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    File: 1330195793.jpg-(41 KB, 1024x768, evil-background.jpg)
    41 KB Normalfags are evil: THIS IS A SENSATIONALISTIC TITLE Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)13:49:53 No.1544737  
    As a shut-in and misanthrope, I oftenly get asked the question "why do you not like people?/ why don't you go find somebody you like?".

    I don't indulge them with an answer longer than "don't know/don't care/fuck off", but here's something I want the normalfags to ponder for a minute.

    You are all evil. Not "you-are-demons-sent-by-Satan" evil, just... amoral. How do you explain, without admiting liking to hurt or harrass somebody, the girl/woman-teasing thing? That thing when a woman teases sexually a man she has no interest on just to make him feel frustrated. Something that goes beyond the common teenage scenario and spreads well into their 30s if they are still physically attractive.

    How do you justify social-hierarchies, caste-systems, alpha vs. beta fights? Can you, without blinking, say that you don't think it's wrong to judge a human being according to the circumstances he was born into, upon which he has no control? You read the stories here, about how /r9k/s have been harrassed and psychologically damaged beyond any hope for recovery. How a gang picks on a particular person, at school, work, in a bar, the street, the 'hood and make his/her life impossible? Can't you see how similar they are to a wolfpack?

    So, normalfags, how do you justify you being evil?
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 02/25/12(Sat)13:51:07 No.1544745
    Well OP, I guess it's easier to blame people then accept the true facts

    >just like what your doin
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)13:52:17 No.1544756
    It's only evil if you're at the bottom, broheim.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)13:58:46 No.1544815
         File: 1330196326.jpg-(97 KB, 400x300, kte-soviet-thumb.jpg)
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    Before the answer comes up, I'd like to rebuff the standard "no human is 100% evil or 100% good all the time". That needs a correction:

    > No human ACTS 100% evil or 100% good all the time.

    In the real world, our often-hypocritical moral codes and social contracts forbid us and chastizises us in cases where an action is obviously done with malice. Not from the attacker's entourage, friends, family... they'll always have his/her back, even when they have to abide by these same rules when facing the situation *publicly*. I'm talking about the general audience.

    But when the general audience disappears, and the opportunity arises, evil is unleashed. You see it here on the Internet. You see it on the news: whenever people can't get a hold of trustable information, goverments, regimes, even small groups of people commit the most terrible crimes against humanity. Some, even, with the silent compliance of the standing-by witnesses.

    You see it in environments where social rules are more lax. In a classroom without a teacher, or the school yard. In a bar, a club, where there are no real police, no moral guardians. At work, so long they have the complicity of a boss or supervisor, or they can all use the silent-pact tactic.

    So, I wanted to make it clear that that answer is not going to be any good here.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)13:59:12 No.1544818
    Haha, "the girl/woman-teasing thing", good job revealing why you are really hateful and shut-in.

    People murder each other and what you bring up to show how evil we are is that you can't get laid and think women are taunting you or some drivel.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)14:02:29 No.1544846
    How are any of those things evil? How's a wolfpack evil? It's natural selection, you wouldn't exist without it. If anything it's evil to go against this natural system by opting out.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)14:26:44 No.1545077
    I brought up genocide as an extreme. But murder and genocide aren't things the common human being does. I'm making the point that ALL normalfags are evil, so I include examples of common evil-doings you see everyday and don't even care about because you are not on the receiving end.

    And no, this is not about misoginy. I'm a misanthropist, I hate both males and females.

    See? Primary example. Justifying it by using Social Darwinism, a sociological trend that has been critizised by every important sociologist and anthropologist worth a penny.

    Morality is beyond our "natural" behaviour. It's an advanced concept, something that spurred from thousands of years worth of *civilization*. Some other animals have it too. They can feel injustice, and act upon it. Chimps, for instance.

    Would you murder a person to rob him of a resource because you consider it naturally inferior to you?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)14:32:01 No.1545118
    That's another thing. Normal people, those in the higher social classes or chastes, they can get away with evil-doing. Like those kids in Chicago that murdered that 14-year-old but didn't get the chair because they could afford Darrow to represent them. Or Gandhi being able to keep the Dalits unrepresented for generations.

