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    File: 1329961018.jpg-(66 KB, 567x497, freud_radical.jpg)
    66 KB Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:36:58 No.1519141  
    Does anybody here actually go to a therapist or are all in denial, too proud or too poor?
    I think it's time i try again, before i run crazy or kill myself, the first one i tried sucked and i was short on money.
    The problem now is that i have no idea how to choose one other than friend recommendations, but i feel uncomfortable sharing this kinda thing.

    Therapy thread. Freud not really related, but must have an image.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:39:39 No.1519168
    My parents made me go to therapy for a few years after I tried to kill myself. I just sat there and never really talked to the therapist would just talk about shit for an hour.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:43:15 No.1519211
    If he was good he would have either cracked you up or dismissed you. It was probably o gold digger.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:43:33 No.1519214
    I wish Frued was my therapist so we could get yacked out on cocaine and talk about how much I want to fuck my mother.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:44:03 No.1519221
    I'm in the process of putting myself into therapy. I'm really excited.

    Good luck and enjoy yourself, bro
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:44:41 No.1519230
    How do you fuck up killing yourself? Seriously... killing oneself is should be as easy as breathing. You truly are a waste of a human being, go try to kill yourself and do us all a favor and succeed.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:45:35 No.1519245
    It's probably pretty hard to crack up a teenager who spends all day wishing for death. Also I don't see why any of the therapists I went to would refuse to take my parents money. LSD did way more for me than therapy ever did.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:45:35 No.1519246
    Also I can't into grammar well.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:47:19 No.1519261
    I was a teenager and didn't do my research. I took 35 grams of tylenol because I got the idea from an Eminem song. I'm actually pretty happy with my life now. I'm in college, I have a girlfriend and I have friends.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:48:01 No.1519267
    I've been to a few different therapists, and I find that they are rather unhelpful except diagnosing the obvious "Well shit son, you're clinically depressed!"
    Seriously, I can't get anything out of them unless I say I'm going to commit suicide.
    I get this feeling maybe I didn't talk to them enough, but the never seemed to want to listen, just just wanted me to say specific things to them. I'd try to talk about something I feel strong about, but they'd somehow derail me. And then before I know it, my hour is up.

    Fucking useless. I'd have better luck talking to regular people.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:48:23 No.1519272
    Oh okay then, well I am glad to hear you've turned your life around anon. Best of luck with the rest of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:49:48 No.1519284
    I have my problems like everyone else, but they're not severe enough to warrant a therapist.
    But then, I'm also not nearly as bad off as most people here (no offense guys; you know I love you); just some self-esteem and confidence issues.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:50:09 No.1519288
    I do but we just talk about "What I did last week" and occasionally something can be related to my social anxiety and irrational fears.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:52:34 No.1519318
    exactly this.
    I think they're all dumbed to think that if we talk about X, it'll fix itself. Which isn't true. If talking about stuff fixed problems, I'm sure I'd have a whole lot better of a life if I could just talk away my problems.

    I don't talk to them so I can help myself fix my problems, I talk to them so they can help me. Because it's rather obvious I can't help myself if I'm in their office.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:52:47 No.1519320
    Also, I've found that smoking has legitimately helped those two problems a lot. I don't even smoke often at all (I've been dry for over a month, and even before then I smoked once a week or so). I think it's not only because it helped me see the world as a happier and more fun place than I thought before, but also after going a bunch of places high as shit and finding that most people don't care if you're high as hell around them, why would they think ill of me for no reason when I'm not high?
    If that makes sense
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:53:39 No.1519327
    I should go to one, but it's gonna be a waste of money because every time I have gone to one they just turn into an outlet for me to babble about movies and graphic novels and video games and shot (I have an obsession with how different mediums can deliver stories in unique ways), and then I leave feelin nice because I got to talk about stories but I don't get any improvements in my life.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:54:46 No.1519342
    I would rather not be attracted to little girls and their little pussies and tight butts but I don't think it can be helped.

    Accept me society, I am harmless. I just wanna make lolis feelgood
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:56:50 No.1519357
    Lol therapy. you talk about your problems unitl youre sick of talking about them. and then youre cured!
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:57:22 No.1519368
    i briefly saw a therapist, couldn't stand the whole fake-ass "hey pal i'm really your buddy" vibe that i got from him, couldn't be open with that going on. it just felt sort of embarrassing and awkward to be there and i didn't make any headway. he did teach me a cool breathing trick though -- didn't help with my anxiety like it was supposed to but it's a useful sleep aid.

    i'd actually like a guy like freud. not some outmoded 1920s psychoanalysis where we talk about how my dream about robin williams stealing my car symbolizes my anger towards my father, but just like a cold-ass detached european guy who sits there and coldly analyzes me and comes up with something brutally insightful.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:59:03 No.1519383
    Did therapy for years with a psychiatrist.
    It worked. I am no longer sad and angry constantly. I had someone to talk to who was neutral and could explain to me how my brain worked and why I felt certain things.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:08:59 No.1519465
    Have you told the therapist this?

