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  • File: 1330301824.jpg-(21 KB, 336x468, QNp90513.jpg)
    21 KB Meanwhile in Syria Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:17:04 No.1559752  
    2011-2012 and still happening daily.

    And if doesn't work just search for "syrian kids being tortured" on youtube

    Oh and discuss.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:19:58 No.1559779
         File: 1330301998.jpg-(17 KB, 336x468, 3HG90544.jpg)
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    This is the same kid, was tortured before hanged.
    -in syria by the current government
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:20:21 No.1559788
    what is there to discuss? one less filthy child in the world is a good thing, no?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:22:05 No.1559806
         File: 1330302125.gif-(499 KB, 500x265, lyingfuck.gif)
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    >implying the government did this
    >implying its not a set-up by rebels to cause a shitstorm
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:24:54 No.1559828
    no oil in syria, nobody gives a shit
    also there's no armed opposition.
    there's nothing anyone can do without another full scale land invasion, which nobody will do.

    sorry bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:25:15 No.1559833
    Could have killed him in a painless way.

    torture is just being a fucking asshole.

    And hanging? Really? These dudes are savages
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:26:18 No.1559845
    So, what's the context?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:33:28 No.1559920
         File: 1330302808.jpg-(5 KB, 299x224, rapevsyria.jpg)
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    this little beautiful girl is a rape victim.
    -2012, syria
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:34:28 No.1559931
    Horrible. But not America's problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:34:44 No.1559935
    Jimmies status: Extremely russled.
    Thanks OP, now i will go contemplate on why dicks like this even exist.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:34:50 No.1559938
    STFU faggot. That little girl was beaten by another child in some toddlers school.

    Saw it in the Daily Mail.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:35:36 No.1559948
    Should have posted girls, nobody gives a shit about boys dying.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:36:03 No.1559952
         File: 1330302963.jpg-(7 KB, 320x232, 424347_201379039960227_1385397(...).jpg)
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    I mean this shhit didnt even happen in libya.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:37:28 No.1559969
    I couldn't give less of a fuck. I fucking live in the United States of America. Why the hell should I care about some sand country?

    That shit is not my problem. It's not the USA's problem. Those sandniggers can eat shit and die for all I care.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:38:39 No.1559979
    So true it actually hurts.

    I remember that woman about to get stoned to death in Saudi or something and shit storm was kicked up.

    That woman who claimed to be raped by Gadaffis people. Shitstorm.

    That female reporter apparently raped by protestors in some shit hole. Shitstorm.

    Little boys tortured... Sorry, not news.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:39:22 No.1559987
         File: 1330303162.jpg-(26 KB, 320x240, Aaaasry.jpg)
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    Here's more you guys, and btw im not even syrian but this just look at this.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:40:45 No.1560001
    Wow you are retarded.

    Wars are all global now and they spill in to other territories, not to mention the instability they cause in the economy.

    Shit needs to stop for everyones sake.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:41:58 No.1560014
    OP I'm paranoid as fuck and what the fuck is that kind of a link?

    I mean, I see the youtube and also the video ID but why the fuck would you post that abomination of a link? I'll puzzle it together right now but jesus christ.

    >The video you have requested is not available.

    Okay, fuck it.

    Also for some reason violence against children is weird
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:42:36 No.1560025
    And why should I care? People killing each other in Asia does not affect me living my life.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:43:58 No.1560044
         File: 1330303438.jpg-(10 KB, 639x352, 430191_216980101733454_1385397(...).jpg)
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    The libyan woman's name is iman alabeady.

    And it's not just little boys in syria, little girls and teenagers and anything that breathes.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:46:03 No.1560066
    It's a good thing. They would have grown up and been sent to a training camp that will train them to use firearms while indoctrinating them into one of the Islam extremist cells. They would use that training and brainwashing to promote strife and terror in Islamabad which would increase the price of Oil which is detrimental to the Western World.

    It's a good thing they die now at a young age then later.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:46:19 No.1560070
    Sand niggers gonna nig.

