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    File: 1329903446.jpg-(586 KB, 2880x4990, giant why.jpg)
    586 KB Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:37:26 No.1512606  
    Retail thread? Retail thread.

    >at work
    >serving on registers
    >had previously helped customer find new toy for child which is an iPhone holder
    >have been using PA intermittently over last 10 minutes as required to successfully perform my duties
    >middle of PA call
    >customer tells me to stop making PA calls
    >says that if I wake her baby up I'm going to kill her
    >I look at her like 'the fuck?'
    >she goes I'm serious, if you make another PA call while I'm in the store I'm going to ask your manager to fire you for not obeying customer wishes

    seriously, what the fuck
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:36:36 No.1513646
    >be selling board games in a shopping mall
    >have to play with customers to show them the rules etc.
    >be playing one card game with one of the customers
    >basically, it's about building your empire and steamrolling the opponent with your forces
    >some older guy comes over
    >you filthy pagans, you should be ashamed of yourself. telling the future from cards is sin and the devil's work

    wtf just happenned
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:45:57 No.1513684
    So, did you stop making PA calls?
    What did you say to her then?
    Don't just leave us hanging dude.

    Also, I'm getting sick of all these stories about the fucking customers of a retail store thinking they have some kind of entitlement or power over the employees, and that they could have anyone fired at the drop of a hat. You should've just started rapping down the microphone.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:49:35 No.1513697
    This. If I was there I would've just kept going. That bitch needs to learn her place. Not sure about the rapping part, I'll let someone else do that.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:52:21 No.1513708

    I'd go all "come at me, bro" and call the manager myself so he could explain to her that she is a stupid cunt
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:55:10 No.1513715
    >boy and girl comes in store
    >girl steals
    >ban boy and girl and get him police record
    >boy says he had nothing to do with her, pleads to not get record
    >gets record, finds my name because it is printed on the piece of paper he got from the police
    >he says there'll be revenge
    >he obviously looks me up on facebook
    >he hacks my facebook
    >he slashes my tires
    >sets fire to my bins
    >police come to my house, tell them who did it
    >they can't do anything
    >he then walks past my house everyday and smiles at me
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)09:02:56 No.1513748
    >work at plus size store because fatty
    >all mannequins are obviously bigger than the stores next to and across from us
    >shop filled with fat women
    >skinny woman and daughter come in
    >feverishly start going through clothes and picking out loads of clothes
    >after 5 minutes of picking up about 30 pieces of clothing, go to changing room
    >2 minutes later, woman comes out
    >"is XS your smallest size?"
    >goes back in
    >comes out fuming with clothes bundled in her arms
    >"what size does your daughter wear, ma'am?"
    >"this is a plus sized store."
    >"a what?"
    >"our sizing starts at a 14."
    >woman looks around
    >realization dawns
    >starts to flips her shit asking why we don't cater for thinner women, that we're judgemental and exclusive etc.
    >storms out leaving half the store on the counter for me to re-hang/fold up
    >> Doctor Chokabich !W7HRfAwICI 02/22/12(Wed)09:13:46 No.1513789
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    >work at shoe store
    >woman comes in
    >she puts on size 6 and 7
    >they both don't fit
    >she comes up to me
    >"do you have, like, a size 6 and three quarters?"
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)09:18:25 No.1513814
    >be selling shoes in a shopping centre
    >customer asks for a size 7
    >checks shelf, no size 7, checks stock, theres a size 7 upstairs
    >ask customer to wait while I go upstairs to find it
    >comes back down with the shoes in less than a minute
    >customer left
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)09:22:56 No.1513847
    > customers being faggots
    > all day long
    > hate them
    > when I look at them I wonder if they know that I was wishing they were dead.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)09:27:38 No.1513870
    This sounds like America where the customer thinks they are always right and are entitled to everything. They probably treat retail workers like slaves because most are young and scared to be fired because usually if an employee complains hard enough corporate or the manager buckles

    I've read a lot of retail threads and people have told me stories such as OP's where I can't believe, but others say shit like that is true

    Like you said, he should have just started rapping or singing and put the come at me bro face on and then when she complained to try to get him fired, the manager should have laughed and told her to fuck off. She came into the store and wants everyone to stop doing their jobs so her baby can fucking sleep

    It's like me going to MacDonalds and telling them to use fat free oil because I'm on a diet and if they don't do it I will complain because they didn't obey a customer's request
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)09:29:03 No.1513876
    >working in department store - menswear
    >that one customer that can see you are wishing all customers were dead
    >you're not busy
    >talks to you for a while
    >feels awesome
    >you then get told off for talking to customers and not doing your job
    >god dammit floor manager faggot fuck you
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)09:42:35 No.1513945
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    >Bought a few things at a store
    >I give the cashier my money
    >Wait for change for 5 seconds
    >He does nothing
    >Ask "Can I have my change"
    >"You only gave me 6, the bill was 6.50, but it's alright"
    >"Oh....ok, you sure?"
    >"Yeah, it's only 50 cents"
    Well, he could've explained that to me before I demanded my change back and made me look like an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:04:17 No.1514065
    I wish I had the balls to become "retail avenger man"
    going to supermarkets, waiting for asshole customers, punishing them verbally or physically, whichever seems most appropriate at the time.

    >fuck the police
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:11:57 No.1514118
    I've never worked retail but I feel for you bros. I always try to treat you like you are human beings instead of peons or some shit.

    The only time I'm a dick to retail employees is when they're a dick to me. E.g. asking for ID to use a credit card (not for age restricted material, it was printer ink at staples; confirming that it's because I "look young" and any payment method other than credit would not require ID; it wasn't even fucking store policy)..

    Otherwise, I try to be exceedingly polite and always say "have a nice day", etc.

    Keep going bros.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:15:17 No.1514137
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    >internship at DIY store
    >geezers walk up to me and ask work related shit
    >dunno lol
    >walk off
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)12:24:12 No.1514923
    > work at a store, running the till
    > douche comes in and buys a few things
    > "That'll be 6.50, please."
    > he starts rummaging for change and gives me six dollars
    > I'm waiting for the rest, too beta to make eye contact
    > he just stares at me
    > the spaghetti is probably al dente by now
    > he says "Can I have my change?"
    > "You only gave me 6, the bill was 6.50, but it's alright"
    > die inside because I know I'll have to pay this myself, but I'm too nervous to ask him the whole price
    > He asks "You sure?"
    > "Yeah, it's only 50 cents"
    > beta as fuck
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)12:55:32 No.1515112

    >Be working at Apple.
    >Every single day.
    >"When's the iPad 3/iPhone 4gs coming out?"
    >iPhone 4gs....restraining all my rage.
    >Tell them nobody knows when any future products are coming out.
    >They rage. Tell me it is because a friend/news source said it was.
    >Want to see store leader (Top manager)
    >She says the same thing I said.
    >Suddenly okay.
    >Deal with impatient stupid fuck tards all day.
    >Happens multiple times per day to everyone who works here.

    Just future advise to anyone curious about the new Apple big thing. Nobody at any Apple store knows anything about it so don't ask. Kthxbai
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:54:45 No.1519341
    i lol'd

    fucking retailblox
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:06:16 No.1519444
    >work at sam's club
    >in the PHARMACY
    >customer comes in looking for an OTC product
    >not on shelf
    >check computer, see that there's some in the store
    >politely tell her there's some up in the steel, but that it'll take me about 20 minutes to find it (there is no system as to where stuff is put) and then find someone to drop it
    >gets all huffy at me and says "forget it"
    >put the item on the drop list for the night crew to stock out
    >night crew doesn't do their job
    >customer comes back the next day
    >explain to her that i left instructions for the night crew to stock out the item, and apologize for them not doing it
    >she gets really pissed and leaves
    >complains to a manager
    >get in trouble for not having the item dropped

    I mean, I don't have a fucking forklift license. I did everything I was supposed to do by finding it in the steel and leaving it on the drop list for the night shift. It's not my fault they didn't do it. I work in the pharmacy counting pills all day, jesus.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:07:52 No.1519456
    I have a few. I'll try to condense them. I worked in the deli at a really shitty grocery store. Customers were neutral for the most part. Some were total fuck-ups.

    >Have a dessert table just outside the deli
    >Guy comes up with a pie
    >It's covered in mold
    >I think he wants me to throw it away
    >I throw it in the garbage
    >He gets pissed at me because he wanted it at half price

    >We sell BBQ chickens
    >At 6pm they go half price
    >They are absolutely disgusting at 6pm
    >Guy comes in at 4pm and asks for a half price chicken
    >Deny him
    >He leaves
    >Comes back at 6:30
    >Asks for chicken
    >None left
    >He gets pissed, asks me why I didn't save him one
    >I tell him he never asked
    >Tells me he's going to wait for me in the parking lot to "beat me up"
    >Dude is like 80 years old
    >I laugh in his face

    >Sticker on deli meat is fading
    >Guy can't see when meat was packaged
    >Comes in and tells me to do something about it
    >Tell him to talk to the deli manager
    >Says he already talked to her
    >I say there's nothing I can do as I only work here part-time
    >Starts getting pissed
    >I offer to call the night manager to the deli to talk with him because I don't get paid enough for this
    >Starts getting more pissed, says his kids might get sick due to eating rotten meat or some shit
    >I say I never said that and to not put words in my mouth
    >Tells me to piss off
    >I say something back to him, I can't remember what
    >He finally leaves but the next day he calls the head manager and complains
    >I get suspended for 2 weeks

    Fuck that place.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:09:29 No.1519472
    >Be teen
    >Work at McDonalds
    >Lady loses her keys in a garbage can
    >Tells manager and manager tells me to bring the garbage to the back so I can dig through it for the keys
    >Really desperate for money
    >Digs through garbage but finds no keys
    >Comes back to find lady gone.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:11:02 No.1519485
         File: 1329963062.jpg-(52 KB, 620x429, 4e42f16c35af1.image[1].jpg)
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    >working the cash register
    >we use these, pic related
    >customer appears
    >swipes her card before I've even scanned her first item
    >bitches when she's asked to swipe her card a second time, now that the lights are flashing and the machine is ready to accept her payment
    Every fucking day. Even though I've seen these machines in virtually every grocery store I've ever been to, it's always everyone's first fucking time with the things.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:11:37 No.1519489
    The customer was a bit of a rude person but it was your manager who was a cunt
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:12:40 No.1519496
    anyone here ever worked at Tim Hortons?

    i might be getting a job there soon and i'm kinda scared (i've never had a job before)
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:13:59 No.1519509
    How the fuck did she lose her keys there?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:14:36 No.1519513
    deserved it, cunt
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:18:19 No.1519547
    >deli in a grocery store
    Same here, man. I know all those feels. But we don't even have a night manager. Our manager is this woman who leaves in the middle of the day, and once she does, all hell breaks loose.

    >2 pm
    >deli manager goes "fuck this, I'm out" and leaves for the day
    >it's me and three other employees
    >one of them takes an early lunch, and stays gone for three fucking hours
    >another one takes a 30 minute "smoke break"; upon returning, he proceeds to "take out the trash" and stays gone for the rest of the night
    >this leaves me and another employee to cover the entire deli by ourselves
    >6:00 arrives
    >she has to go home
    >I'm all by myself
    >an hour passes and help finally arrives in the form of the 7 - 11 night shift guy
    >my face when he walks past every bitching customer, heads to the back of the deli, and washes dishes all night long
    >my face when this clusterfuck happens at least once a week.

    In the last retail thread, there were a bunch of other deli folk who dealt with the same co-worker nonsense. And then the customers:

    >slicing meat for some lady
    >"I want a pound of salami, sliced PAPER THIN"
    >each piece of salami is a little bigger than a silver dollar
    >at this thinness, I'm going to be slicing for ages, but I'm fine with that
    >my face when it's never thin enough for her
    >my face when now it's "TOO THIN"
    >my face when we finally get a decent thinness, and I begin the cutting, and now she's bitching that the whole thing is "taking forever".

    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:18:30 No.1519548
    Here's one from the customer side!

    >go to my nearby supermarket
    >i stop in there sometimes to get a drink or a snack after a long walk
    >decide to peruse the magazine/book section
    >suddenly, manager of store comes out of nowhere
    >"sir can you please leave?"
    >"um, excuse me?"
    >"sir listen if you're not going to buy anything just go"
    >(wtf i just walked into the store)
    >"i don't see what the issue is, pal. i'm just looking at the magazines."
    >"i'm afraid if you don't leave we're going to have to kick you out of the store"
    >"okay, well, you're the one losing profit here"
    >walk out

    I still don't fucking understand why that asshole did that. I wasn't conducting myself in any suspicious way, I was just looking at fucking magazines.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:21:01 No.1519572
    Why don't you just do what your co workers do and fuck off for the night?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:21:48 No.1519580
    Do you read the magazines a lot without buying them?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:21:48 No.1519581
    A friend of mine used to work there. He didn't seem to have too many issues with it but the waste really bothered him (they have the "fresh coffee" guarantee so they literally had to throw out entire pots of perfectly good coffee every 20 minutes).
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:23:42 No.1519595
    >explain to her that i left instructions for the night crew to stock out the item, and apologize for them not doing it
    >apologize for them not doing it

    This is basically everything I hate about my current job. Whenever we're out of really basic inventory (we're a sandwich shop) like MAYO, or napkins, or something like that, I hate being the one to apologize for it. It's not MY goddamned fault that we're out of mayo. I've left note after note, telling the person who does inventory (i.e., my manager) that we're out of the mayo, or that we need more napkins, or that the small drink cups are out, yet they take weeks, and in one case a full month, to come in. Shit pisses me off. I mean, what kind of sandwich place runs out of mayo? Then while he's off chilling in his office, I'm out in the front apologizing all day over something that isn't even remotely my fault.

    Frustrates the hell out of me. Everyone should have to do a month long stint in retail work, if only to grasp the concept that the guy you're dealing with on a face-to-face level has virtually zero control over the way the store is organized.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:24:34 No.1519600
    Where you lusciously looking at Playboy magazines in the middle of a bunch of families?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:25:29 No.1519610
    Apparently she said she thought the keys were on her tray when she dumped it into the can.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:25:43 No.1519612
    No, I didn't really loiter or anything. I would pick up a magazine, browse through a few pages, then put it back down. I had just walked into the store, too. I honestly cannot say that I was conducting myself in any sort of suspicious behavior other than the fact that I was looking at magazines about guns.

    I noticed that a lot of people that work at that store are extremely paranoid, one time I stopped to use the restroom (which was right next to the deli), and one of the deli employees followed me from the bathroom all the way to the front of the store.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:26:53 No.1519630
    >video store
    >get ph call
    >"blah blah check my account for some reason"
    >"blah blah when is derp coming out"
    >"sorry, I don't know"
    >"blah blah it's your job to know blah blah"
    >"sorry, they don't give us any information on upcoming titles" [true]
    >"whats your name?"
    >"well anon, I'm gonna get you in trouble tomorrow blah blah manager blah blah"
    >"no you won't"
    >"er, what?"
    >"not my fault if they don't tell us anything about the upcoming titles. Come on in and see what the manager says"
    >"blah grrr I'll certainly do that blah blah"
    >hire movie onto faggot customers account
    >it's late for a week, something like $100 of late fees because we overcharge like a motherfucker
    >don't get in trouble.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:27:15 No.1519634
    I've often wondered the same thing. In cases where I'm the only employee left, it wouldn't quite work -- once the area is devoid of employees, management gets called over, and that's when shit hits the fan.

    It's probably because I actually enjoy my job, to a degree. I don't mind the work -- it's just a lot of bullshit that I put up with on the side that makes it unbearable.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:27:42 No.1519641
    Oh, but of course. I think that perhaps one of the ladies got mad when I accidentally got some semen in her child's eye. Not my fault, he should prepare himself for such things.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:27:58 No.1519643
    So what, she found them later and left without telling anyone?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:28:53 No.1519650
    She would. That situation is a microcosm of everything wrong with the employee-customer relationship.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:29:39 No.1519654
    So you don't go into the store to read magazines all the time? This was your first time there and none of them knew who you were?