    Find some goddamn real people to talk about these things. You'll have to learn some social interaction and at the start you won't really like the poeple you're talking to and vice versa, but common interests is the easiest way to start a relationship with another human
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:12:07 No.1519492
    I could've been a therapist. But i went after the money instead. I'm pretty good at understanding and dissecting people's problems but a conversation is not a therapeut/pacient relationship and since i didn't actually go through with psychology i lack a lot of specific knowledge even though i'm smarter than many "professionals" on the subject.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:19:57 No.1519563
    I've been seeing one for about two years now. Wasn't what I expected. Thought it'd be some sort of weekly "tell me what you've been struggling with and I'll give you some tips" style thing, or alternatively a person tricking me into playing nice with society, not killing myself, and pocketing the weekly cheque.

    Instead it's... complicated. She's more of a constant mirror for myself, week in, week out, we explore what it's like to be in a room together. Sounds trite... but... I have issues with remaining in contact with people, and not breaking away I guess. And of course, little kid issues about being seen by my parents and stuff. And anger and destructiveness issues - the issue of my potential to hurt her often comes up. And then issues about becoming intelligent and critical as a way of distancing myself from other people. And so on. Issues.

    I don't know if it's going anywhere, or just prolonging the inevitable. Don't know if she has hope for me... but...

    Anyway, insofar as I consider continuing to live a good thing, she's great, truly invaluable. Don't know if most therapists are as fearless as her, but... guess I got lucky.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:23:32 No.1519594
    I go to a therapist and I don't think she's very good. She doesn't delve into my problems deep enough at all or ask the right questions
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:25:16 No.1519607
    I've been to several therapists and all were hopeless idiots in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:27:30 No.1519639
    Ive been to therapy three times and have found exactly this
    >> OP Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:28:57 No.1519651
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    ive been going to therapy for about 7 years for bipolar and serious manic depression. i can tell you this, at first you wont like whoever your seeing because the most they will do is in the beginning is literally point out your flaws which some people cant take but after enough time you will get used to seeing whoever this is and you will make progress. therapy helps cope but only for a little time. therapy for me is useless im gonna be alone no matter what
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:30:06 No.1519664
    Its more i dont want to socially have to deal with the shitstorm that will be having a mental illness OP.

    My state is still pretty backwards in regards to acceptance of mental illness. So i imagine all my acquaintances, friends and family would fall into 2 camps. One that would go out of there way to fucking cater to you, and act like they are walking on eggshells around you, and those that would openly give you shit for it. I foresee very few people actually just treating me as a human being.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:30:52 No.1519672
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    I would be helped so much by going to a therapist! One could greatly help me diagnose and deal with my ADHD/aspergers/AVPD/SA. But I do not work, and am a college student living off my parents, who provide me with food and let me live in their apartment free. A get a few g from another source, but that goes towards gym membership, clothes, transportation and anything else.

    So in the meantime, its just talking on /r9k/, reading psychology/self improvement books and thinking.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:33:29 No.1519699
    I think everyone here who is going and has posted their opinions about it should print their posts and take to their therapists to see.
    This one >>1519563 for example, seems like it would make things even better.
    Or >>1519368 would make it go somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:35:57 No.1519714
    >dat feel when reasonably good looking, tall (6'2"), not overweight (180ish) and have a good sense of humor
    >dat feel when knowledgeable and pretty good at talking to people with no spaghetti
    >dat feel when lots of acquaintances but no real friends
    >dat feel when people pleaser and nice to everyone but no one wants to hang out or be interested in what you have to say unless it's about them

    considering going to a therapist to find some help with this bullshit
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:36:29 No.1519717
    i want their asses and I WANT THEM NOW
    I just want the one on the right to sit on my face and press down as hard as she can, almost suffocating me
    the left one can watch
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:39:32 No.1519741
    I see both kinds... A psychiatrist for my meds and a therapist/psychologist for my stress... Definitely not too proud number one, I need my meds, number two, it's good to talk out your issues with someone impartial.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:43:21 No.1519777

    My roommate is a people pleaser too, you're probably just so subservient that you have no balls to tell people that you want to talk about yourself as well. Thats not a real relationship if you are just a servant, you aren't the fucking alfred. People pleasing is a whole bunch of shit, but you probably have terrible self-esteem.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:47:29 No.1519805
    I have been really depressed feeling the last few days, in the sense that I just don't feel like doing anything. I also have pretty bad social anxiety. And I tend to have breakdowns.

