rachel's Challenge thing. The whole predicting her death with notebook drawings was straight up fucking retarded, I can't believe they actually taught that as a fact. Made me rage.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:45:53 No.1580221
    I thought you were against killing bullies
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:46:40 No.1580227
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    too much /b/
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:46:52 No.1580231
    please tell me how you're going to derive satisfaction from posting on a facebook page.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:47:57 No.1580245
    tell that to
    >morally correct
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:49:49 No.1580270
    Shooting random dudes is not okay ever. This faggot didn't even have the balls to eat a lead sandwich. The epitome of an omega faggot who gets to look forward to 15-20 years of sodomy before he gets the needle.

    The only solace is that anyone who "supports" school shootings will never, ever, get laid so they will not be able to pass their horrible genes on to the rest of the population.

    Stay incredibly retarded and virginal, /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:52:04 No.1580295
    I have never seen anyone bullied without a good reason. Maybe if you guys weren't such faggots, you would have a had a peaceful highschool experience.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:52:52 No.1580305
    Who are you even replying to? There were several people herp-derping around with 'USA superior'-'is not'-'is too' in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:54:48 No.1580322
    LOL the faggot Mod of the facebook page is removing my comments. Fucking nigger turd
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:55:40 No.1580328

    > People complaining about bullying in this thread and how the shooting was justified

    > Bullying family members of someone you don't even know for a fact is a bully and died in the shooting.

    Seems legit.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:57:01 No.1580346
    ur edgy as fuck bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:59:04 No.1580362
    I don't care if the victims were bullies. It's fun to shitpost on a memorial page.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:01:54 No.1580388
    No not really. There has to be something wrong with you for wanting to do that? What's wrong momma didn't love you enough?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:04:52 No.1580419
    I have no morals. I'm also a psychopath.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:05:11 No.1580422
    I never thought id see the day where 4chan had an ARGUMENT about a school shooting instead of a celebration. I do not support killing in any way, I'm a pacifist, but understand the kids motives if in fact bullying was going on.

    A lot of you clearly don't understand how it works in american high schools. Cuz of 0 tolerance policy, you can't fight back, or hardly even defend yourself. If an adult isn't around oto witness, you can't get them in trouble cuz no proof.

    There is virtually no defense against bullying. You'd have to be a ninja master to fuck up 5 huge football jocks at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:06:23 No.1580434
    If that where true then why not shit post on his face book using your real facebook.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:06:32 No.1580437
    you know what you are doing is bullying, right?
    you are everything that you hate I'm guessing. How does that feel?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:09:25 No.1580460
    edgy teenager detected.
    I've met psychopaths. They don't announce that they are psychopaths.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:12:32 No.1580500
    Yeah, i am concerned about legal consequences. I don't want to be the only faggot shitting on the page. What has happend to /b/? They have become full of white knight faggot cunt newfags.

    Fuck it, im off to 7chan to get some shit posters to join me.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:14:28 No.1580516
    you are an idiot for standing behind that argument

    >Cuz of 0 tolerance policy, you can't fight back, or hardly even defend yourself.
    if this was true, the bullies would be gone. You're not fighting back....why? If 0 tolerance works the way you say it does, your retaliation would not be witnessed by anyone.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:21:38 No.1580579
    you are a bully.
    the world hates you.
    >> Raccoon !!PTeHOUHElum 02/28/12(Tue)17:22:13 No.1580585

    Britfag reporting in, let it begin. Was this one of the jokers doing the bullying?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:38:30 No.1580750
    Oh, cool, an idiot.

    A psychopath is obviously and unquestionably insane. They're the sort of person that believes Nazis are responsible for the flavor of yogurt.

    You might have meant sociopaths, but in that case you really should have written what you meant.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)18:20:23 No.1581157
    >if you didn't fight back bullies would be gone


    You must not be amerifag you clearly are not familiar with the zero-tolerance policy
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)18:23:53 No.1581190
    When will people learn that kids in to heavy metal and goth shit should be sent to special schools? They're bullied because they're fucking freaks. People got bullied for fucking centuries and they didn't start offing classrooms full of people until this goth loser faggot shit started.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)19:29:33 No.1581912
    You don't become extrovert nor introvert. Damn you panty-licking, alien-eyed mongoloids!
    >One study found that introverts have more blood flow in the frontal lobes of their brain and the anterior or frontal thalamus, which are areas dealing with internal processing, such as planning and problem solving. Extraverts have more blood flow in the anterior cingulate gyrus, temporal lobes, and posterior thalamus, which are involved in sensory and emotional experience.[17] This study and other research indicates that introversion-extraversion is related to individual differences in brain function

    Oh and, I was a bully once. I stopped and apologized to the guy, we are friends to this day.

    In US, during my 9th grade of High School, a kid in an English classroom tried to bully me. Let me tell you about this kid: "Weight-lifting physic, tall, not intelligent nor hardworking, took his anger on others, enjoyed starting drama and then running out of classroom and go towards front office of the school). Guy tried twice to bully me. First time, I was facing away when I spoke, I started to spew harmless insults in front of everyone like "Yeah, go ahead and assert your masculinity you overgrown baby who still sleeps with girl toys and has to use brute force to get anywhere in your pathetic life." Guy marched out and said he's going to front office, teacher told me not to do it since the guy can kill me if I get punched. Next few days, the guy kicks my seat and I comment on it each time he does it, teacher won't do anything about it. I do a insult routine again one day, the guy perma-quits the school in anger as a response. It's great when you can work the system to your advantage.

    Not everyone has the luxury to work the system though, like the east european kid and the catholic kid in this thread. My condolences.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)19:32:05 No.1581956
    Chardon junior here.
    You have no fucking idea how crazy it is right now

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