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    File: 1329863659.png-(402 KB, 453x711, 1322375355692.png)
    402 KB Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:34:19 No.1506665  
    >drop out of college because of depression and extreme social anxiety.
    >spend a year as a NEET, shut up in my room.
    >don't leave or say a word for weeks on end.
    >smoke weed to keep the soul-crushing depression at bay.
    >parents find my stash and a shitstorm ensues.
    >they tell me that i'm lazy and worthless, demand that i get a job.
    >search for months, no experience, no references, no training.
    >get the occasional interview but drop my spaghetti at every one.
    >finally land a minimum-wage cart pushing job and start work.
    >coworkers and customers always trying to talk to me.
    >no free time, just work, sleep, and eat.
    >call in sick by the end of the first week.
    >use all 6 annual sick days by the end of the month.
    >horribly depressed, want to die, can't bring myself to get out of bed.
    >get fired.
    >broke, parents won't give me a cent any more.
    >can't even afford drugs or vidya to escape from reality.

    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:35:36 No.1506677
         File: 1329863736.gif-(159 KB, 788x815, 1318804893925.gif)
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    >start shoplifting cases of beer from local stores.
    >it's actually pretty easy, i do it daily and am drunk every day for the next 2 months.
    >decide to try shoplifting Skyrim from local gamestop.
    >snatch it and run outside like a boss.
    >clerk chases me.
    >cop happens to be driving by and sees.
    >they catch me and i get busted.
    >sentenced to 40 hours community service.
    >go to local Salvation Army store to do it.
    >look through the window at all the weird people that will undoubtedly want to talk to me.
    >start sweating and shaking and feeling nauseous.
    >stand there for 20 minutes trying to work up the courage to go in.
    >feeling worse and worse.
    >suddenly vomit on the sidewalk.
    >oh god i can't take this.
    >go sit in my car for 5 hours so my parents think i'm working.
    >court date comes, parents find out that i didn't do my service.
    >mfw they're kicking me out at the end of the month.

    i wonder if it's possible to be homeless AND a shut-in.

    guess i'll find out.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:36:19 No.1506683
    ITT: poor decision making general
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:38:12 No.1506706
    >smokes weed
    >wonders why he has social anxiety
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:38:46 No.1506711
    Kill yourself now. Take up space in the ground. The surface is for people who contribute.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:39:48 No.1506717
         File: 1329863988.jpg-(20 KB, 446x258, 1328234921884.jpg)
    20 KB
    Holy shit, you fucking failure.
    A waste of space as worthless as you should just an hero for the sake of not being such a burden on mankind anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:42:48 No.1506742
    If your anxiety is that bad tell someone. It could help get you out of serious shit in court, or at least help you get your life around.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:44:40 No.1506766
    typical pothead.

    no, really this is what pot does to you.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:45:35 No.1506779
    Props to your parents for not putting up with your shit. I have a lot of respect for them.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:45:41 No.1506782
    Wait how did you manage to grab skyrim arent the games locked up in a glass case behind the clerk?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:46:18 No.1506787
    If you have nothing worth while to live for why don't you just not give a shit? No one cares who you are and if you're interesting or not. Stop being a gigantic fucking pussy or clean yourself from the gene pool.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:48:21 No.1506807
    >search for months, no experience, no references, no training.

    are you looking to become a fucking NASA space engineer without a diploma?

    if not stop bitching, getting a job isn't hard at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:50:03 No.1506822
    are you a virgin, opie?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:50:37 No.1506827
    You have three options. Benzos, opiates or suicide. Don't underestimate the first, they all do wonders for anxiety but it's almost as hard to back out of as the last.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:51:01 No.1506829
    Seriously I didn't have any work experience, applied at a restaurant as a dishwasher got hired as a busboy then after a few months promoted to a host then another few months i'm a Bartender and making awesome money.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:55:22 No.1506868
    You guys are assholes who don't know what it feels like to go through what op is going through.
    The weed came in because of the depression and was used as a means of coping.
    Only people who go through this type of thing can understand.
    I know this feel OP.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:56:12 No.1506876
    OP your parents were right I'm afraid

    you couldn't even hold down a job for a month

    Stop smoking weed, it's what's making you depressed, get up early in the morning, go outside and do stuff (even if it's just walk about all day) - the activity,sunlight and not being knackered all day will all help as well