    Do you look like a bum or something? You're probably not attractive looking so the girls complained to the manager that you are "creepy" aka not hot looking and so he kicked you out to try and look alpha in fron to tose bitches
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:30:11 No.1519665
    When I worked in retail (cart pusher, not bad since I didn't need to listen to a lot of bitching customers) it wasn't so much the customers who bothered me but the overarching management.
    >store does okay business, really busy sometimes
    >tell boss that store could do more business if we hired more people
    >boss says the store manager only has X amount of hours to divide among all employees, can't go over hours without making fucktons of cash to justify it
    >chicken and egg problem: can't do more business until we hire more people, high level suits won't store hire more people until it does more business
    And they wonder why the competition is killing them.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:31:14 No.1519676
    Well if they dump that shit on you then why the fuck take the load?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:31:32 No.1519683
    Like I said, I stop in there semi-frequently to buy a drink or a snack, and no, I didn't look like a bum; I try to maintain myself and keep well-groomed.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:34:02 No.1519703
    Costumer side story.

    >Be regular costumer at sandwich store
    >Employees know me because of above
    >ALWAYS buy the same thing: bread, beef and lettuce, NOTHING MORE
    >They always ask me if it's "nothing more". I'm cool with it, they remember it and are just making sure
    >One day they ask "nothing more" and I say "no, thanks" as usual.
    >Take a bite. Realize I got a sandwich with egg.
    >Be allergic to egg.
    >Don't flip a shit - must've been an accident.
    >Ask for a new sandwich.
    >Wait 5 minutes. Get same sandwich.
    >Repeat. Wait 5 minutes and get same sandwich again.
    >Are these niggers joking?
    >"Excuse me, I'm allergic to egg and this sandwich has egg in it. Will you please make me one with NO egg?"
    >Wait 5 minutes.
    >Get same sandwich.

    Last time I went there. Fuck them.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:35:30 No.1519710
    >Work at grocery store for like a year
    >Finally got trained on the register today
    >First day ringing on my own
    >Everyone is super chill and patient with me when I fuck up
    >Sit here worrying that I gave someone the wrong change or lost the store a bunch of money somehow

    Why am I so fucking insecure?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:35:47 No.1519712
    They must've been fucking with you or were just absurdly incompetent. How do you make the same exact mistake 4 times in a row?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:35:50 No.1519713
    What do you think went down? Practical joke? It wasn't a mistake after 3-4 sandwiches with egg in it
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:38:39 No.1519735
    >Practical joke
    No - they didn't know me THAT well to take a chance.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:38:49 No.1519738
    >work at best buy
    >lazy spic part timer does nothing when he closes
    >I always open
    >whenever he closes I end up doing his duties the next morning plus mine
    >he was a supervisor and took another job cause he was about to get demoted, hated his boss at that job and had a real reputation for laziness
    >Our supervisor leaves
    >MFW he gets promoted to supervisor over me
    ?fucking spic still does nothing. I do more of the supervisor work and am respected by more people then him
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:40:09 No.1519750
    Practical joke at your expense. If they know you as the guy who always has nothing more, they may have one day decided to fuck with you and add egg to all your sandwiches for the fuck of it. If you always go there they probably know who you are

    The question is why would they do it?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:42:59 No.1519774
    I'll never understand why people are dicks to retail staff. If someone was a dick to me I was a dick back, and then they get surprised and pissed off I wasn't taking it like a bitch.

    If someone was nice, maybe they got some shit for free every now and then.

    I'm always nice when I deal with people in retail now, and it pays off sometimes

    >At KFC since I had an urge to get popcorn chicken
    >Obviously a trainee on cash
    >She keeps apologizing because she hasn't figured out how to use the register yet
    >I keep telling her it's not a problem
    >She hands me my stuff
    >Apparently it's not my order so I have to wait a little bit longer
    >Again, not a problem
    >Get my food and drive home
    >Open the bag to see an extra thing of popcorn chicken and one of those chicken sandwiches
    >Made myself sick by eating it all

    Not what the OP was going for with this story but working in retail has made me realize how shitty people in retail have it sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:44:35 No.1519783
    >Working at Best Buy
    >Giving enough of a fuck to do more than you're supposed to
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:46:01 No.1519792
    My roommate told me that when he went to buy his computer he went to walmart at midnight because "third shift doesn't actually have do any work". Then he asked the guy in electronics about computers for almost three hours and he would have kept at it if management hadn't told him that he needed to buy his computer or leave.

    I kicked his ass out the next month, fuck him.

    And there's a group of kids that come into apparel one to three times a week and literally take clothes off the displays and throw them on the floor then leave.

    I hate customers, thank god I work third shift and pretty much don't have to deal with them other than from ten to twelve thirty.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:46:22 No.1519794
    >be 13
    >buy jacket from zumiez
    >super intimidated by cashiers with gauges/tats
    >return when like 15/16
    >why the fuck was I scared of these low lifes?
    >never buy from that shitty retailer again
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:46:35 No.1519797
    Staff fear for their jobs and their managers usually lick the customers ass. This is what I am told when I ask people the same shit in these type of threads
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:56:27 No.1519855
    server bro here, i know all of these feels.
    we are one and the same.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:57:10 No.1519863
    >be working at busy turkey hill in the middle of the day
    >very underage kids (like 13) come in asking if they can buy cigarettes
    >don't give one single fuck, decide to be awesome and make a game out of it instead of ousting them
    >every few days they come back and i find ways to take their money and sneak the cigarettes to them without being caught by the manager

    >same store
    >cooler duty (stocking cold drinks and ice cream and shit)
    >dem free chocolate chip ice cream cookie sandwiches

    >different store
    >cooler duty
    >dem free hershey's milkshakes

    >> Bardok 02/22/12(Wed)21:59:14 No.1519885
    >Be working Hammacher Schlemmer call center during Christmas season.
    >We have a lifetime guarantee on all our products.
    >if you throw your item off your roof, we'll replace it.
    >Get a call.
    >Dude says he has an item that broke.
    >Said he saw our catalog and got excited to see we had a lifetime warranty on said product.
    >"Yes sir, we do. Do you happen to have your order number you were given when you bought it from us? "
    >"No I don't, unfortunately."
    >"Alright, could I get your name?"
    >"ejfhvbwejkhb ejfhberhson."
    >"Hmm.. Mr ejfhberson, I'm not showing that you have any previous purchases from our company."
    >"Well yeah, I bought it somewhere else."
    >This is when I stopped being professional.
    >"So you bought this product from a different company? And you're trying to return it to us? I can't do that, man."
    >"So your guarantee is a lie, then?"
    >"NO, it isn't, we'll accept any returns_
    >Customer hangs up.
    >Get a new phone call immediately.
    >Have to pretend to not be dumbfounded at this idiot that just hung up.
    I've got so many of these.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:02:34 No.1519917

    >stocking shelves
    >in the beauty/healthcare section with friend employee
    >putting things away from a box of assorted shit that didn't get put away the first time
    >bunch of fancy boxes of perfume and cologne
    >a fucking zune mp3 player with the cologne/perfume
    >friend got free mp3 player that day since i already had one

    >working at gigantic amusement park
    >working at a kiddie ride
    >kiddie ride has 2 assigned adult seats where adults must sit and must sit in only those
    >nigger female brings child onto ride, crams herself into child seat with child
    >politely inform her of the seating rules for adults so that i can operate the ride
    >nigger female throws a fit and accuses me of being racist for 5 minutes
    >finally gets off the ride, demands to talk to a supervisor
    >call supervisor, nigger female promptly disappears
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:03:52 No.1519936
    And I appreciate it a lot. A thank you can make me feel like I'm doing something right and it encourages me to keep going. As a Courtesy Clerk, I can say that this position is the worst but most vital part of a grocery store. Cleaning bathrooms, mopping spills, etc. Whenever I do these things, it feels good. Too bad the higher-ups barely acknowledge our deeds. Almost one year I've been doing this. It's my first job, but damn if it wasn't enlightening. I'm ready for something better.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:04:24 No.1519943
    >find 7 price errors
    >ask politely to have the items for free according to the SCOP
    >bitch cashier phones security saying to check if someone is messing with the tags(obviously to intimidate me)
    >end up getting my free 7 items and leave
    Fucking retail workers, no I'm not switching tags your fucking lazy night workers aren't pulling sales tags so give me my free shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:15:28 No.1520045
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:26:47 No.1520152
    Ugh...Courtesy is the worst. I do courtesy and manage a department. Our other courtesy is this kid who works like twice a week and when he does work, doesn't do shit. So I show up, take out trash, clean bathrooms, deal with retarded customers, bag, get carts, sweep. Then, it's time to throw my stuff for the day or work through my backstock, all while being called every ten minutes to bag, get carts, or escort customers to whatever easy to find product they cant find.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:29:59 No.1520186

    Sounds bitchy, but we still have to check before we even mark something down due to price error, man. We're not allowed to just fucking give it to you.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:35:12 No.1520232
    if there was someone who did this and the came to my store, i would kneel down and blow them in full vie of everyone.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:46:35 No.1520350
    he got someone at my job just like that. i have no idea how he isnt fired.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:58:58 No.1520508
    >first job, cashier at target
    >slick older black nigga comes in and buys a bottle of pepsi with a $100 bill
    >while the register is open and I'm getting all the change for me he asks for smaller bills
    >bunch of crazy shit happens that I can't completely recall
    >try to do everything quickly
    >he leaves, I'm pretty sure I just got conned out of money and he left with extra
    >I'm raging the entire day. Fucking guy scammed me
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:33:01 No.1520868
    >bought ethernet to USB converter because ethernet port on my laptop broke from Maplins in London
    >get home and plug it in, broken, there's a piece rattling inside
    >take it back the next day with receipt
    >explain that the item was broken when I bought it
    >manager tells me those items do not come in broken
    >I tell him it was broken before I had a chance to use it
    >he says "you must have jammed it into your laptop"
    >me: no. it was broken in the package.
    >he will not give me a refund or a replacement item
    >basically calling me a liar, raged hard and will never return.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:36:26 No.1520899
    Why did you break the converter though?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:37:13 No.1520903
    Not really related to this thread, but I also have a slick old nigga story.

    >in Center City Philadelphia with a few friends buying some shit
    >couple of old niggas set up on the curb with a table playing that game where you have three cups and you put a ball (or whatever) under one of them, you mix it up and someone tries to guess it
    >my friend and I are outside smoking watching these guys do their shit while our other friends are in a store
    >some dude who was obviously associated with them comes up and "wins" 50 bucks off the game
    >my friend thinks he can win, I try to explain to him that it's a scam
    >he bets 100 bucks
    >obviously loses, since they roll that shit up their sleeves
    >dumbfounded, he walks into the store and I follow to make fun of him and tell everyone else what happened
    >we're inside maybe a minute before coming back out
    >the niggas playing the game are gone, bunch of other niggas pointing and laughing at my friend

    He still gets mad as shit when I bring that shit up
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:43:21 No.1520969
    Bump, any more Supermarket Deli Stories? I know that feel well.

    >slice up all the meat that's past it's sell by date
    >Sell if for cheap as "Mixed Meat Peices"
    >Old lady comes in and makes me pick out specific bits of meatloaf (Normally it's cool with me if people ask me to try and get mostly specific bits of meat, but this lady was getting pissed if i even touched a bit of luncheon or something)
    >Gets bitchy and says "I'll be coming back next week for 500 grams of JUST MEATLOAF
    >Talk to deli manager
    >Doesn't give a fuck, "Do it yourself"
    >Yes ma'am
    >Collect the weeks wastage of meatloaf out of the meat pieces over the week and put it in a bag labeled for her
    >She comes back and takes it without a word
    >Never comes back

    Yeah, enjoy your 2 week old meatloaf, ya old bitch.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:49:21 No.1521029
    As someone who used to work a service job but no longer works with the public at all, I actually do this to a degree. It has provided much lulz for cashiers and the occasional nice witnessing customer. There's surprisingly little a fellow asshole customer can do unless you threaten/hit them.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:53:19 No.1521073
    damn, how come all the employee stories would involve you getting a manager-enforced blowjob from the lowly retail worker and 5 replacements from the manager and your customer story is you getting fucked over

    my store would just write that shit off even it it came from another location, long as it wasnt actually expensive
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:57:23 No.1521118
    Because people who tell employee stories want to tell it in such a way that makes the customer look like a cunt (which they normally are) and this guy was trying to paint the store in a bad light.
    Someone telling stories from the employee side wouldn't be like "this one time a guy brought back a broken bike pump that I sold him, so I set him on fire" they would talk about something like, well, pretty much any story ITT.

    Kinda obvious, but hey.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:57:27 No.1521119
    I realized three things today.

    1. For some reason, my left hand is the only hand that isn't occupied whenever I am reaching for/giving money to store clerk that I buy stuff from every other day.
    2. Muslims believe the left hand is reserved for wiping your ass after shitting/other miscellaneous hygiene business
    3. I've been handing my money to a Muslim store clerk with my left hand for the better part of 8 months now.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:57:38 No.1521120
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    >work at shitty big box retail store
    >pretend not to know where anything is, never do any work, mean mug customers for no reason
    >nothing happens because the managers like me and nobody wants to work at this shitty store
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)23:59:49 No.1521153
    To be fair, money is pretty dirty.
    Think of all the places it goes and all the hands it passes through, and the frequency of such actions.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:03:09 No.1521184
    True, but you don't really think about it unless you actually think about it.

    I'd stop and switch over to my right hand, but he might take it the wrong way and think I KNEW I was using the wrong hand to spite him. I usually say thanks after he rings me up and have my dosh in hand/counted out to produce the least amount of change, though, so hopefully he just wrote it off as ignorant infidel shenanigans.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:06:39 No.1521215
    Let's get this shit started

    >Leaving the money on the counter for you to pick up
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:09:28 No.1521243
    Or, he doesn't even think into that much, and just takes the money.

    Now if you were handing him food I'd be more keen on the idea of him being offended.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:10:09 No.1521251
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    >but I already typed in my pin

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:12:31 No.1521271
    >>>Check change rooms for clothes hangers, rubbish etc.
    >>>Plastic bag on door hook filled with what smells like urine

    Also found a phone in a puddle of urine in there.
    People have also pooped in there. Thankfully I was not present at the time.

    Customers insisting that we have items in stock and just won't give it to them. We don't. We never have. Also complaining that we don't sell something we used to and gettign angry at staff for it. I can't magic up some pants for you I'm just a casual employee with no power over what we order not a wizard.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:13:39 No.1521279
    >stares at the machine for a minute
    "Wh... what do I do?"
    >"Press OK to continue"
    "It's still not working!"
    >"enter PIN"
    "But I don't know my PIN!" I never need my PIN anywhere else! Just swipe it again!"

    customers: thanks, at least, for reassuring me that you're to stupid to actually be attempting credit card fraud
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:14:32 No.1521284
    It's just my robot nature coming out now that I've realized that I've been doing the cultural equivalent of rubbing my money all over my junk before handing it to him. He might not think too much about it, but that doesn't mean I'm not.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:16:04 No.1521299
    My God, this is terrible. I want to give you a hug.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:21:43 No.1521348
    I understand.

    Next time you go in make sure to show him the bottom of your shoe.

    don't do that I'm pretty sure its like giving him the finger
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:24:59 No.1521375
    >Work at McDonald's
    >Grab stuff for my buddy while he takes orders.
    >Customer comes in and orders. Then presents a coupon from a different fast food place.
    >Buddy says "Sorry ma'am we don't accept these"
    >Lady snatches the coupon, storms out and yells "YOU ALWAYS TAKE THESE"
    >Explain to my buddy that we accept other coupons.
    >Buddy feels bad but I tell him that she acted like a giant cunt so it's okay.