    I really should get help.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:51:30 No.1519827
    Went to therapy every other week when I was in middle/high school for depression and anxiety. Stopped when she wanted me to talk to my mom about suicidal thoughts. I still have them but fuck if I'll actually tell her. Not to mention she basically just sat there and listened.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:00:20 No.1519896
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    I had to go to therapy for several months for family issues. I have shit parents that like to blame me for their insecurities.

    My parents are fucking retarded. My dad would always lose his shit over everything. He would threaten to beat the shit out of my mom, my little sister, and me. He threw things across the room and would hit inanimate objects, then leave for an hour or so and come back. He also has a gigantic ego, he's a total narcissist, is a hypocrite and one of those fake christians, and he's also an ignorant jerk. He's one of those fucks who thinks gays are a sin and that people who are not christians should burn in hell, despite the fact that he skips church months at a time. He's also passive-aggressive. He'll whine and complain about how I don't love him, then threaten to disown if I was gay, tells me shit like "If you weren't blood I'd kill you". He's even told me before that the only reason he's obligated to love me was because I was blood-related. We've been in our fair share of fights too. I remember this one time, he was pushing me and grabbing at me, and I clocked him in the face with a right hook, then promptly ran out the door. He'll threaten me plenty and tell me how much of a waste I am, he'll try to fight me, but he's also a pussy. I remember when I was 6 years old, I told him I didn't love him and he put a gun to his head and threatened to pull the trigger.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:04:09 No.1519940
    I've been thinking about it. In Australia there's a program that let's you go to one for free, for like 8 sessions or something.
    You get diagnosed first though, so I'm not sure if I should attempt to tell the doctor everything possible, or if I should just exaggerate depression/social anxiety/personality disorder.

    I just want to know what I have.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:16:04 No.1520049
    >see 9 different therapists/psychiatrists/whatever from ages 10-15
    >get diagnosed with ADD, learning disabilities, bipolar, aspergers, MDD, schizophrenia, ASPD, etc. over the years. I was told I would have an exact diagnosis by age 18 aka they don't know anything.
    >each one gives up on trying to help me
    >kicked out of school because they can't handle someone that is quiet I guess
    >21 and still going nowhere, no friends, no girlfriend, live with parents etc.
    >still get recommended for a psychiatric evaluation every time I go outside

    Therapy doesn't work unless you want to help yourself. If you get forced into it like me you will not get anything out of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:18:04 No.1520072
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    And as for my mom, she's a total passive-aggressive controlling paranoid bitch and she can't make up her mind on anything. She would complain about me not going anywhere and staying in my room, but then when I wanted to go somewhere, she would practically cage me in the house. I've stormed off a couple of times because of this. She likes to pretend to be sweet and then when nobody's looking she'll go into full-on bitch mode. She never let me stay home alone until I was 15, and forced me into daycares until I was 14. I remember fighting with her once over something trivial, and she started pulling my hair, grabbing me, and screaming bloody murder right in my ear. She's even checked my room for drugs, despite the fact that I wasn't allowed anywhere anyways (I don't know how she thought I would have gotten them). When she got really angry she would cut my hair off as punishment (it doesn't sound like much, but my hair was really important to me). Whenever we had a storm, she would force us all into the bathtub to insure safety. I remember one coincidence where I was pulled out of class, and sent to the principal's office to find out that my mom called the school and told them I had "issues" and she was worried of my "well-keeping". I told her I didn't believe in god once in the car, and she started chanting "God exists" over and over the whole ride. There's plenty more stupid shit, but I'm tired and don't feel like typing this anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:20:44 No.1520093
    Check to see if your college has therapists available. They usually do, and I would imagine that it would be free/cheap. Or maybe they have support groups for your condition.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:25:07 No.1520130
    seriously considered going a few weeks ago. can't afford it and honestly dont know whats up with me, if anything is at all. maybe what i feel is completely normal. i just don't feel i have anyone to talk to though.

    and i've just had the realisation that my problems are frankly trivial in comparison to others, i mean reading >>>1519896 makes me think 'shit man, thats bad' (you've gotta get outta there btw if you havent. thats a really destructive relationship, just read your second post too. thats not fucking good, i recommend you lookup what stefan molyneux has to say about both parenting and DeFoo-ing [disowning abusive family members]

    so yeah. probably wont unless i start getting arrested and/or the effects are becoming apparent/negative
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:27:03 No.1520154
    8 year therapy veteran reporting.