    But if a lower social class-person does it, all hell breaks loose. Like when a bullied kid says "enough" and counter-attacks his bully. Or when Palestinians have to resort to guerrilla war tactics to get some of their territory back from Israel.

    How do you justify these injustices happening and your approving of them? Don't them strike a chord in your mind about them being "wrong", "unfair", there being a "double standard"?

    No, you don't. Because if those people were to be judged, so would you. Because you do or wish to be in a situation in which you can do those things, be the powerful, menacing, scourging alpha member of society...
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)14:39:50 No.1545163
    No i have no desire of being an evil mighty crook. But i can't single-handedly change society, I just live in it. I don't like when people fare ill, but i certainly don't cause any of it either.

    >suicide bombing
    >guerilla war
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)14:40:55 No.1545169
    >62 million
    why doesn't anyone even remotely question this retarded shit?
    >1 million die in WWI
    >5 million die in civil war
    >25 million die in WWII
    >62 million die because of stalin?
    >total: 93 million dead within less than 50 years

    >population of russian empire in 1914: ~154 million (excluding finland and polish territory)
    >population of USSR (identical territory) in 1950: 182 million

    don't people think
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)14:47:54 No.1545225
         File: 1330199274.jpg-(39 KB, 477x594, emuhhamad.jpg)
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    Even though I only posted that for the Stalin picture (a genocide, or somebody who certainly didn't give a shit about taking human lives), remember people were also BORN during that same period.

    And I don't know where you get the 184 million number from. By 1950, according to the Soviet Union itself, the country reported near 103 million people...

    Another pic related, resentment personified.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)14:50:12 No.1545237
    you need to get out more, OP. You have no idea what people are like. It's the flip side of listening to a normalfag talk about loneliness and overcoming shyness - they just don't fucking get it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)14:50:33 No.1545240
    I am a "normalfag" as in, an arrogant, amoral person whose actions are governed by emotions and desires, and who probably had his share of people he made miserable, but I agree with you, OP. I will not defend myself. I am guilty.

    What now?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)14:51:47 No.1545251
    here's the population figure
    it's cited, so please no ">wikipedia"

    and half the country can't die and still see population growth. that's not how it works
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)14:53:31 No.1545258
    Nothing. Just that. Could you pass it on so that the kind of questions and refutations I am recipient of, like those at the beginning of the first post, are stopped for once and for all?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)14:56:43 No.1545292
    If you can see those numbers, then why did you posted that the USSR had 182 million people in 1950 when it clearly says ~102.833.000 RIGHT. THERE.

    Anyway, forget about.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:05:39 No.1545375
    >How do you explain, without admiting liking to hurt or harrass somebody, the girl/woman-teasing thing? That thing when a woman teases sexually a man she has no interest on just to make him feel frustrated.
    This is easy to justify because, unlike you, when most other men get teased, they don't hole themselves up, or do nothing about it (many would talk to their friends about it), or mull over how in love with the girl they are and embrace the PAIN and DARKNESS of unrequited affection.

    >How do you justify social-hierarchies, caste-systems, alpha vs. beta fights?
    >implying these are actually that relevent outside your bedroom
    >implying everyone but you is responsible for these if they do exist
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:08:15 No.1545399

    I just don't feel any of us are so good we can call normalfags evil. I mean, fuck, "He without sin throw the first stone"? Look at 789chan's /cwc/ board. No one there is normal, but I'm sure you'd say they're evil. I've heard a lot of vitrol against niggers and women for existing by people who wouldn't be called 'normalfags'.

    Sexual teasing is enjoyed by both sexes, tbh. People on /r9k/ don't like it because they would rather people be 100% honest all the time. When they tease, you're meant to tease right back. It's a row sort of thing. It's not done in all cases to make someone feel frustrated, but the end result for most people here would be just that.

    Also, honestly, if you're not trolling, your logic is pretty silly. No offense. I don't want to be labelled as 'evil'.

    You'll want to look at some 18th century philosophy about human nature.