    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:57:07 No.1506888
    i was in the same situation as opie
    but i took action and did something about it
    guess what? fixed me and my quirks
    realized wasn't really as anxious as i used to think i was
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:57:21 No.1506890
    I know this feel too. But not seeking after this
    >stand there for 20 minutes trying to work up the courage to go in.
    >feeling worse and worse.
    >suddenly vomit on the sidewalk.
    >oh god i can't take this.
    >go sit in my car for 5 hours so my parents think i'm working.
    is just wrong
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:58:22 No.1506903

    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:58:35 No.1506904
    He doesn't deserve any respect, he's a dirty rotten thief.

    And don't tell me stealing beer or Skyrim is a neccesscity, because it fucking isn't. Oh noes I has anxiety/any other fucking mental illness doesn't excuse you from not being a decent human being.

    I know autitstics that have accomplished more than OP has, and they never handicap themselves with their disability. Ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:59:48 No.1506915
    i used to stand outside in -20C weather for 2hours just so I wouldn't have to go into class late and deal with the thought of my class mates staring at me

    i miss high school
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:00:10 No.1506919
    >afford vydya
    is this a joke? or do you have modem internet?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:02:11 No.1506934
    Wow OP.

    Thank Christ i never trust my own judgement, because its likely that's how shit would end up for me as well.

    I know those crushing feelings of anxiety and depression that OP is experiencing. I had them in college when i dropped out, and couldn't even go into lecture theaters. I just hope he either seeks help or gets better on his own, before its too late.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:03:57 No.1506947
    Learn to pirate video games you fag. It's an excellent skill to learn too, if you learn how to pirate games and modify consoles (if you can replace the network card in your pc you can flash a 360 drive, NO EXCUSES) you can charge local fags $60 on craigslist to flash their 360s, then you get social contact with other losers that play video games too, and possibly earn repeat business by selling them pirated games.

    I would have done that but I was too lazy and I didn't need the money because the government pays me to be a loser (on social security) So I just stuck to modifying consoles for my friends
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:05:59 No.1506969
    s>ocial contact
    you really don't get it, do you?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:10:32 No.1507012
    >Enjoy your catch-22
    Though I honestly do feel really sorry for you. I hope you survive and end up living an extraordinary life. And I definitely hope you defeat your social anxiety.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:11:51 No.1507022
    Trust me, if you play video games all day and can't even relate to someone while doing an activity related to video games which pretty much invites discussing video games...

    You're really fucked

    I had no friends in school, I'm scared to even call and order for a pizza sometimes because it means I need to use the phone. But I have no problem arguing about video games with another shut in
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:16:40 No.1507080
    People like you, OP, give me the strength to carry on. I don't ever want to be like you.

    Society has abandoned you and your family aren't helping you. You'll have to stand on your own and fight these issues. You can do it. Take it day by day, roll with the punches- if life gives you lemons, tell life where to shove them. You can fucking well do it, somehow you can overcome it all.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:18:12 No.1507097
    You pathetic excuse for a human. The only time you have the right to whine about your life is when it wasn't your own fault, and I'm afraid, that was completely your own fault.

    I hope you die of hypothermia after getting an infectious disease and stabbed by a more deserving homeless man.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:19:48 No.1507117

    Fuck you. Not OP but shit isn't that easy for some of us.
    >> OP into UNIQ? 02/21/12(Tue)18:20:52 No.1507126
    thank you for motivating me to do well in school/strive to make myself a better person/try to be more sociable

    your failures are what reminds me where i'll end up if I don't stay strong

    thank you
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:20:56 No.1507127
    Geez, im sorry bro...
    You know the fear that cripples you is really disproportionate. Have you ever tried martial arts? It could give u the confidence u seem 2 lack. Hope you can turn these bad habits around.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:29:22 No.1507204
    >I don't want to try at life cause its hard, and everone is a big giant meanie
    >But I still want to be respected and expect to have shit handed to me on a silver platter

    Grow a fucking pair jackass. If you want something, you have to work for it. Given life is unfair, and its really fucking hard in this generation opposed to earlier ones, but its still not all that hard to stay on your feet.