    Thank god I'm out of that place.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:27:04 No.1521395
    >was working cashier for retail box
    >busy day, so i'm working fast
    >older guy in line
    >out of nowhere, with no sarcastic tone "you should be fired"
    >me, dumbfounded, ask for what reason
    >he replies "for working too fast"
    >wasn't even in a sarcastic tone



    >lane next to me is ringing some guy up, it's about 9pm
    >he says good morning
    >cashier says good night
    >I hope you burst into flame on the way home.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:28:45 No.1521412
    >makes a joke (albeit a shitty one)
    >demand that he be a victim of spontaneous combustion

    What a sad cunt you are.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:31:43 No.1521434
    I work at a pharmacy and there's a drive-through where people can pick up their prescriptions. We get THE WORST scum that mankind has to offer coming through the drive-through too. I'm not sure if waiting in your car as opposed to in a line makes you a douchebag, or if lazy douchebags are just predisposed to waiting in their car as opposed to stepping inside the store.

    Are my feels on this shared by other people that work at drive-throughs? If any of you work fast food, do you fucking hate the drive-through as well?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:32:53 No.1521446
    Not retail, but similar type stuff happens in restuarants

    >Be 16
    >First day of new job in a small Italian Joint
    >Friends come in
    >They don't tip
    >Accidentally tell a waiter, in response to her harassing me, that my friends were faggots due to them not tipping
    >Get told "Don't say the 'f'' word."
    >"I'm sorry"
    >Every guy was gay except me and another busboy
    >Get told repeatedly that I was doing an amazing job
    >Bus a Sunday by myself, with parties of 14, 24, and 37 coming in, and was told how great of an employee I was
    >A week later because I worked Fri, Sat, and Sun
    >Gay Owner pulls me over to the side when I got to work on my 2nd Saturday
    > "Uhm, Anon, You're not what we're looking for."
    > I'm a fucking busboy.
    > Come back for my final paycheck a week later
    > They jipped me 20 bucks.

    Fucking hell, not even a damn warning.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:36:02 No.1521483
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    >Walk into apple store at the mall because my friend needs to get his iphone fixed or whatever
    >more people working there than actual customers
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:40:40 No.1521525
    >sell a customer something
    >"that will be 6 dollars"
    >he takes out a bag of nickels, dumps them on the counter, and spends the next 10 minutes counting them.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:40:41 No.1521526
    Now that I'm reading these stories I understand why some of you despise people so much.
    Christ these are horrendous

    I've never worked retail so I wouldn't know.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:41:42 No.1521540
    >work at zellers when im 15
    >put a single pubic/armpit hair on the top of random sticks of deodorant and plant them on the shelf

    >giggle giggle giggle
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:42:52 No.1521552
    Why do you not knock a few of the cunt's teeth out?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:44:39 No.1521568
    >work in grocery store
    >older guy comes up to me
    >"Do you have any chicken lips?"

    I feel like a fucking retard, because it took me a second to realize he was fucking with me. We laughed about it afterwards though.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:44:43 No.1521570
    I think I'll actually start doing this, although I don't go shopping very often. My favorite return customers are the ones that I'm cool enough to talk about shit like that with. Like the person in front of them will act like an ass and we'll joke about it together after they leave.

    The cashier that's being unfairly berated can't do anything but smile and nod when an asshole customer comes along. Another bystander can put the verbal smackdown on them and they can't do shit about it but back down meekly.
    >> Wait, what? !bb6OCCHf8E!!8QSg4Z8LtwO 02/23/12(Thu)00:45:08 No.1521572
    Crossposting some stories from another forum that I won't mention, for fear of shitstorm.

    >have a cold, it sucks
    >feeling tired from cold
    >I know, I'll have an energy drink on break!
    >Grab a Monster because they're on sale, fuck yeah
    >forget that Monster fucks my stomach
    >one hour later...
    >Damn, I really have to shit. I'll just put up my closed sign and...
    >goddamnit all
    >start checking them out
    >oh god I'm about to shit myself
    >nah dude I got this
    >oh no
    >oh no no no
    >pokerface like the fist of the north star and put up closed sign
    >finish up transaction and do the walk of shame to bathroom
    >boxers unsalvageable, freeball the rest of my shift
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:46:44 No.1521596
    >Work at diner doing take-out orders
    >Some woman with the stereotypical jew voice calls in an order every Wednesday and robs us of all our condiments (She does shit like asks us for tartar sauce with roast beef and shit)
    >Calls around 3 times after initial order to change order before actually coming to pick it up
    >Constantly "forget" her soups and vegetables in hopes that she'll stop fucking coming to my diner.
    >> Wait, what? !bb6OCCHf8E!!8QSg4Z8LtwO 02/23/12(Thu)00:48:16 No.1521606
    >large black man walks in
    >I'm working the register directly in front of the main set of doors
    >he waddles up to me with a weird expression on his face
    >I point to them
    >He leaves
    >Sacker and I are like "Did he just say...shit like a freight train?"
    >He's in there for 30 minutes
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:49:59 No.1521617
    this. the worst part of working retail is that you're the one the customer interacts with. If there's anything they don't like, it's automatically YOUR FAULT because you're the one they're talking to.

    Something they want to buy is more expensive than they thought it'd be? Your fault.
    Don't have an item they want in stock? Your fault
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:51:04 No.1521624
    >blah blah
    You are 4chan's shittiest storyteller. Congratulations.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:52:53 No.1521641
    >Work at a Randalls deli
    >Some guy yells across the whole fucking floor to a coworker to get him potato salad
    >All of us are busy busy busy and don't notice him wanting to check out at our register
    >I go over to help him, and he tells me "You guys have horrible teamwork. You need to work on that."
    >Oh yeah sure whatever dude
    >Start ringing his stuff up
    >Tell him we can't ring up his asparagus since we can't do produce
    >Guy starts freaking out and telling me I'm awful at my job, it's bullshit that he can't get his asparagus, blah blah blah
    >I think I'm pretty visibly pissed at this point, because the guy behind him looks pretty apprehensive
    >Ring up the rest of his stuff
    >He tells me to tell my manager about what happened because he's in a hurry
    >Guy behind him is a really cool guy and cheers me up by talking about how cool my hair was, which was cool because you wouldn't expect the standard-looking football dad to like a guy with blue hair
    >Go head over to tell the store manager; he meets me halfway and tells me the guy talked to him
    >Tell him my side and that customers can back me up on it
    >Manager just waves it all off and writes him down as just a jerk looking to be mad
    >Found the guy's sunglasses on the counter
    >Free sunglasses
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:53:06 No.1521645
    >start working new retail job
    >really nice asian lady comes through my line with her toddler child
    >she sets her child on the belt so she can unload her cart
    >mother grabs toddler at the last second, tries to soothe her child
    >child starts projectile vomiting from the shear trauma, puke everywhere, all over the impule products, all over the floor in front of the register
    >mother is embarassed, blushes and takes kid to bathroom, leaving her things at the register
    >awkwardly ring up all of her stuff while she's gone

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:53:54 No.1521653
    shit id get fired for just giving you free shit. plus you sound like a dick.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:54:11 No.1521657
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    >work at video store
    >big fat bald customer with shitty gold chain and black shirt unbuttoned halfway down his chest
    >person who signed him up fucked up his address
    >note on his account from boss/head manager to get his real address
    >explain situation to him
    >he just stands there and looks at me
    >say that he will need to provide us his real address if he wants to hire movies
    >another stand off
    >says he doesn't want to give his real address
    >say we need it for (potential) debt collecting
    >he mumbles his address
    >can't hear him so get him to repeat
    >give him movies and tell him "have a good day" with a smile

    >mfw he is visibly upset when I was polite to him
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:54:35 No.1521660
    I know that fucking feel all too well. They'll have 10 items and swipe their card after I've clearly only scanned 1 item. I usually try to ignore it and proceed as usual to tell them the total and please swipe the card. Never had anyone bitch about it, but it's damn annoying.

    The worst part is the people that don't know how to navigate the menus on those pads. I have to keep pointing stuff out at every fucking step because they keep thinking they're done. "check one of these boxes" "press okay here" "sign the field that clearly says SIGN HERE." They never fucking learn.
    And the old people are the worst because they take 10 minutes just to pay with a goddamn credit card.

    And then they'll complain to me that the system is too complicated
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:55:27 No.1521670
    >casual racism
    It REALLY boggles the mind why you weren't promoted. I mean, really, the higher-ups should really take note of a person's content of character.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:56:16 No.1521676

    >woman asks for cigarettes
    >finds out she left her card so can't pay yet
    >bitch snatches the pack, opens it, takes one and hands the rest of the pack back says, "I'll be back"
    >get angry as fuck cause I'm new and could get into serious trouble
    >bitch comes back 20 minutes later and actually pays.
    >lol fiends

    >first week of work, someone hands me a $2 bill
    >$2 bill
    >mfw I thought it was fake
    >mfw I knew that job was going to be interesting in all sorts of unusual and bad ways from that alone
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:56:25 No.1521678
    Well you deserved that shit. If the boy didn't steal, he didn't deserve a record. Enjoy the dick up your ass.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:56:57 No.1521682
    >be pharmacy technician (we fill prescriptions and have no medical knowledge, aka drones)
    >middle of the day rush hour working my ass off with just me and the actual pharmacist
    >lady comes up to the wrong counter and stands there for 15 min
    >after awhile I manage to get over to her and ask if she needs help
    >old lady, might have dementia, trying to get her prescription transferred and filled
    >cant fill the prescription because its too soon to do it, tell her insurance wont pay for it
    >but why? I tell her. But why not? I tell again. Oh, I see, but why?
    >Tell her she can either pay out of pocket or wait three days
    >Can't figure this out, keeps pushing her prescription card towards me
    >Finally agrees to pay OOP, begin gathering meds from shelf
    >can I use your phone? ...uh sure here you go
    >proceeds to call her also retarded daughter and explain how I won't help her
    >daughter berates me for not running it through insurance, explain the situation to her
    >Finally get it figured out and filled start to ring her up
    >Payes in change for a $5.00 prescription.
    >Manages to waste 10 minutes of my time
    >now have a line running through the store of self entitled, pissed off customers
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)00:58:02 No.1521691
    >work for major retailer
    >sucker for old ladies, they always make my day
    >one old lady comes in about once a month, always kind of rude to me, smells horrible
    >gives me adds to match the prices with
    >suddenly all kinds of warnings from coworkers on how the ads she brings in are over ten years old, invalid, etc.
    >don't care, still help her out
    >feel horrible because she never seems thankful or wants to talk about her day
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:03:34 No.1521734
    >get delicious kraft singles and velveeta
    >check r9k on my phone
    >put it all back
    >go home hungry
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:05:43 No.1521749
    I've never actually worked retail but I feel for you motherfuckers
    >That feel when working at a funeral home
    Shit's pretty cool actually.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:06:23 No.1521757
    I work as a tech as well.

    The worst is when you're busy and understaffed as fuck with prescriptions piling up to your neck and you're running an hour wait because the shit is so ridiculous. Then you get some dickhead customer who says "hurr durr all you're doing is putting pills in a bottle, it should only take a minute" and then bitches you out.

    Also when they get mad because they try to pick up refills too soon or because the doctor hasn't contacted us yet and we don't have anything for them, or when their insurance doesn't cover their medicine. as if any of that is my fault.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:10:42 No.1521788
    >pharmacy technician, basically retail only have to deal with druggies

    >guy calls asking for his oxycontins to be delivered
    >says to leave them in the mailbox cause he won't be home, and that he will leave the money to pay for them in the mailbox
    >guy is always trying to get out of paying because he's a broke lying ass who makes our lives a little harder
    >driver goes to his house, of course there's no money n the mailbox, driver spends like 10 mins checking for the money then checks again after his route
    >have to pay the driver every time we send him out so this was a pain in the ass
    >druggy for some reason thought we would leave the drugs anyway for free
    >calls us flipping his shit and saying that there actually was money in there and why the fuckdick didn't we leave it
    >he comes in raging the next day holding money claiming it was the same money in the mailbox
    >go home and have some soup
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:11:01 No.1521792
    I never understood how people can treat cashiers like trash. Hasn't pretty much everyone at some point in their life had to work retail?

    Even after I become a doctor (knock on wood) I'm still going to be polite and understanding to clerks because I know what it's like. No need to look down on them and treat them like trash.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:11:18 No.1521795
    >working office telephone
    >mid-age lady calls, asks to be directed to the records clerk
    >"Sure would you like me to transfer you to her now?"
    >"No, gimme the extension I'll do it myself."
    >Lady calls back, says I sent her to the wrong department
    >Read off the extension again, its perfectly fine
    >Fucking lady doesn't know how to enter in numbers
    >She calls again, says that I sent her to an entirely new department
    >I gave her the exact same fucking number
    >lemme talk to your manager
    >manager has been listening in the entire time

    Long story short, my boss tells the lady in the most polite manner possible that she needs to learn how to use a phone before she ever calls back again.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:14:30 No.1521825
    no medical knowledge, where do you live? here in canada we have to do an assraping 2 year college diploma with tons of pharmacology you lucky dick... not to mention if you want to get certified you have to do a 12 week internship and 2 tests that cost around $400, then a last test that costs $1300, a bit much to make $16 an hour instead of $13 in my opinion
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:15:25 No.1521837
    Gotta love the druggies. We had one come in the other day who was CLEARLY abusing his oxycodone perscriptions. You could just tell it from looking at his face that he was starting to go through withdrawal symptoms (because he was taking too many and also ran out early). He got really pissy when we refused to "just give him some" and tried complaining to the manager at the front of the store (instead of to the pharmacist, who already denied him.) After a huge pissing contest, he finally left. We honestly though he was going to come back with a gun though. He was desperate as fuck and probably would've done anything for his fix.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:15:27 No.1521838
    Pharm techs only make $16 an hour? I make $15 an hour right now (with no training) and this is my first job.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:16:10 No.1521844
    I have a wonderful retail job in the middle of a clusterfuck area

    >only big box retail store for the old folks "city" of about 10k old people
    >2 rich communities of soccermoms and shithead kids

    The old fucks will look down upon you for being young, since they expect you to be some little punk

    The soccermoms have never had to work retail and their shit spawn haven't had to get jobs

    They should replace the draft with mandatory retail service. Then people would know the pain.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:16:54 No.1521854
    >>work at a chipotle
    >>NEVER get enough hours
    >>during training
    >>fatass trains with me at our station
    >>she keeps hitting on me and "accidentally" brushing me
    >>four weeks later
    >>she hates my guts
    >>never does the online orders
    >>mfw i specifically ask her to
    >>"Oh my god four hours feels like so long for me. My back hurts i wish someone would crack my back."
    >>mfw the landwhale has eaten a baby and it's growing fatter in her stomach
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:16:56 No.1521855
    damn, I'm only getting 8/hr.

    Of course I'm not a licensed pharmacy tech. I'm a "pharmacy associate." But all that means is that I don't have the certification. I literally do all the same things exactly like a real tech.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:16:59 No.1521856
    90% of the time a druggie gives me a hard time I just call over the pharmacist, he's the one making $40 an hour (probably more), not me :P
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:17:30 No.1521862

    son, an extra 3 dollars an hour would mean the world to me right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:18:21 No.1521868
    same, but...

    >a 12 week internship and 2 tests that cost around $400, then a last test that costs $1300
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:18:26 No.1521870
    I burn dead people for a living, shit's tight. I don't actually do much aside from checking on them every 30 minutes or so.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:18:55 No.1521876
    I hear ya bro

    We've got a hospital around 5 minutes from our store which is where most of our problems stem from. Some fucker will come racing over expecting his prescription to be faxed, processed, and filled by the time he gets to the register. Sorry guy but we haven't even gotten your fax yet. /queue angry customer rant.

    You work at one of the big corporate pharmacies or some mom and pop store?