    Anyway, for the logos side of the argument, I own several hand-made dildos. I've read Steppenwolf. I've been alone so long, I don't particularly care for or against it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:09:23 No.1545406
    As an over analytical ENTJ, I could explain the psychology aspect of doing that somewhat easily, but seeing as you go from the fact that a minority of women do that due to flaws in their social understanding to generalizing that all 'normalfags' are evil due to your opinion just makes me see you as an opinionated and generalizing douchebag not worth of my explanations.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:09:29 No.1545407
    Your examples suck, I've never seen "the girl/woman-teasing thing" and normalfags grow up and get over alpha/beta bullshit after highschool, if theirs even had it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:10:43 No.1545415
    Why the FUCK would someone be a cocktease anyway? 'hurr I want to stroke my ego durr'.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:12:09 No.1545428
    no it doesn't, the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:13:40 No.1545443
    Whether something is done or not is irrelevant. The answer to the damage caused (or not) isn't important. What matters is the intention of the first action. How do you justify that? Other people willingfully wanting to diminish somebody else without admiting their evil?

    Because that is just an example. Some people can answer to that. But when it comes to the Big Majority oppressing minorities around the world, actions come with more complicated consequences. Same for other more personal situations, like being bullied in a bar or something like that.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:14:36 No.1545452
    The hunt is much better than the kill. Plus, with a lot of the virgin women, they're scared to put penis in vagina, but don't want to lose someone they like. Also, yes, you can like someone for other reasons than fuck. That's why I hate you people moaning on about 'friendzoning'. You don't have to fuck every woman you see.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:15:56 No.1545462
    >That feel when you're Chaotic Neutral
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:16:21 No.1545467
    So the OP has reached a state where he is capable of comprehending the 'evil' of normal people.

    But he is not able to condone or dismiss this 'evil' as something relavtively trivial or unimportant, and so he is led to his misanthropic conclusions.

    And yet, is not the OP in something of a unique position to do something about this evil? He understands it, he is perhaps in an optimal position (shut-in) to be perceive this evil, and yet he does nothing to counter it, nothing to bring some good to the world.

    Nor, apparently, does he do anything to improve himself or distance himself from this evil. He may claim that he lives a solitary life; but the maintanance of this life requires the input of other, evil, humans. Apparently the OP has no major qualms with this.

    And so, it would seem the OP is in an even worse position than the normal people he comes down on. Knowing what they are and how bad this is, he merely festers in his own pathetic bitterness.

    In other words, the OP is also a typical human, and should perhaps focus on directing and applying his misanthopy only to himself in future.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:18:03 No.1545481
    It's pretty funny when you put it like that. OP can effectively vanquish all the shit he sees in life, but instead of doing that, he allows it to grow. He's worse than them, if anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:18:54 No.1545487

    You seem to be trying to say that normalfags are mostly malicious to other people, which is just not the case, the assholes who hurt people on purpose are in the minority.

    You just want to see it differently because it justifies your own short comings, or maybe you simply don't get out enough and the last socializing you did was in the immature and hormone seething high-school environment.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:18:59 No.1545488
    This is the job of a philosopher/writer, btw. I know they both get a lot of flack here for no fucking reason, but this is literally their purpose for existing.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:19:10 No.1545490
    Pfft, what a bunch of nonsense, following your analogy they don't kill, they just run around like idiots. But I agree with you in one point: You don't have to fuck every woman you meet, hell, you won't WANT to fuck every woman you meet.

    However, being a cocktease fucktard who knows very well that the guy is into her, yet deliberately leads him on just for fun only to curbstomp him as soon as he makes a move is beyond me.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:20:20 No.1545500

    Explain it plox, I'm not an op. Since I'm an INTP I never could wrap my head around hierarchy. The whole concept of dominating others seems nonsense to me.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:21:42 No.1545509
    It is supposed to be a banter between two sexes. You answer teasing with teasing. Think about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:22:56 No.1545516
    Didn't say any of you weren't evil. But I'm assuming the majority of people outside are the people me and you would consider "normal". Them are the people I'm asked why I don't like. Them are the people who come here oftenly trying to proselitize their wicked logic, world-views, or just appear as a wolf on sheep clothing.

    Again, that was simply an example. Keep reading the post and you will find more examples. I won't make a long list of socially-accepted acts that are just plain cruel or malicious.