    Life will never make a bum, or a peice of shit unless you deserve it, but it will be unfair. E.G. If you work easy, you will at least live a standard life, but if you work hard, you will probably get to somewhere better than you are now, although it will be a bitch if it feels like it, or it will let you win the lottery if it wants you to, just don't be a fucking slacker.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:40:56 No.1507301
    Indeed, being someone who has gone through it....
    I ONLY wish I could talk with people still in college struggling like I was, to save them the dreadful experience of what happens when you stop caring and allow the depression in.
    I would ABSOULTELY advise anyone to get act together and study your fucking ass off if need be. Do not succumb to the difficulty of Uni, and do anything to stay in the game. Keep on top of the work every single goddamn day. Yes, try to be sociable too, it will help you get through more painlessly. Keep your head up, bud.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:49:18 No.1507405
    have to agree with you guys. the people on this board make realize that i never want to be so pathetic. as for the OP. get on some meds, idc what the fuck bad things you ahve to say about them making you someone else or that stupid shit. right now you arent even worth the air that you are breathing. get on some meds, and maybe some day you can break even. maybe...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:13:02 No.1507719

    >The weed came in because of the depression and was used as a means of coping.
    Only people who go through this type of thing can understand.

    Oh, give me a fucking break. I've been NEET for 6 years as an adolescence and I never resorted to substance abuse. For the most part, I've been through what the OP describes except I pull myself up by the bootstraps and continue on with school, no matter how extremely miserable it is. Yes, its hard. Really, REALLY hard, but what are you going to do with yourself if you drop out? OP's situation doesn't really sound that bad at all, to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:28:26 No.1507885
    Hey bud...
    I was the one who wrote
    >The weed came in because of the depression and was used as a means of coping.
    Anyways, I've never turned to drugs either, but I honestly understand where this guy has been and why he might feel the shit he feels.
    BTW, 6 yrs as a NEET and going back to school and never turning to sub abuse is VERY admirable.
    I'm inspired.
    Did you do anything at all for the 6 years? Work min wage job?
    What are you studying?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:24:11 No.1508533
    I was a NEET for 5 years after high school. Tried to go to community college and failed out of that. I was living off of my parents until they died and left me nothing in the will. Currently I'm homeless, sleeping in my car, I have a job but the work isn't steady in the slightest. Probably going to jump off a bridge or find some other way to end it. Life is too fucking hard and you never seem to have enough money for the things you really need.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:26:11 No.1508550
    get your shit together. people in china live in worse conditions and work much harder
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:29:47 No.1508592

    very easy to say over the internet.

    I have all of $20 combined in savings and checking. I will not even be able to get work two days in a row if I have to much less travel to another interview or another job.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:32:19 No.1508622
    Where is the kill everyone in this thread button when I need it?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:33:24 No.1508634
    How do you have internet, man?
    Car has wifi?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:33:49 No.1508640
    Because it's in their culture to suffer for their families. Western and Eastern cultures are a lot different than each other. Believe it or not major depression is a end result of putting a front (read:being strong) for too long.

    I know, because I'm currently recovering from it. People who trivialize it don't help.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:34:01 No.1508643
    I knew that 4chan is a home for losers but damn this shit can't be real right?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:35:12 No.1508652
    dont you have some kind of welfare in the states? what did you do with all that money?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:38:02 No.1508691

    free wifi and an old laptop...

    I got the 92' econo car that I'm in now as a rusted hand me down.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:40:18 No.1508715

    I don't qualify because I'm not 60 years old and don't have 16 fucking kids.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:42:22 No.1508744
    and I bet you still vote ron paul. americans are so funny.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:43:53 No.1508771
    Welfare in America only applies to the elderly and women with children. There is no jobseekers allowance like in most countries.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:45:14 No.1508790
    Sad turth, as a American most people don't do their research on political candidates.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:47:14 No.1508814
    take some people down with you. use what little money you have and put it into gas. start running people over then drive off a bridge. if the cops catch you say "THEY MUTED MY LIFE" over and over again on camera.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:47:33 No.1508820
    >Don't smoke weed
    >Still have social anxiety

    myth busted faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:51:49 No.1508865
    Stupid filthy worthless normalfag scum.