    >Not America's problem

    agreed, even if we did give a fuck, we're not going to change hundreds of years of religious and political dogma in even...say...5 years.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:47:00 No.1560077
    So if a group of terrorists from Syria decide to target diplomats of their enemies who happen to be visiting America, and you happen to be nearby, and you happen to get your legs blown off by a dumbass terrorist who doesn't give a shit about casualties; you think that won't have an impact on your life?

    Do you think high oil prices has an impact on your life?

    Do you think an unstable economy has an impact on your life?

    You are a fucking retard.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:47:41 No.1560088

    Hi everyone! I am what is called a "hardcore" individual! I post on the interweb acting like a hard ass that doesn't give a shit about anyone or anything (hear me rOARRR).

    You are a faggot. This is (was) a child, he had NOTHING to do with this bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:48:50 No.1560098
    >Something bad happens in the world
    >Fuck off America we don't want you here you're pretty much the worst country ever god damn

    >Something bad happens in the world
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:49:54 No.1560108

    You can't can't end blood fueds or whatever reason of the week for killing each other with the "force" we use today. There is simply too much bad blood on both sides.

    If you want to stop this type of violence you'd pretty much have to bomb entire countries into nuclear wastelands.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:49:57 No.1560109
    >the jewnews says abbas did it
    >automatically believe it
    >actually think they go around killing kids for no reason
    >actually think most syrians aren't with their government

    are americans ALL this retarded?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:50:37 No.1560116
    I don't think I need to worry about getting killed by some Muslim suicide bomber. The other stuff isn't killing me, so I don't care.

    Until one of these assholes attacks the United States, I will continue to not care.

    They're not hurting you. Not hurting me. Let them sort their own shit out.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:52:08 No.1560130
    And they say Islam is the religion of peace.

    Pfhahahaha. At least Israel uses armor piercing rounds so the projectile goes through the kids they shoot and actually hits the bad guy as well.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:53:38 No.1560150
    You do know countries are filled with more than one person... right? That's, like, kind of what countries are; a bunch of different people with a bunch of different ideas, views, beliefs, etc.

    In short. Your worldview is bad and you should feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)19:59:14 No.1560198
    >United Nations
    >Try to help other countries without being asked

    >Expects everyone to beg for help

    Stay classy murrikans.

    >America saves france from Nazis
    >Expects constant gratitude

    >France saves America from the British
    >No fucks were given that day

    Srsly murrikans, you so classy
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)20:00:29 No.1560210
         File: 1330304429.jpg-(7 KB, 436x328, asas_12303_1924.jpg)
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    Syrians obviously dont want that shit goverment and their president is not as "famous" as qaddafi cause hes a little sicker than qaddafi... At least qaddafi had a weird sense of humor

    However, syria has borders with iraq... Just saying
    >> Derrida 02/26/12(Sun)20:04:09 No.1560247

    Look at all the shit American gets for Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya.

    Obama has a presidency to win. You think he's gonna risk everything for Syria?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)20:05:11 No.1560261
    Oh god, I hope not. I can't imagine Santorum in the white house
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)20:13:23 No.1560337
    Typical yank mindset thinking it's about you. They want help from the UN and NATO. In fact you guys can sit this one out and let real soldiers deal with it, it'd be better without the weekly friendly-fire attacks and urinating on corpses.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)20:15:08 No.1560353
         File: 1330305308.jpg-(6 KB, 320x234, Sssy.jpg)
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    Why do you people have no soul? Im not asking for obama to save them... Not anyone.

    But you, why cant you as another human care? What's wrong with everyone?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)20:18:20 No.1560385
    Mudslimes doing typical mudslime stuff.

    What more can I say? What more do you want me to say? That these young boys wouldn't eventually be taught and do the same thing to other people and children if given the chance?

    That there will ever be peace in the Middle East, that anything can be done to prevent this?

    Violence, terror, and murder are as much a part of middle eastern culture as big macs is yours. They like it and don't want to change and never ever will. This is fun for them and it makes them feel important.

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