    Oh, right, the USSR was bigger than Russia. I thought you had posted the link to the Russia's Demographics article.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:23:47 No.1545523
    >As an over analytical ENTJ
    >Since I'm an INTP I never could wrap my head around hierarchy

    why don't you two retards jump off a bridge together
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:23:57 No.1545526
    >Defining yourself by your Myers-Briggs personality type
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:24:22 No.1545531
    Of course. In the context of flirty bantering, that's the proper response. My gripe is with his 'I don't see why you bitch about getting friendzoned' comment, because in that case it goes beyond simple flirty bantering.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:25:01 No.1545536
    >Other people willingfully wanting to diminish somebody else
    No justification is required because this is not the only intention of EVERY SINGLE PERSON who acts in this way.

    Your universalization here is naive, and seems to fly in the face of you plea that
    >it's wrong to judge a human being according to the circumstances he was born into
    (i.e. you don't know why all people act the way they do).

    I'll give you an alternative intention - not knowing the outcome!

    Some women tease men, yes to frustrate them, but in anticipation that this frustration will lead the men to desire them and do something about it! Like maybe, ask them on a date, yeah? Or maybe to flirt back and, although nothing may come of it, to enjoy playing games with human chemistry.

    You seem to think that when this teasing leads to pathetic and frustrated males who are 'lead on', this is what the women actually wanted! Well, yes - they might laught about it, but I hardly think they care that much - they'd much rather someone responded positively.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:25:23 No.1545540

    Please stop cyber bullying me.
    >> OP 02/25/12(Sat)15:26:03 No.1545550
    I've never been teased before so I don't know, but perhaps you just didn't know how to respond to a girl playing around hoping you'd make a move and she gave up before you realized? Other than that, all I can say is get over it... not every girl does this.

    >Social hierarchies
    This isn't even exclusively related to the type of people you're attempting to ostracize.

    >Alpha vs. beta
    There is no such thing as a clear cut alpha vs. beta competition. Most people who push this idea are over exaggerating the fact that some guys they don't act like or think are stupider get laid more than they do.

    If this is a troll then it's brilliant. If not, it's probably the dumbest shit I've read on /r9k/ in a while.
    >> OP 02/25/12(Sat)15:26:58 No.1545557
    forgot to remove the name

    woops woops
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:27:16 No.1545560
    There's no such thing as "evil", you can make anything you want sound evil or good. For example: normalfags contribute to society and have friends and family they make happy and you don't do either, all you do is get on the internet spreading hatred and wasting resources. There, now you're "evil". Now I'm evil for calling other people evil. Now you're evil for thinking I'm evil. See, it doesn't mean anything, it's a joke.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:32:49 No.1545604
    > And yet, is not the OP in something of a unique position to do something about this evil? He understands it, he is perhaps in an optimal position (shut-in) to be perceive this evil, and yet he does nothing to counter it, nothing to bring some good to the world.
    Do you suggest I begin a quest to change the world's ways of life? Didn't you read anything about the "being unable to fight the world" part of this thread? How do you, as an individual, stop the culture of gangs? Or bullies?

    You don't. Individuals, unless they blow themselves or others up, can't change nothing. Don't bring MLK and Gandhi to the conversation, because anybody worth his salt can tell you they actually didn't change anything. Nor were "lower-chaste" for their people.

    > Nor, apparently, does he do anything to improve himself or distance himself from this evil. He may claim that he lives a solitary life; but the maintanance of this life requires the input of other, evil, humans. Apparently the OP has no major qualms with this.
    I have no qualms with trade for resources or services. This, I must do, since I'm not wealthy enough nor smart enough nor simple enough to live a hermit's life. Which still doesn't mean I have to engage in more activities with people than those.

    I have already written a paragraph about that here: >>1544815. The doing and the wanting or the intentionality aren't the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)15:33:15 No.1545616
    The thing is-I don't disagree with you at all- with subjective terms like 'good' and 'evil' they really only mean the lowest thing we could all ascribe them to.

    Ok, simple example. Hitler kills a dickload of people. We could, in all probability agree even if he was justified, that's an evil act. As we move up to more esoteric situations, 'evil' means less and less. (There is a train with on man on board. There are two tracks. One with his wife and 2 sons tied onto the tracks and one with a dentist, pharmacist, and OBGYN tied. Is one or the other choice evil?)

    That being said, yeah, it's one of those loaded words we should avoid.

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