    I wonder this all the time. Were these people brought up with snobby parents or just feel the need to take out their problems on someone else. I've yet to meet any of these people in person or if I'm off duty and at some random store. It's only when I'm working behind the counter do they show up.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:20:24 No.1521892
    So do I, but this guy wouldn't even listen to the pharmacist. He was just that desperate that he wouldn't even listen to the guy in charge.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:20:49 No.1521897
    I'm not sure where people get that attitude from- back in high school fucking every grocery store for 20 miles was staffed almost entirely by friends from school so I guess I just sort of learned that the people working their were people.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:21:48 No.1521914

    Work in the states somewhere in the midwest. After a year you have to pass some test to get certified that covers basic measurements and drug information which my company pays for. It's a joke. Not sure about what the rate of pay would be but we only get $9.50/hr starting out.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:22:08 No.1521919
    I thought pharmacy assistants/techs/associates were not such a common profession, but there are 2 others in this thread, strange
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:24:13 No.1521938
    I work at rite aid. We're getting swamped now because wallgreens (the only other major pharmacy around here) stopped doing express scripts or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:24:24 No.1521939
    >work at telecommunication company
    >lady storms in
    >manager intervenes instantly
    >"That's what we do here ma'am, we disconnect home phones. After the store closes, me and Anon here disconnect home phones. Now just think for a second, when was the last time you paid a bill?"
    >"Good day Ma'am."

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:26:19 No.1521960
    Here's one thing I don't get:people who stand in the absolute middle of aisles or just general walkways to chat with their friends they happen to run into. Like, move to the goddamn side.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:26:40 No.1521964
    Holy fuck I can't stop laughing. Who the fuck sits a baby on the belt?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:26:47 No.1521967
    I guess we just flock to these threads because we have to deal with the worst customers: ritalin addicts and sick pissed off old people.

    some of the customers are total bros though
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:26:58 No.1521968

    CVS here. This shit with Wallgreens is getting us a fuck load of new transferees daily. But for some reason corporate still won't staff more people to deal with the influx of customers.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:28:40 No.1521981
    Same here. We're understaffed as fuck and I keep finding myself forced to work more than I really should (due to also being in school)
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:29:23 No.1521990
    yea that's true, thinking about going back to school to become a surgical nurse instead, maybe one day a practitioner

    just can't stand the thought of working a customer service job for the rest of my life
    >> WalBro !!XL38bBcJVGJ 02/23/12(Thu)01:30:26 No.1522001
    Used to work at Wal-Mart. Loads of stories.

    >Work in Electronics
    >Customers would bring loads of groceries to the Electronics counter when front registers were too busy
    >They would demand we ring them out despite other customers actually wanting/needing assistance with Electronic-related shit
    >One guy brings two entire carts full of shit to the counter
    >"Hurr durr it's busy, mind ringing me out?"
    >Have to do it
    >He tries using a coupon
    >It's expired
    >He gets pissy with me saying I should accept it anyway and it's Wal-Mart policy (it isn't)
    >Demands a manager
    >Manager tries to explain it's FUCKING EXPIRED
    >He continues yelling about a coupon for $.50 off a loaf of bread
    >Manager finally gives him the fucking $.50 off
    >He says he's never shopping at Wal-Mart again
    >He's there the next day
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:32:06 No.1522017

    That sucks. Ever thought about swiping some pills to sell to junkies for some extra cash? I get the urge every time I pass by a 500 count bottle of hydrocodone.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:32:22 No.1522022
    >Randalls deli dude again
    >Customers would constantly ask me for help with things that were completely out of my department
    >10 PM; bakery closed; customer wants me to decorate a fucking birthday cake
    >Customer comes up to the deli and wants to know about lightbulbs
    >Customer wants me to cut up an entire ham, bone and all; I ask her why she didn't ask them to do it at the meat market where she got it, and she said they couldn't cut through the bone there
    >Half the time when I'm asked for things and we're out, even after telling them we were completely out, I'd walk to the back freezer, send my girlfriend some sexts, and come back ten minutes later
    >One time, asshole customer wants me to look in the back room, across the store, for something we didn't carry, even though we don't even stock it and I told him so
    >Leave the deli, go get a haircut next door, and come back telling him I looked in the shipping logs and all the pallets, shelves, and freezers, and couldn't find it
    God I'm glad I don't work there anymore
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:33:59 No.1522040
    >Be working at Target, sales floor
    >Mostly stock and answer customers questions when asked, among other things
    >consistently told I'm doing a great job
    >out of fucking nowhere, no warning
    "anon, you're not what we're looking for.You don't help customers enough and your pace is too slow"
    >let me off with little more than "bye, good luck somewhere else"
    fuck that place
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:35:37 No.1522058
    >apply for job
    >target has the right to terminate your contract at any time for whatever goddamn reason we want
    >they do that
    >get angry

    You agreed to it, mang.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:36:29 No.1522063
    Every day. I would never seriously do that though, because I'd get fucked harder than I've ever been fucked before.

    I'm studying to become a pharmacist, personally. I really want to work at a major pharmaceutical company and not retail though. Someone with a doctorate shouldn't have to deal with people in the same way a 16 year old cashier at a super market does. I'll have been through too much school for that shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:37:06 No.1522070
    >get a haircut next door

    How does one NOT notice this?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:37:37 No.1522077
    a few days ago a guy brought back a vial of his son's adderall 20 because the doctor changed the dose just after we dispensed it, there were about 150 of them in there, kind of sucked dumping them in the bin, could get like $2000 for them
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:38:06 No.1522082
    It only took like ten minutes, and we wore hats when we were behind the counter, so it wasn't glaringly obvious.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:38:10 No.1522084
    >work in retail
    >old guy needs help carrying out a large grill
    >stop at register to pay for it
    >cute girl is on register
    >old guy says we're both attractive, we should get together and be in a relationship
    >girl blushes and looks down, we both sit in nervous silence

    I love customers like that, but damn, I will never feel like I delivered on that. Bothers me because I see her like everyday I work.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:38:46 No.1522089
    Ahh hats makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:38:49 No.1522090

    not the same poster as the guy above but i definitely feel for him. its kind of like how in sports when a team wins on a technicality.

    yes, it may be true that team A should win because somebody on team B stepped on a line or whatever but everybody in that stadium knows who really won.

    so yeah, they totally had the right to fire him but doesn't make them any douchy though for doing it for no reason
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:39:39 No.1522099
    >Work as cashier
    >Customer buys big screen
    >Have to find the barcode on box
    >Petite 5'3 115 lbs me trying to flip tv over to get to barcode to scan
    >Customer just standing there watching
    >Are you fucking kidding me?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:40:10 No.1522104
    Go for it, dude. If she blushed like that, it sounds like she might have feelings for you.
    I had one awesome customer who would come by, and ask me why my girlfriend and I aren't married yet. I told him that 19 and 20 was a little young for marriage and children, and he just scoffed and said he would even go to the wedding.
    He was one of my favorites. If an older customer was cool, they were AWESOME.
    >> WalBro !!XL38bBcJVGJ 02/23/12(Thu)01:41:12 No.1522114

    Still working in Electronics, by the way

    >A middle-aged couple comes in
    >They're both in to home theater system setups with surround sound, huge televisions, etc
    >They basically have me walk them around the entire Electronics section explaining every little HDMI cable, speaker, tv, and shit like that to them
    >After 1.5 hours they finally thank me for my time and information
    >The Store Manager happens to walk by at this time
    >They compliment me for like 15 minutes to him
    >He walks off without even giving me a thumbs up or something
    >Later that night the Electronics manager tells me I might get fired
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:41:36 No.1522119
    But should you really be angry at them because you agreed to something in a contract that you are allowed to read as much as you want?

    Sucks for him but it is always a possibility
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:41:40 No.1522120
    I draw caricatures for tourists for a living. Lots of crappy customer stories, but this guy...

    >Jewish, Israeli, Rabbi wants drawing
    >Talk to him. Turns out he doesn't know what a cartoon is. Thought we did portraits. Still wants a drawing when I tell him otherwise. Tells me if it sucks he isn't paying
    >Whatever. He's funny looking. I want to draw this buttmunch
    >Mid drawing he calls over a Middle-Eastern man
    >Starts arguing with him about Al Queda. Muslim guy walks away after a while, complaing about ignorance in America (Rabbi was straight from Israel)
    >Holy shit this guy...
    >Finish drawing, he doesn't like it. Tell him he doesn't have to pay me, he can just leave
    >He insists on paying me. Because he pays people for their work, even bad work.
    >Fucking hypocrite, just wants to bug me
    >Tell him no him when he says he wants it redone. We are supposed to offer redos, but I knew it would be a waste of my time. Tell him it's refund or nothing
    >He refuses. He sticks around, talking non-stop behind me
    >Start drawing new customers. They're brits, who are awesome always. They start arguing with him too.
    >They tell him: If you don't know what something is don't fucking buy it.
    >Still doesn't get it.
    >I give the brits free color and take longer so that I push myself over closing "Sorry sir, I can't draw you again, have to close"
    >Offer refund, final final time I tell him.
    >His wife rages and crumbles up his caricature, dragging him off.
    >Tell my boss later. Says he's happy with how I handled it.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:42:17 No.1522124
    >working cashier at Albertson's (shit-tier poor people grocer that still manages to overprice things)
    >fit middle-aged man rolls up with a gigantic bag of manure
    >register light doesn't even work, let alone the fucking hand-scanners
    >be a 5'4'', 115-pound meat-sack of shiftless shit with no upper body strength
    >guy stands there silent as I try to flip the bag over

    Really the only bad experience I can think of. Although I did deal with a lot of crackheads. Friendly folks, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:42:46 No.1522131
    very nice, hope you succeed

    I was wanting to become a pharmacist for a very long time but where I live it's very hard for a pharmacist to get anything but retail, also feel i'd be better suited to be a nurse, surgery always interested me very much but don't have it in me to become a surgeon

    even if you do end up in retail, it's a pretty good job that will easily earn you six figures
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:43:32 No.1522137

    You strike me as one of those people who are constantly telling people they fucked up while you idling stand by feeling smug about it. Hindsight is 20/20 buddy.

    Not the guy above btw.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:44:33 No.1522147
    >customer on cell phone comes through with huge order
    >young bitch yapping away, doesn't acknowledge me in any way
    >ring her things up and bag them, stuff is piling up just a little bit because she's not putting it back in her cart
    >trying to finish the order
    >quietly load up her cart before I finish her total
    >retarded cashier score suffers because of it

    Don't get me wrong, if the customer is elderly or injured in ANY WAY I jump up to be helpful, but when they're healthy dicks I fucking hate it.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:45:11 No.1522153
    I know I'm kinda late with replying to this, but didn't you post the BBQ chicken story to
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:47:24 No.1522173
    >"Aren't you gonna load my cart up?"
    >"How about I load my dick in your ass"
    >proceed to grab her cellphone and spike it on the floor
    >grab baseball bat from under the counter and smack her upside the head with it
    >kick door open on the way out
    >backpack around the country for 6 months
    >come back like nothing happened

    That's how that should have went.
    >> WalBro !!XL38bBcJVGJ 02/23/12(Thu)01:47:40 No.1522176

    >Have to work front registers for a while since we're busy
    >Lady buys some 5 hour energy shit
    >Decide to make conversation and ask her about it while I finish ringing up her stuff
    >She pays in cash and her change is $.98
    >I get ready to hand her the change and receipt but she already packed her cart up and started walking away
    >I call after her and she runs back over
    >"It would have been nice if you gave me my change before I walked away but whatever."
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:47:51 No.1522177
    shit dude, you have no idea how much more pain is involved when you're forced into the military.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:47:54 No.1522178
    Fucking people who don't speak up in a drive-thru, and I feel like a dick for having to keep asking what the hell they're saying.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:48:45 No.1522186

    Handing out orders isn't bad but taking them is hell.

    Rank accents, diesel engines, and fuckheads with music blaring while they order all contribute to its general hellishness. And people FREQUENTLY order one thing, i will re-check at my window what they ordered (because of reasons above), confirm it, and in a minute or two the guys from the handout window will say that i got the order wrong

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:49:24 No.1522191
    >work at grocery store
    >be a cart pusher
    >don't have to really deal with people

    >struggling with like 10 carts
    >do you want my cart?
    >no i don't i'm having trouble with this

    >sometimes bag
    >can't hear customers how they want their things bagged
    >only hear the guy say paper
    >start bagging paper
    >guy is just standing there not saying anything
    >done paying done bagging
    >guy complains about how he wanted it paper and plastic

    >bagging some old ladies groceries
    >get done bagging
    >leave 3 bags for she can grab them
    >she is just standing there staring
    >i'm just standing there looking at her
    >just thinking what the fuck do you want
    >give her the three bags
    >she finally leaves
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:50:30 No.1522202


    when customers just talk shit about you when you're standing right in front of them.

    offhandedly just say something incredibly, deeply insulting like it doesn't even matter how you feel.

    like you're not even a goddamn person.

    makes me wanna choke a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:51:02 No.1522206
    we only take written perscriptions in the drive-through though, luckily.

    Still, you'll get idiots with all sorts of things they need done and/or need to talk to the pharmacist about complicated bullshit. Why can't you just step inside?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:51:02 No.1522207
    >be a neat freak, constantly wipe down register so it sparkles
    >regular customer comes through, she has a face problem, always super nice and outgoing to her so she doesn't feel weird
    >she has a friend this time, huge cart full of stuff
    >pick up the gallon of ice cream that she set on the belt
    >the condensation has left a small wet circle imprint

    Maybe not that big of a deal... just insulted me because that's my motherfucking element.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:53:23 No.1522227
    >Ringing couples shit up
    >So much fucking stuff
    >Almost comes up to 100 dollars
    >They pay in coins
    >Have to call another assocoaite over to help me count
    >They stand their laughing and tonguing each other.

    good god
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:53:26 No.1522228

    Also Minorities complain about racism if you draw them how they look and it correlates with stereotypes. Which it often does. They need to look in mirrors

    >Black guy complains that I made his lips too big.
    >calls me racist
    >Says he only has $20. Owes me $30.
    >Whatever, just want him gone. Take the 20
    >He fishes in pocket, a twenty and a five pop out
    >Again, I don't care. Figured anyway
    >He seems panicked though
    >After he is gone I walk around
    >Notice $5 missing from my tip cup
    >Oh no...
    >Realize irony of him complaining about racial stereotypes
    >> WalBro !!XL38bBcJVGJ 02/23/12(Thu)01:53:58 No.1522233
    Switching over to my fast food years

    >Work at a Dairy Queen
    >Lady orders a cup of soft serve and a slushy
    >I set the soft serve and slushy cup on the counter and set a spoon and straw next to them and start working on the next order
    >The lady (who is black) yells very loudly despite being maybe 8 feet away
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:56:26 No.1522249
    >be a polite, quiet kind of guy cashier
    >still very friendly, smiles all around
    >end of a long shift, two lady customers come through my line
    >they're both in deep conversation, don't want to interrupt them
    >as I finish the order they suddenly turn to me
    >"Hey, isn't it you job to GREET US when we come through your line?"
    >"Yeah, whatsup with that? That's not right. Someone needs a talking to."
    >no way to try to explain I was trying to be polite
    >that frustration
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:56:52 No.1522254
    >working till
    >guy on bluetooth headset comes up speaking arabic loudly
    >struggle not to laugh in his face at how much I hate/pity his stupidity
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)01:59:29 No.1522274
    I work with two egyptians. They fucking speak arabic together all day and leave me out. It makes me feel sad inside and I never know what's going on. Kind of sucks because it's a very teamwork oriented job.
    >> WalBro !!XL38bBcJVGJ 02/23/12(Thu)02:00:14 No.1522281
    >Taking orders at drive-thru always a pain in the ass
    >Niggers blaring nigger music
    >Old white dudes in diesel trucks
    >Women whispering
    >People saying I got shit wrong
    >Fuck this gay Earth
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)02:02:10 No.1522294

    Huh, most grocery stores I go to allow you to swipe before all the items are scanned. Is this not as common as I think it is?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)02:02:28 No.1522296
    >be 16
    >work at water golf course
    >people pay money to smack floating golf balls into the lake and get some shitty voucher if they hit a target.
    >also a putt putt course nearby
    >my job is to gather the balls out of the lake
    >just about finished up, taking a cart full of balls to the cleaner
    >there is a family just finishing up on the golf course
    >family walks over to me
    >look at carpark
    >strange looking van
    >look back at kids
    >oh god they're both mongoloids
    >mother asks about how the water golf works
    >explain to her that if you hit a target, you win a prize, it's really fun, blah blah
    >upon mentioning how to win a prize, the tards reach into my crate, take a handful of balls and start lobbing them into the water
    >look desperately at the parent as if to say "can you do something?"
    >she sit there idly
    >ask that they stop
    >she gives me this mortified look
    >tard hits a target, lets out this hyper-decibel screech
    >mother asks for a prize for her son
    >no idea what to say at this point
    >guy who collects balls on the boat comes over, total bro, about 60 years old
    >starts yelling telling them how we'd just finished work
    >woman still demands prize
    >he tells her to take her retarded kids and fuck off
    >all of my awe
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)02:06:15 No.1522325
    my store does that, the problem is most people are mentally impaired and dont know how to read. they will swipe their card several dozen times before the realize that they have to pick the credit card option. then between entering their pin, getting cash back or signing their name i want to blind and deafen myself.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)02:21:04 No.1522426
    Wait, you draw caricatures and you have a boss?