    According to my math, I've attended to around 500 hours of therapy.

    I am 19 and diagnosed with severe narcissistic personality disorder. Currently on Quetiapine 25mg

    There's nothing wrong with going to therapy. It helps, if you are willing to let them help you.
    And don't fucking lie, you know you have problems.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:32:49 No.1520209
    I don't know if this has already been posted, too lazy to read the thread but I just want to help out a robot. Call your doctor, if you don't see a doctor call up your pediatrician, they'll remember you. Get a recommendation. If you want the harsh truth, see a male therapist, if you want someone to pretend to care, see a woman. (I see a woman, I like it when she listens to me)
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:34:31 No.1520225

    why are the crazy fuckers always religious? blows my fucking mind
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:35:32 No.1520236
    I've seen four different therapists and two psychologists since October. At first I thought that maybe I just wasn't seeing good doctors, or that I wasn't participating enough, but I've poured my heart out to the last three and it only made me feel worse. Therapy does nothing for me.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:48:26 No.1520385
    I disagree. Therapy didn't help me whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:54:42 No.1520459
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    >spend several weeks explaining exactly what my problems are
    >"How are you going to fix them?"
    >"If I knew that, I would have done it already."
    >mfw all my therapists have flat-out told me that they can't help me
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:22:21 No.1520763
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    Not surprising. Most therapists are incompetent.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:22:53 No.1520769
    I'd like to go see a psychiatrist to get re-evaluated but I'm way too poor to even dream about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:27:54 No.1520821
    I have a problem. I see that picture, I have to respond to it and hum the song to myself.
    >> Piddles !!DHXr4YP5bGI 02/22/12(Wed)23:29:52 No.1520841
    Therapists are great, but there has to be a good alliance between both the client and the therapist, meaning there needs to be a significant amount of rapport.

    I'm too broke for one at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:36:01 No.1520895

    What in the actual fuck is that picture?

    Sauce for all that's holy.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:38:46 No.1520921
    OP, therapists may not be for you- they're not supposed to talk or come along with many suggestions, especially not ones that would have a great impact on your life. And it's true they may be bad at it, and that's surprisingly more often than not, but most do help you if only for being there to listen. Your problems will feel smaller once you put them out in the open, if anything, actually sharing them with a person that's there to listen can be relieving most of the times. They're really not like the Hollywood impression of therapists, they aren't generally taking any notes or asking stereotypical questions all that often, but rather pitch in with stories of their own that they feel can compare with yours and tell you how they've gotten over those, the veracity of those stories, I'm not so sure about that, but it certainly feels better.
    I can't say I've met an excellent one, but I have certainly met a bad one, one that tried to push religion, orthodoxy to be exact down my throat, claiming that would solve all my problems, but if you honestly don't feel better after letting your problems out, maybe it's not the kind of help you need.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:41:09 No.1520947
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:44:23 No.1520980
    I only want to see a psychiatrist/psychologist so I can have a wider audience for my narcissism and delusions. That and drug prescriptions. Otherwise they are completely useless to me, I'm perfectly mentally healthy.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:45:22 No.1520990
    I was depressed last year and I went to the school therapist. It really helped.

    Luckily I'm the kind of person who doesn't let personal failings get in the way of my goals, so once I started getting depressed I made sure to get help BEFORE the point where I wouldn't seek it out on my own.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:53:36 No.1521074
    Kind of interesting to see all the perceptions of therapy here. I myself am in my first year of a program that will train me to become a clinical child psychologist. Hopefully, I will be one of the better ones.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:57:11 No.1521116
    >clinical child psychologist
    What the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:08:29 No.1521235
    I started seeing a therapist of my own accord, on my father's dime because he wanted me to get on with my life and out of his house. After very nearly a whole year I finally concluded it just wasn't going to help me. I liked the two therapists that I saw during that time (two because one moved out of the area), and I trusted them about as much as I trust anyone. But I still wasn't able to be open or unguarded around them, and if I had been then I probably wouldn't have needed therapy anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:11:01 No.1521259

    he means child therapist. they refer to themselves as 'clinicians'

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