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    92 KB Depression Explained Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)18:36:33 No.1547361  
    I don't use 4chan much any more, but since it's Sunday morning I want to help out my old brobots. If this is of any use to you, great, if not, well keep whining.

    People say depression is a chemical imbalance or a re-enforcing state of mind, which is probably true. But what no one is fucking saying is that depression is caused by living a shitty life. This simple truth makes people even more depressed, but you have to do something about it to get any better.

    Humans in their natural state live in tight knit bands of 50-150 individuals and spend most of their time around other people. They have to work for their own survival and any excess they produce they give to their family and friends who also share with them. They live in natural settings and feel the environment, they spend most of their waking hours on their feet, do lots of physical activities, eat real unprocessed food and have a strong culture where they know who they are.

    Contrast this to the average neckbeard who spends most of their time alone, in a dark climate controlled room, eating junk food, not exercising, not really needing to work hard for their existence, no social ties, sitting on their backside and believing in not much, questioning the point of existence.

    Now I know this is a vast over generalisation and only some points will apply to you, but to get over depression and enjoy life you have to move closer to a more natural state.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)18:41:49 No.1547397
    You need to:
    + Build stronger relationships with your family, talk to them, email them, eat dinner with them, go out with them. My father is a drunk who I've only ever seen every 6 months, now I go out for a pub lunch with him every few weeks and got him to drink less. I have taken control of this relationship because he is incompetent.
    + Build social relationships with people in your community, have a good word for everyone you meet, go to local events, meet friends of friends, join activity clubs if you have no friends. Move in with house mates and practice socialising. Expect to fuck up. People like those who are genuine above all else. Even if they suck. They also like people who are interested in them.
    + Join facebook and use it occasional, IM people, write emails, send letter and postcards. Stop raging against normality and do whatever you want to do, it's ok you're good enough, want to draw anime and live in a shed? Do that. Want to become an accountant and live in a standard suburban home, do that, as long as you are happy with it.
    + Stop eating junk food, avoid wheat if possible, avoid products with added sugar, if it doesn't belong in the fridge don't eat it, it's really fucking up your body chemistry. I could write volumes on this subject, if it has stuff added to it, don't eat it. Burgers should not contain wheat or colorings.
    + Sleep 8-10 hours a night, go to bed when it gets dark.
    + Spend time out of the house, bathe in light, be outdoors.
    + Exercise, run, jump, lift weights, play sports, swim, walk as much as you can. Try to look as stupid as possible, that's how you know you're doing it right.
    + Work for a living, don't take handouts, they damage you more than homelessness, I'm completely serious.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)18:42:50 No.1547409
    + Try to have a culture, a set of beliefs, doesn't matter what they are, Western countries no longer believe in anything. Choose a religion or philosophy, Christianity, Zen Buddhism, Stoicism are recommended.
    + Finally and perhaps most importantly, choose a purpose in life. 'What is the meaning of life?' has never been resolved because it's a shitty question. We're humans, we create the meaning. It doesn't matter what it is, perhaps you decide your purpose in life is to raise a family and do an epic job unlike your parents, that's a great purpose. Perhaps you want to advance research in a field you enjoy, that's awesome. Maybe create a great video game studio? You don't have to have a passion for it, just an interest and make it your purpose, your default activity and then organize your life around it. You can change your purpose later if you want. Remember, humans choose their own purpose.
    + People who look down on you for being you are shitty people, you won't like associate with frat bros or faux intellectuals.

    That's it, that's all I have to say. If you're depressed, your life sucks, work on these areas and you will improve. Lack of social skills or discipline is an excuse. No one is born with social skills or discipline, they learn them from the people around them growing up, you didn't learn them for one reason or another. But the more time you spend trying to be social, the better you will get at it. The more you get embarrassed, the less you feel embarrassed. The more you try to do something you logically should do but don't feel like doing the stronger your skill of discipline becomes.

    You have a choice to start changing, it won't happen overnight, but you can change.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)18:48:23 No.1547446
    I know people never have a reason to take one persons word. I just wanted to make sure you got some feedback on a well-written and thought out post.

    Thanks for helping me and any one else who can even pick up on little thing from your post. I for one, have understood my life just a little bit more after reading that. twenty years old and in college, I am guilty of depressive thoughts, but I understand that its a stupid state of mind which has grown exponentially in western america. Fucking anti-depressants, god why?! Cant understand how that became so widespread.
    Any words on that?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)18:49:43 No.1547468
    Thank you, OP! I will totally nope that.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)19:26:12 No.1547767
    Thanks anon.