    You ruined /r9k/ how does that make you faggots feel? Oh wait you don't feel thats why all you do is spew rage and shitposting at OP. You fucking disgusting normalfags make me sick.

    OP don't listen to these stupid retards, they don't know that feel and shouldn't be here in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:53:44 No.1508881
    Criminal, drug addicted, mentally ill NEETs represent yo
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:53:55 No.1508883
    so much festering failure on this site all of you worthless pieces of garbage should be rounded up and shot.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:55:26 No.1508894
    I am neither a criminal nor a drug addict. OP clearly needs help and all he is getting is a bunch of stupid pretentious normalfags who think that being the cogs in a slave machine is the epitome of greatness.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:56:35 No.1508902

    brobots aways making me laugh....
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:58:16 No.1508911
    I am sorry, but anyone can work in a McDonalds or for pizza delivery, than buy some clothes to work at a decent restaurant with tip or at customer support, then apply for a decent job training (if college education is too hard).
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:58:51 No.1508914
    Don't kill yourself. Homelessness is a pretty extreme situation, and you'd be surprised how quickly you forget about your social anxiety in extreme situations. Trust me, I know. So with your social anxiety gone, you'll be able to solve your homelessness. Trust me, you're going to come out a better person on the other side of this.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:59:31 No.1508920

    >Did you do anything at all for the 6 years? Work min wage job?

    Just World of Warcraft and lurking forums. That is it.

    Never had an official job before, but I am a full-time student now and it probably feels like a job i'd imagine.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:00:39 No.1508927
    Holy shit I hate people like you.
    Grow a pair.
    Your life ain't so fucking hard.
    Maybe they'll send you to jail for not doing your community service. Jail would be pretty sweet for you, wouldn't it? You wouldn't have to deal with the dreaded real world like the rest of us.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:01:13 No.1508935

    P.S I currently do not have a major because I am not exactly sure on what I want to major in specifically but I think its foolish to decide too soon lest you end up taking classes you don't need.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:02:40 No.1508942
    No, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

    I've applied pretty much everywhere myself. There is no desperate need for workers in my god forsaken shithole of a town.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:06:40 No.1508973
    >not a criminal
    >is a neet

    Same thing you pathetic fucking piece of shit. I'd hunt you down and kill you if I wasn't bus making money/building up my business and future.

    Worthless hunk of fuck.

    My mum told me this story of someone similar to you that she knew, was a worthless waste of fucking air, you know what shit did? She beat that whore til an inch of her life. And you wanna know what happened after the months of recovery? That worthless sack of shit got her life together, got a job, went back to school and now runs her own business.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:07:07 No.1508980
    OP, just fucking leave everything behind. Seriously, gather together a few items that you absolutely need, any money you can scrounge up or steal, throw it all in a backpack and leave your house. Walk for a while, start hitchhiking, and see how far you can get. Start all over in a new place far away, or just keep wandering. There's no reason not to. How could it possibly be any worse than the way you live now?
    Plus you'll see the country and shit and meet awesome people and have some real life experiences.

    But I'm sure you're too afraid to do any of that. Your life will probably suck forever, with the mindset you have. And don't kid yourself, it's completely your fault that you are the way you are. Completely.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:10:57 No.1509012
    If you're starting a business you're no better than a criminal. You are a class traitor who's business will fail and in a few months time you'll be right here making a thread just like OP.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:11:19 No.1509016
    I love how the normals come in and think everything can be fixed instantly.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:12:30 No.1509030
    Except I make at minimum, $1,000 profit a week? So yeah, not going to fail, mate. And even if I do? I have 370k in the bank that I can live on for a while.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:14:19 No.1509047
    A life of a Gutter Punk...

    That's more useful than some of the shitty advice in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:14:37 No.1509053
    Why do you have such a slave like mentality?

    Why do you think working is the ultimate goal of existence?

    Why do you buy into all this bullshit about contribution to society?

    Why are you so frustrated at people who chose to deny being a worker drone?

    You've got one life to live, being pigeon hold into this twisted idea of being a worker bee or a cog in a machine just seems so stupid to me.