    Shit man, this world's going down faster than I thought.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)02:28:04 No.1522465

    Most stands these days have managers. New York and New Orleans are like the only places I've seen 'self employed' people out on the streets hustling their craft. Nowdays people figure out where these things would do well, face painting, spray paint art, temporary tattoos, portraits, etc. and rent a space and hire people to work there and work events. Even though we are providing a service we are considered retail because of this change in environment. Are no longer our own bosses.

    Not a problem really. Takes off a lot of stress. And my bosses rock.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)02:31:53 No.1522485

    Though we ARE almost always left completely unsupervised. I don't know about others working there but I don't take advantage of that. It's funny that when a boss treats you right and trusts you you want to work hard and be responsible. Very odd concept. Plus commission.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)02:33:58 No.1522496
    >working at shitty video store in New Jersey
    >slow day, reading newspaper in front of store
    >woman customer looking at videos
    >"they say so much but they never say if it's any good"
    >ignore her and continue reading paper
    >she says "are either one of these any good?" and shoves two videos in my face
    >idonthavetimeforthis.jpg, continue reading paper
    >"sir?" me- "what?"
    >"are either one of these any good?" she asks again
    >tell her that i don't watch movies so I don't know
    >she asks "well have you heard anything about either one of them?"
    >me: "I find it's best to stay out other people's affairs."
    >she says "you mean you haven't heard anything about them at all?"
    >she turns around for a minute, faces me again: "well what about these two?"
    >me: "oh, they suck"
    >her: "These are the same two movies. You weren't paying any attention."
    >me: "no, I wasn't"
    >"I don't think your manager would appreciate thi-" I cut in: "I don't think my manager would appreciate your ruse ma'am"
    >"I beg your pardon?" she asks
    >me: "Your ruse, your cunning attempt to trick me"
    >her: I was only pointing out that you weren't paying any attention to what I was saying"
    >me: uh huh. Hope it feels good.
    >her: you hope what feels good?
    >me: I hope it feels so good to be right, there's nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the shortcomings of others is there?
    >her: Well this is the last time I rent here!
    >she storms out
    >me: you'll be missed
    >bitch says SCREW YOU and storms out

    Told that bitch.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)02:41:04 No.1522526
    Clerks didn't happen to you.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)02:41:34 No.1522529
    I always feel really bad when I use a drive through, and try not to any time I can. I'm really tiny and really soft spoken, and I can't actually project my voice without sounding like an angry little girl. :(
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)02:48:13 No.1522557
    Okay, okay, so I stole that one from a movie. I could tell you guys about the time I was working for this place called Initech and me and my friends came up with this software that slowly took money out of the system bit by bit without being noticed until it messed up and we got in too deep and then one of my aspie coworkers burned the place down and saved our asses.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)03:18:21 No.1522732
    I used to work at a Five Below (Kind of a more expensive dollar store.), and we had music corporate told us to play, which came in on a CD.

    I had an obese woman come up to me with her elementary-age son, and complain about a song that had played a minimum of ten minutes ago, how it was offensive, how we shouldn't play that kind of music with children in the store, then pushes her son forward.

    He states, clearly rehearsed, "I found that very offensive." with a pained look on his face. I explain to the woman that if she had a problem with the song that I could've turned it down if she had asked, but seeing as how it wasn't playing anymore, there really wasn't anything I could do.

    She demands that I prevent the song from ever being played again, and I explain how corporate sends us pre-set playlists on a disc, that we have absolutely no way to edit in any form, and suggest that she could possibly write a letter to corporate about her concerns regarding the song.

    She then demanded to see my manager, saying I was deliberately not helping her.

    I can honestly say that there are no words sweeter to say to an asshole customer than "Ma'am, I AM the manager."
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)03:31:17 No.1522809
    >First job, check-out chick
    >Woman comes up to my till
    >explains she was overcharged; she bought cheap banana's but they were scanned as these fancy, little exotic bananas
    >She's pretty hostile
    >"uh, okay ma'am, when did this happen?"
    >Two weeks ago, I don't shop everyday!
    >"Okay, do you have your receipt?"
    >NO, it was a fortnight ago, why would I keep a receipt for that long!?
    >"Okay, uh, do you have the bananas?"
    >No, I ate them

    She wanted a return on food she purchased a while ago, with no receipt and no proof.
    Got pretty indignant when I told her that I couldn't personally give her money from the til.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)03:40:03 No.1522851
    You clever bastard you
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)03:58:20 No.1522937
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    No I've never had a job, because I never wanted one.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)04:05:02 No.1522975

    way too familiar.
    >work at McDonalds in Australia
    >literally one of the fastest and busiest drive thrus in the country
    >university town so everyone who works there are relatively intelligent students
    >customers are all fucking retarded
    >you haven't lived until someone spits in your face because there is no bacon on their burger
    >constant stream of aboriginal families screaming abuse
    >the awesome feel when you have enough authority to say whatever you want to asshole customers
    >'get the fuck out of my drive thru' all day errday
    >earn $500 a week
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)04:35:15 No.1523162
    >worked at tesco for 7 months, couldn't take anymore of it
    >friday night, my last night working at this place
    >fat bald guy who has a habit of being an asshole for no fucking reason comes in for his shopping
    >he always seems to appear at my til
    >sure enough, 20 minutes later, he's right there
    >starts angrily banging his shit on the belt
    >rants to himself that "the beer was in the wrong place" and the fact that he had to take his glasses out to read the price of something because the sticker faded
    >starts bitching to me about how everyone, including me, in this shop is a fucking idiot who can't do anything right
    >then tells me to get off my ass and do something about the stickers
    >bite my tongue
    >"yeah thought so, too fucking lazy to do anything... fucking young people these days..."
    >finally snap and ask him why he is such a complete dick for no reason
    >a few customers are looking over at me
    >"you know, if you don't like shopping here because you don't think things are "done properly", then why don't you get your fat arse over to the help desk and ask for a job?"
    >hes just staring at me now, along with several other customers
    >"yeah I thought so. see that's the problem with people like you. you think you're always right no matter what, and that everything has to be tailored to suit your individual fucking need. well, it isn't. get the fuck over it. now, are you going to keep telling me how to do my job or are you quite finished?"
    >"...w- but... "
    >"do you tell your doctor his equipment is wrong? do you tell your mechanic that he's not fixing your car the right way? do you tell firemen that you could do a better job of putting a fire out?"

    >1/2 hurr field too long fuck you
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)04:36:19 No.1523167

    >2/2 cont

    >"then shut the fuck up and stop telling us how to do ours. we make minimum wage and we do what we're told by our managers, not you. if you think you can do a better job, your more than welcome to try."
    >finished putting his shit on the belt
    >"that will be 46.93"
    >hands me 50
    >slam change on the metal bit where the bags are
    >"might wanna count that, you know since we're all a bunch of idiots and none of us can count or anything and that you with your infinite fucking wisdom can do a better job
    >picks it up without making eye contact and doesn't say a word, then walks away quickly
    >put the closed sign up, storm into the backroom, grab my shit, slam my badge on the desk and walk out

    That was the single greatest thing I have ever done, and it honestly felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I have never felt something so refreshing as telling an asshole customer to get fucked when they clearly need to. I really couldn't hold all of my feels. And since then, I swore to never work in a shop again.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)04:46:01 No.1523222
    Well you're gonna have to get one.
    You can't be like Morrissey
    A cunt.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)04:49:36 No.1523239
    If that's true, and not just the impotent fantasy of a retail worker, Bravo.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)04:53:14 No.1523256
    Are you from Wollongong?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)04:56:00 No.1523272

    It's real alright. After so many frustrating moments with assholes thinking they know everything, and not being able to do anything other than smile and apologise, I just had to let go. Friend of mine still works there and says the guy I snapped at has completely changed and now doesn't say a word to any of the staff; just puts his shit on, stares at the belt, pays and walks off. Even when they deliberately fuck with his bags by putting milk in the same bag as eggs or whatever. So I guess I can call that a win/win.
    >> foodservice and retail combined Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)04:57:38 No.1523281
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    >Doing my fucking job
    >Cleaning up after fucking messy customers, sweeping up all sorts of shit
    >Some asshole with a laptop says "I need you to stop sweeping"
    >Confused and somewhat offended, I quietly move to the opposite end of the store
    >Sweeping up some crumbs from a sandmonkey kid I sold a coffee cake to, who apparently doesn't understand plates
    >Irate motherfucker storms over to me
    > (Is this guy fucking serious?)
    >"I... it... there are crumbs..."
    >I realize I have an excuse to not do work
    >Apologize and go make myself a French Press

    People are fucking insane.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)05:03:57 No.1523309

    No, Lismore. similar towns though.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)05:08:33 No.1523332

    I am so fucking proud of you man.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)05:20:13 No.1523373
    You know al dente means under cooked, right? So that would mean that the spaghetti had not been there long.

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)05:36:31 No.1523450
    >lane next to me is ringing some guy up, it's about 9pm
    >he says good morning
    >cashier says good night
    >I hope you burst into flame on the way home.

    I lol'd. Guy sounds like a chill dude with a good sense of humor, you're just a bitchy swine.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)05:45:09 No.1523490
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    deserves to be screencapped
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)05:48:21 No.1523507
    >arrive at cyprus
    >need to take a bus ticket to the school from the airport
    >theres a line
    >when its my turn say 'excuse me when is the bus for anonschool departing?'
    >she cuts me two tickets to a city that at the opposite direction
    >repeat, tell her i need to go to anonschool so i needs tickets for there
    >doesen't give a fuck looks at my face like i'm an idiot
    >still not cutting tickets for anonschool
    >flip out and say 'cut me the fucking tickets for anonschool now'
    >suddenly she becomes gentle like a slave, shows me the direction where the bus is

    employees at cyprus are fucking annoying
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)05:55:22 No.1523538
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    >Work at suit and tuxedo store
    >We close at 9, obviously
    >We rent out big groups of tuxedos for weddings
    >When someone rents a tux, they need to try it on so we can fix it to their size
    >Day before a big wedding, we get a phone call
    >It's the groom, he hasn't had his tux fitted yet
    >It's like, 8:45
    >Tell him he can come in right now and and I can pin it for him and sew it so he can pick it up the following morning
    >"No, I'm coming at 10 30"
    >Our store is in a mall and we can't legally let him in
    >I tell him no but I can take it home to sew it overnight and he can pick it up the next day
    >MFW he starts screaming at me, telling me I'm trying to ruin his wedding
    >He sounds like he's crying and then hangs up on me
    >I go home at 9, never found out what happened to him
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)06:02:59 No.1523560
    Haha, I had this old lady ring the store a couple of weeks ago.

    >she tells me that her bread only had a best before of 4 days
    >informs me that it should be 5 days
    >I say, bring it in I will swap it
    >No, I ate it

    Also, she bought it as a day old, I finally got out of her.

    I spent ~10 minutes listening to that old bag, and she had no legitimate complaint at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)06:05:35 No.1523570
    >Girl steals
    >Make sure the guy gets a police record

    You deserved it. I would do the same to you.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)06:08:24 No.1523580
    >hacked facebook

    You should probably not set your password as "password" and/or your secret questions as "Where did I go to school"
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)06:13:25 No.1523605

    I worked fat food for a while.. I really hated working the drive thru when oilfield trash would pull up in thier noisy ass diesel trucks.


    And they would flip fucking shit if they had to shut thier truck off for 10 goddamned seconds, just so you could hear wtf they wanted to order in the first place.
    >> Yes Man !wAvwo2I7O. 02/23/12(Thu)06:13:33 No.1523606
    >Working a summer job at an EB Games

    >White person comes in
    >White trash retards
    >Demands a PS4
    >4 screaming kids stealing empty cases
    >Thousands and thousands of 5 cent coins

    >Black person comes in
    >Educated, well mannered family or 4
    >Politely asks for a 360 and a Wii
    >Pays for the 360 with a credit card, doesn't have enough to pay for the Wii so he pays in cash
    >Actually says "Sorry chap, can I pay you in cash?"
    >Give him some tips on setting up the 360 while his quiet children are brought around the store by their mother who picks out a few games for them

    Black people are fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)06:14:01 No.1523607
    And what's your name by the wayz, (just your first one) I may know you.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)06:23:08 No.1523646
    >mfw im to beta to want to insult someone directly or indirectly so I act polite at all times when in contact with someone in retail

    If im at the checkout I unload my cart with the speed of lightning then rush around and grab the bags as fast as possible cause I dont want to seem like a dick.

    I always be polite and it probably makes me seem like a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)06:38:41 No.1523716
    This thread has made me realize that at store, the cashier might actually appreciate me smiling and being nice as fuck... My life just got better.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)06:44:05 No.1523739
    I was in Lismore just two weeks ago on a holiday from Sydney.

    It's a fucking shit hole.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:00:22 No.1523801
    Work in customer service at Lowe's (hardware store) our returns policy is literally the stupidest thing ever we will return anything as long as you show us an id and the system doesn't block you for doing too many returns without reciepts
    Really funny story, we have to answer calls and direct them to departments, and the other night this bitch calls in and she is like my husband left his phone in the store. I ask her a few questions about who was heling her, and get her to the right person all politeness, the call comes back to me because the dude who I directed it to his phone died, by now this bitch is freaking out I gotta find this phone blah blah blah very important (since I can't be fucked to go back and look for it I try to direct it to department guy once again) it comes back for a second time I let one of my coworkers pick it up, by now this bitch is screaming into the phone and her husband is screaming in background ranting about how terrible we are. Anyway eventually the husband comes into the store yells at the top of his voice that he doesn't like us and demands to see a manager (we found his phone and gave it to him right away) screams at our manager for about five minutes and leaves.
    we try to talk to manager about it and he's like wut did someone just complain about you? way cool guy.
    anyway I forgot to green text
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:03:00 No.1523807
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    customer here

    Winnipeg. Extra foods on Notre Dame

    place obviously own by asians since 90% employees are also asian. theres like 8 checkout lanes, be lucky if 2 or 3 lanes are even open...even more lucky if the express lane is open(12-15 items only)
    express lane closed 90% of the time i go in. see majority ppl with few grocerys which would be great fro express lane instead have to create long lines in the 1-2 lanes open being stuck behind ppl with full carts.RAGE!

    also fuckig cashiers dont even bag your shit nor push it to the end of the belt so while your being checked thru the person before you is standing right beside you bagging their own shit, hoping none of your stuff is close enough to theirs that they will grab one of yours keeping eagle on it whole time. They dont even help old ppl bag their shit. FUCKING ASIANS
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:19:54 No.1523860
    >Live with aunt and uncle
    >They demand that I be employed once I reach age 16
    >Fair enough
    >Get job at Wendy's
    >Get stuck on the register every time I'm there because I'm literally the only person with an IQ above 70 who can press the buttons with the pictures of the food on them as per customers' orders
    >Mouthbreathing retards on every other station
    >They stare at me in slackjawed despondency as I rush back and forth trying to fill orders, doing nothing to help me
    >Constantly have to deal with fat fucking slobs and their idiotic complaints and psychotically rude behavior
    >I fucking despise this job with every single quantum of my soul
    >Want to quit and find new job
    >Aunt and uncle say no

    >One day
    >Customer complains about bathroom
    >Tell manager
    >Manager tells me to clean it while he takes over the register
    >Fucking shit fuck shit fuck you, you fat cunt
    >Go to the bathroom
    >Shit everywhere
    >It's like a literal explosion of poop happened

    >Walk back out
    >Toss hat on counter
    >"I quit."