    As for anti-depressants, doctor payoffs and quick fixes. It's a lot easier to pop a pill than change your whole life and way of thinking. Also, our way of life and depression has been normalized! Most people live shitty lives and many people suffer from depression so it's normal and no way out of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)19:32:41 No.1547820
    If life is about creating myself, why the fuck do I have to follow a generic guide on how to make my life by your standards?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)19:34:58 No.1547841
    >Implying you have to follow it

    The majority of you are just half-balled and don't have the courage nor will to do anything.

    Also, nice thread OP. Except, this is a fucking shit thread full of messages that could condensed into 8th grade motivational posters.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)19:35:29 No.1547843
         File: 1330216529.jpg-(227 KB, 1920x1080, H6rYZ.jpg)
    227 KB
    When you put it like that it makes alot of sense. If no one else appreciates this attempt at motivation, I do. thanks.
    Since I can't make a textless post, I will just throw out there that 98% of my depression was caused by vitamin D deficiency.


    can't stress this enough.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)19:38:51 No.1547865
    Well, its stupid. His post and his image, despite both being "feel good", give the opposite message.

    All of his advice he defines as "improvement", as if these basic tips are what make a person good. His image implies that everyone needs to work out what is good for them, themselves.

    All OP did was ejaculate basic self-help advice on how to be average joe #3722728.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)19:42:58 No.1547890
    Seconded the D3. I supplemented with 10,000IUs for a month then dropped down to 5,000IUs. At the moment I don't supplement since I spend 6+ hours a day outside in the Australian sun but during winter I will supplement with 5,000IUs again. If a drug company invented this stuff, it would be worth $10 a day instead of $10 a month.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)19:49:28 No.1547940
    OP here.

    I disagree that following my advice will make you an average Joe. The average Joe does all of these things very poorly, it's just neckbeards who take it to the point of failure.

    Maybe I have just ejaculated self help advice here, but this stuff persists because it works. The rejection of all normality and that which is popular is the neckbeard's problem. Neckbeards want to be special and rejecting normality is the easiest way to do it.
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 02/25/12(Sat)19:51:33 No.1547954
    Yea but, there is nothing in life too enjoy

    Depression is the realizing how shitty the world really is

    While the sane ones, are soaking up the shit thinking its the most glorious thing
    >it's a mad world going round in circle

    Ignorance is bliss
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)20:04:10 No.1548061
    People like OP make me feel sick.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)20:16:03 No.1548156

    Stay sad and ronery bro
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)20:16:29 No.1548159
    Thanks Anon. Well I'll be off now.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)20:16:53 No.1548165
    Are you actually a neckbeard-turned-normalfag, OP?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)20:20:21 No.1548187
    ITT people who have never had depression give self-righteous and condescending advice
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)20:31:34 No.1548272

    I wasnt implying I was on anti-depressants. Its just that it bothers me quite a bit. Recently have been talking/seeing this girl. She is very open to me and admitted she was on antidepressants and I had to with-hold my rage with her. I still like the girl just I cant understand why she resorts to this. Its cheap. Its stupid. Does it even work? It might just be a placebo for her. Who knows. It might be that I think she has cancer...but this is unconfirmed. Thats a whole other story though...
    Why do you have to see his post as rigid guidelines. Follow it. Read someone elses perspective and shut the fuck up, stop being so averse to reading someone elses advice for what he thinks might put an end to "depression"

    Ignorance is bliss can get you into trouble. Its pretty much admitting that thinking might very well be a bad thing. I am not really sure that being someone unaware of the troubles of the world is healthy or would make you better off. I tend to dislike these people, possibly because I am jealous or possibly because I just cant get along with stupidity and well ignorance.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)20:32:22 No.1548278

    Correction *is on antidepressants
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)20:57:14 No.1548474
    what are you, 12? go back to whining on facebook.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)21:08:05 No.1548567
    If they think it's the most glorious thing and think they are happy, are they not being glorious and happy? Is happiness not just a thought inside your head? Are fish happy?
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 02/25/12(Sat)21:08:45 No.1548576

    They are being happy about a lie, which is not healthy
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)21:16:22 No.1548644
    >OP posts good ways that have been backed up by immense amounts of research on how to get out of depression

    >Depressed, lonely, anti-social, failure who has no sense of direction or purpose
    "OP your post is shit. It's full of shit and it's elementary."