    It fascinates me.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:15:36 No.1509063
    Oh, I'm sorry Republicunt, thank your for taking time from your privileged life to tell the damn common folk to stop being lazy. Now OP will take your advice and turn his life around with his $0 net worth and no training or education
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:15:53 No.1509064
    What pisses me off most of all these GET A JERB, CONTRIBOOT TO SOCIETAH drones, is that they are apparently completely okay with just being another production unit for the government and corporations. Do people ever realize that by paying taxes or contributing to the economy they are literally accessories to murder? They give money to the government knowing full well that the government will use it to kill, find better ways to kill, and better ways to control the population. Then they act proud about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:17:07 No.1509082
    normalfags don't realize that WITHOUT JOB EXPERIENCE YOU WILL NOT GET HIRED ANYWHERE. I have no working experience at 26 years of age. Contrary to popular belief McDonalds Walmart would rather hire a 16 year old with no experience then anyone off the street with no experience.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:17:54 No.1509089
    bullshit. you are not making anything. you are just an 18 year old paultard believing in the joke that is the american dream and making shit up. you cant just start a business these days. when I look around my neighbourhood, I see only big chain- and inherited/family run businesses. all the niches for profit are filled. all of them.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:21:24 No.1509120
    hitchhiking? stop reading ancient books like "on the road", kid. nobody takes a stinking male hobo in his car without the intention of killing him.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:21:26 No.1509123

    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:21:56 No.1509130
    Yeah, everyone with no higher education, training or income is a criminal. What a dumbfuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:22:33 No.1509135
    ITT: people who have never fucked up as bad and thinks its easy to fix everything in seconds
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:24:10 No.1509158
    It's moments like these I am glad /r9k/ isn't completely consumed with idiotic normalfags.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:25:13 No.1509168
    If you can't relate to OP's problems then you don't belong on this board, get out.

    Man, I hate the typical pothead just as much as the next guy, but OP is just some arcanine who started up pot because he was down on his luck and needed some comfort- not because he wanted to look cool and impress people.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:25:31 No.1509174
    You're a waste of resources. End your life.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:26:26 No.1509185
    Yes, he only started using drugs because of a crushing emotional issue! That's a good reason, as opposed to having fun.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:28:36 No.1509210
    Did the weed help you with social anxiety, OP?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:29:20 No.1509217
    I was a NEET for a while with crippling social anxiety. This is how I got out of it:

    1. Find someone who you respect to hold you accountable for attendance, either of job or school. Mom or Dad might be up for this. You have to want to please them. Have them tell you to go to class, if you want to skip you have to ask for permission. (If you're actually sick they should be forgiving and let you skip, but if you're just anxious you're not allowed.)
    2. Find out what it takes to go back to school. Do it. Get an associates degree in Networks or something similar. People don't expect IT people to be talkative.
    3. Talk to a local non-profit that caters to middle to upper-class people. My recommendations are art galleries or history museums. Take the job of managing the front desk/greeting/answering phones. If you handle money for admissions, this is a step in the right direction as it shows responsibility on a resume. Deal. With. It. It's good for you.
    4. Treat tellers/secretaries/parking attendants with the respect you like to receive on the phone. Realize how much they brighten when you greet them with a friendly smile and later with a kind "Hello."
    5. Start doing the same thing to people walking down the street (unless you're in the city, then don't make eye contact.)
    6. Realize that no person is that much different from you. Sure, they wear different clothes or read different books or have different hobbies, but we all have stupid insecurities and hopes and goals and phobias.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:30:37 No.1509229
    If you had ever gone through the depression that some people (including OP) have gone/are going through, you'd understand that nothing is off limits as long as it can ease the pain for even just a moment. Its a sad state of mind.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:30:43 No.1509231
    so I tried to apply for a job at a local small business...