    >Uncle beats the shit out of me for quitting
    >100% of fucks: Not given
    >Go stay with best bro for a week
    >Find own place to live
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:27:37 No.1523895
    im a cashier, nice people are the only thing keeping me from drinking the bottle of bleach under my register.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:39:10 No.1523926
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    >Just another boring day
    >Work at stocking isles
    >PA comes on "anon I need you to come up front"
    >I'm finishing stocking oatmeal, putting the last box up
    >Embarassed as fuck, people are looking at me in the isles after seeing my shirt
    >PA comes on AGAIN and it's all "YEA IM TRIPLE X RATED"
    >Not this shit again
    >Dubstep starts blasting through the PA. Everyone in the isle starts doing the boneless dance
    >I can see my manager standing on the cash register, ejaculating into his hands and throwing it on people
    >Fruit market guy is smashing his head into the watermelons, breaking them while making horrible groaning noises
    >I start eating the oatmeal and powder mix as fast as I can
    >I vomit all over the floor
    >"Anon, clean up in the breakfast isle, Anon, thank you."

    I hate this job.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:42:13 No.1523934
    I love you self-righteous cashiers when you find out some cards issued by credit unions cannot go through as a debit card. You morons can never figure out what to do next when I say, "I cannot USE a PIN with this card."

    And that is why you are making minimum wage in a service job rather than working a real, respectable job with decent pay and benefits.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:51:35 No.1523963
    You sound bitter. Cheer up :)
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:52:00 No.1523966
    >Working at some shitty tourist trap restaurant, first job at 16
    >Brother comes in, orders food
    >Ask to take my break, go and order my food
    >Horrible Owner tells me "Ordering food for other people is stealing, you know"
    >Just look at him, walk outside, proceed to eat food, and share it with brother in addition to his food

    >Last day of work, go down into basement to fetch ice cream
    >Open freezer up, just stick my fingers in 3 or 4 random 5 gallon buckets of AMAZING flavors, eat it.
    >Walk out and leave
    >Call them up, tell the girl who answered "Yea I quit, sorry for the inconvenience "
    >Tells me I need to come back and talk to the owner about it
    >Don't come back, only come for my paycheck
    >Owner tries to say something but I completely blow him off
    >Walk out $200 richer
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:52:17 No.1523967
    He says, sitting at home while unemployed.

    I don't even care if you aren't, don't be a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:56:01 No.1523979
    >That feel when walking out of shitty retail job with your last paycheck.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:59:09 No.1523984
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    >get called into the managers office
    >oh great what did i do know to deserve this
    >ask me for help with an issue the GM asked them to do
    >shows me our monthly profit and wages
    >asks me how to do % of gross for each item

    My fucking boss is asking me how to do simple fucking division. What the fuck you are my manager and you can't fucking figure out how to do percentages. This most likely means that my supervisor was asked first and couldn't do it either.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:59:23 No.1523986
    Australians get the best people

    >Working in Woolworths deli, practically the supervisor when all the managers go home.
    >Old man comes in, doesn't speak English well
    >Asks for a kilogram of prosciutto
    >Proceed to grab reserves for the next day from fridge.
    >Demands he slices it right now for him, thinnly.
    >8:00pm at night, all our slicers are cleaned and packed up
    >Explain that if he comes in tomorrow morning, they'll be able to slice some up for him
    >Yells at me, grabs store manager
    >Have to cut his kilogram of prosciutto (so many slices, takes about 15 minutes)
    >Slicer now dirty again, going to need to spend 30 minutes cleaning it
    > Gives prosciutto to man, gives me sour look, throws it in his trolley and storms off.
    > Was late because of cleaning extra shit, no overtime

    > Next day he comes in and complains it was ill-quality prosciutto, and it was all in a ball
    > Remember him throwing it in his trolley
    > Get into shit.

    It gets bet
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:00:55 No.1523991
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:03:16 No.1523999
    she orders the wrong shit every month

    i don't think she know how to do anything
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:07:27 No.1524018
    >go to post office to send something
    >she asks me where it needs to be send
    >I say UK
    >'that's like america right?'

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:17:05 No.1524051

    Moved towns, now in Darwin.

    >Working with Lenards, I mostly cook food and give people trials
    > Working in CBD, masses of homeless people drunk aborigionals coming to collect their centerlink.
    > I'm not a dick about it, I often give them extra food than I'm allowed when the manager isn't looking
    > One aboriginal guy comes up
    > Start talking to him "G'day... how ya going?"
    > Doesn't say anything, starts grabbing multiple samples
    > "Sir, there is only 2 per person..."
    > Continues to try and grab more
    > "Sir..."
    > 5+ sausages in hand, looks at me in the eyes
    > "Ya fukin' cunt" and proceeds to smash the plate on the floor.
    > Walks away
    >Spent the next 10 minutes cleaning shit off the floor.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:19:56 No.1524059
    > Working third shift at a Kohl's
    > Hired in with three other people, some autistic redneck guy, and some Christian guy that used to be in a gang
    > Co-workers treat me and the autistic guy like shit because we're both pushovers
    > I can never ask questions without getting bitched out in front of everyone and made fun of, but if I fuck up I get bitched out even harder
    > Example: Part of my job was to take clothing racks back to certain parts of the stores. One night, I take one of the wrong racks to the wrong parts of the store. My boss bitches me out for 15 minutes and I catch shit from everyone for the next month
    > We're forced to listen to the same soundtrack every night. The soundtrack consists of four Taylor Swift songs, a couple of pop tracks from the 90's, a fuckton of sappy love songs, and some shitty country music.
    > Memorize nearly every word to every song in the first month
    > Forced to work with a crackwhore who works as a lunch lady by day (I'm not exaggerating, though, this lady was a crackhead if I've ever seen one), a couple of burnt-out alcoholics, and some guy that was a year older than me, who actually turned out to be pretty fucking cool
    > Catch shit for being a pushover for over two months. Boss purposely calls me out in front of everyone and then tries to play it off like she's "just joking" (If I had a dollar for every time some fuckface asshole said this shit to me since middle school, I'd be able to buy out Microsoft)
    > Finally get sick of the bullshit and stop going to work
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:20:42 No.1524061

    That was the only job I ever quit without even putting in a notice. They had a really high turnover rate, too, but who could blame them? You treat people like shit and ignore them when they complain about it and what would you expect to happen? I understand that I'm not entitled to respect. I understand that, but I'm not gonna stand around and take constantly catch shit from a bunch of burnouts twice my age.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:21:40 No.1524067

    Hired in with two other people*
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:25:15 No.1524078

    fucking this.

    Seriously what the fuck is wrong with these people, and it's not everyone, only the cunts with a problem who act all high and mighty (mfw they don't know how we mock them after they leave and how much they truly disgust us) and think anyone in a uniform or behind a counter is a fucking slave drone they can abuse

    >mfw store will always take your side when customer makes bullshit complaints
    >their faces when they cant actually get us fired at my store, we get like 4 warnings then a written warning then maybe you might get reprimanded, pretty much have to steal stock or money or abuse co-workers or actual bad shit to get fired
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:28:48 No.1524093
    >free samples
    >mfw only ONE abbo stealing extra samples
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:38:50 No.1524135
    go to a supermarket with real people, I bet they are fucking CHINESE too, seriously don't even bother with Asians who run a store
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:39:08 No.1524136
    I've been working at Kohl's for like 5 months now. It doesn't sound as bad as your store, but the song's are fucking mind numbing. Grates on my soul. Also I'm in the shoe department, so if shit gets real miserable I just go hide out in the shoe stockroom for five or so minutes. No one ever comes and checks up on that side of the store, I love it. My supervisor just left though, so they threw in some bitch from jewelry that doesn't know anything about running shoes. It's basically been me and another girl trying to run the place through her and trying to keep shit on track. Three more months of this shit is probably going to make me snap.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:42:47 No.1524148

    I assume you're working day shift, right? Trust me, it could be a lot worse. Avoid third shift like the plague. Once they put you in the stockroom you will almost literally never see the light of day.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:49:57 No.1524170
    >the place I work has a sign outside advertising the fact that our atm machines doesn't charge for withdrawals, it says "Free Cash" with icons of all the credit card companies
    >twice an hour some comedian comes in "YEAH I WANT THE FREE CASH LOLOLOLOL"
    >constantly think of passive aggressive ways to tell them to fuck off without actually being rude

    >customer threatens to not shop here in future
    >have to pretend to give a shit while holding back laughter
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:50:21 No.1524173

    hey i work there too, i'm sick of assholes who pronounce shashlicks, pastelles and mignons wrong.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)09:19:30 No.1524263
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)09:46:56 No.1524356
    I work in retail and have the full version of Rapper's Delight memorized. I swear to god if someone ever does this shit to me I'll go down in history as the baddest rapper there ever could be. Mark my words.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)09:51:49 No.1524375
    You live in Darwin, what were you expecting? The whole place is drunk abo cunts and rednecks. Why the hell would you move there? You can't even swim anywhere without a croc attacking you or getting stung to shit by jellyfish.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)09:52:46 No.1524377
    >croc attacks
    >> Ambrosia 02/23/12(Thu)09:58:16 No.1524400
    Oh lawd, I was working in a restaurant and I go to deliver this table of 3's food.

    >"Chicken leg?" OH THAT'S ME
    >""Duck leg confit?" OH ME
    >Blank stares
    >Go back to kitchen, leave food under heater and go to find out who fucked up the order
    >Find the guy working that table, he says yeah that guy ordered it, pointing to the only guy WITHOUT FOOD ON THE TABLE
    >Bring it back out, chefs are wtfing
    >Pronounce it like a retard, "BEEF BERG-ING-NON"
    >The guy suddenly perks up, 'OH ME!"

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:09:35 No.1524446
    >says that if I wake her baby up I'm going to kill her
    nice freudian
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:23:05 No.1524501
    > phone rings at work
    > some lady calling up to bitch about the price of the mangoes
    > on the handheld the price came up at $7.14 each, obviously some sort of error much higher up, but nothing we can do, we have to change it
    > lady bitches that she got two mangoes and they were $10
    > boss informs her it should actually be $14 and the cashier must have rung it up per #
    > tells the woman that it's some sort of computer error higher up, that we also found it unusual and didn't want to change the price
    > lady starts yelling about how she's never going to shop there again and how $7 for a mango is disgraceful
    > boss is nearly in tears by now, she takes her job kinda seriously
    > tells her she can return them
    > lady bitches about how she lives 'all the way across town' and how much time it takes
    > lady demands to talk to the manager, but we dont transfer to his office, so lady says she'll call again and ask for the manager

    Fucking middle aged bitch who obviously has enough money to go shopping without caring about prices.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:29:03 No.1524531
    I know it's not retail But I work as a lifeguard at the local lagoon/Swimming Pool. It attracts a lot of good-looking tourists from around the world so we always get some pedophile taking pictures of them or just being creepy.
    One day...
    >Working the day shift, 5am-2pm.
    >Three well dressed asian men proceed to strip down to there briefs on the shoreline and enter the water
    >Other lifeguard and I are obviously dumbfounded, these guys were wearing fucking suits a minute ago.
    >they proceed to take 2 underwater cameras and beach noodle into the water with them.
    >This is Highly suspicious so we keep an eye on them.
    >they dive under the water, each time a hot woman wades by.
    >when they surface they all huddle around the camera like school children to porn
    >I approach them near the edge, Alpha as fuck and ask them to get out and hand me there cameras
    >Oh look at that you took lewd pictures of women
    >delete pics and proceed to hand camera back to them but "Accidentally" fall short and drop it on the ground
    >they rage and tell me they will be speaking to my manager
    >Mfw I am the Main Lifeguard for the area, ergo No higher authorithy other than the polic
    >I laugh and show them the cameras that have been watching and logging the event. tell them to leave the premise
    >during this time they had there wallet stolen by some Torres strait Island kids.
    >One of the guys is also missing his pants.

    ...I have more stories both interesting and heart-warming to share care to hear them?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:31:47 No.1524540
    >Work experience at mechanics
    >Get told to sweep the carpark after my break
    >starts to drizzle, so I ask my boss if I should do it beforehand
    >"Well its fucking raining now, what do you think?"
    >end of the day having to push a car in that had been sitting in the carpark for months, shitload of leaves make it difficult, boss is helping
    >Says to a mechanic "well if he had fucking swept like I had asked him to this wouldnt be a problem"
    >ok whatever
    >next day "anon, I want you to sweep the carpark before you go home, and don't fucking weasel out of it like yesterday"

    another time:
    >overhear boss talking to a mechanic about a car hes trying to sell (buys them cheap, fixes them and sells them off)
    >overhear him telling the mechanic to get me to wash the car when the service is done
    > mechanic didn't tell me to wash it
    >go up to the boss and ask him if he wants me to wash the car
    >"well thats what I fucking told you to do, do I need to repeat everything for you to understand" (has thick accent so sometimes yes...)

    constantly says how stupid I am, knows I'm starting to university and says shit like "Fuck I dont have a clue how half wit like you would be able to make it through uni"

    Turns out he is really sick with 6 years left to live, so now I feel bad for hating on him... And when my work experience was over we had a good chat and he apologized for all of it saying he has to keep up appearances to keep the other guys in-line
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:32:16 No.1524542
    >working retail

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:34:51 No.1524554
    I've spent the last 3 minutes trying to visualize this
    and it just gets more hilarious every time

    If they're attractive suited men, why dont they just
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:44:31 No.1524614
    Dude, you would not believe the crazy cunts we get down there sometimes.

    Another story!
    >Aboriginals get drunk at Barbecue 100m away from pool area.
    >No one cares as long as they stay away from them and drink to themselves
    >Working one afternoon
    >Milf of a Brazilian woman comes to complain
    >"I have a problem with those men over there"
    >I look over at the corroboree|
    >No Males in sight just quiet drunk female abbos. >"What seems to be the proble"
    >she stares for thirty seconds at me then at the Abbos
    >"They are sitting to close to my children"
    >Her children are over the other side of the fucking lagoon
    >"Well that's a little prejudiced isn't it? they're aren't hurting anyone. Besides they're are much quieter than they normally are tonight"
    >She leaves without a word back to there picnic table.
    >She approaches Abbos
    >Words are exchanged
    >Beer bottles are thrown
    >Security is called
    >A light post is dented

    A fucking Light post is literally dented halfway.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:47:11 No.1524631
    Oh god more
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:54:03 No.1524666


    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:59:55 No.1524707
    One more and then Bed.
    These stories don't make themselves you know.