    Nice one man.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)21:20:05 No.1548666

    Jesus Christ what are you 14? Here's a list of things that are enjoyable
    >spending times with friends
    >raising a family
    >roller coasters
    >community service (trust me, nothing feels better than helping others)
    >seeing a movie
    >going out to dinner with a girl/boyfriend
    >going tubing
    >meeting new people
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 02/25/12(Sat)21:20:54 No.1548676

    Yea but


    You must be 14 if think any of it has meaning, it empty existence,
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)21:23:45 No.1548700


    From that one word I deduct that you have between 5-7 hours of sleep.

    You're wrong as well, although exactly why is very complicated.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)21:23:46 No.1548701

    Meaningless? It all has meaning!
    My purpose for living is to live for the people who will live past me. The kids I plan on having, and the kids I hope my kids have. I think it's absurd to pronounce that life has no meaning.

    If it truly is meaningless and you can't stand it, then end your life. I don't understand how people can have this mindset, but they don't simply end their life.
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 02/25/12(Sat)21:25:49 No.1548713

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy life, but it is all meaning less, in a few million years, there will be no trace of us, in a few billion years, Earth will be no longer

    I will properly clockout by my own hand at the age of 60 or so
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)21:27:34 No.1548725

    where the hell did you come up with those numbers. 5-7 seems reasonable anyway seems like an ok (sort of) amount of sleep anyway. Why did you say 3?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)21:31:50 No.1548765
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)21:32:02 No.1548769
    1) Check
    2) Partially check. Few friends, few social activities, little want for socializing. Heavily introverted, feel bad while socializing (although feel lonely while not)
    3) Check. Although it's mostly for folks from my school who i never talk to (and girls from school who add me, i was popular, some little girls still remember me)
    4) Check. I eat healthier than you and probably 98% of the population of the fucking earth. I'm a great cook as well.
    5) Not check. Depression causes Insomnia. It's uncontrollable. Going to bed early results in 6 hours until i get to sleep and every single night unless i haven't slept for 2 nights i wake up after 4 hours and am unable to fall asleep again, even with pills or laying in bed for 20 hours.
    6) Check. I'm frequently outside, i shop little so that i have a reason to get out more often, if even only to the supermarket.
    7) Check. I work out very very regularly and am very athletic.
    8) Check. I work for my living, although i'm studying.
    9) Check. I'm Eastern European so my culture and identity are quite strong.
    10) Check. I have my purpose.
    11) Check. I ignore people who look down on me, if they persist i beat the shit out of them or something along those lines.

    Still depressed, still having severe insomnia.

    So OP, what makes you think you're qualified to cure depression?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)21:33:09 No.1548780
    Depression = anger turned inwards.

    You're welcome OP
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)21:34:22 No.1548794

    Some good advice, but this:

    + Work for a living, don't take handouts, they damage you more than homelessness, I'm completely serious

    is fucking stupid, I mean I guess in the context of privileged white suburban neckbeards yeah it's ok advice, but they don't have a monopoly on depression.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)21:44:24 No.1548902
    You don't enjoy anything when you have depression, it isn't a choice.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)21:44:31 No.1548904
    As a person recovering from suicidal depression, this advice is actually useful.
    >> Andy 02/25/12(Sat)21:45:14 No.1548917

    Did you get the D from then sun? Or did you get it from supplements? Or can anyone else answer if supplements are as good as getting it from the sun?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)22:21:37 No.1549324
    Eating good quality meat (red meat and fatty fish) and getting lots of sun on your skin is best. But supplements work nearly as well. I recommend 6 teaspoons of cod liver oil (the balance of vitamin A and O3/O6 balanced oil prevents toxicity) and a moderate amount of sun. Sounds old fashioned Cod Liver Oil, but it's really the best way to supplement if you have to work out of the sun all day.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)22:39:41 No.1549496
    >in a few million years
    There's your problem. It's not about the future, dude, because in the future you will be dead and nothing you did or didn't do will matter. It's about the present. It's about waking up in the morning and thinking "I'm gonna do things today" and go to sleep thinking "well, I sure did things today". Life is about LIFE, not death.

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