    >There are no positions available at the moment bu-
    >Oh there you are! [insert family member or family friend of business owner] you are looking for work? Something just opened up.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:31:14 No.1509241
    OP has serious mental issues
    srsly, you should let someone know that it's realy this bad
    jesus christ man go see a doc NOW
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:31:50 No.1509252
    >social anxiety
    >buys drugs
    stopped reading there. I have never met a guy with social anxiety who had the balls to talk to a drug dealer.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:34:02 No.1509272
    >went to college
    >got overwhelmed
    >became neet
    >did nothing but play wow and eat bad cheeseburgers from the dininghall,
    >anime club
    >fail out
    >mom kicks me out
    >go live with my dad
    >super agonizing depression
    >develop alcoholic tendencies
    >go to community college
    >hate it because it wasn't the college life I was used to
    >dad forces me to get a job
    >actually get a job
    >work job
    >get better
    >apply to local college
    >dad threatens to kick me out for not going back to the college I went to
    >move out
    >meet guy on craigslist for NSA sex because I was lonely and horny
    >he turns out to be a nice guy, soulmate
    >get into college, change major, get new lease on life
    >3 years later, college will be done in the summer
    >that fall start awesome job mentoring kids
    >getting married in october to craigslist guy
    >still borderline alcoholic though...

    OP. It can be done, its never EVER too late, there are places out there non profits that can and will help you. All you have to do is ask.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:35:22 No.1509288

    Everything else you say is irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:37:04 No.1509309
    yeah figured as much
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:37:29 No.1509314
    >getting married in october to craigslist guy
    >still borderline alcoholic though...
    even around here i dont think this is a success story
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:37:40 No.1509317
    There is no craigslist whiteknight to save OP
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:39:23 No.1509338
    thing is, he didn't save me, i didn't mooch from him, he gave me nothing.

    OP how old are you and where is the closest major city?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:40:10 No.1509346

    This is why anons must into proper networking...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:43:23 No.1509380
    yeah, i dashed hope long ago that it was who you know not what. thankfully i didn't learn that lesson too late
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:44:06 No.1509389
    *that it was WHAT you know not WHO
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:59:46 No.1509565
    you mean I have to stay in contact with my college friends and training employees? well, that sucks
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:34:04 No.1509935
    holy shit, get on fucking meds then. they work. what do you expect, your parents will throw all their money down the drain to care for you when you are doing literally nothing with your life? your parents are nearing the end of their lives, assuming you are 20 they are probably around 40. they deserve to be enjoying their spare money with travel and luxuries, not carrying around a deadbeat. tell your parents you want therapy/medication for your condition, they will probably understand. if not, health insurance/public healthcare. stop acting so fucking entitled. i was diagnosed with bipolar 8 years ago and have held down work etc for years at a time, even through the worst mixed episodes. therapy helps. medication helps. self-medicating with weed and alcohol just makes your condition worse.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)23:29:42 No.1510517
    I actually did realize this because of all of the college grads being overqualified for jobs and got a job less than a year after high school so that I could make money for college.

    I also applied at restaurants and businesses that weren't chains, they tend to look better on resumes.

    Also your parents probably had the same problem and IF they went to college or any university then they were probably working when they weren't studying.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)03:32:56 No.1512320
    this is one case where I think meds + therapy should've been used.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:57:50 No.1513730
    You need more than med and therapy to deal with any problem. You need to get to the root of your problem in order to deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:49:26 No.1514333
    that posted time
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:54:16 No.1514362
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    Damn, look at that negative reaction.

    I feel you OP.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:57:52 No.1514384
    I know that feel OP. Just dropped out of 90% of my classes and didn't get a refund. My parents probably wont even care, I've been so pathetic and useless my whole life...
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)11:08:45 No.1514451
    Lollin' @ all the people saying OP is a waste of resources/space/air.
    >implying life is anything but wasting resources until you die
    >implying having a job changes this at all

    Also before anyone asks, I have a job and pay taxes, and I'm not mad at the OP. He's incapable of working, so why should he be required to? I'm perfectly fine with my spare change funding his life so he can take it easy.

    Everyone, including myself, is just as much of a waste of resources as the OP is.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)11:12:25 No.1514481
    >Be a useless NEET a whole fucking year
    >Get kicked when they found out about pot
    Your parents are a special kind of retards, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)11:18:33 No.1514521
    I went every single person berating the OP in this thread to get fucked in the ass by a huge black nigger as they're suffocated to death with their head held down into a pillow.

    You're the ones who are truly worthless.

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