    >Be a sunny Saturday around noon.
    >150 people in the water and four Lifeguards on duty
    >this is the time when a lot of children may drown so we are paying close attention to the water.
    >Aquatic Security is in charge of maintenance and are fixing a problem in on of the bathrooms so there is a large line for the womens.
    >Everything is going as would be expected of a busy day
    >when suddenly, a group of wild naked Children no older than 6 streak out from the carpark area
    >most of the pool stops watch the spectacle
    >The wild Children do not enter the water but prefer to run along the beach kicking up sand and mentally scarring the other kids playing in the shallow end.
    >After almost a minute of them running wild a female parent or guardian calls them and they go back to the carpark were they came from.
    >Everyone is stunned for 10 minutes after and we considered shutting the pool to accomodate for the post-traumatic stress that the younger kids had experience

    I wonder if they were retarded and their wrangler had lost control over them while they were getting changed,
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:07:12 No.1524741
    serves you right, fuckface. it's not like the girl stole from your house, and to hell with you for giving an innocent person a criminal record. i wish i knew who you were cause i'd come slash your tires too.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:12:12 No.1524765
    >children getting mentally scarred by seeing naked children

    Yeah, sure.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:13:30 No.1524772
    >Working at Coles (Supermarket chain in Aus)
    >Selling Cigarettes
    >Customer buying Cigarettes with gift card
    >Fuck... I'm not sure if you can buy cigarettes with a gift card.
    >Customer: "You fucking did last time" (He said 'fucking' but maybe not like that but that was the jist
    >Fuck you, I'll ask my manager
    >She says yes
    >My ass isn't on the line anymore; the manager said OK
    >I shrug and sell the cigarettes
    >Make note to read the policy again
    >7 Types of Gift Cards
    >5 of these can be used where I work
    >Only one type of gift card cannot be used to buy Cigarettes

    Fuck. That. Shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:14:44 No.1524782
    Because you spent 1.5 hours doing pretty much nothing. If you're going to be in sales you need to be quick. Time vs Human Resources vs Profit.

    Did the couple even buy anything?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:16:53 No.1524793
    >about to go job hunting
    >read this thread
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:18:12 No.1524798
    What's a PA call?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:21:31 No.1524824
    I like how I recognised this after reading "New Jersey."
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:23:54 No.1524845
    sounds like a bro
    fuck you
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:26:22 No.1524865
    You absolute dick.
    You're honestly posting this story as an 'annoying customer' story?
    God I hate people like you.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:26:31 No.1524866
    I've always wondered, do you get angry windows & Linux fags arguing that Macs are shit? And why?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:26:39 No.1524869

    not that anon, but cashiers have to phone their supervisors to get permision for some actions, for example cancelling a receipt exceeding a fixed amount (shit depends on individual market regulations). I think he meant that sort of thing
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:29:56 No.1524892
    PA means Public Announcement...
    It's when people call things out on the tannoy.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:35:08 No.1524933

    strange, in my country this is done by the customer service booth. good to know
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:37:58 No.1524952
    I used to work in the garden center of a local co-op that was also a grocery and deli. I've got a few stories, nothing too bad though.

    >I have to do just about everything there is to be done
    >Had to ring up customers, water plants, load mulch into trucks, etc
    >Very fucking hot summer day, I've been there all day
    >My second or third time watering plants
    >Customer is looking at plants down the line
    >I'm assuming she'll move by the time I get there
    >She doesnt
    >Skip that area, finish watering the rest sans that part
    >She's still in the same fucking place, looking
    >Wait patiently for her to get done so I can finish watering
    >She leaves without buying anything
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:41:26 No.1524983
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    >Work produce department at Harris Teeter (overpriced grocery store)
    >Salad bar is supposed to close at 9
    >Start taking it down 5 minutes early
    >Obese orange lady comes in with husband who looks like a fucking California raisin
    >"Oh sorry! You can still get salad, let me just the dressings and stuff from the back for you"
    >"Yes, but you can still get salad if you wanted to."
    >This goes on for a couple of minutes
    >She eventually says "You dumb fucking bitch, can't you see it says 9? Or are you just retarded?
    >I feel myself start to tear up and don't say anything
    >"How about I just talk to your manager, dumb slut?
    >She walks off and finds my manager
    >Hear her screams from across the store
    >I just start sobbing in the back room because I was so fed up

    Is she incapable of making salad at home? I don't even think she eats them, she was realistically around 300 pounds.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:41:29 No.1524984

    >Long line of customers, ring up the first one
    >Start ringing up the second, she reminds me that it's Member day
    >Members get 10% off on Member days
    >Finish with her
    >The first one I rang up says she's a member and wants me to take the 10% off
    >I have to void her sale, then re-ring it back up just so she can have 50 cents or so off
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:43:18 No.1524994
    >Working in pharmacy with just myself and pharmacist on Saturday.
    >Druggie comes in wanting to pick up his prescription of some highly controlled medication (can't remember what it was, maybe suboxone) and his Hydrocodone.
    >Find the Suboxone but not his Hydrocodone, a quick search shows that it had been picked the day before
    >"Hur dur I did not pick up my prescription hurr durrr"
    >Show him where his wife had signed for the medication
    >"My wife told me that she did not pick it up, you are lying"
    >I turn around to let the pharmacist know what is happening so I don't have to handle it
    >When I turn back around the Suboxone prescription is not on the counter where is was two fucking seconds ago (and he is literally the only fucker at the pharmacy)
    >I ask him if he has the Suboxone
    >"What, no I don't know what you done with it, you had it a second ago hurr durr"
    >I am about to rage at this point because it is fucking Saturday morning and I really don't feel like dealing with this.

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:45:25 No.1525005

    >I ask him if he is sure that he did not accidentally pick it up and put it into his pocket
    >*checks pockets* "hurr durr not in there"
    >Quick thinking pharmacist says that we will just go replay our security camera film to see where it went. (we did not actually have security cameras lololololol)
    >"Oh hang on a second...maybe *pat pat*, Oh I DID ACCIDENTALLY PUT IT INTO MY POCKET. My bad.
    >He then demands to know where his Hydrocodone is at
    >Show him where his wife had signed for the prescription
    >He then threatens to pull me over the counter and beat me
    >Threatens the Pharmacist
    >Pays his like pittance of a copay and leaves screaming the whole time about how he is going to see us in court

    I literally laughed out loud when the same man died from an overdose less than two months from that day. Fucking druggies.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:51:35 No.1525048
    >Deli and meats counter

    >Vacuum-sealing pieces of beef in small plastic bags
    >Old lady approaches counter
    >Leave tray of open bags to deal with her
    >She asks for some stew meat, go in the back to find what she wants
    >When I get back out, I see one of my coworkers putting all the meat in new bags
    >Later he tells me how, when I was in the back, he found the old woman on our side of the counter
    >She was grabbing and looking at all the open bags with meat in them

    >Monday through thursday we have this "dinner deal", like a cafeteria type dinner plate, with an established menu throughout the week, like: Monday: Roast pig with potatoes.
    >The meat, potatoes, sauce etc. is placed in aluminium containers with foil on top, up at the counter, resting in a water bath to keep them warm.
    >One day, I turn around and see this silly looking adult man with a belly
    >He is leaning over the counter, with one foot in the gap the workers use to get in.
    > He is lifting the aluminium foil of the boxes, with his bare, filthy customer hands
    >I hurry up, cover the boxes up and say "no, you can't do that!"
    >He tell me he just wanted to know what was for dinner

    God dammit, this isn't your mommys kitchen

    Seriously, whatever you do, do NOT walk behind the counter. I don't think anything rustles my jimmies more than finding customers behind the fucking counter.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:09:34 No.1525136
    >A fucking Light post is literally dented halfway.

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:14:07 No.1525161
    >fat person
    >gets mad the salad bar is closing
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:54:44 No.1525424
    im not saying it was aliens...but it was aliens
    >> babel. noise 02/23/12(Thu)13:35:46 No.1525724
    Work as a teacher and our customers are the parents.
    >first day of school.
    >quiet boy walks in not saying a single word and not even saying hello.
    >smelly white trash woman follows behind.
    >says and I kid you not in a loud voice "if the little shit gets out of Line use this.
    >proceeds to hand me a bottle of pepper spray.
    >after she leaves call social services to do something about this.

    I still have that bottle of pepperspray lying around somewhere in my house.

    Welp back to work. Ill post some more.maybe
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)14:18:51 No.1525983
    >work in produce at extra foods
    >on pharmacy side of store taking order in
    >2 guys around 20 come up to me with cough syrup in their hands
    >"hey man, will this get me and my friend fucked up?"
    >honestly had no idea what to say

    It's a chill place though
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)14:52:47 No.1526160
    >work at coffe shop
    >most customers are very sheltered, self-entitled, white super-suburb type
    >enter customer - middleaged frumpy lady
    >can I get a double cup, no foam, hot "snowdrift", with soy milk and extra whipped cream. Venti.
    >"um ma'm we aren't starbucks. Pretty sure venti means large. But what is a snowdrift?"
    >" omg you're so incompetent how can you not know what drinks are being a barrista? Lemme talk to manager!"
    >proceeds to describe to the manager in great detail what "snowdrift" tastes like.
    >manager as confused as me
    >leaves me to handle it
    >tell customer to pick something off our menu that looks similar
    > "okay ill have the cappucino, with all the toppings I said before, can you handle that?"
    >" yes ma'm but would you mind repeating your toppings and other modifications first?"
    >customer flips a tit yelling about how I'm a worthless barrista and her 5 yr old granchild could have made her drink right the first time she asked
    >make her rediculously high maintinence drink
    >comes back 30 min later with empty cup
    >"this was disgusting I demand a refund"
    >"ma"m if you already drank the whole thing it couldn't have been that bad. I can't do that"
    >"omg you're so stupid I'm never coming back"
    >"ma'm these aren't my rules"
    >"go to hell"
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:01:13 No.1526206
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    >that feel when some customer starts screaming at you and you just stare at them and say "yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. cool." because you don't care enough to pretend to care and then you overhear your coworkers having a discussion on whether you are a badass or autistic
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:01:27 No.1526209
    Another coffee shop story

    >60 yr old man comes in
    >"venti coffee please"
    >"this isn't starbucks, we do small medium large, so I assume you want large"
    >him- "don't be a smartass son"
    >" just trying to inforrm you sir. Do you want room for cream?""
    >"nope fill 'er up all the way"
    >get coffee, bring back
    > him- " son that's way too full I'm gonna burn my hands and you'll end up in a lawsuit!"
    > " sir the cup whas a disclaimer about being careful of hot liquids for legal protection, so no. Do you want me to dump some out?"
    > "yess dammit obviously. Damn kids thinking they know everything"
    >pour a little out
    >him- " that's way too much! You trying to rip me off with half a cup of coffee!" (There's maybe 1/4 inch of coffee missing)
    >I give up.... "take it or leave it"
    > he takes it and is never seen again
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:02:12 No.1526212
    I'm glad to see another Teacher around here.
    >> me_myself_and_i !CUQ7HCg2T6 02/23/12(Thu)15:03:28 No.1526221
    >at work
    >douche comes in, all the staff hate him
    >wants a 6 pint whole milk
    >they are hardly ever in stock
    >apoligise, saying they are not usually in stock often
    >he flips
    >look at watch
    >its 12:30
    >he demands store manager
    >go out back
    >go on 1hr lunch break instead

    i don't HAVE to be nice to some people
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:14:18 No.1526285
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    he really fell for it!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:26:29 No.1526371
    pharmacy broooooo!
    i actually quite like my job, but i work in an independant pharmacy in a nice town so its got a really awesome community atmosphere, always chattin to the old folks and stuff.

    that said
    >small senile elderly woman comes in
    >asks for her pills
    >checking, checking, searching all the places
    >"im sorry, it doesnt look like we've received a prescription for you recently, you'd best have a word with the surgery"
    >suddenly FULL HISSYFIT
    >she fucking wants us to just chuck her some controlled drugs (which we dont even stock unless we get the script for)
    >she only spoke to the doctor THAT MORNING
    >dont know whether to feel sorry for her or irritated by her rage

    thankfully since im the junior employee at work my coworkers tend to intervene and take the brunt of the rage.

    so many stories that get repeated on a fairly regular basis, can almost guess the reactions word for word, but theres normally nothing we can do about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:36:35 No.1526419
    Coffee shop #3

    >strict rule:no free water. Managers say cuz it wastes cups and cups cost money
    >guy comes in and asks for ice water, orders nothing
    >tell him we have cups and a cooler/water dispenser for CUSTOMERS
    >goes over to use
    >would let it go but manager right there
    >walk over
    >"sir this is for customers only"
    >" I am a customer! Order stuff here all the time!" (Never seen him before, bs detected)
    >sir if you order something you can have all the water you want
    >screams about rights as an american and how water is free to all citizens
    > don't even know what to say
    > tell him to go to his house if he wants "free" water
    >demands to talk to manager
    >managers pet peeve is water-beggars
    >halfway thru explaining situation to manager he storms out to customer
    >" gtfo never come back"
    > mfw manager was on my side for once
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:42:24 No.1526445
    Holy shit what is wrong with americans? Why are you so fucking rude? In norway, no one would EVER say shit like "Hey, isn't it you job to GREET US when we come through your line?"

    Why? How? Holy shit, how fucking uncivil isnt that? I mean you have the right to free speech and all that fucking propaganda, doesnt mean you should always be an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:44:08 No.1526452
    because america is a disgusting cultural wasteland and the people are shit
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:45:06 No.1526459
    Coffee shop #4

    >last person working
    >closing up, everything cleaned and put away
    > we close at 6pm
    >locking up at 5:59
    >guy walks up
    >"hey I need a coffee would you mind letting me in?"
    > " sorry sir we just closed. Come in tomorrow or there's a coffee shop still open 2 minutes away"
    >doesn't get it. Continues to demand coffee from me, right now
    >"sir I can't do that. We're closed. It would take me 20 minutes to put everything together and brew coffee, and at least another 30min to clean it back up"
    >him- " oh so just cuz this is slightly inconvinient to you, you are just gonna treat me like crap"
    >me- "sir this is against the rules. Please if you're this desperate for coffee go to the shop 2 minutes down the road"
    >him- "oh boy have you got it coming. Tomorrow I'm gonna come tell your managers all about how you were too lazy to do the simplest task"
    >next day come in. Managers have stern talk with me, threaten to fire
    > ask them what guy said
    >apparently he told them some crazy story about how shop was open and I merely refused him coffee because it was too much work to fill a cup
    >tell them real story
    >guy banned from shop. Win.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:49:47 No.1526482
    Amerifag here. True as hell. People have this self-entitlement pounded into their heads, especially when it comes to being a customer. I think its because all the advertising brainwashes them into thinking everything is made just for them
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:51:43 No.1526494
    These. Despite the nation as a whole being pretty important in global affairs, most people here are terrible.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:07:16 No.1526555
    Work at a movie theater, been working there since they've opened up shop 4 years ago, been through loadz a BS but this takes the cake

    >I'm basically shut in theater kid
    >attempt accents on a daily basis
    >slow night, breaking in and out of a country accent
    >meanwhile manager is talking about getting drunk with underage b& and asking workers to take her on a Dinner date
    >I'm elected to this joke date fine.jpg
    >soon afterwards on this slow night the whole crew is huddled behind the concessions counter BSing
    > that manager said "Yall" right afterwards I broke into country accent
    >LOLZ were had (the two other managers that night Lol'd hard)
    >she was embarrassed apparently
    >next week rolls by and at the end of my shift I am called into the managers office
    >Yea Anon you were being very unprofessional last week, it bugged the manager so bad that she called me the day afterwards(as said by the new Douchebag GM)

    mfw I rustled her hypocritical jimmies... because of a country accent
    mfw I have no face because FUCKDAPOLICE
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:07:45 No.1526557
    Why don't you leave when its you and three other employees, that way you don't need to deal with their shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:09:28 No.1526569
    Is this also america? Because I have worked as a barista for 4 years now and I encounter this shit every fucking day, people coming in at 17:59. When I tell them we close 18 they are always like "oh, sorry I'll be on my way then!" or "well, thats mye fault for being stupid, sorry man!"

    Feels good to live in a civilized country, jesus christ, americans are fucked in the head.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:14:26 No.1526600
    Mother of god, I cant believe people like this exist. Same baristafag btw, just astonished by this. And I think people are rude when they dont say please and thank you.

    Actually, when I think about it americans are always super nice and polite to me, but almost all of these stories are from america. I guess it has something to do with the fact that americans who can afford to travel to norway arent cultureless whitetrash
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:16:41 No.1526614
    Glorious fucking feeling.

    I work at a pharmacy, and the drive-thru customers fucking suck. I got this one bitch who kept screaming and cussing for some trivial stuff I'm not going to bother getting into. Point is, she (and the rest of them) don't seem to understand that I can't hear anything more than muffled sounds unless I turn the intercom speaker on.

    I was just watching her through the window nodding my head totally unconcerned while she was having her hissyfit. Couldn't hear a single thing she said, but she didn't know that.
    >> Tripfag !0/otwjkEYI 02/23/12(Thu)16:25:34 No.1526688
    >Be working in retail for 8 months
    >Never took a sick day
    >Got sick today
    >Call in
    >Tell boss I've been getting sick, probably some sort of virus
    >Tries to talk me in to working
    >"Well we have toilets"
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:35:01 No.1526743
    Everybody feels more comfortable in their home countries; we're just more polite when we're out of our element.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:35:58 No.1526751
    >Not turning the speaker on when it looks like she's winding down and asking "Sorry, I didn't quite catch that, can you repeat what you said?"
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:44:20 No.1526824
    Yep america. Sucks don't it
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:26:29 No.1527136
    it must be this. In the absence of culture advertising brainwashes people into thinking the most important thing on the planet is their own wants, and being raised by parents that are fucked up the same way leaves these people insecure, childish and short-tempered. America is important much like a beast tard in a classroom waving a gun around.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:31:27 No.1528538
    >These are priceless.
    How do I get a retail job?
    Just apply online, or go in person and ask?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:33:51 No.1528564
    Apply online, go in for interview, do the job remotely well and you won't get fired (probably)
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:39:48 No.1528611
    No, the only ones who are fucked in the head like that are the ones that come right as a store is closing...
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:52:47 No.1528726
    Going to post on this to personally thank you rowboats for giving me many laughs today.
    I love you guys.
    >> Fellpyre !!XzXG6jn5Bf0 02/23/12(Thu)20:54:55 No.1528745
    Fucking this.

    I work at a coffee house, and there's this one woman who can't stand me working there.

    I became the fucking best barista there was, I made her the best chocolate, I kissed the ass of that wrinkled hag.

    She paid for her chocolate and what did she tell the fucking owner?

    >"He is going to eventually ruin your shop."

    Fuck that bitch.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:36:32 No.1529105
    I work in Subway, so much retarded shit goes down, and get so many arseholes that it has all blended into one. So I cant remember that many specific stories. But to some up

    > Work Friday and Saturday night shifts (10pm to 4pm) on a busy club and bar road
    > Get hoards of drunken idiots and arseholes
    > Customers act like dicks to us, we act like dicks to them
    > They are nice, so are we
    > Get physical threats all the time from drunken 'hardmen'
    (One time some rhoidhead dashed an apple at my head with such force that it exploded into tiny particles upon impact. Luckily it hit the bread cabinet and not my head)
    > Get into physical confrontations as we have no security but sometimes are forced to kick people out
    > Last Saturday got into two fights within an hour
    > mfw I get away with being a dick to arsehole customers
    > mfw I get away with physically manhandling dickheads out of the store
    > mfw not a single thing has ever lead to me even getting a telling off from the manager
    > mfw she usually laughs when I tell her about the shenanigans (cuz she trusts us enough to know that were good towards good customers, its probably the only good thing about her though, shes a bit shit otherwise)

    >mfw I have no face
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:51:17 No.1529226
    whoa, this thread's still up?


    Holy shit. I'm not keen to put my name on 4chan though sorry, and I don't know anyone who works at KFC. but yeah, Jim's an asshole.


    It's not the greatest hey.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)21:52:49 No.1529242

    oops. got the replies back to front.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)22:07:09 No.1529343


    >sum up
    > 10pm to 4am
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)00:09:42 No.1530385
    This is why I am always pleasant and kind to every employee I see. I get pissed at my buddies when they just wave off what an employee is saying. Seriously, treat people with respect.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)03:08:52 No.1531549
    bum bum
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)03:18:28 No.1531568
    >that feel when pseudo intellectual co-cart pushers

    Seriously. All four of the other cart pushers always want to talk philosophy with me on some super fucking shallow level. I'm not being a dick, I mean it's shit like:

    >you think you have all the answers man. you think you know it all and then life smacks you in the face
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)03:26:55 No.1531597
    >working at mom/pop Grocery
    >be majoring in Japanese
    >one day old man walks up to me and strikes a conversation
    >says name is Les Goldmen, but call him Les
    >tells me how he was in the Navy when he was younger and fought in a war, etc.
    >says he stayed in Japan
    >we hit it off, always makes jokes, tells me about his past
    >he's like a figure from a movie
    >i always look forward to see him, i hope he doesn't die soon.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)03:28:35 No.1531604

    I mean, it kinda sounds like they are just trying to make conversation, maybe trying to discus some kind of problem they are having.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)03:32:56 No.1531614

    I know it's not some Derek Parfit or David Lewis shit but I can't see why you can't relate, It seems like whenever you study some shit in detail it always happens.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)03:58:09 No.1531692
    You should probably just go ahead and watch the movie "clerks"..
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)05:15:52 No.1531960
         File: 1330078552.jpg-(22 KB, 250x300, canned hate 2.jpg)
    22 KB
    >At work today
    >Best Buy warehouse
    >Outside number calls the warehouse
    >Me: [location] Best Buy warehouse. This is Anon
    >Cust: "Hi I was wondering if you could measure a TV for me?"
    >Me: "All of our televisions dimensions are available on our website and on the manufacturers website."
    >Cust: "Well can you just measure it for me? The SKU is 1234567"
    >I pull it up in our inventory tool
    >Me: "I'm sorry sir, but we don't have a display of that model."
    >Cust: "Can you take one out of the box and measure it for me?"
    >Me: "No."
    >Cust: "Why not?"
    >I tell him why I can't take the TV out of the box and measure it. This takes a few minutes because he doesn't seem to get it.
    >Cust: "Oh, I found the dimensions on your website. Thanks anyway."

    I...I don't even know anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)05:42:23 No.1532060
    >Working at Starbucks
    >Homeless lady comes in
    >Starts flailing around
    >Hits black guy in the back of head
    >Black guy shoves her
    >She freaks out and charges him
    >Black guy can barely hold her back (she has crack strength)
    >Everybody else is backed up
    >Manager comes out
    >He is wearing his green apron as a cape and is holding a mop in a weapon-like manner. He also has a motorcycle helmet on.
    >He flips the visor up and yells "LET THIS BE OUR FINAL BATTLE!!!!!!"
    >Homeless bitch stops attacking black guy and looks at him, her eyes full of fury.
    >Manager takes a step towards her and says "Come on, I'll mop the floor with you."
    >She charges him, he smacks her with the mop-head.
    >Does nothing, she jumps on him.
    >He goes down, but pulls out a bunch of sand from his pocket and throws it in her eyes.
    >Homeless bitch screams and starts flailing around.
    >Manager gets up and says "NOW PREPARE TO BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE, VILLAIN!!"
    >He then pulls out his cell phone and calls the cops. Homeless bitch runs out.
    >Manager looks at everyone and says "Don't worry, I'm the manager." Then walks back to his office in the back.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)05:45:42 No.1532077
    She meant that he (the poster) would kill the baby by speaking over the PA.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)05:48:29 No.1532091
    >Work at Bass Pro Shops, redneck capital
    >Be greeter instead of cashier that night, horribly shitty job. But hell, pay me $8.50/hr to just say "hello?" Why not?
    >10:05, 5 minutes after we close and I forgot to lock the door.
    >Locked one set of doors, in process of locking the other set when an SUV careens to a stop in front of the store, a lady running out from it. I'm shutting the door, because it's five minutes after closing.
    >She braces a hand to keep the door from closing. "Please let us in, we need to get a few things."
    >Me thinking, what, who the fuck NEEDS something at 10:00 at night at Bass Pro Shop?
    >Me: "Ma'am, I'm sorry, but we close at 10:00pm. We open at 9:00am tomorrow."
    >Her: "No, I need to get sunscreen and a few things."
    >Me: "All we sell is Banana Boat brand, which can be found at Wal-Mart. There is a Wal-Mart straight down this highway, about 5 minutes away."
    >Her: "No, I need to look at a couple of other things."
    >Me: "We're closed. I'm sorry."
    >Her: Don't be a bitch, we came all the way from Missouri!"
    >Me: "No offense, but there are other Bass Pro Shops on Interstate 65. Please ma'am, let me close this door."
    >She fucking braces against the door. I press the handicap close/open button, and it forces shut on her boot-covered foot, which she quickly withdraws. I lock the door.
    >After a delay she begins to throw herself at the door, cursing.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)05:50:15 No.1532097
    lol I'd have smacked that bitch
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)06:00:05 No.1532122
    >>2 guys around 20 come up to me with cough syrup in their hands
    >>"hey man, will this get me and my friend fucked up?"

    I burst out laughing at this
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)06:08:34 No.1532152
    >ringing up some half retarded housewife at the register
    >there was a snow storm rolling through which fucked up our satellite
    >as a result, debit transactions wouldn't work, only credit card
    >inform lady of this, she asks pretty much what I had just said but in question form
    >let her know, again, that debit wont work so she'll have to do something else
    >ok *slides card and selects credit*
    >grab receipt, finish up bagging the rest of her stuff
    >"oh, I didn't want credit. I want to pay with cash"
    >have to void transaction, rescan receipt, add the money back onto her card, then start all over
    >whole process takes 5 minutes
    >check out line now full of impatient customers
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)06:13:26 No.1532167
    i refuse to believe a manager could be this awesome
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)06:14:49 No.1532172
    >Working at Tim Hortons (Starbucks for you americans)
    >It's a fucking shitty job, filled with busywork
    >Literally putting napkins and plastic spoons/knives into brown bags for 6+ hours per shift
    >Mention once to some new guy there that I'm going to start looking for another job
    >He laughs it off
    >Little while passes (almost a month)
    >Manager pulls me aside
    >"I heard you're going to be quitting soon?"
    >I'm blindsided by this, admit the truth and basically say I'm going to give my two weeks because I don't like the job
    >He tells me that he already took care of it and the past 2 weeks were my "2 weeks notice" and I can give in my uniform now
    >What the fuck

    I mean, it was a shitty job, but it was just odd.
    >> Zeohi !AmaZing6tE 02/24/12(Fri)06:17:10 No.1532179
    >Working at a grocery store
    >Asian man comes up to me
    "You have ecks?"
    >"Uhh, Axe? Like the body spray?"
    "Nooo, ecks. Ecks."
    >"Um.. like.. for cutting trees?"
    "Nooo, chicken ecks."
    >"OOOHHHHHHHH", tell him where eggs are
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)06:21:00 No.1532191
    >GameStop in a mall on the edge of the ghetto, around 2005/6
    >okay job, awesome coworkers, all kinds of customers, no complaints
    >one day, 2 normalfag high school guys come in and start messing around with the Nintendogs demo units
    >talking to each other excitedly as they do their Nintendogs shit
    >suddenly a huge black dude comes in, obviously close to 7 feet tall (I'm 6'2" so I could guess), bald, probably around 350 lbs
    >wearing stained sweatpants, dirty white t-shirt
    >bloodshot eyes
    >holding a gallon milk jug 3/4 full of opaque brown fluid in one hand
    >look at him, think 'whatever,' treat him like anyone else
    >he comes to counter and I ask him what he's looking for
    >one high school guy on each side of him; one guy says to the other "dude, look what I made my dog do!"
    >black dude turns to look at him
    >"ARE YOU CALLIN ME A DAWG?" his voice is super slurred
    >kid backs down immediately, he and his bro try to explain they're just playing a game
    >black guy interrupts while staring them down
    >looks away and stares off into the distance
    >me and coworkers tell him he has to leave
    >he walks away from us towards the store entrance, mumbling about how we can't tell him what to do
    >last thing he says as he walks out is "MARIO... THE KING"
    >mall security bounced his ass out a few minutes later

    I will always remember you with fondness in my heart, King Mario.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)06:26:38 No.1532205
    dude, we have Tim Hortons everywhere in the New England area. Judging from that, you are from Ontario?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)06:34:52 No.1532225
    Yeah, I was back in Ottawa when this story was. Though now I'm in Vancouver
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)06:37:30 No.1532231
    here's how it would go down in my store
    >continue using pa system
    >talk louder than normal because fuck that customer
    >manager comes
    >tells stupid bitch that I have to do my job
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)06:38:26 No.1532234
    You aren't going to create the next "Black Jesus" from retail stories.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)06:52:01 No.1532260
    I got one, from the customer side. I may have gotten some of the detail wrong, so forgive me.

    >Be 15
    >A few months after Elder Scrolls Oblivion comes out
    >Take drivers permit test, pass with 100%
    >Mom was proud of me, lets me pick out any vidya I want
    >Go to gamestop, pick up Oblivion for 360
    >For those who don't remember Oblivion was found to have nipples on the female model or something, really pissed of ESRB, not sure if they made it a mature game
    >Go to register to pay (mom was paying with credit card)
    >Cashier "Woah! You know this game has nudity in it?"
    >"Yeah but you have to mod it, and this is the xbox verison"
    >"I bet you could still mod it if you wanted too, are you sure you still want to buy your son this game?"

    My mom is cool as shit and still got it, but god damn what a prick.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)07:02:09 No.1532295
    >work at movie theater
    >have single security guard on shift at a time
    >they get paid something like $18 an hour
    >all they do is sit in the theaters and watch movies all day because we rarely have any trouble
    >PA system doesn't go into the screens
    >whenever there's trouble we have to search every single fucking screen to find the lazy-as-fuck security guard
    >99% of the time they're not needed by the time they're found

    Fuck, I wish I was beefy enough to get a free ride.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)07:07:08 No.1532313
    Your post was a while ago, so you've probably been hit by a car or mauled by a lion in the meantime, but:
    a) "al dente" means "with teeth", meaning that there's a bit of bite to the pasta. At this point, most civilised people consider them to be not undercooked, but perfect.
    b) My story was indeed bullshit, but I don't see why you feel the need to insult me. I feel a bit sorry for you now.
    c) The Game.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)07:13:36 No.1532344
    >Bullshit story
    >i am so cultured

    Why the fuck WOULDN'T anyone want/need insult you?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)07:22:05 No.1532382
    >Go to Dunkin Donuts
    >Order some stuff, mainly there for the fucking awesome turkey bacon cheddar and chipotle sandwich
    >Drinking coffee while waiting for the sandwiches
    >Notice that I was rung up for chicken salad and not the god tier ones I asked for
    >Tell the cashier about it, trying not to interfere with other customers
    >"Yeah, I was supposed to get this, the no. 13"
    >Turns around and looks at the numbered menu. 13 is the turkey/bacon sandwich. Ham and cheese is like 12, chicken salad is 15.
    >Lady: "Yeah, the chicken salad."
    >Ok, it's early morning, I can understand being discombobulated. I'll give her a minute to get her shit together.
    >"Uh, no the turkey." I point to it.
    >She turns around again. "Oh, the ham and cheese?"
    >Pokerface. She has to be fucking with me.
    >"13 is the turkey bacon etc."
    >She suddenly gets this scrunched up look like someone is fucking with her reality and the number are moving or something
    >Mumbles something about them being 20 cents more or something
    >Walk out with my shit

    I am almost positive she was some type of district manager, because she was older and was not wearing a uniform. Fucking management can't do a fucking thing right.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)07:46:19 No.1532497
    >work in a computer store
    >finish up sales
    >"That'll be $XXX.XX"
    >they hand me their card and say "savings" or "credit"
    >scanner is quite obviously on customer's side of the counter
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)07:49:31 No.1532512

    Fuck man, now I'm tearing up...
    I'm sorry I posted, dude.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)07:55:38 No.1532535
    >got a hair cut next door.
    Seriously, what the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)07:56:00 No.1532537
    >Try to shop for things at the mall
    >Option 1: Get hounded every 5 fucking minutes with "Do you need help?"
    >Option 2: Bitch talks on her cellphone and doesn't even acknowledge me at the register
    >Every god damn mall
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)07:56:34 No.1532541
    I'm willing to believe that this happened.

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